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A Case Study Presented to

The Faculty of Senior High School
Batangas National High School
Batangas City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In Research I

Submitted by:
Andal Jane Paula S.
Damance, Khey Ann-Mae M.
Flandez, Red Edrei D.
Patron, Richina Faith M.
Dolojan, Lian Garn L.

Ms. Anna Maria O. Cueto

Research I Adviser

July 2021

This is to certify that our study and work entitled, "DIFFICULTIES OF MODULAR


NATIONAL HIGHSCHOOL” is originally made by the Group 6 of Stem 2 on the subject of

Practical Research 1. This study does not contain any published and/or written material made by

other people, according to the extent of our knowledge.

This study is the result of our combined efforts, though we had to seek help with the

expressions, style, and presentation.

Damance, Khey Ann Mae M.

Andal, Jane Paula S.

. Flandez, Red Edrei D.

Patron, Richina Faith M.

Dolojan, Lian Garn L.

JULY 2021

Anna Maria O. Cueto

Research Adviser

We, the researchers, would like to extend our greatest gratitude to all the individuals

whom have contributed and participated in our endeavors to make the success of this study

possible. We especially thank Ms. Anna Maria Cueto, our research adviser who gave the

opportunity for us to execute this research project and who’ve guided us right from the start with

her knowledge and experience regarding the effective execution of a research study.

We would also like to mention the active participation of the Grade 11 students of

Batangas National High School, who showed their outmost interest and courtesy in providing

their thoughts and answers to our questionnaires regarding our study.

To the researchers’ family, friends, and other relatives who never failed to show their

support in any terms, knowledge, moral, and even financial support; we would like to express

our appreciation and gratitude, you’ve indebted us in kindness.

Most of all, to the Almighty God, for His wisdom and guidance we received throughout

the entire time in which we spent in making this study. The success of this study would not be

possible without His omniscient presence and abundant blessing.



CHAPTER I: The Problem and its Background

Introduction 2

Conceptual Framework 4

Statement of the Problem 5

Scope and Limitations

Significance of the Study 7

Definition of Terms 8

CHAPTER II: Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literatures and Studies 9

Synthesis 12

CHAPTER III: Research Methodology

Research Design 13

Research Locale 14

Selection of the Study 14

Research Instrument 14

Data Collection Procedure 15

Data Analysis 16

CHAPTER IV: Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data


CHAPTER V: Summary of Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendations

Summary of Findings









“No country can achieve economic development without substantial investment in human

capital.” (Ozturk, 2001). Every aspiring student has a right to acquire a quality education, and it

is the government's role to provide this as means to secure the economic development of its

country. However, because of the drastic changes brought to us by the COVID 19 pandemic,

education has curved away from its original state and is now something difficult for teachers and

students alike.

Back on the 11th of March 2020, it became official to the world that the Coronavirus

disease 2019 (COVID 19) is a global pandemic. And as soon as we know it, the world entered a

global stand-still: countries implemented lockdowns, families are forced to quarantine,

economies temporarily froze, workers suddenly lose jobs, and face-to-face interactions and

social gatherings have been restricted. Education has been one of the aspects of society that is

greatly affected by this, mainly because our conventional learning delivery is centered upon the

dynamic interactions of the teacher with their students and vice versa; this learning environment

is not recommendable today, for the reason that the Coronavirus spreads alarmingly through

face-to-face interactions.

In the Philippines, the president has already disapproved the Department of Education

(DepEd) to continue the traditional face-to-face classes and at one point even encouraged

students to distract themselves with games and chores as long as they wouldn’t risk going

outside of their houses, but that wouldn’t last forever. Sooner or later, the Philippines must catch

up with other countries that continued with their academic programs amidst the pandemic.

As a response, the Department of Education had to resort in implementing Distance

Learning— a learning delivery modality where learning takes place between the teacher and the

learners who are geographically remote from each other during instruction—, which has three

types: Modular Distance Learning (MDL), Online Distance Learning (ODL), and TV/Radio-

Based Instruction. (Llego, 2020)

Modular Distance Learning is particularly the modality used by public schools, which

features individualized instruction that allows learners to use self-learning modules (SLM’s),

either printed or in digital format/electronic copy (Malaya, 2020).

And in Batangas National High School, this modality is currently the learning delivery

even for the newly added Grade 11 students. However, modular learning fails to take into

account the possible difficulties and disadvantages that students may encounter; this, in turn,

affects the quality of education, the learning experience, and the growth of the students as they

prepare themselves for their independent lives. According to Estrada (2021), there are a lot more

challenges concerning modular learning, but these are the most prevalent: both the students and

the teachers are at a disadvantage.

And for this reason, the student-researchers from Grade 11 of Batangas National High

School have conducted this case study research to address the difficulties encountered by the

students in the modular modality of said school and to provide a research write-upthat can help

solve and/or overcome them.


Conceptual Framework


 Difficulties of  Self-completion  Research write-up
Modular Learning. Surveys through to Suggest
online Practical I
 Effects of these
questionnaires Mitigations against
Difficulties in
on the Difficulties
Students.  Participant
of Modular
 Roles of the Learning.
Stakeholders of  In-depth Analysis

Figure 1: Research Paradigm

The first box represents the desired data to be collected for analysis and presentation. The

following are the expected information to be collected: the difficulties of modular learning, the

effects of these difficulties on students, and the roles of the stakeholders of education in students’

endeavors while facing the challenges of the modular instruction. The processes involved include

surveys for data gathering, the participant observation of the researchers, and an in-depth

analysis of the problem at hand. Once processed, a research write is formulated according for the

most desirable situations for the parties involved, especially for the students and teachers who

are greatly affected.


Statement of the Problem

The study’s primary goal is to identify the difficulties of modular learning encountered

by students of the present day, particularly the students in the 11 th grade of Batangas National

High School of the school year 2020-2021, in efforts to create a theoretical prediction of how

these difficulties would translate in the personal lives of the students and the country's future

development. But to be specific, the study would primarily focus on the following questions:

1. What are these difficulties faced by students, and why does it matter to address these

difficulties regarding Modular Learning?

2. How do these difficulties affect their performance in their school activities and their

personal lives in general?

3. If these difficulties are adversely affecting their wellbeing, then what are the ways that

can help avoid or at least mitigate these effects?

4. What are the roles of the stakeholders of education (i.e., DepEd, teachers, & parents) in

the lives of students as they continue facing these difficulties in Modular Learning if any


Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study is highly exclusive to the Grade 11 students of Batangas National High School

in the school year 2020-2021. This study does not directly account for other Grade 11 students

outside the school of the same year; other schools in Batangas City; other school years of Grade

11 students; and for other Grade levels in and out of the school that also have Modular Learning

as their learning delivery modality. The study is also limited to Modular Learning; other types of

Distance Learning such as online distance learning, and T.V/radio-based instruction, will not be

accounted for in this study.

The selection of respondents is limited since there are a lot of students in each section of

Grade 11. The study would only take a maximum of 5 respondents from each strand (i.e., STEM,

ABM, & HUMSS), with an expected total of 15 respondents.

The study is designed to create a comprehensive overview of Modular Learning and the

difficulties students encounter. Therefore, it is expected that the primary sources include the

thoughts and opinions of the selected students through data collection (i.e., surveys,

questionnaires, and interviews). Other primary sources may come from the available

stakeholders of education that the researchers can accessibly reach. The study will also include

secondary sources like related literature and studies, most of which are accessed online, that the

researchers have validated and reviewed to gain extensive insight and reference about the

selected topic.

Significance of the Study

This will grant an overview on how students operate in modular learning and how it can

affect their studies in their career for independence; therefore, the list of individuals that might

benefit from this study is as follows:

To the Students

The overview would acknowledge the present difficulties that they encountered during

Modular Learning in hopes that it would be resolved either by their efforts or by other

stakeholders concerned about their education;


The study would present ideas to help them create an adaptive learning process for their

students that experience difficulties with Modular Learning.

Parents or Guardian

The study would address the difficulties to help them better guide their child/children

during their schooling hours.

