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1. What does this song mean?

- This song means that Lord Jesus Christ is always there for us to guide us.
Whenever we are in the depths of sorrow, Lord Jesus Christ is always by
our side. We should always keep in mind that our Lord will never let us
suffer. And, most important thing we should keep our faith in him.

2. How did this song make you feel?

- The song makes me emotional because I feel blessed and as well as the
feeling of being guilty. I feel blessed because Lord Jesus Christ provides
me everything. He always guide me and protect my own family from any
danger. I feel guilty because I only acknowledged him when in sorrow or
when I ask something. But this song helps me realized about my
mistakes and misconceptions and I learned a lot.

3. What is/are the most important word(s) in the song? Why?

- The most important word for me from the song is “I’m so blessed Lord”,
because starting from the moment I am being formed and being born I
am blessed because Lord have given me a life and a chance to witness
his creations. And it reminds that we should appreciate his presence in
all aspects in life no matter how small or big it is.

4. How do you feel this song connects to your generation?

- For me this song is connected to our generation today. This song serves
as a wake up call because today its like we have forgotten our beloved
God. Killings, corruption and war are oftenly happening the essence of
God is already missing. So I think this song serves as a wake up call
because it gives us a lot of realizations.

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