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Target levels
Congxin Huang1,, Jishuai Ma1 and Angui Li2
Northwest Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd. of China Power Engineering Consulting Group, Xi’an, P.R. China
School of Building Services Science and Engineering, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology,
Xi’an, P.R. China

6.1 Overview of target levels Laws and regulations

Laws and regulations regulate the behavior standards
6.1.1 Introduction of all walks of life, and industrial ventilation is no excep-
In process technology and in the manufacture of tion. Relevant laws and regulations on industrial pro-
equipment and systems, the starting point of design cesses and equipment have provisions on the ventilation
includes very precise targets. temperature, heat stress, occupational exposure limits,
Target levels (TLs) refer to the expected values of environmental humidity, and air speed of industrial pro-
the system that are determined at the early stages of cess. When determining the TL, the relevant provisions of
the design process. Fulfillment of the TLs should be relevant laws and regulations must be taken into account
validated or measured by the individuals or organiza- and relevant requirements must be clearly defined.
tions responsible at the end of the construction pro- Trade standards
cess. TLs are needed as a standard against which
system solutions are compared. During the compari- In addition to laws and regulations, each industry
son, it may be found that target values cannot be met also has specific trade standards. Trade standards have
by any solution or they can lead to very expensive specific production specifications and emission require-
solutions. In such cases the TLs have to be reconsid- ments for specific industrial processes. Therefore the
ered. The TL assessment is a feedback process. relevant standards must be fully understood and
learned before determining the expected value of the
industrial ventilation system.
6.1.2 Factors affecting the target levels
The goal of industrial ventilation technology is to con- Nonbinding standards
trol indoor environmental conditions and pollutant In addition to relevant laws and regulations as well
emissions, so special attention must be paid to indoor as trade standards, there are also requirements for
conditions and contaminant levels. The target levels for industrial operating environments and production
indoor conditions and outdoor air emissions are derived environments, such as standards related to human com-
from requirements of human health, production pro- fort, codes of conduct, and custom requirements. These
cesses, and equipment, as well as housing and building requirements are scientific provisions related to indus-
types. The TLs should be determined for the ventilation trial production, such as the safety of production per-
system and for many other factors in the construction sonnel and the safe operation of production equipment.
process, and the TLs should always be treated simulta- Otherwise, it will affect the physical health of relevant
neously with the design methodology. The expected operators or cause equipment operation failure.
value of the system as the starting point of the design Therefore when determining the TL, the relevant per-
has many factors that have an important impact on it. sonnel health standards and equipment operation speci-
The various factors are summarized as follows. fications must be fully demonstrated and considered.

corresponding author.

Industrial Ventilation Design Guidebook.

DOI: 227 © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
228 6. Target levels Architectural type most cases the fulfillment of these data guarantees
The determination of TL needs to be carried out only satisfactory performance of the system. On the
according to different architecture types. Because it other hand, the use of administrative regulations as
determines the selection process and the layout form targets has obviously led to the prominence of
of the system. equipment-based thinking because of the lack of other
exact figures. Typically, in equipment-based thinking
the focus is placed on such parameters as fan power,
6.1.3 Setting principles of target level performance of filters, and efficiency of heat exchan-
gers instead of the target value for the entire system.
TL setting is common. In setting the TL, the follow-
In most cases the main steps in defining TLs relat-
ing principles should be followed.
ing to industrial ventilation are as follows: Principle of comprehensiveness Step 1: Musts
Many factors need to be considered in setting the
Ascertain the requirements of laws, regulations, and
TL, such as laws and regulations, Party A’s needs,
standards related to legislation, processes, and equip-
health and comfort of personnel, production process
ment, and compare them with customer needs. Of
and equipment, and type of building structure.
course, before this step, needs of the end user—for
Among them, laws and regulations and Party A’s
example, economical boundary conditions—are identi-
needs are the conditions that must be met, while
fied. At this stage the temporary TLs have also been
others, such as the health and comfort of personnel,
are the conditions that need to be met. The previous
two conditions need to be taken into account in deter- Step 2: Needs
mining the TL.
Ascertain nonbinding standards, human comfort Principle of readjustment standards, guidelines, codes of practice, and custom
In the process of comparing the level reached by the needs.
solution with the TL, it may be found that not all the Step 3: Target levels
solutions can reach the TL, or even if the target level
can be reached, the economic cost of the solution is Define the TLs based on musts and needs.
very high. At this time the TL needs to be readjusted. Step 4: Design conditions Principle of integrity Suggest and confirm with customer the outdoor or
In the absence of a clear TL, the TL is usually deter- process conditions that must reach the target
mined by the relevant laws and regulations. In most temperature.
cases the target levels set according to the laws and
regulations will lead to the performance of device be Step 5: Reliability
emphasized and the performance of the system be Find out customer requirements for process reliabil-
ignored. Therefore the setting of TL should pay atten- ity. Define and obtain the customer’s approval of ven-
tion to the overall performance of the system. tilation system reliability requirements (e.g., the
allowed down time).

6.1.4 Use of target levels

6.1.5 Combination of target levels and design
The use of clearly defined TLs has become more
and more important in industrial ventilation. The tar-
gets must be realistic and verifiable by measurements. The combination of TLs and design methodology is
Different kinds of TLs can be set—for example, for of vital importance. Together, these two concepts form
indoor air quality, temperature, energy utilization, and the basis for industrial ventilation systems.
various efficiencies. The TL concept was introduced and developed by
The use of TLs is spreading to other branches of the Association of Finnish Manufacturers of Air
industrial ventilation, and one big problem associated Handling Equipment (AFMAHE) in 1985.1,2 Indoor cli-
with the verification of system performance has mate TLs have been utilized in the ventilation of pub-
occurred. In the absence of clearly defined target lic buildings, apartments, and offices for years.35
values, administrative regulations have been used as In the design methodology, the whole life cycle of
targets. However, administrative regulations, such as the process must be considered. The life cycle of the
occupational exposure limits, are seldom rigorous. In process can be divided into four parts: design,

