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RULE 112 PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION 1. Preliminary Investigation 2 been o¢kregulrity of Priminary Investigation 3. Probable Cause 44 Natoal Prosecution Service Of {5 Other Ofer Authorized by Law 6. Judges are Not Authorized to Cort Preliminary Investigation 7st of Primiary Investigation Conducted Without Authority | Overview othe Prcedure 9 Investigating Prosecutor's Recommendation 10. Action on Recommendation of Reviewing Officer Prohibited. Motions for Retvstigaton Under the Revised Guidlines for Continuous Tal 12, Remedy Against an Advert Finding 13, For Cases Ring Prininay Investigation 14. Judicial Determination of Potable Cause 18. Personal Examination 16, Probable Cause Hearing 17, Dismissal of Case or Faure to Esablish Probable Cause 18, Order to Present Adionl Evidence 19, When Waren of Amet no Necessary 20. Purpoteof Inquest 21. Inquest Proceedings 22, Remedies Aer Inquest 23. Absence or Unavalblty of Inquest Prosecutor 24, Prolminary nvesigaton Records Forwarded tothe Court Py menos Encano = ®. Rea Retina vestigation Generally Not Part of the 2. SER Net Reteisng Petiminary wenigation bat Filed with 7 either ence en NR 28, Clos Cincy be en Summay Pca ‘onumitted and the vespondent i probably ply teen, and should be Seton cep an provided in Seton 7 of he Roe, 2 — tiptlon tr eqelred to Be ondaced bfare te Slingo compat ox ‘Mfomaton ran ofere where te peal prescteaby nw at eat {ow years tro) ose sd ne) dy wit pro ee Praca boesnasnen A preliminary investigation fr the purpose of determining the ‘existence of probable cause is an executive function’ inguistral in ‘ature an isnot part of rial? {Ina preliminary investigation the prosecutor determines whether or not there is probable cause thats “whether there is sufficient ground 10 ‘gender a well founded belle that crime has been comet and the ‘respondent therein s probably gulty thereof and shoul be el for tia "* Ite pal, therefor, sto "deerme whether or notan information may be prepared againet the accuse."™ Ik is important to note that at this stage of the proceedings, the ‘proper term le respondent, not accused, a¢ the preliminary investigation ‘Drier: Reyes, GR No. 208050, 1 Janay 2006 Calle Caria Estebon, GR. No. avium crete ou Bee Rie ear EE tim omen mt : ee SSR eet caret Ea Cee ee neem geal 196 can csaL PROCEDURE Day ore cae ry te ee cer en er a aon i Sa Sesh ems rope my ner ope es ae ere rere i dni ‘Statutory Right ‘Preliminary investigation is “not » casual afar" 1s a aubstanie right that although no consul in nature, also not merely formal? “Thence to deny one’s ght to preliminary investigation is “to deprive ‘im ofthe full measure of due process “* “The purpose ofa pelminary investigation, aside from ds probable cause, is to “care the innocent against hasty, malicious and Sppresaive prosecution and to protect him from an open and publ aztusation of chime, from the trouble, expenses and anxiety ofa public tral Ie also aime to "to protect the sate from having to conduct useless and expensive trials’ ‘The rules require such investigation before an information or an ‘offense punishable by a eas four (4) ear, wo (2) months and one (1) day may be led in court. Thus, fr al her afenss, oF those punishable by [ess than four years, wo months and ane day, preliminary investigations ‘not mandatory. An exception to the rule, mearing.acase where the offense {is punishable by at least our (4) years, two (2) months and one (1) day but preliminary investigation i not roquire, is for cases where the respondent Lindergoes inquest proceedings. Further, under Section 6, Rule 112 ofthe Rules of Court a person suljected to inquest proceedings may request 8 preliminary investigation. in which case a waiver ofthe provisions of ‘Article 125 of the Revised Penal Code must be signed inthe presence of counsel: Section 6, When acused lawfily arrested without warrant. ~ ‘Whena personis lawfully rested withouta warrant involvingan offense which requires a preliminary iwestigation the complaint “ag Ape An GR. No. 7H. Debs 28, ‘reed Sendarbqon CH No i308), 27 Ape 198. ‘Dutt Seep, GR No. T0191, 2 Ap 95, ing Drm. Sie nC No. 4408 Spt 188 and. Conrt of pete CRN 