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This procedure provides guidance for conducting a qualitative task risk assessment and prioritization methodology dependent on the
knowledge, experience and professional judgment of those involved. In this methodology, risk is defined as the severity of the outcome of an
incident and the likelihood of that incident occurring. Tasks that have SIF potential must be effectively controlled by the application of
independent defense layers.
Severity of an Incident:
The Severity of an incident is defined based on its “worst credible outcome” as defined below:
Catastrophic Incident: An incident with one or multiple fatalities as a possible outcome.
Critical Incident: An incident with serious (life-threatening or life altering) disabling injury or occupational illness with irreversible
consequences as an outcome.
Significant incident: An incident with significant but reversible injuries or reversible occupational illness as outcome (often an LTA), (e.g. simple
fractures, 2nd degree burns, etc.)
Marginal Incident: An incident with minor reversible injuries or reversible occupational illness as an outcome (recordable), e.g. a minor
laceration, twisted ankle, etc.
Negligible Incident: An incident where no injury is expected but a minor first aid (non recordable) is possible.
Likelihood of Incident:
The likelihood of an incident is based on the probability of its occurrence. In addition, to using Cargill and industry historic data to estimate
likelihood, each location and BU should carefully evaluate its own incident and “near miss” data and exposures to SIF precursors.
Five likelihood categories for assessing task risk and priority are described below with bullets providing guidance for category selection.
Very likely:
These SIF incidents have been reported within Cargill, or in the same industry, on average once in two years.
The location and/or business unit has identified significant SIF potential incidents or “near misses” that have occurred within the last two
These SIF incidents have been reported within Cargill or in the same industry in the last 5–10 ten years.
The location and/or business unit has identified significant SIF potential incidents or “near misses” that have occurred within the last 5-10
These SIF incidents have been reported in Cargill in the last 25 years.
The location and/or business unit has not identified significant SIF potential incidents or “near misses” within the last 25 years.
These SIF incidents have not occurred in Cargill.
They have occurred occasionally outside of Cargill.
Very unlikely:
These incidents have never occurred in Cargill and have not occurred outside of Cargill.

Serious Injury and Fatality Qualitative Risk Prioritization Matrix

Task may be prioritized for serious injury or fatality potential and intervention using the following matrix.
Very Likely Likely Possible Unlikely

Catastrophic A1

Fatality or multiple A2 A3 A4 A5

Critical B1
Life Threatening or B2 B3 B4 B5
Life altering
Significant C1
Significant but Reversible C2 C3 C4 C5
(Lost Time)

Minor reversible D1 D2 D3 D4 D5

No Injury expected possible E1 E2 E3 E4 E5
minor first aid
For tasks identified as “High Risk” additional defense layers must be developed and implemented with high priority (preferably before the task
is performed). Note: SIF risk in the top left boxes needs to receive top priority and defense layers must be implemented before the task is
High Risk Medium Risk Reduced Risk
For task identified as “Medium Risk” additional defense layers must be developed and implemented.
Tasks identified as “Reduced Risk” may continue to be performed with existing safety processes and managed for continuous improvement.
Opportunities to further reduce risk may be required depending on the specific situation, country legislation or BU requirements.
Control Hierarchy Table:
The following table provides guidance on the application of controls (defense layers) to reduce overall task risk. Tasks indentified as “high risk”
for a SIF event will require the application of multiple independent defense layers, with priority and emphasis given to design changes or
engineering solutions, to eliminate or reduce task risk.

Note about frequency reduction: It is important that both routine and exceptional tasks be appropriately assessed to determine the “worst
probable outcome”. Although it is recognized that task frequency may impact the type of control implemented, multiple independent defense
layers from the above hierarchy must be evaluated and implemented where required. A reduction in task frequency alone is NEVER sufficient to
manage the risk of a possible SIF event task!
Control Hierarchy Table:
The following table provides guidance on the application of controls (defense layers) to reduce overall task risk. Tasks indentified as “high risk”
for a SIF event will require the application of multiple independent defense layers, with priority and emphasis given to design changes or
engineering solutions, to eliminate or reduce task risk.

A Design Changes Eliminating hazard through redesign or substitutions. Examples: Installation of

or Substitution: elevated walkway to eliminate contact with automobiles or railcar, or changing to a
less hazardous chemical.

Risk Reduction: If hazard is eliminated, risk is basically zero.

B Engineered Engineered systems which do require human intervention. Examples include well
Safety Systems: designed machine guards, roof railings, and perimeter protection installed around an
automated palletizer or installation of ground level actuators for a process valve 12 ft

Risk Reduction: May reduce severity or likelihood by one or two blocks on matrix
depending on their effectiveness to control hazard and reliability.
C Active Safety Active controls inhibit but do not prevent access to hazard. Examples include railroad
Devices: crossing gates, speed limiters, light curtains, pressure sensitive mats, moveable
barriers or barricades.

Risk reduction: May reduce the likelihood of an incident by one block on the risk matrix
depending on their effectiveness to control hazard and reliability.
D Significant Significant reduction in task exposure such as from daily to annual and the frequency
Reduction in of exposure is continuously monitored (See discussion below).
Risk Reduction: Frequency reduction may reduce the severity or likelihood of an
incident by a maximum of one block, provided the integrity of additional deployed
controls can be confirmed.
E Administrative Reinforced behavior-based controls
Controls Formal operator certification processes: Industrial truck operator licensing
(Including Formal behavior observation processes: Behavior based safety
Personal Specific disciplinary policy (e.g. Cardinal/zero tolerance safety rules)
Protective Behavior based controls
Equipment.) Passive warning systems: Signs, warning labels
Policy and procedures; Fall protection policies, confined space, lockout tagout
Training programs: Lockout tagout, elevated work, task training
Personal protection equipment

Risk reduction: Administrative controls are defense layers which in combination can
reduce the likelihood and, in the case of PPE the severity of an incident, by one block
on the riskthat
Note about frequency reduction: It is important matrix
both(basic ruleand
routine is that 3 of these
exceptional defense
tasks layers are needed
be appropriately assessedto to
move one the “worst
block). that task frequency may impact the type of control implemented, multiple independent defense
probable outcome”. Although it is recognized
F abovePost
layers from the eventmust be
hierarchy Post event planning
evaluated should evaluate
and implemented whereon-site andAoffsite
required. emergency
reduction response and
in task frequency alone is NEVER sufficient to
manage the risk of a possible SIF eventmedical
task! care capabilities.
For the purpose of this guideline it is assumed that post event planning is
appropriately organized. However, if significant gaps exist, incident outcome severity
would be adversely impacted, requiring the application of additional defense layers.

Control (Defense Layer) Reliability:

Once control defense layers have been defined, their reliability (over time) is assessed. To assess reliability it is important to evaluate the
potential for a control’s “failure on demand”. Will the control function as intended 100% of the time? What process and control systems are
deployed to assure the control will perform on demand?

Example: An elevated platform railing, if designed and maintained properly, is very reliable in preventing someone from falling off an elevated
work surface. In addition, a well engineered fall protection system (anchorage point, lanyard and harness) can be very effective in preventing a
significant fall. However, its reliability is dependent on the worker using the fall protection system correctly every time. Training, inspections and
consistent enforcement of fall protection system use, are examples of l controls that can be deployed to improve fall protection systems
Similarly a control strategy is more reliable when the defensive layers deployed are “independent” from each other. Ideally the control
implemented will prevent the adverse outcome independent of any other control defense layer implemented.
Business units and locations should conduct periodic assessment of control defense layer reliability by conducting careful analysis of location or
business unit incident and near miss history to validate that existing defenses are effective and that the correct defense layers have not been
Effective Use of Policies, Procedures and Training as Controls:
Policies, procedures and training comply with Cargill and regulatory requirements.
Written task procedures are specific to the task identified and clearly specify the steps of the task, the risks involved with each step of the task
and countermeasures used for the hazards to control the risk. In addition, they are up to date and reviewed by knowledgeable people in the
BU and the location to ensure the reliability, accuracy and content of the procedures.
Safety training on high risk tasks clearly identifies the risks of the task and expected control measures in adequate detail to ensure
operator/employee understanding. Training is conducted by trained and qualified person (s) who understands the hazards and
countermeasures to control the risks. Training for high risk tasks includes a comprehension/verification process such as written tests and/or
field observations. Task observations are done to verify policies and procedure are accurate, being followed and are effectively controlling risk.
Safety training on high risk tasks clearly identifies the risks of the task and expected control measures in adequate detail to ensure
operator/employee understanding. Training is conducted by trained and qualified person (s) who understands the hazards and
countermeasures to control the risks. Training for high risk tasks includes a comprehension/verification process such as written tests and/or
field observations. Task observations are done to verify policies and procedure are accurate, being followed and are effectively controlling risk.
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Guard Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 19/9/2018
Drafted by: Khairul Reviewed by: Mohd Heikal ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk
Restricted view Being struck by tanker A 3 A3 elimination
Manage overall vehicle
1 in/out movement in plant
area Padestrian crossing, plant traffic assessment being
PPE PPE compliance (visibility strap) B 4 B4
Falling due to slippery ground Fall on tar, concrete cement C 2 C2 elimination
Administration BBS program, workplce inspection (drain, lighting) D 2 D2
PPE safety shoes, safety glass, safety helmet, visibiity strap
Falling due to dark area Fall on tar, concrete cement C 2 C2 elimination
Administration BBS program, monthly inspection (drain, lighting)
PPE safety shoes, safety glass, safety helmet, visibiity strap D 2 D2
snake bite faint A 3 A3 elimination
Perform plant perimeter workplce inspection, twice a month on pest control inspection,
2 Administration
inspection e.g clocking lighting
PPE safety shoes, safety glass, safety helmet, visibiity strap B 3 B3
exposure to hot weather heat stroke C 3 C3 elimination
Engineering Good ventilation in the guard house, water dispenser provided C 4 C4

Ergonomic: walking for every hour Fatigue, fall at same level C 2 C2 elimination
rotate/buddy system, safety class - ergonomic, provide
Administration D 2 D2
drinking water at canteen
D 4 D4 elimination
Enforce the registration subsitution
system for outsider and
3 Engineering
permit issue for contractor-
PJHA Administration safety class - ergonomic, D 4 D4
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Guard Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 19/9/2018
Drafted by: Khairul Reviewed by: Mohd Heikal ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk
Falling due to angore point weak Falling from height B 2 B2 elimination
Proper platform and handrail to reduce the risk + Safety
harness and lifeline used with non-engineered anchorage
Engineering C 3 C3
point, which withstand 5000 pound or 22.2 kN, to walk on
equipment, platforms or roofs
Perform tanker seal
4 Administration
A 3 A3 elimination
Slipping from the gang way staircase Falling from height
Engineering provide proper handrail and toe guard B 3 B3
Administration SOP+ safety harness training, daily pre-inspection
Injury due to sharp object B 3 B3 elimination
5 Workplace violence Engineering
Administration safety induction, hire from legal agency, cctv B 4 B4
losing controll hit by moving vehicle A 1 A1 elimination
6 Perform vehicle inspection
BBS program, Life savers assensment, vehicle stop area,
speed limit 15kmh,security training, safety induction, wisel
PPE safety helmet, safety glasses, safety shoes, visibility strap C 3 C3
miss comunication zone scene loss of property and live D 1 D1 elimination
Emergency respond
7 Engineering
Administration mothly safety class, safety induction, D 2 D2
robery live treat B 3 B3 elimination
8 Open cargill Office Engineering
Administration safety induction,wisel,CCTV, Notify Sift exec on duty
PPE safety helmet, safety glasses, safety shoes, visibility strap C 3 C3
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Operation Clerk Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 19/9/2018
Drafted by: Khairul ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk
Hit by the hard, sharp plate of
Falling due to slippery bridge C 3 C3 elimination
the w/bridge
Administration PJHA + contractor safety briefing
Restricted view Being struck by tanker B 2 B2 elimination
Lead contractor for
1 Padestrian crossing, plant traffic assessment being publish +
weighbridge calibration Administration security guard in control during WIP,barricade work area,PTW
before work
PPE PPE compliance (visibility strap) C 3 C3
Heikal Norazman:
Hit by Standard weght (1mt) crush by heavy load B 2 B2 elimination
PTW,Safety briefing, certified contractor, work procedure,
Ergonomic: eyes strain, hand, wrist &
C 2 C2 elimination
arm pain
Ergonomic chair + ergonomic class training, + workplce
Administration D 2 D2
Hit by the hard, sharp plate of
Falling due to slippery bridge B 3 B3 elimination
the w/bridge
Ensure the tanker properly subsitution
park on the weighbridge
2 Engineering
platform before capturing
the weigh Administration workplce inspection, housekeeping
PPE safety helmet, safety glass, safety shoes, visibility strap D 3 D3
Hit by the hard, sharp plate of
trip on the stumps B 2 B2 elimination
the w/bridge
hit by truck when fall on
Engineering remove stumps + leveling of uneven surface B 4 B4
PPE C 3 C3
Ergonomic: eyes strain, hand, wrist &
C 2 C2 subsitution
arm pain
3 Print weighbridge ticket Engineering install dark tinterd C 3 C3
Ergonomic counter + ergonomic class training, workplace
Administration D 4 D4
Ergonomic: eyes strain, hand, wrist &
C 2 C2 subsitution
arm pain
Operate SAP system to
4 Engineering
weight product truck
Ergonomic counter + ergonomic class training, workplace
Administration D 2 D2
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Operation Clerk Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 19/9/2018
Drafted by: Khairul ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk
Ergonomic: eyes strain, hand, wrist &
C 2 C2 subsitution
arm pain
Update schedule of product
5 Engineering
intake CPP plant
Ergonomic counter + ergonomic class training, workplace
Administration D 2 D2
Ergonomic: eyes strain, hand, wrist &
C 2 C2 subsitution
arm pain
6 Update turntime report Engineering
Ergonomic counter + ergonomic class training, workplace
Administration D 2 D2
Ergonomic: eyes strain, hand, wrist &
C 2 C2 subsitution
arm pain
Update monthly shipment
7 Engineering
Ergonomic counter + ergonomic class training, workplace
Administration D 2 D2
falling from stairs C 2 C2 elimination
Administration ergonomic class training,workplce inspection D 3 D3
8 Take File from top cabinet
ergonomic: arm pain & back pain C 2 C2 elimination
Administration ergonomic class training,workplce inspection C 3 C3
ergonomic: arm pain & back pain D 1 D1 elimination
switch on PC and
9 Engineering relocate switch D 3 D3
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Lab Asst Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 19/9/2018
Drafted by: Heikal ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk
Contact with hot surface Severe burn C 2 C2 elimination
Administration safe work procedure + workplce inspection
PPE leather glove C 3 C3
Perform chemicals analysis Contact with chemical Splashing to eyes C 2 C2 elimination
for incoming raw crude subsitution using fume hood C 3 C3
palm / kernel oils, in- Engineering
1 process intermediate & chemical hazard handling training + chemical exposure
finished products , storage Administration
tanks and shipments / PPE Wearing safety goggle D 3 D3
delivery samples
Fume inhalation poisening, dizzy B 3 B3 elimination
in-house inspection, 6-monthly LEV inspection, safe work
Administration C 3 C3
Falling due to slippery floor Hit floor B 3 B3 elimination
Administration workplace inspection, housekeeping
Contact with broken/sharp glass Injured B 3 B3 elimination
Perform house-keeping and Engineering
glass cleaning
Administration handling training + workplce inspection
PPE PPE (thick correct glove) C 3 C3
chemical spill Injured B 2 B2 elimination
Administration proper secondary containment, stored in chemical room

