Coop Twilight Imperium 4 v5

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Twilight Imperium 4 (TI4) Cooperative Play Mode (For 2-4 Players)

Game Highlights

• Game Mode features 2-4 Allied Player COOP Play Against an AI

• AI Actions are driven by a 24-Card AI Action Deck
• Players work together to attain a collective VP total
• Changes in gameplay allow players to actively aid one another
• Printable AI Action Deck Included
• Suggested Scenarios Included

Table of Contents:

-Primary COOP Gameplay Mechanics

• COOP Victory Conditions (Page 2)

• AI Action Deck (Page 2-8)
• Agenda Phase (Page7)
o Rider Action Card Rules (Page 7-8)

-AI Rule Changes

• AI Research Rules (Page 8)

• AI General Rules (Page 8-9)

-Player Rule Changes

• Cooperative Rules (Page 9-10)

• New Player Actions (Page 10)

-Player & AI Faction Tweaks

• Player Faction Tweaks (Page 10-11)

• AI Faction Tweaks (Page 11-13)

-Game Setup Rules

• Setting Up The Game (Page 13-14)

• Strategy Cards (Page 14)
• Speaker Token (Page 14)
• Action Cards (Page 14-15)
• Promissory Notes (Page 15)
• Scoring Objectives (Page 15)
• Secret Objectives (Page 15)

-COOP Scenarios (Page 16-18)

-Summary (Page 18)

-Printable AI Action Deck Cards (Page 19-22)


Primary COOP Gameplay Mechanics

COOP Victory Conditions

To win in presented COOP scenarios, players will need to achieve ONE of these TWO objectives:

-Secure a combined alliance victory points per player, 25 for 2 players, 32 for 3 players, 40 for 4 players.)
while in control of Mecatol Rex before the end of game round 9 (when all objectives have been
revealed), proving your government is capable. This victory is declared at the start of a game round’s
Status Phase, after objectives have been claimed.

- Defeat the AI player in totality before the end of game round 9 while in control of Mecatol Rex, taking
all planets & ships from the AI, removing the main threat to peace and order to your Government.

Players will lose presented scenarios if ANY of the following conditions occur:

-Players fail to attain the required total of allied player victory points and control Mecatol Rex before the
end of round 9.

-The AI occupies at least 1 world in all players’ home systems (immediate end and AI victory).

AI Action Deck

-The AI is directed by an AI Action Deck of possible actions that will expand in quantity and scope as the
game progresses, increasing the threat and difficulty the players must overcome. This “Action Deck” is a
manual augment & addition to the game.

-The AI will draw an increasing number of Action Deck cards each game round. Initially the AI will draw
cards equivalent to 3 + number of allied players + the game round (1 through 9). Once played, the Action
Deck cards are discarded. During the Action Phase once the AI Deck is depleted, shuffle all discarded
cards back into the AI Action Deck.

-All AI Action Cards will have a Primary Action and Enhanced Effect that will trigger once the game round
3’s status phase begins (when the last 1-point objective is revealed) representing the AI seeing the allied
players as a serious threat, greatly ramping up difficulty.

-The AI doesn’t utilize command tokens as players do, but does have a Fleet Count pool. This represents
the maximum number of ships an AI will send whenever directed by AI Action Deck cards. (Note, this
limit doesn’t apply to any system producing units, as that system is un-activated). If a system already
contains AI ships that equal the Fleet Count pool, that system is not eligible for activation by the AI
Action Card deck. If a system is activated, the AI will only send ships to the system up to the Fleet Count
maximum, following the priority given in the AI Action Deck card. The AI initially starts with a Fleet
Count pool of 4; the Supply Logistics card will add to the pool throughout the game. The maximum Fleet
Count pool is 10.

-The following cards are used for the AI Action Deck (for a total of 24 cards):

-Raise Invasion Force (2 Cards)

Primary Action: Produce 1 Cruiser and 1 Carrier filled with 3 Infantry and 1 Fighter at up
to 3 Space Docks closest to Mecatol Rex. If no Carriers can be produced, fulfill the
Secondary Action.

Enhanced Effect: Produce 1 additional Cruiser. Fill produced Carriers with any remaining
capacity with Infantry, and fill produced Cruisers with Fighters if they possess capacity.

Secondary Action: Select an activated system with the most amount of AI Carriers,
closest to an AI home system with ties broken by system value, and remove the AI
command token there.

-Craft Patrol Fleet (1 Card)

Primary Action: Produce 1 Cruiser and 2 Destroyers at up to 3 Space Docks closest to

Mecatol Rex. If no Cruisers can be produced, fulfill the Secondary Action.

Enhanced Effect: Produce 1 additional Cruiser and Destroyer. Fill produced Cruisers with
Fighters if they possess capacity.