10187 1 ebony 192 Sea Oampo Ans GR No, 17663) 1 ebony 24 the Ombudemen, GH Nes 1598-0, 2 Jone 908 se. Sign GR No, 10802 le November 2. ‘Sag-Abp Ang GR. No. 7ST, 04 December 208 cing hae, Gur. — or eration may be Sed by «pcr wit ned o Stch vestigation prove ana asa oe cordance with exbting ras Inthe abner) ‘ofan ingest prosecutor the complaint may te led by the ‘tended party ora peace cdc ney withthe proper COU ‘hots fhe aidttheoffened party or meting oe Brerence of his counsel Notihetanding the waiver he my “ppiy for all an the investigation mast be terminated wi ffees (15) ays from ts ncepion Aver the fling ofthe complaint or information in court without preliminary investigation te secused may within Give (Gh day vom the ine he earns fs ling ask ora preliminary {ivestigation with the same right fo adduce evidence im NS ‘defen as provided in his Rae: Ezphasis supplied) Du Press ‘Dye process na preliminary investigations aid out in jurisprudence a the rghit tobe hear aed be given resonable oppotaity fo submit ‘ridence none’ defence: Inthe context ofapeiminary investigation, the right de proces flaw ena the oppor to be hea 1 Serves to Eicon! an epportanity for the presentation of the respondents ‘Se wit epurd tothe accusation. ABerwards, the investigating ‘lice hal vide whether he allegations and defenoes lead toa ‘Sevonable ble! that acime hasbeen comnts and tha twas The sepondent who comunited it Other, the investigating fice boue to dsmass the complaint. to be heard and submit evidence in support of one's defense” hat is prosrbed is lack of opportunity to behead Thus one Whe es been afforded a chance to present one's own side ofthe Wop not dum dni of due process" Emphasis spied: stations omitted) FT Gamapoe Tne GR No. 766,11 Febery 2014, canara PROCEDURE ees ama sighs ee 0 a ote species ee pear) Lei che tH en Peal a” Sct 3 le ed tring ght ght 0 subals counte Adv, 4 rods he following TENS Se compa 2, where rei ll ater evens etn estos 9 the etn oy thet witnesses, to be afforded an opportunity tbe present but without tg Mono wanineorenarexamie i ‘matiniay netgaion i a 00k & es enh iia wenn 2 a suv dy oe ao ca to cerine wheter here sree Es tlapnd ha ano hn bon comic an the acused & probably guilty thereof" Moreover, i is also not the aa eee olay of tesimonies and eridenc™ Fo ih ment fh cite 5 Such sere Sree Pee un tproper ant he preliisary investigation level"® ‘Assoc 1 ciao ae Its TOA The aber of primary investigation dos not let the courts eon over theca but oky tte mglany ofthe proceedings ™ esther dow tina or nce dete he oration ™ ‘Thus, failure of accused to invoke his right to a. preliminary investigation before or atthe time of entering a plea at arraignment is a waiver of such right and any ireglarty that attended i" Therefore, the {ight can no longer be invoked forthe fs time in the appellate courts” This is 0 because “ie right toa preliminary investigation is not a fundamental sight and may be waived expresily or by slnce."* ‘As to the proper remedy and procedure, jurisprudence has ruled that the proper remedy in the absence of preliminary investigation, Fea 7 Oden, CR Nog. 21214412 Jnr 205 tng De Lams Chee 3 Ag © Ent Onion Nox 221041 21 Jaan 25, cing Padget SiN omg oh ana + Geni Rand a. Ten AM No.1}: 05 Ape 28 Le RBC ed NG Noes? jawny 2 aig a Coe GR No ith 0 one 50 Parana. Dri GR: No, 8019 p19, Plt Sondgnbj OR No 11907 Ap 19, ropes Uni No.0, Nay 398 Palen Lan CR Ne M67 hun rraawel Ercan E we ld rot gah ern at ne Sveti cero cosaa acess 2 ‘bets Cur tans er rl ha ae fe ramen leet oor gu agar eee Racinv fe sd Ce ema Sen ofc pry mesa Pee cs Be osm pr eran ed se Wot hoc Pot Ot a ot sane chinese pocrcn ae ern owe «ton for nwt o reed pln, vats palit peanut Ney of etek Siete Couleur ta Cee tie i Mote kr ntegnon tthe geome eamnenng he ng iui be rman ‘Svinte an ld won prior leave of cout @) when ‘2 fot required under Sec 8 Rae 12; and (3) when the epular preliminary investigation is requlred and has been actoally onducted, andthe grounds relied upon in the motion are ‘Rot meritorious, such a ess of rei, admis of {vidence, innocence of the erased, or liek of due proces when the scrused was actualy noted, among atbers™ (Emphasis supplied) Promants Cause Probable cause for purposes