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Time Activity Person-in-charge Details and Spiels

12:00-1:00 a.m. -Ingress Technical – Zildjan Chavez -to play stand-by music, teaser video, AVPs
(12:30-1:00 -House Rules (Christine Joy Dela Cruz) -Good morning OLOPSCians. Here are few gentle reminders before, during and after the
pm) -Messages -Anchor Host conduct of the event. (pause – 3 sec.)
about Academic -Please keep your microphone muted, your camera turned off as you
Competitiveness (Zildjan – to put soft enter the meet. (pause – 3 sec.)
background music/score) -During the contest proper, it is expected that we all cooperate by attentively listening to the
quiz masters. No audience interruption shall be allowed. (pause – 3 sec)
-You may utilize the “chat box” should you wish to clarify event-related
details. (pause – 3 sec)
-We are about to start in a few minutes. Thank you.
(Spiels) (Christine Joy Dela Cruz) -We shall open our event this morning with an invocation to be lead by Sister Lanilyn Sarah
1:00-1:05 pm Solano.
(1:05-1:10 pm) Invocation Sr. Lanilyn Sarah Solano This will be followed by the singing of the Philippine National Anthem and the OLOPSC Hymn
Technical – Zildjan Chavez (ZJ – to play AVP – pre-recorded prayer, PNA and OLOPSC Hymn)
(Spiels) (Christine Joy Dela Cruz) -To give us the welcome remarks, here is the Dean of the College Department,
1:10-1:15 pm Welcome Dr. Aleth G. Reyes
Remarks Dr. Aleth G. Reyes, Dean (Dr. Aleth G. Reyes – to give the welcome remarks)
(Spiels) (Christine Joy Dela Cruz) -And now to give us an inspirational thought about student participation and engagement in
1:15-1:20 pm Message to extracurricular activities, here is our Coordinator for Student Affairs, Professor Katherine E.
Students Katherine E. Morales Morales.
-CSA/ SC Adviser (M. Katie Morales to give her message to students about participation and engagement in
extracurricular activities) – pre-recorded
1:20-1:25 pm Objectives & (Mary Ofalyn Dalida)
Guidelines Technical – Zildjan Chavez (AVP – pre-recorded objectives and guidelines by Mary Ofalyn Dalida)
1:25-1:30 pm Contest (Jessa Bergatin)
Mechanics Technical – Zildjan Chavez ( AVP – pre-recorded contest mechanics by Jessa Bergatin)
1:30-1:35 pm Message Rex A. Banquito
(SC President) Technical – Zildjan Chavez ( AVP – pre-recorded message of Rex Banquito)
(Spiels) (Christine Joy Dela Cruz) -To formally introduce the contenders for this event, here is the Program Director for
Ramon P. Denoso, PD Education and Liberal Arts, Professor Ramon P. Denoso
1:35-1:40 pm Introduction of Technical – Zildjan Chavez (Prof. RPDenoso to formally introduce the contestants)
Contestants (ZJ – to flash the color banners of the teams)
Quiz Master -Good morning and welcome contestants to the EASY ROUND. We shall have 5 questions
1:40-2:05 EASY ROUND (PAUL JASON PANTE) with 2 points each, for a total of 10 points. Good luck teams.
Technical – Zildjan Chavez (ZJ – to flash the questions & answers for the EASY ROUND)
Recap – (sample spiel) -Here’s an INITIAL RECAP of the scores of the competing teams.
(Recap) Katrina Mae Sabangan -Green Team with _____ points, - 10
(Technical – ZJ to flash the -Yellow Team with _____ points, - 8
score sheet) -Blue Team with _____ points, and – 6
-Red Team with _____ points – 4
-For this round it is the Green_______ TEAM who is taking the lead.
-The quest has just begun; we shall now proceed to the next round.
2:05-2:10 pm *Intermission Jeremy Lanac (BSBA) Song number
BEE 2021 – the Sequel (April 22, 2021, 12-3:35pm)

