The Seed Sower

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The Seed Sower is an ordinary human being like any of us a traveler, a seeker of

the Truth, a chosen one (John 15:19) to spread the Gospel, a disciple of a


Everywhere he goes he certainly leaves a seed indicating that he had been

there. Every seed he left certainly affects other people one way or the other.

The Seed Sower is one sheep of a kind not of this fold, a follower of that which is

good, a fool for Christ’s sake (1Cor. 4:10) The Sower of Matthew 13:3) a

witness unto the uttermost part of the world (Acts 1:8)

The Seed Sower is a seeker himself, persistently searching the imperishable

seed. Whenever he finds one he leaves it for others to learn from it. He has

no other important mission but to sow many seeds. He seeks and travels to

meet the Great Giver of seed.


Eight o’clock in the morning, Marco found the house. Checking his notes reads

the scribbled address. It matched. He knocked. Dogs on the nearby house

started barking. They growled like they have not eaten for quiet some time. In

fear Marco felt a chill down his spine. He knocked hard and the gate swung

open, all the while it was unlocked. Marco rushed inside the compound

fearful of the dogs’ attack at any moment. He went near the door and started


“Pilgrimo! Pilgrimo!” He paused quietly waiting for any reply. There was a total

silence where you just can hear a pin drop.

The short moment of silence brought him back where he thought himself foolishly

running after a stranger in search of the Truth. He was looking for an answer

to every question he could ever think regarding his future that he might

correct his misdeeds.

“Oops” as he turns the doorknob he discovered it was not locked. He rushed to

slowly pushed the door ajar and peeped. The situation gave Marco the hint

that the house is abandoned. He stepped inside, went straight to the

receiving room. He noticed a paper on the table, as a detective Marco

believed that everything is a clue. He picked up the piece of paper and reads.

The note said, “went to look for a job, Pilgrimo. Taken aback Marco sighed, ”I

missed him again!”

Marco can do no more in the house he must leave immediately. As he turns

toward the door, “Hey, who are you? How dare you to come into my house!”

a fat lady growled. Surprised. “I, I’m sorry Madam, I thought there was

nobody at home.” Nervously he faced the lady, “I’m Marco and I’m a

detective. I am looking for a man named Pilgrimo.” Sinking a lump in the

throat, “I was told Pilgrimo lives here.” Suddenly the fat mad lady turned

sweet and kind. “Oh, that young nice man, I know he’s going to heaven.”

Then she sobbed. “I begged of him to stay but he insisted he has a task to do

and he left.” Marco tried to comfort the fat lady. “Do you know where he is

going?” he inquired. “No, but I will never forget him, he is a modern day

Christian.” She answered. The detective looked at his watched. “ I got to be

going.” He said. Just as he was about to turn his back, the lady called again.

“He left me a seed.” Marco turned, “What seed?” The fat lady pulled her hand

from her pocket and handed him the seeds. The detective curiously

examined the seed. On it he noticed an etched writing. It was a Bible

reference, ‘Matthew 28:19’. He looked at the lady and asked if she has such

book. “You mean the Bible, wait I’ll get one!” said the fat lady. “Yes, a Bible I

thought so.” He remembered. He heard such book when he was a kid

attending a Branch Sabbath School. She hurriedly came back after pulling

one from her bookshelf. Marco browsed the book not knowing where to find.

“Let me help you.” the fat lady took the Bible noticing the detective is not

familiar with the Bible. “I do not know how to use the book.” He apologized.

“Oh, here is it, it says, “Go and make disciples of all nation…” reads the fat
lady. “I think I see another clue here.” Marco faced the lady and said, “I

wished I could interview you more but I must not loose time, I need to catch

up with Pilgrimo.” Marco hurriedly stepped out through the gate. Once more

the fat lady gave her last shot of reminder. “He is going east!”

Marco hurriedly left, with only one clue. Pilgrimo is in another mission! “I wonder

what in the world this guy is up to.” He thought. His failure took him to

discontent and wishful thinking. “I wished I had another job, not this kind of

running after someone else’s trail. What do I get from this meager pay for the

services I give the agency.”

While on the roadside waiting for a ride. His mind brought him to remember when

he was almost killed after doing an assignment about a husband’s mistress.