of Sling a criminal information has bo fined by jurispadence as follows Probsblecause. for purposes of flingacrminal information, has been defined as such facts as are sufficient to engender & well-founded belief that 2 crime has been committed and That the private respondent is probably gully thereof, 1 is GR No 109,07 Apt sen isos = Rhee actos ami Fis see nba ese Sema nicely ee Smo =e mcngsotroma testa cont mas serieeome peer ere Love talc os reg SSCS mei orencatere ne Seeoranwmens Faeealiie eects Seaeeeee munca @ betta Pn EERE MIE nc aro Fercnctcm ah ieeselgereoemet ee order not to frustrate t ‘emtodyin een 1 a, cove one BS Boule Onn ny In stra Onda he Supreme Cour rl tat probable cause say be established wih arse evidence a lang as thew subttl Tl for crediting th hearsay la Thus, probable ose ane abs with heanay dent aongat henna aif eng te feast Heeyerdene sinner {seins pein vegan bese sch egos iter preininay nd dotted peed tit pr Hwee nara ree ‘gh and elation ar aly ann, wha orequed i ula eine” wh cao iyo een Posty on teary ere Sutras te See Ss substantial evidence beau sosanl eiere ences tearay evidence we mana bande fey vide To aqui th ppt Ang iy sep fl (Emphasis and undencong supplied) Seeton 2. fics thorn conduct pein inestigations.- The investigations following may conduct preliminary {Provincial or ity Proscar and their asstans; (©) Nationa and Regional tate Proveators: nd Tire Daft GR No 2 2 ey 2, Ennis Detain GA Noe 2240402 na 273. Femi: Greta Gi Nex aD 21 a syne mvsigatons hal seme especie tert (9) Otrer oer “Thee authority conduct pei aes coganble bythe POPE! <8 jisisieions ayn Prone Senex OE ee enn els 4 ity ap rie tral rc Sie Hrs, ec Spy eta era Le waving rama ecu those fr Which task frey ‘Rave Been Grated and criminal cases whose verses ae tansered ved pdscariage offs all whence directed bythe Secretary of ustice fs public intrest may equi “The Provincial or City Prosecutor, rte assistants have the power to “Investigate and/or cause to be investigate all charges of crimes, ‘misdemeanors and violetions of peal Is and ordinances within ther -epectvejusdictions, and have the necessary information er complit prepared or made and fled against the persons ace" (Oren Orncen Aurionaza 2 Lav The Spc Presto an hi proscton taf compris the ee ef the Spa rosea hich sa oon fe Oe {he Onbodanan and under the Onda superrsion and cont ‘he Oe of the Spel Preto codats pinay invest _rig ica at son ee finfr he soperviace sn cr and apo the ee Ombudsman" eee ‘Asidefrom th Spc Pesan Oc, th ules of Procerec the cof be Gotta talons Onbedonan nen Deputlesd Pronto investing file athorzed ty lew ® ‘Src preliminary investigations, oawyers in the goverment ev RANG 1007 sczons HAND MEM Seton Smee sedan Cnidaria ean ein Seether pe tn ste hee seen el 87 oe een eee ee crenata ame oa Senet airs rons reenter as snes aes op ae see cae eee Sr heed al ie ory Fpuocennopednininsatoa ne sy Scan CN Pe con _ioneee ee eee Gent ore a en Btn ct es et nye ROE Pane Get Be ee ee eo aca sey et lS po con ci re pn seis rainnay gotta _oaes Ae Nor Aurora ro Cowner Pamir DSTA aise Pambansa 129 otherdce inown as. The judy se atan Act of 186), provider for the autorty of ads Zain cc ecept tse he National Capt Region, areal Tal Court rd Marepal Cit al Courts conduct ‘etna avetgaton Section 37 ofthe aw provides: Section. Princesa —Judgect Metropotin ‘al Com, eacept thse inthe National Capital Region, of Taal Gp ial Cras and Municipal Cit Tl Courts hall Mc gf conduct renin vesigation of ines ec tonacben comme win hese ey the Renal Tl Cot. Spalted "Dep er SS ——rnnatemamonesromimnn a PEST Ee eee 2 RS SSeS ten > ue be nr ey cans PROCEDURE aay of Petit Decree NOS: Pie, Oe O27 he pcos ietiation the Jags Fa a ee al fora the meas ofthe ease de prime eo ting fhe ONAPONAg ‘Beran ie proper Ne wavant of amet shal be sewed the Fudge in conn an cial compat Hed wih i for FRRIRASE "esigason uless ser 28 examination in nga wrk alraton of compliant en ‘Miyano hinds ata pbc vay wart of art od in cordance herewith may te seed anyweb PP [AM No0582656, which tookfit on 03 October 200, amend ules iant sie Reve aleson Chia Proceed removed the conduct of preimnaryunestgaton fom Judes of te fs evel court MTC jdges are this no longer