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{ © 101. READING TEST In this section, you must demonstrate your ability to read and comprehend English. You will be given a variety of texts and asked to answer questions about these texts. This section is divided into three parts and will take 75 minutes to complete. Do not mark the answers in your test book. Use the answer sheet that is separately provided. PART 5 Directions: In each question, you will be asked to review a statement that is missing a word or phrase, Four answer choices will be provided for each statement. Select the best answer and mark the corresponding letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on the answer sheet. PARTS W% Bo] lz ne Holden Advertising Agency won ------- all 105. Audio-One is so ------- about the quality of the major marketing awards this year. its products that it offers a money-back guarantee for all items. (A) practical (B) practicality (A) beneficial (C) practically (B) probable (D) practicalities (C) confident (D) productive 102. Mr. Harris neglected ------- his name at the : bottom of his employment application. 106. After carefully analyzing the budget repot, (A) sign Mr. Green could ------- approve funding {or (B) signs the expansion of Jewett Resorts. S (C) to sign (A) final (D) was signed (B) finally (C) finalize 103. Eugene Rivera, who negotiated an (D) finals agreement between the two firms, reported that the details would be settled 107. Ms. Warren is in charge of making sure ae the next several days. that the ------- clients receive everything (A) within they need during their stay. (B) close to (A) to visit (C) afterward (B) visit (D) nearby (C) visited (D) visiting 104. Earlier this morning, Mr. Yang ------- that everyone in his department would receive 108. Kembil Co.’s board instructed James. a bonus. Holley to implement a versatile ------- to (A) announcing long-term planning for the next five years. (B) announces (A) approach (C) announced (B) approaches (D) has announced (C) approachable (D) approached 144. 9a. gere1ue2] germ HOWeDHA StEIORI MPS: Hackersingang.com ing of the Beverly Office Complex can nas soon as the firm all the essary permits from City Hall. 6) figures to the agricultural dustry is whether there are reliable plies of water and electricity. simultaneous the most cutting-edge cellular hones may not satisfy the specific needs ‘of every user. (A) Notwithstanding (B) Once ) Nearly () Even \s It has been ------- 60 business days ince the purchase date, Branson Outlet will not allow an exchange or refund. ) SO much (B) more than (C) much longer (D) as few as _Ms. Mitchell is looking for an apartment a train station so that she will not need to commute by car. (A) near (B) toward 5 ) adjacent (D) between . Immediately after ordering a new office desk online, Mr. Perez was issued -- _ Of the transaction. _. (A) confirm (B) confirmation (C) confirms (D) confirmed 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. Ventera Inc. was able to build strong relationships with its most valuable customers by ------- communicating with them. (A) marginally (B) comparably (C) consistently (D) indefinitely In order to ------- satisfactory levels of productivity in the factory, the floor manager regularly consults with workers about mechanical problems. (A) persuade (B) limit (C) maintain (D) remain The candidates for the job opening have ------ experiences and career objectives despite all having worked in the same field. (A) difference (B) differently (C) different (D) differ Koester Company records all incoming customer calls with the ------- of ensuring inquiries are handled appropriately. (A) status (B) reservation (C) association (D) intent Coalport’s management is not certain that an advertising campaign will successfully boost sales because it has ------- launched one before. (A) never (B) also (C) always (D) still GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, TESTS PARTS 145 SuIpeay € bool RE = Fl | 120. 122. 123. 124. 125. 146 MediaCore’s customers will have digital ee to dozens of publications by the end of the month. (A) access (B) accessing (C) accessed (D) accesses fashion design jobs appear glamorous in popular media, most positions in the industry are demanding in reality. (A) Although (B) Despite (C) Regarding (D) Assuming Ryder Capital Bank now trains its advisors more ------- to make certain that they are thoroughly familiar with the investment process. (A) comprehensively (B) temporarily (C) wastefully (D) optionally Once the project ends next year, employee evaluations ------- to assess performance and decide on pay increases. (A) will conduct (B) were conducted (C) have conducted (D) will be conducted Wheelpoint’s new line of tires performs ~~; under the most hazardous road conditions. (A) habitually (B) capably (C) sizably (D) generously Bransonville Beach is closed ------- further notice as the area is affected by strong tides caused by Hurricane Thurston. (A) from (B) onto (C) until (D) during BE BOMKE-AREIEME. Hackers.co.kr 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. Immigration gave Mr. Kim an ------- on his stay, allowing him to remain anothe; six months for work. (A) attendance (B) expertise (C) operation (D) extension The - eason a new security gate w; installed is that the old one had been damaged by the storm. (A) thick (B) quick (C) high (D) main Submissions ------- meet Literati Magazines standard will be considered for publication in our next issue. (A) these (B) those (C) that (D) they Investor Link was able to ------- the financial crisis because Mr. Macintyre had the foresight to develop a contingency plan. (A) advocate (B) engage (C) persist (D) withstand Ms. Kenner and Mr. Stone were both invited to the meeting, but ------- of them has confirmed yet. (A) most (B) few (C) neither (D) whatever cctions: In this part, you will be asked to read four English texts. Each text is missing a word, se, or sentence. Select the answer choice that correctly completes the text and mark the Jennifer Mendez rom: Rick Holloway ubject: Marketing ate: March 13 i Jennifer, In this regard, he feels that researching the needs of consumers between the ages of 132. nd 24 would be helpful for developing television advertisements. This will provide us with | formation to effectively -—----- this group. Over the next few weeks, he and his team will Ba, to us for consideration. 133. (A) convey (B) authorize (C) gather (D) target , (A) accustomed (B) committed (C) indifferent (D) confused (A) None of our shampoo advertisements 134. (A) be delivered are presently directed to that group. (B) The new product line would significantly expand our merchandise selection. (C) This has helped them make a better decision about what to buy. (D) Our biggest concern is increasing our share in the international market. (B) are delivering (C) deliver (D) have been delivering GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, TESTS PARTO 147 5 viele Suipeay € hoo: RA juestions 135-138 refer to the following e-mail. To: Customer Service From: Alex Hogan Subject: Reservation #JHK2105 Date: June 21 To Whom It May Concern, Te" | apologize for the inconvenience, but a personal matter has come up, Te me from flying to Budapest as planned. | would like to get my money back. If this is possible, can you please ------- my request? | am hoping to book a different flight to Sydney in less than five 187. days. | understand that | will have to pay a ore for this change. You may deduct this from the amount that will be returned to me. Please let me know if you need any other information. Sincerely, Alex Hogan 135. (A) | am writing to inquire about having my 187. (A) renew Pig seat upgraded. (B) generate (B) My frequent flier points have not been (C) expedite applied to my account. (D) prove (C) My luggage was lost on a recent flight with your airline. 138. (A) ticket (D) | would like to cancel my flight and (B) charge obtain a refund for it. (C) royalty (D) reward 136. (A) prevents (B) prevention (C) preventing (D) preventive 19] Seta). Sof HOF] Mes: HackersIngang,com 439-142 refer to the following advertisement. uarantee that our clients always receive top-notch services. Each of our employees in distinct business accounting fields, so we can handle any financial matter you might d out more, contact us today at 555-6277 or go to www.jeaccounting.com. ) provided 141. (A) careful 3) provide (B) eligible will be providing (C) suspended (D) had provided (D) certified .) Our expansion was completed several 142. (A) specializes _ years ago. (B) specialize These firms have announced that they (C) specialist will form an association. (D) special }): We now have 60 offices in cities across the nation. ) This prevented us from launching our first office in the region. .GQ.0N TO THE NEXT PAGE, TESTS PARTS 149 = a Gq 4 at | €0 | 80 | co | 90 FRR v0 | €0 | 20 | ea viele Questions 143-146 refer to the following notice. Jordan Roper At its last meeting, the board was asked to consider increasing the dues slightly. we deliberations on this request, they proposed raising fees by $25 a month, from $375 to $400, effective July 1. To the board, this action is justified for several reasons. First, the additional funds will contribute to important - the parking garage next year. Second, they will cover the rising cost of natural gas. ------- The timing of the dues increase seems reasonable -- years. Tenants are invited to vote on the proposal at the Homeowner's Association meeting in June. Accounting Manager Homeowner's Association 143. 