“Its not worth it. I just hate mysteries. But on the second thought I better have

this job than staying at home staring at the blank wall with a gurgling empty

stomach, hopelessly waiting for a provision to fall from heaven.”

A bus stopped, impatiently and jittery the detective hopped in. “I could not wait, I

hate waiting I just cannot wait for that moment when I could hold that

Pilgrimo whoever he is.” He murmured.


Marco had been on the road for two hours. The bus stopped by the roadside


“Okay, everybody let’s have our lunch!” shouted the bus driver. Marco went

down to look around. He could smell the country style barbecue. It is

enticing him as the smell run through his nose, which only adds agony to

his empty stomach. He was about to enter a store when his eyes caught

a gathering of people up the nearby restaurant. His detective curiosity

drives him to go and check what happened. A group of men, a gang of a

sort, with head bands and tattoos were picking up their wrecked big

motorbikes. Marco went nearer to satisfy his curiosity. He approach the

man at the entrance, he could guess that the man is the owner by the

pen and pad on his hand. Curiously Marco asked, “What happened


“These gangsters are my regular customer, but I never really like them.” Sighed

the owner, revealing his emotion of relief and justice as if a savior has

rescued him.

”I have this new customer a trailer truck driver. He came and ordered a meal.

Innocently he took the usual table of the gangster. Suddenly, the eight

motorbike riding men arrived and park their motorbikes in front of the

trailer truck. As they enter they saw him at their table. The gang went

around the man and started teasing. The man was not disturbed he kept

on eating. The gang leader took the driver’s glass of water and poured it

over the driver. The driver quietly and calmly just wiped off his face and

continued eating. Then the gang leader took the driver’s soup and

poured it to the head of the driver. He remained calm and did not

respond. The gang continued to harass the driver but he remained calm

and quiet. The driver finished his meal and stood up turned to the

counter and paid his bill.

“I felt embarrassed and sorry for the driver.” Sighed the owner.

“I apologized for what had happened, then looked at me in the eyes and handed

me a seed.” The owner dips his hand in his pocket.

“A what? Interrupts the detective.

“Here.” The owner palms down the seed over the counter.

Marco grabs the seed and examined it. “1Peter 5:5.” He murmured.

“I know he sending me a message of humility. I just understood it right there and

then. Then the driver went out while the gang laughs, suddenly a loud

crushing sound. Everybody stood up and I run to the entrance, I saw

eight motorbikes run over by the big trailer truck.”

“Did you get the name of the driver?” Marco poked.

“Yes, He said his name is Pilgrimo,” said the owner.

The detective was stunned. The owner notices the detective’s reaction. “Is there

something wrong with the name, sir? Do you know the truck driver?” the

owner asks.

He got back to his senses when he felt his stomach growling in hunger. He

remembered his lunch. “No! I’ll just have biscuits.” He thought.

That evening he took a dusty Bible in his shelf. He browsed which he rarely does.

Went over 1 Peter 5:5 it reads.

“Young man in the same way be submissive to those who are older. All of you

clothe yourself with humility towards one another, because, God

opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

This struck his inmost soul. He remembered a story of certain Jesus, who never

said a word, he took all the abuses, he was ridiculed, humiliated, spat on,

whipped, crowned and cruelly hanged on the cross. Jesus humbly

accepted the cruelty of sin because he knew that Satan will be defeated

in the end and all his demons will be crushed under the foot of the savior.

He closes the Bible and wonders, “What in the world is Pilgrimo up to?”

Early morning at the agency office, after long hours in his computer finally he got

a lead where he could find the truck. Rushed out of his office and took a

ride. Hours later he found the delivery company and the trailer truck. The

load was delivered, the driver gone. He saw a man under a nearby truck.

“Excuse me. I’m detective Marco and I am looking for the driver of this

truck. Pulling out from under the man replied. “I’m sorry detective I’m

afraid I can’t help you. The driver you are looking for have had his last

day today, and that was his last delivery, he’s done with his contract.”

“So where do you think he has gone to?” Marco queried.

“I don’t know detective, but I’m sure he is a fine young man.”

“Do you know where he went?”

“Nope, He’s gone about five minutes, he took a hitch on a white sedan going


“I’d better be going.” The detective hurried to the road and looked for a ride, he

saw one. He stopped a tricycle and commandeered the driver to go fast.

