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Subjective Data: Short term:
Risk for fetal injury Independent After 2 hours of
related to Cephalopelvic Cephalopelvic Within 2 hours of nursing
• increased risk of Disproportion as nursing •Establish rapport and -Reduces anxiety, interventions the
disproportion occurs
cesarean section evidenced by prolonged interventions, the develop a trusting promotes relaxation patient was able to :
labor and fetal distress when there is patient will relationship with the and sense of control,
• shoulder dystocia with a exhibit client and family assisting client and -Improve the labour
vaginal delivery as well as mismatch between the appropriate family to cope and the baby as
an increased risk of size of the fetal head coping positively with successfully
postpartum bleeding mechanisms in the situation. delivered within 12
and size of the order to hours after mother
• prolonged labor or failure maternal pelvis, cooperate to •Demonstrate and -To foster self- was fully dilated and
of progress improve labor so encourage the client to esteem and effaced.
resulting in prolonged that the baby is perform special continued
labor and fetal delivered within breathing and participation in labour
Objective Data: 12 hours. visualization techniques process.
distress. When the
baby becomes stuck in -Client/fetal response
• Abnormal fetal positions. The patient will to treatment and
the birth canal oxygen be able to make •Monitor fetal heart rate -Detects abnormal actions performed
• Small pelvis informed every 15 minutes along responses, such as
deprivation creates a
decisions with uterine contractions exaggerated
• Abnormally shaped risk of brain injury or regarding variability,
pelvis. treatment bradycardia, and
even death if the options. tachycardia,
situation is not quickly which may be
caused by stress,
overcome. If left hypoxia, acidosis,
unattended, the or sepsis.

consequence is
obstructed labor
Long term:
After 24 hours of
causing excessive and After 24 hours of • Monitor fetal descent -Descent that is less nursing
nursing in relation to the ischial than 1 cm/hr for a interventions :
traumatic contractions, interventions, the spine primipara, or less
putting the fetus at maternal patient than 2 cm/hr for a -The fetal patient
will deliver the multipara, may maintained a
greater risk for injury. baby indicate CPD or normal range of
Thus, medical successfully malposition. heart rate and
without any signs showed no
attention should be of complications. decelerations or
required and treatment Fetal patient will distress
display a fetal • Inform the client and -To ensure adequate throughout the
with antibiotics may be heart rate within family about the understanding of labour process.
needed to prevent or normal limits, progress and events and
and will show no procedures that will be procedures.
treat ascending distress and no undergone
infection and will
protect fetus as well. noted. •Inform the patient and -To assist the
family for the best reduction of anxiety
When an accurate
method of delivery and provides data
diagnosis of CPD has necessary to make
informed decisions.
been made, surgical
intervention follows
immediately and the -A full bladder may
safest type of delivery •Encourage the client to inhibit uterine activity
void every 2 hours and interfere with
for mother and baby is the fetal descent.
through a cesarean

-Labor that is
•Administer prescribed induced by oxytocin
oxytocin to induce and starts progresses
augment labor faster and stimulates

-To monitor
•Administer analgesic if processes and
prescribed by the outcomes of pain
physician to relieve pain management.

•Educate the client and ascending infection
family for the and will protect fetus
administration of the as well.
prescribed medication

-Immediate cesarean
•Refer for childbirth birth is indicated for
counselling with regards fetal distress due to
to the associated CPD. Once labor is
benefits and risks of a diagnosed, if delivery
cesarean section has not occurred
delivery within 12 hr, and
amniotomy and
oxytocin have been
used appropriately,
then a cesarean
delivery is
Submitted by: De Balucos, Kyzell S. Submitted to: Ms. Villaflor, Lou
Doroon, Millette B.
Dela Peña, Reeka Izabel
Dibdib, Kristian James E.
Demaisip, Hilary Gwyneth

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