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Example Reference Solution Completed RFP


Network / Phone System Request for Proposal
June 4, 202X

(Important Note: This RFP is a sample for training purposes. Pricing and
products are continually changing. Do not cut and paste portions of this
sample into an actual RFP)

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Network / Telephone System Upgrade
The FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. is seeking proposals for a new telephone system that would serve all
connected sites which include:

• 100 Grand Street, New Wittfield, MA, (FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. , Main Site)
• 101 Awesome Street, New Wittfield, MA (New Site)
• 102 Terrific Street, New Wittfield, MA (Finance / Billing)
• 103 Great Street, New Wittfield, MA (clinic)
• 104 Purple Street, New Wittfield, MA (WIC / Nurturing Families)

The new system will be supported by a network of existing switches and routers which will be used for the VOIP-based phones,
computers, and wireless connections at FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. and must operate reliably. The premises’ of
wiring and broadband connections between buildings will be supplied by the FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. and are
not included in this Request for Proposals. The system must easily support the relocation of FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC,
INC.’s departments. It must be redundantly designed in order to be highly reliable and able to operate during emergencies. It must be
capable of central administration, but also allow the FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC.’s departments to manage their
own segments of the system.

The new system should be able to take advantage of the Town’s broadband connections between buildings, but it must also be
able to operate in the absence of such connections. (The Town’s broadband network is partially complete and may not reach all
buildings by the time the first phase of the new phone system is implemented.)

The system will use digital carrier services (SIP or T1/PRI) and regular POTS lines. These carrier services are not included in this RFP.


1. June 4, 202X – Vendors will be given the RFP and be required to email IT Director on its reception for confirmation.
2. June 16th – 17th, 202X – Vendor will have a 4hr window on the selected date to:
• Have selected FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. members view the vendors product selection
• Partake in a question / answer session regarding FWCHC’s needs
3. RFP / Quote turned in by June 20, 202X by 4pm - Deadline for submitting proposals.
• Reminder we are a health center, quotes need to reflect offline hours which cannot impact clinic hours of operation.

Deliver quotes to: (CLEARLY LABEL ENVELOPES)

Telephone / Network System Proposals

Attention: IT Director
100 Grand Avenue
New Wittfield, MA


Deliver electronically via email: IT Director

4. Selection of vendor will occur no later than July 10, 202Xby 5pm.
5. After vendor is selected a project manager must be assigned to begin work 15 business days after signed contract. FAIR
WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. will have the right to render contract void if this task is not completed on
time. (This must be written into the contract that is signed by the CEO of FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC,

The FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. has not yet made any final decisions regarding equipment, design or architecture
and is seeking proposals as herein stated. Any submission should include a separate detailed and itemized pricing schedule for pieces of
equipment and for services provided. A sample, proposed contract should be attached. The FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC,

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INC. reserves the right to review and evaluate each proposal in so far as it matches the FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC.’s
needs AND the FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. is not obligated to accept any proposal. Further, after the submissions are
evaluated, the FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. reserves the right to modify its requirements. All pricing proposals will be
kept confidential.

Proposers must demonstrate to the satisfaction of FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. that they possess the experience,
technical skill and resources necessary to accomplish a project of this type and magnitude. Pricing will also play a role in the vendor
selection since this is a budgeted project which is grant driven. Below are the technical and management criteria that will be used in
evaluating proposals and selecting a vendor as a result of this RFP:

1. Ability to demonstrate qualifications for and experience in the successful performance of equivalent services on projects of similar
nature and size.
2. Proposer’s technical certification level with the manufacturer of the proposed solution.
3. References from clients with similar size and type project and confirmation of complete and satisfactory statements about the
proposer’s services and performance.
4. The resumes of the Project Supervisor and the key staff assigned to the project.
5. The reasonableness of the contractor’s plan to complete the project.
6. Ease and ability to upgrade and expand the system.
7. Warranty of equipment involved.
8. Quality of equipment.
9. Ability to meet required equipment and features.
10. Administrator/End User Training Plan
11. Annual Maintenance Agreement coverage (parts availability, response times, etc.)
12. The proposer must submit in concise, narrative form his/her proposed plan for accomplishing the work specified, including a
description of all equipment, material and network diagrams to be used.
13. Whether the contractor realistically can accomplish the work within the specified time.

Key areas that will be examined in the evaluation of proposals include:

• IP-based Voice/Data/Video capabilities: Integration of voice, data and video applications in a single Internet Protocol (IP) based
solution. The ability to provide a highly reliable and available IP communications solution with redundant centralized call control
as well as a switching and routing infrastructure to support these technologies.

• True IP solution: Hybrid solutions, IP-Enabled digital solutions, and solutions based on proprietary PBX hardware platforms are not
under consideration. Our preference is for a true server-based solution that will scale to support future growth up to 1000
endpoints without significant additional investment in hardware.

• End-To-End Solution: The ideal solution would be a fully integrated solution including voice, video, mobility, with security solutions
from a single manufacturer.

• Vendor Experience and Vision: Evaluation of the vendor’s experience in building and implementing Internet technologies. FWCHC
is looking to partner with a vendor that has vision and leadership in the industry and the demonstrated ability to implement and
support large scale deployments of this technology.

• Support for Open System Standards: The manufacturer should be committed to supporting open system industry standards.
Proposed solutions must support SIP protocol connectivity for endpoints and PSTN connectivity and be able to be certified as
compatible with our selection of a PSTN service provider.