Industrial Ventilation Design Guidebook

6.2 Occupational exposure limit 229
construction, operation, and end of the process. Each Detailed design
consists of different tasks. The design methodology • Provide detailed layout and dimensioning.
process can be described as follows. • Design adjustment and control system.
• Consider special issues, such as thermal insulation, Given data condensation risk, fire protection, and sound and
• Collect and identify data that do not change during vibration damping.
the design process, such as outdoor conditions.
These are the main steps of design methodology. In Process description some cases, all the steps are not needed, but in most
cases, it is important to take all of them into consider-
• Understand the industrial process and identify
ation. In addition to the construction and the use of
the system, attention should also be paid to its demoli-
• Identify possible emission sources, occupational
tion. It is worth noting that the feedback is always a
areas, effects of environmental parameters on
typical feature of the design methodology.
production, needs for enclosure, and ventilation
Using the procedure described previously, the TLs
can be determined. Relevant calculation methods and
• Divide the process in parts such that their inputs
expertise are needed in all the phases. Although the
and outputs to the environment can be defined.
calculation of TLs takes place in different ways for par- Building layout and structures ticular cases, the basic procedure remains the same.
The TL calculation also varies for different outside
• Collect data on building layout, openings, and their temperatures and different process parameters.
properties as basic values for load calculations.
• Complete zoning of the building based on division
of the process and building layout.
• Make space reservations and add structures needed 6.2 Occupational exposure limit
for ventilation equipment.
6.2.1 Introduction Target level assessment
When workers are engaged in the process of occu-
• Define TLs for indoor zones and outdoor
pational production activities, they are often exposed
to various external harmful substances. Depending on
• Specify design conditions for which the TLs are to
the amount of exposure of harmful substances, they
be met.
may have acute or chronic health effects on the human
• Define TLs for ventilation system, such as reliability,
body, leading to disease or even death. In order to
energy consumption, investment, and life-cycle
effectively prevent and control occupational hazards,
the concept of occupational exposure limits (OELs) has Source description been proposed to quantify and improve working con-
ditions in the workplace. Physical exposures such as
• Determine the characteristics of the sources and radiation, noise, and vibration can also cause harm to
methods for the calculation of local loads. human health. For industrial ventilation, only chemi-
cally harmful substances exposed to the air, such as Calculation of local loads
toxic gases and dust, are considered.
• Calculate loads from individual sources to the OELs are acceptable levels of exposure that do not
environment. cause harmful effects in the health of the vast majority
of contacts in occupational production activities, usu- Calculation of total building loads ally expressed as the concentration of hazardous sub-
• Calculate total loads (heat, humidity, and stances, such as ppm or mg/m3. It should be noted
contaminants) from different subprocesses and the that OEL does not adequately protect all workers, and
environment to ventilated enclosures. some people may experience discomfort or other
• Take into account the fact that loads are usually adverse health effects even when exposed to OEL con-
time-dependent. centrations. There are numerous possible reasons for
increased susceptibility to a chemical substance, Selection of system including age, gender, ethnicity, genetic factors (pre-
• Select an applicable system on the basis of the TLs. disposition), lifestyle choices (e.g., diet, smoking, and
• Compare acceptable systems to choose the most abuse of alcohol and other drugs), medications, and
desirable one. preexisting medical conditions.6 The OEL is the

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230 6. Target levels

minimum air-quality standard for maintaining human Instantaneous exposure limit represents concentra-
health, but this standard limit is constantly changing tions that should not be exceeded during any part of
as the technology advances. Therefore for the entire the working exposure. These OELs are also called ceil-
life cycle of industrial ventilation control systems, the ing values. If the final average of the contaminant con-
target level of environmental control needs to be deter- centration is lower than the OEL-TWA, a limited
mined based on OELs, combined with production pro- concentration upward excursion is allowed but must
cesses and economic benefits. be below the ceiling values.
These three types of OELs are not universal. For
most substances a TWA alone or with a STEL is rele-
vant. For some substances (e.g., irritants), only the
6.2.2 Types of occupational exposure limits instantaneous exposure limit is applicable.6
OELs are the concentration of pollutants and are For certain chemically harmful substances, it can be
closely related to contact time. Therefore three types of absorbed through the skin. Even if the OELs are within
OELs can be defined: the standard, you may be overexposed to a chemical
by skin absorption. Therefore additional risk-
• Time-weighted average (TWA) exposure limit
management measures are needed to prevent skin con-
• Short-term exposure limit (STEL)
tact when handling such chemicals.
• Instantaneous exposure limit
In Council Directive 98/24/EC on the protection of
TWA is the average concentration of pollutants the health and safety of workers related to chemical
which is the main indicator for evaluating workplace agents at work, the EN defined two types of OELs8:
sanitation and worker exposure. The evaluation of
• indicative OEL values (IOELVs)
occupational disease hazard control effects, such as
• binding OEL values (BOELVs)
project acceptance, periodic hazard assessment, system
contact assessment, and the need to reevaluate the IOELVs are health-based, nonbinding values based
impact of work environment due to changes in pro- on the latest scientific data, taking into account the
duction processes, raw materials, and equipment, availability of measurement techniques. They are
should focus on TWA testing and evaluation. Fixed- designed to help employers identify and assess risks,
point monitoring is a method of measuring TWA, but IOELVs are built without consideration of socio-
which is calculated by collecting the average concen- economic and technical feasibility factors.
tration of a working place within one working day (set BOELVs consider socioeconomic and technical feasi-
as 8 hours per day), as shown in the following bility factors, and each member country shall deter-
formula: mine the corresponding national binding OELs
according to the European Community limits, but not
C1 T1 1 C2 T2 1 . . . 1Cn Tn
OELTWA 5 ð6:1Þ exceeding the same.
8 The EU member states establish OELs for countries
where OELTWA is the average concentration of chemi- based on IOELV, such as WELs (workplace exposure
cal substances, mg/m3; Tn is the contact time at con- limits) in the United Kingdom and MAX (maximum
centration of Cn , hour; Cn is the corresponding workplace concentration) in Germany.
concentration in time Tn , mg/m3. Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH)
STEL is short-time (usually 1530 minutes) expo- is established by the NIOSH. The purpose for estab-
sure limit associated with TWA and can be considered lishing an IDLH value was to determine the airborne
as a supplement to TWA. It is only used for short-term concentration from which a worker could escape with-
exposure to chemicals that can cause acute effects, out injury or irreversible health effects from an IDLH
such as irritation, asphyxia, central nervous system exposure in the event of the failure of respiratory pro-
depression, and chronic irreversible tissue damage.7 tection equipment.9
For many chemical substances with an OEL-TWA but Table 6.1 shows the OELs for some common con-
without OEL-STEL, American Conference of taminants in industrial environments.9,10 More detailed
Governmental Industrial Hygienists proposed that tran- data can be found in EH40/2005 Workplace Exposure
sient increases in workers’ exposure levels may exceed Limits and NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards.
three times the value of the OEL-TWA level for no more
than 15 minutes at a time, or no more than four occa-
sions spaced 1 hour apart during a workday, and under
6.2.3 Setting occupational exposure limits
no circumstances should they exceed five times the
value of the OEL-TWA level. In addition, the 8-hour The setting of OEL usually requires analysis in many
TWA is not to be exceeded for an 8-hour work period.6 fields, including chemistry, toxicology, epidemiology,

