Daily Lesson Plan Week 7

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Subject: Theme: Class: 3 Date: 1 October

English Language World of Knowledge 2018
Topic: 10:00a.m.- Day: Monday
Unit 11: Everyday 11:00a.m.
Class size: Educational Emphases:
18 pupils i. Information and Communication
Technology Skills (ICT): Interacting
with electronic courseware (teach
through PowerPoint Slide)
ii. Multiple Intelligences
a) Visual-spatial
b) Verbal-linguistics
c) Interpersonal
iii. 21st Century Learning
a) Communication
iv. Assessment
a) Assessment for learning
v. Moral Value
a) Teamwork
Learning Standard: Main Concept/Vocabulary:
1.1.2 Able to listen to and enjoy the stories. I. Widow
1.2.1 Able to participate in daily conversations: II. Knock
(b) ask for help III. Beat
(c) respond to someone asking for help

Learning Objectives: Success Criteria:

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
i. Pupils will be able to ask for help
I. Ask for help by adding the word “please”
by adding the word “please” and
II. Respond to someone asking for help
appreciate for his / her help.
ii. Pupils will be able to respond to
someone asking for help.
iii. Pupils will be able to think the
ending of the story creatively.

Moral Values: Previous Knowledge:

i. Teamwork i. Pupils learnt to listen and enjoy
the simple stories. (Learning
Standard: 1.1.2, Year 2)
ii. Pupils learnt to make polite
requests and thank someone.
(Learning Standard: 1.2.1, Year
Focused skill: Teaching and Learning Material(s):
Speaking i. Pictures
ii. Video
Integrated skill: iii. Mah-jong paper
Listening iv. Marker pen
v. Music
Teaching Framework Impact / Reflection

1) Teacher shows some pictures.

Start-up Rationale:
2) Teacher asks pupils to guess the
Activity To arouse pupils’
meaning of the pictures.
attention and interest.
(5 minutes)
Teaching and Learning

Multiple Intelligence:
I. Verbal-linguistic
II. Visual-spatial

Main Activity PRESENTATION (20 minutes) Rationale:

1) Teacher shows a story “A Heart of  Enable pupils to build
Gold” by using mah-jong paper. new knowledge and
2) Teacher explains the story and some concepts
vocabulary words.  Encourage pupils’
3) Teacher teaches pupils about how they active participation
can ask for help and respond to
someone asking for help by using Teaching and learning
video. materials:

4) Teacher asks some pupils to Video

demonstrate about a person who
Multiple Intelligence:
asking for help and another person
I. Verbal-linguistic
who respond to someone asking for
II. Visual-spatial
III. Interpersonal

Main Concept/Vocabulary:
Information and
I. Widow
II. Knock
Technology Skills
III. Beat

Interacting with electronic

courseware (teach
through video)
Teaching Framework Impact / Reflection

PRACTICE (15 minutes) Rationale:

I. To test their
1) Teacher divides pupils into 4 groups.
understanding about
2) Teacher asks pupils to fill in the blanks
how they can ask for
and write the ending of story on the
help and respond to
mah-jong paper.
someone asking for
3) Pupils must discuss the answer with
their group members.
II. To think the ending
4) Teacher asks some groups to come in
of the story
front of the class to present their work.
5) Teacher check the answers.
III. Encourage pupils’
active participation

Teaching and
learning materials:
Mah-jong paper

Multiple Intelligence:
I. Verbal-linguistic
II. Interpersonal

21st century:

Moral Value:

Assessment for learning

PRODUCTION (20 minutes) Rationale:

To test their
1) Pupils are going to carry out “Passing
pronunciation of the
marker pen” activity.
Teaching Framework Impact / Reflection

Teaching and learning

2) Pupils will sit in the circle form.
3) Two of the pupils will take a marker
Marker pens and music
4) When teacher plays the music, he /
she needs to pass the marker to his
Assessment for learning
next friend.
5) When teacher pauses the music, pupil
who takes the marker needs to pick a
6) If pupil A take a “ask” card, he / she
need to ask someone to help him / her.
For example, pupils A: “Would you
open the door, please?” So, another
pupil who take a “answer” card need to
respond for his / her help. For
example, pupil B: “Yes, of course!”
After that, pupil A: “Thank you!”
7) Step 3 until step 6 are repeated.

Closure 1) Teacher recaps the lesson.
To conclude the lesson
(5 minutes)

Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment

Pupils Follow- - Choose and write a -

up Activity
correct answer for
each question.
NAME: ___________________________ DATE: ________________
Choose and write a correct answer for each question.
 Can you slow down, please?
 Of course. C – A – T .
 Yes. You may go out now.
 Can you repeat the sentence, please?


Amy : Can you spell “cat”, please?

Annie : _______________________


Alvin : May I go out , please?

Jason : _______________________

Mother : _________________________
Father : Sure. I will drive the car slowly.


Danny : _________________________
Teacher : Yes, of course. I will repeat the
sentence one more time. Please listen

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