PPE D 2 D2
Hazardous fume + small particles/ash Poisening B 3 B3 elimination
Engineering using fume hood C 3 C3
chemical exposure surveillance + chemical hazard handling
PPE Wearing safety goggle D 3 D3
Perform waste water
analysis and ensure that Contact with chemical Splashing to eyes D 1 D1 elimination
the control and handling of subsitution
3 the laboratory scheduled Engineering
waste are properly Administration SW handling training yearly + Lab manual
segregated , stored and PPE Wearing safety goggle E 1 E1
C 2 C2 elimination
Exposure to flammable, hazardous chemical,
Severe burn, poisening Engineering ventilation fan installed at storage area + special container
toxic of schedule waste
Administration SW handling training
PPE letex glove, respirator, safety glasses C 3 C3
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Lab Asst Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 19/9/2018
Drafted by: Heikal ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk
Falling from height, possible
Falling from tank due slippery A 3 A3 elimination
contact with piping
Engineering Proper platform and handrail B 3 B3
Administration SOP (no top tk activity during raining day)+ task training,
Able to take shore tanks PPE sfety glass, safety shoes, visibiity strap, safety helmet C 3 C3
4 samples at factory and tank
farm (when needed) Ergonomic: crouching due to taking sample C 2 C2 elimination
Schedule time of sampling to decrease frequency of the
Administration D 2 D2

Falling from tanker due to not connected

Falling from height B 2 B2 elimination
harness or angore point weak
Perform tankers and
5 storage tanks inspection e.g Safety harness and lifeline used with non-engineered
Engineering C 2 C2
after tank cleaning anchorage point, which withstand 5000 pound or 22.2 kN
Fall arrest training by competent person + daily & 6 monthly
PPE sfety glass, safety shoes, visibiity strap, safety helmet C 3 C3
Contact with chemical Splashing to eyes D 1 D1 elimination
chemical exposure surveillance + using fume hood + chemical
hazard handling training
Transfer chemical from PPE sfety glass, safety shoes, visibiity strap, safety helmet D 2 D2
chemical room to lab
Slippery and not level floor Fall on tar C 2 C2 elimination
Administration housekeeping inspection + lab SOP
PPE sfety glass, safety shoes, visibiity strap, safety helmet C 3 C3
Contact with chemical Splashing to eyes D 1 D1 elimination
chemical exposure surveillance + using pump + chemical
Transfer chemical from hazard handling training
7 primary container to PPE sfety glass, safety shoes, visibiity strap, safety helmet D 2 D2
secondary container Slippery due to oil spill fall on the same level C 2 C2 elimination
Administration work procedure+buddy system D 3 D3
PPE sfety glass, safety shoes, visibiity strap, safety helmet
contact with hot water severe burn D 1 D1 elimination
Administration signage,Work procedure
PPE cotton glove + safety glasses E 1 E1
8 Perform SFC test
contact with hot surface severe burn D 1 D1 elimination
Administration signage,Work procedure
PPE cotton glove + safety glasses E 1 E1
Contact with chemical splash to eye D 2 D2 elimination
Administration chemical handling training,
PPE leather glove, respirator, safety shoes D 2 D2
chemical spill spill on floor C 2 C2 elimination
9 Schedule waste handling Engineering
Administration Spill equipment, safety class
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Lab Asst Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 19/9/2018
Drafted by: Heikal ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
9 Schedule waste handling Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk
PPE leather glove, respirator, safety shoes D 2 D2
vapor inhalation poisoning C 3 C3 elimination
Administration safety class
PPE leather glove, respirator, safety shoes C 3 C3
contact hot surface severe burn C 2 C2 elimination
Administration signage,Work procedure
PPE leather glove, respirator, safety shoes D 2 D2
contact with phos acid severe burn D 2 D2 elimination
irritant subsitution
10 perform bleaching test Engineering
Administration sigange,work procedure,
PPE leather glove + safety glasses E 2 E2
contact with electrical equipment electrical shock C 2 C2 elimination
Administration SOP
PPE leather glove, respirator, safety shoes C 2 C2
mix chemcial (potassium cromate) splash to eye C 2 C2 elimination
mutagen subsitution

11 Administration Chemical handling training, work procedure

Boiler water test PPE leather glove,safety glass D 3 D3

chemical spill spill on floor C 2 C2 elimination
2ndary containtment, chem handling training, workplce
PPE Safety shoes, letex glove, safety glasses D 3 D3
Contact with chemical splash to eye C 2 C2 elimination
irritant subsitution
Administration Chem Handling training,work procedure,BBS program
PPE Safety shoes, letex glove, safety glasses D 3 D3
contact with hot surface severe burn C 2 C2 elimination
subsitution Automatic oil extraction equipment
Administration signage,work procedure,
PPE cotton glove, safety glasses, safety shoes D 3 D3
Chemical exposure poisoning C 2 C2 elimination
12 Oil extraction test Engineering
Administration work procedure,chem handling training
PPE letex glove, respirator, safety glasses D 3 D3
Chemical transfer flamable C 2 C2 elimination
splash to eye subsitution
Administration work procedure,chem handling training
PPE letex glove, respirator, safety glasses D 3 D3
contact with chemical splash to eye C 2 C2 elimination
irritant subsitution
Perform on site test for
13 Engineering
Phos Acid
Administration Chem Handling training,work procedure,BBS program
PPE latex glove, safey shoes, safety helmet D 3 D3
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Storekeeper Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 19/9/2018
Drafted by: Khairul ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk
Ergonomic: neck pain due strain of
C 2 C2 elimination
looking onto the high rack
Ergonomic work area + ergonomic class training,+ workplce
Administration C 3 C3
Daily checking on items on PPE
the racking. Falling object from the rack Hit by heavy object B 3 B3 elimination
Administration anticipate items on the rack and the position of items.'
PPE (safety glasses, safety helmet, safety shoes, visibility
PPE C 3 C3
Racking failure Hit by falling object C 2 C2 elimination
Administration monthly safety inspection, housekeeping
PPE (safety glasses, safety helmet, safety shoes, visibility
PPE C 3 C3
Ergonomic: eyes strain, hand, wrist &
D 4 D4 elimination
arm pain
Monitoring and update subsitution
status of all Purchase
2 Engineering
Requisitions issued (works
Ergonomic work station, awareness (safety class), ergonomic
with computer) Administration E 4 E4
assessment conducted
Portable ladder: falling from ladder due
Hit by ladder and rack B 3 B3 elimination
to ladder movement
Administration Inspection before use, awareness (safety class), PPE
PPE (safety glasses, safety helmet, safety shoes, visibility
Arrange items inside store PPE
3 strap)
in orderly manner
Falling object from the rack Hit by rack and other object B 3 B3 elimination
Administration anticipate items on the rack and the position of items.'
PPE (safety glasses, safety helmet, safety shoes, visibility
PPE C 3 C3
Use of forklift : uneven floor tipping-over C 3 C3 elimination
Administration Forklift training, PPE (seat belt), pre-use inspection
PPE PPE (seat belt D 3 D3
Use of forklift : driving weighted load
falling load C 3 C3 elimination
in high position
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Storekeeper Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 19/9/2018
Drafted by: Khairul ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk
Administration Forklift training, PPE, buddy system
PPE (safety glasses, safety helmet, safety shoes, visibility
PPE D 3 D3
Manage Warehouse strap)
4 including cleanliness and Ergonomic: back pain C 3 C3 elimination
orderliness subsitution
Administration Ergonomic assessment, safety class, workplce inspection
PPE D 3 D3
Exposure to flammable, hazardous
Severe burn, poisening C 2 C2 elimination
chemical: schedule waste
Engineering ventilation fan installed at storage area
Administration SW handling training + special container C 3 C3
PPE (safety glasses, safety helmet, safety shoes, visibility
Contact with phosphoric acid toxic A 3 A3 elimination
Engineering bundwall, dosing meter B 3 B3
Administration signage,SOP, chem handling permit
PPE chemical suit+half mask respirator C 3 C3
Receiving of phosphoric
5 Restricted view Being struck by tanker A 3 A3 elimination
acid, bleaching earth
Ensuring tanker is barricaded and tyre choked practice during
Engineering C 3 C3
Falling from staircase Falling from high B 2 B2 elimination
Primary protection; steps from checquered plate with good
Administration Workplce inspection + safety class
Perform daily inventory PPE PPE B 4 B4
6 checks/dipping for clay, Provide cable for dipping - ground level, Soactivity duringP
Falling from top of silo Falling from high A 3 A3 elimination A 4 A4
acid and water (no dipping activity during raining)
Provision of primary protection around top of tanks and
Engineering B 4 B4
Ergonomic: back pain D 3 D3 elimination
Perform general house Engineering
7 keeping inside Store and
Warehouse Administration Ergonomic assessment, safety class, workplace inspection D 4 D4
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Storekeeper Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 19/9/2018
Drafted by: Khairul ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Perform general house
Working Draft
7 keeping inside Store and
Warehouse Task Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk
Ergonomic: eyes strain, hand, wrist &
Good ergonomic practice C 2 C2 elimination
arm pain
Collection of data & subsitution
computation of dipping for
8 Engineering
daily consumption to
Ergonomic work area + ergonomic class training + workplce
spreadsheet Administration D 2 D2

Ergonomic: back pain C 3 C3 elimination

9 Receiving of physical goods Engineering
Administration Ergonomic assessment, safety class, workplace inspection D 3 D3
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Boilerman Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 19/9/2018
Drafted by: Khairul Reviewed by: Heikal ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk
Wearing safety goggle + chemical exposure surveillance +
Contact with chemical Splashing to eyes C 2 C2 D 2 D2
chemical hazard handling training
Check water reservoir and
boiler chemical sufficient Falling due to insufficient railing Hit the boiler body B 3 B3 PPE + workplace inspection + SOP C 3 C3

Ergonomic caunter + ergonomic class training, + workplace

Monitor daily on boiler Ergonomic: neck pain D 3 D3 D 4 D4
parameter e.g steam, temp,
2 Ergonomic: eyes strain, hand, wrist & Ergonomic caunter + ergonomic class training, + workplace
water level, general D 3 D3 D 4 D4
arm pain inspection

