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İngilis dili A) twice many as

B)) twice as many

C) as twice many
D) as many twice
1. Choose the correct sentence.
E) many as twice
1. The French is a very polite people.
2. Ten years are a long time to wait.
3. A pair of trousers is hanging in the room.
6. Choose the correct preposition.
4. Henry with his friends has left on a trip to
The worshipers decided to visit the temple …
Sunday dawn.
5. The number of the guests are unknown.
A) at
B) in
A) 1,2 B) 1,3 C)) 3,4 D) 3,5 E) 2,4
C)) on
D) for
E) of
2. Choose the wrong interrogative sentence.
A) She didn’t come with you, did she?
B) You have been there before, haven’t you?
7. Choose the correct variant.
C)) He had an accident at the age of five, hadn’t
- He hasn’t got a driving licence.
D) You don’t like travelling, do you?
A) So did she.
E) They won’t come with us, will they?
B)) Nor has she.
C) So has she.
D) Neither did she.
3. Choose the correct variant.
E) Nor does she.
-Whose flowers are these, Peter.
-They are … .
A) Mr. Kramers’
8. Choose the correct conjunction.
B)) Mrs. Kramer’s
Be careful, … you’ll make grammatical
C) the Kramer’s
D) the Kramers
A)) or
E) the Kramers’s
B) if
C) so
D) and
E) but
4. Choose the correct modal verb.
He … to go to the doctor yesterday.
A) has
B) could
C) might
9. Choose the correct variant.
D) must
-Sarah didn’t attend the history lecture that day.
E)) had
- … . What a pity!
A) Did she?
Çox çətin
B)) Didn’t she?
5. Choose the correct variant.
C) Hadn’t she?
After the new technology was introduced, the
D) Had she?
company produced in 2011 … as the year
E) Doesn’t she?
B) Employers didn’t often required a candidates
Çətin to have a work experience.
10. Choose the wrong variant. C) Employers don’t often require the candidates
A) such a lot of students to have a work experience.
B) such fresh bread D) Employers don’t often require the
C) so many sheep candidates have work experience too.
D)) so nice weather E) Employers don’t also often require the
E) such a good time candidates to have a work experience.

11. Choose the correct article. Çox çətin
Tony and Ann spent a week at … Martinez 15. Choose the correct pronoun.
Hotel in Cannes, France. … but the brave deserve the fair.
It was … best holiday of their lives. A)) None
B) Any
A) the, a B) - , the C)) the, the C) Nothing
D) the, an E) a, the D) Anything
E) No
12. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Çətin
Voice. 16. Choose the correct variant.
Frank Robinson gave the name Coca Cola to This is … scenery I have ever seen.
the drink. A) beautiful
A)) The name Coca Cola was given to the drink B) more beautiful
by Frank Robinson. C)) the most beautiful
B) The name Coca Cola will be given to the D) more beautifully
drink by Frank Robinson. E) most beautifully
C) The name Coca Cola is given to the drink by
Frank Robinson. Çətin
D) The name Coca Cola was given to Frank 17. Choose the correct variant.
Robinson. There was … much smoke in the room that I
E) The name Coca Cola has been given to the could hardly breathe.
drink. A) such
B) any
Çətin C) such a
13. Choose the correct question. D)) so
-…. E) so a
- Of course, I do.
A) Would you like some salad? Çox çətin
B)) Do you mind if I go? 18. Make up a sentence.
C) Can she help us? time 2. our work 3. the fire out 4. finish
D) Has he done the work yet? 5. were able to put 6. and 7. the firemen
E) Have you been there before? 8. we could

Çox çətin A)) 7,5,3,6,8,4,2,1

14. Choose the correct negative sentence. B) 7,5,6,3,8,4,1,2
A)) Employers don’t often require the C) 8,4,3,6,7,2,1,5
candidates to have work experience. D) 8,4,7,5,6,3,2,1

