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Present different stages in developing and launching an electronic device.
What are the USPs which differntiate that product from those of the rival?

Teacher : Nguyễn Thị Bích Ngọc

Class : 2096ENPR4911
Group :2

I Information about Samsung brand and smartphone.
1. Introduction about Samsung brand.
2. Introduction about smartphone.
II The developing and launching Samsung smartphone.
- Stage 1: Idea generation
Business have more ideas, the ability to choose the good one is much higher.
The idea might came from inside or out side the company, but it doesn’t matter.
Small business should take the idea from inside the company because it cost
less money and time
Business have more ideas, the ability to choose the good one is much higher.
The idea might came from inside or out side the company, but it doesn’t matter.
Small business should take the idea from inside the company because it cost
less money and time
Business have more ideas, the ability to choose the good one is much higher.
The idea might came from inside or out side the company, but it doesn’t matter.
Small business should take the idea from inside the company because it cost
less money and time
Business have more ideas, the ability to choose the good one is much higher.
The idea might came from inside or out side the company, but it doesn’t matter.
Small business should take the idea from inside the company because it cost.
- Stage 2: Idea screening .
- Stage 3: Maket strategy.
- Stage 4: Feasibility analysis.
- Stage 5: Product development.
- Stage 6: Test marketing.
- Stage 7: Market entry/ commercialization.

III The unique selling propositions ( USPs).

1. The defination of the USPs.

2. Three basic rules for an advertisement that encapsulated about the
3. The USPs of Samsung.
As you can you see, the process of developing and launching a new product for
an electronic device (or any product) is by no means simple. It’s a pretty
overwhelming task especially for those with limited resources such as
entrepreneurs, makers, start-ups and small companies.
However, the process can be simplified by breaking it down in to seven stages.
The stages summarized below will get you to the point of having a fully
functional prototype.
There are many other stages to getting a product to the point of being ready to
manufacture and bring to the market.

Besides, we are going show you What are the USPs which differntiate that
product from those of the rival? In order to have the key effective selling.

For these reason, We will take brand samsung as an example to clarify our

I. Information about Samsung brand and smartphone.

1. Introduction about Samsung brand
1.1. History :
Samsung Company began on March 1, 1938 when Byung-Chull Lee is
the founding chairman of Samsung. Initiated a business in Korea with
a capital of only 30,000 won. The primary products of what was then
Samsung were dried Korean fish, fruits, and vegetables traded from
Beijing and Manchuria.
Meaning of Samsung, it has the root words "three stars." The business
or Mr. Lee expanded and it had acquired confectionary machines,
increased its sales operations and as we have known at present it has
become a global corporation that is now offering various brands,
products, around the world. The Samsung Electronics that mainly
produces Samsung mobile phones and other mobile phone deals today
is similar to the Samsung Company that existed in the 1970s.
In the 1970s, the strategic foundations of Samsung became more
established when it engaged itself to various investments in
petrochemical industries and in 1974 it continued to expand its
business as Samsung Shipbuilding Company. And then Samsung
entered the production of home electronics business apart from the
semiconductor manufacturing industry it acquired hereafter.
1.2. Company