The tricycle driver shouted! “Hell here we come!”

Marco was surprised with what he heard. His mind brought him fast a curve

where a big truck was right across their lane and slams them. “Oh I’m

dead.” Marco murmured. “Peep, peep!” He was awakened by the horn

and thought he was dead and bound for hell. Fear caught him.

“Where are we going sir?” the tricycle driver shouts.

All the while Marco thought the driver knew where they were going.

“Run after the white sedan.”

‘Okay, senior, white sedan here we come! Weeeeeeeeeeeee.” Imitating an


In fear Marco prayed like he never prayed before, yet he must find Pilgrimo.

Looking ahead, the detective saw a white vehicle by the roadside.

“Slow down, slow down!” Marco commands.

The tricycle driver stepped on the break but took another fifty meters before the

tricycle finally stopped. Marco jumped off and run back to the parked

white vehicle by the roadside. “Pilgrimo must be there, this time I got

him” Marco thought as he runs to the parked car.

It matched, it is a white sedan, he saw two individuals, one male and one female.

“Hello, excuse me can I ask a couple questions?” gasping for air. “Do you have a

male passenger with you?”

“No, just the two us, me and my daughter.” The man answered.

“I mean did somebody took a hitch in your car from the truckers station?” Marco

“Dad he was referring to the man who rode with us.” Excitedly insists the


“Oh yes, the guy who asked for a ride with us, yes, I remember.” The man


“Where is he now?” Marco poked.

“He’s heaven sent I know, I and my daughter just came from cemetery to visit my

wife’s tomb. It hurts for us to be left by our loved one and I hate this

feeling. I hate this thing called death.” The man paused with teary eyes.

The daughter continued, “He asked for a ride and perhaps some sort off

kindness pulled us to pick him. While we were cruising a black hornet

came through the window which I for got to close. The hornet went

buzzing inside the car. My dad and I panicked, but this man was very

calm. I was really scared. You see my dad and I were allergic to insect

bites and we could die in a few minutes. My dad kicked on the brake.

The man flew his hand in the air and traps the hornet on the windshield.

The he said “It’s okay everything will be alright.” I calmed down. Then the

man said “Let’s go.” We thought he crushed the hornet in his hand, but

he didn’t instead he let loose again. I went screaming again.

Calmly the man said “The hornet will not hurt you anymore.” Then he raised his

hand and showed the hornet’s sting. My dad and I were relieved. Then

he gave us a seed. “What seed?” The detective interrupted.

The father handed him the seed. The detective examined. Etched was

“1Corinthians 15:55-57’ What does this mean” asked the father? “Wait.”

Pulling a small book from his bag. Labeled in capital letters, CODE


Went over the reference and reads.

“Where O death, is your victory? Where O death is thy sting?” The sting of death

is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us

the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Hesitant to answer the detective tried to satisfy the father’s question. “He was

telling you that Jesus bore the sting of death, the sting of sin, the sting of

deceit, the sting of hopelessness and the sting of fear. Jesus has all the

stingers on his hand on our behalf he took all the pain of the nails that

scarred his hands. He reduced Satan to a hornet that lost his stinger,

which all it could do is buzz. That’s the victory Jesus won for you!”

Thank you, thank you! We’re heading back to the cemetery. Death is nothing to

fear about.” replied the father as he steps into the car.

“One more question sir,” asked the detective “can you tell me where this man


“At the junction up the road he said he’s after a certain Seed Giver.” The father


“Seed Giver” amused the detective.

Suddenly a noise behind, “Broom, broom!” Marco looked back and the tricycle

driver wasn’t smiling. “Hey, I don’t have all day are we still going to hell?”

he asked. Marco dipped his hand into his pocket and pulled some bills

and handed it to the tricycle driver and said with a smile. “No more not



Marco could see the road Pilgrimo took. He was hopeful. While walking he pulled

out his cellphone tried to contact his office unluckily for he failed several

times. “Technology for sure has a dead spot. Man could hardly go back

to the very basic of life. Man will one day come to the point of nowhere to

go to except back to the basic. Perhaps this is the reason why such is

not included in the creation. Now I see the futility of man’s creations. As

the saying goes ‘Reap what you sow.’” he thought. The words “sow”

caught his senses, took a small notebook and scribble the words “Seed”

“giver” and “sow”. “This might be important clues.” He thought.