Secondary Action: Select an activated system with the most amount of AI Cruisers,
closest to an AI home system with ties broken by system value, and remove the AI
command token there.

-Create Strike Wing (1 Card)

Primary Action: Produce 1 Destroyer and 1 Dreadnaught at up to 3 Space Docks closest

to Mecatol Rex. Fill produced Dreadnaught with Fighters. If no Destroyers can be
produced, fulfill the Secondary Action.

Enhanced Effect: Produce 1 additional Destroyer and up to 2 Fighters at each producing

Space Dock as long as Space Dock capacity remains.

Secondary Action: Select an activated system with the most amount of AI Destroyers,
closest to an AI home system with ties broken by system value, and remove the AI
command token there.

-Forge War Machine (2 Cards)

Primary Action: Produce 1 Dreadnaught filled to capacity with Fighters and 1 Carrier
filled with 3 Infantry and 1 Fighter at up to 3 Space Docks closest to Mecatol Rex. If no
Dreadnaughts can be produced, fulfill the Secondary Action.

Enhanced Effect: Produce a faction Flagship filled to capacity with Fighters at a single
Space Dock closest to Mecatol Rex; if both Flagships are in play and War Sun Technology
is researched, produce a War Sun filled to capacity with Fighters, otherwise no effect.

Secondary Action: Select an activated system with the most amount of AI Dreadnaughts,
closest to an AI home system with ties broken by system value, and remove the AI
command token there.

-Expand Borders (2 Cards)

Primary Action: Select the most valuable unowned system closest to the AI home
system(s) and that at least 1 ship with infantry loaded can reach. Send up to the current
Fleet Count worth of ships to capture the system, prioritizing those with Infantry loaded,
then ship value. If no eligible unowned systems exist, repeat the activation selection,
comparing the nearest player-owned systems closest to the AI home systems(s),
prioritized by value, following similar ship movement. If no activation is possible,
complete the Secondary Action.

Enhanced Effect: All ships receive +1 movement after activating the system to
determine if they can travel to the activated system.

Secondary Action: Produce 1 Carrier filled with 1 Fighter and Infantry up to capacity at
up to 3 Space Docks closest to Mecatol Rex.

-Crippling Strike (2 Cards)

Primary Action: Select an un-activated AI system that possesses at least 1 Carrier closest
to Mecatol Rex, prioritizing those closer to the primary AI home system. Activate a
player-owned system at the max movement range of the Carrier(s), prioritizing any
player home systems, then system with lowest value of player ships, then by system
value and influence. Send up to the current Fleet Count worth of ships, including
Carriers, then Cruisers, then Destroyers. If an allied system is not eligible, activate the
furthest unowned system following the priority above. If no activation is possible,
complete the Secondary Action.

Enhanced Effect: All ships receive +1 movement after activating the system to
determine if they can travel to the activated system.

Secondary Action: Produce 1 Carrier filled with 1 Fighter and Infantry up to capacity at
up to 3 Space Docks closest to Mecatol Rex.

-Search and Destroy (2 Card)

Primary Action: Activate a blockaded AI (priority) or neighboring system with enemy

ships, prioritizing the system by the greatest value of ships, then closest to the AI home
systems(s) that at least 1 ship can reach. Send up to the current Fleet Count worth of
ships to capture the system, prioritizing eligible ships by value. If eligible systems aren’t
present, search and activate the most valuable and neighboring unowned tile, following
similar ship movement rules. If no activation is possible, complete the Secondary Action.

Enhanced Effect: All ships receive +1 movement after activating the system to
determine if they can travel to the activated system.

Secondary Action: Produce 2 Cruisers filled with 1 Fighter (if capacity allows) at up to 3
Space Docks closest to Mecatol Rex.

-Sneak Attack (2 Card)

Primary Action: Select an un-activated AI system that possesses at least 1 Destroyer

closest to Mecatol Rex, prioritizing those closer to the primary AI home system. Activate
an allied system at the max movement range of the Destroyer(s) that possesses allied
ships, prioritizing the system with any lone allied carrier, then the system with the
lowest ship value, then system influence. Send up to the current Fleet Count worth of
ships, including Destroyers, then Cruisers. If allied ships are not within range, activate
the furthest wormhole system, then empty space, then anomaly from the AI home
system(s) within range. If no activation is possible, complete the Secondary Action.

Enhanced Effect: All ships receive +1 movement after activating the system to
determine if they can travel to the activated system.

Secondary Action: Produce 2 Destroyers at up to 3 Space Docks closest to Mecatol Rex.