Department of Education

It should come to their concerns that the students face these adversities because they are

in authority to deliver quality education to the citizens of the country.

Future Researchers

The study would be a source or foundation for their related research topic, providing a

basis of analysis and a conductible study for their purposes.


Definition of Terms

For a better understanding of this study, the following terms are defined operationally:

Academic Performance – It is defined as the student’s assessment or their level of

performance in written works, exam and other tasks that are given to them by their teachers. In

this study, it is an aspect that is being affected by the different struggles faced by students during

modular distance learning.

Difficulties - It refers to something that hinders you or causes you to have to face

challenges, or the state or condition of being challenged or having a hard time. In this study, it

was defined as something that make it difficult or hard for the students to undergo modular

distance learning effectively.

Strategies for Improvement – It refers to the ways and strategies how people make

something better. In this study, the strategies used by the students to face the challenges they’re

facing and make distance learning more effective were analyzed.

Mitigate – It is the process or result of making something less severe, dangerous, painful,

harsh, or damaging. The ways on how to mitigate the negative effects of modular distance

learning to the academic performance of the students were discussed.

Modular Distance Learning – It is an individualized instruction that allows learners to

use self-learning modules (SLMs) in print or digital format/electronic copy. In this study, it is

used as the learning modality used by students, teachers and government to continue education

despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

Perception – It is the act or faculty of perceiving, or apprehending by means of the

senses or of the mind. In this study, the perception of the students regarding the effectiveness of

modular distance learning as learning modality was observed.


Stakeholders of Education – It refers to anyone who is invested in the welfare and

success of a school and its students, including administrators, teachers, staff members, students,

parents, families, community members, local business leaders, and elected officials such as

school board members, city councilors, and state representatives. In this study, the ways how the

stakeholders of education can help the students to overcome the difficulties they’re facing during

modular distance learning.




This chapter focuses on the related literature and studies that the researchers have

analyzed to gain in-depth information about modular learning, internationally and locally.

Understanding the nature of modular learning would help pinpoint the shortcomings of the

country's implementation of Modular Distance Learning and the difficulties it brings to the


Related Literature

Modular Instruction

Modular instruction was first introduced by American educators. It is described by John

L. Hughes (2000, as cited in Yazon, 2018) as an individualized instruction that provides bases

for close interaction between the learners and the subject matter. With the modules, the learners

are expected to respond frequently in the interaction with an instructional program at their

learning rate.

Good (1975¸ as cited in Yazon, 2018) recognized in his researches the

“individualization‟ of the modules because learners proceed with the instructions at their own

pace. Duker (1972, as cited in Yazon, 2018) also stated that modular instructions catered to the

individual learning differences so that learners are prompted to actively participate in

determining what they need to learn. The amount and the pace of their learning must match with

their ability, motivation and interest, not in comparison with other learners.

Modular Learning in the Philippines

In the Philippines, a survey made by the Department of Education (DepEd) showed that

8.9 million parents preferred modular distance learning, where students at home would study

through self-learning modules. Parents and guardians were made to answer the DepEd's Learner

Enrolment and Survey Form last 15 July 2020. It asked them about their preferred alternative

learning mode, and sought to profile the enrolee’s readiness for distance education. (Bernardo,


However, the expectations on modular learning were not accepted positively. According

to Estrada (2021), the modular learning approach is hanging by a thread, and it's not the teachers'

or the students' fault. The plan seems to be flawed from the start. With so many students,

especially in public schools, it would be hard to give each one equal and undivided attention.

Teachers also struggle to reach out to all of their students but fall short because economic and

social factors stand in their way.

Additionally, Liza Marie Campaomaor Olegario, an education psychologist, said:

“Filipinos are stuck in the traditional type of learning. That is among the errors I found [in the

education system] even when we shifted to remote learning—it’s too traditional,” (2021, as cited

in Adonis, 2021, para. 8). She also conducted a survey to assess the implementation of distance

learning in the country. Here findings concluded and found out that learning materials in the

Philippines were more teacher-centered and book-centered, as parents often believed that their

children could only truly learn when they were bombarded with more activities. (Adonis, 2021)

In an article, Erika Kristina Mortola stated: “We have found out that learners who can't

do independent learning and have illiterate parents find it difficult to grasp learning especially

that the elders that they depend upon, cannot teach them because they don't know the concepts

inside the module. This is one factor that hinders the effective implementation of modular

learning, especially if the parents don't communicate with the teacher," (2020, as cited in

Luczon, 2020, para.12).


In the same article, Lurpee Gulle who has a son in the 7 th Grade, mentioned that the

capability of the child depends on his/her relationship with the parents. “For me, I’m a srtict

mother, but i might have difficulty sharing the lessons to them on subjects that I am not familiar

or good at, such as Filipino, and also subjects that he is not interested in,” (2020, as cited in

Luczon, 2020, para.29) she added.

Whatever the description may be, there are a lot of things that are common to everyone:

 problems in access and affordability of the hardware and software to go online

reliably and sustainably;

 the logistics and health protocols for offline components of modular learning;the

redevelopment and adaptation of teaching content and materials for electronic or

digital transmission;

 lack of preparedness or comfort in new and experimental methods of teaching;

unresolved questions on monitoring, evaluation, and grading of students’ (and

teachers’) performance;

 the potentials, impact, and limiting effects of the disrupted home environment on

online learning;

 rising anxiety and mental and psychosocial challenges among teachers, students,

and parents;

 and an acknowledgment that more issues and unanticipated scenarios can only

inevitably arise as classes resume, especially where special education needs are


In any case, with little choice, administrators and officials have developed and started

experimenting with various platforms. (Asia Society Philippines, 2020)


Related Study

Advantages of Modular Distance Learning

Based on the investigation made by Sadiq & Zamir (2014) regarding the efectiveness of

modular approach in teaching at University Level, result express that modular distance learning

is more effective than the traditional face-to-face learning because in this methodology, students

learn in their own style and pace, and maximize student’s participation, motivate them and create

interest in them to learn on their own.

To support this claim, the result of the study conducted by Korolkov, et al. (2020)

showed that there are several advantages brought by the implementation of distance learning.

These advantages include personal and life convenience which helps the participants to save

money and time, and comfortable learning conditions, wherein students may learn whenever and

wherever they want, and in any way that they are most comfotable of using.

Disadvantages of Modular Distance Learning

But despite the advantages, distance learning also brought negative effects to some

students. According to the study made by Fidalgo, et al. (2020) and her team, among the three

countries including Portugal, United Arab Emirates and Ukraine, student’s major concerns about

the implementation of Distance Education (DE) courses and programs were time management,

motivation and English Language Skills. Although students were somewhat apprehensive, results

also said the many of the students who participated in the study indicated that they want to

engage in DE courses.

Main challenges faced by students during distance learning also became the center in the

study of Pe Dangle & Sumaoang (2020). According to its results, the main challenges emerged

in the implementation of modular learning includes the lack of government funding for the

production and the delivery of the printed modules, student’s inability to study lessons on their

own without the help of their teachers, and the parents’ lack of knowledge in guiding their

children while they continue struggling amidst the distance learning.

Problems of distance learning learning were also discussed in the study of Valentine

(2002). According to him, despite the visible advantages brought by distance learning to people,

there are many problems that still needed to be resolved. These problems were distinguished as

the following: the quality of instruction, hidden costs, misuse of technology, and the attitudes of

instructors, students, and administrators. And each of this problem has great effect on the quality

of education for those who undergo distance learning.

Improving The Effectiveness Of Modular Distance Learning

Regarding this issue, the study of Simui, et. al. (2017) recommended ten (10) lements that

should be considered to make an instructural materials more user-friendly and effective. This ten

elements include the following: (1) general presentation and layout of content; (2) inclusion of

objectives; (3) use of interactive language; (4) size of font and module; (5) coherence of ideas

used; (6) use of illustrations; (7) inclusion of activities; (8) the explanation of technical terms; (9)

inclusion of real life situations; (10) assessment items. It is said in the same study that once the

mentioned elements were considered and applied to the instructural materials being made, the

quality and the effectiveness of the modular distance learning would consequently improve.

