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General Instructions:
1) Attempt all the questions by choosing the correct answer.
2) Read each question carefully and follow the instructions given.

50 Minutes 30 MARKS
Question No. 1 to 8 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and
answer the questions:

(1) Keep your watch accurate. For some people, moving up the time on their
watch will help them get up earlier. For others, they will remember that the time
on the watch is wrong and will disregard it altogether. It may be helpful to set
your watch just two minutes ahead instead of five or ten.

(2) Keep a clock, phone, computer or anything that displays time in each room
of your house. One of the easiest ways to run late is simply by not realising that
the time is passing as quickly as it is.

(3) Synchronize the clocks and watches. Don’t be an optimist. Things usually
take Longer than what you’d expect, even without major delays. If you have a
dinner appointment at 7:30 p.m., don’t think you can work till 7 p.m., then take
a bath, dress, and reach on time. Realistically, calculate the time you will take at
each step and then add 10 minutes more to allow for unexpected delays, or you
cannot get to your job done in time.

(4) Wake up when you are supposed to wake up. Don’t hit the snooze button,
keep on lying in bed, or gluing to screen at the very start of your day. Maybe
you can try even setting your clock 10 minutes earlier than you need. If you
have difficulty with this, move your alarm clock to somewhere away from your
bed; that way, you will have to get up to turn it off. Commit yourself to being
15 minutes early for everything. If you have to reach your place of work at 8:00,
don’t even tell yourself this. Just tell yourself (and everyone else who listens—
but don’t annoy them or make them think that they are late or early!) “I have to
be at work at 7:45.” If you do this, you will be on time even with little
unforeseen delays. You will be on time even with a traffic jam.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the
ten questions by choosing the correct option.

Q1 We should be .......... in approach with time management.

(i) optimistic
(ii) relative
(iii) realistic
(iv) utopian
Q2. It is good to commit yourself .......... for everything.
(i) to be late
(ii) to delay
(iii) to being 15 minutes early
(iv) to search the last moment

Q3.The passage highlights:

(i) the value of time
(ii) the importance of being ahead of time
(iii) the value of being up to time
(iv) the value of calculating time

Q4. The narrator does not deny which of the following activity just after
waking up:
(i) hitting snooze button
(ii) procrastinating your routine
(iii) entertaining yourself
(iv) waking up when you have to

Q5.What does the author mean when he uses the phrase ‘unexpected
delays’ in para 3?
(i) errands
(ii) chores
(iii) interruption
(iv) commitment

Q6. One of the major reasons for being late is

(i) being absentminded
(ii) being overindulged
(iii) being unrealistic
(iv) being inconsiderate
Q7. Which word conveys the opposite of realistically?
(i) impracticably
(ii) irrationally
(iii) irresponsibly
(iv) implacably

Q8. Which word means ‘disregard’?

(i) avoid
(ii) consider
(iii) evade
(iv) neglect

Question No. 9 to 15 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully
and answer the questions:

I. The protests against police brutality and systemic racism have seen several
American and international celebrities donate to U.S. non-profits and
organizations dedicated to racial justice. On June 5, racial justice organisation
Black Lives Matter confirmed it had received a $1 million donation from South
Korean pop group BTS and its record label, Big Hit Entertainment.

II. Shortly after the news became public, BTS fans organized an online
campaign to match the donation under the hashtag #MatchAMillion and reached
their goal in just 25 hours.

III. K-pop fans are known for their prolific social media activity and have used
their influence to support social justice issues. On Instagram and Twitter, they
have taken over white supremacist hashtags with fancams – short videos of their
favourite pop idols performing. When the Dallas Police Department asked the
public to submit videos of “illegal activity” during protests to its iWatch Dallas
app, fans encouraged each other to submit fancams instead, and the app went
temporarily offline.

IV. These fanbases are sometimes generalized as young and obsessive

individuals who occasionally take collective action. But they have a history of
raising money for charity and breaking social media records, and BTS fans in
particular are enabled by the semi-structured organization of the fanbase and the
diversity within their ranks.
V. BTS is a seven-member K-pop group whose music draws from several
genres, including hip-hop, pop and R&B. Since their 2013 debut, they’ve
become known for their meticulous choreography, elaborate music videos with
connected storylines and youth-focused lyrics that touch on themes such as self-
confidence, mental health and societal norms.

Q. 9 The purpose of organising an online fundraiser by BTS fans was to raise

awareness against ............. . Choose the correct option.

A. America’s inability to fight the pandemic.

B. police reform laws.
C. capitalism ruining pop culture.
D. systemic racial injustice.

Q. 10 Choose the option that lists the CORRECT answers for the following:

(1) Shan has a prolific social media presence and uses his influence to support
social justice issues. What category of people does he come in according to the

(2) Reema is part of a pop group whose music draws from several genres,
including hip-hop, pop and R&B and touches on themes such as self-
confidence, mental health and societal norms. Name the group based on the
A. (1) is a fan cam and (2) is fan base group
B. (1) is K-pop fan and (2) is BTS
C. (1) is BTS and (2) is fan cam
D. (1) is K-pop fan and (2) is fan base group

Q. 11 Select the option that gives the correct meaning of the following
“On Instagram and Twitter, they have taken over white supremacist
hashtags with fancams – short videos of their favourite pop idols

A. Fans are posting videos of their idols in such numbers that it has become
difficult to identify racism on Instagram and Twitter.
B. Fans are posting videos of their idols in such numbers that it has replaced
any racist hashtags from trending pages.
C. Fans avoid getting involved in politics of white supremacy.
D. Fan videos are worth as much attention as any white supremacist hashtag
on Instagram and Twitter.