• Manufacturer and Vendor Stability: Both the manufacturer of the proposed solution and the implementing and supporting vendor
must be established in the industry and be able to demonstrate the financial stability to insure continued support for the proposed

• Vendor Support/Service Capabilities: The successful vendor must be established in the Connecticut area with significant local
presence and support capabilities with demonstrated experience in the installation and support of the proposed solution as well
as the ability to provide proactive remote monitoring and problem resolution.

• System Administration: Maximum flexibility for rapid, efficient, and cost-effective configuration changes affecting
personnel and associated IP telephone equipment through a web-based “single pane of glass” management interface.

• Mobility And Unified Communications Solution should employ fully integrated solutions for Unified Messaging, rich-media

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collaboration, video, support for mobile devices (tablets, smartphones, etc.)

• Leading Edge Technology: The vendor will provide the latest release of software and include the ability to incorporate future
requirements and technological advances.

All qualified proposals will be evaluated and award made to the proposer whose solution and capabilities is deemed in the
reserves the right to reject any or all offers if determined to be in the FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC.’s
best interest.

Each bidder is required to provide at least five (5) references with contact information from other organizations in Connecticut which have
similar installations to the stated requirements in this Request for Proposal. Each reference should meet the following criteria:
• Shall be of the same type system as proposed for this RFP.
• Shall be the same size (user count) or be larger than the solution proposed in this RFP.
• Shall have been installed and maintained by the bidder.
• Shall be a multiple-site installation within the state.
• Shall have been installed for at least one year.
• Shall support redundancy capabilities similar to the proposed solution


1. Legal Compliance: Work performed and plans produced shall comply with all state, federal and local laws, including
but not limited to those related to building, environmental, statutory, legal process, OSHA and the Fair Labor
Standards Act.

2. Acceptance of Proposal: FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. reserves the right to reject any and all
proposals and to waive informalities, if, at its discretion, the interests of FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC,
INC. will be best served thereby.

3. FAIR Westerly Community Health Clinic, Inc. reserves the right to accept other than the lowest cost proposal, and to
negotiate the specified dollar amount, or any portion of that amount. FAIR Westerly Community Health Clinic, Inc.
reserves the right to negotiate contract changes following the award.

4. If there is any conflict between these documents and the proposal, these documents shall control.

5. FAIR Westerly Community Health Clinic, Inc. reserves the right to cancel this RFP in writing or postpone the date and
time for submitting proposals at any time prior to the proposal due date. FAIR Westerly Community Health Clinic, Inc.
reserves the right to stop the project after receiving the proposals in interest of FAIR Westerly Community Health
Clinic, Inc.

6. No proposer shall have a right to make a claim against FAIR Westerly Community Health Clinic, Inc. in the event FWCHC
accepts a proposal or does not accept any proposals.

• Validity of Proposals: Proposals must be valid for at least 90 days.

7. Insurance: The Contract shall be effective only upon approval by FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. of
acceptable evidence of the insurance required below, issued by insurers admitted within the State of Connecticut. Such
insurance shall be in force on the date of execution of the Contract and shall remain continuously in force for the duration of
the Contract.
Vendor shall provide evidence of workers’ compensation insurance covering its employees, and evidence of general liability
insurance naming the Board, its officers and employees as additional insureds under the policy, as follows:

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a. Workers’ Compensation insurance that meets the statutory obligations

b. Commercial General Liability insurance with limits of at least $1,000,000 general Aggregate, $1,000,000 products
– completed operations, $1,000,000 personal and advertising injury, $1,000,000 each occurrence, $50,000 fire
damage and $5,000 medical expense any one person. The policy shall be on an occurrence basis, shall include
contractual liability coverage and FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. shall be named an additional
insured. This coverage shall be maintained for two years after final completion and acceptance of the Project by

8. Indemnification: Vendor will take all precautions to protect the public against injury, and shall agree to indemnify, release
and hold FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. harmless from any and all claims or lawsuits that may arise
from negligent acts, errors and omissions of the vendor and/or its employees/contractors.

9. Independent Vendor: Nothing in the contract award shall create an employee/employer relationship between FAIR WESTERLY
COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. and the vendor. It is understood that the vendor will be an independent contractor and not FAIR

10. Assignability: Vendor shall not assign any interest in the contract and shall not transfer any interest in the same, whether
by assignment or invitation, without the prior written approval of FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC.
provided, however, that claims for money due or to become due to the Vendor may be assigned to a bank, trust company
or other financial institution, or to a Trustee in Bankruptcy without such approval. Notice of such assignment or transfer

11. Nondiscrimination: Vendor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color,
creed, religion, ancestry, sex, national origin, sexual preference, disability, age, marital status, or status with regard to public
assistance or as veteran.

