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DRAWING PENCILS Fencile are relatively inerpenive, quite versatile, and uniquely responsive to pressure while drawing Lead Holders + Lead holders employ standard 2 mm leads. +The push-button action ofa clutch mechanism allows the exposed length of the lead shaft tobe adjusted ar withdrawn when the pencil i notin use. + Thelead point, whichis capable ofa variety ofline weight, must be kept well sharperied with a lead pointer Mechanical Pencils + Mechanical penis utilize 0:3 rm, 0.5 mm, 0.7 mm, nd 0:9 mm leads + Apush-button meckanism advances the lead automaticaly through a mata sleeve. Ths sleeve shouldbe larg enough ta clear the edges of drafting tangles and scralghtedges. + Therelatvey thin leads of mechanical pencils do not require sharpening + 0.3 mm pencis yield very fine ines, but the thin leads are eusceptible to breaking if applied with to much pressure + 05 mmpencis are the moot practical or general drawing purposes, + 0.7 mm and 0.9 mim pencils are useful for sketching and writing; avoid using these penc's to produce heay ie weights Wood-Encased Pencils + Wooden drawing pencils are typcaly use for freehand drawing ana sketching fused for drafting, the nood must be shaved back to expose" ofthe lead shaft co that t-can be sharpened with sandpaper ora lead pointer. Allthree styles of pencils are capable cf producing qualtyline drawings. As you ‘ryeach type out, youl gradualy develop a preference forthe characteristic ‘eel weight, and balance ofa particular instrument asyou dra. Graphite Leads Grades of graphite ead for drawing on paper surfaces range from 9H (extremly hard) to 68 (extremely soft), Given equal tad precoure harder leads produce lighter and thier lines, whereas softer lads produce denser, wider lines. Colored Leads Nonphoto blue leads are used for guidelines ‘that wil rot reproduce on photocopies. Nonprint volt leads produce guidelines that wil not reproduce on diazo machines; the ines, however, may print on photacopy machines, Test prints are therefore alvays adviablo when using either nonphato or nonprint leads. Plastic Leads Specialy formulated plastic polymer leads are available for drawing on drafting fm, Grades of plastic lead range from E0, NO, or PO (soft) to 5, NS or P5 (hard), The letters EN, andP are manufacture’ designations the nuivers O ‘through 5 refer to degrees of hardness, DRAWING LEADS Recommendations for Grades of Graphite Lead 4H ~ + Thisdense grade of lad is best sulted for accurately marking ana laying out ight construction lines + The thi ightlines are dificult to read and reproduce and should therefore not be used for frch drawings + When applied with too much pressure the dense lead cam engrave paper and board surface, leaving grooves that are dficut to remove. 2H + This medum-hard lead is algo wsed fr laying out drawings and is the densest grade of lead cultable for finish drawings + 2Hlines do not erase easily f drawn with a heavy hand. Fand H + These are general-purpose grades of lead cultable for layouts, Finish drawings, ard handlttering. 1B + Thi relatively soft grade of led is capable of dense linework and handlettering, —___ * HB lines erase and print well but tend to smear easily. + Experience and good technique are required to control the quality oF HB linework. B + This soft grade of lead is used for very dene linework and handlettering The texture and density of a drawing surface affect how hard or softa pencil lead feels. The more tooth or roughness a surface has, the harder the lead you should use; the more dense a surface is, the softer alead feels. TECHNICAL PENS Tecnica pens ce capable of producing precise, consistent ink lines without the application of pressure. As with lead holders and mechanical pencils, technical pens from different manufacturers vary inform and operation. Most technical pens, however, utilize an ink-Flow-regulating wire within a tubular ait, the size of which determines the width of the ink line. ‘There area dozen point sizes available, from extremely fine (6x0, equivalent to 0.18 mm) to very wide (7, equivalent to mn), Stainless: steel tips are satisfactory for drawing on velum but wear too quickly on drafting fr. Tungsten or evel tips are required for rafeng on im. A starting pen set shoud include the folloirg point sizes + 4x0 0.18 mmline width *0 0.35 mm line width “1 0.50 mm line width °3 0.80 mm line width ~The tubular point should belong enough to clear the thickness of drafting triangles and straightedges. * Use waterproof, noncloging,fast-drying black drawing ink. + Keep points screwed in securely to prevent ink leaking. + After each use, replace the pen cap finmly to prevent the ink from drying + When pens are not in use, store them with thei tips up. Digital Stylus ‘The digital equivalent of the pen and pencils the stylus. Used with a digitizing tablet and appropriate software, it replaces the mouse and enables the user to draw in a freehand manner. Some models and software are able to detect and respond to the amount of hand pressure to mimic more realistically the effects of traditional media. T-SQUARES & PARALLEL RULES TSquares T-squares are steaightedges that have a short crussplece atone end This head lide along the edge ofa drawing board a a guide in establishing and draning straight parallel lines. squares are relatively om in cost and portable but require a straight and true edge against which their heads can slide + This end ofa Tsquare is subject to wobbling + T-squares are avalabie in 18,24", 30" 36°, 42%, and 48" lengths. 