Ergonomic: eyes strain, hand, wrist & Ergonomic caunter + ergonomic class training, + workplace
Monitor daily on boiler E 4 E4 E 5 E5
arm pain inspection
3 water quality e.g PH
alkalinity, TDS level Contact with chemical Splash to body B 4 B4 Permit available and in use, PPE, chem handling training C 4 C4

Contact with heat, steam Severe burns A 3 A3 LOTO procedure, PPE, PJHA B 3 B3
Insulation program C 4 C4
Conduct trouble shooting
4 when boiler having Slipping due to oily floor fall on the same level D 3 D3 Housekeeping program, PPE D 4 D4
operational difficulties
Falling due to insufficient railing Hit the boiler body B 2 B2 Primary fall protection provided as per Wilmar intl req C 2 C2
Elevated training, PPE, workplace inspection D 2 D2

Conduct CSD testing

5 Contact with heat, steam Severe burns A 2 A2 LOTO procedure, PPE, PJHA B 3 B3
Insulation program C 4 C4

Conduct preventive and Contact with heat, steam, dust Severe burns A 2 A2 LOTO procedure, PPE, PJHA B 3 B3
predictive maintenance on
Insulation program C 4 C4
6 boiler and equipment e.g
prepare and clean boiler for oily floor slipping D 4 D4 Housekeeping program, PPE E 4 E4
JKKP inspection

Contact with heat & high pressure air Severe burns on skin B 3 B3 Insulation program C 3 C3
7 Start firing Boiler half face respirator, dust exposure monitoring, housekeeping
Contact with smoke Difficult to breath D 3 D3 E 3 E3

Contact with heat Severe burns A 3 A3 LOTO procedure, PPE, PJHA B 3 B3

Ensure boiler running

8 efficiently e.g check the air-
to-fuel ratio
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Boilerman Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 19/9/2018
Drafted by: Khairul Reviewed by: Heikal ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk
Ensure boiler running Insulation program C 4 C4
8 efficiently e.g check the air-
to-fuel ratio Falling due to insufficient railing Hit the boiler body B 2 B2 Primary fall protection provided as per Wilmar intl req C 2 C2

Elevated training, PPE, workplce inspection D 2 D2

SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Boilerman Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 19/9/2018
Drafted by: Khairul Reviewed by: Heikal ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk

Monitor steam distribution

to various plants and steam Contact with steam Severe burns B 3 B3 Insulation program C 3 C3
equipment such as steam

Prepare boiler chemical,

10 Contact with chemical splashing to eyes C 2 C2 PPE, chem handling training, msds availability D 2 D2
regenerataion salt

11 Regenerate water softener Use proper and complete PPE provided; Utilize knowledge
Contact with chemical splashing to eyes D 3 D3 D 4 D4
from training and taking precautiions
Monitor WWTP auto
program at various stage
12 Getting in contact with electricity while start stop button outside the panel, arc flash testing
e.g polishing, settling, electrocution B 3 B3 C 3 C3
operating the panel conducted, monthly safety class
Fall into bio tank when perform in-situ
fall from height A 3 A3 primary protection installed C 3 C3
Monitor daily on water level
13 Falling due to insufficient railing Hit the boiler body B 2 B2 Primary fall protection provided as per Wilmar intl req C 2 C2
of the WWTP system

Elevated training, PPE, workplce inspection D 2 D2

Take effluent sample for lab

14 fall on the same floor tipping over D 3 D3 PPE, workplce inspection, nearmiss reporting E 3 E3

Perform de-sludging of bio-

tank according to program Contact with effluent sludge E 2 E2 SOP, housekeeping, PPE E 3 E3

Maintain condition of sand

beds for next de-sludging
16 process e.g removal of Contact with dust, sand Difficult to breath D 3 D3 Lung function and fit test, PPE, SOP E 3 E3
dried sludge and topping up

Difficult to breath, splash to

Contact with chemical, dust C 3 C3 chem permit, chem handling training, PPE D 3 D3
Dose urea and phosphate body
into effluent system Ergonomic: back pain due to carry
D 3 D3 Ergonomic awareness (safety class) E 3 E3
chemical in pail
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Oilbay Operator Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 19/9/2018
Drafted by: Khairul Anwar Haron Reviewed by: Heikal ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk
not connected harness or angore point
Falling from tanker A 3 A3 Proper platform and handrail to reduce the risk B 3 B3
Assist on checking seals for weak
SOP+ safety harness training, daily pre-inspection, PPE C 3 C3

Rotation job (assign 2 people or more to do the job) + BBS

Ergonomic: back pain D 1 D1 E 1 E1
program + ergonomic assessment
Collect sample from Direct communication among tanker driver and bay operator +
restricted view Being struck by tanker A 3 A3 B 3 B3
2 truck/tanker, and sent to wearing visibility strap
lab for quality approval.
Accompanied by wilmar supervisor + PPE + contractor safety
C 3 C3
briefing + plant traffic safety plan posted at the guard house

Rotation job (assign 2 people or more to do the job) + monthly

Ergonomic: back pain D 1 D1 E 1 E1
safety class
Unload / pump crude oil
restricted view Being struck by tanker A 3 A3 Pedestrian walk B 3 B3
3 from tanker to storage tank
after get approval from lab.
Provide plant safety traffic analysis at receivingbay - Routes for
C 3 C3
tanker in/out + visibility strap + compulsory of using stopper

Conduct pump strainers

4 floor oily Fall on the same level C 2 C2 proper oil tray design, spillage plan D 2 D2
cleaning when needed.

not connected harness or angore point

Falling from tanker A 3 A3 Proper platform and handrail to reduce the risk B 3 B3

Assist on checking the SOP+ safety harness training, daily pre-inspection, PPE C 3 C3
5 cleanliness of dispatch
tanker. Falling from height, hit by
Slipping from the gang way staircase A 3 A3 provide proper handrail and toe guard B 3 B3
tanker body

SOP+ safety harness training, daily pre-inspection, PPE C 3 C3

not connected harness or angore point

fall from height A 3 A3 Proper platform and handrail to reduce the risk B 3 B3

Load product oil into tanker SOP+ safety harness training, daily pre-inspection, PPE C 3 C3
6 and seal after complete
loading Falling from height, hit by
Slipping from the gang way staircase A 3 A3 provide proper handrail and toe guard B 3 B3
tanker body
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Oilbay Operator Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 19/9/2018
Drafted by: Khairul Anwar Haron Reviewed by: Heikal ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Load product oil into tanker
6 and seal after complete Working Draft
loading Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk

SOP+ safety harness training, daily pre-inspection, PPE C 3 C3

oily floor Fall on the same level C 2 C2 proper oil tray design, spillage plan D 2 D2
Replace bag filter/strainer
7 Contact with hot material: oil Severe burn C 2 C2 leather glove+ safe work procedure+workplace inspection C 3 C3
when needed.

Falling from height, possible

Falling from tank due to slippery A 3 A3 Proper platform and handrail B 3 B3
8 Perform tank dipping/ullage contact with piping
buddies system PPE + SOP (no top tk activity during raining
C 3 C3
day)+ PPE

Use of forklift : uneven floor tipping-over C 3 C3 Forklift training, PPE (seat belt), pre-use inspection D 3 D3
Prepare anti oxidant
9 Rotation job (assign 2 people or more to do the job) +
solution upon request Ergonomic: back pain D 1 D1 E 1 E1
ergonomic assessment

Falling from tanker due slippery Falling from height A 3 A3 Proper platform and handrail B 3 B3

10 Perform CPO top sampling pre-use inspection for safety harness, ppe, C 3 C3

Rotation job (assign 2 people or more to do the job) +

Ergonomic: back pain due to crouching D 1 D1 E 1 E1
ergonomic assessment

Exposed Electrical parts (wire cable) Electrical shock A 3 A3 grounding B 3 B3

Start up/stop pump thermographic inspection, visual inspection-monthly safety

11 C 3 C3
operation inspection, electrical safety awareness-safety class
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Physical Operator Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 19/9/18
Drafted by: Khairul Anwar Haron Reviewed by: Heikal ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Today Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Situation S L Risk
Appropriate PPE required including safety glove, long sleeve jacket,
Control steam pressure for plant at required level by manually
1 nearmiss reporting
regulate the valve Contact with heat severe burn A 3 A3 B 3 B3
Insulation program C 3 C3

slippery area fall B 3 B3 Basic PPE by using safety boots C 3 C3

Platform and handrail installed D 3 D3

Permit system + PPE + SCBA + personal gas detector + exhaust fan

Confine space: Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency A 3 A3 installed + Monthly safety class + Training by NIOSH + contractor safety C 3 C3
2 Cooling tower and hotwell basin cleaning
Hot conditions and trapping air heat stroke B 2 B2 Provide exhaust fan/blower to provide air movement D 2 D2

LOTO: mechanical, water, oil,

drowning A 3 A3 LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system, interlock system C 3 C3
steam, stirrer

not connected harness or angore

Falling from height B 3 B3 Proper platform and handrail to reduce the risk, toe board C 3 C3
point weak

LOTO: electrical, steam A 3 A3 LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system, interlock system C 3 C3
3 Operate and conduct CSD for High Pressure Steam Boiler system
Contact with heat severe burn A 3 A3 Insulation program C 3 C3

Contact with steam severe burn A 3 A3 Insulation program C 3 C3

Check and control temperature for crude and product oil at storage
4 not level floor Tipping-over C 3 C3 nearmiss program, PPE D 3 D3
moving over the pipe bridge hit pipeline C 3 C3 paltform with handrail and toe board provided D 3 D3

LOTO: pneumatic, mechanical A 3 A3 LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system, interlock system C 3 C3

Permit system + PPE + SCBA + personal gas detector + exhaust fan

5 Operate clay transferring from main silo to plant silo Confine space: Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency A 3 A3 installed + Monthly safety class + Training by NIOSH + contractor safety C 3 C3
Dust difficult to breath B 2 B2 Dust collector installed C 2 C2
SOP (maint program on the soli bags), 6 monthly inspection on dust
D 2 D2
collector, PPE (dust mask, half face respirator)
Start-Up & Shutdown Bleaching plant
Appropriate PPE (safety glove,helmet etc) required, avoid wearing short
Contact with heat, steam, hot oil,
6 Steam blowing to clear out remaining oil in the pipe severe burns on skin B 2 B2 sleeve T-shirt (jacket preferred), SOP, start up checklist- verify by shift C 2 C2
chemical, dust
Insulation program by identified area that have potential energy loses,
D 2 D2
provide ventilation line/exhaust line at silo line
Emptied out vessel and tank (Open drain valve at bottom vessel) Basic PPE by using safety boots/rubber boots during do the washing job,
7 Oil spillage and cause wet floor Falling at same level B 3 B3 C 3 C3
housekeeping program,
Provide oil container such as pump tray to avoid oil floor and line leak D 3 D3
Clean up pump/machine/equipment for maintenance work Machine guarding-contact with
8 hand crush A 3 A3 All rotating equipment is guarded as per Corporate req B 3 B3
rotating parts

LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system C 3 C3

LOTO: electrical, mechanical, pneumatic systems

9 Electrical shock Fatality/ Severely injured A 3 A3 LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system B 3 B3

MCC lockout conduct by competent electrician, interlock system C 3 C3

Insufficient railings and Primary fall protection provided,PPE, monthly safety inspection, elevated
10 Walking on elevated places fall from high place B 3 B3 C 3 C3
unprotected monkey ladders risk assessment annually
11 Open and close large valve Ergonomic Back pain C 3 C3 Ergonomic assessment, safety class, monthly safety inspection D 3 D3
Permit system + PPE + SCBA + personal gas detector + exhaust fan
Confined space: Lack of
12 Perform inspection inside vessel or tank oxygen deficiency A 3 A3 installed + Monthly safety class + Training by NIOSH + contractor safety C 3 C3
oxygen /Toxic gas

Appropriate PPE (safety glove,helmet etc) required, avoid wearing short

Contact with heat, steam, hot oil,
13 Record plant parameter every 2 hours severe burns on skin C 2 C2 sleeve T-shirt (jacket preferred), SOP, start up checklist- verify by shift D 2 D2
Insulation program by identified area that have potential energy loses E 2 E2
hit operator and cause Frequent inspection for chain block (monthly inspection) and visual
B 2 B2 C 2 C2
Filter leaf fall down due to chain injury inspection before use it, annually inspection by DOSH,
14 Dismantle and install filter leaves
block damage/wear buddy system, PPE, work practice - operator stand far from the working
D 2 D2
irritate and cause Use glove(neoprene) which made from material that cannot be degreaded
contact with skin, eye severely and burn the B 2 B2 by caustic, SOP, chem handling training, chem suit,PPE9 safety galss & C 3 C3
15 Caustic cleaning filter leaves skin respirator),chemical handling permit

Inhale caustic vapor Irritate the lungs C 2 C2 Lung function & fit test annually, half face respirator, SOP D 2 D2

irritate and cause

Use basic PPE and neoprene glove during cailbration, SOP, chem handling
contact with skin, eye severely and burn the B 3 B3 C 3 C3
16 Phos acid dosing calibration training