Industrial Ventilation Design Guidebook

6.2 Occupational exposure limit 231
TABLE 6.1 Occupational exposure limits (OELs) for some common air contaminants in industrial environments.
Workplace exposure limit
Substance CAS number ppm mg/m3 ppm mg/m3 ppm

Formaldehyde 50-00-0 2 2.5 2 2.5 20

Nitrogen dioxide 10102-44-0 0.5 0.96 1 1.91 20
Ozone 10028-15-6   0.2 0.4 5
Acetone 67-64-1 500 1210 1500 3620 2500

Toluene 108-88-3 50 191 100 384 500

IDLH, Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health; STEL, short-term exposure limit; TWA, time-weighted average.

occupational medicine, and occupational health. In According to SCOEL, a health-based OEL for spe-
addition to the characteristics of chemical substances, it cific substances is derived generally by means of the
should be considered as far as possible the actual pro- following steps11:
duction process and contact mode. In developing the
• Collecting information on all hazards of the
OEL, all relevant organizations such as regulatory agen-
substance, that is, all physical, chemical,
cies, industry, e-employers and employees associations,
toxicological, and epidemiological data.
consumers, and scientific communities can make recom-
• Deciding if data are sufficient to derive a health-
mendations for new OELs values and eventually reach
based OEL.
a balance among all relevant organizations and be con-
• Evaluating all adverse effects. Establishing which
sidered by governments as adopted exposure limits.
adverse effect occurs at the lowest exposure. That is
Due to differences in evaluation criteria and setting pro-
the critical effect for setting an OEL.
cedures, there may be differences in OELs levels of
• Selecting relevant human and animal studies of
some substances in different countries. In addition,
sufficient quality, in which the critical effect has
countries also have different emphasis on the selection
been shown.
of OELs for the selection of hazardous substances. For
• Establishing the mode of action and mechanism,
example, the OELs value set by China in heavy metals
threshold or nonthreshold; evaluating the
is not available in the relevant US standards.
doseresponse relationship for all relevant adverse
In general, the OEL is based on the no observed or
effects and establishing the NOAEL and the LOAEL.
lowest observed adverse effect level (NOAEL or
• Recommending a numerical value for an OEL
LOAEL)11 for the most critical effect seen in one or more
expressed as a TWA of 8 hours for a substance
repeated dose animal studies. EC Scientific Committee
below the NOAEL while applying appropriate
for Occupational Exposure Limits (SCOEL) recommends
uncertainty factors.
that good human data be used instead of animal data.
• Deciding if a STEL is needed in addition to an OEL
However, human data are often unavailable or scientifi-
expressed as a TWA of 8 hours and recommending
cally inadequate. In such cases the OEL is derived from
a numerical value for a STEL, if necessary.
well-conducted animal studies and the use of assessment
• Documenting the full process of deriving the OEL
factors. In a risk assessment for humans, the NOAEL
for the substance.
from an animal study is the typical starting point, and
• Determining the appropriate method for air
assessment factors are then applied to account for both
monitoring in human and animal studies.
uncertainty and variability in the subsequent extrapola-
tion elements. If an appropriate NOAEL is available, then For hydrocarbon solvents the reciprocal calculation
no extrapolation and hence, no assessment factor is neces- procedure methodology that takes into account the
sary. There are cases where the critical effect of NOAEL properties of the individual constituents is recom-
cannot be determined and also where the LOAEL is con- mended by HSE. The OEL of a mixture can be calcu-
sidered a more appropriate starting point.11 Where, only lated as the following formula10:
the LOAEL is available an additional assessment factor is
1 FRa FRb FRn
used typically. So far these assessment factors have been 5 1 1 ... 1 ð6:2Þ
applied only to single substances. OELsol OELa OELb OELn