authorized to conduct preliminary Investigation™ Erector Prsxamuny besnaanon Cowoucres Wi AUTHORITY When the ofcer whe fd the information i without authority such as when ther is 86 prot witton approval ofthe information by the provincial or city proses the information is considered infirm and is 2 jariadictional defect tat cannot be cued.” Such n information may be stipe efarnotontequth nt pct teeing ott an officer properly authorized. x 7 id Saction 3, Pcl. ~ The prelininary investigation shall be condced in the flowing manner (0) The complaint shal ste the addres of the respondent and sh be acmparcd by the ari ofthe omplaia tec, as wells oher supporting documents tino cae. They sal Be nck uber o ‘epics as there are renondens, pls two (2) copies for he tte Te af sal be ubcibed and tar tefore any prosecutor or goverment offical authorized 2Niminiser oath, i hl absence or tna, before {notary publ each of whom maa ceri that he personally 5 Ganpllng Bernde AM No Mona, om Conpuila #. Bernarde, AM No, MT}00-1737, 9 February 2001. cet tm at at sates tire onan wag ay Saag tics cite ag ars Sccngenett atone Soclgaerentnene ever nt em i ees san Trt i ee as eee tere mene “ian Sy Gieats yer ac Friern it hee nets appoints sare ‘pjesama i a tips tesa (oes cenned as provided in paragraph (ofthis section, swith copies there forishe by him to the complainant The ‘Topondent shall not be alloted to flea motion to dismiss Tenot 1 the respondent cannot be subpoenaed, or if subpoenaed, (0 Toes not abit counter af5davts within the ten (0) Say 2eSade the investing ofr hall rrolve the complaint Based on the evidence presented by the complainant. (e) The investigating officer may seta earingf there ae facts and foncerned. rng inion shall e hl within en 1 ay fo oe tg er docmens Fam the epi of cuneate asa wend win oe © days, oa. ROCHDURE 1 investigation the investigating (0 unin en 1 ee ete orate alent rong Seen Oven oF Proce procedure forthe conduct of ‘Seton 3 of Rule 112 provides the ie Rocce uengespreiinary investigation, _reiminay weston Ie tof Scion 3 of Ral 112. On the eae ence ling arth Re on Summary Procedure, Rony Son 3) pi A arr stated, peliinaryivestigatin is equte fr al aes seen py reseed att oa (ye m0 2) mont, and re) Ingeeral be procedure undrtbeniyofSecton3 shall consist the flowing ede fing the complaint ocomplan-afidavts suance (ft eapoona lingo corte afdavi optional arty bearing, and ‘olla th prose Se 5) ~Cmpint AfastorComplaint The proces of paiinary investigation stars with the ling ofa ‘complaint or more parislny acomplia fxn compsctndrete fed heeded py 4 ca brine by “any compet peso wth personal know ed the cs commated bythe fender" which nudes wlio prvatecrimes, the provasion of Rae, Seon, aplcble complaint nore propery complain) forthe purpose of cendacting preimnary intestate sath sasha ao minal protons dco in fatpradene A compli or pps of coding prliinay investigations egal ech te ate eo compli or norton down nul i (econ of ies whch ay spect pect Plies sear ana rte hansen ade Pronounce ent I compat or ifaaion Hed Fast tr le Sten ‘Sarno Pac GR No. 8255 Flay 210 envi scams " {in cout doe et comply wih st of constitutive sterner ii nemo nk Ti ng on smi in es of courte aa spose y the le O9 Freliminary investigation, however Li According othe ues, the complaint mst wate te adres of the respondent accompanied by sppting doce 9 eis probable ‘aus agit the responder: Ang thse documents are the ais ‘tthe complainant and hs or ber wines ane documets, whic [re part of the compl sike an ivormation im Wich ll ates Srerments should beim one docunen® ‘The rules sae thatthe penons excaing the complaint or components, oended pty any pee aca or ther pubic oer ‘hated with he enforcement ofthe wold = wel a he witnesses ssn staternents ae ached fo the complain afSdavt ust APP {efor eters postr ora goverment ol authored to ant? reat orn thar absence a tary pul, ad seat tote tah of the ‘Toate inthe complain afiavit These authori persons shall thotsignatres on theta) ance tat they personally xamined ‘hella and that they ae sot thatthe aan olutaniy eect Shad undensiood dr fda. nan exceptional case the Supreme Cour aed that a complaint aMdavit notnbed by 4 notary public in foreign jection i Setance with