He entered a small town, looked around, passed by several houses and tried to

get some clues where Pilgrimo would be. His eyes saw a man coming

out from an apartment. “Yes! Yes! Thank you very much Seed Sower!”

The man was shouting while pulling a carabao out of the apartment

building. The moment Marco heard the word “Seed Sower” immediately

he rushes next to the man to inquire what was his excitement all about?

Unable to hide his happiness the man pulling a carabao started to

narrate. “ Well, you see I have a girlfriend who reacts to every surprises

with “who cares” attitude. If I buy here flowers her reaction was “Who

cares. If I buy her an airplane ticket, she will say ‘who cares’.” I bought

an expensive wristwatch and she only said, ‘ Who cares.’” This morning

my sweetheart became the sweetest lady I ever knew.

Marco was puzzled, “What does the carabao have to do with his girlfriend? He

The man continued, “This morning I went to the park trying to think how can I

solve this problem. A man came sensing my dilemma and I admitted, I

told the stranger about my girlfriend. Then the stranger asked me to wait

for a while, when he returned back pulling a carabao. I was instructed by

the stranger to bring the carabao in my girlfriend’s bed. I thought it was

ridiculous at first, but on the second thought, it might work. So I led the

carabao up my girlfriend’s bedroom on the second floor. An hour later

Jane, my girlfriend arrived from work. She went straight to her bed. After

which an ear-piercing scream filled the room. “What in the world is a

carabao doing in my bed?” I went in very calm and confronted her with

the same way she used to reply, ‘Who care?’ It was that moment my

girlfriend realized her bad manners and she felt sorry about her attitude

towards me. I love her and I guess she really needs to learn a lesson.”

“Is that all?” Marco asked.

“Yes, before I forgot…” the young pulls something from his pocket. “Here, the

stranger gave this seed with a markings, I can’t figure out what it means.”

Marco took the seed and read the etched marks. He could guess. Marco

read the etched mark. “Matthew 7:12,” he mumbled. Opened his

shoulder bag pull out a paper-covered book with a pen marking ‘CODE

BREAKER’. He sliced the book in half to open, flipped a few pages.

‘Matthew…” he mumbles. This book said, “Do not do unto others what

you do not want others do unto you.” Then Marco looked at the young

man who feels joyful.

“Yes! That struck my girlfriend and me too. That is why I am very thankful to the

stranger who helped me solved my problem.”

“What was the name of the stranger?” Marco poked.

“Well, the stranger said nothing about his name.” replied the young man.

Marco flipped the seed on was engraved, ‘Seed Sower’.

“Sir, one thing I afraid sir if you don’t mind me asking you?”

“Go ahead.”

“Will my girlfriend bring a carabao in my bed too?” the young man asked.

Marco was surprised. His wisdom is being tested. What does he know? What

good answer can he give? Look straight into the eyes young man. And

said, “Perhaps… maybe… I don’t know.” What in the world is this Seed

Sower is up to? Marco thought.

“Did you see where the stranger went?” Marco asked.

“I do not know Sir,” replied the young man.

At the agency, “So how’s your case with the mystery man, Marco?” inquire

another detective. “I have clue but not enough to point out the culprit. Tell

the boss I will be out today for a follow-up.”

“Okay doc”

“Wish me luck, partner!”

Marco decided to go back to where he lost Pilgrimo and left.

He jumps on a bus and seat right behind the driver. After a few blocks the bus

stop and a man on his forty’ climb up and took the seat next to Marco.

Marco was figuring out he could find Pilgrimo. Look at the man next to him. The

man returned the look and said, “friend do you believe in the Bible?”

Marco surprised, “Why do you asked?”

Marco’s mind went on asking himself do I believe the Bible? His mind bring him

back to his childhood years, my neighbor always invites us to attend the

Branch Sabbath School every Saturday at their garage. It was a

delightful experience. Its a kid’s stuff but he cannot deny the impact it

made in his life. In his early teens he declined from reading his Bible until

he gradually lost his interest of it.

The bus horn blew, Marco was back to his consciousness, He lost his personal

issue and asked the man. “Why do you ask?”

The man gave him another inquisitive stare, “Do you believe in angels?
Hesitantly, “YYYes, it’s a kid’s stuff though, why?”