As cited in an article published by Yazon (2018), distance learning is defined by John L.

Hughes as an individualized instruction that provides bases for close interaction between the

learners and the subject matter. With the modules, the learners are expected to respond

frequently in the interaction with an instructional program at their learning rate.

But there are some cases where distance learning wasn’t accepted positively. According

to Estrada (2021), the modular learning approach is hanging by a thread, and it's not the teachers'

or the students' fault. The plan seems to be flawed from the start. With so many students,

especially in public schools, it would be hard to give each one equal and undivided attention.

Teachers also struggle to reach out to all of their students but fall short because economic and

social factors stand in their way.

This was the supported by the results of different studies conducted by Fidalgo et al

(2020) and by Pe Dangle & Sumaoang(2020) which resulted for the presentation of the struggles

faced by the students who undergo distance learning. These problems include were time

management, motivation, English Language Skill, lack of government funding for the production

and the delivery of the printed modules, student’s inability to study lessons on their own without

the help of their teachers, and the parents’ lack of knowledge in guiding their children while they

continue struggling amidst the distance learning.

As cited in an article, Lurpee Gulle mentioned that during distance learning, it will be

hard for parents to guide their children, epecially in a subjects that they are not familiar with or

subjects that they are not interested in learning (2020, as cited in Luczon, 2020, para.29).

But despite the problems mentioned, advantages of distance learning were also discussed

in a study conducted by Korolkov et al. (2020). These advantages include personal and life

convenience which helps the participants to save money and time, and comfortable learning

conditions, wherein students may learn whenever and wherever they want, and in any way that

they are most comfotable of using.

According to the related literature and studies aforementioned, the prospect of modular

learning/instruction in the Philippines was not handled the way it was intended at the least. There

were a lot of inadequencies and underestimations regarding modular learning; as consequesnce,

the difficulties of modular learning faced by teachers, students, and even parents alike are now


The gathered data further pushes the need for a conceptual solution and the researchers

have awknowledged that need; therefore, the related literature and studies are essential as a basis

for contrast and comparison that should be regarded in identifying the difficulties of modular

learning and in creating a research write-upto prevent or mitigate these difficulties for the sake

and prospect of every student’s individual career.




This chapter would discuss the methods involved in conducting the study on the

difficulties of modular learning. The following in particular would be described in detail:

research design, research locale, selection of the study, research instrument, data collection

procedure, and data analysis.

Research Design

The research design is a pattern or an outline that states the conditions for data gathering

and analysis; it prioritizes on addressing the research problem so that the interpretations on the

collected data would stay relevant to the study being conducted. It also provides the structures

and procedures that the researchers used as a basis to derive with a case study approach.

The study utilized a qualitative type of research which involves the collection and

analysis of non-numerical data gathered through different data gathering techniques such as

survey, interview, observation, & etc., in order to understand opinions, perspectives, and

experiences of people regarding a certain issue (Bhandari, 2020). In addition, according to an

article published by Pathak, Jena, & Karla (2013), though the quantitative type of research is

more reliable due to its numerical methods, qualitative research is recognized for its ability to

add a new dimension to interventional studies that cannot be obtained through measurement of

variables alone.

Research Locale

The study on the difficulties of modular learning is done in the locality of Batangas

National High School, where the subjects in particular are Grade 11 students that face such

difficulties. BANAHIS is the public national high school of Batangas and it uses the modular

learning approach to meet the academic needs of its students during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Selection of the Study

The study used the simple random sampling method on the combined population of

Grade 11 strands: STEM, HUMMS, and ABM. The participants were randomly selected by the

researchers, with exceptions on a number of participants selected due to convenience. The

participants, to some degree, have experienced at least one difficulty in the modular approach of

learning, difficulties that may have affected their academic performance and their lifestyle. As an

addendum, the study aims to address these struggles and difficulties in hopes to create a research

write-up to better overcome them.

Research Instrument

The following instruments were used by the researchers in gathering data:

1. Informed consent was used to seek approval of the respondents who participated in

the study. Informed consent serves to guarantee the rights of the respondents,

including the confidentiality of the information they submitted after answering the

interview questions made by the researchers.

2. Pre-Qualifying Forms (PQF) were used by the researchers to determine if the

participants can legally qualify according to the standards of the research problem.

3. Interview questionnaires were utilized to gather the information from the participants

regarding the difficulties experienced by the Grade 11 students. These interview

questions were made and studied by the researchers themselves in a way that it would

suffice them of the necessary data to address and answer the research problems.

4. Aide Memoir contains the list of questions used to help the respondents in explaining

the difficulties which they encountered in modular distance learning. Aide Memoir

serves as a complete guide for the interview. The researchers must explain its parts,

and how the instrument will be validated.

Data Collection Procedure

The researchers interviewed 5 students from each strand of Grade 11 in Batangas

National High School— STEM, ABM, and HUMSS—, with a total number of 15 student

participants. The PQF was used in legally qualifying the participants for the study. The PQF

includes inquiry for their basic background information, anything beyond is not included due to

sensibilities and privacy. After choosing the participant, the researchers present them the

informed consent, in which states their right to decline if they are uncomfortable with the issue

presented in the study; the confidentiality of the data and personal information that they

disclosed during the study; and also the contact information of the researchers.

Google forms were used to facilitate the interview, while the interview questions were

sent through Messenger for those participants who find it difficult to answer via Google Forms.

Data Analysis

The data needed to execute the purpose of this study were acquired through interview.

The responses were tabulated and were subjected for analysis.


Campuslabs (2020) presented a 5-step process in analyzing data in qualitative data

analysis. The researchers have used this step-by-step process as a basis in analyzing the acquired

data from the interviews conducted. The following steps are as follows:

1. PREPARE AND ORGANIZE YOUR DATA. Organizing the raw data acquired is a

necessary process that saves time and catalogues the data presentably. This can be

achieved by providing hard copies of the data (Campuslabs, 2020); however, this method

is costly for the researchers, so they organized the data in digital form.

2. REVIEW AND EXPLORE THE DATA. This process is involves the interpretation of

the data, which requires comprehensive and excessive reading of the data while keeping

notes, thoughts, ideas, and questions along the way.

3. CREATE INITIAL CODES. Highlight key points or ideas in the collected data that are

relevant. This can be done by using highlighters, notes in the margins, sticky pads,

concept maps, or anything else that helps you to connect with your data (Campuslabs,

2020), but the researchers found this inapplicable in their situation; however, the concept

is useful even in digital applications.


highlighted ideas and catalogue them into themes. Look for “recurring themes, language,

opinions, and beliefs” (Campuslabs, 2020). This way the researchers can have a

panoramic view of related and reoccurring data.

5. PRESENT THEMES IN A COHESIVE MANNER. This involves the consideration on

contents that the researchers should include to present the data in the best way possible.



This chapter covers the presentation, analysis, and discussion of the data collected by the

researchers from the Grade 11 participant from Batangas National High School based on the

sequence of the statement of the purpose of the research.


The result of the analysis on the series of interviews with the total of 15 participants are

in the emergence of four master themes:

 Difficulties faced by the Grade 11 students during modular distance learning

 Effects of these difficulties to their academic performance

 Ways to avoid or mitigate these effects

 Ways on how stakeholders of education may help the students

Exploration of these master themes and their constituent superordinate themes formed the

basis of this chapter, with each theme illustrated by verbatim extracts from the interviews.

These themes were recognized as one possible account for the experiences of Grade 11

students from Batangas National High School during modular distance learning. They do not

include all aspect of the participant’s experiences and opinions, and were selected based on their

relevant to the research questions. These themes were common to the 15 students; however, there

are all areas in which they differ from each other.

The verbatim extracts as presented have some minor changes to improve readability.

Missing, unnecessary or irrelevant materials are indicated by dotted lines (…). Dotted

lines at the beginning or at the end of an extract indicate that the participant was talking before or

after the extract. All identifying information has been changed or removed, and pseudonyms

were used in substitute for their names to ensure the anonymity of the participants.

