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Save Earth

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The increase in the average temperature of Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-
20th century and its projected continuation is known as Global Warming. Global surface
temperature increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) during the 20th century. The Sponsor
of this social marketing plan is the well known company Reliance Communications. The
problems that have led to the development of this plan are Increase in Pollution, Climate
Change, Changes in Atmospheric Temperature, Increase in Natural Calamities, Imbalance of
Ecosystem and Increase in sea water level because Glaciers are melting continuously.
The causes for Global Warming are the cars we drive, use of paper & wood, eating
supermarket meat, using earth - unfriendly appliance, Urbanization and Industrialization. The
effects of Global Warming are Extreme weather, Sinking landmass, Health effects and
increased animal extinctions. Solutions and Effective Ways to Minimize the Global Warming
are Clean Energy, Responsible Governance, Responsible citizens, Offsets & Credits, Choose
clean power, Unplug the freezer, Light bulbs matter and Plant a tree.

Our Target Market includes Industries, Common People, Metro Cities, Government, Society
and Paper and Wood Industries. The General Objective of the plan is - “To Make a Pollution
Free Environment”. The Specific Objectives includes cutting 50% Carbon Emission By 2030
and to increase 20% Forest Area By 2020. Competition and Target market Barriers are the
Paper Industries, Government, and Increase in Per Capita Income, Publication House, Soft
Drink Industries, Transportation and Cold Houses.

The Desired Positioning is that we want common people and industries should minimize
carbon emission and contribute truly to spot a global warming. The Core Product is- Safe
Environment if they will minimize carbon emission, Good Health if they will do plantation
and saving of money if they will switch off the power after uses.
The Program Related costs are Physical effort, Reward and incentive, Monetary Benefit, Fine
for Carbon Emission and Carbon Credit. The Places for our Social Marketing Campaign
would be Society, Commercial Places, Factory Area, Common People and Metros. The Key
Messages for Our Social Marketing Campaign are Stop Global Warming, Bad Effect of
Global Warming, Plant a Tree, Minimize Carbon Emission, Make less use of Papers and
Plastic, and Use Public Transport for travelling and Make aware about Global Marketing. The
Messengers Who will Deliver Our Message includes Actors, Players, Ministers, Sponsor
(Anil Dhirubhai Ambani ) and Partners. The Communication Channels would be Television,
Roadway Sign, Radio, Publicity, Videos, Special Event, Internet and Through SMS. The
Output Measure is the Campaign Activity. The Outcome Measure are the Target Market
Responses and Changes in knowledge, belief and behavior. The Impact Measure is the
Contribution to the plan purpose such as stop Carbon Emission.
The Major Costs Will be Associated with Advertising with the help of Television, Radio, and
Special Events. The Major Sources of Fund would be Reliance Communication, Reliance
Group, and Their Partners. Three phases are identified for our social marketing plan for 5-
years. The First and Second year, the Efforts are concerned on creating awareness about
Global warming. The Third and Fourth Year, sustain this effort as well as add element that
are key for belief and behavior change. The Fifth Year, Evaluation of effort whether our
actual result match with the Desired Result.

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1-Describing the Plan Background, Purpose, and Focus
A - Social Issue- Global Warming

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth's near-surface air and
oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation. According to the 2007
Fourth Assessment Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global
surface temperature increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) during the 20th century. Most
of the observed temperature increase since the middle of the 20th century was caused by
increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases, which results from human activity such as
fossil fuel burning and deforestation. Global dimming, a result of increasing concentrations of
atmospheric aerosols that block sunlight from reaching the surface, has partially countered
the effects of greenhouse gas induced warming.

Climate model projections summarized in the latest IPCC report indicate that the global
surface temperature is likely to rise a further 1.1 to 6.4 °C (2.0 to 11.5 °F) during the 21st
century. The uncertainty in this estimate arises from the use of models with differing
sensitivity to greenhouse gas concentrations and the use of differing estimates of future
greenhouse gas emissions. An increase in global temperature will cause sea levels to rise and
will change the amount and pattern of precipitation, probably including expansion of
subtropical deserts. Warming is expected to be strongest in the Arctic and would be
associated with continuing retreat of glaciers, permafrost and sea ice. Other likely effects
include changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, species extinctions,
and changes in agricultural yields. Warming and related changes will vary from region to
region around the globe, though the nature of these regional variations is uncertain.