144. . (A) Beside (B) Following (C) Among (D) About (A) evaluations (B) experiences (C) eliminations (D) expenditures fa Me} Hackerss.co.kr Notice of Homeowner's Association Dues Increase --, such as the installation of a new security system in 145." - there has not been one in four 145. (A) The homeowner's association management made some repairs over the winter. (B) Tenants were satisfied with the estimate provided to them by the contractor. (C) We had to pay more than usual last winter due to a steep hike in gas prices. (D) We hope the building's improved security system will attract more businesses. ( (B) given that (C) even as (D) whether ions: In this part, you will be asked to read several texts, such as advertisements, articles, instant ‘es, or examples of business correspondence. Each text is followed by several questions. Select yest answer and mark the corresponding letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. Green Wave Consulting Services Saving the planet while saving you money! We all know that we need to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere. But few of us realize that our own residences are often to blame. Homes are the third largest source of emissions in the entire | country! Luckily, there’s now a whole host of easy solutions to reduce your environmental impact. And the best thing of all is that doing so can save you money as well. Our money-saving green changes include: © Installing wall insulation © Fitting homes with new, efficient water heaters ® Switching to energy-saving lightbulbs © Putting in window coverings that keep heat in Call 555-9974 today to arrange for one of our technicians to visit you at home for a consultation. It’s completely free, and we'll get back to you within three business days with a detailed personal plan for making your home more energy efficient. For any other inquiries, visit our offices on 593 Rayburn Street | in downtown Portland, Monday through Saturday from 10 AM. to7 PM. 148. How can customers receive a customized energy saving plan? What is mentioned about greenhouse gas missions? (A) They recently went up by a large _. amount. _(B) Residences are one source of them. (C) They are limited by the government. (D) Meters can be installed to measure * them. (A) By arranging a meeting with a consultant (B) By inputting their details on a Web site (C) By visiting the Green Wave headquarters (D) By sending an e-mail to a specialist GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, Tests party 151 0 | €0 | 20 | 10 | ssa ea Supeay eho aR vide | OL | 60 | 80 | 10 | so Questions 149-150 refer to the following text-message chain. Marge Bledsoe 14:05 a.m. | just remembered | have a client who'd like to see the house that we've listed on 78 Crescent Lane. Unfortunately, I'm fully booked today. Is anyone fre this afternoon? Evan Clark 14:08 a | can bring the client to the house at 2:30. | have another showing nearby and can go there afterward. Julia Anderson 14:14 am. Marge, are you referring to Eva Teal? She called a short while ago and said she was looking for a two-bedroom Place downtown. Marge Bledsoe another client, Julia, Julia Anderson Evan Clark Marge Bledsoe 149. Who most likely is Ms. Anderson? (A) A building administrator (B) A real estate agent (C) A housing inspector (D) An office receptionist 152. Fa eeie! EOI SOL. Cojp}7B BEIOWgP| Mes Hackersingang.com Yes, that’s her. | think Evan can handle it. | need your help with Sure, just let me know later. 150. At 11:18 a.m., what does Ms. Bledsoe 11:15 aa. 11:17 am. OK. Why don’t | show her the other home nearby as well? It's just afew Led away | from, there and also has we Decal 11:18 aM, Good call, Will find out if she’s interested in seeing it. I'l give her your mobile number in case there’s a problem. She can probably meet you there first before seeing the Crescent Lane house. mean when she writes, “Good call”? (A) She can confirm that Mr. Clark has the right information. (B) She is relieved to find out that someone can replace her. (C) She is pleased with the results of a phone conversation. (D) She likes the proposal that Mr. Clark has made. estions 151-152 refer to the following e-mail. Bob Fletcher Tropical Tours March 1 Notice regarding Southeast Asia tour - Dear Mr. Fletcher, We regret to inform you that Tropical Tours has been forced to call off the Southeast Asia tour you booked from March 3 through March 10. You may have seen on the news that a severe storm hit the region yesterday and has caused serious damage. The airports you were scheduled to use in Jakarta, Singapore, and Kuala Lumpur remain closed to commercial planes for the time being. Niport officials believe it will be four days until air traffic will return to normal. And as the storm travels, other tour destinations may be affected as well. At this point, we can offer you and your wife a complete refund for the tour package. Your total purchase price will be refunded to the credit card you used to book the tour. Altematively, we can book a tour for you at a later date. If you choose this option, we recommend waiting at least until May so that your visit to the different locations is as pleasant as possible. Should you decide to take the tour at a later time, we will also provide you with hotel upgrades at all the locations on the itinerary. _ We sincerely apologize for the situation as we understand that it is a last-minute cancellation, and © you have probably already prepared for the trip. Sincerely, ‘Customer Services Tropical Tours 152. What will happen if Mr. Fletcher travels at a later date? . What is the main purpose of the e-mail? (A) To advertise tour packages to Asia Ot | 60 | 80 | <0 | so FM va | 0 | = | | 1834 (B) To notify a traveler of airport transfer changes (C) To solicit feedback from tour participants (D) To announce the cancellation of a trip (A) He and his spouse will have to take some flights separately. (B) He will be given superior accommodations. (C) He will be unable to travel to all the destinations. (D) He will receive a partial refund of the charges. