5S Implementation Manual Part 2

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Anitech 5S Implementation Manual

What will you do with items you’ve decided may be

unneeded? First, they’ll be red tagged and placed in a separate

Red Tagging
The red tagging process identifies and clears out all unneeded
items that have collected. During the 5S implementation, methods
will be instituted to keep this kind of clutter from building up again
in the future. There may be items in the work area that are
unidentified. Workers may not know what they are, how or when (if
ever) they are used, or why they were placed there in the first place.
To find the answers to those questions, personnel from the entire
facility, division, department, or office need to be involved. A simple
and effective way to obtain their input is through the red tagging

Red tagging procedure is as follows:

1. Select the red tag area

In selecting the area where the first S (Sort) will be
implemented through the red tagging process, ask yourselves these
questions: Will the effort be company-wide or confined to a
department, division, office, etc? Will there be a pilot area
implementation first before a larger effort is undertaken? Which area
and staff do we expect to have the greatest success in the initial
effort? Management and the 5S Team must answer these questions
before the initiative begins, select the initial 5S deployment area, and
choose members for the 5S Red Tag team. It is wise to select an area
where greatest success can be expected for the initial deployment.

A pilot area implementation, with a scheduled red-tagging

effort to follow in each additional area of the facility is
recommended unless the facility is small enough to do a company-
wide deployment initially. The red tagging effort should be
completed in 1-2 days or less. If the area selected is too large it may
result in overlooking some items that should be tagged.

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Anitech 5S Implementation Manual

In addition, it is important to remember that this is a new

undertaking for the team. They need to have sufficient time to
discuss and agree upon criteria, items selected, etc. Don’t choose an
area that is so large it prevents them from being effective during this
part of their learning curve.

2. Organize the Red Tag team

The Red Tag team should include all members of the 5S team, as
well as additional appropriate parties such as representatives from
maintenance, engineering, tool room, production control, etc. in a
factory. In an office, additional personnel might include staff from
maintenance or other departments, and other support staff. It is
recommended that at least one person be involved in red tagging
who is in not a part of the division, department or office being red
tagged, in order to bring a set of “fresh eyes” to the event from the
start. The Red Tag team will function only in this first step of the 5S
process, which should last 1-2 days per deployment.

3. Prepare the Red Tag team for deployment

Use a Red Tag Team Informational Form
First, the Red Tag team (which includes all members of the
5S Team), led by the 5S leader and/or external specialist, should be
given an overview of the 5S System, and of the part they will play in
its first step: Sort. Included in the information they are given should
be the following:
Duration and scope of the entire 5S implementation
Duration and scope of pilot Red tagging in relation to the
entire 5S pilot implementation (1-2 days per area)
Number of 5S deployment phases, dates and areas for
which they are scheduled
Goal of 5S implementation – expected results and benefits
The part they will play in following phases of the
company-wide 5S deployment.

Ideally, all Red Tag team members will receive the complete
5S training, and participate at some level in its full pilot deployment.
The Red Tag team’s attitude and success will be invaluable to the
efforts of the overall 5S implementation. Their enthusiasm and news

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Anitech 5S Implementation Manual

of benefits from their initial effort will help build momentum and
support for 5S among all company personnel.

A key to creating a successful experience from the start is for

Red Tag team members to be given ample time, information and
incentive to do a thorough, deliberate and yet quick blitz of the
assigned area. Leadership from the external specialist or internal
leader and from management is also an essential agreement.

4. Determine types of items to be evaluated

Use a Red Tag Criteria, Documentation and Notification Form
The Red Tag team should make a list of every type of item that is
found in the targeted area. Included are the following examples:
o Tools
o Gauges
o Carts
o Dies
o Fixtures
o Machines
o Other
o Raw material
o Parts
o Products
o Work in process (WIP)
o Excess inventory
o Defective inventory
o Other
Furniture and / or Storage (one or two categories, depending
upon your asset tracking procedures)
o Desks
o Cabinets
o Chairs
o Shelving
o Partitions
o Cupboards
o Boxes
o Misc. and other

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Anitech 5S Implementation Manual

Fixtures and Fittings

o Wires
o Tubs
o Pipes
o Misc. and other
OSHA and Safety violations
Bulletin Boards, Production Boards, Scheduling Boards etc
o Newsletters
o Memos
o Notices
o Flyers
o Misc. and other
Documents, files, etc
o Stacks of papers, file folders etc
o Magazines, catalogues, etc
o Schedules
o Misc. and other
Space – miscellaneous clutter:
o On floors, stairways, in aisles, etc.
o That blocks access to electrical panels, gauges, etc
o Behind cabinets, desks, shelves, etc
o Under desks, in drawers, etc.

5. Set red tag criteria

In a production area, a simple and effective red tagging
criterion is the upcoming month’s (week’s, day’s, shift’s) production
schedule. All items needed in that schedule are kept in the area. All
items not needed in that schedule are removed from the area.