42" or 48" lengths are recommended, + Ametal angle secured to the drawing board canprovidea true edge, ——__ L Use this length ofthe straightedge « “ + ° as + T-squares with clear, acrylic straightedges should not be used for cutting, Metal T-squares are available for this purpose. ae _—~ Rallers enable the parallel rule to move freely __- Transparent, acrylic ges are recommended across a drawing surface. forbettervility while drawing lies. Some rodelsare available with metal cutting edges. —_ = Parallel Rules Parallel rules are equipped witha system of cables and plleys that allows thelr straightedges to move across drawing board only na parallel manner: Parallel rules are more expensive ard less portable than T-squares but enable one to draft with greater speed and accuracy. ~ Farallel rules are available in 30", 36", 42", 48", 54", and 60" length. The 48" length io recommended, TRIANGLES Tangles are drafting aids used to quid the drawing oF vertical ins and ines at Specified angles They havea rightangle ard ether two 45" angles or one 20" ard one 60" ange. + 4°10 24" lengths are available, + Bt 10" lengths are recommended. + Small tangles ae useful for crosskatching small areas and 36 guide n handletterng, See page 180. + Larger triangles are useul in constructing perspectives. ‘The 45°-45" and 30°-60" triangles can be used in combination to produce angular increments of 15°. Seepage 19, + Tangles are made of clear, soratck-resltant, ton= yellowing acrylic to allow a transparent, undistorted view through to the work below. Fluorescent: orange acrylic tangles ae aleo aval for greater visibility on the drafting surface + Machined edges should be plied for precision and ‘ofaclltate draing. Some triangles have raised gs for inking with tecrical pens. + Inner edges may be beveled to serve as finger lifts. + Keep triangles clean by wasting witha mild soap and water. + Tangles should nosbe used a a straightedge for cutting materials. Adjustable Triangles ‘Adjustable triangles havea movable eg that shel in glace witha thumbscrew anda scale for measuring angles, These instruments are useful for drawing such inclined lines asthe slope ofa stairor the pitch of roo. TEMPLATES Templates have cutouts to quide the drawing of predetermined shapes. SCOCOCOO0OCOCOO + Circle templates provide a graduated series of circles commonly based on O oO fractions and multiples ofan inch Metric sizes are also available. ‘The actual size of a cutout differs from the drawn size due to the thickness ofthe lead sat or pen tip. + Some tempatas have dimples to raise them off of the drawing surface while inking, Electronic Templates Drawing and CAD programs include electronic * Templates are available fr drawing ‘templates of geometric shapes, furnishings, fixture, other geometric shapes, such as aswel as user-defined elements, The purpose of ellipses, as wells symbols for prysical and electronic templates remains the same— plumbing fixtures and furnishings at ‘to save time when drawing repesitiv element. various scales, A significant advantage of CAD programs their ability O tohave a symbol represent llinstances ofa graphic element or object na drawing or design, such as the dimensions ofa window opening or unit plan in a housing project. Any change made to th definition or attributes of that symbol automatically updates al instances oft throughout a drawing or design project. COMPASSES: The compass is essential for draning large circles as wellas circles of indeterminate radi. + Its ficult to apply pressure when using a compass, Using too hard grade of ead can ‘therefore result in to Eght of lie. A otter rade of ead, sharpened to a chisel point ll usually produce the sharpest line without urdue pressure. chisel point ulls easily, however and rust be sharpened often. + Anattachment allows techicl pens to be used with a compass, + Even larger circles can be deaum by appending an extension arm or using a beam compass. _ f v — + Avarity of French curves are manufactured to guide the drawing of regular curves + Adjustable curves are shaped by hand an held imposition to draw a fair curve through a series of points + Protractors are semicircular instruments for measuring and potting angles SCALES Indrawing, “scale” refers to a proportion determining the relation ofa representation to the ul size of that which is tepesented. The term also apples to any of various inctruments