Sharp Edge Skin Cuts C 3 C3 Use PPE and wearing long sleeve jacket,nearmiss program D 3 D3
17 Strainer cleaning -cpo, 635, barometric water

Sharp edge Skin cuts C 3 C3 Use PPE and wearing long sleeve jacket,nearmiss program D 3 D3
Empty out system, depressurize and isolate before replace the bag,proper
18 Replacing bag filter Hot oil - splash Skin burns C 2 C2 C 3 C3

Inhale dust /ash from spent clay Irritate the lungs C 2 C2 half face respirator, dust exposure monitoring, housekeeping program D 2 D2
19 Cleaning the chute Use PPE and wearing long sleeve jacket, dust exposure monitoring,
Spent clay contact with skin,eye Irritate skin and eye C 2 C2 C 3 C3
housekeeping program

health check-up, annual competency training, monthly inspection,PPE,

Collide with another vehicle/truck Severely injured/fatality B 3 B3 C 3 C3
20 Handling the trailers (drive out, parking) plant traffic assessment

Inhale dust /ash from spent clay Irritate the lungs C 2 C2 half face respirator, dust exposure monitoring, housekeeping program D 2 D2
21 Cleaning the trailer area
Hit by trailer Fatality/ Severely injured B 3 B3 Ensuring area is barricaded and tyre choked practice during parking C 3 C3
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Fitter Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
✘ Baseline Assessment 19/9/2018
Drafted by: Khairul Reviewed by: Heikal ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk
Contact with heat, steam, Appropriate PPE required including safety glove, long sleeve jacket,
1 severe burn A 3 A3 B 3 B3
hot oil nearmiss reporting
Insulation program C 3 C3
not connected harness or
Falling from height B 3 B3 Proper platform and handrail to reduce the risk, toe board C 3 C3
angore point weak

Machine guarding-contact
hand crush A 3 A3 All rotating equipment is guarded as per Wilmar intl req B 3 B3
with rotating parts

LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system C 3 C3

Cutting/welding in tank explosion A 3 A3 good capacity ventilator B 3 B3

gas test by AGT, hotwork permit, fire ext C 3 C3

Attend and
perform maint LOTO: electrical, LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system, interlock
work raised from mechanical, pneumatic, A 3 A3
C 3 C3
MWO vacuum

Falling due to ladder

movement:portable fall from height B 3 B3 ladder inspection every 6 - month, elevated permit, ppe C 3 C3
Permit system + PPE + SCBA + personal gas detector + exhaust
Confine space: Lack of
oxygen deficiency A 3 A3 fan installed + Monthly safety class + Training by NIOSH + C 3 C3
contractor safety briefing
operating and
Lock Rotary Valve panel for unautorize acess + guarded rotating
new maintenance of rotary hand crush A 3 A3 B 4 B4
LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system+
SOP+safety inspection+LOTO practical training+warning Sign for B 5 B5

Ergonomic: eyes strain, Ergonomic caunter + ergonomic class training,+ monthly safety
C 2 C2 D 2 D2
hand, wrist & arm pain inspection

Ensure critical Use of forklift:falling load

spare pump and due to driving weighted load damage C 3 C3 move in reverse mode, buddy system, pre-use inspection D 3 D3
2 other equipment load in high position
are repaired and
Use of forklift: not level
in good condition tipping-over C 3 C3 Forklift training, PPE (seat belt), pre-use inspection D 3 D3
Attend all on-call
based on
defensive riding, visibility strap, monthly safety class (vehicle
3 schedule and Involved in road accident fatality A 4 A4 B 4 B4
follow on-call
Contact with heat, steam, Appropriate PPE required including safety glove, long sleeve jacket,
severe burn A 3 A3 B 3 B3
hot oil nearmiss reporting,
Insulation program C 3 C3
Falling due to not
connected harness or fall from height B 3 B3 Proper platform and handrail to reduce the risk, toe board C 3 C3
angore point weak
Machine guarding-contact
hand crush A 3 A3 All rotating equipment is guarded as per Wilmar intl req B 3 B3
with rotating parts

LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system C 3 C3

shutdown works
4 and to work or
Cutting/welding in tank explosion A 3 A3 good capacity ventilator B 3 B3
lead contractors if
gas test by AGT, hotwork permit, fire extinguisher C 3 C3
LOTO: electrical,
LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system, interlock
mechanical, pneumatic, A 3 A3 C 3 C3

Falling due to ladder

movement:portable fall from height B 3 B3 ladder inspection every 6 - month, elevated permit, ppe C 3 C3
Permit system + PPE + SCBA + personal gas detector + exhaust
Confine space: Lack of
oxygen deficiency A 3 A3 fan installed + Monthly safety class + Training by NIOSH + C 3 C3
Perform proper contractor safety briefing
equipment Contact with heat, steam, Appropriate PPE required including safety glove, long sleeve jacket,
severe burn B 3 B3 B 4 B4
isolation and lock- hot oil nearmiss reporting
5 out to ensure LOTO: electrical,
LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system, interlock
safety prior to mechanical, pneumatic, A 3 A3 C 3 C3
work vacuum
commencement Contact with heat, steam, Appropriate PPE required including safety glove, long sleeve jacket,
severe burn A 3 A3 B 3 B3
hot oil nearmiss reporting
Permit system + PPE + SCBA + personal gas detector + exhaust
fan installed + Monthly safety class + Training by NIOSH + C 4 C4
contractor safety briefing
Perform proper LOTO: electrical,
LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system, interlock
equipment mechanical, pneumatic, A 3 A3 C 3 C3
isolation and vacuum
6 confine space to All worker should be aware of the upcoming risk of
ensure safety explosion,procedures and the relevent permit system(hot work
prior to work Cutting/welding in tank explosion A 2 A2 B 3 B3
permit)+ventilation system install all the time+pre-entry gas test
commencement before entry
ventilation system install all the time+pre-entry gas test before
C 3 C3
Permit system + PPE + SCBA + personal gas detector + exhaust
Confine space: Lack of
oxygen deficiency A 3 A3 fan installed + Monthly safety class + Training by NIOSH + C 3 C3
contractor safety briefing
Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Contractor Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 19/9/2018
Drafted by: Mohd Heikal ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk
Falling from mobile Crane permit + PPE + contractor safety breifing +
Fall from height A 3 A3 B 3 B3
crane cage PJHA
Contact with heat,
Severe burn, dizzy, difficult to
Perform DOE dust, hazardous B 3 B3 PPE + contractor safety briefing + PJHA C 3 C3
isokinetic test (boiler chemical fume
chimney, dust
1 Crane permit + PPE + contractor safety breifing +
collector at plant
PJHA +check on wind speed,Ensure supervision and
and main silo, fume
Falling due to strong monitoring are in place,Immediately stop the
hood) Fall from height A 3 A3 B 4 B4
wind at tank farm operation of the AWP equipment
from the platform and remove the

Permit system + PPE + SCBA + personal gas detector

Confine space: Lack of
oxygen deficiency A 3 A3 + exhaust fan installed + Monthly safety class + C 3 C3
Perform storage Training by NIOSH + contractor safety briefing
tank and vessel LOTO: mechanical, LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ PJHA +
cleaning during shut water, oil, steam, drowning A 3 A3 contractor safety briefing + contractor worksite C 3 C3
down stirrer inspection + interlock system
oily and wet floor falling B 3 B3 PJHA + PPE + contractor safety briefing C 3 C3

Primary fall protection provided + contractor safety

not connected harness
falling from height B 3 B3 briefing + PPE + monthly safety inspection + C 3 C3
or anchor point weak
Perform recycle Elevated risk assessment annually
pond and fat trap contractor safety briefing + PPE + PJHA + contractor
cleaning, managing slippery area falling C 2 C2 safety briefing + contractor worksite inspection + life E 2 E2
3 sludge & recovered bouy
oil from all sources LOTO: water, steam, LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ PJHA +
drowning B 3 B3 C 3 C3
including HW & CT hot oil contractor safety briefing
until sludge tank. PPE+ PJHA + daily safety briefing for h/keeping
Contact with hot
minor burn C 2 C2 contractor + work planning + LOTO permit + CS D 2 D2
material: steam coil
unevent floor falling D 4 D4
slippery area falling D 4 D4
Restricted view Being struck by tanker A 3 A3 Pedestrian walk B 3 B3
Perform boundary Accompanied by supervisor + PPE + contractor safety
4 noise and noise briefing + plant traffic safety plan posted at the guard C 3 C3
mapping house
high noise area Hearing impairment B 3 B3 PPE + singage + safety induction + PJHA B 4 B4
Protected platform: Primary fall protection provided,PPE, monthly safety
falling from height A 4 A4 B 4 B4
insufficient railing inspection, elevated risk assessment annually
going up and down the Elevated permit + PJHA + Proper platform and
scaffolding e.g paint falling A 3 A3 handrail to reduce the risk + safety class training + C 3 C3
tank contractor safety briefing
housekeeping Elevated permit + PJHA + Proper platform and
program for plant handrail to reduce the risk + safety class training +
surroundings contractor safety briefing,All operatives to be trained
insufficient scaffolding
including all main Falling through work platform A 3 A3 in the appropriate standard of work,Operative must B 4 B4
5 e.g paint tank
drains, perimeter inspect matrial prior to used,scaffolds to be checked
road, along fencing, by the leader/cmpetant person prior to any
front yard, grass erect,dismantle & modification
cuttings, rubbish
collection, painting not connected harness falling Elevated risk assessment annually - improvement on
A 3 A3 B 3 B3
the design
Primary fall protection provided + contractor safety
C 3 C3
briefing + PPE + worksite inspection
contractor safety briefing + PPE + PJHA + contractor
slippery area falling D 2 D2 E 2 E2
safety briefing + worksite inspection
Conduct fire system
6 Protected platform: Primary fall protection provided,PPE, monthly safety
inspection monthly falling from height B 3 B3 C 3 C3
insufficient railing inspection, elevated risk assessment annually
Signage on hearing protection with dB level + safety
high noise area Hearing impairment B 4 B4 C 4 C4
briefing + worksite inspection
slippery area in plant falling E 3 E3 PJHA + PPE + contractor safety briefing E 4 E4
Conduct drinking Protected
Elevated risk assessment annually - improvement on
water machine platform:insufficient falling from height B 3 B3 C 3 C3
7 the design
inspection bi- ladder
monthly Primary fall protection provided + contractor safety
D 3 D3
briefing + PPE + worksite inspection
safety class + external ergonomic assessment +
Unload / pump Ergonomic: back pain D 1 D1 E 1 E1
contractor safety briefing
crude oil from
8 tanker to storage PPE + contractor safety briefing + pedestrian walk +
Restricted view Being struck by tanker A 3 A3 B 3 B3
tank after get plant traffic safety plan posted at the guard house
approval from lab.
Pedestrian walk C 3 C3
Pest control activity not level floor Tipping-over E 3 E3
along plant
9 Contact with chemical itchy B 4 B4
perimeter every
safety harness tie off + safety induction + PJHA +
Using skylift for falling from manbasket B 2 B2 C 2 C2
crane lifting permit
stack monitoring /
10 contractor need to be out of the basket while moving
changing bulb for D 2 D2
from one point to another point

electrocution from equipment inspected, install with RCCB, supervision

fatality B 3 B3 C 3 C3
faulty machinery by Chargemen
11 Chiller tube cleaning
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Confined Space Team Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment Defense Layer (Control
Drafted by: Nurulhaida Luhid ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Defense Layer can only be used if the verification confirms compliance
Measures) Reliablity
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk Control category Defense layer No of Layers
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences Verification Methods
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk A B C D E Type ( L or S) Available
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Cleaner Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment
Drafted by: Nurulhaida Luhid ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk
Falling due to slippery fall at same level D 3 D3 elimination
Perform office Administration
housekeeping (e.g PPE
1 sweeping, mopping, wipe
the window, meeting room Ergonomic back pain D 3 D3 elimination
arrangement etc) subsitution




SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Cleaner Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment
Drafted by: Nurulhaida Luhid ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk



SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Cleaner
Defense Layer (Control
Drafted by: Nurulhaida Luhid Measures) Reliablity

Control category
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
Falling due to slippery fall at same level

Perform office
housekeeping (e.g
1 sweeping, mopping, wipe
the window, meeting room Ergonomic back pain
arrangement etc)




SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Cleaner
Defense Layer (Control
Drafted by: Nurulhaida Luhid Measures) Reliablity

Control category
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences



SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Canteen Operator Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 20/8/14
Drafted by: Nurulhaida Luhid ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk Defense Layers ( Control Measures) Final Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk Including the Proposed changes S L
Exposed to heat, boiled water, hot oil Severe burn D 2 D2 elimination
1 Prepare food and drinks
Falling due to slippery fall at same level E 3 E3 elimination
Perform housekeeping at
2 Engineering
the end of the day







SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Canteen Operator Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 20/8/14
Drafted by: Nurulhaida Luhid ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk Defense Layers ( Control Measures) Final Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk Including the Proposed changes S L
Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Ass
Plant/department: Canteen Operator

Drafted by: Nurulhaida Luhid

Final Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
Exposed to heat, boiled water, hot oil Severe burn

1 Prepare food and drinks

Falling due to slippery fall at same level

Perform housekeeping at
the end of the day







Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Ass
Plant/department: Canteen Operator

Drafted by: Nurulhaida Luhid

Final Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Canteen Operator

Drafted by: Nurulhaida Luhid Defense Layer (Control Measures) Reliablity Actions to Improve Defense Layer Reliability

Implementation deadline:
Control category Describe Reliability of the Defense Layer (Control Measures) Actions to improve Responsible Implementation
Add a specific date by when the
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
A B C D E ABC D E reliability Person proposed changes
deadline are to be
Exposed to heat, boiled water, hot oil Severe burn implemented.