B - Sponsor- Reliance Communication

C - Problems that have led to the development of the plan

1. Increase in Pollution

2. Climate Change

3. Changes In Atmospheric Temperature

4. Increase in Natural Calamities

5. Imbalance of Ecosystem

6. Increase in sea water level because Glaciers are melting continuously

D - Causes for Global Warming

1. The cars we drive-Cars (especially SUV's) are big environmental pollutants. They
release toxic carbon dioxide and thus not just burn a hole in your pocket but also in
the ozone layer! So the next time you want to go somewhere, why not cycle instead?

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2. Using paper & wood- Using paper is not good as you think it is. Deforestation is
responsible for 25% of all carbon dioxide release entering the atmosphere so when we
cut down trees for making paper it increase global warming. The next time, use cloth
bags instead of paper/plastic.

3. Eating supermarket meat - The digestive tracts of some animals like goats; cows
and lambs produce methane, a major greenhouse gas. In addition animal husbandry is
responsible for 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions. So the next time you crave
meat, think twice!

4. Using earth - unfriendly appliance -Most of the electrical appliances in your house,
such as the A/C, refrigerator and yellow bulbs are using up loads of non renewable
resources, releasing greenhouse gases and increasing global warming at this very
moment! So, switch them off if there is no need!

5. Urbanization- As we all us know that the urban areas are increasing at very fast rate
since last 10 year from which the forest areas are becoming small and people are
cutting tree to building a residential place and to develop an infrastructure.

6. Industrialization- After liberalization many foreign and domestic companies are

establishing their plant in urban as well as rural areas and they are cutting forest area
from with forest area are shrinking at very fast rate and also companies are spreading
environmental pollution. So Increase Plantation!

E- Effect of Global Warming:-

Extreme weather- When the temperature in summer hits a blistering 50 -55 degrees you
know things aren't what they used to be. When global warming rises, summers get
hotter, winters get colder, drought and floods become even more common. It may
not matter to you when you’re sitting in your air conditioned apartment, but maybe
your overheated monthly energy bills will clue you in to the problem.

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Sinking landmass- The Himalayas are melting. And with it our cities and even countries are
sinking. Want to go to Maldives? Well in a few years, places like Maldives and
Venice will be buried many leagues under the sea. Global warming as caused
melting ice caps and rising sea levels resulting in the slow sinking of many land
masses. This leads to large scale migration and with it, dire economic consequences.
Health effects- Erratic weather patterns and climate change contributes to disease and
premature deaths. From malnutrition to disease and injury from forest fires, storms,
droughts and heat waves, we are all going to be sick more than before. According to
a 2009 study by University College London academics, climate change and global
warming pose the biggest threat to human health in the 21st century.
Increased animal extinctions- Climate change is a big threat to species diversity. A doubling
of present carbon dioxide levels (as predicted by many climatologists) and rising
temperatures could potentially eliminate 56,000 plant and 3,700 animal species in
the 25 hot spot regions. That means no polar bears, and subsequently no animals in
the entire arctic.

F- Solutions and Effective Ways to Minimize the Global Warming:-

Clean Energy: - Something as simple as changing a regular light bulb to a CFC one goes a
long way towards helping the environment. Other clean energy solutions like wind,
solar & even water will help us move towards a sustainable way of living. Where
you can help is simply by making the right choices. When consumers demand green
energy, investment increases and the entire system is sustainable.
Responsible Governance, Responsible citizens: - New laws & regulations to control
climate change can make a real difference. Simple but far reaching initiatives such
as governance, stricter rules against pollution & emission, reducing traffic &
congestion can go a long way towards a cooler planet. As a citizen demand more
from your leaders and spread the word amongst people you know.
Offsets & Credits:- Global solutions such as carbon offsets and carbon credits have been
proposed to control climate change. Using these instruments, individuals can
exchange carbon credits for fuel / electricity. One carbon offset represents the
reduction of one metric ton of carbon dioxide or its equivalent in other greenhouse
Choose clean power- More than half the electricity we consume comes from polluting coal-
fired power plants. And power plants are the single largest source of heat-trapping
Unplug the freezer- When you're not using your refrigerator, remember to pull the plug.
You'll be reducing your family's carbon dioxide emissions by almost10%.
Light bulbs matter- At home, replace your incandescent bulbs with more efficient compact
fluorescents. You’ll cut back on heat-trapping pollution & electricity.
Plant a tree - Plant a tree. Trees provide for cooler and cleaner air, shade, and reduce our
energy requirements and most importantly, fossil fuel use.

