Natural Resources

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Our Nature

Good morning to my teacher and my classmates. As you may already know, we

share this moment gathered here to enjoy this small occasion. Now, I would like
to talk about a very important topic: natural resources. Wood, minerals, soil, oil,
water, etc... are the most important resources. The mentioned resources are
called natural resources because each and every one of them was gifted by
God and they are found naturally, nobody and nothing is made by the hand of
Human beings cannot create natural resources, despite this, they can modify it
and use natural resources accordingly and at will. For many years, our nature
and natural resources have been and continue to be exploited since civilization,
urbanization, technological advances and industrialization began.
Unfortunately, people have been blindly involved in cutting down trees and
forests to meet their needs such as fuel, building materials for boats, shelter,
houses, etc.
Renewable and non-renewable are two types of natural resources that we have.
We could say that wood, one of the main natural resources, is a renewable
source. Other sources such as fish, animals and forests can also be renewed if
they are not overharvested. Plants and forests can be replanted, so missing
wood used can be replaced. However, the demanding and growing needs of the
world's population is constantly growing and this is only causing more trees and
forests to be cut down at an incredibly alarming rate. Now, in cities it is almost
impossible to see vegetation continuously, and this goes a long way to
increasing pollution and problems for people in normal life. If the lack of trees
cannot be satisfied at the same speed in which we are using them, it can cause
them to be depleted from the earth, which would be a call for unlimited
problems such as the loss of ecosystems, soil erosion, the lack of of rain, etc.
Unlike the forests; oil, minerals from the earth, metallic minerals, fossil fuels,
coal, natural gas, petroleum, nuclear fuels, etc... These are natural resources
that are not renewable, that cannot be returned to find Non-renewable natural
resources can be exhausted in the future if they continue to be used in one way,
exploiting them, for not being used within the limit.
We must follow conservation methods to sustain natural resources, especially
non-renewable resources, as necessary. We should start using some
alternative forms of energy to reduce the load on natural resources. Alternative
forms of energy are like sunlight instead of electric lights. The use of solar
energy can reduce the need for electrical energy to a great extent. We can do
the preservation of the natural ecosystem through the maintenance of the
abundance of nature, the preservation of endangered species, the maintenance
of biodiversity, etc. We can achieve sustainable forestry by managing forest
resources through some usual changes like replanting, conversation, and fire
protection, etc.

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