Q. 12 Why have American celebrities donated to U.S. nonprofits and

organizations dedicated to racial justice?
A. Due to systemic racism B. For George Floyd’s death
C. For the injustices in general D. For coronavirus pandemic

Q. 13 Select the option listing what the given sentence refers to.
‘These fanbases are sometimes generalized as young and obsessive
individuals who occasionally take collective action.’

A. Fanbases only take actions occasionally when it suits them.

B. Fanbases are generally formed by young and obsessive individuals.
C. Fanbases argue online behind a screen but they cannot take any collective
D. Fanbases are ridiculed as being naïve even though they can make huge
impact on political scenario.

Q. 14 What did the fans encourage each other to submit fancams in place of?
A. “any activity” during protests.
B. “illegal activity” during police action.
C. “illegal activity” during protests.
D. the protests.
Q. 15 The racial justice organization Black Lives Matter confirmed that
..................... .
A. it had received a $1 million donation from BTS Army.
B. it had received a $1 million donation from a celebrity.
C. it had received a $1 million donation from South Korean pop group BTS.
D. it had received a $3 million donation from South Korean pop group BTS.


Q16 “.......... I talk to you a little later Mrs. Banerjeee ?”

A. Must
B. Will
C. Can
D. Would

Q. 17 I am not updated with the .................. version of the story.

A. late
B. later
C. latest
D. latter

Q. 18 The child is very naughty; he ............................ out into the park.

A. runs
B. is always running
C. will run
D. will have been running

Q. 19 Which option displays the correct change of the following to reported


The teacher told the students, “Stop banging the desk”.

A. The teacher asked the students to stop banging the desk.

B. The teacher ordered the students to stop banging the desk.
C. The teacher said to the students that she should stop banging the desk.
D. The teacher inquired whether students could stop banging the desk.
Q. 20 Which option displays the correct change of the following to reported

Peter said to George, “Please wait here till they call you inside”.

A. Peter requested George to wait there till they called him inside.
B. Peter asked George to wait here till they called him inside.
C. Peter asked George to wait there till they call him outside.
D. Peter said to George that he must wait here till they call him inside.

Q. 21 The minister cannot come. He .................... ill since a week.

A. is
B. was
C. has been
D. have been

Q22. She _____________ her finger while opening the box.

A. cutted
B. had cut
C. was cutting
D. cut

Q23. He is the ___________ boy in the class:

A. most tall
B. taller
C. tallest
D. much tall


Quickly word spread and his extended family gathered around him, and
hugged him tight in relief. Prashant anxiously scanned the motley,
battered group.

Q24. Which word spread quickly?

a. Arrival of the super cyclone

b. Prashant being alive
c. Red Cross shelter
d. Devastation caused by the cyclone

Q25. Prashant’s family gathered around him because

a. they wanted some money.
b. they were happy to see him.
c. they wanted new clothes.
d. they wanted some food.

Q26. Prashant’s extended family members in the Red Cross shelter were the
motley battered group.

a. True
b. The passage does not say
c. False
d. All of the above

Q27. Find the word from the above extract which is similar in meaning to

The message got through, and after that the helicopter made regular
rounds of the shelter, airdropping food and other basic needs.

Q28. The message was that the people in the shelter were:

a. sick
b. wanted some clothes
c. hungry
d. wanted some medicines

Q29. The message was given to the military helicopters of the _______

a. neighbouring states
b. neighbouring countries.
c. neighbouring districts.
d. neighbouring cities.

Q30. Food was airdropped because the entire area was flooded and the only
possible way of reaching out to the needy was through air.

a. True
b. False
c. Not mentioned
d. Can’t say

40 minutes MM: 10

Q1 You are Anurag/Anuradha of City Public School, Panipat. Last night you
had a really horrible dream. Write a diary entry on ‘A Horrible Dream
that I had Last Night’ in about 120 – 150 words. (5)


You recently visited the Crafts Mela at Surajkund, Faridabad. It was Mini
India assembled at one place, using the hints, make a diary entry of what
you saw and experienced there.

(Hints: More than 20 states of India represented- Rajasthan was the theme
state-participation of foreign countries-cultural programme and dances-
food courts catering all kinds of foods-arts and handicrafts from awarded

Q2 Answer the following question in about 40-50 words: (3)

Give a character sketch of Montmorency.


How did Santosh begin to climb mountains?


What characteristics enabled Maria to become world no-1?

Q3 Answer the following question in about 30-40 words: (2)

Do you think Prashant is a good leader? Discuss


Justify the title ‘The Last Leaf’.


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