1 Prepare food and drinks

Falling due to slippery fall at same level

Perform housekeeping at
the end of the day







SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Canteen Operator

Drafted by: Nurulhaida Luhid Defense Layer (Control Measures) Reliablity Actions to Improve Defense Layer Reliability

Control category Describe Reliability of the Defense Layer (Control Measures) Implementation deadline:
Actions to improve Responsible Implementation
Add a specific date by when the
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
A B C D E ABC D E reliability Person proposed changes
deadline are to be
16 implemented.
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Safety Committee Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 19/6/14
Drafted by: Nurulhaida Luhid ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk

Exposed to heat, steam, hot oil, Severe burn B 3 B3 elimination Insulation program C 3 C3

Exposed to chemical, dust Difficult to breath B 3 B3 elimination
Engineering ventilation fan installed, dust collector monitoring program C 3 C3
Conduct monthly safety Falling while climbing /desending Falling from height B 2 B2 elimination
1 inspection and subsitution
housekeeping inspection
Engineering Proper platform and handrail to reduce the risk e.g toe board B 4 B4
Falling due to slippery Fall at same level C 2 C2 elimination
Administration BBS program, departmental housekeeping program
Tipping-over due to not level floor Fall at same level D 3 D3 elimination
Administration BBS program, departmental housekeeping program

SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Safety Committee Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 19/6/14
Drafted by: Nurulhaida Luhid ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk







SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Safety Committee
Defense Layer (Control
Drafted by: Nurulhaida Luhid Measures) Reliablity

Control category
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences

Exposed to heat, steam, hot oil, Severe burn x

Exposed to chemical, dust Difficult to breath

Conduct monthly safety Falling while climbing /desending Falling from height
1 inspection and
housekeeping inspection

Falling due to slippery Fall at same level

Tipping-over due to not level floor Fall at same level

SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Safety Committee
Defense Layer (Control
Drafted by: Nurulhaida Luhid Measures) Reliablity

Control category
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences







SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: First Aider Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment
Drafted by: Nurulhaida Luhid ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk
Exposed to bloodborne pathogen or
Infection B 3 B3 elimination
other potentially infectious material
Attend injury employee or Engineering
Administration Hep B vaccination, BBP safety class, first aider training by GH,
PPE PPE (medical glove) C 3 C3
Dizzy fall at same level B 3 B3 elimination
Medical check-up by OHD + competency training by NIOSH +
Administration C 3 C3
health declaration by individual
Pre-existing medical
2 lack of oxygen difficult to breath A 3 A3 elimination
condition - unfit
wear personal gas detector in the confined space all the times
Engineering B 3 B3
+ exhaust fan installed& run all the time
Permit system + Monthly safety class + Competency training




SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: First Aider Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment
Drafted by: Nurulhaida Luhid ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk



SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: First Aider
Defense Layer (Control
Drafted by: Nurulhaida Luhid Measures) Reliablity

Control category
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
Exposed to bloodborne pathogen or
other potentially infectious material

Attend injury employee or


Dizzy fall at same level x

Pre-existing medical
2 lack of oxygen difficult to breath S
condition - unfit





SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: First Aider
Defense Layer (Control
Drafted by: Nurulhaida Luhid Measures) Reliablity

Control category
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences



SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: ERT Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment
Drafted by: Nurulhaida Luhid ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk

Trap in the fire Body burns B 3 B3 elimination

monthly inspection for fire ext, safety class on EAP, Training
Administration C 3 C3
by BOMBA, conduct fire drill annually,
Trap in the smoke Difficult to breath B 3 B3 elimination
Involved in fire fighting
(identified as under control
1 monthly inspection for fire ext, safety class on EAP,Training
or can be easily brought Administration
under control) by BOMBA, conduct fire drill annually
Falling due to smoky area during
evacuate employee and contractor to Fall and step on by others B 3 B3 elimination
assembly point
conduct fire drill annually, safety class on EAP, Training by
Contact with hazardous chemical Chemical burns B 3 B3 elimination
Administration Designated bundwall,monthly safety training
PPE Spill Kit,PPE C 3 C3
Involved in spill drill (e.g
2 Falling due to slippey area Fall at same level B 3 B3 elimination
oil, chemical)
Monthly housekeeping inspection, dept program on
Dizzy fall at same level B 3 B3 elimination
Medical check-up by OHD + competency training by NIOSH +
Administration C 3 C3
health declaration by individual
Pre-existing medical
3 lack of oxygen difficult to breath A 3 A3 elimination
condition - unfit
wear personal gas detector in the confined space all the times
Engineering B 3 B3
+ exhaust fan installed & run all the time
Permit system + PPE + SCBA + Monthly safety class +
Competency training by NIOSH

SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: ERT Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment
Drafted by: Nurulhaida Luhid ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk







SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: ERT
Defense Layer (Control
Drafted by: Nurulhaida Luhid Measures) Reliablity

Control category
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
Trap in the fire Body burns x

Trap in the smoke Difficult to breath x

Involved in fire fighting
(identified as under control
or can be easily brought
under control)

Falling due to smoky area during

evacuate employee and contractor to Fall and step on by others
assembly point

Contact with hazardous chemical Chemical burns

Involved in spill drill (e.g
2 Falling due to slippey area Fall at same level
oil, chemical)

Dizzy fall at same level

Pre-existing medical
3 lack of oxygen difficult to breath
condition - unfit

SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: ERT
Defense Layer (Control
Drafted by: Nurulhaida Luhid Measures) Reliablity

Control category
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences







SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Contractor Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 22/10/2014
Drafted by: Mohd Heikal ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk

Crane permit + PPE + contractor safety breifing + PJHA +

Falling from mobile crane cage Fall from height A 3 A3 B 3 B3
BBS implementation

Perform DOE isokinetic test Contact with heat, dust, hazardous Severe burn, dizzy, difficult to
B 3 B3 PPE + contractor safety briefing + PJHA C 3 C3
(boiler chimney, dust chemical fume breath
collector at plant and main
silo, fume hood) Crane permit + PPE + contractor safety breifing + PJHA +
BBS implementation + check on wind speed,Ensure
Falling due to strong wind at tank farm Fall from height A 3 A3 supervision and monitoring are in place,Immediately stop the B 4 B4
operation of the AWP equipment
from the platform and remove the operator/occupant(s)

Permit system + PPE + SCBA + personal gas detector +

Confine space: Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency A 3 A3 exhaust fan installed + Monthly safety class + Training by C 3 C3
NIOSH + contractor safety briefing
Perform storage tank and
2 vessel cleaning during shut LOTO: mechanical, water, oil, steam, LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ PJHA + contractor
down drowning A 3 A3 safety briefing + contractor worksite inspection + interlock C 3 C3
oily and wet floor falling B 3 B3 PJHA + PPE + contractor safety briefing C 3 C3

Primary fall protection provided + contractor safety briefing +

not connected harness or anchor point
falling from height B 3 B3 PPE + monthly safety inspection + Elevated risk assessment C 3 C3
Perform recycle pond and contractor safety briefing + PPE + PJHA + contractor safety
fat trap cleaning, managing slippery area falling C 2 C2
briefing + contractor worksite inspection + life bouy
E 2 E2
3 sludge & recovered oil from
all sources including HW &
LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ PJHA + contractor
CT until sludge tank. LOTO: water, steam, hot oil drowning B 3 B3 C 3 C3
safety briefing + contractor worksite inspection

PPE+ PJHA + daily safety briefing for h/keeping contractor +

Contact with hot material: steam coil minor burn C 2 C2 D 2 D2
work planning + LOTO permit + CS permit
unevent floor falling D 4 D4
slippery area falling D 4 D4
Restricted view Being struck by tanker A 3 A3 Pedestrian walk B 3 B3

Perform boundary noise Accompanied by Cargill supervisor + PPE + contractor safety

4 C 3 C3
and noise mapping briefing + plant traffic safety plan posted at the guard house

high noise area Hearing impairment B 3 B3 PPE + singage + safety induction + PJHA B 4 B4
Primary fall protection provided,PPE, monthly safety
Protected platform: insufficient railing falling from height A 4 A4 B 4 B4
inspection, elevated risk assessment annually
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Contractor Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 22/10/2014
Drafted by: Mohd Heikal ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk
Elevated permit + PJHA + Proper platform and handrail to
going up and down the scaffolding e.g
falling A 3 A3 reduce the risk + safety class training + contractor safety C 3 C3
paint tank

Elevated permit + PJHA + Proper platform and handrail to

reduce the risk + safety class training + contractor safety
Conduct housekeeping
briefing,All operatives to be trained in the appropriate
program for plant insufficient scaffolding e.g paint tank Falling through work platform A 3 A3 B 4 B4
standard of work,Operative must inspect matrial prior to
surroundings including all
used,scaffolds to be checked by the leader/cmpetant person
5 main drains, perimeter
prior to any erect,dismantle & modification
road, along fencing, front
yard, grass cuttings,
rubbish collection, painting Elevated risk assessment annually - improvement on the
not connected harness falling A 3 A3 B 3 B3

Primary fall protection provided + contractor safety briefing +

C 3 C3
PPE + monthly safety inspection

contractor safety briefing + PPE + PJHA + contractor safety

slippery area falling D 2 D2 E 2 E2
briefing + contractor worksite inspection
Conduct fire system Primary fall protection provided,PPE, monthly safety
6 Protected platform: insufficient railing falling from height B 3 B3 C 3 C3
inspection monthly inspection, elevated risk assessment annually
Signage on hearing protection with dB level + safety briefing
high noise area Hearing impairment B 4 B4 C 4 C4
+ contractor worksite inspection
slippery area in plant falling E 3 E3 PJHA + PPE + contractor safety briefing E 4 E4
Conduct drinking water Elevated risk assessment annually - improvement on the
Protected platform:insufficient ladder falling from height B 3 B3 C 3 C3
7 machine inspection bi- design
monthly Primary fall protection provided + contractor safety briefing +
D 3 D3
PPE + monthly safety inspection
safety class + BBS implementation + external ergonomic
Ergonomic: back pain D 1 D1 E 1 E1
assessment + contractor safety briefing
Unload / pump crude oil
8 from tanker to storage tank Restricted view PPE + contractor safety briefing + pedestrian walk + plant
Being struck by tanker A 3 A3 B 3 B3
after get approval from lab. traffic safety plan posted at the guard house
Pedestrian walk C 3 C3

Pest control activity along not level floor Tipping-over E 3 E3

9 plant perimeter every Contact with chemical itchy B 4 B4
safety harness tie off + safety induction + PJHA + crane
falling from manbasket B 2 B2 C 2 C2
lifting permit
Using skylift for stack
10 monitoring / changing bulb contractor need to be out of the basket while moving from
for sportlight D 2 D2
one point to another point

equipment inspected, install with RCCB, supervision by

electrocution from faulty machinery fatality B 3 B3 C 3 C3
11 Chiller tube cleaning
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Receiving bay Operator Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 11/12/2014 Defense Layer (Control Defense Layer can only be used if the verification confirms
Drafted by: Capriel Kaniappan Reviewed by: Nurulhaida Luhid ✘ Re-assessment Page: Measures) Reliablity compliance
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk Control category Defense Layer Type No of Layers
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
Today Situation
Verification Methods
S L Risk S L Risk A B C D E Type (L or S) Available

Falling due to angore point weak Falling from height A 3 A3 Proper platform and handrail to reduce the risk B 3 B3 x L 1

Assist on checking seals for SOP'+ safety harness training, daily pre-inspection, PPE C 3 C3 x S 3
A 2 A2 provide proper handrail and toe guard C 2 C2 x S 1
Slipping from the gang way staircase Falling from height
SOP+ safety harness training, daily pre-inspection, PPE D 2 D2 x S 3
Rotation job (assign 2 people or more to do the job) + BBS
Ergonomic: back pain D 1 D1
program + ergonomic assessment
E 1 E1 x S 3/3
Receiving product oil from Restricted view Being struck by tanker A 3 A3 Pedestrian walk B 3 B3 x S 1
2 tanker to storage tank (cpp
Accompanied by Cargill supervisor + PPE + contractor safety
C 3 C3 x S 3/3
briefing + plant traffic safety plan posted at the guard house