having one or more sets of precisely graduated ad numbered spaces for measuring reading, or transferring dimensions and distances na drawing a a a 3 13 “4 a Architects Scales Anarchitect’s scale has graduations along its edges: ‘s0 that scale drawings can be measured directly in feet and inches. + Thiangular scales have 6 sides with Il scales, a fullsize scale in i! increment, aswel as the flloring architectural sales ao" Mh, Ysa! 5p Big Ve and = 1-0", + Flat-beveled scales have either 2 sides with 4 scales or QT” <> 4 sid with B cals + Bath 12" and 6" lengths are available, + Scales should have precisely calibrated ‘graduations and engraved, wear-resistant markings, + Wpt=to" + Scales should neverbeusedasa straightedge for drawing lines + My'=1-0' |-—— Toread an architect's scale, use the part of scale graduated in whole feet: and the division of a foot for increments smaller than a foot. + Thelargerthe scale of a craving the more information it'can and should contain. SCALES Engineers Scales ‘Anenginee's scale has one or more sets of graduated and numbered spaces, each set boing aivided into 10,20, 30, 40, 50, oF 60 parts to ‘theinch, TOL TTT LTT TTT TT 4 COLT ELTTIT TTT é Metric Scales Metric scales consist of one or more sets of graduated and numbered spaces, each set establching a proportion of one milimeter to specified number of ilimeters + Conmon metric scales include the flowing 15, 1:50, 1:500, 1:10, 1100, 1:1000, 1:20, and 1200 Digital Scale In tracitional drawing, we thinkin real-world units and use scale to reduce the size of the drawing toa manageable size, In digital drawing, we actualy input information in real-world units, but we should distinguish between the sizeof the mage seen ona monitor andthe scale ofthe ‘output from a printer or plotter PAPER, FILM & BOARDS The transparency of tracing papers and ‘ils makes them effective for overlay work, allowing the selective drawing or tracing on one sheetand theability to cee through to an underiying drawing Tracing Papers “Tracing papers are characteracd by ‘ransparency, whiteness, ad tooth or surface arin Fine-tooth papers are generally better for inking, whereas mediunt-ooth papers are more saultable for pencil wrk. Sketch-Grade Tracing Paper + Inexpensive, lightweight tissue is available in white, cream and yellow or butt colors in lls 12118", 24", 30" and 36" wide, + Lightweight trace is use for reehand sketching overlays, and studies. * Use only softleads or markers: hard leads «ca bear the thin paper easily. Vellum + Vellum is avilable in rol, pads, and individual sheets in 16,20, and 24 I, weights. + Mediumweiht 16th. vellum suse for general layouts and preliminary drawings. + 16020 be velum with 100% rag contents a stable, translucent, and erasable paper used forfnished drawings + Vellum is availabe with nonreproducible blue square grids, subdivided into 4 4,545, 8x8,or 10 x10 ports ta theinch, + CADand 3D-modeling programs have the ability to organize sets of information in different layers. While these levels or categories canbe thought of and used as the digital equivalentof tracing pape, the offer more possiblities for manipulating and ating the information they contain than do ‘the physical layers of tracing paper. And once centered and stored, digital information is easier to copy, transfer, and share than traditional drawings. Drafting Film Drafting itn isa clear polyester fil that isdurabe, dimensionally stable anid ‘ranclucent enough for clear reproductions and overlay work + Drafting lis to4 mil thick and swallable in lls or cut sheet + One orboth sides may havea nonglare matt finish suitable for pencil orink. + Use only wth compatible leads ns, and erases. + Inklies are removable with erasing uid or avinyl eraser saturated with erasing fluid SKS ww, + Drafting tape or dots ae equted to fix sheet of velum ar Ml tothe draing bean. Do not use normal macking tape, wich can tear the paper surface upon removal Illustration Boards lustratin boars have a paper facing laminated toa cardboard backing, + tlstration boards are available in single (I bck) and double (Clzo' thick) thicknesses, + 100% ra paper facings are recommiended for finish presentations. + Coldpress boards have a degree of ‘texture for pencil wrk hotpreso boards have relatively smooth surfaces more suitable forinkng. + Some brands ofilustration boards have white facing papers bonded toa tniddle core of white stack. Cub edges are therefore consistently white in color, making them useful for constructing eectitectural modes + The opacity of illustration boards requires that drawings be laid out directly onthe board surface. The following maybe used to cover caving boards: + Vinyl covers provide a emooth even caving surface; tack holes and cuts heal themsehves, + Celulose acetate film aminated toa tough gaperbase provides a smooth, nor glare surface + Adense, white lustraton board provides an inexpensive drawing surface

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