te roused of sworn ane subscribes fiat’ ‘Soneoves th ket an sth sn mere foal defect "which does ntact ‘Retututenal igh of he defendant onthe merits" ‘Section 3) also slates ha he adits ofthe complainants and his wats chal be cried by a proscar molars, which esl i the aft that he “peeoally examined the afar FERNS cused that they voluntary exected and understood their affidavits” “pee, the fdas shal be subse and som to elo ay er ‘Sento Conc af use. No. TE. 08 Sec armed Bi sremrgna ces Preah Sonu create eli ston faim os came ROCEDOE so-so oe oc tigel ecomp the ingens tt ioe tte eg) aman Sereno ow meagre ee ‘Seu supeena ote aposent The por 10 the a ‘tated eh the once he erplantaidvt, Atached 1 the poo, Bacopy of complaneaticavic swells he spring docubene, Inca witness wo on) Section) Rule 12 allows he pronto fo eave the comping ‘asc onthe cadence ators hms espn ou ote sober ‘Th provi dw ot ie mon ot poe a Onion ine gus on athe ay ct th proces he pres the oa long as eter to each hi were mae ann oppor 0 cotrover the eidence ofthe compliant acirdod Rar The fac fr as ‘eto prevent surfed atempt of 3 tesponent 0 delay the Prosecution of oencee"= Right of Examination Under Secon 3) or Rule 12 the respondent shal have the ight to examine he eicenc subnet the complaint whic he may Sot ‘have been furnished and to copy thom at his expen. If the evisence voluminous he complainant maybe roe pec the which | Intenso preset against the spond and thee hal be made oiabe for examination of copying by the espondent at his expense, Where ects are submited as evidence in preliminary Investigation they need ot be famished a party but they shal be made aval for earn, ‘copying or photogzaphing at th expense a the requesting party. The ight of examination st forth under Sastion 3), Rule 112 ofthe Rules of Court docs not rogue the proscuor10 fui 2 sepondent With the counteralidavts of his corespondents as espondents ight of examination refers only to theevience brite bythe complainant See 3(0)~ Counter Aft Within 20 days fom recipe of he alpen withthe complain and supporting alias and Janey or sith aoe poner ay Sey ct ne eon Rayan Spa 287 © Sarre Ahk Na 8 tay Ra Soi 28 PL “© drt Ohl GR Nox 21044, 21 fre 205 rennet camo em i apni oar ne is cee snitch nga spe St le 1 Sm oan anios ence ee ok ‘helminths mare copa theme wr ntty ss onan nega sete oats ‘Sites pn Oe Sao Ss pe ety At elie ace mater cmientepattenwging role th spon sop se Se ‘Sainte Sa Alcor“ copa ima treteuin ano ctaecip Ba "Sealtiegnet ohn jhe omen ae seret Cutt pt pincer step Seve pf op oe aa teers Se Roto f Ati Pr ‘eat cme nc ty pn i reper cr te nao oe Topas omer, Steg nS cage tone si Pred ins ay pk Sree) ~ Option Clarifier Haring torn spend Fe ne ce ig gn ce am more mas or cao i Sa a Norn 2A, > ice aN a 2 Beotnes Senge = cnesaL PREECE ay’ Scion He) of ile 12 rath Asean ye rm man Son Seen ye ery bang 8A! he per SO SRELEAT Gace er nepal daring retina fren grote ah cng oe oa Teeter bt tet height 6 eaming SESS SE Fy sats he vetting Br gut, SSP ea enka opr or wie commer: TN gh oak SSL RSLS tot tate vetting tice See GS Sete micas eroete wi pops thee guetions"= Se 4p - Detention te Pree “Ths rue ss that wii en (10) ays aftr the invetiption, sted opts bern ere ast" (Mice th cere eter or mt te slit round to hd spender ioral” informed of the complaint and of the evidence submatied against him ‘and that e was ven an opportenty to abit eontoveting evidence (Otherwise he sal recommend the dismal ofthe complaint eatin am ition al oad he cd ae to the roviacal or ty proncioro che ateproecir, ‘tthe Omibudenan o his depty in aves offenses conizable by {i Sandia i te nen niga jin They shall ‘2 on the resoeton within ten 10 ays fom tet recept hereto ‘sal immediatly inform the pats of rach ston, No complaint or information ay be fled or dismissed by an Prosecutor without the pie wren authority approval rete “ ee yp a pa TDi Sey ht 03 No 192 ‘Padme Dron CA Ns aaa mn the complaint but his recommendations apprered byt ror ‘ly powcr a cle sae pron ie Ombuaeman os cnt GR 8 ae ele Ct of RN Shad fy ton ne ep Gea DON ej Mel eh le om 3 Beige Men ex Na a ena canons 180008 pattie case forthe pag sehichow ajo derision anal ase or etn deer en a ete TMI Tagen eco rm te ng ean