Table 4.1: Master Themes and Related Subordinate Themes


Time Management


Struggles in terms of self-study

Struggles faced by the Grade 11 students
Slow/no internet access
during modular distance learning

Not enough resources

Not enough sleep



Positive effects
Effects of these difficulties to their academic
Negative Effects
No Effect

Ways to avoid or mitigate these effects Proper Time Management

Always take a rest and don’t overwork

Set priorities correctly

Seek help from others


Think positive

Focus and be determined

Immediate announcement of retrieval

Provide complete learning materials

Ways on how stakeholders of education may
help the students
Give enough time

Lessen the activities

Daily check the well-being of the students

First, for the first qualitative question: What are these difficulties faced by students

during modular distance learning?

Table 4.2: Difficulties faced by students during modular distance learning

Struggles faced by the Grade 11 students during modular distance learning

Subordinate Themes Key Words


“… answering my module and doing household chores at the

same time”

“… having a hard time balancing my time for household chores

and studying …”

“… difficulty in time management …”

Time Management

"... hard time dealing with my in-line schedule.”

“… time management because I suck at managing my time. I also

have problems with concentrations”

“time management …”

“excessive stress…”
“… mental health being affected and such”

“… difficulty in self-study…”

“… misunderstand lessons”

“It's hard for me to understand the lesson because the thing that
Struggles in terms of we can only do is to study with ourselves and with the help of
self-study YouTube”

“... can be difficult to learn along with the challenging activities

that often get stacked up.”

“No physical interaction with the teachers …”

“… distractions due to noisy environment”

Distractions and
concentration “… problems with concentrations”

Slow/no internet access “… low internet access…”


“Poor internet connection”

“… poor internet connection …”

“Lack of resources like gadgets, modules and information …”

Not enough resources
“… the lack of resources in which can help provide information
for a better and deeper understanding”
“… sleeping late and messed up body clock”
Not enough sleep “… lack of sleep …”

“… lack of … and time to answer all module”

Nothing “Nothing”

4.2 Difficulties faced by students during modular distance learning

The purpose of this master theme is to discuss the difficulties or the struggles faced by

the chosen Grade 11 students from BNHS during the modular distance learning.

4.21 Time Management

According to some of the Grade 11 students who participated in the interview, time

management is one of the major problems they’ve encountered during modular learning as they


“… answering my module and doing household chores at the same time.”

“… having a hard time balancing my time for household chores and studying …”

“… difficulty in time management …”

"... hard time dealing with my in-line schedule.”


“… time management because I suck at managing my time. I also have problems with

“time management …”

And most of them are having a hard time dividing their time in doing school works,

doing household chores and doing something for entertainment.

4.22 Stress

Two out of fifteen participant said that stress is also one of the problems that they are

facing during modular learning. They show it as they answer the interview as:

“excessive stress…”

“… mental health being affected and such”

According to them, they experience mental issues like stress every day, especially

when they have bunch school activities to do.

4.23 Struggles in terms of self-study

Modular distance learning is the learning modality used nowadays that let students study

on their own, with the help of the printed modules only and sometimes access to the internet.

And this situation is considered as a problem by some of the respondents as they say:

“… difficulty in self-study…”

“… misunderstand lessons.”

“It's hard for me to understand the lesson because the thing that we can only do is to

study with ourselves and with the help of YouTube.”

For them, modular learning is not that effective for those students who find it hard

studying on their own and is not an easy learner just like them.

4.24 Distractions and concentration


Learning environment is an important factor of the learning process of every student. So,

each of them needs a place away from any distractions in order for them to concentrate more on

studying. But some of them don’t have this kind of learning environment as they say:

“… distractions due to noisy environment”

“… problems with concentrations”

These students usually find it hard to concentrate due to all the distractions that they have

in their working place.

4.25 Slow/no internet access

Having a slow or worst, completely no access to the internet is also one of the problems

the students usually encounter during modular learning as they state:

“… low internet access…”

“Poor internet connection”

“… poor internet connection …”

Many of the students usually gather additional information from the internet especially

when the information on the printed or digitalized modules are not enough for them to fully

understand the lesson, so having no or slow internet connection is really a problem for them.

4.26 Not enough resources

Information nowadays can be acquired easily through different technological sources like

internet. But not having those sources is a major problem, according to the participants as they


“Lack of resources like gadgets, modules and information …”

“… the lack of resources in which can help provide information for a better and deeper


And having not enough sources of this information may cause negative impacts to the

academic performance of the students during modular learning.

4.27 Not enough sleep

According to some participants, they usually sleep late now that they are under modular

learning. This caused them to have not enough sleep or for their body clock to be messed up as

they say:

“… sleeping late and messed up body clock.”

“… lack of sleep …”

According to Ritcher (2015) of the Stanford Medicine, sleep deprivation increases the

likelihood teens will suffer myriad negative consequences, including an inability to concentrate,

poor grades, drowsy-driving incidents, anxiety, depression, thoughts of suicide and even suicide


4.28 Deadline

Some of the participant also mentioned that deadline is also one of the problems that they

encounter as they continue to undergo modular distance learning as they say:


“… lack of … and time to answer all module.”

According to them, the deadline of the submission and the amount of the workload given

to them is not accurate to the point that they sometimes pass their activities late or incomplete.

4.29 Nothing

Despite all the problems mentioned, a participant is not having any problems regarding

the modular distance learning at all as he/she state:


This only means that despite the changes brought by the COVID-19 pandemic to the

people especially in the aspect of education, there are still some students who does not

experience any problem under this new normal mode of learning.

For the second qualitative question: How do these difficulties affect their performance

in their school activities?

Table 4.3: Impacts of these difficulties to their academic performance

Effects of these difficulties to their academic performance

Subordinate Themes Key Words

“I learned how to work faster so I could meet

the deadlines”
Positive effects
“It's helps me to study on my own and
improve my learning skills”

Negative Effects “… lower remarks and so times I didn’t pass

my modules on time”

“… I always end up doing and passing my

modules late”

“... makes me perform poorly.”

“... can no longer pass my activities on time.”

“I can't search more about our topic”

“… stresses and pressures me up”

“… not correctly answering the modules”


“I'm a bit hesitant if my answers are correct

resulting to a lack of confidence.”


“… I am still having a high grades”

No Effect “My academic performance is still good …”

“My performance is still quite good … ”

“… my academic performance is still good”

4.3 Impacts of these difficulties to their academic performance

The purpose of this master theme is to present how the difficulties experienced by the

participants affect their academic performance.

4.31 Positive effects

According to some students who participated in the study, the difficulties regarding the

distance learning affected them in a positive way. They elaborated it as they say:

“I learned how to work faster so I could meet the deadlines”

“It helps me to study on my own and improve my learning skills”

This only means that these difficulties helped some students to learn under distance

learning more effectively and made them a better learner.

4.32 Negative Effects

Most of the students mentioned the negative impacts brought by the difficulties they’ve

experienced during modular learning to their academic performance. They explained it as they


“…lower remarks and so times I didn’t pass my modules on time”


“… I always end up doing and passing my modules late”

“...makes me perform poorly.”

“... can no longer pass my activities on time.”

“I can't search more about our topic”

“…stresses and pressures me up”

“… not correctly answering the modules”

“I'm a bit hesitant if my answers are correct resulting to a lack of confidence.”

This only shows that the difficulties they encounter during the modular distance learning

negatively affect not only their academic performance but also their well-being in general.

4.33 No Effect

There are also some participants who said that despite the difficulties they experience

during modular distance learning, their academic performance is not being affected and is still

good. They discuss this as they say:


“… I am still having a high grades”

“My academic performance is still good …”

“My performance is still quite good …”

“… my academic performance is still good.”

Most of them said that they still get a good grade no matter how hard it is to learn under

modular learning.

For the third qualitative question: If these difficulties are adversely affecting their

wellbeing, then what are the ways that can help avoid or at least mitigate these effects?