E) 1,8,3,5,7,6,4,2 22. Complete the sentence.
The woman – servant stepped out of the room
Çox çətin and ran … .
19. Choose the correct variant. A) to bring books for his master
He … in that country for five years when I first B)) to call the scientist for help
met him. C) to help the thieves to find books
A) lived D) to see some strange – looking men
B) was living E) to clean the study
C)) had been living
D) has been living Çətin
E) has lived 23. Choose the correct answer to the question.
Why did all his people try not to enter his study
Çətin while he worked?
20. Choose the correct variant. A) Einstein liked to receive guests while
A) Nobody was able to make the child to be working.
silent. B) Einstein didn’t like to work alone in his
B)) Nobody was able to make the child be study.
silent. C)) Einstein didn’t like to be disturbed while
C) Nobody was able to make the child being working.
silent. D) Einstein didn’t like his woman – servant to
D) Nobody was able to make the child has been clean his study.
silent. E) All his people knew him very well.
E) Nobody was able to make the child could be
silent. Orta
24. A thief is a person who … .
Read the passage and answer questions 21 – 25. A) apologizes for doing something
B) helps people
Einstein didn’t like to be troubled while he C) keeps his master’s house clean
worked. All his people knew it very well and D) offers money for other people
tried not to enter his study when he was there. E)) steels somebody’s things secretly
Once the woman-servant entered his library to
clean it. She saw some strange-looking men Orta
throwing books into a big bag. As the thieves 25. Choose the pair of antonyms.
didn’t notice her, she stepped out of the room 1.a master – a servant 2. notice - feel
and ran to the scientist’s study crying. “ -There 3. strange – familiar 4. enter – leave
are thieves in your study, professor, “ she cried 5. a thief – a robber
out. “-Well, what are they reading?” the
scientist said. A)) 1, 3, 4 B) 1, 3, 5 C) 3, 4, 5
D) 2, 3, 4 E) 1, 2, 3
21. Choose the best title for the text.
A) The Scientist Welcomes the Thieves.
B) A Clever Woman.
C) Professor Reading Books.
D)) A Kind Professor.
E) The Servant’s Adventure.


30. Choose the correct variant.
- Whose house is that?
- It is … .
A)) the Taylors’
26. Choose the correct variant.
B) the Taylors
A) He saw his schoolmates came towards him.
C) the Taylor
B) He saw his schoolmates comes towards him.
D) The Taylor’s
C) He saw his schoolmates have come towards
E) the Taylors’s
D)) He saw his schoolmates coming towards
31. Choose the correct variant.
E) He saw his schoolmates had come towards
Study hard … you’ll make great progress.
A) or
B) while
Çox çətin
C) too
27. Choose the correct sentences.
D)) and
1. The news in the today’s newspapers are
E) but
2. All sorts of furniture is produced in this
Çox çətin
furniture factory.
32. Choose the correct answer.
3. Two kilos of cheese were bought
-We haven’t seen Linda since the day of the
4. Many tests on History are published in
- … . What has happened, I wonder?
this magazine.
A) Hasn’t he?
B)) Haven’t you?
A) 2, 4 B) 2, 3 C)) 3, 4 D) 1, 4 E) 1, 2
C) Didn’t they?
D) Doesn’t she?
E) Have you?
28. Choose the correct question.
- Yes, they are. Look on your desk.
33. Choose the wrong variant.
A) There aren’t any letters for me, are there?
A) such a lot of children
B) Where are the books you promised to bring?
B) very few people
C) Are this flowers for me?
C) such big fish
D)) Are any of the reports you are writing
D) so many police
E)) such much traffic
E) Are my glass over there?
Çox çətin
34. Choose the correct modal verb.
29. Choose the correct variant.
You … to be more careful while crossing the
1. The flower smells pleasant.
2. Ayla looked around happily.
A)) ought
3. The cake tastes unpleasantly.
B) must
4. Arif seemed excitedly.
C) could
A) 3, 4 B) 2, 3 C)) 1,2
D) may
D) 1, 4 E) 2, 4
E) can