-Imperial Push (2 Cards)

Primary Action: Activate Mecatol Rex if unowned by AI and is a neighboring system,

otherwise activate the nearest, neighboring, and most valuable system to Mecatol Rex
for the AI, with ties broken by greatest total system influence that at least 1 ship can
reach. Send up to the current Fleet Count worth of ships to capture the system,
prioritizing those with infantry loaded, then ship value. If the AI owns Mecatol Rex,
activate the nearest and most valuable uncontrolled system to Mecatol Rex, with ties
broken by following similar ship rules. If no activation is possible, complete the
Secondary Action.

Enhanced Effect: All ships receive +1 movement after activating the system to
determine if they can travel to the activated system.

Secondary Action: Produce 1 Dreadnaught filled with Fighters at up to 3 Space Docks

closest to Mecatol Rex.

-Research (2 Cards)

Primary Action: Draw 2 cards from the AI Research Deck and add them to the AI play
area. If no more research is available when drawing this card, discard this Action Card
and draw another.

Enhanced Effect: If not done already, add the following 4 technology cards to the AI
Research Deck and shuffle deck (only complete this action once): X-89 Bacterial
Weapon, War Sun, Assault Cannon, and Light/Wave Deflector. Draw an additional card
from the AI Research Deck.

-Supply Logistics (2 Cards)


Primary Action: Without activating any system, move up to 3 eligible ships in the home
system(s) 1 space into owned/friendly systems away from the AI home system(s), even
if already activated. Ships are equally divided between all eligible systems adjacent to AI
home systems, moving the highest value ship to the highest value neighboring system,
then the next highest value ship to the next most valuable neighboring system,
repeating the cycle as needed. Add 1 command token to the Fleet Count pool, up to the
maximum of 10.

Enhanced Effect: Add 1 additional command token to the Fleet Count pool, up to the
maximum of 10. Select an activated system with the greatest AI ship value, then remove
the AI command token in that system.

-Conscript Forces (2 Cards)

Primary Action: Produce 1 Infantry on each planet the AI controls.

Enhanced Effect: Instead, produce 2 Infantry on each planet the AI controls.

-Build Industry (2 Cards)

Primary Action: Place 1 Space Dock and 1 PDS (if possible) on the most valuable planet
the AI controls, closest to Mecatol Rex, with influence breaking ties, in a system that
doesn’t already contain a Space Dock. If no eligible system is owned without a Space
Dock, place 1 PDS on the 2 most valuable planets the AI controls.

Enhanced Effect: Place an additional PDS on the same planet(s) (if possible, max of 2),
and Add 1 Fighter to all ships that currently have open capacity (including Space Docks)
*Note – this is not production.

-The following are additional AI Action Deck card rules for consideration:

-The AI will always produce units on up to 3 Space Docks when directed by the AI Action Deck,
prioritizing systems closest to Mecatol Rex, then the AI primary home system; if the AI’s reserve
runs out of applicable plastic units, ignore further production of that type.

-The AI does not use action tokens on systems when producing units at Space Docks. However,
units will not be produced at a Space Dock in a system that has already been activated with an
AI command token or blockaded, and others will be utilized if possible, instead.

-A system’s “value” is the combined total of its resources and influence. Open Space tiles have a
value of 0, Wormholes add a value of 1 to the system they are in, and Hazard tiles have a value
of -1. A ship’s value is the cost required to build the ship.

-If the AI for whatever reason cannot complete any element of the Primary or Secondary Action
(if applicable) on an AI Action Card, discard that AI Action Card and draw a new one.

-When ships have equal priority but can come from different systems, select the one that
requires less movement, and then whichever system is closer to the AI home system(s).

-Uncontrolled systems refer to either those with planets that are not all under the control of the
AI, or space without AI ships present. If an allied player and AI each control a planet in a system,
that system is uncontrolled. If all planets are controlled by allied players, it is occupied.

-When the AI invades an unoccupied world or world without resistance (no troops/PDS, etc.), it
will land all troops available to claim any world in the system, dividing all infantry up equally,
prioritizing the higher value planet by influence with an odd number of troops. If the AI invades
a system with occupied planets, it will divide up all supporting effects (bombardment, etc.) as
evenly as possible to attack all occupied planets simultaneously, prioritizing the higher value
planet by influence with odd numbers of effects or actions.

-AI ships will always pick-up Infantry from planets upon departing a system, maximizing capacity
but leaving at least 1 Infantry behind; planets are resupplied with troops by Action Deck cards.
AI will transport all Fighters in a Space Dock if capacity allows it however.

-The AI will only use the Gravity Rift anomaly ability if it has no other means of travelling to the
activated system or higher value ships could not otherwise reach the system.

-The AI doesn’t spend influence to capture Mecatol Rex.