Table 4.4: Ways to Avoid the Negative Effects Caused by the Problems brought by

modular distance learning

Ways to avoid or mitigate these effects

Subordinate Themes Key Words

“Have a time management so that you can have allotted time

for each subjects and start from easy to hard subjects …

“Learn how to manage my time effectively and prioritize


“… more finite scheduling time with working on my

Proper Time Management

“Proper time management, it can help me do my activities on

time and with less procrastination”

“All we need to do is to have a time management while doing

our modules …”

“Take a rest and continue later on”

Always take a rest and don’t “Have a proper rest. Don't overwork yourself”
“… let's not forget to rest ourselves so that we don't get
depressed and have anxiety”

Set priorities correctly “Prioritize doing activities before social media or online

games …”

“… prioritize things”

“... consult tips from my classmates or other people that can

Seek help from others
help me with my predicament.”

“... I make leisure time to at least lose my negativity.”

Be positive
“Think positive”

“Have focus and determination because if you have this in

your mind you wil act with diligence and perseverance to
accomplish different tasks or activities”

Focus and be determined “We need to lessen the laziness and start working harder”

“Be determined to pursue something is the key no matter

what the challenges are we can still conquer everything as
long as we're passionate about it”

4.4 Ways to Avoid the Negative Effects Caused by the Problems brought by Modular

Distance Learning

The purpose of this table theme is to discuss the different ways that the students can use

to avoid or at least mitigate the negative effects brought by the difficulties encountered by the

Grade 11 students during the modular distance learning.

4.41 Proper Time Management

According to some of the respondents, time management is one of the key ways to make

the modular distance learning more effective. The explained this as they state:

“Have a time management so that you can have allotted time for each subjects and start from
easy to hard subjects …

“Learn how to manage my time effectively and prioritize things”

“… more finite scheduling time with working on my modules”

“Proper time management, it can help me do my activities on time and with less

“All we need to do is to have a time management while doing our modules …”

For them, proper time management will help them to have enough time answering and

doing their modules and avoid procrastination when the date of the submission or the retrieval

was released by their advisers.

4.42 Always take a rest and don’t overwork

Despite the fact that many students complain about the amount of activities given to

them, rest is still important to some of our participants. They elaborated how rest will help them

to cope up with the difficulties in modular learning as they say:

“Take a rest and continue later on”

“Have a proper rest. Don't overwork yourself”

“… let's not forget to rest ourselves so that we don't get depressed and have anxiety”

According to them, resting will help them to clear their mind temporarily so that when they

continue working with their modules, their brain will be ready to think and function again.

Resting will also help them to avoid having mental issues.


4.43 Set priorities correctly

Setting priorities right is also one of the ways the participant can think to avoid or at least

lessen the negative effects of modular distance learning to student’s academic performance. They

clarify this as they say:

“Prioritize doing activities before social media or online games …”

“… prioritize things.”

For them, prioritizing those things that are more important, doing modules for example

rather than scrolling on their social media account or playing any mobile games can also help

them to have less or no procrastination at all.

4.44 Seek help from others

Facing the difficulties of modular distance learning is hard, especially if you’re doing it

alone. So for some respondents, seeking for help from other people is sometimes necessary as

they say:

“... consult tips from my classmates or other people that can help me with my


According to an article written in Tutor Doctor (2015) if the student has misunderstood a

concept or is missing vital building blocks in their knowledge, they may not be aware that they

are on the wrong track. So every students really need a support in terms of their academic aspect

especially now that modular learning is still used.

4.45 Be positive

Based on the answers of some participants, being positive is also a way to face the

difficulties in learning brought by the modular distance learning. They show this as they say:

“... I make leisure time to at least lose my negativity.”


“Think positive”

In proportion to that, they think that having a time to entertain themselves and always

being optimistic will help them to avoid having problem with their mental health.

4.46 Focus and be determined

Being determined and focused on doing their modules is also one of the ways to improve

the effectiveness of modular distance learning. They explain it as they say:

“Have focus and determination because if you have this in your mind you wil act with
diligence and perseverance to accomplish different tasks or activities”

“We need to lessen the laziness and start working harder”

“Be determined to pursue something is the key no matter what the challenges are we can

still conquer everything as long as we're passionate about it”

For them, being determined will help them to finish their modules without feeling lazy in

any way when doing even the hardest task or school activities.

For the fourth qualitative question: What are the ways how the stakeholders of

education (i.e., DepEd, teachers, & parents) can help the students as they continue facing these

difficulties in Modular Learning?

Table 4.5: Ways on How the Stakeholders of Education can help the Students to Avoid the

Negative Effects Caused by the Problems brought by Modular Distance Learning

Ways on how stakeholders of education may help the students

Subordinate Themes Key Words

Immediate announcement of “Give us 1 week before announcement before the retrieval

retrieval …”

“… give us a complete learning materials”

“Distribution of complete equipment that will help our

Provide complete learning learning …”
“… student should be given by some essential materials that
can be used in schooling (e.g. pocket Wi-Fi/allowance to buy
load for mobile data, school appliances and such …”

“Understand and consider the student’s situation …”

“… give more consideration to the students and understand

their situation”
“They should understand that all students suffered from
modular distance learning”

“Be considerate on students suggestions …”

Give enough time “They give good amount of time to make our incomplete


“… reduce the distribution of too many activities to students”

“... decrease the required activities that each of the students

has to finish,”

“… will lessen the paperwork and the activities,”

“…giving the students just a few activities, and eliminate

Lessen the activities
those hard tasks to accomplish”

“…giving less activities than they have given us this school

year ...”

“… lessen the activities that they give.”

“Lessen the activities/modules that they give to students”

“Answer the questions of the students and help them when in

Daily check the well-being of
“By daily checking their students”
the students
“… give inspiration to every student to continue study
despite on the challenges it gives”

4.5 Ways on How the Stakeholders of Education can help the Students to Avoid the

Negative Effects Caused by the Problems brought by Modular Distance Learning

The purpose of this master theme is to talk about the ways on how the Stakeholders of

Education can help the students in avoiding or at least lessening the negative impacts brought by

Modular Distance Learning on their academic performance, as perceived by the students


4.51 Immediate announcement of retrieval

Some participant consider announcing the date of retrieval by the Department of

Education a week before the exact deadline as a way to avoid the negative impacts caused by

modular learning. They explained it as they say:

“Give us 1 week before announcement before the retrieval and give us a complete

learning material.”

For them, announcing it a head before will help them to work harder and set priorities

right for them to complete all their task before the deadline.

4.52 Provide complete learning materials

The insufficient learning materials which the students may use as they study on their own

is one of the problems faced by the students. So in order to solve this, some participant suggested

that the Stakeholders of Education should provide enough sources of information which they can

use while studying as they say:

“… give us a complete learning material.”

“Distribution of complete equipment that will help our learning …”

“… student should be given by some essential materials that can be used in schooling

(e.g. pocket Wi-Fi/allowance to buy load for mobile data, school appliances and such …”

According to them, giving complete learning materials will help them to understand the

lessons more despite the fact that they only learn using their own skills and knowledge.

4.53 Consideration

Modular Distance Learning brought many disadvantages to the academic performance of

the students nowadays. Several students are complaining about the difficulties they experienced

under it. So considering their situation is really important especially by those in position to help

them to lighten their learning process. They explain this as they say:

“Understand and consider the student’s situation …”

“… give more consideration to the students and understand their situation.”

“They should understand that all students suffered from modular distance learning.”

“Be considerate on student’s suggestions …”

For them, consideration is a way to feel the situation where every student is put into and

help them in improving the effectiveness of modular distance learning.

4.54 Give enough time

For some students, giving enough time for them to finish their assigned task and activities

is a very important help the stakeholders of education may give to every students. They elaborate

it as they say:

“They give good amount of time to make our incomplete tasks”

For them, having enough time to do tasks especially those activities that are hard to

understand will help them to finish it correctly without procrastinating.

4.54 Lessen the activities

According to most of the participants, lessening the activities or task given to them is a

great way to help them survive the modular distance learning without feeling too much pressure

of stress. They explain this as they say:

“… reduce the distribution of too many activities to students.”


“... decrease the required activities that each of the students has to finish,”

“… will lessen the paperwork and the activities,”

“…giving the students just a few activities, and eliminate those hard tasks to accomplish”

“…giving less activities than they have given us this school year ...”