35. Choose the correct article. E)) The questions aren’t correct, are there?
The oldest glass in … world is from Egypt. It
is in … British Museum in London, and it is Çətin
nearly 3500 years old. 40. Choose the correct preposition.
A)) the, the Those who don’t care much … their work can
B) a, the never do it well.
C) the, - A) off
D) the, an B) to
E) - , the C) on
D)) about
Çətin E) in
36. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive
Voice. Çətin
Why does he water these plants so rarely? 41. Choose the correct variant matching the
A) Why is these plants watered so rarely? phrases.
B) Why were these plants watered so rarely? 1. What a funny dog !
C)) Why are these plants watered so rarely? 2. I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten to phone you.
D) Why is he watered these plants so rarely? 3. You should have some more cake!
E) Why was he watered these plants so rarely?
a. Oh, that doesn’t matter.
Çox çətin b. Thank you. Do you really like it?
37. Make up a sentence. c. No, thank you. I’ve had a lot.
1. is 2. whose books 3. a prominent A)) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
4. Chingiz Abdullayev 5. popularity B) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b
6. have gained 7. writer 8. in many countries C) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a
D) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
A)) 4, 1, 3, 7, 2, 6, 5, 8 E) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a
B) 3, 7, 4, 6, 5, 1, 2, 8
C) 4, 1, 3, 7, 2, 6, 8, 5 Çətin
D) 3, 7, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 8 42. Choose the correct variant.
E) 4, 1, 3, 7, 2, 8, 5, 6 - May I help you?
- Yes, I want three … .
Çox çətin A) can of beans
38. Choose the correct variant. B) cans beans
The Titanic … on the sea bed for 70 years when C)) cans of beans
they found it. D) can beans
A) have lain E) can’s beans
B) has been laying
C) have laid Çətin
D) has been lying 43. Choose the correct pronoun.
E)) had been lying … but peace can save the world.
A) Someone
Çətin B)) Nothing
39. Choose the wrong interrogative sentence. C) Anything
A) The questions are not correct, are they? D) No
B) Are the questions correct? E) Anyone
C) The questions are correct, aren’t they?
D) Aren’t the questions correct? Çətin
44. Choose the correct variant. 47. Choose the wrong sentence.
- I can’t remember his name. A) Everybody likes the Sea Life Centre.
- …. B) The fee is not the same for adults and
A) Neither did I. children.
B) Nor do I. C) They permit children to feed the sea
C)) Neither can I. creatures.
D) So can I. D) There are special attractions for children .
E) I can’t too. E)) The Centre is opened every day of the year.

Çətin Çətin
45. Choose the correct negative sentence. 48. Choose the correct sentence.
A) No one didn’t have to buy tickets for the A) You can’t see any sea animals in the Centre.
theatre. B)) The place is enjoyable and educational.
B) No one could let Arzu to make her own C) There are not special attractions for children.
decision. D) The Centre works at Christmas too.
C) Don’t open the window and the door. E) There is not a glass tunnel there.
D) Neither of them was ready to understand the
situation too. Orta
E)) If she doesn’t accept the invitation, the 49. Choose the correct answer to the question.
others won’t either. What kind of place is the Sea Life Centre?
A) It is not an interesting place at all.
Read the passage and answer questions 46-50 . B) It is a very boring place.
C) It is a dangerous place.
Plymouth Sea Life Centre is an exciting place. D)) It is a very exciting place.
Everything here is enjoyable as well as E) It is not amazing for adults.
educational. It costs 3.70 pounds for adults, 2
pounds for children. It’s open every day of the Orta
year except Christmas days– December 25th 50. Complete the sentence.
and 26th. Special attractions for children include You can see here from the biggest of sea
a quiz and hourly feeding times for all the creatures …
different animals and fish. You can see here A) to the slowest ones.
from the biggest of sea creatures to the smallest B) to the largest ones.
ones. The latest attraction at the centre is a big C) to the fastest ones.
glass tunnel you can walk through; you will see D) to the speediest ones.
a lot of fish swimming all around you – E)) to the smallest ones.
sometimes even over your head. Children love
it and it’s really amazing for adults too!

46. The passage is mainly about …
A) Plymouth city.
B) animals and plants.
C)) the Sea Life Centre.
D) a wooden tunnel.
E) special attractions for adults.