Agenda Phase

-The Agenda phase (beginning when players are in control of Mecatol Rex like normal) works a little
differently. The AI will not vote as players do during the agenda phase. Once the first agenda is revealed
(and not discarded through a variety of means), the allied forces must spend a total of votes greater
than the total of votes the AI possesses based on its influence score to keep the agenda item up for
voting. If the allied players do not spend sufficient votes greater than the AI’s total voting power, the ‘1st
Agenda Slot’ is discarded without being voted on. If sufficient votes are spent, the allied forces would
then vote on the agenda item using their previously spent individual totals to determine passing, failing,
desired target, etc. of the agenda item. This process is repeated for the ‘2nd Agenda Slot’, with votes
needing to be spent equal to the AI’s total voting power again to bring the agenda up to vote without
the agenda item being discarded. In this manner it is difficult to consider or vote on more than one
agenda each game round without greatly exceeding the AI’s voting power as it gains influence.

-Agendas themselves represent the laws being considered under the allied player’s government. The AI
represents a separate faction not beholden to any laws you pass, and CANNOT be impacted by any law
passed by the allied players. Like all debated agendas, some are purely detrimental to the allied players
if voted on which represents either insurrectional AI lobbying or foolish lawmakers submitting poor laws
for consideration, while some are purely positive, helpful laws. If players spend votes to overcome the
AI’s total, they must vote on the Agenda present with votes previously spent.

Rider Action Card Rules

-All ‘Rider’ Action cards change in how they are played; once an agenda card is revealed an allied player
may play a ‘Rider’ card. However, that player’s votes cannot be used to overcome the AI Player’s vote
total for that agenda – if the remaining allied players spend enough votes to be able to vote on the
Agenda then the allied player gains whatever bonus the rider would grant them. If the allied players are
unable to or choose not to spend enough votes to overcome the AI’s vote total, the Rider is lost.

(Usually, effects that would dismiss the Agenda outright like ‘Quash’ have to be played prior to Rider’s
being played, so it shouldn’t be an issue). A player may only play 1 Rider Action card per Agenda up for

AI Rule Changes

AI Research Rules

-AI conducts research though the AI Action Deck ‘Research’ Card. The AI will have an entire deck of all
available technology & ship upgrades that will be shuffled at the start of the game and gained at
random. Certain technologies are not possible to employ given the AI however, therefore create an AI
Research Deck with the following:

-All available colored technology, with the exception of X-89 Bacterial Weapon, War Sun, Assault
Cannon, and Light/Wave Deflector (these are added later via the AI Research Action Card).
Removing the following research for play incompatibility reasons or individual caveats:

-Fleet Logistics

-Gravity Drive (compensated for with many other AI Action Deck cards)

-Hyper Metabolism

-Integrated Economy

-Neural Motivator

-Sarween Tools

-Transit Diodes

-X-89 Bacterial Weapon (Only if using print rule requiring action, TI4 update is fine)

-All available ship upgrade technology (differences noted in the AI Faction tweaks section)

-AI Faction Specific Technology (unless otherwise mentioned in the AI Faction tweaks section)

These cards are all shuffled together well and drawn as stated on the AI Action Deck ‘Research’ Card,
ignoring prerequisite technologies. In general, any technology that is passive or doesn’t require a
specific action to utilize meets the intent of the AI Research Deck. The AI will utilize technology that can
be exhausted the very first time it can be utilized each round of play (such as Graviton Laser System).

-All AI Factions begin the game with Antimass Deflectors.

AI General Rules

-As the AI will face off against several human opponents, it will bypass many of the rules that limit the
actions of players. In general, if a question arises on what the AI player will do, always prioritize the
most beneficial choice for the AI, the most damaging choice against the players, then the least harmful
choice to the AI.

-The AI will always consider human players ‘the enemy’ and no deals, trades, or actions can be taken
that are to the player’s benefit.

-In space combat, the AI will always perform actions to inflict the most amount of damage possible on
allied fleets/forces, and assign hits to minimize received damage in terms of unit value (Sustain Damage,
Fighter before Destroyer, etc.).

-The AI will never use the ‘retreat’ option – they are relentless!

-The AI has no limit on Fleet Capacity in any system, but does follow regular carrying capacity rules.

-The AI Reserve of units consists of two color’s worth of units, usually two colors left unpicked by
players. Consider these pieces all of the same AI faction and interchangeable. The AI has access to
unlimited Infantry and Fighter tokens.

-The AI will never have an initiative as usual in relation to strategy card selection; the AI will draw one
card from the AI Action Deck in between player turns (i.e., player, AI, player, AI, player, AI, etc.) until it
reaches that game round’s maximum allowed Action Deck draws.