12. Payment: Payments shall only be made in accordance with the agreed upon Contract. No reimbursements will be made for any
expenses incurred by the vendor except for expenses specifically described in the contract. No payment will be made for any
incomplete, inaccurate or defective work until same has been satisfactorily remedied at no additional cost to FAIR
WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. All work performed and all related documentation records, etc., shall

13. Billing: Billing for completed services shall be based upon the terms outlined in the final contract.

14. Proposer Responsibilities: The Vendor is responsible for conducting necessary research, visiting the site and becoming familiar
with conditions under which the work is to be performed.

a. FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. will not be responsible for any costs incurred by
applicants in preparing proposals
b. Applicants are held legally responsible for their proposals
c. Applicants are not to collaborate, for the purpose of restricting competition, with other applicants or
competitors in developing proposals

15. Addenda to RFP: Any changes, additions or clarification so the RFP will be made by written proposal addenda.

a. Such addenda will be posted to FAIR Westerly Community Health Clinic, Inc. website and will become part
of the proposal package, having the same binding effect as provisions of the original proposal. Proposers
are responsible for checking the website periodically for information and updates.

b. All addenda, amendments and interpretations of this solicitation shall be in writing. FAIR WESTERLY
COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. shall not be legally bound by any amendment or interpretation that is not in
writing. Only information supplied by FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. in writing or in this RFP

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should be used in preparing proposal responses. All contact that a proposer may have had before or after
receipt of this RFP with any individuals, employees or representative of FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH
CLINIC, INC. , and any information that may have been read in any news media or seen or heard in any
communication facility regarding this proposal should be disregarded in preparing proposal responses

c. FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. does not assume responsibility for receipt of any addendum
sent to proposers

d. A copy of all addenda issued must be signed and return with your proposal

16. Contract and Conditions: The selected vendor will be required to enter into a contract with FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY
HEALTH CLINIC, INC. The proposal should indicate if your organization has any problems with the draft contract language.
Additional contract conditions may be required, depending upon the nature and extent of the services to be provided. FAIR
WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. Reserves the right to negotiate a change or modification to any of the proposed
contractual conditions.

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Y = Yes Included / O = optional add-on also complies / N = No

Unified Communications Solution Comply

Scalable to 1000 user endpoints without additional PBX hardware Y
Redundant / Distributed call control / call processing Y
Server based (industry standard X-86) Y
VMWare based (all server components supported in virtual machines) Y
Unix / Linux based Call processing server. Y
Redundant Power Supplies In Call Processing Server Y
Survivable call processing for remote locations Y
ANI / ALI E911 Support Y
Caller ID Internal Y
Caller ID External Y
Support for T1/PRI connectivity Y
Support for backup POTS (FXO) telco circuit connectivity Y
Support for SIP (IP telco) connectivity Y
Ability to page through telephone speakers Y
Support for Direct Inward Dialing Y
Integrated telephone directory Y
Support for Active Directory Integration Y
Support of Open API standards Y
Support for video endpoints O
Support for video collaboration and H.264 / H.265 standards O
Support for SIP based endpoints O

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Telephone Features Comply
Ability to log in/out with password Y
Speed Dial Y
Softkeys for flexible features Y
Hard keys for common features (Hold, Transfer, Volume, etc.) Y
Programmable keys Y
Soft labels (no paper key labels) Y
Desk sets with gigabit pass-through Y
Ad-Hoc conference (Show maximum number of parties in a call) Y 512
Ability to join incoming call in a conference Y
Display of missed / outgoing / received calls on LCD Y
Availability of Bluetooth-enabled sets for headsets (no "handset lifter") Y
Call forwarding within network Y
Call forwarding outside network Y
PoE 802.3af compliant Y
Message waiting indicator Y
Full duplex speaker Y
Ability to send incoming call to voice mail without answering. Y
Multiple call appearances (how many) lines/bridged/coverage Y 10 each

Unified Messaging / Voice Mail Features Comply

Redundant / Distributed Messaging Y

Redundant / Distributed Automated Attendant Y
Redundant power supplies Y
Supported on industry standard (x86) servers Y
VMWare based (all server components supported in virtual machines) Y
Unix / Linux based Call messaging server. Y
Supports multiple personal greetings (how many) Y9
Supports future delivery N
Create private distribution lists Y
Message notification via SMTP Y
Voicemail quota notification N
Message notification via SMS/MMS Y
Order messages LIFO Y

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Order messages FIFO Y
Choose full or brief system prompts (expert mode) Y
Caller queue’s (We would like patients to know where they are in que) Y
Music On hold Y
Integration with MS Exchange / MS Outlook Y
DTMF (Touch-Tone) features Y
Play, forward, reply, save, mark new, skip, hear envelope Y
Control volume Y
Control speed Y
Pause / Resume Y
Address to multiple recipients Y
Mark message urgent Y
Mark message private (disable forwarding) Y
Request return receipt N
Address by spelling name Y
Access Email messages (Text-to-speech) O
Access calendar appointments Y
Speech Enabled Features O
Use speech commands to access messages N
Use speech commands to address messages N
Use speech commands to manage greetings N
Use speech commands to navigate messages N
Use speech commands to access calendar appointments N
Use speech to log in to mailbox N

Desktop Client Applications Comply

Supported on Windows 7, 8.1, 10 Y

Thin client support Y
Supported on Apple OSx Y
Configurable contact list (by department, function, etc.) Y
Dial from contact list Y
Display desktop and telephony presence of other users. Y
Instant messaging support Y

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Support for XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) Y
Ability to act as softphone. (Standard, Option, or N/A) S
Ability to be video client. (Standard, Option, or N/A) S
Outlook integration for dialing from corporate directory. Y
Outlook integration for dialing from personal directory. Y
Outlook integration for displaying presence status ("Gumdrop") Y
Display of missed / outgoing / received calls Y
Create conference call from client. Y
Send incoming call to voice mail from client Y
View / access voice mail from client. Y
Change presence status from client Y
View calendar events from client Y