carne eT rao ATO Ha Rope Se cog oe tn ny een reblc eta py tes Fm tha Perot ape ce te see pound Sere eae cps ete tne nd SSUREME cael pemenerpes ren The igen br an Sri wt wal of oe Soul eed in eased wheter hee TT ene nnd une ced or Racinowde ele Teste bthbl ae SPiiiiy moe alr are pomding or caine Se aidben cent et rs Sonsini bets let the judge cannot yy on fh eet oh postr dng Probe ‘aust fst the nce ss wart of ses Coa Scenery ttf pomcsts pet Seppe he en at er Eocene he soa ances rl Howe he age ‘st decide independent: Hee te ma fave ‘ic rh be pre ep pon Wich {egy sii own fogs on escort cece route coe fe aoe eT pony of Sep en ttt ‘iste of poate ces lpn hn vo tan ‘ot et eld Pott rena ld Sebo orale of pn pres lrwarr te inter ton nomates an rte ‘ilon kalo soma arsine cers rubles Honor male sees Indi findingon wheter sacs parnctae sti iene , ae ead oe rig pny i {0 and canine mune en at te dg tae atc spring dae (ch ‘stomata mae em sae {wrens or no ogc msm) we sh ae nde ga Son hh vey edge ero tse pte he tic ecard fst onthe prea mnmendaon mth Report {Gur ih cae Alta presen ea fresunpn eat be prance tht ed eet whch grr He poe psn st em ons a esol deere pot cnt one of aa ‘es Cor sans hl at ge il Netoanden yf eel ot even mee Sgt pee Protas Cust Hens ‘ean Ali? tis at eang determine pobbecise at ncn fra lr wea ot amet apron eaten lie peste’ and pyran dcurens lb fice Pole case forthe ance a waar fae has teen die! ech fact nd evamances which wold Iai eworoydcet nd pret man to Bele ata ‘Gerais teen fom pon sogattobe ars” “ou hContact {kien byte aie ser accion underoath 2 ‘freon cept ries we ed th edges penal cuminnonottcomplanantandtbe ‘inset mr nd indopenle or eeig Trap fing want fame 11 eouph thatthe age peel eats she ‘ep nd uppring documents showing the Geen ct pmkle ca fr the iment ao the SEE Tuc a worst fares of ote eit Witla he endo mop cae, fo ag the He itp 2 py ie Pl mA SONS i nce tn Ce te Sy a canes OCA precatrneciaten armgi seven, srt rn tein (Gophaand deeng PH) awn Cat on Fs Ean Pru Cue hema diss the cse ty Thugs m piace hema i he nate Sentitartmtnea eretarant™ IN Sch ey, pe Pee we pss ees ‘sppel he (tien and ced stone Recs: ‘he TC jge was win Bis pawers to domi the coc apt pote HFC oes Son 6 Rul 12 0f the sire Comin Prceure provids that the judge "may {nmi din he cei he evidence on record cle aio eabish pecate ese The CA shold hare dened the Peoples ptm fx opal cv ston of eto tat state corner href dns ice Seon a I pe at hae ato wa the ‘no appa or ay pe sey and aque eed in onlay couse tan” “eunereney ne The hovers stat Scan, Rale 122 ofthe same ‘le roids that an gpa my betaenin criminal ction jdgment oe alee Cade dan SR eres ‘Gave Ita al rer since dopones ofthe cae tens thing Frter to "RPG efcers The the proceedings and lees he et {be proceedings dvs the cot i espe othe cat ans eon =, eon cor dealy FB Erte cene sy Ser rca Se ge, 28 Bae ane See ane eee saree tices rte terete shommien pga ho: Wanna oF Ans Nor Necentae Acconing to paragraph (ofthis rule warrant of aes snot nectar i acine s already under detention pursuan oa warrant [esodby the manip tal court in urndance wk paragraph) ets eso, o if te compan or notion ws fed pun 0 ingest ings os for anoles penalized by fne omy. The cout hal ‘Ben posed in he exci lt cig urodcton Section 6 Whey sce ely aed without waren. ~ When 2 rpersonis lawfully areted without s wart nvalvingan offense wich feulres a preliary inveatgaton the complaint ot information may Delled by proseetar rithoat ned of such investigation proved tm inguct hes been condacied in acerance with esting les. nthe lhsene or availabilty ofan inquest prosecutor, the complaint may ‘efile ty the offended party ora peace acer directly with the Proper ‘oust on the bas othe adavt othe efended pany or sang ‘cero person ‘efor the complaint or information i led, the person acted say sok fora pelininar investigation in scordance with this ale but Iemst sig weaverof the provision of Article 135 ofthe Revised Pen ‘Code as amended inthe presence of hi counuel- Notwithstanding the ‘waver he may apply for balan the investigation mart be terminated ‘within teen (18) days from is inception After te fling ofthe complain o¢ information in court without 2 preliminary investigation the acused