Industrial Ventilation Design Guidebook

232 6. Target levels

where OELsol is the OEL of the hydrocarbon solvent 6.3 Target level of thermal environment
mixture, mg/m3; OELa is the OEL of the component a,
mg/m3; and FRa is the fraction (w/w) of component a A target of HVAC is to achieve comfort thermal
in the solvent mixture. environment for people. In ASHRAE Standard 55,
When there are two or more chemical substances in thermal comfort is defined as “that condition of mind
the workplace, if the toxicological data of the com- that expresses satisfaction with the thermal environ-
bined action is lacking, the concentration of each ment and is assessed by subjective evaluation.” The
chemical substance should be determined separately definition is a bit cryptic about what “satisfaction”
and evaluated according to the OEL of each substance. means. But it reveals the involving factors influencing
However, when two or more toxic substances act human comfort, such as physical, physiological, and
together on the same organ, system, or have similar psychological level judgment.
toxic effects (such as stimulating effects), or if these People tend to evaluate thermal comfort and dis-
substances are known to produce additive effects, the comfort through temperature and moisture sensations
following formula should be satisfied7: from the skin, deep body temperatures, and the efforts
C1 C2 Cn necessary to regulate body temperatures. Generally,
1 1 ... 1 #1 ð6:3Þ comfort occurs when body temperatures are held
within narrow ranges, skin moisture is low, and the
where Cn is the observed concentration of chemical physiological effort of regulation is minimized. Some
substances, mg/m3 and OELn is the corresponding behaviors may change the thermal and moisture sensa-
OEL, mg/m3. tions to reduce thermal discomfort. Some examples are
For workers working under unusual work sche- altering clothing, altering activity, changing location,
dules, the intake of harmful factors may increase, and or changing the thermostat setting.
it is necessary to adjust the corresponding OELs. In
Patty’s industrial hygiene, a comprehensive introduc-
tion to adjusting OELs to accommodate unusual work 6.3.1 Introduction
schedules is provided.
Different people have different sensations for ther-
mal comfort. Therefore, certain methods are needed to
judge the thermal conditions in a space, which are able
6.2.4 Occupational exposure assessment to evaluate the acceptance percentage of occupants in
Occupational exposure assessment is a process of that space.
identifying occupational hazards present in the work- When conditions for thermal comfort are defined,
place and evaluating the likelihood of personal injury six primary factors must be considered. And some sec-
from these hazards. In order to assess chemical expo- ondary factors will also affect comfort in some
sures and ensure that exposures do not exceed OELs, situations.
the actual exposure per worker per day needs to be The six primary factors are listed next:
measured, but such measurements are often unrealistic. 1. metabolic rate
In order to reduce the number of exposure measure- 2. clothing insulation
ments and reduce the cost of evaluation, workers 3. air temperature
within similar exposure groups (SEGs) are usually 4. radiant temperature
evaluated during the actual exposure assessment. 5. air speed
SEGs refer to a population of workers who have the 6. humidity
same general exposure to the chemical being studied
due to the similarity of the manner in which the tasks
are performed. Metabolic rate
By measuring the exposure level of a few workers When choosing the best conditions for comfort and
in SEG and comparing with OELs, if the requirements health, it is necessary to know the ratio of work done
are met, all workers in SEG are considered to meet the in daily sports activities, because metabolic rate is
relevant requirements. directly proportional to exercise intensity. The meta-
In the initial exposure assessment, if some SEGs did bolic rate varies widely, depending on the activity, the
not meet the OELs, then control measures should be person and the conditions under which the activity
taken and the exposure assessment repeated. After the takes place.Table 6.2 lists typical metabolic rates for an
first contact assessment, a reassessment should be car- average adult (AD 5 1.8 m2) for activities performed
ried out on a regular basis. EN 689: 2018 gives the continuously. In the table, met is the unit to express
exposure assessment strategy shown in Fig. 6.1.12 the metabolic rate per unit DuBois area, which is

Industrial Ventilation Design Guidebook

6.3 Target level of thermal environment 233

FIGURE 6.1 Exposure assessment strategy.

difined as the metabolic rate of a sedentary person convection and radiation in a given environment can
(seated, quiet): 1 met 5 58.1 W/m2 5 50 kcal/(h  m2). be measured using thermal manikins.
Clothing insulation value may be expressed in clo
units. To avoid confusion the symbol I is used with the Clothing thermal insulation clo unit instead of the symbol R. The relationship
There are two accurate ways to determine clothing between the two is R 5 0:155I, or 1.0 clo is equivalent
insulation, one is measurements on heated manikins to 0.155 (m2 K)/W.
and the other is measurements on active subjects. For
most routine engineering work, estimates are sufficient Mean radiant temperature
using tables and equations in ASHRAE Standard 55- The mean radiation temperature is a key variable in
2017. The sensible heat loss from skin through the calculation of human body heat. It is a hypothetical

Industrial Ventilation Design Guidebook

234 6. Target levels

TABLE 6.2 Typical metabolic heat generation for various Cold stress
Activities Metabolic heat Activities Metabolic heat Cold stress threshold limit value (TLV) is designed
generation (met) generation (met)
to protect workers from the most severe effects of cold
Sleeping 0.7 Car driving 1.02.0 stress (hypothermia) and cold damage, and to describe
Seated, 1.0 Cooking 3.2
exposure to cold working conditions where almost all
quiet workers can be exposed repeatedly without adverse
health effects. The purpose of TLV is to prevent deep
Walking 2.0 Light 2.02.4
(0.9 m/s) machine
body temperature from falling below 36 C (96.8 F) and
work to protect the limb from cold damage (deep body tem-
perature is the core temperature of the body
Walking 3.8 Heavy 4
(1.8 m/s) machine
determined by conventional rectal temperature mea-
work surement methods). For a single environment that is
occasionally exposed to a cold environment, the core
Office 1.0 Basketball 5.07.6
writing sport
temperature should be allowed to drop to no less than
35 C (95 F). In addition to the provisions for total
body protection, the objective of TLV is to protect all
parts of the body, with emphasis on hands, feet, and
uniform temperature of the enclosed space, in which
head from cold injury.13
the radiant heat transfer from the human body is equal
The clinical presentations of victims of hypothermia
to the radiant heat transfer of the actual non-uniform
are shown in Table 6.3.13
enclosed space. Globe temperature, air temperature
Pain in extremities may be the first early warning of
and air velocity measurements can be combined to
the danger to cold stress. In a cold environment, when
estimate the mean radiant temperature.
the body temperature drops to 35 C, maximum severe
The mean radiant temperature can also be calcu-
shivering will occur. This must be regarded as a sign
lated based on the measured temperatures of sur-
of danger to the workers. When the workers tremble
rounding walls and surfaces and their positions
obviously, they should stop contacting the cold imme-
relative to people. Most building materials have a high
diately. When severe shivering occur, useful physical
emissivity, so all surfaces in the room can be assumed
or mental work is limited.
to be black. The following equation is then used:
If operating in air below 4 C (40 F), workers must
Tr4 5 T14 Fp21 1 T24 Fp22 1 TN
Fp2N be provided with sufficient insulated dry clothes to
keep the core temperature above 36 C (96.8 F. Wind
where Tr is the mean radiant temperature, K; TN is the chill cooling rate and cooling power are the key factors.
surface temperature of surface N, K; and Fp2N is the (Wind chill cooling rate is defined as heat loss from a
angle factor between a person and surface N. body expressed in watts per meter squared which is a
Since the sum of the angle factors is uniform, the function of the air temperature and wind velocity upon
fourth power of the mean radiation temperature is the exposed body.) The higher the air speed, the lower
equal to the mean value of the surrounding surface the temperature in the working area, the greater the
temperatures to the fourth power, and is weighted insulation value of the protective clothing required.
by the respective angle factors.In 2017 ASHRAE Table 6.4 gives the equivalent chill temperature chart
Handbook-Fundamentals, there are figures used to related to the actual dry bulb temperature and air
estimate the angle factors for rectangular surfaces. speed. When estimating the combined cooling effect of
wind and low air temperatures on exposed skin, or
when determining the insulation requirements of cloth-
6.3.2 Thermal environment assessment ing to maintain the core temperature of the deep body,
an equivalent chill temperature should be used.
As individuals can react very differently, both
regarding acceptance of a given environment and
regarding the strain that a given environment imposes, Heat stress and heat strain
it may under certain circumstances be beneficial to The aim of TLV is to keep the core temperature of
incorporate individual physiological and subjective the human body within the range of 37 C 6 1 C. In
measurements. Also, there may be a need for evalua- certain cases, the core temperature of the human body
tion of an individual’s capability for performing a cer- will exceed this range by selecting people, conducting
tain job under severe conditions in the field or in an environmental and physiological monitoring and other
ergonomics laboratory investigation. control methods.