Samsung has grown into the large and highly respected conglomerate
that it is today. Headquartered in Samsung Town, Seoul, Samsung
operates in 74 countries, with 510 global points of presence, in four major
industries: Electronics, Machinery, Chemicals, Trade and Services, and
Financial Services. Under Samsung Electronics, there are three sub-
categories of products. First is Consumer electronics which involves
Samsung’s Visual Display, Digital appliance, Printing solutions, and
Health & Medical equipment businesses. Second is Device Solutions
which includes Samsung’s Memory, Systems LSI, and LED businesses.
The third and final sub- category is IT & Mobile communications which
deals with the company’s Mobile Communications, Network, and Digital
Imaging businesses.
In 2000 Samsung became Top 100 best global brands, with a brand value
of 5.2 billion USD. Since then, Samsung has been climbing up the said
prestigious chart, ranking 19th in 2010, 17th in 2011, 9th in 2012, and 8th
in 2013 with a brand value of 39.61 billion USD This Company
targeting a diverse set of consumer young consumers, professionals,
married couples to families with kids.
Samsung company have large product category this are mobile devices,
television/ audio & video, home appliances, digital cameras, memory/
storage, PC/ peripherals & printer, and accessories Samsung’s
competitors include Apple, Sony, Lenovo, Nokia, LG, HTC, Huawei,
Panasonic, Canon, Nikon, Whirlpool, and GE. Of these, Samsung is aptly
aggressively pitted against a single company Apple.
2. Introduction about smartphone
When we talk about Samsung firstly what is the come to our mind?
Everyone should know, it’s smart android phones. Lot of people used
their first smartphone is Samsung. Today Samsung brand is top level in
people mind. To meet the customer’s demand , Samsung invents smart
phones based on four standards:
 User friendly smartphone: Samsung smartphone is user-
friendly phone. It operate by android operating system. Day to day
they update their features and add to high performance application.
We can use Samsung as our wish. They always try to give new
experience for people.
 Design : Samsung brand design their product very attractive
and trend. Especially Samsung smartphone and tablet-pc have
different colours. They used quality material for specially their
electric accessories.
 High Performance: Samsung smartphones have high performance.
They always try to increase their performance speed. Topically
they release new software version.
 Technology and Innovation: Samsung use new technology.
They have been successful in integrating technology with
electronics and becoming the market leaders. They also have the
advantage of manufacturing their product own factory. We every
time expect for new product for our consumption experience.
Samsung brand product innovate new product and design.
II. The developing and lunching Samsung smartphone.
 Stage 1: Idea generation

