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Propagation measurements and analysis for Method: To model path loss and shadow fading, we use the classical

high-speed railway cutting scenario log-normal shadowing model [4]:

PL(r) = PL(r0 ) + 10n log(r/r0 ) + Xs (1)
R. He, Z. Zhong, B. Ai and J. Ding
where n is the path loss exponent, PL(r0) is the intercept value, which is
Presented is the statistical analysis of radio wave propagation in a high- based on a free space path loss model at the reference distance r0 , and Xs
speed railway cutting scenario, derived from 930 MHz measurements is a zero-mean Gaussian distributed random variable describing the
taken along the ‘Zhengzhou-Xi’an’ high-speed railway of China. The random shadowing. We chose four structure parameters: wup , wdown ,
crown width and bottom width of the cutting are well-covered by the wup 2 wdown , and wup + wdown , and examined the relation between the
proposed models. The Ricean distribution offers a good fit and large-scale model (n, Xs) and these four parameters. The regression
the K-factor is found to be lognormal, with a mean value of 1.88 dB
coefficients are calculated using the least squares (LS) method.
and standard deviation of 3.29 dB.
To investigate the fading behaviour, we used Ricean distribution to fit
the envelope of the received signal because the cutting scenario is con-
Introduction: The propagation under high-speed railway circumstances sidered as a typical line-of-sight (LOS) condition. The K-factors are esti-
is the basis for wireless covering of the GSM-Railways (GSM-R). The mated every 100 m away from the BS using the moment method [5], to
cutting is widely used for ensuring the smoothness of rail and high obtain sufficient samples to model the K-factors against distance d and
speed up to 350 km/h when the train passes hills. The propagation is conclude the range of possible values of K in the cutting scenario.
significantly affected by the steep walls on both sides. The detailed Restricted by the measurement condition, we just took measurements
structure of the cutting is illustrated in Fig. 1. However, in-depth in three deep cuttings, with 10 cm sample intervals.
research on propagation for such a scenario is lacking. The well-
known Hata [1] and WINNER [2] models, which are popular in 4

path loss exponent n

n in deep cutting
railway engineering, do not cover a cutting scenario. In this Letter we 3 n in low cutting

present the statistical analysis of both large and small scale in a 2

cutting scenario. The key parameters of propagation (path loss exponent 1 m = 3.4
n, standard deviation s of shadowing and Ricean K-factor) are statist- 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ically modelled depending on the detailed structures of the cutting. cutting number

standard deviation s
s in deep cutting

of shadowing, dB
4 s in low cutting
Ld 3
2 m=4
antenna antenna m=3
3m 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a b cutting number

Fig. 2 Calculated path loss exponent n’s and standard deviation s’s of
shadowing in two kinds of cuttings

c d
Results: Fig. 2 shows the regression results of n and s for each cutting.
BS We investigate the relation between the large-scale model (n, Xs) and the
structure of the cutting based on the parameters in Table 1. Each calcu-
Wup lated result is an average of 10 times measurements. It is found that the
proposed model can be written as:
Deep cutting

PL(r) = PL0 + 10[AeB(wup −wdown ) ] log(r/r0 ) + (Cw2down + Dwdown + E)x


Fig. 1 Sectional view and detailed structures of (Fig. 1a) deep cutting and Low cutting
(Fig. 1b) low cutting. Figs. 1c and d are representative of real measurement
scenarios for deep and low cuttings, respectively PL(r) = PL0 + 10(aw2down + bwdown + c) log(r/r0 )
+ [(wup + wdown )d + e]x
Measurements: We have taken the 930 MHz narrow band measure- where x is a zero-mean Gaussian variable of unit standard deviation N
ments along the ‘Zhengzhou-Xi’an’ high-speed railway of China, [0, 1] and r is the distance. Other coefficients are summarised in
using the GSM-R base stations (BSs). The cross-polarisation directional Table 2. It shows for both deep and low cuttings, wdown around 17 m
antennas of BSs positioned 10 – 20 m away from the track are utilised, and a small slope of the wall of the cutting is optimal for communi-
with 17 dBi gain, 43 dBm TX power and the height of 20– 30 m cation, which is not surprising, since the small slope of the wall leads
above the ground. The omnidirectional receiver antennas are placed in to less reflection and clear LOS condition.
the middle of the train, mounted on the top with the height of 30 cm
above the roof and 4 dBi gain. The train moves at speeds up to Table 2: Model parameters
350 km/h. We have taken the samples at 53 cm intervals for large-
scale analysis (the small-scale effect is removed by averaging samples Coefficients of large-scale models
at intervals of 13 m), and 10 cm intervals for small-scale analysis [3]. A 13.05 a 1.66
The cutting scenario is divided into two categories: deep cutting and B 20.039 b 258.51
low cutting. We chose 10 cuttings with different wup’s and wdown’s, C 0.30 c 517.6
including seven deep ones and three low ones. The structure parameters D 210.09 d 20.16
of them are summarised in Table 1. For each cutting, we have taken 10 E 88.62 e 13.75
times measurements to collect sufficient samples. Model parameters of K-factor
Cutting number K1 K2
Table 1: Structure parameters of cuttings 2 20.0049 5.08
Deep cuttings Low cuttings 6 20.0022 3.75
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 20.0021 5.07
(m) 52.01 50.86 55.26 55.72 53.93 58.30 63.17 48.38 49.77 50.24
The mean value of n is 3 for the deep cutting, close to 3.4 for the low
18.77 16.85 18.57 18.25 14.78 15.16 18.51 17.14 17.97 16.96
cutting. However, s is more significantly affected by the depth. The
mean value of s is 4 dB for the deep cutting, which is greater than