51. Choose the correct variant.
It is very cold. You … to put a sweater on.
55. Choose the correct variant.
A) may
Break this chocolate … pieces and share it …
B) should
all the children.
C) has
A) into, between
D) must be
B) to, among
E)) have
C)) into, among
D) off, to
E) from, to
52. Choose the correct variant.
A) Those professor’s lectures are extremely
56. Choose the correct variant.
B) These professor’s lectures are extremely
You must wait … the light changes to green.
C) These professor’s lecture is extremely
A)) until B) before C) but
D) as soon as E) if
D)) This professor’s lectures are extremely
Çox çətin
E) That professor’s lectures is extremely
57. Choose the correct translation.
İzmir Neapoldan çox kiçikdir, lakin bəzi
oxşarlıqları var.
Измир гораздо меньше Неаполя, но есть
53. Choose the correct variant.
некоторая схожесть между ними.
1. My sisters as well as I were happy during
A) There are some similarities between İzmir
those years.
and Naples which is much smaller.
2. The list of the names of the survivors are
B)) İzmir is much smaller than Naples, but
there are some similarities.
3. A number of workers has been sacked.
C) İzmir is similar to Naples, but it is much
4. The United Nations has replaced the
smaller than it.
League of Nations.
D) İzmir looks like Naples, and it is very small.
E) İzmir is much smaller than Naples, but it is
A) 2,4 B) 1,3 C)) 1,4
similar to it.
D) 2,3 E) 3,4
Çox çətin
58. Choose the wrong interrogative sentence.
54. Choose the correct question.
A) She can type very well, can’t she?
B) You wouldn’t go there, would you?
- With pleasure.
C) We have to check the exercises up, don’t
A) Where could you find these books?
B)) Are you going to the theatre with us?
D) They don’t speak German, do they?
C) When will the sportsmen come to our city?
E)) He hasn’t done it, does he?
D) Why didn’t you come to the party
E) What kind of books do you like?

Çətin A)) so many advice
59. Choose the correct variant. B) such beautiful deer
He’s travelled almost most of African C) so many times
countries. D) so few works
1. Anna also has. E) very little time
2. Ann also is.
3. So has Ann. Çox çətin
4. So is Ann. 64. Choose the correct variant.
A) 1, 4 B) 1, 2 C)) 1, 3 It is generally believed that teaching is … it is a
D) 2, 4 E) 3, 4 science.
A) as an art much as
Çətin B) an art as much as
60. Match the words to their definitions: C)) as much an art as
1.draft D) much an art than
2.drawing E) as an art than much
a) a game for two played on a draughtboard Çox çətin
b) a preliminary written version of a speech, 65. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive
document, etc. Voice.
c) the art of representing with pencils, pens, 1. Were your parents invited to the meeting?
crayons, etc. 2. Were the parents invited to the meeting
A)) 1b, 2c, 3a B)1a, 2b, 3c C) 1b, 2a, 3b 3. Were the students taught Art talented?
D) 1c, 2b, 3a E) 1a,2c, 3b 4. Were you taught French last year?
A) 3, 4 B) 1, 3 C) 2, 4
Çox çətin D) 2, 3 E)) 1,4
61. Make up a sentence. boring that 2.left 3.was 4. of an hour Çətin
5. the place 6.the audience 7. the play 66. Choose the correct variant.
8. in a quarter. Everything costs … lot of money in this store
A)) 7,3,1,6,2,5,8,4 that he can’t buy all he need.
B) 7,3,1,6,5,2,8,4 A) too
C) 5,3,1,6,2,4,8,7 B) such
D) 5,3,2,8,4,1,6,7 C) so a
E) 6,2,1,3,7,8,4,5 D) so
E)) such a
Çətin Çətin
62. Choose the correct variant. 67. Choose the correct negative sentence.
Nigar had to do the housework for her granny. A) If you didn’t take book back to the library in
… . How kind she is! time you have to pay a fine.
A) Hadn’t she? B) If you don’t take a book back to library in
B) Didn’t she? time you have to pay fine too.
C) Had she? C) If you don’t also take a book back the library
D)) Did she? in time you have to pay fine.
E) Didn’t she have to? D))If you don’t take a book back to the library
in time you have to pay a fine.
Çətin E) If you doesn’t take a book back to the library
63. Choose the wrong variant. in time you have to pay a fine.
Çətin 71. Choose the best title to the text.
68. Choose the correct variant. A) Universities in Wales.
I’m so lonely and bored in this town, … ever B)) Atlantic College.
invites me … . C) Excellent Students.
A) no one, nowhere D) State Universities.
B)) nobody, anywhere E) Private Schools.
C) anyone, nowhere
D) nobody, somewhere Çətin
E) everyone, somewhere 72. Choose the correct answer to the question.
What is your opinion of Atlantic College?
69. Choose the correct variant. A) It doesn’t give students enough study time.
The weather changed … . There was … change B) Its students are not taught to like each other.
in the weather. C) It doesn’t give good education.
A) unexpected, unexpectedly D)) Its way of teaching is successful.
B)) unexpectedly, an unexpected E) It doesn’t let students go out after studies.
C) unexpectency, unexpected
D) unexpectedly, unexpectation Orta
E) unexpected, unexpected 73. Choose the correct variant.
The passage gives the information of …
A) how to become a student at Atlantic
70. Choose the correct variant. College.
By the time I got to the stadium they … B) what the British education system is like.
already … for ten minutes. C)) what kind of programme Atlantic College
A) will … have played offers.
B) have … been playing D) how to get along better with other people.
C) were … playing E) when the students take exams in the college.
D)) had … been playing
E) had been played Orta
74. Which advertisement about Atlantic
Read the passage and answer questions 71-75 . College is wrong?
A)) Students of all ages welcome.
Atlantic College is a private college in Wales. It B) Morning lessons and afternoon activities.
gives young people much experience of life C) Courses for 16-18 year olds.
outside the classroom, as well as the D) Help with fees available.
opportunity to study for their exams. As few E) Much experience of life.
students can pay the fees, government help and
grants are available. The students , who are Çətin
aged between 16 and 18 and come from all over 75. Complete the sentence.
the world, spend the morning studying. In the The author of the text is trying …
afternoon they go out and do a really useful A) to give an opinion about a particular student.
activity , such as helping on the farm and B)) to give an opinion about a special type of
looking after old people. They learn to live with education.
people and respect them. To sum up, Atlantic C) to describe the activities the students do
College gives its students an excellent during their studies.
education and wide outlook, using methods D) to describe his own experience of education.
which really seem to work. E) to give information about the timetable in
the college.

