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Unit 6: Problem Solving

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1) Before you read the passage, talk about these questions.

1. How do different people approach problem solving?

When students are challenged to solve problems they must think, because in a problem
the solution strategy is not immediately obvious. And when they work as a team in
search of a solution, they combine efforts and ideas and motivate each other to find the
best possible solution. Today, where as humanity we find ourselves facing problems
without precedent in their magnitude, it is when the need to solve situations in concert
and cooperation with others, combining efforts and ideas, has become more evident.

2. Why is problem solving important to engineers?

Scientists, engineers and ordinary people use problem solving each day to work out
solutions to various problems. Using a systematic and iterative procedure to solve a
problem is efficient and provides a logical flow of knowledge and progress.


2) Read the employee manual. Then, choose the correct answers.

1. What is the manual mainly about?

A. different ways to solve problems

B. the results of a problem solving process

C. a preferred method of problem solving

D. situations when problem solving is appropriate

2. Which is true of the company's problem solving procedure?

A. It repeats the same steps several times

B. A begins with a synthesis of solutions

C. It includes each employee’s individual problem solving style.

D. it was developed for use in variety of industries.

3. Which Is NOT a step in the problem solving method?

A. defining a problem

B. thinking of possible solutions

C. putting an idea into action

D. trying the same iteration again


3) Match the words or phrases (1-8) with the definitions (A-H).

1. D iterative

2. F attack

3. A solution

4. C approach

5. E problem solving

6. H analysis

7. G problem identification

8. B redefine

A. a way to solve a problem

B. to change something's meaning

C. a way of looking at something

D. intended to be repeated over and over again

E. the ability to identify and address problems

F. to make a determined effort to solve a problem

G. the process of defining a problem

H. an examination or report something

4) Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.

1. The engineer followed the method of performing an action perfectly.


2. The scientists performed several repetitions of the process.


3. The solution was a combination of several previous answers.


4. The engineers discussed ideas about and possible solutions to the latest problem.


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