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Rosanna Lebrón (1-20-5285)

A Unscramble the activities.

1. Niikhg hiking
2. Bimcling Climbing
3. Akgnit a krbea taking a break
4. Gsmiimwn Swimming
5. Yiplang cesocr playing soccer
6. Gjgiong jogging
7. Iflngti ghwtsei lifting weights

B. Write questions and answers about the pictures. Use the

present continuous tense.
1. a. What are they doing now?
b. They’re cooking.
2. a. What are you playing?
b. We are playing soccer.
3. a. What are you doing today?
b. I'm staking in the camp.
4. a. What are you doing here?
b. I'm running a Little.
5. a. What are they doing?
b. We're walking.
6. a. What are you doing in the gym?
b. I'm lifting weights.

C. What are they now? Write sentences about Friends and family
members. Use your ideas and the present continuous tense,

1. My brother is playing computer games.

2. My mother is cooking something very tasty.
3. My father is in the gym lifting weights.
4. My little brother is riding a bike.

A- Write the sport for each ítem shown. In the boxes, write I
(indoor) or O (outdoor) and T (team9 or I (individual).

1. Americam footbal (o) (i)

2. Football (o) (t)
3.Ice hockey (i) (t)
4. Baseball (o) (t)
5. Golf (o) (t)
6. Gymnastic (i) (i)
7. Volleiball (o) (t)
8. Skateboarding (I) (o)
B- Read the phone conversation. Write the correct form of the
verb- simple present tense or present continuous tense.
Andy: Hi, Yoshi. What (1) are you doing (you, do)? It’s very noisy
Yoshi: I (2) Watching (Watch) a football game at the stadium! It’s
Americam football.
Andy: Really? (3) You liking (you, like) it?
Yoshi: Yes! But I (4) Know nothing (know, not) very much about
the sport. Wow! Now all the players (5) running (run), and one
player (6) throwing (thrown) the ball.
Andy: And all the people (7) shouting (shout).
Yoshi: You should come to a game with me. Rhe tickets only (8)
costing (cots) $5.
Andy: I (9) (Want, not) to watch football. I (10) Hating (hate)
outdoor spots. I (11) preferring (prefer) to be inside.
Yoshi: What (12) you doing (you, do) today?
C. Answer the questions. Write complete sentences.
1. What sport do you like? Why?
I like soccer because I find it very entertaining and fun, besides that
you exercise a lot playing it.
2. What sport do you hate? Why?
I don't like American football because it's very aggressive and I
don't like that.

A. Read the article and complete the chart.

Country Sport Good things about the sport
Brazil Soccer Great for people
You need of all ages
and place to play.
It’s really an international
Canada Ice hockey Children play ice hockey at
school. People watch their
games and drink hot
chocolate at the games also
watch famous hockey teams
on TV.
United States Basseball It’s very slow, but it’s
sit outdoors with your friends
at a baseball game.
People eat hot dogs at the
China Volleyball Teams at schools and offices.
can play Volleyball indoors or
outdoors don’t need are a ball
and a net.

B. Write about a popular sport in your country. Who plays it?

Who watches it? What equioment do you need? Where do
you play it? Do you like it? Why or whay not?
A very popular sport in my country is baseball, it is played by
baseball players and almost everyone in the country watches it.
Enjoy it. This game is done in groups, they play it in different
stadiums in the country and I don't like gucho because almost no I
like sports.

B- Write about what you usually do on the weekendf and what

you are doing now. Use words from the unit.
On weekends I almost always watch television, I go out to eat
with my brother and I like to cook. Now what I'm doing is
homework at the university and I'm having a snack.

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