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Quarter 3 – Week 2

Classification of Magnets
2 Classification of Magnets

Directions: Compete the puzzle by supplying the letters of the exact word. Choose
your answers below.
Magnet attract
Pole force

Magnets can attract materials.

Magnets have invisible magnetic field which attracts objects made of iron,
nickel, and cobalt.
One end of a magnet is a north pole and the opposite is the south pole.
There are several types of magnets like ring magnets, rectangular magnets, and bar

Not all materials are attracted by magnets which are non-metals, they are made
of rubber, plastic or wood.
Directions: Write check (/) if the following objects attracted by magnets and cross (x)
if not.
_______1. Steel shovel
_______2. Table
_______3. Slipper
_______4. Book
_______5. Stainless fork

Directions: Complete the table below. In column A write all the materials attracted by
magnet and in column B the materials that are not attracted by magnet. Choose your answers
from the box.
Paper spoon knife
Cardboard steel bar slipper

Materials attracted by magnet Materials not attracted by magnet
Example: pan wheel

Directions: Modified TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct,

underline the word that makes it incorrect. Write the correct answer on the blank
before the number.

______________1. All magnets have two poles.

______________2. Magnet can repel an object made of paper.

______________3. Most objects with iron are attracted to magnets.

______________4. If you break a magnet into two pieces, you will have
two magnets with the same poles.
______________5. The pulling or pushing force is strongest at the north

Directions: Do a research on how compass works. Draw an example of a compass in

your worksheet.

What’s More
What’s In 1./ What I Can Do
1.Magnet 2.x A B
Spoon Paper
2.attract 3.x Steel bar Cardboard
3.force 4.x
knife slipper
4.pole 5./

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