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NAME: ==> ALLEN 7 RAC E JEE (Main + Advanced) 2019 CAREER INSTITUTE [Passes RCUAGNASMTAN] Regular Analysis through Continuous Exercise | LEADER + ENTHUSIAST COURSE REVISION ASSINGMENT # 01 (VECTOR + 3-D) MATHEMATICS TIME : 60 MIN. MM, = 71 SECTION-K(i) Straight Objective Type (3 Marks each, 1 for wrong answer) 2 4. L, and L, are two lines whose vector equations are #=Alfcoso + V3)i+(V2 sin 6}j + (cos0 - V3)k] ange)! where 2 and pare scalars and ot is the acute angle between L, and L, Ifthe angle 'o”’ is independent of 8 then the value of 'a' is we + oF 3 6 4 3 2 Leta =a,i+a,j+ajk :6=b,i+b,1+b,R ; é=c,1 +0.) + c,h be threenon-zero vectors such that é ja, by cy is a unit vector perpendicular to both a & b . If the angle betweena & b is ©, then 2 by ¢2| = las boy (ayo (B)I Ly 2 > 3.5 F (©) Fla? +az+az)(b? +be+by) @) Fa? +a? +a2)b2+be +by) (G A plane passes through (1, -2, 1) and is perpendicular to two planes 2x - 2y + z = 0 and x~y+2z=4, The distance of the plane from the point (1, 2, 2) is (ayo (B)1 (©) v2 (D) 22 Let P(3, 2, 6) be a point in space and Q bea point on the line ¢ = (i ~j + 2k) +u(-3i +} +5k). Then the value of for which the vector PQ is parallel to the plane x — 4y + 3z= Lis ~ 1 1 L 1 Wy @)-+ C- 5 The point P is the intersection of the straight line joining the points Q(2,3,5) and R(1,-1,4) with the plane Sx — 4y — z = 1. If S is the foot of the perpendicular drawn from the point T(2,1,4) to QR, then the length of the line segment PS is - 1 OR ®) 2 ©2 (D) 22 Let 4.6. é be vectors of length 3, 4, 5 respectively. Let a be perpendicular to b + é,b toé +a & é to a+b. Then i+ 6+¢ is (A) 25 (B) 2y2 (C) 10V5, (D) 5 V2 MATHEMATICS /RA # 01 E44 [=> ALLEN ™ R AC E JEE(Main-+Advanced)2019 ove toe Regula Anse through Comucus Frere peetea alias e Comer a, ee cnan ae «ps 2% 7. Inaquadrilateral ABCD, AC isthe bisector ofthe | AB AD| whichis. Be fo Om) 3 then cos| BAC D) aa 2v7 A) - = B (C) = D) O75 @- 7 OF aT 8. Let ABCD be a tetrahedron such that the edges AB, AC and AD are mutually perpendicular. Let the area of triangles ABC, ACD and ADB be 3, 4 and 5 sq. units respectively. Then the area of the triangle BCD, is (A) 52 (B)S (©) 5/2 (D) 5/2 . A variable plane at a distance of 1 unit from the origin cuts the coordinate axis at A,B & C. If the centroid of triangle ABC is D(x, y, 2) satisfy the relation ,, then value of k is - (3 @)1 © 18 (D9 10. Equation of the plane containing the straight line > and perpendicular to the plane containing the straight lines + == and * = ane 4 (A) x + 2y - 22 (B) 3x + 2y - 22 = 0 (C) x = 2y + (D) 5x + 2y SECTION-I(i) Multiple Correet Answer Type (4 Marks each, ~1 for wrong answer) TI. Consider a plane P passing through A(®, 3,1), BC1,3,2) and C(7,5,10) and a straight line L with positive direction cosines passing through A, bisecting BC and makes equal angles with the coordinate axes. Let L, be a line parallel to L and passing through origin, Which of the following is(are) correct? (A) The value of (2. + 1) is equal to 5, x-l_y- (B) Equation of straight line L, is (C) Equation of the plane perpendicular to the plane P and containing line L, is x~2y + 2-0 (D) Area of triangle ABC is equal to 3/2 12. A line £ passing through the origin is perpendicular to the lines (34t)i+(1421)j+(442t) ko ALLEN ™ R AC E JEE (Main Advancod}2019 