Idea generation is the continuous and systematic quest for new product
opportunities, including updating or changing an existing product. The goal is to
generate ideas for new products: services or improvements to products or
services- that address a gap in the market
Business have more ideas, the ability to choose the good one is much
higher. The idea might came from inside or outside the company, from
employees to managers. Some ideas comes from outside the company such as:
from customers, competitors or research institute,… However, the small
business should take the ideas from inside the company because they cost less
money and time. Addition, they are often feasible and more practical.
Successful new product development starts with identifying good
product ideas and using reliable criteria to decide which ideas to pursue. In fact,
a company can generate hundreds of ideas, even thousands, just to successfully
choose one last idea.
Unlike competitors like Sony and Apple, since the 70s, Samsung has
decided not to develop copyrighted software and programs such as music,
movies or video games, which are the strengths of these companies. Samsung's
strategy is to focus on hardware and devices and partnering with the right
program providers.
Samsung has number of labs at Korean’ top universities specializing in its
own R&D. Samsung C-Lab, which stands for Creative Lab, was created to
enable Samsung employees to develop their own business ideas and provide
them with the tools, time and support to become strong business. This program
encourages progressive thinking by allowing employees to develop ideas, even
if it does not fit into existing business areas. The only requirement is that the
idea has to be really creative and approved by colleagues. The end result will be
a new product or service that could be further developed by Samsung, or split
into an independent business.
 Stage 2: Idea screening
Not every idea can be done, so we should choose the possible one. Basically,
ideas which is chosen must be suitable with the resources of business. Idea
screening takes the less attractive, infeasible and unwanted product ideas out of
the running.The idea which is more difficult will take time and effort to research
and develop. Good idea will support the strategy of business, reduce
unnecessary cost or use the available resources without losing money.
- Samsung realizes that 80% of manufacturing costs and product quality are
determined in the early stages of product development. Therefore, the company
created a VIP room (Value Innovation Project), where new products planning
process, market research, design, marketing and distribution will form within
three months.
- Top Samsung engineers and designers are sent to the VIP room to
complete some important product development mission. On the other hand,
Samsung also created a strategic system to program a strict timetable for all
production activities. For example, every year, after an employee gives a new
idea of a product design (March, April), the branch manager will submit to the
board of directors (May, June).
 Stage 3: Market strategy
This is an important step, it helps to increase the success of new products on the
market. In this step, I will give you ideas to search and persuade customer
acceptance of new products. We will focus on 4 factors, they consist of
product, price, place and promotion.
- Product: Samsung mobile is made by samsung electronics, one of the
most famous mobile phone copanies in the world with large consumption.
It can meet demands of customers and there’re many benefits as taking
photos, listen to music, surfing the web,.. Low-income people can also
buy it to use. It fits well for people that like technology and
entertainment. Businessman can use it to check email, connect to his
costomer easily, open online meetings,.. the customer can bring it to
anywhere, do everything with connecting to wifi or 3g, 4g. Its design is
quite attractive with many colors, many models, advanced technology,
nice packaging, good quality,.. Samsung mobile targets all types of
customers, from low-income to high-income, from young to old, from
personality, youthful to polite and simple, in order to make Samsung be
the most powerful brand in the world, but at the same time be close to
everyone. On the market, there’re many models for customers : Samsung
Galaxy Note 20 Ultra, Samsung Galaxy A21s, Samsung Galaxy Note 20
- Place: samsung has developed distribution channels diversity with many
agents, supermarkets, retailers, grocery stores,.. in the world. In 2009, in
Yen Phong Industrial Park, Bac Ninh Province, Samsung officially
opened a mobile phone factory with a total investment of nearly 700
million USD. This is the first mobile phone factory of Samsung in
Vietnam, after years of being in this potential telecommunications
market. Samsung mobile phones made in Vietnam have now been
exported to Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Africa. It is expected
that in the coming time, SEV will export Samsung products with a huge
investment capital in the Vietnamese market. So Vietnam is both a
comsumer market and a producer of samsum mobile phones.
- Promotion: samsung has many attractive promotion policy. Strategy for
effective advertising on tv, newspapers, internet,.. when thinking about it,
people often remind its logo. The Samsung logo has an elliptical shape
that reminds us of the galaxy. However, in fact, the Samsung logo has
another meaning: "Brand covers everything". Running ads is one of the
most notable tactics of samsung electronic . Not only does samsung
electronic use TVs and printed flyers but also use other media to convey
its advertising messages. In addition, public relations activities such as
charity also help it increase brand value. Sometimes, it also markets
directly at attendees at community events, big parties,..
- Price: unlike some other brands, samsung focuses mostly on one to two
price segments, Samsung has decided to stretch its products from low-end
to high-end.This makes Samsung easy to reach a wide range of users,
suitable for many industries as well as the purpose of using smartphones
of customers and significantly increases sales. Moreover, the launch of
devices in all Samsung price segments also helps users to have many
options, from price to features. Customers can consider which products
to buy based on their economy as well as their own needs. With the
amount of about 6 to 7 million VND, users can also access new
technologies similar to equipment in the high-end segment.
 Stage 4: Feasibility analysis
This stage can be done at the same time as the product development and market
strategy. It answers clearly for profit goal, benefits of bringing products, details
for the target. The goal is to communicate the target market's level of interest
and desired product feature and determine whether the product in development
has the potential to be profitable, attainable and viable for the company, while
satisfying a real demand from the target market.
Profit goal is the amount of money you need to meet a predetermined
commitment, which is important to both you and your business in the future.
Identifying a profit goal will help you direct your actions and strategies.
 In 2013, samsung aims to sell 500 million phones, and it is expected that
390 million phones are smartphone and about 120 million phones are
base phone line. Samsung Electronics has set a record in its history
when it achieved an operating profit of 30.95 Billion USD in 2013. In
Vietnam, total revenue in 2019 of 4 Samsung companies (Samsung Bac
Ninh, Samsung Thai Nguyen, Samsung Display, Samsung SEHC)
reached 65.8 billion USD, down about 2% compared to 2018 (67.1
billion USD); total profit was 4.3 billion USD, down by more than 8%
(4.7 billion USD).
- Benefits of bringing products: samsung mobile can meets the market
demands so sales has been rapidly increasing. Not only does it keep the
loyal customers but also attract more new customers. New competitors
will enter the market and find opportunities to make high profits. Now
samsung is competing with famous phone companies as apple, oppo,
huawei,.. but it till gets great sales. According to Strategy Analytics Data,
Samsung is still in the top 1 position with 21.3% market share, in 2nd
place is Huawei (15.8% market share), followed by Apple (10, 1%),
Xiaomi (9%) and Oppo (8.1%) in Q2 2019.
- A market forecast is a core component of a market analysis. It projects
the future numbers, characteristics, and trends in your target market. A
market forecast should always be subject to a reality check. When you
think you have a forecast, you need to find a way to check it for reality. In
this case if the total market is worth some estimate, you could estimate
sales of all the competitors and see if the two numbers relate to each
other. In an international market, you might check production and import
and export figures to see whether your estimates for annual shipments
appear to be in the same general range as published figures. You might
check with vendors who sold products to this market in some given year
to see whether their results check with you
- After being influenced by covid-19, Samsung mobile is seen to have
seen a huge improvement in revenue with increased smartphone sales and
lower marketing costs. Analysts added that Samsung Galaxy smartphone
sales were estimated at 80 million units in the third quarter of 2020, an
increase of about 50% from the previous quarter, while tablet sales were
estimated at 10. million units, up about 45% from the previous quarter.
The good news for many technology users is that Samsung seems to keep
the same fall product launch schedule, specifically the Galaxy Note 20
and Galaxy Fold 2.
 Stage 5: Product development
- Definition: Product development, also called new product management, is
a series of stages that includes the conceptualization, design, development
and marketing of newly created or newly rebranded goods or services.
The objective of product development is to cultivate, maintain and
increase a company's market share by satisfying a consumer demand.
- Samsung is one of the companies with a very good product development
process in the electronic devices sector. They believe that when they have
the right branding strategy and especially the best product innovation,
they will lead.
- Unlike competitors like Sony and Apple, since the 70s, Samsung has
decided not to develop copyrighted software and programs such as music,
movies or video games, which are the strengths of these companies. .
Samsung's strategy is to focus on hardware and devices, and collaborate
with the right program providers.
- However, until the early 90s, Samsung's products were less diversified,
the quality was not superior and the design was not different. With the
1994 "New Management Program", former Samsung Chairman Lee Kun-
Hee believes that with the right branding strategy and especially the best
product innovation, Samsung will rise to the top.
Diversify products:
- Many leading companies focus on only one product category, for
example Nokia focuses on mobile phones, Sony is known for its home
electronics products, Intel focuses on chip production. Meanwhile,
Samsung researches and develops a wide range of products and it is this
diversification that sets Samsung apart from its competitors.