Conduct pump strainers

3 floor oily fall on the same level C 2 C2 proper oil tray design, spillage plan D 2 D2 x S 1
cleaning when needed.

not connected harness or angore point

Falling from height A 3 A3 Proper platform and handrail to reduce the risk B 3 B3 x S 1

Safety harness and lifeline used with non-engineered

Assist on checking the anchorage point, which withstand 5000 pound or 22.2 kN, to C 3 C3 x S 1
4 cleanliness of dispatch walk on equipment, platforms or roofs
Slipping from the gang way staircase Falling from height A 3 A3 provide proper handrail and toe guard B 3 B3 x S 1

SOP+ safety harness training, daily pre-inspection, PPE C 3 C3 x S 3

not connected harness or angore point

Falling from height B 2 B2 Proper platform and handrail to reduce the risk B 3 B3 x L 1

Safety harness and lifeline used with non-engineered

Load crude product oil into
anchorage point, which withstand 5000 pound or 22.2 kN, to C 3 C3 x S 1
5 tanker and seal after
walk on equipment, platforms or roofs
complete loading
Slipping from the gang way staircase fall from height A 3 A3 provide proper handrail and toe guard B 3 B3 x S 1

SOP+ safety harness training, daily pre-inspection, PPE C 3 C3 x S 3

Replace hose strainer & ring floor oily fall on the same level C 2 C2 proper oil tray design, spillage plan D 2 D2 x S 1
6 rubber gasket when contact with hot surface Severe burn C 2 C2 leather glove+ safe work procedure+ BBS program C 3 C3 x L 3/3
Use of forklift: tipping-over due to
B 3 B3 Barricade area during doing job C 3 C3 x S 1
uneven floor

Prepare anti oxidant Proper and special practical training & competence person D 3 D3 x S 1/3
solution upon request
Ergonomic: back pain C 3 C3 Ergonomic assessment, safety class, monthly safety inspection D 3 D3 x L 3/3

Falling from tank due slippery fall from height A 3 A3 buddies system + no sampling during raining + PPE B 3 B3 x S 3/3

proper guardrail and toeboard around the top tank C 3 C3 x S 1

Perform product tank
internal sampling
Ergonomic: back pain due to crouching D 2 D2 Rotation job (assign 2 people or more to do the job) D 3 D3 x L 1

BBS program, provide training and awareness of the

ergonomic, ergonomic assessment
E 3 E3 x S 3
Falling off the ladder during climbing Primary protection; steps from checquered plate with good
or descharging
Falling from high B 2 B2
B 3 B3 x L 1
Daily receiving operator
9 opening/close tank BBS + monthly safety inspection + PPE B 4 B4 x L 3/3
inlet/outlet valve
Ergonomic: back pain due to crouching D 2 D2 Rotation job (assign 2 people or more to do the job) E 2 E2 x S 1
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Loading Master Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 4/12/2014 Defense Layer (Control
Drafted by: Capriel Kaniappan Reviewed by: Nurulhaida Luhid ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Defense Layer can only be used if the verification confirms compliance
Measures) Reliablity
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk Control category Defense Layer Type
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences No of Layers Available Verification Methods
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk A B C D E Type (L or S)
Appropriate PPE required railing around the tank + buddies
slippery area Falling from tank A 3 A3 system + no dipping job during raining and strong wind + C 3 C3 X x S 1,3
wear safety shoe and harness

practical training on harness + daily inspection and 6 monthly

D 3 D3 x S 3
inspection on harness + operational training yearly

strong wind Falling from tank A 3 A3 proper railing and toeboard around the tank C 3 C3 X S 1
Monitor crude and product
1 tank movement and
buddies system + no dipping job during raining and strong
terminal tank logistics D 3 D3 x S 3
wind (SOP) + wear safety shoe and harness

Padestrian crossing, PPE compliance (visibility strap), plant

Restricted view Being struck by tanker A 3 A3 traffic assessment being publish + security guard in control c 3 c3 x S 2
during WIP

oily floor falling E 3 E3 housekeeping program, PPE and BBS program E 4 E4 x S 3

Appropriate PPE required railing around the tank + buddies

slippery area Falling from tank A 3 A3 system + no dipping job during raining and strong wind + C 3 C3 X x S 1,3
wear safety shoe and harness

practical training on harness + daily inspection and 6 monthly

D 3 D3 x S 3
inspection on harness + operational training yearly
Monitor the shipments SI
2 and follow up with agent & strong wind Falling from tank A 3 A3 proper railing and toeboard around the tank C 3 C3 X S 1
surveyors on preshipment
buddies system + no dipping job during raining and strong
D 3 D3 x S 3
wind (SOP) + wear safety shoe and harness

no safety net at gang-way Falling into the sea A 3 A3 safety net is compulsory B 3 B3 x S 1

ppe (lifebouy), SOP, BBS program C 3 C3 X S 3

Monitor tank shrinkage with Ergonomic: pinch Job rotation and provide platform to give the comfortable
3 C 2 C2 C 3 C3 x L 1
action plan situation during the job

Perform safety inspections

Falling during work activity Fall on the same level C 3 C3 PPE + monthly safety inspection + SOP E 3 E3 x S 3
4 of pipeline & valves system
at terminal and jetty

Control tank temperature

for shipment
Falling during work activity hit by pipelines B 3 B3 provide platform above pipeline C 3 C3 x S 1

slippery area Fall on the same level B 3 B3 housekeeping program, PPE, BBS program C 3 C3 x S 3/3

Perform housekeeping Design proper oil tray & spillage plan D 3 D3 x S 1
Ergonomic: back pain C 3 C3 Ergonomic assessment, safety class, monthly safety inspection D 3 D3 x L 3/3

Carry out loading plan to no safety net at gang-way Falling into the sea A 3 A3 safety net is compulsory B 3 B3 x S 1
ppe (lifebouy), SOP, BBS program C 3 C3 x S 3/3

slippery area Fall on the same level B 3 B3 housekeeping program, PPE, BBS program C 3 C3 x S 3/3

Design proper oil tray & spillage plan D 3 D3 x S 1

Perform inter tank transfer
8 Permit system + PPE + SCBA + personal gas detector +
and cleaning activity
Confine space: Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency A 3 A3 exhaust fan installed + Monthly safety class + Training by C 3 C3 x x S 3/3
NIOSH + contractor safety briefing
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Physical Operator Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 21/7/14
Drafted by: Khairul Anwar Haron Reviewed by: Faiz Izzuddin ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk
Appropriate PPE required including safety glove, long sleeve
Control steam pressure for
Contact with heat severe burn A 3 A3 jacket, nearmiss reporting, BBS program B 3 B3
1 plant at required level by
manually regulate the valve Insulation program C 3 C3

slippery area fall B 3 B3 Basic PPE by using safety boots C 3 C3

Platform and handrail installed D 3 D3

Permit system + PPE + SCBA + personal gas detector +

Confine space: Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency A 3 A3 exhaust fan installed + Monthly safety class + Training by C 3 C3
NIOSH + contractor safety briefing
Cooling tower and hotwell
basin cleaning Hot conditions and trapping air heat stroke B 2 B2 Provide exhaust fan/blower to provide air movement D 2 D2

LOTO: mechanical, water, oil, steam, LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system,
drowning A 3 A3 C 3 C3
stirrer interlock system

not connected harness or angore point

Falling from height B 3 B3 Proper platform and handrail to reduce the risk, toe board C 3 C3
LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system,
LOTO: electrical, steam A 3 A3 C 3 C3
Operate and conduct CSD interlock system
3 for High Pressure Steam
Boiler system Contact with heat severe burn A 3 A3 Insulation program C 3 C3

Contact with steam severe burn A 3 A3 Insulation program C 3 C3

Check and control
4 temperature for crude and not level floor Tipping-over C 3 C3 nearmiss program, BBS program, PPE D 3 D3
product oil at storage tank
moving over the pipe bridge hit pipeline C 3 C3 paltform with handrail and toe board provided D 3 D3
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Physical Operator Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 21/7/14
Drafted by: Khairul Anwar Haron Reviewed by: Faiz Izzuddin ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk
LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system,
LOTO: pneumatic, mechanical A 3 A3 C 3 C3
interlock system
Permit system + PPE + SCBA + personal gas detector +
Confine space: Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency A 3 A3 exhaust fan installed + Monthly safety class + Training by C 3 C3
Operate clay transferring NIOSH + contractor safety briefing
from main silo to plant silo
Dust difficult to breath B 2 B2 Dust collector installed C 2 C2

SOP (maint program on the soli bags), 6 monthly inspection

D 2 D2
on dust collector, PPE (dust mask, half face respirator)

Start-Up & Shutdown

Bleaching plant
Appropriate PPE (safety glove,helmet etc) required, avoid
Steam blowing to clear out Contact with heat, steam, hot oil, wearing short sleeve T-shirt (jacket preferred), SOP, start up
6 severe burns on skin B 2 B2 C 2 C2
remaining oil in the pipe chemical, dust checklist- verify by shift exec

Insulation program by identified area that have potential

energy loses, provide ventilation line/exhaust line at silo line D 2 D2

Emptied out vessel and Basic PPE by using safety boots/rubber boots during do the
7 Oil spillage and cause wet floor Falling at same level B 3 B3 C 3 C3
tank (Open drain valve at washing job, housekeeping program, BBS program
bottom vessel) Provide oil container such as pump tray to avoid oil floor and
D 3 D3
line leak
Clean up Machine guarding-contact with rotating
8 hand crush A 3 A3 All rotating equipment is guarded as per Corporate req B 3 B3
pump/machine/equipment parts
for maintenance work
LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system C 3 C3

LOTO: electrical,
9 mechanical, pneumatic Electrical shock Fatality/ Severely injured A 3 A3 LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system B 3 B3
MCC lockout conduct by competent electrician, interlock
C 3 C3

Insufficient railings and unprotected Primary fall protection provided,PPE, monthly safety
10 Walking on elevated places fall from high place B 3 B3 C 3 C3
monkey ladders inspection, elevated risk assessment annually

11 Open and close large valve Ergonomic Back pain C 3 C3 Ergonomic assessment, safety class, monthly safety inspection D 3 D3

Permit system + PPE + SCBA + personal gas detector +

Perform inspection Confined space: Lack of oxygen /Toxic
12 oxygen deficiency A 3 A3 exhaust fan installed + Monthly safety class + Training by C 3 C3
inside vessel or tank gas
NIOSH + contractor safety briefing
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Physical Operator Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 21/7/14
Drafted by: Khairul Anwar Haron Reviewed by: Faiz Izzuddin ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk
Record plant parameter Appropriate PPE (safety glove,helmet etc) required, avoid
Contact with heat, steam, hot oil, dust severe burns on skin C 2 C2 D 2 D2
13 every 2 hours wearing short sleeve T-shirt (jacket preferred), SOP, start up
checklist- verify
Insulation programby shift exec
by identified area that have potential
energy loses E 2 E2

Frequent inspection for chain block (monthly inspection) and

hit operator and cause injury B 2 B2 C 2 C2
visual inspection before use it, annually inspection by DOSH,
Dismantle and install filter Filter leaf fall down due to chain block
leaves damage/wear
buddy system, PPE, work practice - operator stand far from
D 2 D2
the working area

Use glove(neoprene) which made from material that cannot

irritate and cause severely and be degreaded by caustic, SOP, chem handling training, chem
contact with skin, eye B 2 B2 suit,PPE9 safety galss & respirator),chemical handling permit C 3 C3
burn the skin
15 Caustic cleaning filter leaves

Inhale caustic vapor Irritate the lungs C 2 C2 Lung function & fit test annually, half face respirator, SOP D 2 D2

irritate and cause severely and Use basic PPE and neoprene glove during cailbration, SOP,
contact with skin, eye B 3 B3 C 3 C3
16 Phos acid dosing calibration burn the skin chem handling training

Use PPE and wearing long sleeve jacket, BBS program,

Strainer cleaning -cpo, 635, Sharp Edge Skin Cuts C 3 C3 D 3 D3
17 nearmiss program
barometric water

