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● Convert binary number into decimal number

Ans.the binary number system is a base-2 system which means it only has two numbers
(0 & 1) instead of the decimal Numbers system which has 10 numbers (0 through 9) start
with the last digit in 101010001 on the right side and then work to left
That is all their is to it.Here is the answer to 101010001 binary to decimal is 337.
● What is network topology, describe any 4 of them?
Geometric representation of how the computer are connected to each other is known as
topology.many type of networks attached with each others is called network topology.

Three types of network topology is.

1. Mash topology
2. Star topology
3. Bus topology
4. Ring topology
5. Hybrid topology
Mash topology.

In mash topology each device is connected to every other device on the network through a
dedicated point to point link.amount of wires required to each system is tedious and headache.

Star topology.

In star topology each device in the network is connected to a central device called hub.unlike
mesh topology, star topology does not allow direct communication between devices,a device
must have to communicate through hub.

Bus topology.

In bus topology there is main cable and all devices are connected to this main cable through
drop lines.There is device called tap that connects the drop line to the main cable.Since all the
data is transmitted over the main cable, there is a limit of drop lines and the distance a main
cable can have.
Ring topology.

In ring topology each device is connected with the two devices on either side of it.There are two
dedicated point to point links a device has with the devices on the either side of it.this structure
forms a ring thus it is known as ring topology.

Hybrid topology.

A combination of two or more topology is known as hybrid topology.

● What is register and how it effact the processing the speed?

Register are a type of computer memory used to quickly accept, store,and transfer
data and instructions that are being used immediately by the cpu

There exist a number of factors that affect the processing speed of a computer or
● Register
● System clock
● Buses
● Cache memory
● Core count

A register is a high speed memory inside a cpu.
CPU contain number of registers The data and instructions are stored by register while
the CPU processes them.the amount of data with which the computer can work at one
time is determined by the size of registers.this is also named word size.
The register capacity is in bytes.A register can be of one,two,four,or eight bytes.
Computer with 32 bit register mean the CPU can process four bytes of data at one
time.The bigger size of the register increase the performance of computer.

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