Player Rule Changes

Cooperative Rules

-All players are considered an allied faction – players may not employ any action that harms another,
but may (with the other player’s permission) provide several forms of support to other players:

-Players may freely travel through ally-controlled space; additionally, any ally-controlled space
provides a location for players to retreat to if needed (following retreat rules).

-Players may transport allied ground forces and fighters with permission. Note – sufficient
capacity must be present to carry any allied ground forces, if forces must be removed due to
loss of carrying capacity the carrying Player decides which units are removed.

-Capacity is shared in any given system for the allied forces (including facilities like Space Docks).

-Any allied world may host any number of allied ground forces.

-The first player to occupy a planet with ground forces is considered the ‘owner’ of the planet,
even if multiple player’s troops exist on it. In the event multiple owners of ground forces are
present when the planet is taken, players will decide who the owner of the planet is.

-If a planet is occupied in a player’s home system by the AI player, allied forces can ‘liberate’ the
planet, returning ownership to the original player. Home system planets can only ever be owned
by their respective player.

-If non-home system planets are taken by the AI and reconquered by allied forces, the planet
will be controlled by the invading player (or selected player of the ground forces, as above).

-Only the owner of a planet may build structures on that planet; if control of the planet changes
between allied players with structures still intact (such as with the ‘Cede Control’ action),
remove and return structures to the former owner’s reserve first.

-Command tokens in the Fleet Pool for allied players are still regarded separately when
operating in the same system as another allied player, including when involved in ‘Joint Fleet’
operations meaning players must still abide by their individual fleet pool totals at all times.

-Combat hits in a given system are shared by the allied team as all present allied ships present
will defend or attack a system – individual hits are agreed upon and assigned by the players
involved in the conflict. If allied players can’t agree, simply rotate hits between involved players’
ships. If the AI ever gets to determine a hit, the AI will select the allied targets with the highest
cost in the system.

-When effects that threaten tiles outside of their own exist, consider any tile owned by players
as friendly, and any AI action as hostile. (For example, an allied PDS with the PDS II ship upgrade
technology can protect allied player’s systems if the AI activates threatened systems).

-Allied players may transfer control of planets to each other with the use of ground forces. A
player may activate and land ground forces on an allied player’s planet as part of a tactical
action, and with permission, the owner of the planet will exhaust the planet (if readied) and
transfer it to the other player. If both players possess ground troops on the same planet, either
of the allied players may activate the system with a tactical action and with permission, transfer
control of the planet to the other player without exhausting it.

New Player Actions

-Planet control may be transferred between allied players without ground forces with a special ‘Cede
Control’ action. The controlling player may spend one strategy command token from their pool and
return it to their supply, select an unexhausted planet they own, exhaust it, and transfer control to the
desired player. This action only affects one planet at a time and is not considered a tactical action.

-Allied fleets may invade a system as one collective action using a ‘Joint Fleet’ unique action. A player
may spend one tactical action token from the pool and place it on the targeted system, declaring they
are participating in a Joint Fleet. The next allied player that activates the system for a tactical action that
is not also a Joint Fleet action will allow any players declaring a Joint Fleet Action to move any eligible
ships to invade the system simultaneously, potentially allowing all allied players to participate. If no
allied player activates the system for a tactical action during the game round, the Joint Fleet action is
wasted for all involved players, with no ships entering the system. *Note, all players involved with a
Joint Fleet action are considered active players in one combined fleet. This means AI-produced hits for
PDS’s, or other effects that target the active player’s fleet affect all combined fleets as a whole. While
players may assign hits from a PDS following player rules above, other effects that affect the active
player and not their fleet (such as the AI Naalu player’s Neuroglaive technology) will affect all players
involved individually.

Player & AI Faction Tweaks

Player Faction Tweaks

THE XXCHA KINGDOM – Quash may still be used after an agenda item is revealed, but prior to the initial
vote to overcome the AI’s total (see Rules for Agenda Phase).

THE NAALU COLLECTIVE – As the Telepathic Ability is reduced in usefulness, add the following effect in
addition to stated effects “At the end of the Strategy Phase, reveal the top AI Action Deck card for all
players to see; this will be the AI’s first action following your turn. Draw additional AI Action Deck cards
as normal for the remainder of the round”. When employing the Neuroglaive Faction Technology, you
may assign one hit to any AI ship that enters the system after being activated.

THE MENTAK COALITION – Replace Pillage with “Whenever the Trade Strategy card is utilized, gain 2
Trade Goods”. (This will still provide opportunity for trade goods without harming allied partners).

THE EMIRATES OF HACAN – As a substitute for the weakening of Masters of Trade, this faction doesn’t
have to spend a command token from the Strategy Pool to execute the ‘Cede Control’ action; other
allied players do not have to spend a command token to ‘Cede Control’ of a planet to this faction (see
Player Rules for ‘Cede Control’).