“Could strangers sometimes be an angel?”

“What do you mean?” Marco asks, his mind played him pictures of angels of

different forms and colors, one angel in a bright dress, and another with

wings and another in rags. “Why do you ask?” as Marco turns on his


The man told his story.

I’m the headwaiter of a first class hotel downtown. Yesterday, one unusual guest

came to avail of our promotion of free meals for a new comer. Many

came and all are given the same benefits and privilege of the promotion,

except for one fellow who came in beggar’s clothes. As the headwaiter it

is my duty to keep the hotel from unworthy visitors. I ordered the security

guards to flash the man out of the hotel premises. For sure the beggar

left in shame. This day a man in a very expensive suit came to the hotel.

As our standard procedure, I greeted the client and gave him the first

class treatment. He invited me to join him in his table, hotel rules do not

allow employees to join customers, but because the man is rich I did join

him at the table. He ordered the most expensive and special delicacies

we offer. The order came but he did not eat, instead he stood up and

scooped the food and messed his expensive suit. I was shocked. “What

was that supposed to mean?” I asked. The customer answered, “When I

came here yesterday in ragged clothes you treated me real bad, but

when I came in today in an expensive suit you gave me the first class

treatment.” “I believed, he continued, “that your hospitality was not meant

for me but for my clothes. You are not really serving man are you?” I was

red faced, I felt ashamed. The customer stood and threw his suit on the

table, then palmed down a seed on the suit.

“What seed?” Marco jolted.

“This.” Handing the seed over to the detective.

Marco examined the seed, expecting an etching, it did. ‘Hebrews 13:2’

Instinctually the detective opened his bag and pulled out his ‘Code breaker’.

Immaturely flicked some pages, “I never really like carrying one of this but for my

case I need to carry one.” He mumbled. A moment at last he found it,

reads, “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have

entertained angels unaware.” Marco was dumbfounded, he has no doubt

from where he read it, but he was afraid to ask. “What if I’m right or what

if I’m wrong?” he thought. He was trying to get his head together to

answer the headwaiter’s question, then gave back the seed.

Marco’s mind kept on asking, “Was Pilgrimo an angel? Was he a God? Was he a

God playing man? Could he be in one place and then to another at the

same time? I think I’m going insane with this case. I am considering of

quitting this job.” He thought.

Marco broke the silence, “What have you to do with the coat?”

“I don’t know, I just rode this bus not knowing where to go, hoping to find the

customer. I will return this to him and thank him for changing me.” the

headwaiter replied.

Marco kept quiet, he was afraid to tell the headwaiter that he was after the same

person. Marco did not even show that he was desperate to catch ‘Seed


Marco said to himself, “Perhaps the headwaiter will not believe his stories. He

looked and tapped the shoulder of the headwaiter, and said, “Well, I

hope you the best to find the man.”

“Me too.” Marco told to himself.

The bus stops, the headwaiter went down.

The bus reached the city. Marco checked his itinerary. The first was a

background checks on the former client just a couple of blocks from the

station. Marco decided to walk. He could not escape but breathe the

urban smell and ignore the city noise. He had been in this city for several

times, a familiar place, a city of thousands of people.

“No!” Marco mumbles as he talks to himself, “I should not get too involved in this

case.” Marco knew well the agency’s policy, “that no personnel should be

emotionally involved in any case engaged with personal interest or

vendetta, of which will affect the result of the case.” Anyway this Seed

Sower case is nothing but an ordinary case of tracking and finding a

person. Going beyond tracking and solving the mystery is a police work

and I don’t have to do that.” He reasons.

It was drizzling. He was on the fifth avenue. He was trying to ignore his

surrounding so as not to delay his going to the next block. Before his

path is a crowd in front of a restaurant. Marco could tell that it is a

gathering of wealthy individuals by the dress and cars. The crowd

blocked the sidewalk squeezing themselves together so as not to get wet

under the drizzle. Marco is forced to stop. Every one seems enjoying the

occasion while beautiful and expensive luxury cars arrive.