Quiz Master -Good morning and welcome contestants to the AVERAGE ROUND. We shall have 9
AVERAGE (MARIELLE DUMDUM) questions with 3 points each for a total of 27 points. Good luck teams.
2:10-2:35 pm ROUND Technical – Zildjan Chavez (ZJ – to flash the questions and answers for the AVERAGE ROUND)
Here’s an UPDATE of the scores of the competing teams for the Average Round.
(Recap) Recap – (sample spiel) -Green Team earned 21 _____ points; total group points now is _______ 31
Katrina Mae Sabangan -Yellow Team earned 15_____ points; total group points now is _______ 23
( Technical – ZJ to flash the -Blue Team earned 12 _____ points, total group points now is _______ 18
score sheet) -Red Team earned 9_____ points; total group points now is _______ 13
-For this round it is the GREEN_______ TEAM who is taking the lead.
-We have one more round to go. Good luck teams!
2:35-2:40 pm *Intermission Judy Mae Panganiban Song number
Quiz Master -Good morning and welcome contestants to the last round - the CLINCHER ROUND.
2:40-3:05 pm CLINCHER (KATIE MORALES) We shall have 7 questions with 5 points for a total of 35 points. Good luck teams.
ROUND Technical – Zildjan Chavez (ZJ – to flash the questions and answers for the CLINCHER ROUND)
3:05-3:25 pm (as the need arises) TIE BREAK SESSION WITH PROF. RAMON P. DENOSO
*Intermission Christel Mae Nicomedes Song number
*Intermission Nich Hustaya (BSTM) Dance number
Lenilyn Monsalud (BSTM)
Recap – (sample spiel) Here’s a FINAL RECAP of the scores of the competing teams.
(Recap) Katrina Mae Sabangan -Green Team – previous score is 31/15_____ points; final score is _____46/72
-Yellow Team – previous score is 23/20_____ points; final score is ____43/72
(Technical – ZJ to flash the -Blue Team – previous score is 18/35_____ points, final score is _____53/72
score sheet) -Red Team – previous score is 13/31_____ points; final score is _____44/72
(with quick transition of presenter for the announcement of winners)
(with transition slide) With such great honor, allow me to present to you the winners of this year’s event –
Announcement of Rex A. Banquito, BEE 2021 – the Sequel
Winners Student Council President
3:05-3:25 Awarding (Technical – ZJ to flash the 3rd runner – up : congratulations, Yellow Team
banners and certificates 2nd runner – up : congratulations, Red Team
according to order of 1st runner – up : congratulations, Green Team
winning) -And, this year’s CHAMPION in the CEA BEE 2021 Event, congratulations - Blue Team!
(Technical – ZJ to put
upbeat/live music -You all have done your best to make this event successful. We are all WINNERS for we
background during the have made this possible. Once again, congratulations, Thank you and God bless us all.
----------o------------ ---------------o--------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------o------------------------------------------------
Before we conclude our event for today, we would like to thank all the students from all
Acknowledgments Christine Joy Dela Cruz the Programs –for their attendance and participation; our Dean, Dr. Aleth G. Reyes,
(Anchor Host ) our CSA & Student Council Adviser, Professor Katherine Morales; the Program Directors;
our dear Professors, the College Student Council; the Technical & Creative Team – thank
you all so much for making this event successful. Despite the challenges of our present
situation, we still manage to uphold continuity in learning and academic competitiveness.

(Spiel) (Christine Joy Dela Cruz) -Cooperation, collaboration, commitment and unity are values we are so thankful for. To
3:25-3:30 Closing Prayer Junessa Jorie Marantal lead us to a closing prayer, here is Junessa Jorie Marantal.
Technical – Zildjan Chavez (ZJ – to play AVP – pre-recorded closing prayer)
Technical – Zildjan Chavez (ZJ – pre-recorded: Reasons Why We Need to Evaluate an Event)
Event Evaluation to flash a reminder re: (Certificates will be issued upon accomplishment of the EVALUATION FORMS)
Photo OP evaluation of the event (ZJ to share the link of the EVALUATION FORM) – via chat box
3:30-3:35 Wrap Up (ASAP) (ZJ – to show a sample digital Certificate of Participation)
Egress Technical Team to take
screen shots

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