THE NEKRO VIRUS – The Galactic Threat is tweaked slightly; while you will not cast your vote on
individual agendas, you still can contribute to the vote total needed to clear an agenda to be voted on
(see Rules for Agenda Phase). Once an agenda is cleared to be voted on, you will then immediately
predict aloud the outcome of that agenda by the other player’s votes to use this ability.

AI Faction Tweaks

In lieu of normal faction rules, each lead AI race has a distinct difference that either affects gameplay,
possible research options, or actions directed by the AI Action Deck:

THE L1Z1X MINDNET – Will always use Assimilate/Harrow if possible. Do not include Inheritance
Systems Faction Technology in the AI Research Deck.

THE FEDERATION OF SOL – Replace Orbital Drop/Versatile with “Add 2 additional Infantry from the AI
reinforcements to a planet with a Space Dock any time an AI Action Deck card produces an Infantry unit
on that planet”. Spec Ops II Technology will place troops on the primary home system planet with a
Space Dock as a priority if possible.

THE YIN BROTHERHOOD – Whenever applicable will always use Indoctrination and Devotion (targeting
highest value target possible, even if just results in Sustain Damage). Yin Spinner Technology applies
whenever a unit is produced at a Space Dock on the planet the Space Dock is located on. Impulse Core
Technology will always be used if possible (targeting highest value target possible, even if just results in
Sustain Damage).

THE NAALU COLLECTIVE – Replace Telepathic with “The AI Player will draw from the AI Action Deck first
before allied players, as if always the lowest initiative order”. Replace Foresight with “During the 1st
round of any space combat, cancel 1 hit”. Matriarch Flagship Ability – Always use for all Fighters possible
during invasion.

THE EMBERS OF MUAAT – Replace 1 Dreadnought in primary Muaat home system with a War Sun at the
start of the game. Replace Star Forge with “Add 1 Destroyer from the AI Reinforcements to a system
that contains 1 or more War Suns any time an AI Action Deck card produces Destroyer units”. The
Inferno Flagship Ability – Replace ability with “Add 1 Cruiser from the AI reserve in this unit’s system
whenever an AI Action Deck card produces Cruiser units. Ignore the second effect of the Magmus

Reactor Faction Technology. Muaat also considers the supernova tiles as having a value of 2 for tile
movement purposes, once they can travel to that system.

THE MENTAK COALITION – Will always use Ambush whenever possible. Pillage ability forces any
adjacent allied players to lose 1 trade good whenever they resolve a transaction and have 3 or more
trade goods or utilize the “Cede Control” special action in a neighboring system. Do not include the
Salvage Operations or Mirror Computing Faction Technology in the AI Research Deck.

THE BARONY OF LETNEV – Replace Munitions Reserves with “During the first round of any space combat
the AI will reroll any Dreadnaught missed hits” and replace Armada with “Add 1 additional starting
Dreadnaught with 1 Fighter to each AI player home system at the beginning of the game and 1 token to
their Fleet Count pool”.

THE EMIRATES OF HACAN – Replace Masters of Trade/Guild Ships/Arbiters with “The Trade Strategy
Card may only be used to refill commodities of directly neighboring allied players and any neighboring
allied player’s commodity pool maximum is reduced by 1”. Wrath of Kenara Flagship Ability – Replace
with “During the first round of space combat in this system apply +1 to the result of all rolled dice”. Do
not include the Quantum Datahub Node or Production Biomes Faction Technology in the AI Research

THE NEKRO VIRUS – Replace Galactic Threat/Technological Singularity/Propagation with “Once per game
round during the status phase if no Agenda Phase exists, or if allied players are unable to vote on an
agenda during the Agenda Phase, draw 1 technology from the AI Research Deck”. The Alastor Flagship
Ability – Always use this ability for all ground forces when possible. Do not utilize or include the Valefar
Assimilator X or Y in the AI Research Deck or faction ability sheet.

THE WINNU – Replace Blood Ties with “After resolving a tactical action in which the AI player gained
control of Mecatol Rex or during the allied player’s Strategy Phase and the AI is in control of Mecatol
Rex, place 2 Infantry units from the AI reinforcements onto Mecatol Rex. AI will always use the
Reclamation ability when applicable. Ignore the second effect of the Lazax Gate Folding Faction
Technology (the ACTION). Do not include the Hegemonic Trade Policy in the AI Research Deck.

SARDAKK N’ORR – The Exotrireme II Ship Upgrade Technology will always be used if applicable to
destroy the highest value remaining targets after the first round of space combat finishes, but do not
sacrifice more Dreadnaughts than needed than what would destroy remaining enemy ships.