may, within ve) day frm the Tine he lear of ling atk for» pelnary investigation wth te ‘sume ight addace evidence in hi fens at provided inhi Rae Purwoae oF haute preliminary investigation sree before the lingfa complaint or information fr an oense where the enaly prescribed Bylaw 1 east four (6) years, two 2) months and one (}) day without regard to Sne® As an cacepton the rls provide that Were sno need fora FT Posr ta nae uaa Bomber 32 : cme ota evetonin nc patina isin rang oe. Cas tp eee sold ema nero pawl ater the fing of a, ‘Tous the er rel of Ne areiedperson™ Moreover sags eile ea Monee eee ce at ar ‘Rifas pce oes ngost proceings Ved no See ret, ype ce gh puoi en Sc aig, re os ss whee ee i a ac peg tomes erat dee ae eteay mee thon a oes sep pinay etree eid wht Seat pean attrac Sues ha ae Proper eareerirciaentrms ponte biet al sneplugomese mcs Poceonce Een mensasy iene 2 ESTE eee ct etn 9 ech Ce Errata on hymn 9 anne * nie Do eget fer ena ay fe eof erie hon conga dome dW Oe ‘ret ofthe detained person war dein codaree theron Sreagerte Waal ceaaaes La a NT ‘elon et Tween an ‘iy when te needs en aly oes ee Ifthe Warrants Arete: Rao Reese wth Suber of Preliminary osigtion the amestwasnot propel fecad ote evidence on hand warrant ‘heconduct of pelininaty nestigation dengan ofcer shoul proceed ‘under Section ofthe New Rls on Inquest” which provides Sec. 8, Where Arrest Not Prope Efeted.- Should he Inquest Office nd tat he eres wat no ade acorn swath Rls, he sl 2) recommend the relete of the penon are or detained 1) ote down the dispeiton om th eel document )_prepar bie memorandum indicating the reasons forthe acon hen and 4) forward the sme together with the record ofthe case, tothe City or Provincial Preseeutorfor appropriate action, ‘Where the recommendation forthe tls ofthe detained person is approved by the iyo Provincial Prosecutor but the {vidence on hand warrant the cond of regular preliminary Investigation, the order of release shall be served on the ‘ofier having custody of sid detainee and shall diet the Sald oficero serve upon the detain the subpoena or notice of pelininay Investigation tater wih te cop of te Charge sheet ox complain aide or swor statements ofthe ‘Complainant and hs witnesses and ober supporting evidence. ccananaLPROCHDURE se vas tof ria EHR Pray er ox ioeedhapionire tie cee 1 9h Now Raa smoot Seater teins pe inant sara site ie oe PE keen Pe ek ae en ater yop St an eben al ae ene et pcan nema on eo cece ounce: other the waiver ‘Ths peiimuy iergation aval of shall De terminated within 15 days rm inception aquest Proper 1 the option for proiminary investigation 1s not avalled of, the proceedings now move tthe inquest proper as state in Section 1 ofthe raw aeson ques, where he inquest prosecutor examinesthe statement oratidavitotthecomplainantsand wits, and other supporting evidence, nd in an informal and summary pracredng, determines whether oF nl theres probe cause for he lng of an information ‘The submission of counterafidavts in inquest proceedings ie ‘ot allowed, unles the detailed person avails ofthe option to avail ofa preliminary investigation, waiving the provisions on Aile 125 of the Revised Penal Code, beaten such case, the proceedings are converted ‘oa rgula prolunary investigation” Ae Ty he ey of ind eas he peal art = The lis pede el ed i 0 tpt apne abe See ire cit ca peo eh geen tl iver sch pen he op el aborts in pro ee £2 frs hrs fet! aati y igh eas, oe gues SEED EG ee re ly econ tren oral pies whence Te oe Pete BF so an sll bowel apna nce fe ae oe en rvs atone oe ese ace Oe BANG. 708 Secon) ‘AON 7, Oe ae Psd jane 98 Finding of Lack r Ese of Probable Cause Probable casein the New Reson Inquest is ef as "when the evidence subrteotheInguret Officer rel founded bebe {fara sme has teen commited and that te areted or Getaned PEIN {eprobably gly here” the inquert office, nthe conduc of the inquest proper, ids probable cure, be shall prepare the. complan/information and Fcommend the fing there othe prosecutor for ing theret, which ere deny inns pcr act Fener m Rewcoes Arex hoes? ‘Apes arsed without a warrant after the onet of annus ‘asthe towing remedies fo a preliminary veto either {lore or ar the fling of the nformatan r apply for til No