There is a need to work collectively towards controlling global warming. Small steps such as
replacing incandescent bulbs with fluorescent bulbs or compact fluorescent lamp (CFLs),
turning off appliances when not in use, switching off TVs, computers, lights, etc. that are not
being used and unplugging electronic items after use (that consume electricity even when not
being used), including TVs, video and audio systems, computers, and chargers (for cell-

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phones and other electronic equipment) can make a considerable difference to energy


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2-Conducting a Situation Analysis:-

SWOT Analysis of Reliance Communication


 Mobile Communications Arm of a Large, Well-Funded, Well-Connected and

Ambitious Indian Conglomerate

 Economies of Scale From Large Subscriber Base

 Expertise in a Business Model That Allows It to Maintain High Profitability From

Lower-Yielding Subscribers

 Cost Structure Disadvantage With Subscribers Spread Across Two Different Mobile
 Low ARPU Compared With Competitors
 Weakness in Rural Markets
 Brand Positioning

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 Limited Availability of Value-Added Services


 Aggressive Move Into the Rural Market

 Use Upcoming Mobile Number Portability as "Launching Pad" to Grab Market Share
of Higher ARPU Users — and Ramp Up Focus on Data Revenue
 Overseas Investments
 Lease Spare Capacity on Its CDMA Network to Mobile Virtual Network Operators


 Quicker Than Expected Slowing of Growth in the Indian Marketplace

 Mobile Number Portability Risks Accelerating Churn of Subscribers From CDMA to


 New Competitors

3-Select Target Markets:-

Our Target Segment:-

1- Industries

2- Common People

3- Metro Cities

4- Government

5- Society

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6- Paper and Wood Industries

4-Set Objective and Goal:-

Social Marketing plan always include a behavior objective – something we want to influence
the target market to do. It may be something we want our target audience to accept
(Example. Start Plantation) reject (Example: Carbon Emission) and modify
(Example- Minimize the wastage of Papers) or Abandon (Example: - Cutting trees) .Often
market needs to know or believe in order to be motivated to act knowledge Objective include
information of fact we want the market to be aware of (Example:- Earth surface temperature
is likely to rise a further 1.1 to 6.4 °C (2.0 to 11.5 °F) during the 21st century)-ones that might
make them more willing to perform the desired behavior ( Example- Switching off TVs,
computers, lights, etc. that are not being used and unplugging electronic items after use).
Belief Objective relates more to feeling and attitude. A normal people should know the
Excess use of home appliances like TV, Refrigerator and AC are Harmful for Environment
But may believe that using it limited in a day won’t make “that much difference”.

This is also the point in the marketing plan where we establish quantifiable measures (goals
relative to our objectives. Ideally goal are established for behavior objective as well as any
knowledge and belief objective-ones that are specific , measurable , attainable , relevant and
time sensitive (SMART).You should recognize that what you determine here will guide your
subsequent decision regarding marketing mix strategies . It will also have significant
implementation for budgets and will provide clear direction for evaluation measures later in
the planning process.


General Objective - “To Make a Pollution Free Environment”

Specific Objective-

 To Cut a 50% Carbon Emission By 2030

 To increase 20% Forest Area By 2020.

5-Identify the competition and Target Market Barriers and Motivators

Competition and Target market Barriers:-

1. Paper Industries- Paper industries are the big competitor for our marketing campaign
because they are producing more and more papers with economy of scale to maximize
their profit and market share.

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2. Government- Govt. is also a big competitor for our market campaign because Govt.
is encouraging the industrialization and urbanization to Development of Economy.
And Govt. is not making any strict rules and regulation against Global Warming
because it will effect in development of Economy.

3. Increase in Per Capita Income – Our country are growing at very fast rate from
which the per capita income of individuals are increasing continuously and their living
standard is increasing and they are using Car, TV , Heater, computer , refrigerator, AC
and Other electronic Item. From which the emission of green house gases are
increasing at very high rate.

4. Publication House

5. Soft Drink Industries

6. Transportation

7. Cold Houses


1- Government

2- International Bodies

3- Common Public being Conscious about Global Warming

4- Big Organizations are working toward to minimize the global warming

5- Society are Becoming aware about Global Warming

6-Craft a Desired Positioning

In Belief a positioning statement describes how want your target audience to see the behavior
you want them to act-relative to competing behavior.
We want that common people and industries to minimize carbon emission and contribute
truly to stop a global warming.