THE GHOSTS OF CREUSS – With the Creuss Gate ability, simply place the tile where the AI’s primary
home system would normally be located, then place the home system tile in the AI’s play area. The Hil
Colish Flagship ability means this ship will always move first before other ships when resolving a tactical
action. Do not include Wormhole Generator Faction Technology in the AI Research Deck.

THE CLAN OF SAAR – Replace Scavenge with “After the AI gains control of a planet, place 1 Cruiser in
that system if the planet is industrial or hazardous, or 1 Destroyer if it’s a cultural from its reserve”.
Replace Nomadic with “Floating Factories may always produce units, even if the system it’s located in
already has a command token present” *Note – Floating Factories will traverse the map as if they were
ships when directed by AI Action Deck draw cards, as a .5 Value ship. Ignore the second effect of the
Chaos Mapping Faction Technology.

THE UNIVERSITIES OF JOL-NAR – Replace the Brilliant/Analytical Abilities with “Whenever the AI draws
the Research card from the AI Action Deck, the AI will draw 1 additional technology. Do not include
Spatial Conduit Cylinder or E-Res Siphons Faction Technology in the AI Research Deck.

THE XXCHA KINGDOM – Replace Peace Accords/Quash with “During the Status phase gain control of the
nearest and most valuable planet other than Mecatol Rex that does not contain any units and is in a
system adjacent to a planet the AI controls, with ties being broken by the system closest to Mecatol
Rex”, and “During the Agenda Phase, add 5 votes to the AI’s voting total that players must overcome”
(see Agenda Phase rules). The Loncara Ssodu Flagship Ability will always be used whenever possible
against any allied player ships. Do not include Nullification Field or Instinct Training Faction Technology
in the AI Research Deck.

THE ARBOREC – Replace Mitosis with “During the start of the status phase, place 1 Infantry on each
planet the AI controls from their reinforcements” – *Note due to difficulty in representing the
widespread production of Letani Warriors, ignore the production capability of these Infantry and the
limit on Space Docks being unable to produce Infantry as production is handled by AI Action Deck cards
at the Space Dock structures. The Duha Menaimon Flagship Ability changes the ship to essentially be
categorized as a Space Dock, producing units whenever an AI Action Deck card directs Space Docks to
produce them, as long as it’s in an un-activated system. Letani Warrior II Unit Upgrade Technology will
place Infantry with the priority being the home system world with the Space Dock if possible. Do not
include the Bioplasmosis Faction Technology in the AI Research Deck.

THE YSSARIL TRIBES – Replace Stall Tactics/Scheming/Crafty with “Any time a neighboring allied player
plays an action card, that player must immediately discard another action card of his/her choice if
possible, as well”. Do not include the Mageon Implants Faction Technology in the AI Research Deck.

Game Setup Rules

Setting Up The Game

-Players can decide on what process they’d like to use for which race and starting location they’d prefer,
just like any normal TI4 game.

-The AI will be represented by one ‘lead race’ as the main opposition to the players. Select this race at
random at the start of the game – specific abilities, technology, and ship upgrades are made available
for the AI through the use of the AI Action Deck – see AI Faction Tweaks section for details.

-Aside from recommended starting home system tile positions mentioned in each scenario, you can set
up the remainder of the board tiles however you like. Some prefer random setups, others well-balanced

-In scenarios with 3 or 4 players, the AI will have more than one home system; in that event, the home
system of the selected AI faction is considered the primary home system, and one other random home
system tile of a race not used by the players is considered a secondary home system. Both home
systems count for abilities involving a home system, but prioritize the AI faction’s home system if a
choice is required.

-Unless otherwise modified by faction specific rules found in the AI Faction Tweaks section, each home
system of the AI will start with the following units:

-1 Carrier with 3 loaded Infantry and 1 Fighter

-1 Dreadnaught loaded with 1 Infantry

-2 Cruisers

-2 Destroyers

-1 Space Dock on planet with greatest value

-1 PDS on planet with greatest value

-1 Infantry on each home system world

Strategy Cards

-Some strategy card alterations are necessary with minor tweaks below:

-(2) Diplomacy – The requirement to place a command token only affects the AI player, not
allied players.

-(5) Trade – As the allied players can consistently replenish their commodities with this strategy
card, the Secondary Ability can additionally be used as “Spend 1 token from your strategy token
pool to immediately trade commodities with another player you don’t share an adjacent border
with” to at least be marginally useful if separated from specific allies.

-Allied players will follow rules for selecting 2 strategy cards; the AI will not utilize strategy cards at all.
The AI player will not have an initiative score either, as the AI action card draw occurs in between each
player’s turn until the number of draws is exhausted.