Industrial Ventilation Design Guidebook

TABLE 6.3 Progressive clinical presentations of hypothermia.a

C F Clinical signs

37.6 99.6 “Normal” rectal temperature

37 98.6 “Normal” oral temperature

36 96.8 Metabolic rate increases in an attempt to compensate for heat loss

35 95 Maximum shivering
34 93.2 Victim conscious and responsive, with normal blood pressure
33 91.4 Severe hypothermia below this temperature
32 89.6 Consciousness clouded; blood pressure becomes difficult to obtain; pupils dilated but react to light; shivering ceases
31 87.8

30 86 Progressive loss of consciousness; muscular rigidity increases; pulse and blood pressure difficult to obtain; respiratory rate
29 84.2
28 82.4 Ventricular fibrillation possible with myocardial irritability
27 80.6 Voluntary motion ceases; pupils nonreactive to light; deep tendon and superficial reflexes absent
26 78.8 Victim seldom conscious
25 77 Ventricular fibrillation may occur spontaneously

24 75.2 Pulmonary edema

22 71.6 Maximum risk of ventricular fibrillation
21 69.8
20 68 Cardiac standstill
18 64.4 Lowest accidental hypothermia victim to recover
17 62.6 Isoelectric electroencephalogram

9 48.2 Lowest artificially cooled hypothermia patient to recover

Presentation approximately related to core temperature.
Reprinted from the January 1982 issue of American Family Physician. Published by the American Academy of Family Physicians.

TABLE 6.4 Cooling power of wind on exposed flesh expressed as equivalent temperaturea (under calm conditions).
Estimated wind speed (m/s) Actual temperature reading ( C)
10.0 4.4 2 1.1 2 6.7 2 12.2 2 17.8 2 23.3 2 28.9 2 34.4 2 40.0 2 45.6 2 51.1
Equivalent chill temperature ( C)

Calm 10.0 4.4 2 1.1 2 6.7 2 12.2 2 17.8 2 23.3 2 28.9 2 34.4 2 40.0 2 45.6 2 51.1
2.24 8.9 2.8 2 2.8 2 8.9 2 14.4 2 20.6 2 26.1 2 32.2 2 37.8 2 43.9 2 49.4 2 55.6
4.47 4.4 2 2.2 2 8.9 2 15.6 2 22.8 2 31.1 2 36.1 2 43.3 2 50.0 2 56.7 2 63.9 2 70.6
6.71 2.2 2 5.6 2 12.8 2 20.6 2 27.8 2 35.6 2 42.8 2 50.0 2 57.8 2 65.0 2 72.8 2 80.0

8.94 0.0 2 7.8 2 15.6 2 23.3 2 31.7 2 39.4 2 47.2 2 55.0 2 63.3 2 71.1 2 78.9 2 85.0
11.18 2 1.1 2 8.9 2 17.8 2 26.1 2 33.9 2 42.2 2 50.6 2 58.9 2 66.7 2 75.6 2 83.3 2 91.7
13.41 2 2.2 2 10.6 2 18.9 2 27.8 2 36.1 2 44.4 2 52.8 2 61.7 2 70.0 2 78.3 2 87.2 2 95.6
15.65 2 2.8 2 11.7 2 20.0 2 28.9 2 37.2 2 46.1 2 55.0 2 63.3 2 72.2 2 80.6 2 89.4 2 98.3
17.88 2 3.3 2 12.2 2 21.1 2 29.4 2 38.3 2 47.2 2 56.1 2 65.0 2 73.3 2 82.2 2 91.1 2 100.0
Wind speeds greater than 17.88 m/s have Little danger Increasing danger Great danger
little additional effect In , h with dry skin. Danger from freezing Flesh may freeze within 30 s.
Maximum danger of false of exposed flesh
sense of security. within one minute.
Trench foot and immersion foot may occur at any point on this chart
Developed by US Army Research, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Natick, MA.
Equivalent chill temperature requiring dry clothing to maintain core body temperature above 36 C per cold stress TLV.
TLV, Threshold limit value.
236 6. Target levels

