EIA Disaster Management

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ETA &DisasBer managment

Submi Hed byAdiba khan

MArch- 15 YeaDate.3/12/ 2

hat is ho Enviioomed2 Discuss hoSope c hg

nvuoom et2
EnvYonment means onytb1ng that Suround u3
it Can be iving (orqanic) or_non- living obiohic
Thig includeg physicalchemiccu and Other
nalGra orces
Livinq hiogs
iving live in their envirOnment.Thty (onslccl
interact dth it and Odapt dhemelyes accordinq Ho
Ahs Cond1dioo3in heir Enuronmeo+8
There Ce S0 auchdHeeAT hings ika ai
Cinimal3Plant3Sail ate gnd morg yinq ov
hon-livinq hins 1 ho eavifon.aeat

8 ent 0 hgecadh namel
cra0sphac e Th eadn Suuounded ba blanlut e c u
hudros phoe nclucles al dCn on eadh
dho Solid
h os phaLe ond Pad he twdhSal)
bioSphote The h Zone 6 heeathu n d inckuc
ull livln Orqans loludiog
Gnd ul pan1C mc He hu hag oo et
do tompoRed.

2 DeRCube h Impocance 0 oi0oraeatalShudkes2
Eovironeatal Sludies lo ha Scieace C0oCeng d
hiith lodecactio belAela nan ho
hey hput 04h e Scitaces bialogy fology
biotechhploqy el
Envirdonaeata gudies fxplah_ ahat etHecd are le
havinq0n_ htnGod ho Ge he GHecting
Envilooeatal SHud es Ceate
h 2eople Ahich la happeninq Gand u

_providos necesS.ay Knasledge about ecclugical

| SgBeo God CaLL 0nd tect in Ou environ ent
Ho o utii2e e8nuc in eavioome

nvirOooeol al ikauK ho loGcklo dllenative

esponie lik lobcd ing Ci poldi0
att polluioo Sol polluhon

houeh tnvila.arat.alal udies hopcuck loo d

ecudhquau landalid (qtloa c
To unde/xBand h impact doueloprmeot
0n h tovilonntoi. li ika indushicul CrOKHM_
Anaio pfnSi00 eleconanLaniaio.oa
(vnd YCLOAPo fdeo

Sa manyaioNment nament (ealehe


3 h o need Pubhc aklarenoss about envrmfn
S vilal Inapodanc DiscuxE
Iho need Public dareneSS about hho
environment n Hoda s Noddw to indutrial
igaBitn and Ingta8ng Populaton nadunal
esoucets bung used Topidly
4nd hurcan
activilies are Causing Yapid degrod.ation Our
So ldeneed o protecth Enviooaeat he lwountrd

- iz ho duiy Dot aly o h qovenhor at So

PicdecingOu envir.oomeatis economically via ble
than deanio DoceH 8 daroaged

h o Yole omass Oedia lika neuSPupecHelcvralon

YCodhoelc I8 dlso Vey impocHant o ake
People Onare about Hho eoviconraent

hey úre roanyinstHutiors uhich_Ploy a PoSHiue

nletouard PovirDhaent o alu People_au
about_ fovisoonmeat

Sach tact obriyaa_aso ha iikiahve by prekeat

Public (oncioa LonCtiatd 004 Goeorocat nc On
leve (an achitye h 9o Sustanabe dovelopoe
uail h
unlil public 1 muds CGe ubu Lomaletcd
foviOnm tat CRi8

each Pe(&00 GCepled hugh Kno 1ud bdancing

0L EtoSuAlexa
nan Sucge R3ul fnironmeat
Namada moroet Chipka o0meats

Reason0 fnNÍOnoeot lanoiance

Maleh ConCemoc ith fniooent Potectioo.
educdionSslen uled hs dat uocdargBonck h
De ople
SomLnu Poliaes hot bulorf ovilooment kgilkrkio
mtlhad adophog Pubhc ouue nelk
TeleuiaiDo bea kadio ond uelehiy tovioomen eytnt
Veryimpackaat becalus koostly hoox ha
Pfople blhody lloN holelekilitS hiz_
aln best mehod

Gme- buo plaghic bu Cannat br &uct

unlinth Puhliunder 2iund_
ImplicalioA N Sam tnuian.cenalE
puhhic Shadd undsczland abou
e are dosading u
he uct hat_
hatmln OunBelves
eovlfonncentNe Cue
ho du a echucade
ubout h dvexe eHect ho_atho
Real de Suahons
SusBeiruble deuelopmen

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