Speaker Token

-Speaker Token - The AI may never receive the Speaker Token. As the importance of the Speaker Token
is greatly diminished, in addition to normal benefits, whenever the Speaker Token changes hands,
whether through the Politics Strategy Card, Action Cards, etc., that player will gain 2 Trade Goods as

Action Cards

-Action cards are able to be seen by allied players, but normal rules apply for when they may be applied
(such as with the active player); there are exceptions to action card use or inclusion as written below

-Remove ‘Sabotage’ Action Cards from the action card pool, as the AI doesn’t utilize true Action Cards,
and players cannot take hostile action against each other.

-Remove ‘Intercept’ Action Card from the action card pool, as the AI will never retreat.

-Remove ‘Public Disgrace’ Action Card from the action card pool, as the AI does not select a strategy

-Remove ‘Insubordination’ Action Card from the action card pool, as the AI does not have a command
token pool.

-Remove ‘Assassinate’ Action Card from the action card pool, as the AI does not vote in the agenda

-Remove ‘Spy’ Action Card from the action card pool, as the AI does not utilize action cards.

-Remove ‘Salvage’ Action Card from the action card pool, as the AI does not have commodities.

-Remove ‘Bribery’ and ‘Distinguished Councilor’ Action Cards, as the Agenda phase tweaks aren’t
compatible with the timing on these cards.

-Remove ‘Political Stability’ Action Card from the action card pool, as selection is cooperative.

-Remove ‘Tactical Bombardment’ Action Card from the action card pool, as the AI isn’t affected by
exhaustion during the Action Phase.

Promissory Notes

-As players are an allied power and the AI ineligible, no player will start with any promissory notes.

Scoring Objectives

-Scoring Objectives works the same as in the base game, individual allied players may score one public
and one Personal Objective during the status phase. *Note any objective that references another
‘Player’ must score the objective against the AI player.

-The Mecatol Rex victory point token always will start on the planet, even if controlled by the AI at the
start of the game. The first allied player to take ownership of Mecatol Rex scores that victory point.

Secret Objectives

-Secret Objectives are now considered ‘Personal Objectives’ in that they are able to be seen by allied
players, but only the member possessing the Personal Objective can score points with that objective.
Players are still limited on being able to possess/score up to three Personal Objectives. *Note any
objective that references another ‘Player’ must score the objective against the AI player, such as “Win a
combat against a player who has the most victory points”, or “Have 1 or more ships in the same system
as another player’s Space Dock.”

COOP Scenarios

Scenario 1: Form a new Galactic Government

Civil war, unrest, and strife has rocked the foundations of galactic society for decades. Players represent
great leaders of disparate races coming together to form a new collective government in an alliance,
(federation, republic, oligarchy, etc.). The players are opposed by a brutal warmongering collection of
races, intent on dominating the galaxy and opposing the player’s alliance - can you bring peace back to
the galaxy?

For this scenario, players would start in one of the following game orientations, depending on number
of players:

2 Players: 3 Players: 4 Players:


Scenario 2: Overthrow the Empire

A dominating imperial presence has long ruled the Galaxy under an iron fist. A rebellion has coalesced to
become an official alliance between partners with the ultimate goal of overthrowing the current empire
and establishing a new government under the player’s banner. The Empire will begin with a significant
location advantage – can the rebels hope to survive?

*Note Mecatol Rex is initially under the control of the AI; place 2 PDS, 1 Space Dock, and 2 Infantry on
the Planet to start the game – the victory point token remains on the planet however. Mecatol Rex is
NOT considered a home system by the AI faction.

For this scenario, players would start in one of the following game orientations, depending on number
of players:

2 Players: 3 Players: 4 Players:


Scenario 3: Survive the Galactic Threat

Your alliance has achieved peace in the core worlds of the galaxy. However, danger lurks in the fringes
of the border worlds. Great power is intent on wrestling control of the galaxy from your rich worlds and
holdings – will you prove to your citizens you have earned the right to rule?

*Note Increase the number of AI Action Deck draws by 1 per Game Round under this Scenario

For this scenario, players would start in one of the following game orientations, depending on number
of players:

2 Players: 3 Players: 4 Players:


-The purpose of the game is to provide an abbreviated and cooperative TI4 Experience in a shorter and
more concise format, pitting players against an “AI” controlled by an AI Action Deck across a few
different scenarios. As of now, the Prophesy of Kings Expansion is not included in this home-brewed
Cooperative Play Mode. I developed this idea out of enjoyment for cooperative games like Pandemic or
Gloomhaven where the AI is controlled by a set of cards, and took a shot at making TIV not last 6-8
hours while everyone can revel in a victory or lament in defeat together.

A big thanks to Wren42/Efiriel to make this ruleset even better!


Printable AI Action Deck Cards


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