Another way to determine whether an item is needed or not,

is to ask these types of questions:

Is this item within arm’s reach of the work it is used for?

Is this item used daily? (or is it used on this shift; during this
production schedule, etc.)

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Is this quantity of this item used daily? (or on this shift,

during this production schedule, etc.)

Each company will need to devise its own specific questions

and metrics, based upon their particular circumstances. Rules of
thumb are:
Items that are used several times a day (shift, hour,
production cycle, etc.) should be stored within arm’s reach whenever

Items that are used less than once per day (shift, hour,
production cycle, etc) should be stored off-line, or off the desktop.

Surplus items should be stored off line, or off the desktop.

Only keep the number needed for that day’s (or shift’s, hour’s,
production cycle’s, etc.) work within arm’s reach.

6. List and gather needed supplies

For this event supplies are minimal. They include the

a. Red Tags or material from which the red tags will be

made, markers and ties. A way to gauge the average
number of red tags needed is to multiply the number of
employees who work in the area to be red tagged by 4 or
5. This will give an approximate number of tags and ties
(or tape) needed.

b. Colored tape, rope, or other material to delineate the red

tag holding area

That’s it! No other supplies are necessary, although you will

want to have adequate garbage bags or cans on hand.

Note: Tags should be purchased or made prior to the 5S

deployment. Although red tags are available from many sources,
companies sometimes prefer to individualize information contained
on them. If you are going to use customized tags, the Red Tag team,
the 5S team, and/or 5S leader should meet in advance to determine

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criteria to be contained on the tags and authorize printing. Suggested

criteria includes any of the following:
Name of person who red-tagged the item
Department (division; office, etc)
Name of item (or description)
Identification number of item (where applicable)
o Equipment
o Furniture or storage
o Fixtures or fittings
o Inventory
o Documents
o Maintenance supplies
o Other
Frequency of Use
o Never
o Seldom
o Less than once per month
o Once a week
o Once per day or more (but not in this area)
Suggested Action
o Discard
o Store in distant place
o Store in factory (office)
o Store near area
o Store in area in which it is used

7. Create a red tag holding area

Set aside an area for storing red-tagged items while they
await final evaluation and disposition. This area needs to be centrally
easily accessible, close to the area being red-tagged, but not in the
way of work flow. Size will vary depending upon types of items that
may be red-tagged. The Red Tag team should estimate size and
number of items they may be removing from an area and set the size
of the red tag holding area accordingly.

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Anitech 5S Implementation Manual

8. Set and announce the red tagging schedule

It should be announced in advance to all staff concerned that
the Red Tag team is going to move items in their area during the first
and possibly second days of 5S deployment. Announce days and
times affected, purpose and procedure of the Red Tag event, and
amount of time items will be held in the red tag holding area.
(Usually from 10-20 days; never more than 30 days) Announce that
during the holding time any interested or affected individuals or
departments should schedule a walk through the area with the Red
Tag holding area manager to make recommendations for final

After the event, one day per month should be scheduled for a
walk through the area for the purpose of red tagging any items that
have accumulated since the initial activity. It is not necessary to use
the entire team for these follow up efforts. Generally, this is a three-
person exercise.

When effective counter measures have been put into place,

these periodic red tagging walk-throughs should uncover a minimal
number of items to be red tagged. If this is not the case, the 5S team
needs to review the newly devised standards and enforcement policy
that were instituted during the 5S campaign as counter measures to
the collection of unneeded items.

Note: Some 5S proponents say that the red tag event is a one-
time only occurrence, and that implementation of counter measures
for the build up of unneeded items will make it unnecessary to hold
any follow up red tag walk-throughs, Anitech does not recommend
following this advice. It is typically necessary to schedule periodic
red tag walk-throughs. A good plan is to schedule them monthly for
3-6 months. If at least two of these walk-throughs have uncovered no
items that need to be red tagged, go to a bi-monthly or quarterly
schedule. It is important that the schedule be set, communicated and
adhered to, whether monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly. Keeping this
a regularly scheduled event helps re-enforce the cultural changes
necessary to sustain the 5S system once it’s in place.

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Anitech 5S Implementation Manual

9. Inspect and sort the work area

Speed is key to success in the inspection and sorting of
needed and unneeded items during the 1-2 day Red Tag blitz. The
team should move quickly through the area designated to be red
tagged. Unless the area is large, one day should be enough time to
complete the event. The maximum time for red tagging should be
two days.

Move through the red tagging area checking each against the
criteria you have established. Be relentless. When in doubt, move it
out! Remember, the red tagging area is a holding area, not a landfill.
If someone else in the company discovers a needed item has been
red tagged it can easily be reclaimed.

Some items may be clearly disposable: outdated notices or

irreparably damaged items, for example. Don’t red tag them. Get rid
of them. All other items, after being inspected by team members and
found questionable, should be tagged with all known relevant
information, and taken to the holding area.