The potential health hazards of working in a high- WBGTout 5 0:7Tnwb 1 0:2Tg 1 0:1Ta
temperature environment significantly, more than any
other physical factors, depend on physiological factors Without direct exposure to the Sun:
that can cause a range of susceptibilities, depending on WBGTout 5 0:7Tnwb 1 0:3Tg
the level of acclimatization. Therefore, professional
judgment is particularly important to assess the level where Tnwb is the natural wet-bulb temperature, Tg is
of heat stress and physiological heat strain, so as to the globe temperature, and Ta is the dry-bulb (air)
fully consider personal factors and work types, and temperature.
provide sufficient guidance for the protection of almost Since WBGT is only an indicator for the environ-
all healthy workers. The assessment of heat stress and ment, the screening criteria is amended for the work
heat strain can be used to assess the safety and health requirements and the impact of clothing.Table 6.5 lists
risks of workers.13 the clothing adjustment factors added to the environ-
ment WBGT.
Definition In order to determine the degree of heat stress expo-
Heat stress refers to the net heat load that workers sure, the working mode and requirements must be
sustain under the combined effect of metabolic heat considered. If the working area, as well as rest area, is
production, environmental factors (ie. air temperature, distributed in multiple locations, the time-weighted
humidity, air flow and heat radiation) and clothing average WBGT should be used.
requirements. Slight or moderate heat stress may lead The values in the table cannot be used for
to discomfort and may detrimentally affect work effi- completely enclosed clothing; nor can the values of
ciendy and occupational safety, but is not harmful to multiple layers of clothing be superimposed. These
health. With the heat stress approaching human toler- coveralls assume that only moderate underwear is
ance limits, the risk of getting heat-related diseases worn underneath, rather than a second layer of
increases.13 clothing.
Heat strain is the overall physiological response If there is enough information about the heat stress
caused by heat stress. The physiological response is effect of the required clothing, the first item of detailed
aimed at eliminating excess heat in the body. analysis is task analysis, which includes time-weighted
Thermal acclimatization is a gradual physiological average effective WBGT (environmental WBGT plus
adaptation that can improve an individual’s ability to clothing adjustment factor) and metabolic rate. The
withstand heat stress. It requires physical activity TLV and action limit against the metabolic rate are
under heat stress conditions similar to worker’s shown in Fig. 6.2.13
expected environment. If the recent history of heat Even under the same heat stress conditions, the risk
stress exposure has been at least two consecutive and severity of excessive heat strain will vary greatly
hours, as far as TLV is concerned, the worker can be among the population.
considered acclimatized. When the activity is no longer The normal physiological responses to heat stress
continuous under those heat stress conditions, the make it possible to monitor worker’s heat strain, to use
thermal adaption begins to degenerate, and distinctly this information to assess the level of heat strain present
regress after four days and may disappear completely
within three to four weeks. As thermal acclimatization TABLE 6.5 Clothing-adjustment factors for some clothing
is related to the level of heat stress exposure, people ensembles.a
will not be acclimated to sudden and intense heat
Addition to
stress, such as a heat wave. Clothing type WBGT ( C)

Assessment Work clothes (long sleeve shirt and pants) 0

Wet-Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) is a practi- Cloth (woven material) coveralls 0
cal first-order indicator used to assess the effect of
Double-layer woven clothing 3
the environment on heat stress. It is affected by air
temperature, air humidity, heat radiation and air Spunbond Meltblown Spunbond (SMS) 0.5
polypropylene coveralls
movement. As an approximate indicator, it cannot
completely consider all interactions between indivi- Polyolefin coveralls 1
duals and the environment, such as some special con- Limited-use vapor-barrier coveralls 11
ditions like heating from radio frequency or a
These values must not be used for completely encapsulating suits, often called Level
microwave. A. Clothing-adjustment factors cannot be added for multiple layers. The coveralls
WBGT is calculated by the following equations: assume that only modesty clothing is worn underneath, not a second layer of clothing.
With direct exposure to sunlight: SMS, Spunbond Meltblown Spunbond; WBGT, Wet-bulb globe temperature.

Industrial Ventilation Design Guidebook

6.3 Target level of thermal environment 237
55-2013, the comfort zones of 0.5 and 1.0 clo dressing
are given, as shown in Fig. 6.315. The thermal resis-
tance of winter suits is about 1clo, and the thermal
resistance of short-sleeved shirts and pants is about
0.5clo. Because the hot and cold boundaries of the
comfort zone are affected by humidity, in the middle
of the comfort zone, a typical person will wear neutral
clothes to produce neutral or near-neutral thermal sen-
sation. But near the hotter boundary of the comfort
zone, a person will feel an additional thermal sensation
of 1 0.5 on the basis of ASHRAE’s thermal sensation
scale; near the boundary of the colder area, the person
may feel an additional heat sensation of -0.5.

Humidity threshold The upper limit of humidity

in the comfort zone is 0.012 kgw/kgdry air, and the
lower limit of humidity is not clearly specified.
Usually when the dew point temperature is below
FIGURE 6.2 TLV and Action Limit for heat stress 0 C, low humidity may dry the skin and mucus surface
and cause discomfort in the nose, throat, eyes and skin.
in the workforce, to control exposures, and to assess the At high humidity, excessive skin moisture can
effectiveness of implemented control measures. increase discomfort, especially skin moisture from
physiological sources. Thermal comfort
Some other factors may also have effect on thermal Air speed The comfort zone of Fig. 6.3 is
response and comfort except for the previously dis- suitable for situations where the air speed does not
cussed independent environmental and personal vari- exceed 0.2 m / s. However, increasing the air speed
ables. The secondary factors include environmental can improve comfort in areas outside the maximum
heterogeneity, visual stimuli, age and outdoor climate, temperature limit in the figure. Fig. 6.4 shows the air
etc. A study of 1600 college students by Rohles in1973 velocity required to compensate for the temperature
and Rohles and Nevins in 1971 showed that there is a rise above the warm boundary. The combination of air
correlation between comfort, temperature, humidity, velocity and temperature defined by the curve in this
gender, and exposure time. The thermal sensation figure corresponds to the same skin heat loss.14
scale developed from these studies is called ASHRAE The increase amount in air speed on the improve-
thermal sensation scale and is shown as follows.14 ment of comfort is affected by the mean radiation tem-
perature tr_ave. The curves in Fig. 6.4 are for different
1 3 hot levels of tr_aveta. When the mean radiation tempera-
1 2 warm ture is low and the air temperature is high, the
1 1 slightly warm increase in air speed has little effect on increasing heat
0 neutral dissipation. For a given temperature rise,a higher air
2 1 slightly cool speed is required to increase heat dissipation. On the
2 2 cool contrary, when the average radiant temperature is
2 3 cold high and the air temperature is low, the effect of
increasing the air velocity is obvious, and the air speed
Environmental factors affecting comfort to be increased is less. Fig. 6.4 is suitable for people
Operative temperature Under the given air humid- wearing light-colored clothing with the thermal insula-
ity, air movement, metabolic rate, and clothing thermal tion of clothing between 0.5 and 0.7 clo for nearly fixed
resistance, the comfort zone can be determined. The physical activity.
comfort zone is defined according to the operating
temperature range that provides acceptable thermal Asymmetric thermal radiation Causes of asym-
environmental conditions, or according to a combina- metric or non-uniform thermal radiation in the space
tion of air temperature and average radiant tempera- include cold windows, uninsulated walls, cold sur-
ture that is considered thermally acceptable for people. faces, cold or hot mechanical equipment, or inappro-
People wear different clothes according to different priately sized heating boards installed on walls or
situations and seasonal weather. In ASHRAE Standard ceilings. In residential buildings, offices and other

Industrial Ventilation Design Guidebook

238 6. Target levels

FIGURE 6.3 ASHRAE Summer and Winter

Comfort Zones.