Mobility Features


Mobile "twinning" (Ability to ring desk and cell phone concurrently) Y

Ability to move calls between desk and cellular device Y
On no-answer call is redirected to corporate voicemail Y
If mobile device is offline call is redirected to corporate voicemail Y

Mobile Client Application Comply

Supported on Apple iOS Y

Supported on Android OS Y
Large format client for tablets (iPad, Android Tablet) O
Configurable contact list (by department, function, etc.) O
Dial from contact list O
Display desktop and telephony presence of other users. O
Instant messaging support O
Ability to act as softphone. (Standard, Option, or N/A) O
Ability to be video client. (Standard, Option, or N/A) O
Dial from smartphone directory O
Display of missed / outgoing / received calls Y
Create conference call from client. Y

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Send incoming call to voice mail from client Y
View / access voice mail from client. Y
Change presence status from client Y
Dial from client showing corporate caller ID Y

Vendor Qualifications
To Be Provided by Business Partner



1. Provide a brief description and discussion of your system architecture. Describe connectivity and
communication between its integral parts. Include a Visio or similar diagram to illustrate your
architecture. (Include phone, networking, switch, router, wireless, etc.)

Our design utilizes redundant virtualized IP Office Server Select systems with PRI trunking and SIP tunking. The
difference in trunking contributes to the resiliency. Each location will have a PRI trunk connection for resiliency.
For PRI and analog or digital sets Avaya IP500 control units will be used. See brochures for more info and Visio for

2. Briefly summarize the history of the product that has brought it to its current point of development.
Summarize the future vision of the system.

Avaya IP Office was 1st released in 2001 and could support up to 384 endpoints. Each year Avaya has continued
to add functionality to the system, distilling features from the enterprise system Avaya Aura Communication
Manager to the Midmarket system. Today IP Office will scale to 3000 users. It has replaced the ATT/Avaya
Partner, Legend, and Magix and is Avaya’s go to Midmarket solution.

3. Please summarize what hardware, software and licensing would be needed in the event we were
to add another location with 100 business phones along with its approximate cost.

Hardware - You would only need to have available network ports to support each IP phone.
Software - You will need an IP endpoint license for each phone, $108/license MSRP.

4. What are the environmental requirements for the proposed solution?

IP500 Control Unit temperature should be between 10-35 degrees Celsius and 10%-80% relative humidity. Server can
be operated outside this range but performance will be affected.

5. Are the servers, gateways and other proposed core components mountable? If so, how many U’s of space
are required for each location?

Yes. The IP500 Control Unit is 1.5Us.

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6. Describe the standards the proposed system adheres to such as SIP, H.323, etc.

The Avaya IP Office Platform supports open standards. However, the open standard functionality of H.323 and SIP
are limited. You will find that most H.323 phones in the market place are carrier specific that is because the
standard is only a general framework and needs to be built upon to support many features key to a PBX system. SIP
is a bit more powerful, universal type SIP phones are supported as well as SIP trunking.

7. Will the proposed system support standard analog loop start trunk lines?

Analog trunk lines are supported on analog modules used with the IP500v2 gateway.

8. In our multi-site environment, describe and demonstrate the exact procedure for a user to log into
another IP phone at an alternate Site.

Dial *36 to log out the current user.

Press login soft key
Enter Extension number and pin
Press enter.

9. Please detail support for location-based E911.

Each extension can be set to out pulse a specific number to emergency services. We will need to make sure that
these numbers are all registered correctly with the carrier.

10. If a user logs into a telephone in another building, how is the E911 location information displayed at the
PSAP? Is it based on actual physical location of the telephone set or the normal location of the person’s

E911 is locked to the user profile. An additional 3rd party service would be needed to support 9-1-1 hot-desking.

11. What underlying operating system is used for the applications that form your platform (i.e. Windows
2000, Linux, UNIX, etc.)? List the operating system for each server in your proposal.
Linux operating system

12. Is/are the call processing/voice messaging/other server(s) as proposed physical, virtual or appliance based?

The system will be deployed in a VMware environment in the data center. It can also be deployed using Avaya
preconfigured servers. Though they are capable of virtualization we will not add other programs on here as they
will void replacement coverage with Avaya.

13. Describe any hardware and software the system has to support fault tolerance?

Servers will have redundant power supplies. There will be a primary and secondary server phones can reregister to
the other in the event 1 goes offline. Voicemail can be active-standby or active- active.

14. Describe your plan for any proposed redundancy and precautions for the system in the event of a power

See question above. We can discuss reusing existing UPS units or additional UPS designs further in the
process. Remember with IP phones you will need to power the switches as well.

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15. If a remote location loses connectivity to the central call processor and fails into local survivable
mode, which specific features will be lost in local survivable mode? Describe the process and whether
the on-hook call will auto-connect/reconnect to the central PBX when it enters/exits survivable mode.

If connectivity is lost between the remote location and primary location the remote locations will continue to
work as standalones using local PRI trunking. There will be no feature loss in survivable mode. Reconnection
to the primary PBX will occur automatically (unless configured for manual fall back) after the primary PBX is
restored and has been operating for a reasonable period of time (to ensure that it is stable).

16. Does the system support Supervisory Monitoring? Is it a standard feature or an option? Please
describe the types of monitoring which it is capable of.

Call listening is available standard as well as call steal.

17. Please describe any advanced audio and/or video conferencing and whether it is part of standard system
or an option and licensing costs. Please describe any capabilities such as audio only, desktop sharing, video
or combination. Please include option cost.

