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An article on advocate.

com states that a polyamorous relationship is also known as

“consensual non-monogamy.” The key word there is being consensual. A lot of people are
confused between cheating and polyamorous relationship that sometimes they think that it’s
two the same thing, but it’s definitely not. Cheating is going against the rules and boundaries
you both have decided for your relationship while polyamorous relationship is you and your
partner are aware and agrees to have another relationship other than yours. It’s all about
communication. This is what makes it vastly different from cheating. If someone is cheating,
they probably don’t want to talk about it, but if you're in a polyamorous relationship you are
very open about it.

We are each individuals who love differently, who see the world differently, who are fulfilled
in different ways. And we should be able to live our lives in whatever way we want in order to
fulfil our wants and needs. We shouldn't have to live under the shadow of what is and is not
"acceptable". Polyamory or open relationships aren't for you? Cool, then you do you.
Monogamy isn't for you? Cool, then you do you. No side is better or worse. As long as it's
consensual, all love is valid.

Human have so much love to give and if they decide to share to more than one people, then
so be it. As long it’s not harming anyone and not being forced to people.

Love is complex and comes in many different forms.

So, i strongly disagree that mono is more virtuous than poly. No side is better ow worse. As
long as its consesual, all love is valid.

Also this is a very personal choice where

Relationships are really important in our lives. In fact, people report that in the key stages of
an ideal life, in the top five they list getting married and having a family as some of theses
important priorities. So relationships are a big deal. But unfortunately this is the reality of the
situation. Toot percent of marriages in canada ended with divorce. As Cris Ryan, the authour
once said. “If your boarding a plane, you had 40 to 50 percent chance that the plane would
crash, would you get on that plane? Because I definitely wouldnt. The story we are telling
ourselves isnt working for everyone. A lot of marriages and long term relationship are ending
in divorce and some are unhappy with their relationships trapped in loveless relationships.
And why do we have a high failure rate? And the reason, let’s be clear is not monogamy.
Monogamy is not woking for everyone, but the reason is the lack of alternative or a choice.
In our society, monogamy relationship is the norm. It what is suppose to have. It is what
should be, the relationship model. We’re not given any choice. We put an expectation on
one person to satisfy 100 percent of our emotional and pyscial, wants and needs that seems
like a lot of pressure to put on one person. and so with no alternative, were really setting
ourselves to fail unless we find this one true love or otherwise we are compromising are
needs and wants. But with polyamarous we can decide on what kind relationship we want. In
bansa there are percent that is engaging to this.

Some people are denial, repressed, or even dont have the opportunity to consider what is
right for them because of the limitations of the society.

Relationships are really important in our lives. In fact, people report that in the key stages of
an ideal life, in the top five, they list getting married and having a family as some of these
important priorities. So relationships are definitely a big deal. But, unfortunately this is the
reality of the situation. According to recent data from the American Psychological
Association, as many as 50 percent of marriages in the United States eventually end in
divorce. A lot of marriages and long term relationships end in divorce and some are unhappy
with their relationships trapped in loveless relationships. And why do we have a high failure
rate? And the reason, let’s be clear, is not monogamy. It is the society itself. We are
programmed to be like this or like that, we have this so-called standard or the norm that
leads most people to be in denial, repressed, or even don't have the opportunity to consider
what is right for them. We had no choice. Just like in relationships, society has set
monogamous relationships to be normal. How a relationship should be. But if we
acknowledge that there is a lot more than a monogamous relationship, these problems could
be solved. We all could achieve a healthier relationship with each other. (13:22)

Humans have so much love to give and if they decide to share it with more than one person,
then so be it. It isn’t a competition. Not because you're in a poly relationship and have
multiple partners it doesn't mean that the love you could give is lesser than the other.
Just like when you have a child and then you have a second child, you wouldn't love the
second child lesser than the first child, you’ll love them equally or you love them differently.
Another is when you have a best friend but then you meet another friend, does this mean
that you're going to devote less of your attention to your first friend? Definitely not. Yes, time
is limited but love may not be. Love may actually be infinite. It is complex and comes in
many different forms. If you learn how to allocate your time then this actually can pretty work

Just like having another child, it doesn't mean that the love you will give to the other is
lesser, you’ll love them equally or you love them differently. Love is complex and comes in
many different forms.

Another is when you have a best friend but then you meet another friend, does this mean
that you're going to devote less of your attention to your first friend? Definitely not. Yes, time
is limited but love may not be. Love may actually be infinite. It is complex and comes in
many different forms. If you learn how to allocate your time then this actually can pretty work
All relationships have their own strengths and weaknesses.

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