- Although rekindled since the 80s, but after the "new management
program", this direction has been radically reformed. Since the 97s,
Samsung products are more varied and of higher quality.
According to the statistics of Gartner Dataquest, IDC, Display Search, in
2007, Samsung is the world's leading manufacturer of 13 products
including color television (17.8%), DRAM (27%), and SRAM (32). %),
NAND memory (38%), computer screens (16.8%) ... and ranked second
in items such as mobile phones (14.4%), single multifunction printers
excellent (20.8%) ...

- In recent years, Samsung has diversified more products with the addition
of items such as copiers, cameras, laptops ..

Innovating digital product

- In the late 90s, Samsung realized that the transition from analog to digital
technology provided new opportunities to catch up with competitors. Six
years later, Samsung created a constant stream of new digital products
from a team of 17,000 scientists, engineers, and designers working at
Samsung research and development (R&D) centers.
Investments by attracting and retaining talented scientists paved the way
for Samsung to focus on key areas, delivering a range of products that
will amaze the world's leading businesses.

- When it comes to developing digital products, Samsung is very

concerned with how fast it will launch. Because it was possible to turn a
concept on a drawing into a commodity within five months, Samsung
was able to refresh the product line twice as fast as usual.

Process improvement.
-  Samsung also realizes that 80% of manufacturing costs and product
quality are decided in the early stages of product development. Therefore,
the company created a VIP room (Value Innovation Project), where
within three months the processes of product planning, market research,
design, marketing and distribution will be formed.

- Top Samsung engineers and designers are sent to the VIP room to
complete some important product development mission. On the other
hand, Samsung also creates a system of strategy to program a strict
timetable for all production activities. For example, every year, after
employees give new ideas about product models (March, April), the
branch manager will submit to the board of directors (May, June).

- The three best ideas will be selected as the company's strategic products
for the next year. Applying this schedule seriously, every department and
department can work closely together to produce the best new product

- In its product development strategy, in addition to the release of new

models, Samsung always invests in R&D. No other technology company,
including Intel, Microsoft or Sony, invests as much in R&D as Samsung
does. The share of R&D in total revenue gradually increased from 7.4%
in 2001 to 9.4% in 2007 with USD 6.3 billion.
Samsung is currently present in 171 locations in 61 countries and
territories, as well as reaching 21st position globally with a brand value of
nearly $ 17.7 billion (according to the ranking of 100 new top brands. of
Interbrand in September 2008) proves that Samsung's new product
investment plans are strategic and long-term.