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, TESTS PART? 153 Bumpeay € ho00! RE hs viele Questions 153-154 refer to the following information. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS This product was prepared from meat that was inspected and passed by the National Food Safety Board. Nevertheless, some food products may become contaminated with illness-causing bacteria if mishandled or cooked improperly. For your protection, follow the steps below: © Store meat in a chilled environment as soon as possible after purchase. The recommended minimum temperature settings are -18 degrees Celsius for freezers and 4 degrees Celsius for refrigerators. Avoid thawing meat in an environment of greater than 20 degrees Celsius. © Keep raw meat separate from other types of food. © Wash all surfaces that come into contact with meat, as well as your hands and cooking utensils. © Cook meat thoroughly and keep warm before serving, 153. Where would the information most likely 154, What are cooks advised against doing? appear? (A) Cooking at low temperatures (A) On a food product package (B) Storing leftovers for too long (B) In a kitchen appliance manual (C) Touching food items with bare hands (C) In a recipe book for meat dishes (D) Defrosting meat in certain (D) On a display in a dairy section temperatures 154 fea B_ Hackers cokr 5 155-157 refer to the following article. Stretch Makes Corporation announced yesterday that it expand in a much larger location on the outskirts of the city. The athletic wear company’s uarters will remain at its current location at iction facilities will be moved to Haverford, d 15 kilometers from the city center. CEO Cruz said, “For the past few years, the Plans to Expand keep up with this increase so that we can continue providing our target customers with quality athletic wear and equipment.” Moreover, Stretch’s move is also good news for the local economy. — [2] —. “Even though domestically manufactured products cost more than those manufactured overseas, our customers are happy to pay a little extra,” said Cruz, — [3] —. “For this reason, we intend to keep production nearby and have no reason to outsource to anywhere else.” — [4] —. .) To discuss a company’s plans for growth 1) To describe a new line of products )) To report on the opening of a store For whom most likely are Stretch orporation’s products made? (A) International businesspeople (B) Fans of sports teams (C) Working parents (D) Fitness enthusiasts 187. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [8], and [4] does the following sentence best belong? “This is because the relocation is expected to create 150 additional jobs for the residents of Haverford.” (A) (1] (B) [2] (C) [3] (D) [4] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. ET TESTS PART? 155 mo |e | ao] u | ssn 2 RB g 3 8 a & tes viele Questions 158-160 refer to the following notice. 158. 159. NOTICE: Fashion-lt Employment Opportunities Fashion-It is now accepting applications for positions at our new headquarters. We manage one of the most popular clothing chains in the country. Applicants will find that our wages and benefits are comparable fo or even better than our competitors’. Our work environment is second-to-none, with quality facilities and a caring, supportive staff. Our thousands of employees can testify that Fashion-It is one of the best companies to work for. Currently, we are seeking: 5 Building Maintenance Technicians | Inventory Analyst 6 Receiving, Shipping, and Warehouse Associates 1 Product Manager 2 Securtity Officers Applicants should log in to our Web site at www.fashionit.com/jobs. Choose one ‘or more jobs of interest and fill out the application(s). After you submit the form, you will receive a confirmation via e-mail. If we are interested in interviewing you, we will contact you within 14 days. All applications will be kept on file for 12 months. What is NOT indicated about Fashion-It? 160. According to the notice, what will happen (A) It offers its employees excellent working condi tions. (B) It stores job applications for one year. (C) It is recruiting employees for several branches. (D) It operates an online recruitment page. The word “comparable” in paragraph 1, line 3, is closest in meaning to (A) affiliated (B) similar (C) significant (D) balanced 2 HO}TAE COIR FEES! tOIg!