ELECTRONICS LETTERS 13th October 2011 Vol. 47 No. 21

3 dB for the low cutting. It implies that the deeper cutting results in more The Ricean K-factor is found to be lognormal. The mean value of the K-
reflection and scattering from the walls of both sides, and leads to greater factor is 1.88 dB and the standard deviation is 3.29 dB, which are quite
shadow fading. small for LOS propagation. It is because the reflection and scattering can
be greatly retained by the special structure of the cutting, which is
No. 5
similar to the condition in a tunnel. Compared with the LOS component,
12 No. 6
No. 2
the scatter components are also very strong. It leads to a small K-factor in
LS fit LOS propagation.
Conclusion: This Letter presents the analysis of the large-scale and
K-factor, dB

6 small-scale parameters derived from the 930 MHz measurements per-

4 formed in the real high-speed railway cutting scenario. The influence
of the structure parameters of the cuttings are characterised and found
to be very important. The result provides first-hand information of the
propagation in a high-speed railway cutting channel.

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 # The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2011
distance, m 27 July 2011
Fig. 3 K-factor against distance doi: 10.1049/el.2011.2383
One or more of the Figures in this Letter are available in colour online.
For clarity, results when wdown ¼ 14.78 m are plotted with 24 dB vertical offset,
whereas wdown 15.16 and 16.85 m are plotted with +3 and +8 dB vertical offset, R. He, Z. Zhong, B. Ai and J. Ding (State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic
respectively Control and Safety, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, People’s
Republic of China)
Fig. 3 shows K-factor against distance in three deep cuttings. We can
see that K-factor also decreases linearly in the distance [2]. It is because
the strength of the scatter component, which is the result of reflection
and scattering, will vary far less than the strength of the LOS component
which will be strongly affected by local shadowing [6]. The formula is 1 Hata, M.: ‘Empirical formula for propagation loss in land mobile radio
given by services’, IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 1980, 29, (3), pp. 317–325
2 Kyosti, P., et al.: ‘WINNER II channel models’, WINNER II Public
K(dB) = K1 r + K2 (4) Deliverable, 2007, pp. 158– 169
3 Lee, W.C.Y.: ‘Estimate of local average power of a mobile radio signal’,
where r is the distance between the BS and the mobile station, K1 and K2 IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 1985, 34, (1), pp. 22– 27
are summarised in Table 2. It shows that the K-factors of the three deep 4 Rappaport, T.S.: ‘Wireless communications: principles and practice’
cuttings are kind of the same. However, the value of K1 decreases with (Prentice Hall, NJ, 2002, 2nd edn)
wdown. It can be written as 5 Tepedelenlioglu, C., Abdi, A., and Giannakis, G.B.: ‘The Ricean K
factor: estimation and performance analysis’, IEEE Trans. Wirel.
K1 = −0.0014wdown + 0.019 (5) Commun., 2003, 2, (4), pp. 799–810
6 Greenstein, L.J., Ghassemzadeh, S.S., Erceg, V., and Michelson, D.G.:
We can see that the greater Wdown creates more opportunities for the ‘Ricean K-factors in narrowband fixed wireless channels: theory,
scatter component to get to the receiver, and leads to the greater slope experiments, and statistical models’, IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 2009,
of the K-factor against distance. 58, (8), pp. 4000– 4012
The cumulative distribution function (CDF) of all the estimated K-
factors and the fitting of the CDF with normal distribution are compared.

ELECTRONICS LETTERS 13th October 2011 Vol. 47 No. 21

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