Worksheet 8 UNITS 23-26: Transcribe These Words and Sentences Into IPA

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UNITS 23-26
Transcribe these words and sentences into IPA
1. separate……………………… 21. understand…………………… 41. last…………………………
2. bed……………………... 22. man………………………. 42. car………………………….
3. mental………………..….. 23. fat………………………… 43. after……………………..
4. men………………………. 24. began……………………….. 44. path……………………….
5. depend…………………… 25. panda …………………………. 45. palm………………………….
6. spend……………….……. 26. magic…………………………. 46. can’t…………………………
7. deadly…………………… 27. candle……………………………… 47.dancer…………………………
8. head……………….………. 28. mandatory…………………….. 48. rather…………………………..
9. many…………………….…….. 29. cut……………………………. 49. past…………………………..
10. anything……………….…….. 30. shut……………………………… 50. bar………………………….
11. said ……………….…… 31. better …………………………… 51. start ………………………….
12. friend ……………….…… 32. hunter …………………………… 52. part………………………….
13. next ……………….…… 33. must………………………… 53. aunt………………………….
14. attend ……………….…… 34. something ………………………… 54. calm………………………….
15. cat ……………….…… 35. stuff ………………………… 55. heart………………………….
16. hat ……………….…… 36. money………………………… 56. casting………………………….
17. match……………….…… 37. honey…………………………
18. pattern……………….…… 38. nothing…………………………
19. standard……………….…… 39. enough…………………………
20. matter……………….…… 40. flood…………………………

57. The wedding is next Wednesday and the headdress isn’t ready yet. So, yes, I’m stressed.

58. They went all the way to the shopping center for the best bread in Essex.

59. Breakfats was excellent and Ben’s belly felt very full.
60. I’ll take the bags of cash to the bank on Saturday and grab some stamps on the way back.

61. She was so mad, she sat on his hat and tehn stamped on his valuable clarinet. ‘Ha!’ she thought.

62. He grabbed his coat but forgot his cap as he had to dash to catch the match.
60. Hedgehogs

As the name suggests, hedgehogs like to live in hedgerows where there is plenty of edible treats like

berries and insects. If you are a nature fan, there’s never been a better time to explore the habitat of

hedgehogs with the English summer getting warmer every year. Hedgehogs are easily recognizable

because of their sharp spines, and in these they have an excellent form of defence -when they see a

threat, they roll into a spiky ball.

61. Cats

The cat has become the standard city dwellers’ companion. In fact, there are thousands of cats in the

UK. Cats are big fans of routine and are happiest following a regular daily pattern including lying on their

ower’s lap, and lapping up sunshine with a nap in the back garden. They can have some bad habits, such

as scratching up furniture to sharpen their retractable claws. They are natural predetors and prone to

catching any wild animals that happen to wander into their garden, from rabbits to landing birds.
36. Monkeys

There are dozens of different kinds of monkey. Some are samll, and others are much bigger. Monkeys

are closely related to humans-you could say they’re our distant counsins. Sometimes when watching

monkeys, we can recognize human behaviors, and it can be very funny! For example, some monkeys use

tools and construct ordered societies. Scientific studies have shown that monkeys understand language

and can solve problems and communicate. In some countries monkeys can be seen as pests; they

sometimes gather in such large numbers that they cen become quite threatening. There are stories of

monkeys becoming rough and violent with members of the public. They also sometimes cause damage

by munching on crops being grown on farms.

37. Giraffes

The giraffe is a native of the grasslands and savannah between Chad, Somali and South Africa, but there

are now many in capivity. They are an animal that can inspire laughter due to their rather bizarre

appearance, namely their long neck and black and tan patterned body. They aren’t the fastest of animals

and they can’t swim, yet adult giraffes aren’t targeted by many predetors – only the calves are at risk.

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