“… lessen the activities that they give.”

“Lessen the activities/modules that they give to students”

In addition, too many activities given to students is one of the main reasons why they

experience some of the difficulties that affects their academic performance so this

recommendation from the students themselves should really be considered.

For the central question: What are these difficulties faced by students during modular

distance learning?

Help from
stakeholders of
education Difficulties
experienced by

Student’s Ways to avoid or

academic mitigate the
performance negative effects

Figure 4.1 Difficulties of Modular Distance Learning Encountered by

Grade 11 Students of Batangas National High School in the School Year 2020-2021

The illustration presents the struggles experienced by the chosen Grade 11 students

during modular distance learning. As we can see in the picture, the virus represents these

difficulties while the people who was being affected by this virus represents the academic

performance of the participants who participated in the study. This impact can be negative or

positive. We are all aware that virus is a worldwide issue that is being experienced nowadays and

that there are some people who are not being affected by the virus. So this representation also

means that these difficulties are also experienced by many students worldwide and that there are

some students who despite all the struggles they face during modular distance learning, their

academic performance is still good and is not affected by these difficulties in any means. On the

other hand, the shield held by the second person represents the recommended ways on how

students can avoid or at lease lessen the negative effects The person is holding the shield because

these ways can be used by the students themselves as they continue undergo modular distance

learning. As we continue with the representation, the vaccine held by the first person represents

the recommended ways on how the stakeholders of education can help the students as they

continue struggling regarding the modular distance learning. The vaccine is made by those who

are in the position to do so and can only be used by those who have the skills to do, so the ways

that it represent can only be done by the stakeholders of education




This chapter presents the results of the conducted research in all of its finality. It includes

the summary of the findings, the conclusion, and the recommendations from the researchers

borne from critical analysis of the situation, of the supplied data, and of the purpose of this study.

Summary of the Findings

The whole point of the research on the Difficulties of Modular Learning Encountered by

Grade 11 Students of Batangas National High School in the School-Year 2020–2021, is to

identify the general difficulties students face in the modular learning modality while there is the

global pandemic that is COVID-19. The questions that persist throughout the study are these,

what are the difficulties faced by students on an individual level; how does it compare and affect

the students; what can we, the researchers, supply the students to combat these difficulties

through our research?

The researchers utilized questionnaires with a validated aide memoir in acquiring the

thoughts and opinions of 5 students from each strand in Grade 11 present in Batangas National

High School— STEM, ABM, & HUMSS— with a total of 15 Grade 11 students. The gathered

responses were then analyzed in a case study approach, which were then used to derive master

themes along with corresponding super-ordinate themes.

The research derived with four master themes and 24 respective super-ordinate themes in

hopes to answer the relevant research questions imposed by the researchers. The following are

the master themes:


1. Struggles faced by the Grade 11 students during modular distance learning: The

individual difficulties students/respodents face at their personal level.

2. Effects of these difficulties to their academic performance: The experienced effects on

the academic performance and lifestyle of the students/respondents.

3. Ways to avoid or mitigate these effects: The suggestions from the perspective of the

students/respondents directed on personal improvement.

4. Ways on how stakeholders of education may help the students: The suggestions from

the perspective of the students/respondents directed to the stakeholders of education.

In addendum, the respective super-ordinate themes are these:

1. Time Management: the respondents troubled with schedules and with managing their

ourn time.

2. Stress: the respondents that were challenged of their stress capacity.

3. Struggles in terms of self-study: the respondents struggle learning without external


4. Distractions: the respondents distracted by internal and external factors.

5. Slow/no internet access: the respondents financially or geographically challenged by the

requirement of a stable Internet connection.

6. Not enough resources: the respondents with the lack of material, gadget, and etc.

7. Not enough sleep: the respondents usually— but are not required to— deprive

themselves of rest and sleep to catch up with the next theme: deadlines.

8. Deadline: the respondents take extreme lengths to meet the requirements before a shortly

announced deadline.

9. Nothing: the respondents with no response, either because of the fact that they have not

faced any of the difficulties aforementioned or because of lack of interest

10. Positive effects: the respondents that identifies with the positive effects of modular


11. Negative Effects: the respondents that identifies with the negative effects of modular


12. No Effect: the respondents either does not identify with any effect or is uninterested.

13. Proper Time Management: the respondents that suggest developing prover time


14. Always take a rest and don’t overwork: the respondents that suggest proper rest and

steady work load/pace.

15. Set priorities correctly: the respondents that suggest proper self-prioritization.

16. Seek help from others: the respondents that suggest external help like from peers with

the same predicament.

17. Think positive: the respondents that suggest positivity positively.

18. Focus and be determined: the respondents that suggest undivided focus and


19. Immediate announcement of retrieval: the respondents that suggest the responsible

stakeholders to announce the retrieval date in advace as much as possible.

20. Provide complete learning materials: the respondents that suggest the responsible

stakeholders to provide the essential, necessary, and complete learning materials.

21. Consideration: the respondents that suggest the responsible stakeholders to give

consideration on the behalf of students.


22. Give enough time: the respondents that suggest the responsible stakeholders to estimate

the time students can accomplish the set of requirements according to their abilities and


23. Lessen the activities: the respondents that suggest the responsible stakeholders to

provide the essential and necessary activities and lessen the load of required activities.

24. Daily check the well-being of the students: the respondents that suggest the responsible

stakeholders to actively check their students situation.


Four master themes emerged in the case study/research about the difficulties of the

modular distance learning approach. These themes are as follows:

1. Struggles faced by the Grade 11 students during modular distance learning.

This master theme frankly includes the individual difficulties faced by students. It

has nine super-ordinate themes:

1) Time Management 7) Not enough sleep

2) Stress 8) Deadline

3) Struggles in terms of
9) Nothing

4) Distractions

5) Slow/no internet


6) Not enough resources


The super-ordinate themes are the reoccurring individual difficulties according to

the respondents.

2. Effects of these difficulties to their academic performance,

This master theme frankly includes the effects of the difficulties in the

performance and lifestyle of the respondents. It has three super-ordinate themes:

1) Positive effects, that are minor improvements in the respondent’s


2) Negative effects, that are frequently affecting the respondent’s

performance and lifestyle;

3) No Effect, that is, to the respondents that either are not affected or are

unintersted with the research topic.

These super-ordinate themes identifies whether the difficulties affected the

respondents positively, negatively, or not at all.

3. Ways to avoid or mitigate these effects.

This main theme frankly represents the collective of suggestions from the

students’ perspective directed at self-improvement. It has six super-ordinate themes:

1) Proper Time Management

2) Always take a rest and don’t overwork

3) Set priorities correctly

4) Seek help from others


5) Think positive

6) Focus and be determined

These themes are according to the students responses of how to mitigate the

effects of said difficulties of modular learning at the least.

4. Ways on how stakeholders of education may help the students

This master theme is the collection of suggested applications directed at the

responsible stakeholders of education according to the students’ perspective. It has six super-

ordinate themes:

1) Immediate announcement of retrieval

2) Provide complete learning materials

3) Consideration

4) Give enough time

5) Lessen the activities

6) Daily check the well-being of the students

These are the students’ percieved applications directed the stakeholders to

theoretically improve the management of their program, that is, modular learning.


At this point, the difficulties are confirmed and are evidently affecting students

negatively more often than not, according to the summary of the findings and conclusion. Aside

from that, the recommendations are also based on the summary of findings and conclusion of the

study. These recommendations are as follows:

To the Students

1) The general recommendation for them is self-improvement. To do that, students must

start gaining a sense of awareness on their actions and motivations; acknowledging

weaknesses is the greatest strength students should possess. Improvement borne from

this acknowledgement should be especially useful, according to the respondents.

2) If the difficulties become unbearable, it is likely recommended that students should

talk to familiar faces like peers, friends, family, and/or a shared community.

3) Communication with teachers should also be helpful because they are the closest

stakeholders responsible on the students’ behalf.


1) That they would communicate with their students especially those who are non-

responsive as they might be struggling with the learning modality.