>| MP3. HackersIigang.com within two weeks of an application being submitted? (A) More job openings will be posted. (B) Fashion-It will begin training new members of staff. (C) The new store will officially open to the public. (D) Applicants who have been selected will be notified. 161-163 refer to the following e-mail. we been invited to speak at the Great Lakes Real Estate Convention between June 18 and It’s taking place in Milwaukee, so could you book a flight for me that departs the day ew regional _manager, Beryl Twispe, is getting along in her new position. Could you ntact her and find out if this would be a good time for me to visit? If so, ould prefer traveling to Minneapolis by train, but | am not sure if it is a reasonable ption: However, if a train trip will take too long, go ahead and make reservations for a light out of Milwaukee. like to depart the day after the conference ends, and I'll also require accommodation in eapolis. You don’t have to take care of the arrangements for my stay in Milwaukee gs | was informed by the organizer of the convention, Brenda Orson, that she will deal ith my hotel, local transport, and meals. If you need to coordinate with her, you can I (612) 555-3991. lank you, and let me know the details when you have them. _ wishes, \gela Johnstone y did Ms. Johnstone write to 163. What has Mr. Minkovski been asked to find out? (A) To invite him to be a guest speaker at (A) The duration of a trip to the Midwest an event (B) The cost of hotel accommodation in B) To request that he make arrangements Milwaukee for a trip (C) The availability of a regional manager To suggest he register for a convention for a visit (D) The location of the upcoming convention .GO.0N TO THE NEXT PAGE, TESTS PART 7 157 0 | 10 | ssa €0 70 a R g 2 8 8 8 6 = $ a 5 Questions 164-167 refer to the following online chat discussion. @YTom Estrada 18:42 Good afternoon from Apex Cable TV. How may | help you today? Alyssa Munro 18:43 Hi. | need help accessing movies using Movies On Demand @Y Tom Estrada 18:44 OK. Please give me a moment to open your account details on my computer. @Y Tom Estrada 18:45 Thank you for waiting. It appears that you are not subscribed to our Movies On Demand service Alyssa Munro 18:45. Oh, really? | thought it was part of my subscription GY Tom Estrada 18:46 Well, our records show that you have the standard plan. This doesn’t give you full access to our movie channels. Alyssa Munro 18:47 Will | need to change my plan if | want Movies On Demand? Yom Estrada 18:47 You can add the service to your present plan. It costs an extra $8.99 a month. Would you like me to add it now? Alyssa Munro 18:48 Do you need my credit card number? | don’t have it with me now. @Y Tom Estrada 18:49 That's all right. We can add the charges to your bill, beginning next month. Alyssa Munro 18:50 OK. Let’s go ahead and do that then. __|[Sena] 164. What does Ms. Munro need assistance with? 166. What can be inferred about Ms. Munro? (A) Setting a favorite channel (A) She will pay a higher monthly fee. (B) Renewing a subscription (B) She will cancel a membership. (C) Gaining access to a service (C) She cannot get a good cable signal. (D) Repairing a faulty connection (D) She was not approved for a credit card. 165. What is indicated about the standard plan? 167. At 18:49, what does Mr. Estrada mean (A) It is valid for a period of one year. u when he writes, “That's all right"? (B) It costs less than competitors’ packages. (A) He will ask about the credit card (C) It is being offered at a promotional number later. rate. (B) He thinks a charge will be canceled. (D) It provides limited access to movie (C) He has received payment for a bill channels. (D) He does not require some information. 158 FH OMe-AeBLLME Hackers.co ke - tions 168-171 refer to the following advertisement. Satisfy your Craving for Sweets @ at Katie’s Cupcakes! 1 the most delicious cupcakes you'll ever taste, head to Katie's Cupcakes at 637 Elm Street in downtown Lavington! — [1] —. We can make over 50 flavor combinations of cake, filling, and frosting. Whether you like more traditional cupcake flavors or more exotic kinds, like mint and mpkin, Katie’s Cupcakes can fulfill your craving without ruining your diet. Nearly half of our ms are low in both sugar and fat, making them great for those limiting their caloric intake. [2] —. We promise that, upon your request, any of our delicious treats can be baked free of ugar, gluten, lactose, or nuts or can be made specially for diabetics. ‘These days, many people use cupcake arrangements instead of traditional cakes for weddings, birthdays, and other celebrations. — [3] —. Katie's Cupcakes can customize an arrangement in any color and flavor, for any occasion. Stop by any time to check out examples of our work. Those placing an order for a cupcake arrangement in June will receive a 10 percent discount! Katie’s Cupcakes is open Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.at. Samples are always available, so drop by soon and satisfy your taste buds. — [4] — hat is NOT indicated about Katie's 170. How can customers get a discount on Cupcakes’ products? cupcake arrangements? (A) They were promoted in a magazine (A) By attending a sampling session — article. (B) By ordering during a specific period (B) Some of them come in low calorie (C) By submitting a coupon at an ez varieties. establishment 2 _(C) They can be tailored to customers’ (D) By answering a customer a preferences. questionnaire 5 (D) Some of them are appropriate for & diabetics. 171. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], a [3], and [4] does the following sentence z }. According to the advertisement, what does best belong? é or * : {Katie's Cupcakes do for its customers? “And for those with dietary restrictions, (A) Provides delivery to them for a small we offer an array of options.” fee (B) Allows them to taste products for free (A) (1) (C) Prints ingredients on packaging co e materials (D) [4] (D) Transports special arrangements to event venues GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, TESTS PART? 159 Questions 172-175 refer to the following article. Everything Video Opens Store By Kelly Warren Everything Video, a pioneer in the used electronics marketplace, recently opened its fourth store, this time in San Diego. With popular branches in Anaheim, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino, the chain’s new store, located in the Seaside Mall, is its largest location yet. The space boasts an incredible variety of thousands of games for multiple platforms that date back to the 1980s. There is also a smaller section of game consoles, handheld players, and an assortment of other vintage video game devices. Used movies on videotape or DVD are also available. Kendra Brown, founder of Everything Video, says, “A lot of people miss owning physical objects.” She explained that the shift in recent years to playing games and watching movies online has indirectly created a demand for physical products. “Often, our customers buy these items for sentimental reasons.” Not only can customers do some shopping, but Everything Video buys stock as well. If you have games, movies, or devices they're interested in, staff offer cash payments or store credit to use at any of their locations in exchange for them. According to branch manager Dane Cruz, as an introductory special, shoppers who buy three games or more will receive a 20 percent discount off their total purchase amount. The offer is valid until August 1 and is only available at the San Diego branch, 20pUAE- CORP RE SELORPIMPS Hackersingang.com it is the article mainly about? launch of a software development rm sale on new video games .n expansion of a retail chain he release of a gaming device 174. What is NOT indicated about Everything Video? (A) It has a Web site where customers can rent games and videos. (B) It purchases some items from its customers. (C) It is offering a special promotion at its San Diego store. (D) It provides store credit for use at various branches. 175. The word “shift” in paragraph 2, line 3, is closest in meaning to (A) period (B) relocation (C) swipe (D) change GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. TESTS PART7 161 Surpeay ehoon: BF ws vil | o | 60 | 80 | 0 | 90 (] +0 | £0 | 20 | 10 | isan Questions 176-180 refer to the following online contact form and e-mail. Cyprus Software If you experience any difficulty with our products, let us know! Simply fill in your contact details below, write us a short message, and then click “send.” One of our staff will send you an answer as soon as possible. You may also go to www.cyprussoftware.com/help to get live online assistance or to check out our troubleshooting forum to find answers for your questions from our staff or other users. = Cn E-MAIL ampol@digimail.com (509)555-3984 I recently purchased and downloaded a photo-editing program from your site called Picto-Master. I have tried installing the software, but at the end of the process, a window popped up informing me of an error. I was not notified this might happen when I purchased the software, so I am unsure how to proceed with the installation. I checked the online forum to find a possible solution, but I was unable to find any post in regard to this specific issue Please contact me about this issue as soon as possible, as I need the program for a photography project I’m working on. Thank you. ‘TO: Amos Polson services SUBJECT: Yout inquity DATE: September 17 Dear Mr, Polson, I would like to ‘Thank you for your message and for purchasing one of Cyprus Software’s products, Firs apologize for any inconvenience | Generally, the problem you described only occurs when the uset’s operating system is incompatible with our software, Please check the list of supported operating systems on our Web site, If your operating | system isn’t listed, you will need to run a separate repair program in order to install Picto-Master. After you have run the program, you may try downloading Picto-Master again. The repair program may be downloaded from our Web site as well. 162 iat WORSEN Hackers.co.kr "you experience the same problem, make sure that you have downloaded the correct file from our site, .