Use PPE and wearing long sleeve jacket, BBS program,

Sharp edge Skin cuts C 3 C3 D 3 D3
nearmiss program
18 Replacing bag filter Empty out system, depressurize and isolate before replace the
Hot oil - splash Skin burns C 2 C2 C 3 C3
bag,proper PPE,

half face respirator, dust exposure monitoring, housekeeping

Inhale dust /ash from spent clay Irritate the lungs C 2 C2 D 2 D2
19 Cleaning the chute Use PPE and wearing long sleeve jacket, dust exposure
Spent clay contact with skin,eye Irritate skin and eye C 2 C2 C 3 C3
monitoring, housekeeping program

health check-up, annual competency training, monthly

Handling the trailers (drive Collide with another vehicle/truck Severely injured/fatality B 3 B3
inspection,PPE, plant traffic assessment
C 3 C3
out, parking)

half face respirator, dust exposure monitoring, housekeeping

Inhale dust /ash from spent clay Irritate the lungs C 2 C2 D 2 D2

21 Cleaning the trailer area Ensuring area is barricaded and tyre choked practice during
Hit by trailer Fatality/ Severely injured B 3 B3 C 3 C3
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Fract Operator Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 19/11/13
Drafted by: Khairul Anwar Haron Reviewed by: Heikal ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
Severity S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk
A : Catastrophic (SIF- Fatality)
B : Critical (SIF-Life Threatening/Altering)
C : Significant (Reversible-Lost Time) Appropriate PPE required including safety glove, long sleeve
Control steam pressure for plant at Contact with heat D
severe burn
: Marginal (Reversible-Reportable Incident)
A 3 A3
jacket, nearmiss reporting, BBS program
B 3 B3
required level E : Negligible(Frist aid)
Insulation program C 3 C3

Falling from CT due to slippery fall from top of CT B 3 B3 platform with handrail C 3 C3

Permit system + PPE + SCBA + wear personal gas detector +

Control cooling tower and chiller Confine space: Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency A 3 A3 exhaust fan installed& run all the time + Monthly safety class C 3 C3
water operating system + Training by NIOSH + contractor safety briefing

LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system,

LOTO: mechanical, water A 3 A3 C 3 C3
interlock system
Machine guarding-contact with rotating
hand crush A 3 A3 All rotating equipment is guarded as per Corporate req B 3 B3

LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system C 3 C3

3 Operate hydraulic system
LOTO: mechanical, oil, hydraulic LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system,
A 3 A3 C 3 C3
pressure interlock system

oily floor Fall on the same level C 2 C2 proper oil tray design, spillage plan D 2 D2

Monitor online system for fract Ergonomic: eyes strain, hand, wrist & Ergonomic caunter + ergonomic class training, BBS program
4 C 2 C2 D 2 D2
operation at fract control room arm pain + monthly safety inspection

Appropriate PPE (safety glove,helmet etc) required, avoid

Contact with hot material: water, oil severe burn B 3 B3 wearing short sleeve T-shirt (jacket preferred), SOP, start up C 3 C3
checklist- verify by shift exec
Elevated risk assessment annually - improvement on the
Falling due to not connected harness falling A 3 A3 B 3 B3
Primary fall protection provided + contractor safety briefing +
C 3 C3
PPE + monthly safety inspection
Machine guarding-contact with rotating
hand crush A 3 A3 All rotating equipment is guarded as per Corporate req B 3 B3
5 Checking crystallizer leak parts

LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system C 3 C3

Elevated permit + PJHA + Proper platform and handrail to

Falling during going up and down the
fall from height A 3 A3 reduce the risk + safety class training + contractor safety C 3 C3

LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system,

LOTO: electrical, mechanical, oil, water A 3 A3 C 3 C3
interlock system
Appropriate PPE (safety glove,helmet etc) required, avoid
Contact with hot material: steam, oil severe burn B 3 B3 wearing short sleeve T-shirt (jacket preferred), SOP, start up C 3 C3
checklist- verify by shift exec

Falling due to slippery area fall on same level C 2 C2 proper oil tray design, spillage plan D 2 D2
Ergonomic: head, hand, wrist & arm Ergonomic caunter + ergonomic class training, BBS program
C 2 C2 D 2 D2
6 Change filter cloth pain + monthly safety inspection
Permit system + PPE + SCBA + personal gas detector +
Confine space: Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency A 3 A3 exhaust fan installed + Monthly safety class + Training by C 3 C3
NIOSH + contractor safety briefing

LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system,

LOTO: electrical, mechanical, oil, water A 3 A3 C 3 C3
interlock system

Clean up sonic sensor for buffer

tank Falling due to slippery area fall on same level C 2 C2 proper oil tray design, spillage plan D 2 D2

Taking sample during crystallizer in

8 hand being hit by stirrer injury B 2 B2 sensor had been installed-stirrer stop once cover is open E 2 E2
operation mode

Fluid Injection- Pressurized liquid

tissue damage B 3 B3 visual inspection/shift, safety inspecton, PPE C 3 C3
Standing in line of fire-membrane escape from damage hose
filter hydraulic system

Check operating manual, barricade working area to avoid

hit Skin cut C 2 C2 D 2 D2
Chiller tubes cleaning - medium others passing through during cleaning in progress, PPE
pressure water jet

Appropriate PPE (safety glove,helmet etc) required, avoid

Contact with hot material: water, oil severe burn B 3 B3 wearing short sleeve T-shirt (jacket preferred), SOP, start up C 3 C3
11 Monitor heat exchanger operation checklist- verify by shift exec
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Fitter Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 2/12/2014
Drafted by: Mathen Ramachandram Reviewed by: Mohd Redzuan ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk

Appropriate PPE required including safety glove, long sleeve

1 Contact with heat, steam, hot oil severe burn A 3 A3 B 3 B3
jacket, nearmiss reporting, BBS program

Insulation program C 3 C3

not connected harness or angore point

Falling from height B 3 B3 Proper platform and handrail to reduce the risk, toe board C 3 C3

Machine guarding-contact with rotating

hand crush A 3 A3 All rotating equipment is guarded as per Corporate req B 3 B3

LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system C 3 C3

Cutting/welding in tank explosion A 3 A3 good capacity ventilator B 3 B3

gas test by AGT, hotwork permit, fire ext C 3 C3

Attend and perform maint
work raised from MWO LOTO: electrical, mechanical, A 3 A3
LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system,
C 3 C3
pneumatic, vacuum interlock system

Falling due to ladder

fall from height B 3 B3 ladder inspection every 6 - month, elevated permit, ppe C 3 C3
movement:portable ladder

Permit system + PPE + SCBA + personal gas detector +

Confine space: Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency A 3 A3 exhaust fan installed + Monthly safety class + Training by C 3 C3
NIOSH + contractor safety briefing

operating and maintenance of rotary Lock Rotary Valve panel for unautorize acess + guarded
new hand crush A 3 A3 B 4 B4
valve rotating equipment

LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system+

SOP+safety inspection+LOTO practical training+warning Sign B 5 B5
for RV
Ergonomic: eyes strain, hand, wrist & Ergonomic caunter + ergonomic class training, BBS program
C 2 C2 D 2 D2
arm pain + monthly safety inspection

Ensure critical spare pump Use of forklift:falling load due to

load damage C 3 C3 move in reverse mode, buddy system, pre-use inspection D 3 D3
and other equipment are driving weighted load in high position
repaired and in good
condition Use of forklift: not level floor tipping-over C 3 C3 Forklift training, PPE (seat belt), pre-use inspection D 3 D3

Attend all on-call based on

defensive riding, visibility strap, monthly safety class (vehicle
3 schedule and follow on-call Involved in road accident fatality A 4 A4 B 4 B4
Appropriate PPE required including safety glove, long sleeve
Contact with heat, steam, hot oil severe burn A 3 A3 B 3 B3
jacket, nearmiss reporting, BBS program
Insulation program C 3 C3

Falling due to not connected harness

fall from height B 3 B3 Proper platform and handrail to reduce the risk, toe board C 3 C3
or angore point weak
Machine guarding-contact with rotating
hand crush A 3 A3 All rotating equipment is guarded as per Corporate req B 3 B3

LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system C 3 C3

Perform shutdown works
4 and to work or lead Cutting/welding in tank explosion A 3 A3 good capacity ventilator B 3 B3
contractors if required
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Fitter Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 2/12/2014
Drafted by: Mathen Ramachandram Reviewed by: Mohd Redzuan ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Perform shutdown works
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr and to workTask
or lead Hazardous event Consequences
contractors if required S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk
gas test by AGT, hotwork permit, fire extinguisher C 3 C3

LOTO: electrical, mechanical, LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system,
A 3 A3 C 3 C3
pneumatic, vacuum interlock system

Falling due to ladder

fall from height B 3 B3 ladder inspection every 6 - month, elevated permit, ppe C 3 C3
movement:portable ladder

Permit system + PPE + SCBA + personal gas detector +

Confine space: Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency A 3 A3 exhaust fan installed + Monthly safety class + Training by C 3 C3
NIOSH + contractor safety briefing

Appropriate PPE required including safety glove, long sleeve

Perform proper equipment Contact with heat, steam, hot oil severe burn B 3 B3 B 4 B4
jacket, nearmiss reporting, BBS program
isolation and lock-out to
ensure safety prior to work LOTO: electrical, mechanical, LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system,
commencement A 3 A3 C 3 C3
pneumatic, vacuum interlock system
Appropriate PPE required including safety glove, long sleeve
Contact with heat, steam, hot oil severe burn A 3 A3 B 3 B3
jacket, nearmiss reporting, BBS program
Permit system + PPE + SCBA + personal gas detector +
exhaust fan installed + Monthly safety class + Training by C 4 C4
NIOSH + contractor safety briefing
LOTO: electrical, mechanical, LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system,
A 3 A3 C 3 C3
pneumatic, vacuum interlock system

All worker should be aware of the upcoming risk of

Perform proper equipment explosion,procedures and the relevent permit system(hot
isolation and confine space Cutting/welding in tank explosion A 2 A2
work permit)+ventilation system install all the time+pre-entry
B 3 B3
to ensure safety prior to gas test before entry
work commencement

ventilation system install all the time+pre-entry gas test

C 3 C3
before entry

Permit system + PPE + SCBA + personal gas detector +

Confine space: Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency A 3 A3 exhaust fan installed + Monthly safety class + Training by C 3 C3
NIOSH + contractor safety briefing
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Fitter

Drafted by: Mathen Ramachandram Reviewed by: Mohd Redzuan Defense Layer (Control Measures) Reliablity

Control category
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences

1 Contact with heat, steam, hot oil severe burn x

not connected harness or angore point

Falling from height x

Machine guarding-contact with rotating

hand crush

Cutting/welding in tank explosion x

Attend and perform maint
work raised from MWO LOTO: electrical, mechanical, x x
pneumatic, vacuum

Falling due to ladder

fall from height x
movement:portable ladder

Confine space: Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency x x

operating and maintenance of rotary

new hand crush x

Ergonomic: eyes strain, hand, wrist &

arm pain

Ensure critical spare pump Use of forklift:falling load due to

load damage x
and other equipment are driving weighted load in high position
repaired and in good
condition Use of forklift: not level floor tipping-over x

Attend all on-call based on

3 schedule and follow on-call Involved in road accident fatality x

Contact with heat, steam, hot oil severe burn x

Falling due to not connected harness

fall from height x
or angore point weak
Machine guarding-contact with rotating
hand crush

Perform shutdown works
4 and to work or lead Cutting/welding in tank explosion x
contractors if required
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Fitter

Drafted by: Mathen Ramachandram Reviewed by: Mohd Redzuan Defense Layer (Control Measures) Reliablity

Perform shutdown works

4 and to workTask
or lead
Control category
Nr Hazardous event Consequences
contractors if required A B C D E
LOTO: electrical, mechanical,
x x
pneumatic, vacuum

Falling due to ladder

movement:portable ladder
fall from height x

Confine space: Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency x x

Perform proper equipment Contact with heat, steam, hot oil severe burn x
isolation and lock-out to
ensure safety prior to work LOTO: electrical, mechanical,
commencement x x
pneumatic, vacuum

Contact with heat, steam, hot oil severe burn x

LOTO: electrical, mechanical,

pneumatic, vacuum

Perform proper equipment

isolation and confine space Cutting/welding in tank explosion x
to ensure safety prior to
work commencement

Confine space: Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency x x

SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Electrician Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 22/10/14
Drafted by: Mathen Ramachandram Reviewed by: Mohd Redzuan ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk

Contact with energy (heat,steam,hot Appropriate PPE required including safety glove, long sleeve
severe burn A 3 A3 B 3 B3
oil) jacket, nearmiss reporting, BBS program

Insulation program C 3 C3

Falling due to angore point weak Falling from height B 3 B3 Proper platform and handrail to reduce the risk, toe board C 3 C3

Machine guarding-contact with rotating

hand crush A 3 A3 All rotating equipment is guarded as per Corporate req B 3 B3
a) Attend and perform parts
maint work raised from
MWO LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system C 3 C3
1 b) Attend
and perform shutdown Confined space permit + Carried gas detector every time
works and to work or led Cutting/welding in tank:explosion risk explosion A 3 A3 working at confine space area +ventilation fan provided, C 3 C3
contractors if required flasback arrestor fitted to pipework
LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system,
electrical,mechanical,pneumatic,vacuu A 3 A3 C 3 C3
interlock system
Falling due to ladder
fall from height B 3 B3 ladder inspection every 6 - month, elevated permit, ppe C 3 C3
movement:portable ladder
Permit system + PPE + SCBA + personal gas detector +
Confine space: Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency A 3 A3 exhaust fan installed + Monthly safety class + Training by C 3 C3
NIOSH + contractor safety briefing
Update MWO system after Ergonomic: eyes strain, hand, wrist & Ergonomic caunter + ergonomic class training, BBS program
2 C 2 C2 D 2 D2
work completed arm pain + monthly safety inspection