Meet-me conferencing for up to 512 participants (external participants limited by trunking) Included.
Office worker license $145/seat MSRP- Provides access to the Avaya IXTM Workplace Client. You can use IM,
phone control, voicemail from your PC. It also provides for person to person video calls.
Web collaboration license $71/seat MSRP- adds on to office worker license and allows the user to host a
web collaboration session where they can screen share. For additional information see the user profile

18. Please let us know what options or upgrades you would recommend to your base configuration. Please
name, define, describe, and price each upgrade that you would recommend in your hardware, software,
or functionality.

Our design will meet your requirements. Through additional conversations we may be able to talk about
additional functionality but I believe we have a good understanding of your needs.

19. Describe how you would integrate hardware based VoIP phones for telecommuters from outside of the
company LAN/WAN over an internet connection. How would this be accomplished for small offices
connected over the internet with no requirement for survivability?

I believe all your sites will be connected via MPLS so we can utilize that network for connectivity. If a site is not
MPLS connected we can connect over the internet to the SBC at your main location. SBC connection would require
an additional SBC license.

20. Does the system support SIP trunking?


21. Does the system use SIP compliant gateways, if so are these made by the same manufacturer as the
system, or by a third party?

There are no true standalone gateways in the design. SIP gateways can be integrated but it is pointless as
the system natively handles SIP.

22. Describe voicemail disk utilization. Where are messages stored in an Exchange environment (on the
Exchange server or the voicemail server?)

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Voicemails are usually stored on the voicemail server. If you want to use your exchange server as a message store
we can configure this but it is not our preferred deployment method. Emails with attached .WAV files of voicemails
sent to users will be on the exchange server until deleted.

23. Does the system support H.264 standards-based video? How is Video supported on the VoIP system

Video is supported for point to point via the Avaya IXTM Workplace thick client.

24. Will adding functions like ACD agents, video conferencing, teleconferencing, call recording require
additional licensing and modules? If so what are the per user costs required to upgrade at a later date?

Due to your Clarifications and request for multi channel contact center after the initial RFP we have added Avaya
Contact Center Select to the Bid which you will find in the BoM.
A virtual meeting room in the cloud-based Avaya IXTM Meetings Online starts at $24.00 per month MSRP and
provides meet-me video conferencing. In addition to typical video endpoints, the Avaya IXTM Workplace Client on
either a desktop, mobile or Vantage™ device can host or join a meeting.

Meet-me- dial- in audio conferencing is included.

Call recording is available ad hoc with this design. Full time archived recording would require and additional
hard drive, Call Recording hardware and licensing for $X MSRP and a Media Manager license for $2,195MSRP.


1. Describe your voice messaging product offering. Include a brief overview of the hardware, software,
architecture, and components of the equipment proposed to meet RFP requirements.

Voicemail Pro is the component name of the voicemail system for the IP Office. It runs as a service along
with the other IP Office software. It can be deployed as active-standby or active-active. Each server shares
a message store and configuration. Its feature set will meet the requirements of the RFP. See your feature
check list and voicemail pro brochure attached.

2. Define the capacities of the proposed voice mail system such as maximum number of callers into the
voicemail system at a single time, maximum length of message, etc.

Based on your requirements we have provisioned 16 voicemail ports this can be expanded up to 500 ports.
Mailbox maximum is limited only by space and up to 3000 hours of messages can be recorded.

3. Is the voicemail built by the manufacturer of the PBX or a third party?

By the manufacturer: Avaya.

4. If additional voicemail ports are required in the future, how is the hardware/software added?
Explain how the system scales beyond the number of proposed ports.

Voicemail ports are added via license no hardware or software is needed.

5. What operating system does the voice mail system use? Will the vendor or local IT staff be
responsible for installing and maintaining the voicemail Operating Software – including security fixes
and updates? If by the vendor, how will this be accomplished?

Voicemail runs on Linux and is part of the IP Office Server Edition Select code base. It is a service on the platform.
All maintenance will be by Business Partner. A Windows client is used for programming and can be used by a

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site administrator for changes but this is outside of the server maintenance.

6. When a backup is performed, what is backed up – programming, greetings, messages? Can it be

scheduled? Does it affect system operation with any downtime?

Programming, greetings, messages, campaigns, names are all backed up and can be scheduled. Backups have no
effect on the system.

7. What, if any, limits are there to greeting, message or announcement length? What will the voice mail do if
an individual mailbox is full? What will the remote caller hear? How will the user be notified and what
options will the user have?

Lengths are limited only by storage space. You have housekeeping options that can automatically delete
messages after a certain amount of time depending on the type of message. You can also set an admin
mailbox that will send you and email when you are at 85% storage capacity. When a user’s mailbox is full,
future callers will hear a message indicating that the mailbox is full and asking them to try calling later (this
message can be customized).

8. Does the voice mail system support distribution lists for sending a message to a group of users? Is it a
standard or optional feature? Please describe.

Yes. Standard. We can set up distribution lists for users from the voicemail pro client or they can follow the
prompts in their mail box to do so. When forwarding or addressing a message you would just enter the number
of the mailing list instead of a user’s extension number.

9. Please describe the system administration interface for the voicemail. Can the voicemail be administered
through the same interface as the PBX? Does it require separate sessions? Is system administration done
through a standard web-enabled GUI? If so, which browsers does the administrative application

Voicemail administration requires a Windows based thick client.