A white limousine stopped by. Everybody in the crowd seemed expecting, turned

their head to the car. Curiosity pushed Marco through the crowd to get a

view but could only tiptoe. The door swung open. Silence. An old

Chinese man came out of the car. Just as the old Chinese man make his

second step he slipped, lost his balance and fell face flat on a puddle of

water made by the drizzle. Everybody is surprised. The old Chinese man

stood up and saw himself a total mess. Marco attempted to get through

but could not, and the silent crowd explodes in laughter, other even

made fun of the old man. The more Marco insisted to pass through the

crowd. The old Chinese man stood straight, looked around the laughing

crowd, then turned. He is about to open his car when suddenly a man in

an expensive suit laid and rolled in the puddle of water. Stood up and

approached the old Chinese man. The crowd was amazed. Murmuring

among the crowd concluded that the man was the host. The crowd

blocks Marco’s view.

Under the drizzle the drenched host and the old Chinese man talked and

laughed. The host took the old man by the shoulder and ushered him

into the restaurant. Marco was able to go through the crowd. The two

was about to enter when the host stopped and turned to the crowd,

looked at everybody. The host’s eyes caught Marco’s eyes. Marco felt

embarrassed and looked down. The host pulls out something from his

pocket and said, “Take this!” Marco looked up then looked around, he

was not sure if the host is talking to him. He looked back at the host.

Marco reaches out to receive. The host left. While Marco’s hand is

closed, he was trying to guess what was given him. “It might be a gem or

a diamond,” he thought. “This could be a small fortune I always dream

about, but I have not done anything, why should I receive such,” he

argued with himself.

Marco is hesitant to open his palm yet slowly he does and was surprised – a

seed! He looked at the man, the host who gave the seed. He tried to run

after the man but the crowd has blocked the entrance door. Marco

examined the seed an etched reference – “John 15:13.” He immediately

pulled out his code breaker. He found it, it says. “Greater love has no

one than this that he lay down his life for a friend.” Why this text? Marco

was trying to figure it out he looked for someone to help him. “Madam,

are you familiar with these words?” he asks as he points to his code

breaker. The old lady took a look and said, “Simply Jesus came down

and gave his life, to save us from the shame of sin. I supposed you have

witness what happened young man this incident is telling us that the host

came to save the old Chinese man from shame, who fell in the puddle of

dirty water. That’s the simplest explanation I could give.” “Why do you

ask?” poked the old lady. Marco said, “Nothing.” The old lady left. Marco

was stood alone. Looking at the closed entrance door. “The host I

encountered, the man who gave me the seed is… No! That could not

possibly be,” he thought.


It was late in the night Marco could not sleep. He tosses and turns, pinned his

head with his pillow but still could not get his sleep. He decided to go to

his laptop and check his case on the Seed Sower. He had been working

on the case for two months and still he has not seen the man he is after.

“Pilgrimo where in the world are you?” he murmured. He wanted to quit

but there’s more that bothers him than losing his job.

He stood up and went to the window. He stood at the veranda looks far beyond

the city lights from afar. Something bothers him. He could not

understand. He walks back and forth, back and forth.

“What is this Pilgrimo up to? What is his mission?” he thought. Went back to his

cluttered table and slump on his chair. Sighed. His eyes caught an empty

drinking glass. He knew the glass was there before, but he notices

something inside. He reached, insert his fingers and pull out - a seed.

Takes a close look at it.

Reaches for a blank paper and pen. Copied what was etched on the seed.

Examined the seed, pulls a drawer and pick up a small knife. Marco tried

to open the seed. It took him sometime but he failed. Desperately wanted

to know what’s inside the seed he stood and rushed to the kitchen sink,

below he opened a cabinet and pulled out a hammer. He went back to

his table and said, “Let see if this will not do the work,” then smashed the

seed with the hammer.

Crushed. The seed is nothing special, it is a common seed only etched with

Biblical reference.

“Why write on the seed? Seed?” he mumbles as he rests his back on his chair.

His eyes move toward the note, he reaches for the note and examines.

“John 15:19.” Marco stood up went near his bed grab his bag and pull

out his code-breaker. Flips some pages amateurish like before took him

some moment to find the scripture.

“There,” he mumbles. “John 15:16, mmm…You have not chosen me but I have

chosen you.”

“Chosen” he said, as he reaches for a paper, scribbled the word and pinned it on

his bulletin board. Slumps back on his chair and stare at the paper.

His questioning mind kept on thinking.


The bus reached the city. Marco checked his itinerary. The first was a background checks on the former
client just a couple of blocks…

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