 Stage 6: Test marketing

Test marketing, or market testing, differs from concept or beta testing in
that the prototype product and whole proposed marketing plan, not
individual segments, are evaluated. The goal of this stage is to validate
the entire concept -- from marketing angle and message to packaging to
advertising to distribution. Test marketing is often performed by offering
your product to a random sample of your target market. By testing the
entire package before launch, the company can critically review the
reception of the product before a full go-to-market investment is made.
Competitor reserch
- When applying this principle in practice, most businesses often forget this
principle, do not respect competitors because they trust their products.
However, the products or services of the business are not always
convenient and suitable with the real market, while the market starts with
their own competitors.
- List businesses that have products that are similar to the product that the
business intends to launch. Even if the new product is unknown, put
yourself in the shoes of the consumer to know how they react to this
- When identifying competitors, research their marketing tools: posters,
advertising, ... Evaluate the correlation between your products and those
of competitors. Determine how you will deal with your competitors'
- Samsung has strengthened its presence by expanding and developing the
Samsung showcase ( SES- Samsung Experience Store) experience spaces
- Around the world, there are a few markets Samsung holds a very large
market share. The overall market share of Samsung in the world is about
35%. Some specific markets such as Korea, Samsung hold more than
50% of the market share, a few other markets including Vietnam,
Samsung holds over 40%.
- Vietnam is one of Samsung's overseas markets with the highest market
share in the world, with the exception of South Korea. The market share
of Samsung TVs in Vietnam is currently at 43%, very high compared to
the general level in the world. Samsung identifies Vietnam as a key
market, so they invest a lot in here like factories in Thai Nguyen, Bac
Ninh, Ho Chi Minh City high-tech park.
- Recently, Samsung Vietnam joined hands with Samnec International JSC
to open Samsung Plaza in Cau Giay. This is the third Samsung Plaza
store in Vietnam under the Brand Shop model - a brand shaking hands
with a local distributor to open and operate.
- If the two models of Showcase and SES focus on customer experience,
Samsung Plaza carries 2 responsibilities: Experience and Sales.
- By reaching key markets and opening hands-on experience models,
samsung's testing strategy is extremely effective. It not only brings
practical experience to users but also helps Samsung directly evaluate the
experience of the experience of the user to their product. From there they
can improve their products better, satisfy the needs of customers in the
best way.
- Samsung invests large sums of money and chooses premises in central,
densely populated locations, it is understandable how they invest in

 Stage 7: Market entry/ commercialization

- Commercialization is the process of bringing new products or services to
market. The broader act of commercialization entails production,
distribution, marketing, sales, customer support, and other key functions
critical to achieving the commercial success of the new product or
- Product Commercialization :
- Product Development
- Product Construction
- Product Architecting
- Product Conceptualisation
- The actual launch of a new product is the final stage of new product
development, and the one where the most money will have to be spent for
advetising, sales promotion and other marketing efforts.
- The 3 key aspects of commercialization :
1. Ideation Satge - It is essential to look at many ideas to get one or two
products or businesses that can be sustained long-term
2. Business process stage - It is a stage-wise process and each stage has
its own key goals and militones.
3. Engage Stage - It is vital to involve key stakeholders early, including

- Samsung which is the world’s number one smartphone vendor in terms of

global unit market share. However, as the company has gotten bigger and
more successful, some people have started to claim that the company has
too many product lines. This criticism has become increasingly more
common as the smartphone market size has grown, with there being a
greater diversity of needs across all types of consumers.we’ve found
demand for premium smartphones is still up. Still, we are becoming
acutely aware of it being a multi-tier market, and that’s why we’re seeing
many manufacturers offer a robust portfolio from top to bottom. So
iroduct commercialization is truly an important step in business.
- Samsung has evolved as fast as the technologies they have created. To
develop the latest products, they have to build deeper customer
relationships and overall branding.
- A common feature of its marketing strategy is promotion. Samsung
promotes its products in a variety of ways, attending relevant trade fairs
for each of its products, to provide print brochures, posters and
specification sheets. technique.
- Product information is also available on the Samsung website and
through a line of advertisements. Brochures are numbers that the public
can use to learn more about specific products and at which retail stores
are available. Samsung increases overall brand awareness through
corporate sponsorship.
- All promotion methods available to support the launch of a particular
product. The marketing methods for each product may vary, but they are
coordinated and overseen by the internal Samsung communications
networks and divisions.
- Extensive on-line marketing has been used, such as advertising in
professionals and journalism consumers, emphasizing the benefits of
technology. Samsung has tried to encourage journalists in both consumer
magazine hardware and software to run the comments and has placed
editorial ads offering rich introductions to all aspects of the product.