{ not the business of trial versions of the photo-editing software. ould you require further assistance, please don't hesitate to sespond to this e-mail or call our 24-hour line at 1-800-555-3300. 10. Why did Mr. Polson fill in the online ontact form? (A) To purchase a computer program 'B) To request installation assistance (C) To put in a work order for photography D) To ask about a home security system ‘What is NOT mentioned as a way clients an get assistance from Cyprus Software? ~ (A) Browsing an online forum (B) Submitting an online form (C) Visiting a branch office _(D) Using a chat service What is mentioned about Cyprus - Software’s Web site? (A) A repair program to assist with installation is available there. - (B) It includes instructional manuals for its products. (C) It promotes a number of items: currently being offered at a discount. (D) Some of Cyprus Software's older products can be found there. 179. Why did the pop-up window probably appear on Mr. Polson’s computer? (A) His payment was not accepted by the vendor. (B) His operating system is not compatible with the software. (C) He typed in a required access code incorrectly. (D) He is using an unauthorized version of a program. 180. What is NOT indicated about Cyprus Software? (A) Its programs can be downloaded multiple times. (B) It offers on-site service visits via online request. (C) Its photo-editing program comes in different versions. (D) It can be contacted for assistance 24 hours a day. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, TESTS PART? 163 10 | sal 7 8 2 8 2 aL Atos viele Burpeay € fyooot Questions 181-185 refer to the following schedule and e-mail. Swimming lesson schedule Beginning on July 16, the Cornwood Condominium Homeowners Association, in partnership with ¢ Irwindale Athletics Club (IAC), is hosting a series of swimming lessons for the summer, the details of which are below. Age and Skill Level Instructor Schedule *Course fee | fi ‘ i (10 sessi Beginners Coach Eric Moss Mondays and Thursdays 2to 6 p.m. |$100 6-12 years Advanced Coach Ty Warren Wednesdays and Fridays 8 to 10am. | $150 6-12 years Beginners Coach Eric Moss Wednesdays and Fridays 2 to6 p.m. | $150 12-17 years | Advanced Coach Kay Sanders _| Saturdays 2 to 6 p.m. ~~} $200 42-17 years Adult ‘Coach Liza Simmons | Saturdays 9 to 11 a.m. $250 18 years and older *A $20 monthly fee for using the pool is included in the fees. Notes: To join a class, please complete a registration form at the administration office and pay the corresponding fees. IAC members or groups of four or more are eligible for a course fee discount of 15 percent. For inquiries about the swimming lessons or other activities for residents this season, contact Stan Macaulay at s.macaulay@cornwoodhoa.org. Dear Mr. Macaulay, My name is Allan Carpenter, and | just recently moved into the Cornwood Condominium. | have two teenage daughters, Tamara and Kristin, who are interested in signing up for the swim lessons being offered this summer, Tamara is 13 and is already quite an accomplished swimmer, having been a varsity member at her previous school for two years. The younger one, who is 11, has had less experience as a swimmer, but she is certainly not a beginner. 3 1 am planning to visit administration office this week with my daughters to sign them up, but | wanted to find out whether you accept credit cards as a method of payment. Please let me know as soon as it is convenient. Thank you! Allan Carpenter 59] 99124}. GORE EORNI MP3. HackersIngang.com suggested about the Cornwood jominium Homeowners Association? ts members do not have to pay course fees. [tis raising funds to build a new pool. (C) Its office is located in another building. (b) It has arranged several summer nat is NOT indicated about the imming lessons? They may sometimes take place at an outdoor pool. (B) They are a joint effort of two organizations. They include a fee for using the pool. 'D) They are discounted for members of an athletics club. hat does Mr. Carpenter mention about is eldest daughter? (A) She already signed up for class. (B) She recently graduated from school. (C) She joined a swim team in the past. (D) She plans to become an IAC member. 184. activities. 185. Which coach will most likely teach Kristin Carpenter's class? (A) Eric Moss (B) Ty Warren (C) Kay Sanders (D) Liza Simmons What has Mr. Macaulay been asked to provide? (A) A complete schedule of activities (B) Information about a payment method (C) The contact details of an instructor (D) Directions to a registration desk GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, TESTS PART? 165 ASaL Q £0 | | 90 +0 | 20 i Buipeey eboon RR es viele | O | 60 | 80

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