Unit 5, Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4

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Unit: 5 Statistics

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1) Before you read the passage, talk about these questions.

1. What kind of information do statistics provide?

It enables us to quantify reality and have the elements that allow us to analyze it. The
basis of political and administrative actions is the study of statistical data, because
knowing reality allows us to act in a more coherent way (with knowledge of the facts).

2. Why do scientists use statistics?

Statistical analysis is used in designing scientific studies to increase consistency,

measure uncertainty, and produce robust datasets.


Read the memo. Then, choose the correct answers.

1. What is the purpose of the memo?

A. to describe the results of a statistical analysis.

B. to bring attention to several statistical errors.

C. to request a particular statistical analysis.

D. to provide definitions of various statistics terms.

2. Which of the following is NOT needed by the Woman?

A. the outcomes from every experiment.

B. the probability of each event in the sample space.

C. the median values of the sample

D. the intersection of the sample spaces

3. Why does the woman request the data?

A. to estimate the necessary funding for a project

B. to collect information before starting a project

C. to prepare a presentation on the status of a project

D. to determine why a project is producing particular results


3. Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (A-H).

1. E population

2. A event

3. C union

4. G range

5. H sample

6. D median

7. B probability

8. F statistics

A. a group of outcomes

B. a collected numbers that represent facts or provide information

C. the entire group of interest to a researcher

D. the middle value of a group of numbers

E. a set made up of all values included in two or more sets

F. a numerical calculation how likely something is to occur

G. the difference between the highest value and the lowest value in a data set

H. a subset of a population, meant to be representative of the population

4. Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word or phrase best fits each blank.

1. mutually exclusive / Independent

A. two events cannot occur together, then they are mutually exclusive

B. If one event has no effect on whether another event occurs, they are independent
2. sample space / outcome

A. All the possible results from an experiment make up the sample space

B. A(n) is any likely or possible result of an experiment outcome

3. union / intersection

A. The intersection of two sets is a set that includes all of the results of an experiment
that the two sets share.

B. The union of two sets is a set that includes all of the results of both sets, even if they
aren't shared.

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