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7- Develop a Strategic Marketing Mix (4ps)
This section of plan describes our product, price, place and promotional strategies.
It is blend of these element that constitutes our marketing mix, also thought of as the
determinants (independent variable) used to influence behaviors (the dependent variable). Be
sure to present the marketing mix in the sequence that follows, beginning with the product
and ending with a promotional strategy. After the entire promotional tool is the one you count
on to ensure that target markets know about your product, its price, and how to access it.
These decisions obviously then need to be made prior to promotional planning.
4 Ps
1- Product
2- Price
3- Place
4- Promotion
A-Core Product:-The core product consists of benefits the target audience values that they
believe they will highlight. Your list of motivators and positioning statement is a great
resource for developing this component of the product platform.
Example of Core Product-
1- Safe Environment if they will minimize carbon emission

2- Good Health if they will do plantation

3- Saving of money if they will switch off the power after uses

B-Actual Product: - Actual product describes the desired behavior, usually in more specific
Examples of Actual Product:-
1- Stop carbon emission
2- Stop cutting of trees
3- Plant a tree
4- Switch off the power after uses
5- Minimize the use of soft drinks
6- Use Public Transport for traveling

C-Augmented Product: - Augmented Product refers to any additional tangible objects

and/or services that you will include in your offer or that will be promoted to the target

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Examples of Augmented Product:-
1- Use CFL bulbs
2- Use Traditional soft drink
3- Less Uses of Papers
4- Bring Bags, when you will go to market to purchase a foods or vegetables.


Here the Program Related cost are following

1- Physical effort
2- Reward and incentive
3- Monetary Benefit
4- Fine for Carbon Emission
5- Carbon Credit
3-Place-In social marketing, place is primarily where and when the target market will
perform the desired behavior and/or acquire any campaign-related tangible objective
Places for our Social Marketing Campaign
1- Society
2- Commercial Places
3- Factory Area
4- Common People
5- Metros
4-Promotion- In this section, you will describe persuasive communication strategies,
covering decision related to key messages (What we want to communicate).
Key Message for Our Social Marketing Campaign
1- Stop Global Warming
2- Bad Effect of Global Warming
3- Plant a Tree
4- Minimize Carbon Emission
5- Make less use of Papers and Plastic
6- Use Public Transport for travelling

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7- Make aware about Global Marketing

Messenger (Who Deliver Our Message)

1- Actors
2- Players
3- Ministers
4- Sponsor(Anil Dhirubhai Ambani )
5- Partners
Communication Channels
1- Television
2- Roadway Sign
3- Radio
4- Publicity
5- Videos
6- Special Event
7- Internet
8- Through SMS

8-Outline A Plan for Monitoring and Evaluation

Our Evaluation plan outlines what measure will be used to evaluate the success of our effort
and how and when these measurements will be taken. It is derive after first clarifying the
purpose and referring back to objective that were established for the campaign-the desired
levels of changes in behavior, knowledge, and beliefs established in step 4.
Measure Typically Fall into one of three categories:
Output Measures- Campaign Activity
Outcome Measures- Target Market Responses and Changes in knowledge, belief and
Impact Measures- Contribution to the plan purpose such as stop Carbon Emission

9-Establish Budget and Find Funding Sources

On the basis of draft product and features, price incentives, distribution channels, proposed
promotion and the evaluation plan, funding requirement will be summarized and compared
with available and potential funding sources. Outcomes at this step may necessitate revisions
of strategies, target audience, and objective or the need to secure additional funding source

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.Only a final budget is presented in this section delineating secured funding sources and
reflecting any contribution from partners.
Major Cost Will be Associated with Advertising – Television, Radio, and Special Events
Major Sources of Fund- Reliance Communication, Reliance Group, and Their Partners

10-Complete an Implementation Plan

The plan is wrapped up with a document that specifies who will do what, when and for how
much. It transforms the heretofore marketing plan “the real marketing plan” as it provides a
clear picture of marketing activities (output).responsibilities, time frames, and budgets.
Typically detailed activities are provided for the first year of a campaign .with broader
reference for subsequent year.
Three phases are identify for our social marketing plan for 5-year.
1-First and Second year- Effort are concerned on creating awareness about Global warming.
2-Third and Fourth Year-Sustain this effort as well as add element that are key for belief
and behavior change.
3-Fifth Year- Evaluation of effort weather our actual result match with Desired Result.

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