76. Choose the correct variant.
1. to leave home
2. to stay at home
81. Choose the correct variant.
3. to arrive at home
- Whose garden was it?
4. to visit to London
- It was … .
5. a visit to London
A) the Smith’s
6. to live in abroad
B) Mr. Smiths’
C)) Mr. Smith’s
A) 1 ,2, 6 B) 2, 5, 6 C)) 1, 2, 5
D) Mrs. Smith’
D) 2, 3, 5 E) 3, 4, 5
E) the Smiths's
77. Choose the correct variant.
82. Choose the correct variant.
Lala objected … my meeting … Ali … the
All the reports … at yesterday’s meeting were
A) at, -, at B) to, with, on
A) that was made
C) on, of, at D) at, of, in
B) who made
E)) to, -, at
C)) which were made
D) what were made
Çox çətin
E) whom were made
78. Choose the correct variant.
1. to lie a friend 2. to lie in bed
3. to rise a curtain 4. to raise a problem
83. Choose the correct variant.
5. to do tea 6. to make shopping
I … interested in history when I .. a child.
A) am, am B) had been, was
A) 4, 5, 6 B) 2, 3, 5 C) 1, 4, 6
C) were, would be D) was, have been
D) 3, 5, 6 E)) 1, 2, 4
E)) was, was
79. Choose the correct variant.
84. Choose the correct variant.
You are not the only one who failed to hear the
The nurse was very … . She spoke … .
news. I didn't … .
A) politely, politely B)) polite, politely
A) neither
C) politely, polite D) polite, polite
B)) either
E) politeness, polite
C) both
D) also
E) too
85. Choose the correct variant.
A: …..?
B: Not yet.
80. Choose the correct variant.
A)) Have you read today’s paper?
This problem is hard … because it is very
B) Did you sleep well last night?
C) Do you usually get up early?
D) Are you usually early?
A)) to solve B) solving C) solved
E) Have you write the article?
D) be solved E) solves
Çox çətin Çox çətin
86. Complete the sentence. 90. Make up a sentence.
We wanted to know ….. 1. has gone 2. to 3. Arif 4. the theatre
A) that how long has Sara known Lala. 5. me 6. for 7. waiting 8. without
B) who was the telegram sent by.
C)) who had helped Tom to fetch the cases. A) 3, 4, 1, 2, 7, 6, 5, 8
D) when she has met her guests. B)) 3, 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 6, 5
E) how many languages she wants to learn. C) 3, 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 7, 4
D) 8, 7, 6, 5, 1, 3, 2, 4
Çətin E) 8, 7, 6, 5, 3, 2, 4, 1
87. Choose the correct sentences.
1. There was a lot of sorts of tea in this shop.
2. There were a lot of sorts of tea in that shop.
3. There is a lot of sorts of tea in this shop.
4. There is a lot of water in this river.
A)) 2, 4 B) 1, 3 C) 1, 4 91. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
D) 3, 4 E) 2, 3 A) What it is called in English?
B) What is called it in English?
Çətin C) What are they called it in English?
88. Choose the correct variant. D) What is English called it?
It was … boring book … I only could read two E)) What is it called in English?
A) so, that Çətin
B)) such a, that 92. Choose the correct variant.
C) too, as The family …. Nigar to spend some days with
D) very, as them.
E) such, that 1. wanted 2. expected 3. let
4. made 5. asked
Çox çətin A) 1, 2, 4 B) 2, 3, 5 C) 1, 3, 4
89. Choose the correct translation. D) 2, 4, 5 E)) 1, 2, 5
Müasir şəhər tərəfindən əhatə edilmiş Roks