III. The unique selling propositions ( USPs).

1. The defination of the USPs.

USP stands for Unique Selling Point ,is a marketing concept that defines a
product’s competitive advantage: what’s being sold, to whom, and why a
customer should purchase this offering over another. USP is a term that is often
used, but not necessarily understood or properly utilized. A well-crafted USP
should combine benefits with emotion to result in a clear understanding by the
customer of a product’s perceived value. A clear, simple USP is one way to
create a compelling reason for the customer to purchase.
2.Three basic rules for an advertisement that encapsulated about the
a) Each advertisement must make a proposition to the consumer—not just
words, product puffery, or show-window advertising. Each
advertisement must say to each reader: "Buy this product, for this
specific benefit."
b) The proposition must be one the competition cannot or does not offer. It
must be unique—either in the brand or a claim the rest of that particular
advertising area does not make.
c) The proposition must be strong enough to move the masses, i.e., attract
new customers as well as potential customers.
In markets which contain many similar products, using a USP is one campaign
method of differentiating the product from the competition. Products or services
without differentiation risk the consumer seeing them as commodities and
fungible, thus lowering price potential. Thus having a unique selling point is
essential to have a successful business that can handle current competition, as
well as possible future comers in similar markets
3. The USPs of Samsung.
a) Direct offer
The sales representative always carries with him the product introduction
documents and related documents. When meeting potential customers and target
customers, they are ready to answer the questions asked by the customer
quickly and smoothly. This makes customers feel that Samsung works very
professionally and is always ready to serve customers anytime, anywhere
b) Promotion
Samsung's marketing campaigns are often focused on promotions. They often
use tools such as catalogs, samples, films, slide films, trade fairs and
exhibitions, and documents, tools at the point of sale, ...
Samsung attracts customers with beautiful colors, good print, content that is
easy to understand and directly related to the product. Even though it is a small
branch store, Samsung also displays product models so that customers can
experience directly and give feedback on products. For small and low-value
products, Samsung chooses to send it to customers by mail, sales agent,
affiliate, or mobile salesman. For large-sized and high-value products, Samsung
will be displayed at Showrooms, Trade Rooms and exhibitions and fairs.
c) Release of Samsung magazine
Samsung chooses to PR its products through magazines. Magazine edited and
published by the company to inform internal and customer Samsung activities
such as the success of resellers, distributors, marketing ideas, Samsung news,
results contest with prizes, rewarding employees and information about
Samsung products ...
Samsung also regularly participates in trade fairs and exhibitions - this is where
Samsung buys and sells products, signs contracts, creates relationships between
Samsung and its distributors and agents. Participating in trade fairs is a way
Samsung shows consumers that Samsung works transparently, clearly, and
credibly. Customers will see good pictures of Samsung and know the standard
price of the product.
d) Community relations
Samsung has always built an image and builds customer relationships through
real-world activities. They believe that "customer feedback" is the most
valuable advertising that Samsung does not need to spend money on.
e) Advertising
Samsung continually builds sales promotion strategies and strategies by taking
advantage of the most basic and outstanding marketing features, focusing on
small points, including promotions that help Samsung's Marketing programs. .
Samsung's marketing campaigns are derived from traditional but highly
effective campaigns, making Samsung one of the largest electronics
corporations in the world.
 Samsung makes a difference in the mobile market
Instead of following a trend like "rabbit ears", the company spends heavily on
research and development to create useful devices for users. Instead of
"stereotyping" the middle groove design, the company still chooses the
direction. loyalty to its own design language. High-end models like the Galaxy
S or Note use infinity screens. First appearing on the Galaxy S8, Infitiny Dispay
received high appreciation for the aesthetics, user experience and difference
from the majority.


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