10. Please describe if a user can view and listen to voicemails through a graphical user interface other than
Microsoft Outlook? Can the voice mail be saved as an audio file (.wav or similar)? Please describe.

Voicemails can be emailed to users as .WAV files. Also, if the user has access to the one-X® Portal they can
choose to play messages through their phone or desktop. Messages only to phones cannot be converted to WAV
for storage by the user. Voicemail to email is included for free.

11. Can a user be notified by email, text message or paging of a new voice
mail message?

Yes. Text message will be via email to text and paging via voicemail outcalling.

12. Will the voice mail system be integrated with Microsoft Exchange/Microsoft Outlook so the user can
receive a voice mail message as an email with attached audio file? Is it a standard or optional feature?
Please describe.

This is a standard feature for forwarding or copying. For syncing where Exchange is the message store an office
worker license is required. Most enterprises don’t like to make Exchange their message store.

13. Can voice mail messages be marked as “high priority” or “urgent” or “private”? Can they be

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forwarded with or without comments? Please describe.

Yes. When listening to the prompts associated with creating a new message you can select priority or private.
You and also choose not to select the add addendum key when forwarding messages.

14. How many greetings can the user record and configure? Can they be affected by the time of day, day
of week, holiday or emergency? Can they change by an automatic process or manual? Please describe.

9 greetings can be configured by users and are based on call types: external, internal, ring no answer, busy,
etc. Only hunt groups calls can be programmed by time of day based on in or out of service status. This can be
set automatically. Auto attendants can also be manipulated automatically by time of day, day of week, holiday
or emergency.

15. Describe the message playback commands available from the telephone using DTMF commands. Are
the messages time stamped and is the user notified of this during message playback?

Messages are time stamped. You can play, pause, fast forward, rewind, and skip. If using the visual interface it is in
front of you when listening via the prompts you will need to press *h to get directions on how to complete these

16. Does the proposed system support speech-enabled messaging? Is this a standard or an optional
feature? Please describe the capabilities.

No speech enabled messaging is included.

17. Can the administrator assign a voice mailbox to a user who does not own an extension? Can that
user’s voicemail box be given a Direct in Dial number for use? Can a client call the main number of the
organization and dial that voicemail box extension and leave a message for the employee in question?

Yes to all of the above.


1. Does the proposed system support an auto attendant? Is it part of the standard
system or an option?

Yes, standard.

2. What is the maximum number of auto attendants the

system is capable of?


3. How many levels of menu choices are supported?

Each menu action can have up to 15 touch tone options. There is not printed level limit. However, it is well beyond
what is recommended for ease of use.

4. Can auto attendant greetings and choices automatically change during non-business
hours, holidays, etc.?

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1. Are all aspects of system administration like voice mail, auto-attendants, user and telephone set
administration, ACD, hunt groups, dial plans, advanced reporting, etc. configurable from a single user
interface? If not, please describe other interfaces needed and licensing costs involved on a per user basis.
Are the system administration interface(s) web based or a client installed application? If client based, are
additional licenses need for each computer it is installed on and can it be “pushed” out to computers via
Active Directory? If web based, which browsers does it support?

Voicemail- Uses the voicemail pro thick client for administration. Mailbox passwords are administered in IP
Office Web Manager, or user self-administration.
Web Manager- is web based and is used to administer the phone system itself, users, trunking, call
routes, etc. Manager- is a thick client that functions very similarly to Web Manager.
User self- admin- Give users a web interface to administer some of their own profile voicemail password, twinning
number, button programming and personal directory modification. These features can be limited or not allowed at
There is no extra licensing involved with any of these programs.

2. How is security provided to prevent unauthorized access to the administration application?

Is Active Directory authentication supported?

Security is password based and different access levels can be given to different users. AD is not integrated.

4. Does the system provide auditing and maintain a change log of programming changes describing which
administrator made the change?

5. Can a system backup be performed online or does the system need to be taken offline?
Can the backup be automated/scheduled? Briefly, please describe the process.
Backups can be done while the system is online and automated. Each time a configuration change is made a backup
file is created.

6. Are templates available for configuring different system items such as users, telephone,
etc.? Please describe.

7. Please describe user password administration including minimum/maximum length and whether length can be
configured globally by the administrator, can they be reset and by who, and can they be locked after invalid
attempts? Please describe.

We set minimum length at 6 characters you can have up to 31. Administrators can reset passwords. 1 hour
lock after 5 invalid attempts.

8. Can users be restricted from calling internal, local, long distance, Toll Free, Toll Premium, etc.?
Please describe.

Yes, this is controlled through ARS tables and user rights group.

9. Does the system support full integration to Active Directory? Describe.

Yes. Through LDAP when a new user is created in AD you can set their system name, full name, extension,
email, and profile.

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1. What diagnostic tools, logs and reports are available to aid in isolating faults? Can diagnostics be
remotely accessed? Is remote monitoring available with the proposed system? Is this included in the
proposed price or an option? (If optional, provide pricing.)

System status tool is used for diagnostics. The Partner will have remote access via an encrypted connection with
TeamViewer. Avaya will have remote access and monitoring via an SSLVPN. Avaya support is part of the included
IPOSS offering.

2. Describe the system alarms and alarm notification available from each system. Will the system alert the
vendor support center? Can alerts be sent to our staff? Please describe.

Alerts will be emailed to the Partner support queue and they will contact the end customer via email or phone call.

3. What reporting functions are available? We would like to see some of the reporting functions sample
reports: (example: Average speed to answer, average handle time, call abandonment rate, etc.?)