Sidneyin ən qədim hissəsidir. Çətin
Окруженный современным городом Рокс 93. Choose the correct variant.
является самой древней частью Сиднея. She had to inform the news to her boss. …..
A)) Surrounded by the modern city, the Rocks 1. So had he.
is the oldest part of Sidney. 2. He did too.
B) Surrounded by modern city, the Rocks is the 3. So didn’t he.
ancient part of Sidney. 4. So did he.
C) Surrounded by the modern city, the Rocks is
oldest part of Sidney. A) 2, 3 B) 1, 3 C) 1, 4
D) Surrounded the modern city, the Rocks is D) 3, 4 E)) 2, 4
the ancient part of Sidney.
E) Surrounded by the modern city, Rocks is the 94. Choose the correct variant.
best part of Sidney. Elvin …. stay at home, he …. go with us.
A) will have to, hasn’t to
B)) has to, won’t be able to
C) have to, may A)) producing human shape robots
D) doesn’t have to, will able to B) producing a big astronaut
E) won’t able to, can C) with very serious earthquake
D) with the huge robot Asimo
Çox çətin E) with a population of around 128 millon
95. Match the words to their definitions.
1. to insist Çətin
2. to consist 98. Choose the correct answer to the question.
3. to include Why does Japan have a higher life than almost
4. to conclude any other country in the world?
a) to be composed of something A)) … the reason is its prosperity and a healthy
b) to have something or somebody as a part of diet.
a whole B) … because the country produces most
c) to demand something forcefully, not amazing products.
accepting a refusal C) …because the total population is over 30
d) to reach a decision about what one believes million.
as a result of reasoning D) … because it has got over 3000 islands.
A)) 1c,2a,3b,4d B) 1b,2c,3d,4a E) … because it has got forests and mountains,
C) 1a,2c,3d,4b D) 1c,2b,3a,4d including around 200 volcanoes.
E) 1b,2d,3c,4a

Read the passage and answer questions 96–100. 99. Choose the correct pairs of synonyms.
1. population – inhabitants
Japan is a country in East Asia with a popu- 2. world – universe
lation of around 128 million. The capital of 3. mountain – hill
Japan is Tokyo. Its population is over 30 4. advanced – progressive
million. Prosperity and a healthy diet are two of 5. country – capital
the reasons why Japan has a higher life than in
other country in the world. Japan has very A)) 1, 2, 4 B) 1, 3, 5 C) 2, 3, 4
advanced technology and most people would D) 2, 4, 5 E) 1, 2, 3
say robots are among the country’s most
amazing products. One of them is the Asimo
robot , which is white, 1,3 metres high and the Çətin
same shape as a human and therefore looks like 100. Which question has no answer in the text.
a small astronaut. A)) What can the robots do?
B) What are the reasons that the Japanese have
Orta a higher life than in other country?
96. Choose the best title for the text. C) Where is Japan situated?
A)) The most amazing products. D) What is the name of the human–shaped
B) The history of Japan. robot?
C) The inhabitants of Japan. E) What can you say about its population?
D) The country of volcanoes.
E) The toys in Japan.

97. Complete the sentence.
Japan has very advanced technology … .


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