FIGURE 6.4 Air Speed to Offset Temperatures

Above Warm-Temperature Boundaries

places, the most common reasons are cold windows, As shown in Fig. 6.5, people are more sensitive to
inappropriately sized heating boards, or heating boards asymmetric radiation caused by hot surfaces above the
installed on the ceiling. In industrial plants, cold or hot head than vertical cold walls. The cold surface above
objects, cold or hot equipment, etc. can cause asymmet- head or vertical warm wall have much less impact on
ric or uneven heat radiation.14 dissatisfaction. These data are especially important
Thermal radiation asymmetry refers to the differ- when using radiant panels to improve comfort in large
ence in ambient radiation temperature between the space with cold surfaces or cold windows.
two sides of the human body. More precisely, thermal
radiation asymmetry refers to the difference in radia- Draft sensation The draft sensation is an unpleas-
tion temperature observed from a facet in the opposite ant local cold sensation caused by the air flow. Not
direction. only in many ventilated buildings, but also in cars,

Industrial Ventilation Design Guidebook

6.3 Target level of thermal environment 239
FIGURE 6.5 Percentage Dissatisfied Caused by
Asymmetric Radiation.

FIGURE 6.6 Relationship bewteen Percentage

of People Dissatisfied and Mean Air Velocity.

trains and airplanes, this is a problem that cannot be People with high activity intensity are not so sensi-
ignored. When people feel the sensation of draft, they tive to the draft.
usually ask to increase the temperature of the air in
the room or turn off the ventilation system. Vertical air temperature difference In most indoor
Fig. 6.6 shows the relationship between the per- spaces, the air temperature usually rises with the
centage of dissatisfied and the mean air speed at the height above the floor. If the temperature gradient is
neck who feels the draft around the head region. large enough, even if the entire body is thermally neu-
The head region includes the head, neck, shoulders tral, there may still be thermal discomfort at the head
and back. Air temperature significantly affects or cold discomfort at feet. Fig. 6.7 shows the relation-
the dissatisfaction. 14 The data in Fig. 6.6 is only ship between dissatisfaction and the vertical air tem-
suitable for people who wear normal indoor clothes perature difference between head and ankles.14
and do light physical work, mainly sedentary work.

Industrial Ventilation Design Guidebook

240 6. Target levels

FIGURE 6.7 Relationship Between Percentage

Dissatisfied and Air Temperature Difference Between
Head and Ankles.

Fig. 6.8 shows the relationship between floor tem-

perature and dissatisfaction, combining experimental
data with seated and standing individuals. In all
experiments, the people were in a thermally neutral
state. Therefore, dissatisfaction is only related to dis-
comfort caused by cold or warm feet. There is no sig-
nificant difference in preference for floor temperature
between women and men.14

Personal factors affecting comfort

The air temperature, humidity, velocity and its vari-
ation range, as well as individual parameters such as
metabolism and clothing insulation are the main fac-
tors that directly affect the heat balance and thermal
FIGURE 6.8 Relationship Between Percent Dissatisfied and Floor comfort. However, many secondary personal factors
Temperature. may affect comfort in more subtle ways.

Age Human metabolism will decline slightly with

The air temperature at the head zone should be age, and some people believe that the comfortable condi-
lower than that at feet is not as critical for people. If tions derived from experiments on young healthy sub-
the air temperature in the head area is lower, one can jects cannot be used for other age groups. Related
tolerate a greater vertical temperature difference. research shows that the thermal environment preferred
by the old people is not different from the thermal envi-
Warm or cold floors Usually the feet are in direct ronment preferred by the young. Old people’s lower
contact with the floor. The local discomfort of the feet metabolism can be compensated by lower evaporative
is usually caused by the floor temperature being too heat loss.
high or too low. At the same time, the floor tempera-
ture will significantly affect the mean radiation tem- Sex According to related research, men and women
perature of the room. If the floor is too cold and the like almost the same thermal environment. Women’s
feet feel cold and uncomfortable, the usual reaction is skin temperature and evaporative heat loss are slightly
to increase the temperature of the room; during the lower than that of men, which is balanced with women’s
heating season, this will increase heating energy con- slightly lower metabolism levels. Women usually prefer
sumption. Floor radiant heating system can prevent higher ambient temperatures than men, partly because
cold floor from causing discomfort. women often wear lighter clothes.