Motion {or Reconsideration, oc Reto for Review o he restion of ingest ‘Proscar allowed in the as sbough a Psion for Review mayb rae afer avalng of peiinary teagan or rinwestgaion Inch cate, one ayer aval ofthe emis ear mentioned ot to tial Test avalabe remedies are sumiarized in Le. ‘amet BEFORE THE FILING OF COMPLAINT OR INFOR- MATION IN COURT, the private complainant may proceed Trcordinaing with the aeting oer and the inquest ‘cer during the lite’ conduct of Ingues. Meanie the Srrested perem haste option to {nventgaten provided he duly signs waiver of any objection Stastny i his delivery the prope judicial estborstes ieee Arace 125 of the Revised Penal Code. For obvious ‘sora ths remedy not avilable to the pevate complainant ‘Shee he cannot waive wht he does not have, The benefit ofthe Frovistna of Article 125, which requires the ing of complaint Er nformaion with the proper dial authontes within the Spplcable perio, belongs tothe arrested person. oie Ales Ga Ne 6708 Auge 200 Cre Ale Gi No 6708 2010 con IEOEE So eri gett pe mea epee ay eras sree eae see a pve complainant fachremedy is nt repent canon Src ful on Appel, Section Byer at eRe shal apy 0 appeals fom, Fania a ute of prelimi nvetgaion/ Toner’ ie came eto Hogs. hrefore, the Fresca shuld ot a of peliinry invention Ee meatipatan ay, before rating the mater fo the Boj sera Incase inguest proceing yin proba ae the peat ompanart nay passe he case tough the regular Suef pinay iver (ONCE A COMPLAINT OR INFORMATION 1S FILED 1 COURT, the rues yet pie the acs with another ‘Spc tom te me be msi fling The Males Court And he Now Rates o nga ser Fever, on whee: ie pate comps coud she os ropendet hes of {he victim di the reser ct snare oak ft ‘investigation (Emp tnd undorcering spool) ust fr rnin Iesaton ‘The penion arsed without a waran Pel for an offense ‘aeons a a selcvacrres a rmrchidctre ee dog Sith, fain invenigaton cn regu requiring @iwanees or prelininary nvestgatons toe pf Yimin investigation, provided he sharactrizd as mandatory bythe Gout so such ation led cjond Spe enya 9 oy 7 Stel Ss Cotta oe an for preliminary investigation filed beyond the five-day reglementary gece in inet rcesing der Sule 1a, raion [Evetinton depts duet” bape mae ai Ate Ieguet ‘Owing to the summary nature of proceedings in nut, bl nat svalable during the condutf the ame. Once, however the reseed ave terunatd and th ingot fxr ha ermine the fale {he arrest the prom afd may apply for bal Moreover “person lnfly aed and detained but whe has ok ot been formally charge i court can Sek povsonl tease WOU) {reslingof sn application fori He mat ro wa for formal compat ‘ov infortion to be fled since bale aval wall prsoe where the ‘tens is balla Tha, the let sentence ofthe exsond paragraph of Section 6 fale 12 provides that the ares person enay apy for ball ‘Sher avaling ofthe option fora preliminary fvesugason ater waiver Of his ight under Ale 125 of he Revised Penal Code. Farther under ‘Sesion 170), Rue 13, "aly person custody who not et charged in Court may spol forbllwithanycoutinthe province cy. mricpalty ‘wherebe ibe” ‘Ansence on Uowantaau’ oF aes PROSEITOR The rules provide that in he sbuence or unavalabity of a ingest proses he cut ay beled iecty i court by te ofl party of iS oe ths iapensing with the inquest proceedings. This sation Fars Crt fats GH No. 1402 Man Bens Cet te Srp lof Cn Cam, AM, Na OID x ane somaa patent ‘eco tga usa Ta pparimen of aca fag and xing Tl Fee TE Seren eet oeaeerocon once excharesece hake ee Gate GR No. 885,27 ay 2004 ua cana PROCEDURE every rare in cared ies sce tere are MANY PUBIC Prowog, signed in hee ares tbe rc eee cates es Soe ire aetna (Rood eset. ~The cro he rin Investigation ceeded by» prnecaor or oer fr a5 ay BL ely eh epee mt a annem mations 29 ay my oer Fa eel reader Treen cen arsine be nroded ek Side inte at by teeing Preuamury lvesrcaron Recon Formasoto 10 re Count Records in suppor of the Iomaton o complain, such ap attiaavis and courirsindavis of the pares and their woewet together wih hc ther sapporting evidence and the rooition he ca ar general nt forwanied wo the cout. Tse documents eevee ‘pom onda eth cours may be considered by the thal cout judge i

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