The above mentioned reports are associated with a call center package. You can see the attached brochure for
more info on the Call Center suite. There are also reports available for any call into the system using Avaya Call
Reporting. You can see sample reports in the attached brochure.


1. Provide a brief description and picture or datasheet for each telephone including business, basic,
cordless, conference and attendant console that you are proposing. If attendant console is software/PC
based, please include screenshot or datasheet and indicate optional cost. Indicate power requirements
(or which PoE class) for each phone.

See attached brochures. Phones require standard Class 1 or Class 2 POE power.

2. Please indicate if each model proposed has an LCD screen and what features are available via the LCD

Each phone will have an LCD screen. Features are not tied to LCD screens but programmed on buttons there are
hundreds of button programming options. The phone brochures will list the number of programmable buttons.
The J169telephone can add three 24-button modules for an additional 72 buttons.

3. Does the proposed system support telephone endpoints with video capability. Please describe.

Yes the Vantage™ devices support video as do our desktop and mobile soft clients. From our discussions we are not
proposing any Vantage devices.

4. Please indicate how many line appearances are available on each phone model proposed or optioned.
Can additional line appearances be added? (e.g. Secretary wants visual indication of their manager’s
on/off hook status)

Phones can have 10 line appearances 10 bridged appearances and 10 coverage appearances. What you
describe as on/off hook status is not an appearance but a busy lamp field. After standard buttons are
programmed usually about 18 programmable buttons are left.

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5. Do headsets require an external amplifier to provide adequate sound quality and volume? Does your
system have a “headset” mode where the handset does not need to be removed from the cradle or is a
handset lifter required? Does the phone have a separate headset jack, or does it connect in line with
the handset? Please describe any wireless/Bluetooth connectivity for headsets. Can we test our current
headsets for compatibility?

Amplifiers are not needed. You will want to use an electronic hook switch so that the handset does not
need to be touched, which is standard on all of the Avaya IP phone sets. We can inform you if your current
headsets compatibility once we review them.

6. Do telephones have TTY capabilities?



1. Describe what features are available within the GUI

interface for users.

Call control, call history, presence indicators, voicemail control, IM,

directory, and queue status are all features of the user GUI
2. What additional software or equipment is required to use this capability and whether it is an additional
licensing cost? Is the end user GUI web based or client based? If client based, are additional licenses
need for each computer? Is licensing included or additional?

Each user will need at least an Office worker license $145/seat MSRP.

3. What system features that can be accessed by the phones are NOT available via the GUI
interface. (Examples are conference calling, transfers, voice mail playback, etc.?)

GUI can access all features and it can be used in concert with the phone.

4. Does the client application support instant messaging? Please


Yes. Avaya IXTM Workplace can use the cloud-based Avaya Spaces for
instant messaging and every IP Office user is provided a free account that
will provide instant messaging.
5. Does the client application support softphone functionality? Please describe.

Yes. Avaya IXTM Workplace can be used as a softphone or with a deskphone.

6. Does the client application support video? Please describe.

Yes. P2P video is supported with other Avaya IXTM Workplace clients and meet-me video using Avaya IXTM Meetings
or other Avaya premises based MCU.


1. Describe how a user can remotely access the system so it appears the caller is calling from a

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telephone set within the network. If additional hardware, software or licensing is needed, please

From manufacturer’s IP phone at employee’s residence. VPN or SBC. Power brick required for phone $53 MSRP.
SBC Requires advanced license $55MSRP.
From employees own personal mobile devices, in addition to standard twining Avaya IXTM Workplace includes a
mobile app for Android and iOS. If data is to be used, a Power User license is necessary $248 MSRP.For softphone
on a laptop, an Office worker or power user license is needed. Connection can be via VPN or SBC.

2. Describe how a user can access listen to voice mail and/or update personal greetings remotely. If
additional hardware, software or licensing is needed, please indicate.

Users can call into the voicemail pilot number free of charge. Alternatively users with the Office Worker or Power
User licenses could use one of the UC applications such as Avaya IXTM Workplace or Avaya Communicator for Web to
access voicemail remotely.


The FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. will consider a relationship with a vendor that can
maintain the latest VoIP system functionality for the new system, with minimal disruption. Proposers must
provide sufficient detail to the FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. in order to fully evaluate
future costs attributed to an annual support contract or other costs associated with maintaining the system.


1. Explain in detail the installation and warranty coverage, and time period of the warranty. When does the
warranty begin?

1 year warranty on all items begins on install day 1. However, we will include IPOSS (IP Office Support
Services) from day
1 because it will allow for advanced parts replacement and software upgrades.

2. Does the warranty include both maintenance and

support services?

Maintenance is IPOSS. See brochure.

3. What are your standard maintenance hours? What are your optional plans, if any? Cost?

Avaya’s support centers are in operation 24x7 globally. However standard maintenance support plans (IPOSS) have
options for 8x5 or 24x7 coverage, depending upon your needs. I have listed in proposal the different options of
support with costs.


1. Is support provided by your company or by the


Both, Parnter gets first call, and involvesAvaya if


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2. Describe what is included in your standard annual maintenance program including any software
updates, enhancements, upgrades and services. What Is NOT included?

Parts, Labor, Remote Support upgrades and updates and all patches. Enhancements come with full version
upgrades and are included. Not included are HARDWARE UPGRADES

3. When software updates or enhancements become available, how do you or the manufacturer
notify FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC. of such update or enhancement?