iecaaceraa| Regula Anse through Comucus Frere peetea alias e Comer 13. If 4,6, be three non zero vectors satisfying the condition a x = & 6 x =a then which of the following always hold(s) good? (A) a,b, € are orthogonal in pairs (B) f abe (©) [abe] = |e) () |6| = |¢| 14, In R*, consider the planes P, : y= 0 and P,: x + Let P, be a plane, different from P, and P,, which passes through the intersection of P, and P,. If the distance of the point (0,1,0) from P, is | and the distance of a point (0,8,y) from P, is 2, then which of the following relations is (are) true ? (A) 2a + B+ 2¥+2=0 (B) 2a - B+ 2y+4=0 (C) 2a + B-2y-10=0 (D) 2a -B + 2y-8=0 SECTION-HI (i) Numerical Grid Type (Single digit Ranging from 000 to 999) (4 Marks each, —1 for wrong answer) 1. Let (px q)x# + (GG =(x? +y")G + (14—4x —6y)p and (F.F)P=F where f and q are two non- zero non-collinear vectors and x and y are scalars, The value of (x +y) is 2. Given three points on the xy plane on O(0, 0), A(1, 0) and B(-1, 0). Point P is moving on the plane satisfying the condition (PA. PB )+3(OA.OB)=0.. Ifthe maximum and minimum values of | PA || PB| are M and m respectively then the values of M’ + m’, is 3. Let 4=-i-Kk, b=-i+j and €=i+2)+3k be three given vectors. If # is a vector such that fxb=€éxb and fa =O, then the value of #.b is 4. Given £%(x) + g2(x) + h(x) < 9 and U(x) = 34x) + 4g(x) + 1Oh(x), where fx),g(%) and h(x) , : N are continuous V x € R. If maximum value of U(x) is VN, then the value of => is ‘Space for Rough Work MATHEMATICS /RA # 01 E-3/4 [=> ALLEN ™ R AC E JEE (Main Advancod}2019 Peemoena LEADER + ENTHUSIAST COURSE equa tse Commoous Exeter SECTION-IV Matrix Match Type (One or More than one option correct) For each entry in Column-I , +2 If only the bubble(s) corresponding to all the correct matche(es) is (are) darkened, 0 In none of the bubbles is darkened, -1 In all other cases (A) @B) © (D) Column-I ‘Column-IT OABC is a tetrahedron where O is the origin, Positions vectors. (P).— gs +e ofits angular points A.B and C are a,b and respectively. ( arbre Segments joining each vertex with the centroid of the opposite 2 face are concurrent at a point P whose p.v.'s are aabe3 Let ABC be a triangle the position vectors of its angular points. (R) = are a,b and respectively. If |i—b| = |b: then the p.v, of the orthocentre of the triangle is a+b+e Let a,b, € be 3 mutually perpendicular vectors of the same ) magnitude. If an unknown vector X satisfies the equation a x (@—b)xa) +b x ((—R-Oxb)+E x (KA x<)=0 Then X is given by ABC is a triangle whose centroid is F, orthocentre is H and circumcentre is the origin. If position vector of A,B,C,G and H are 4,b,¢,g and hi respectively, then h in terms of a,b and é is equal to 2. Consider the following linear equations ax + by + cz=0; bx + cy + az=0;ex tay +bz=0 Match the conditions / expressions in column I with statements in column IL (A) 3) © () Column-T Column-IT atbte0and (P) the equation represent planes meeting only a+b’ +c= ab+be+ca at a single point at+b+c=0and (Q) the equation represent the line x = y = z a+b +e#ab+be+ ca atbt+e#0and (R) the equation represent identical planes. a+b +e4ab+betca at+b+o=Oand (S) the equation represent the whole of the three a+b +e =ab+betca dimensional space ‘Space for Rough Work E414 MATHEMATICS /RA # 01

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