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General Guidelines for the Research Proposal Output for S.Y.

(Soft Copy)
A. Research Title- must not be more than 20 words
- Must be written in inverted pyramid form
- Must follow the proper way of writing the title
B. Chapter 1-Introduction
1. Background of the Study- must include discussion of the rationale, purpose
and the research problem
2. Statement of the Problem- must have a general statement and specific
3. Significance of the Study- must discuss at least 5 institution or group of
people who are going to benefit from the research study and how they are
going to benefit from it.
4. Scope and Limitations- must include the answer to the WH-questions
-what is the study all about
-who are the target participants
-where are you going to conduct the study
-when are you going to conduct the study
-how are you going to conduct your study
For the Limitation part- discuss what do you foresee as challenges in
conducting the study or things that may hinder the conduct of the study like
financial matters, health, and accessibility etc.
5. Definition of Terms – must contain the most important terms which are
usually found in the research title and will come out all throughout the
research study.
- The terms must have a CONCEPTUAL definition and OPERATIONAL
- CONCEPTUAL definition refers to the meaning found in the dictionary or
any books, magazine or articles.
- OPERATIONAL definition refers to how you used the term in your
research study (this is your OWN DEFINITION)
C. Chapter 2-Review of Related Literature
- At least 2-3 pages with summary at the end
- Use paraphrasing, citations and summarizing techniques.
D. Chapter 3-Methodology- This is a deeper and more detailed discussion of your
scope and limitations
1. Research Design-discuss the research design you are going to use and why
you chose that design
2. Locale of the Study- the place where you are going to conduct your study
3. Participants of the Study with Inclusion Criteria-your target participants
which may include their demographic profile
4. Sampling Technique- the method in choosing your participants (random
sampling/ purposive sampling etc)
5. Data Collection Procedures- how are you going to collect your data
E. References/ Bibliography- use APA format and in alphabetical manner
F. Narrative of the Experiences of Each member of the group (not part of the usual
research proposal)
- Must have the title page
- Must include Table of Contents
- A4 size of the document
- Use ALIGN LEFT for the whole document.
- Title page must include the RESEARCH TITLE, the names of the group members
and the research teacher (see attached example)
- Font size 12, font style either Tahoma or Courier New
- Margin is 1-inch all sides.
- Use page number written at the right-side bottom of the page
- Save the file in word and pdf form
- Follow this file name format shortenedresearchtitle_section_barangay
example: modularlearning_tvl-c_Balusbos
A. Deadline of submission of the Research Proposal is to be announced
B. Pass the Research proposal at
C. Choose one of the following general topics for your research:
- Modular Learning in Pandemic Times (never mind this part)
- Experiences on Modular Learning
(You can modify and specify the topic to suit your own taste)
D. Use future tense in writing the proposal
E. Be reminded that in doing the proposal your primary mode of communication
will be thru messenger and cellphones. Avoid meeting outside of your homes
unless you are next door neighbors and with permission from your parents. Pls
follow the health protocols.
F. If there are questions, Pm me in messenger.

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