We will call and/or email the authorized contact to schedule upgrades or patching.

4. What is the standard interval and average interval that you or the manufacturer provide software
updates, enhancements and upgrades?

Patches quarterly. Version upgrades annually.

5. Provide a copy of yours or the manufacturer’s standard support agreement.

This is the link to Avaya’s support Terms and conditions. IN EFFECT AS OF THE DATE OF THIS ORDER,

6. Describe your standard support services and any optional services available.

Our support is 24x7 and has a manned on call person after hours to handle and service calls or emergency
service calls. The only options are from manufacturer for next business day replacement and 4 hour
replacement. (BPartner will include telephone coverage for $1.75 per phone per month if you wish to add onto
existing coverage. If not it is recommended to have 2 phone spares.

7. Describe the account management resources (web portal, knowledgebase, license management,
hardware management, etc.) available to the FAIR WESTERLY COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC, INC.

Avaya knowledgebase will be accessible, license management will be managed by (BP).

8. What are yours or the manufacturer’s response times for:

• Complete system failure? (Please define “Complete system failure”) 2 Hour response
• Major Service malfunction? (Please define “major service malfunction”) 2 Hour response for 20% of phones
down, or main answering position and this applies also to the voice mail system.
• Minor service malfunction? (Please define “minor service malfunction”) Normally we handle minor
service calls within 24 hours of reported issue

9. Discuss your remote monitoring, diagnostic and repair capabilities, focusing on your ability to quickly
and accurately identify and resolve reported troubles. Is this service included in yours or the
manufacturer’s support agreement

We will provide Tier 1 and 2 support while Avaya will provide Tier 3 and 4. Using System Status and Monitor
we can quick determine what the problem is in the system.

10. Provide a procedure for escalating problems encountered during warranty and /or Service Contract periods.

Contact our support team via phone or email. We will work the problem, if Avaya needs to be involved we will
open an Avaya ticket. If you are unsatisfied by the account team you can contact the President Jon Rees.

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11. Explain what is included with the training costs and how it will be implemented. (Location, amount of
time, size of class, web based, etc.) Please separate Administrator and End User training in your

Training is included in installation costs and we don’t have an exact per person cost since it is all inclusive. We
train in classes of 20 or less with live working phones and follow up next business day after cutover to insure
everyone is trained properly. If additional training is needed it will be provided at no cost. Admin training is
done after a successful cutover so not to interrupt any progress in cutover by mistakes. This is normally done
for 2 people or more for 4 hours.

12. Do you provide end user training online? Is there a cost? Please describe.

The documentation will be available online. The training will be online or for an additional fee be in


1. Describe the acceptance test plan, including the criteria for assuring full system performance and
how tests will be conducted to demonstrate proper installation.

Each phone is tested as it is plugged in for internal dialing, external dialing and voicemail access. All
trunking will have test numbers configured for testing prior to any system cut.

2. Explain how you will transition from the existing phone system to the new phone system so that minimal
downtime will be experienced with phone communications.

Since the systems will be mostly different (IP vs. TDM) we can run both concurrently most of the time for
testing until the numbers are ready to be ported. Trunking will be tested ahead of time so downtime will be

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Appendix A: Current Network / Phone System Counts

Locations needing Intercom

Type of existing trunks

Full-featured phones**

Outside phone # - DID

Reporting Licenses
Cordless Phones

Concurrent Calls
Voice Mailboxes
Simple phones*

Existing trunks

ACD Licenses
Total Phones

Hunt Groups
Fax lines
100 Grand 180 40 130 10 400 300 All 0 25 2 46 PRI 10 1 75
101 Awesome 16 3 13 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
102 Terrific 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
103 Great 10 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
104 Purple 15 2 13 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 221 47 164 10 400 300 All 0 28 2 46 PRI 10 1 75

*Simple Phones: 2 Line LCD (17 speed dial buttons I.T. Programmable)
** Full Feature: 5 Line LCD/8 LCD Buttons (17 speed dial buttons I.T. Programmable)

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Appendix B: Phone System Needs

Full-featured phones***

Locations needing Intercom

Type of existing trunks

Outside phone # - DID

Reporting Licenses
Cordless Phones

Concurrent Calls
Voice Mailboxes
Simple phones*

Existing trunks

ACD Licenses
Total Phones

Hunt Groups
Fax lines
100 Grand 200 50 130 20 400 300 All 0 25 2 46 PRI 20 15 80
101 Awesome 19 3 16 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
102 Terrific 45 10 35 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
103 Great 10 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
104 Purple 15 2 13 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 289 37 157 20 400 300 All 0 29 2 46 PRI 20 15 80

*Simple Phones:
• 1 or 2 line LCD
• no programmable buttons
• Standard hold, pickup, transfer, mute, conference, redial
• Ability to connect PC in area’s with 1 data port availability (Gigabit)
• Headset Availability

** Mid-Range Phones:
• Call center ready phones
• Answer multiple lines
• place multiple callers on hold
• Programmable Buttons
• Ability to connect PC in area’s with 1 data port availability (Gigabit)
• Headset Ready

*** Full Feature Phones:

• Call center ready phones
• Answer multiple lines
• place multiple callers on hold
• Programmable Buttons
• Ability to connect PC in area’s with 1 data port availability (Gigabit)
• Headset Ready
• Forward calls to cellphone
• Voicemail to Email Capability

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