2) That they would provide the essential and necessary lessons and activities well-adjusted

to their abilities, competency, and limitations as a student.


Parents or Guardian

1) That they would understand that their children are not expected to do help with home

chores, considering that the imbalance between home chores and schoolwork is one of

the difficulties students face in during their learning.

2) That they would help them maintain their focus on their study the most appropriate way


Department of Education

1) That they would provide the necessary resources and materials that the students need.

2) That they would provide a school schedule most convenient for their teachers, staff, and

students alike especially in difficulties such as this pandemic.

Future Researchers

1) That they would use this study as a basis for their research which is related to modular

learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, or something else entirely yet, in a way,



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A. Informed Consent

B. Pre-qualifying Form

C. Aide Memoir

D. Certificate of Validation

E. Chronological List

F. Table of Themes


Study title: Difficulties of Modular Learning Encountered by Grade 11 Students of
Batangas National High School in the School-year 2020–2021
G. Name: _____________________
H. Date: ______________________
I. Salutations! Fortunately, you have been selected as a participant for an ongoing
research being conducted by the students from Group 6, STEM-2 of Batangas National High
J. In hopes of your participation, we would only ask of your thoughts and opinions
regarding the difficulties of the modular instruction that you have encountered if any persist.
K. You will only be presented with a questionnaire in digital format via Google
forms because the research has to maintain its accordance with the procedures of the current
COVID-19 pandemic. For those without Internet connections, we would present the series of
questions in real-time via Messenger or
L. Please be reminded that your participation is voluntary and you have every right
not to involve nor participate; however, we encourage you not to do so in the slightest, because
we believe that this study, in turn, can be beneficial for students like you. All of your personal
and private information such as your identity would be confidentially maintained.
M. You will receive a gift for your participation via email.
N. For further inquiry about the research, please contact: Khey Ann Mae Damance
O. Sincerely, U. Approved by:
P. Khey Ann Mae Damance
Anna Maria O. Cueto
Research Adviser
Q. Jane Paula Andal

R. Red Edrei Flandez

V. ______________________________
S. Richina Faith Patron
W. Participant’s Signature

T. Lian Garn Dolojan X. ______________________________

Y. Parent/Guardian Signature



Z. Date : ___/___/_____

BB. Last Name : __________________________________________

CC. First Name : __________________________________________

DD. Middle Name : __________________________________________

EE. Gender : _______Male _______Female ______Prefer not to say

FF. Date of Birth : __________________________________________

GG. Place of Birth : __________________________________________

HH. Age : __________________________________________

II. Address : __________________________________________

JJ. Contact number : __________________________________________

KK. E-mail : __________________________________________

LL. School : __________________________________________

MM. Strand/Track : __________________________________________

NN. Father’s Name : __________________________________________

OO. Mother’s Name : __________________________________________




PP. These are the questions in the questionnaire:

1. How will you describe modular distance learning as the learning modality used
nowadays? (You can say your perspective if it is an effective learning modality or not,
and briefly explain why)

2. What are the difficulties or problems that you’ve encountered during modular distance

3. How often do you experience the problems that you’ve mentioned?

4. How do these difficulties affect your academic performance?

5. In your perspective, what are the ways that you can do to eliminate or at least lessen the
negative effects of these problems to your academic performance? Kindly explain how
these methods or ways will help you.

6. In what ways can the stakeholders of education (i.e., DepEd, teachers, & parents) help
you in the effective continuation of the modular distance learning or what help can they
provide you to lessen the negative effects of modular distance learning in your academic



QQ. This is to certify that the master themes and super-ordinate themes created from
the conducted questionnaire have been validated and satisfies the necessary requirements with
respect to the research tools used.


Time Management


Struggles in terms of self-study

Struggles faced by the Grade 11 students
Slow/no internet access
during modular distance learning

Not enough resources

Not enough sleep



Positive effects
Effects of these difficulties to their academic
Negative Effects
No Effect

Ways to avoid or mitigate these effects Proper Time Management

Always take a rest and don’t overwork


Set priorities correctly

Seek help from others

Think positive

Focus and be determined

Immediate announcement of retrieval

Provide complete learning materials

Ways on how stakeholders of education may
help the students
Give enough time

Lessen the activities

Daily check the well-being of the students





5. Perceived modular distance learning as effective only to those who has access to

internet connection

6. Dividing time between school works and household chores is a problem.

7. Experience these problems everyday

8. Problems have caused lower academic remarks

9. Time management and start from easy subjects to hard ones.

10. Announce the date of retrieval a week before the exact date and provide complete

learning materials.


11. Modular learning is efficient but not that effective

12. Hard time balancing time between school works and household chores

13. Experience these problems everyday

14. Always end up passing modules late

15. Time management and right priorities

16. Lessen the school works and consider every student’s situation


17. Modular distance learning never brought any difficulties or problem


18. Never experience any difficulties or problems during modular distance learning

19. Modular Distance Learning didn't affect the academic performances

20. An effective way to lessen negative effects on academic performance is to take a rest

and continue later on

21. Give students a longer time to complete their tasks


22. Good program but some students can't afford the requirements and it brought health


23. Excessive stress, difficulty in time management, difficulty in self-study, and

distractions due to noisy environment are the problems encountered

24. Experience these problems everyday

25. Grades are maintained despite all the challenges

26. Prioritize the tasks and rest before anything else

27. Distribution of complete equipment and reducing the activities


28. Lack of professional mentorship

29. Challenged by the amount of activities

30. Difficult subject: Math

31. Effects: Poor Performance

32. Active peer communications

33. Suggests Activity Reduction



34. Lack of Learning Ability

35. Troubled Schedule

36. Frequent Troubled Schedule

37. Challenged by the deadline.

38. Stress reliever: Leisure

39. Suggest Activity Reduction


40. Somehow effective

41. No physical interaction

42. Problems encountered several times

43. Working matters being affected

44. Scheduling

45. Essential Materials should be provided and eliminate or at least lessen hard activities


46. It is not effective

47. Poor internet

48. Experience problems very often

49. Can’t Search

50. Teachers should understand

51. Consideration


52. Perceived modular distance learning as effective but harder than traditional

53. Modular learning brought several problems like lack of resources, sleeping late and

messed up body clock

54. Experience of difficulty is way often relevant in modular learning

55. Hard time of continuing the expected high academic performance

56. A way was stated like proper time management for avoidance of procrastination

57. Suggestions were made of what help the stakeholders would do to continue the

effectiveness of modular learning


58. Perceived modular distance learning is effective but difficult to deal with compare to


59. Modular learning brought several problems like lack of time management and


60. Experience of difficulty is way often relevant in modular learning

61. Hard time of getting the expected high academic performance and building up stress

and pressure

62. A method like resting and not overworking is included to lessen the burden of

modular learning

63. Teachers or stakeholders are expected to check up on students daily


64. Learners uses self-learning modules


65. Self-studying, poor internet connection, lack sleep and time to answer all modules.

66. Every deadline

67. Academic performance is still good

68. Always think positive.

69. Understand every student’s situation.


70. Challenging

71. Difficulty in understanding the lessons

72. Household chores and confusion about a lesson

73. Answers in activities are wrong

74. Focus and determination.

75. Provide tips, guidance and inspiration


76. Modular learning is harder

77. Struggles about the deadline

78. Struggles are experienced once

79. Work faster

80. Lessen the laziness.

81. Lessen the activities and answer their questions regarding lessons


82. Difficult to adjust

83. Lack or resources and information

84. Problems are experienced every time

85. Lack of confidence with answers

86. Determination is the key.

87. Consider every student’s suggestion


88. Difficult to adjust

89. Struggles in self-learning

90. Struggles are experienced every time

91. Improve learning skills

92. Time management and study in proper way

93. Lessen the activities






Perceived modular distance
learning as effective only to those “…only effective to those who has access on Wi-Fi
who has access to internet yet it is not effective to those who has not ”
Dividing time between school
“… answering my module and doing household
works and household chores is a
Experience these problems
“I often experience it every day …”
Problems have caused lower “… lower remarks and so times I didn’t pass my
academic remarks modules on time”
“Have a time management so that you can have allotted
Time management and start from
time for each subjects and start from easy to hard
easy subjects to hard ones.
subjects …”
Announce the date of retrieval a
week before the exact date and “Give us 1 week before announcement before the
provide complete learning retrieval and give us a complete learning materials”



