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Using the Sample-superstore, plan to find the variation of profits of products with the
variation of the segment with time. (Hint: make bump chart)
2. Using the Sample-superstore, plan to analyze the distribution of values of the measure
3. Draw a motion chart in Tableau to find the variation of Sales with months.
4. Using the Sample - Superstore data source provided with Tableau Desktop build a KPI
view that displays region wise profit figures. Separate the regions with profits >50000
with those less than 50000.
5. Using the Sample-superstore, build a color encoded, drill down scatter plot to find the
variation of discount and sales of products according to their Sub-Category. From the
visualization, make three separate groups of products- Chairs and Tables; Paper, Art and
Supplies; and other.
6. Verify the validity of the Pareto principle for profits and sub-categories of products.
7. Draw a Gantt Chart in Tableau to depict the variation of sales of different Sub-Category
of products according to regions over a period of 1 year.
8. Blend data from two different datasets in Tableau.

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