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1. Impact of Social Media Use. Try nor logging in to any social media accounts for at least a day.
How did it feel?
- I’ve tried not logging in to any social media for a day and I feel bored and irritated because I
feel that something is missing on me.
2. Boundaries of the Self Online.
a. Conduct a survey to your classmates, friends, relatives and family (as many as you can) and
ask them about things they think we can disclose and those that we should not share online.
Fill in the table below with their answers.

What to Post What not to Post

Bible Gospels Unconfirmed News
Positive quotes Sexual Contents
Important Information Private Family Information
Emergency Information Negative comment
Advisories Threat

b. What can you say about the results of the survey?

- I am surprised because of this survey I was educated on being a responsible social media
c. Based on your personal online interactions, are you aware of what to post and not to post
- I am personally aware on the things to post and not to post online. We should be
responsible social media user because it is an online platform that can be seen by anyone.
3. Do you filter what you show in social media? How do you choose what to show and what to hide
from your friends?
- I am filtering on every post on my social media by going to the privacy settings and hiding
any abusive and negative contents. I make sure that everything I post will not offend
4. Do you believe that what you post is a reflection of your identity? Explain.
- No, because for me everything you post on social media will not define your personality. We
don’t have any right to judge a person by just depending on his post. Because other person
might post something that can make themselves and others happy , or they are just
influenced by the current platform of social media.

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