Use of forklift:falling load due to competent driver + ex forklift training+ daily checklist
load damage C 3 C3 D 3 D3
driving weighted load in high position inspection

3 Lifting equipment Use of forklift:tripping over due to not

fall on the same level C 3 C3 Forklift training, PPE (seat belt), pre-use inspection D 3 D3
level floor

Electrical Chain Hoist - towing PPE + housekeeping program + monthly safety inspection
electrocution A 4 A4 B 4 B4
equipment (electrical part)

Attend on-call based on defensive riding, visibility strap, monthly safety class (vehicle
4 Involved in road accident fatality A 4 A4 B 4 B4
schedule and procedure safety)

Permit system + PPE + SCBA + personal gas detector +

Confine space:Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency A 3 A3 exhaust fan installed + Monthly safety class + Training by C 3 C3
Conduct oil analysis for HT NIOSH + contractor safety briefing
5 switchgear & HT
Contact with oil or chemical oil / chemical splash B 4 B4 ppe + PJHA + proper tray C 4 C4

Appropriate PPE required including safety glove, long sleeve

Contact with heat, steam, hot oil severe burn A 3 A3 B 3 B3
jacket, nearmiss reporting, BBS program
Perform proper equipment
isolation and lock-out to
6 Insulation program C 3 C3
ensure safety prior to work
LOTO: electrical, mechanical, LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system,
A 3 A3 C 3 C3
pneumatic, vacuum interlock system
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Electrician Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
Baseline Assessment 22/10/14
Drafted by: Mathen Ramachandram Reviewed by: Mohd Redzuan ✘ Re-assessment Page:
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
S L Risk Today Situation S L Risk

Appropriate PPE required including safety glove, long sleeve

Contact with heat, steam, hot oil severe burn A 3 A3 B 3 B3
jacket, nearmiss reporting, BBS program

Insulation program C 3 C3

Perform proper equipment LOTO: electrical, mechanical, A 3 A3

LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system,
C 3 C3
isolation and confine space pneumatic, vacuum interlock system
to ensure safety prior to
work commencement Confined space permit + Carried gas detector every time
Cutting/welding in tank: explosion risk explosion A 3 A3 working at confine space area +ventilation fan provided, C 3 C3
flasback arrestor fitted to pipework

Permit system + PPE + SCBA + personal gas detector +

Confine space: Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency A 3 A3 exhaust fan installed + Monthly safety class + Training by C 3 C3
NIOSH + contractor safety briefing

Conduct CSD testing LOTO: electrical, mechanical, LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system,
8 A 3 A3 C 3 C3
anually for HPSB pneumatic, vacuum interlock system

Machine guarding-contact with rotating

hand crush A 3 A3 All rotating equipment is guarded as per Corporate req B 3 B3

Conduct motor and fire

9 LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system C 3 C3
pump checklist monthly

PPE + housekeeping program + monthly safety inspection

Electrocution A 4 A4 A 5 A5
(electrical part)
Permit system + PPE + SCBA + personal gas detector +
Follow up with preventive Confine space:Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency A 3 A3 exhaust fan installed + Monthly safety class + Training by C 3 C3
10 maintenance for chiller and NIOSH + contractor safety briefing
air compressor
Contact with oil or chemical oil / chemical splash B 4 B4 ppe + PJHA + proper tray C 4 C4

Working with electric assessment by ext party, arc flash suit, monthly safety
11 Arc flash risk electrocuted A 3 A3 B 3 B3
control panel class,rubber mat,certified person
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Electrician
Defense Layer (Control
Drafted by: Mathen Ramachandram Reviewed by: Mohd Redzuan Measures) Reliablity

Control category
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
Contact with energy (heat,steam,hot
severe burn x

Falling due to angore point weak Falling from height x

Machine guarding-contact with rotating

hand crush
a) Attend and perform parts
maint work raised from
1 b) Attend
and perform shutdown
works and to work or led Cutting/welding in tank:explosion risk explosion x x
contractors if required
electrical,mechanical,pneumatic,vacuu x x
Falling due to ladder
fall from height x
movement:portable ladder

Confine space: Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency x x

Update MWO system after Ergonomic: eyes strain, hand, wrist &
2 x
work completed arm pain

Use of forklift:falling load due to

load damage x
driving weighted load in high position

3 Lifting equipment Use of forklift:tripping over due to not

fall on the same level x
level floor

Electrical Chain Hoist - towing

electrocution x

Attend on-call based on Involved in road accident fatality x

schedule and procedure

Confine space:Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency x x

Conduct oil analysis for HT
5 switchgear & HT
Contact with oil or chemical oil / chemical splash x

Contact with heat, steam, hot oil severe burn x

Perform proper equipment
isolation and lock-out to
ensure safety prior to work
LOTO: electrical, mechanical,
x x
pneumatic, vacuum
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet
Plant/department: Electrician
Defense Layer (Control
Drafted by: Mathen Ramachandram Reviewed by: Mohd Redzuan Measures) Reliablity

Control category
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences

Contact with heat, steam, hot oil severe burn x

Perform proper equipment LOTO: electrical, mechanical,

x x
isolation and confine space pneumatic, vacuum
to ensure safety prior to
work commencement
Cutting/welding in tank: explosion risk explosion x x

Confine space: Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency x x

Conduct CSD testing LOTO: electrical, mechanical,

8 x x
anually for HPSB pneumatic, vacuum

Machine guarding-contact with rotating

hand crush

Conduct motor and fire

9 x
pump checklist monthly

Electrocution x

Follow up with preventive Confine space:Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency x x

10 maintenance for chiller and
air compressor
Contact with oil or chemical oil / chemical splash x

Working with electric

11 Arc flash risk electrocuted x
control panel
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet A
: Catastrophic (SIF- Fatality)
: Critical (SIF-Life Threatening/Altering)
Likelihood C : Significant (Reversible-Lost Time)
1 : Very likely D : Marginal (Reversible-Reportable Incident)
2 : Likely E : Negligible(Frist aid)
Plant/department: Utility Supervisor 3 : Possible Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
4 : Unlikely Baseline Assessment 2/9/2014 Defense Layer (Control Defense Layer can only be used if the verification confirms
5 : Very unlikely
Drafted by: Khairul Anwar Haron Reviewed by: Nurulhaida Luhid ✘ Re-assessment Page: Measures) Reliablity compliance
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk Control category Defense Layer Type No of Layers
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
Today Situation
Verification Methods
S L Risk S L Risk A B C D E Type (L or S) Available
Falling into fat trap due to not
connected harness or angore point drowning B 3 B3 Provide the establish safety line at critical/weak point C 3 C3 x S 1
Perform housekeeping of all
fat traps and managing
1 sludge & recovered oil from Falling into fat trap due to slippery
all sources including HW & area drowning B 3 B3 improve housekeeping plan /program C 3 C3 x S 1/3
CT until sludge tank.
Contact with hot material: steam severe burn C 2 C2 Appropriate PPE required etc safety glove D 2 D2 x S 1/3 supervisor control. Any SOP?
Elevated permit + PJHA + Proper platform and handrail to
going up and down the scaffolding e.g
falling A 3 A3 reduce the risk + safety class training + contractor safety C 3 C3 x x S 3/3 permit issued. Relevent contractor attend
Coordinate housekeeping paint tank
briefing safety briefing & monthly class.
program for plant
surroundings including all Elevated permit + PJHA + Proper platform and handrail to
Falling through work platform due to
2 main drains, perimeter Falling through work platform A 3 A3 reduce the risk + safety class training + contractor safety C 3 C3 x x S 3 permit issued. Relevent contractor attend
insufficient scaffolding e.g paint tank
road, along fencing, front briefing safety briefing & monthly class.
yard, grass cuttings,
rubbish collection, painting
monthly safety inspection
Falling due to not connected harness falling from height B 3 B3 Proper platform and handrail to reduce the risk, toe board C 3 C3 x S 1 conduct C5 -
elevated work
Permit system + PPE + SCBA + personal gas detector +
Confine space: Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency A 2 A2 exhaust fan installed + Monthly safety class + Training by C 3 C3 x x S 3/3
NIOSH + contractor safety briefing
Critical 5 audit assessment
Assist in general plant Contact with hot material: oil, steam,
maintenance during plant caustic
severe burn B 3 B3 Appropriate PPE required etc safety glove C 3 C3 x S 1/3
shutdown e.g cleaning
vessel, CT, APV
LOTO permit + zero energy verification+ permit system,
LOTO: electrical, mechanical, vacuum hit by moving parts A 3 A3
interlock system
C 3 C3 x x S 3/3 Mandatory: LOTO tested before entry
Critical 5 audit
Understand and follow ESH requirement at unloading bay
Restricted view Being struck by tanker A 4 A4 B 4 B4 x S 2/3
regarding to traffic movement + wearing visibility strap
Assist oil bay supervisor in
coordinating and Not connected harness or anchor point
4 supervising receiving cpo Falling from tanker A 3 A3 Proper platform and handrail to reduce the risk B 3 B3 x S 1
and dispatching product
activities Safety harness and lifeline used with non-engineered
anchorage point, which withstand 5000 pound or 22.2 kN, to C 3 C3 x S 1
walk on equipment, platforms or roofs

Supervise spent clay Use of tractor: tipping-over due to not

management including daily fall on the same level B 3 B3 PPE + tractor training + pre-inspection checklist C 3 C3 x S 3/3
level floor
inspection of tractor,
5 collection of spent clay and
maintaining good
housekeeping of spent clay Use of tractor: falling from driving
platform due to not working break
fall on the same level B 3 B3 PPE + tractor training + pre-inspection checklist C 3 C3 x S 3/3

Develop,implement and maintain an energy isolation Mandatory: LOTO tested before entry
Contact with energy( heat,steam,hot Critical 5 audit
severe burn C 2 C2 procedure and the relevent permits(loto) for all the relevent C 3 C3 x L 1
energy sources assessment
Perform proper equipment
isolation and lock-out to
ensure safety prior to work LOTO:electrical,mechanical,pneumatic,
A 3 A3 LOTO of all equipments B 3 B3 x S 1 Mandatory: LOTO tested before entry
commencement vacuum
Critical 5 audit
LOTO procedure& verification+Permit applied C 3 C3 x S 2/2

Lead pest control contractor

7 and monitor the program
Falling due to slippery area fall on the same level C 3 C3 Improve housekeeping program for all area D 3 D3 X S 1/3
and servicing schedule

Develop,implement and maintain an energy isolation Mandatory: LOTO tested before entry
Contact with energy
severe burn C 2 C2 procedure and the relevent permits(loto) for all the relevent D 2 D2 x L 1 Critical 5 audit
( heat,steam,hot oil)
energy sources assessment
Mandatory: LOTO tested before entry
A 3 A3 LOTO of all equipments B 3 B3 x S 1 Critical 5 audit

Perform proper equipment

isolation and confine space
to ensure safety prior to
SIF Hazard Identification and Task Risk Assessment Sheet A
: Catastrophic (SIF- Fatality)
: Critical (SIF-Life Threatening/Altering)
Likelihood C : Significant (Reversible-Lost Time)
1 : Very likely D : Marginal (Reversible-Reportable Incident)
2 : Likely E : Negligible(Frist aid)
Plant/department: Utility Supervisor 3 : Possible Qualitative Risk Assessment Date:
4 : Unlikely Baseline Assessment 2/9/2014 Defense Layer (Control Defense Layer can only be used if the verification confirms
5 : Very unlikely
Drafted by: Khairul Anwar Haron Reviewed by: Nurulhaida Luhid ✘ Re-assessment Page: Measures) Reliablity compliance
Working Draft
Prior Risk Defense Layers (Control Measures) Current Risk Control category Defense Layer Type No of Layers
Nr Task Hazardous event Consequences
Today Situation
Verification Methods
S L Risk S L Risk A B C D E Type (L or S) Available

LOTO procedure& verification+Permit applied C 3 C3 X S 2/2

Perform proper equipment wear personal gas meter all the time in confine
isolation and confine space Cutting/welding in tank explosion A 2 A2
space+exhaust fan installed & run all the time
B 3 B3 x S 2
to ensure safety prior to
work commencement

Procedures and the relevent permit system(hot work permit)

+ PJHA + qualified/certified welder+AESP competantcy C 3 C3 x S 3/3
training by NIOSH

Ventilation of confined space prior - and during entry, Gas test Ventilation protocol is available
Confine space:Lack of oxygen oxygen deficiency A 3 A3 of atmosphere prior to entry, use of personal gas testers with B 3 B3 x S 1 Use of gas tester to
alarming during entry confirm atmosphere is safe
Attendant present outside of confined space, CSE
C 3 C3 x S 3/3
permit, Confined space entry training

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