“… It’s efficient but not that effective. It is only
Modular learning is efficient but significant so the year or time won’t be wasted but
not that effective students like me are really having a hard time coping
up with this set-up ”
Hard time balancing time between “I am having a hard time balancing my time for
school works and household chores household chores and studying …”
Experience these problems
“… I experience it everyday”
Always end up passing modules “… I always end up doing and passing my modules
late late”
Time management and right “Learn how to manage my time effectively and
priorities prioritize things”

Lessen the school works and

“Understand and consider the student’s situation …”
consider every student’s situation



Modular distance learning never

brought any difficulties or problem
Never experience any difficulties or
problems during modular distance “Nothing”
Modular Distance Learning didn't
affect the academic performances
An effective way to lessen negative
effects on academic performance is “Take a rest and continue later on”
to take a rest and continue later on
Give students a longer time to “They give good amount of time to make our
complete their tasks incomplete tasks”



Good program but some students “It is a good government program but it puts too much
can't afford the requirements and it stress on the mental health of every student and
brought health problems teacher…”

Excessive stress, difficulty in time

management, difficulty in self- “Excessive stress, difficulty in time management,
study, and distractions due to noisy difficulty in self-study, and distractions due to noisy
environment are the problems environment”
Experience these problems
“I am having a hard time studying in this pandemic. But
Grades are maintained despite all
I am very thankful to the Lord because despite all this, I
the challenges
am still having a high grades”

“Prioritize doing activities before social media or online

Prioritize the tasks and rest before
games. Then let's not forget to rest ourselves so that we
anything else
don't get depressed and have anxiety”
“Distribution of complete equipment that will help our
Distribution of complete equipment
learning and reduce the distribution of too many
and reducing the activities
activities to students”



Lack of professional mentorship “[...] because the lessons are not explained properly by
the teachers.”
Challenged by the amount of “[...] can be difficult to learn along with the challenging
activities activities that often get stacked up.”
“I encounter them [the difficulties] frequently
Difficult subject: Math
especially in Math-related subjects.”
Effects: Poor Performance “[...] makes me perform poorly.”

“[...] consult tips from my classmates or other people

Active peer communications
that can help me with my predicament.”

“[...] decrease the required activities that each of the

Suggests Activity Reduction
students has to finish,”



“[...] most students don't get the knowledge they
Lack of Learning Ability
deserve and most of them don't understand anything...”
Troubled Schedule "[...] hard time dealing with my in-line schedule.”

Frequent Troubled Schedule “[...] I literally experienced this frequently.”

“[...] can no longer pass my activities on time.”
Challenged by the deadline.

Stress reliever: Leisure “[...] I make leisure time to at least lose my negativity.”
“[...] [the Department of Education] will lessen the
Suggest Activity Reduction
paperwork and the activities,”



“… somehow effective to those students who are
motivated and encouraged enough to study and
Somehow effective
understand the lessons despite the difficulties in this
new learning modality …”
“No physical interaction with the teachers, low internet
No physical interaction
access, mental health being affected and such”
Problems encountered several times “… problems occurred several times”
“My academic performance is good. It was just my
Working matters being affected
working matters being affected”
“… more finite scheduling time with working on my
“… student should be given by some essential materials
that can be used in schooling (e.g. pocket
Essential Materials should be
Wi-Fi/allowance to buy load for mobile data, school
provided and eliminate or at least
appliances and such). They should also consider the
lessen hard activities
thought of giving the students just a few activities, and
eliminate those hard tasks to accomplish”



“… isn't effective because it is hard to adjust in this
It is not effective
Poor internet “Poor internet connection”
Experience problems very often “Almost Every day”

Can’t Search “I can't search more about our topic”

“… teachers should understand that every student can't

Teachers should understand
adjust well in this type of learning”
“… give more consideration to the students and
understand their situation”



Perceived modular distance “… quite an effective learning modality because we
learning as effective but harder than can study despite the pandemic but it is harder than
traditional face to face classes”
Modular learning brought several
problems like lack of resources, “Lack of resources like gadgets, modules and
sleeping late and messed up body information, sleeping late and messed up body clock”
Experience of difficulty is way “At least 4-6 times a week”
often relevant in modular learning
Hard time of continuing the
“My performance is quite good but it is a challenge to
expected high academic
continue a good performance”
A way was stated like proper time
“Proper time management, it can help me do my
management for avoidance of
activities on time and with less procrastination”

Suggestions were made of what

“… providing modules at the right time and by giving
help the stakeholders would do to
less activities than they have given us this school
continue the effectiveness of
year ...”
modular learning



Perceived modular distance
“… it quite helped me understand and still continue
learning is effective but difficult to
learning but I'm still adjusting up until now”
deal with compare to traditional
Modular learning brought several
“… time management because I suck at managing my
problems like lack of time
management and concentration time. I also have problems with concentrations”
Experience of difficulty is way
“I experience it most of the time”
often relevant in modular learning

Hard time of getting the expected “… I tend to skip my subjects for a day then have a
high academic performance and bunch of school works after. It stresses and pressures
building up stress and pressure me up”

A method like resting and not

overworking is included to lessen “Have a proper rest. Don't overwork yourself”
the burden of modular learning
Teachers or stakeholders are
expected to check up on students “By daily checking their students”



“… involves individualized instruction that allows

Learners uses self-learning modules
learners to uses self-learning modules”

“The problems that I have encountered during

Self-studying, poor internet
modular distance learning are self-studying, poor
connection, lack sleep and time to
internet connection, and lack of sleep and time to
answer all modules.
answer all module”
Every deadline “Every deadline”
“Despite of those problems , my academic
Academic performance is still good
performance is still good”
Always think positive. “Think positive”
Understand every student’s “They should understand that all students suffered
situation. from modular distance learning”



“… challenging and need to dedicate a lot of time
Challenging because only myself will do the activities and it is a
self-study to understand every lesson”
Difficulty in understanding the
“time management and misunderstand lessons”
Household chores and confusion “If I have a lot to do in our house and confused about
about a lesson the lessons”

Answers in activities are wrong “… not correctly answering the modules”

“Have focus and determination because if you have

Focus and determination.
this in your mind you wil act with diligence and

perseverance to accomplish different tasks or

“They give tips and guide for students to study in the
way of modular distance learning for an effective
Provide tips, guidance and
learning and for parents they give inspiration to every
student to continue study despite on the challenges it



“It is harder because the lessons I learn are just
Modular learning is harder
Struggles about the deadline “Deadlines”
Struggles are experienced once “Only once”
“I learned how to work faster so I could meet the
Work faster
“We need to lessen the laziness and start working
Lessen the laziness.

“Answer the questions of the students and help them

Lessen the activities and answer
when in need. Also lessen the activities that they
their questions regarding lessons



“It is quite difficult since I'm not familiar in this mode
Difficult to adjust of learning and I am having a hard time adjusting on
the things that I am not used to”
“… the lack of resources in which can help provide
Lack or resources and information
information for a better and deeper understanding”
Problems are experienced every
“Every time”
“I'm a bit hesitant if my answers are correct resulting
Lack of confidence with answers
to a lack of confidence.”

“Be determined to pursue something is the key no

Determination is the key. matter what the challenges are we can still conquer
everything as long as we're passionate about it”

Consider every student’s

“Be considerate on students suggestions …”



“It is difficult for me to adjust on this kind of
Difficult to adjust
“It's hard for me to understand the lesson because the
Struggles in self-learning thing that we can only do is to study with ourselves
and with the help of YouTube”
Struggles are experienced every
“Every time that I do my modules”
“It's helps me to study on my own and improve my
Improve learning skills
learning skills”
“All we need to do is to have a time management
Time management and study in
while doing our modules and don't rush things learn
proper way
and study your module in a proper ways”
“Lessen the activities/modules that they give to
Lessen the activities

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