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Bucao, Lance Godswill A.


Do the task #1

In your own words, state what ‘’self’’ is for the following philosophers? After doing so,

explain how your concept of’’ self’’ is compatible with how they conceive of the self.

1. St. Augustine 

2. St Thomas Aquinas

1. As a Christian, I was born with a family that knows and serves God. But it doesn’t mean

for myself that I should have faith in Him. Because God gave us a free will, a choice for

us to be made whether we want to follow Him or not. For me, St. Augustine states that

self must be one with God. One who have relationship with Him. We are born to follow

what God wants us to do because we are made like Him. That whoever believes in Him

and have faith in Him can truly know what is to have a self-peace. Augustine taught that

everything in the world made by God has its place in the natural order of things, and acts

directly to nature.

2. In my own words, St. Thomas Aquinas states that our self has own wisdom and

knowledge to intervene in this world. For me, he states also that we have our own

perceptions and we have actual self-awareness. We have our own choices and reasons to

decide and live with everyday life. But that is not enough because Aquinas believed that

“self” must have judgement for divine intervention. He is trying to say that we need God

to walk with us in able to achieve the impossible. We need to understand the word of God
in order for our inner self to accomplish objectives. Because being only with ourselves or

being alone is not enough.

Do the task #2


1. Read Lesson 2 on page 9-11.

2. To harness your knowledge, answer page 11 (B),

3. Reflection and Research on page 12.


Answer 1: According to Augustine, self is made up of a body and a soul. That everyone is made

into the image and likeness of God. That whoever believes Him shall find inner peace. While

Aquinas, he states that self has its own self-awareness. He believed that a person can know the

truth with certainty by the use of his own reasoning but it is not enough if we don’t know God.

Because the perfection of human soul is found in God alone.

Answer 2: I agree to the teachings of Augustine and Aquinas ends to that statement. They always

believe that our selves must be connected to God. Augustine believe that we are created like

God. That we are made to taste what God is like and what God’s love for is like. That we can

find true peace in ourselves. Aquinas believed that our own wisdom, our own reasons are not

enough for everyday living. He believed that by understanding and knowing our judgment in

God, we should read the bible. That only in God, we can find true perfection. Nothing in this

world can truly satisfy us and only God can do that.

Answer 3: In my own personal experiences, I agree to both Augustine and Aquinas. Because true

happiness is not here in this world. For example, we are happy because we achieve something or
you get the material things you want, I can agree that we can be happy about that for a temporary

period. Because when we die, we can’t bring these material things or medals that we have. But if

we believe in God and His love for us, that is true happiness. "Joyful are people of integrity,

who follow the instructions of the Lord. Joyful are those who obey his laws and search for

him with all their hearts. They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in his

paths." – Psalm 119

Answer 4: It means that our reason alone or our knowledge alone is not enough for us to see in

everyday situations. But with Divine judgement, we can truly overcome every crisis will come.

It’s our own choices whether we want ourselves to be just ordinary, or we want ourselves to be

extraordinary by following God. Because we all know that God is the light, the way, and the

truth that will help our “self” in order to achieve the impossible.


No, we must not wait before it’s too late because we never know what might happen to us today

or tomorrow. We don’t what’s waiting us in the end and might regret that in the end. But it’s

never too late to know God. Right now, is the right time to believe in God. Right now, is the

right time to have faith in Him.


My father is the best example. Because he does not only give up material possessions away, but

also, he gave up his time here for us to work abroad. He gave up the time that we can be together

in one house so that our dreams, my brothers and sister’s dream, our lives to be better. If it

wasn’t for him, we won’t be able to go to school or have enough budget for our daily expenses.

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