Industrial Ventilation Design Guidebook

6.4 Target levels for industrial air quality 241
FIGURE 6.9 Relationship Between PPD and

Acclimation The thermal acclimation has little TABLE 6.6 Acceptable thermal environment for general
effect on the ambient temperature of personal prefer- comfort.
ence. However, in uncomfortable warm or cold envir- PPD PMV range
onments, thermal acclimation usually has a certain
influence. Compared with people in cold climates, ,10 20.5 , PMV , 1 0.5
people who work and live in warm climates can more PMV, Predicted mean vote; PPD, predicted percent dissatisfied.
easily accept warmer environments and maintain rela-
tively higher work efficiency.
Predicted percent dissatisfied
After predicting PMV, the predicted perpcent dissatis-
Prediction of thermal comfort fied (PPD) under certain conditions can also be predicted.
Fanger (1982) associates PPD with PMV as follows:17
There are several ways to predict thermal comfort
and thermal sensation. One method is to use Fig. 6.3 PPD 5 100 2 95exp½ 2 ð0:03353PMV4 1 0:2179PMV2 Þ
and adjust the insulation of clothing and activity level. The definition of dissatisfaction is anyone who does
A more accurate numerical prediction is to use the not vote -1, 1 1 or 0. This relationship is shown in
PMV-PPD model. Fig. 6.9. When PPD is 10%, the corresponding PMV
range is 6 0.5. Even if PMV 5 0, about 5% of people
Predicted mean vote are not satisfied.14
The PMV (Predicted Mean Vote) index predicts the The PMV-PPD model is widely used in the design
mean response of a large group of people based on and on-site evaluation of comfort conditions.
ASHRAE’s thermal sensation scale. Fanger (1970) cor- The operating temperature range shown inFig. 6.3 is
related the imbalance between PMV and the actual for a situation acceptable to 80% of the personnel. This
heat flow of the human body in a given environment is based on 10% dissatisfaction with general thermal
and the heat flow required for optimal comfort under comfort based on the PMV-PPD index, plus an average
specified activities, as shown in the following 10% dissatisfaction caused by local thermal discomfort.
formula:14,16 And Table 6.6 defines the recommended PPD and
PMV range for typical applications.
PMV 5 ½0:303expð2 0:036MÞ 1 0:028L
Where L is the heat load of the human body, which is
defined as the difference between heat generation and
heat loss in the human body in the actual environment.
6.4 Target levels for industrial air quality
It is assumed that the human body with skin tempera-
6.4.1 Introduction
ture and sweat evaporation heat loss values is among
comfort zone at actual activity level. M is the body’s The need for exact target values relating to pro-
metabolic heat production rate. cesses and products is self-evident in the design phase

Industrial Ventilation Design Guidebook

242 6. Target levels

of process technology, equipment manufacture, and employee productivity is higher when the work
many other areas of engineering. Industrial ventilation environment is appropriate for the tasks being done.18
is defined as “airflow technologies” to “control the Such efforts are typical in the advanced sector of
indoor environment and emissions of the workplace.” industry. One can say that there is a transition from
It is therefore logical that the goals of industrial ventila- “blue-collar to white-collar work.”
tion are unambiguously quantified. In the past the Today occupants, building owners, and other end
design goals of industrial ventilation have been users of ventilation systems are more interested in the
expressed in many terms, such as airflow rate, filter level of air quality and thermal climate than in the tech-
classes, control velocity of a local exhaust hood, and niques by which that level is achieved. This is supported
surface temperature of a radiator. Although these are by the fact that industrial ventilation systems in modern
indispensable quantities in the design and realization premises are more complicated and tightly integrated
processes, they account only indirectly for the environ- with the process and building automation. It is therefore
ment within the premises. Therefore the goal of indus- difficult for end users or nonprofessionals to evaluate
trial air quality should be defined using target values of whether a ventilation system is functioning correctly.
the relevant contaminants occurring in the room. The aim of this section is to consider the scientific
The need for the implementation of target levels and technological grounds for assessing TLs of con-
(TLs) for air quality in industrial work rooms stems taminants that frequently occur in the occupational
from different concerns. In addition to technological environment as well as use of the TLs. The TL of a
factors, the systematic design methodology, life-cycle contaminant is defined as the predetermined concen-
assessment, advances in air-distribution methods, and tration of a dominant contaminant to be achieved by
increased integration with the process and building air technology or other control methods. A TL can be
automation have to be considered. The recent changes considered for an entire room volume or a zone, such
in the standards of working conditions that favor the as an occupied zone or a limited part of the occupied
TL process also must not be forgotten. zone. Unlike OELs the proposed TLs for air contami-
Occupational exposure limits (OELs) have been nants are voluntary guidelines.
used for decades as exposure criteria for air contami-
nants. OELs are quantitative health standards
expressed as a maximum mean concentration of dan-
6.4.2 Grounds for assessing target levels for
gerous air contaminants over a given reference period.
Although OELs are required for the establishment of
industrial air quality
health-based standards, the limits entail a great deal of In order to assess the target concentrations of air con-
uncertainty. They indicate the minimum level of air taminants both human riskbased and technology-based
quality corresponding to the present understanding of approaches can be used (Fig. 6.10). Various approaches
what is an acceptable risk, but they do not serve as a are dealt with in more detail elsewhere.19,20
criterion for planning a comfortable environment and The procedure of assessing health-based OELs for
control technologies for the whole life cycle of the sys- chemical substances includes determination of no
tem, say over a period of 20 years. observed adverse effect level for the critical toxic effect
Although high exposures to air contaminants still and application of an appropriate safety factor based
occur in a number of industries, the general trend is that on expert judgment (see Section 5.3). In principle the
the current levels of most commonly used chemicals are same procedure could be used for assessing the TLs.
decreasing and are clearly lower than the corresponding However, the quantitative risk assessment procedure
OELs. There is the opinion that the OELs have less entails notable uncertainties at low-dose regions. In
impact on the improvement of occupational environ- addition, exposure limits are revised at certain inter-
ment than in previous decades, and that they focus on vals in the light of new research information and
compliance testing instead of control. It is also worth actual policy objectives. In most cases the limits have
noting that compliance with the OELs does not guaran- been reduced over the years. In theory, one possibility
tee 100% protection for all individuals. for assessing a TL for desired air quality could be the
Nowadays, many companies have adopted a policy determination of an exposure that cannot be distin-
of continuous improvement of working conditions. guished from the biological monitoring values of the
Therefore it is desirable to create TLs for those who nonoccupational population. However, adequate data
want to pursue more efficient control by applying the for this purpose exist only for a few substances in
best available control technologies. There are also advanced industrialized countries, and for that reason
endeavors to create optimal working conditions in a technology-based approach for TL assessment is con-
order to improve the performance and the innova- sidered in this chapter. Similar control strategies, based
tiveness of a staff and hence enhance productivity. A on performance standards and risk assessment, have
series of laboratory and case studies show that been proposed for some industries—for example, the

Industrial Ventilation Design Guidebook

References 243
effective control of emissions from sources that
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• Balanced mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation
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to accurately control the flow patterns in a work
• Air-handling units equipped with heat recovery and
sophisticated control of the key parameters of
HVAC systems, such as temperature, airflow rate,
and pressure difference.
• New or renovated premises.

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Industrial Ventilation Design Guidebook

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