Use a form similar to the Anitech Red Tag Criteria,

Documentation and Notification Form (A5S.2)

10. Attach red tags to relevant items

Tie or tape a red tag to each item in question. Guidelines are:
Fill out all known relevant information before attaching
red tag to item
Each team members should look at items tagged by
another member, verify that they are unneeded, and add
to relevant information on tag if applicable
Tag all items that thought to be unneeded
Tag excessive quantities of needed items
Tag each item individually (boxes or shelves full of items
should not be tagged as one item)

11. Place all red-tagged items in holding area

All red-tagged items should be moved to the holding area for
the agreed upon amount of time. If an item is too large to remove

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from the work area, it should be red tagged, and the red tag
manager should make arrangements for inspection and disposition.
During the holding period (from 10-30 days) all affected staff should
do a walk-through of the red tag holding area. They should add all
available relevant information to tags and notify Red tag manager of
any items that should be returned to the work area or placed in a
different work area. All suggestions for disposition must be made
within the stated holding time.

Company-wide announcements for appropriate personnel to

inspect items in the pilot red-tag holding area serve a dual function.
First, their feedback is necessary before final disposition of items
occurs. Secondly, the communication will familiarize personnel in
other areas with the red tagging process and its benefits. Support for
the initiative will build. An understanding of the 5S System, its
methods, techniques and rewards, will grow as implementation
spreads from area to area.

Note: Management can help build awareness and buy-in for

the 5S deployment at this stage by immediately calling attention to
progress made. Prominently displayed Before and After photos,
announcements, memos, division, team or individual rewards, etc.
can be used quite effectively in conjunction with red tagging.

12. Designate a red tag holding area manager

Management needs to participate in selection of this person.
The candidate will most likely come from the 5S Red Tag team.

13. Conduct a “fresh eyes” inspection with outside

At this point it is helpful if two or more team members walk
through the red-tagged area with two or three people from outside
that area, giving it one last look. Fresh eyes may locate additional
questionable items that the Red Tag team overlooked.

14. Tag additionally identified items and move them to

holding area

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Follow the same procedure as above for all items additionally


15. Evaluate each red-tagged item

Be sure that all relevant department, division, office,
manager, staff members, etc. are informed that they must inspect the
holding area and evaluate each red-tagged item before the specified
cut-off date. Persons evaluating items will need to arrange inspection
with the red tag manager and make their recommendations to him or
her. All additional recommendations and information must be added
to red tags before final disposition.

At the specified cut-off date, the red tag event is finished and
the red tag manager is responsible for immediate disposition of all
items in the holding area.

16. Create a system of documentation

The Red Tag team will need a thorough and easy-to use
system of documentation for red-tagged items. This may be
produced from the Anitech Red Tag Criteria, Documentation and
Notification Form (A5S.2.) It keeps a record of all items tagged, all
information entered regarding each item, and generates necessary
tracking documentation. If the Anitech form is not used, the Red Tag
team will need to create its own documentation form and system.

Documentation to be logged and tracked should include the

Category of red-tagged item
o Equipment
o Furniture or Storage
o Fixtures or Fittings
o Inventory
o Documents
o Maintenance supplies
o Other
o Discarded
o Returned to supplier

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o Moved to ______ (stored in another location in

o Distributed to _______ (for use in another
location in company)
o Sold
Notification of appropriate personnel
Person who carried out disposition
Date of disposition
Area covered
Dates of Red Tag event
Names of Red Tag Team members
Name of Red tag manager
Categories and numbers of items red-tagged
Copy of communication that went to all relevant
personnel for evaluation
Date for final evaluation before holding area is cleared
Schedule for Red Tag events to be held during the year
Authorization for disposition, including date and

17. Document results of red tagging initiative

The Red Tag team should prepare a concise document, using
their form, the Anitech form or another, compiling results of their
completed initiative as a report-out to management.

18. Devise a plan for disposition of red tagged items

Red Tag team recommendations form the basis of the
disposition plan. Each item needs to be accounted for in the plan.
Personnel responsible for each type of disposition, method of
disposition and date need to be included in the plan.

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19. Notify appropriate personnel to make final

After other personnel have completed inspection and
evaluation the Red Tag manager should obtain authorization for final
disposition, make arrangements, notate on red tags and document on
the updated report-out form. Strict adherence to the cut-off date is
important. Final disposition of all items should occur on that date.

20. Temporary red tag holding area

A temporary Red Tag holding area should be set up for
placement of any questionable items in the future that need to be
inspected for possible disposition. Red Tag holding area manager
should oversee this process and area. This may be a portion of the
original red tag holding area.

A Red Tag Criteria, Documentation, and Notification Form

can automatically notify all appropriate personnel of disposition. If
this form has not been used, the Red Tag manager should make

21. Layout evaluation and re-design of area from which

red-tagged items were removed
Removal of unneeded items in the targeted work area may
have cleared enough space that layout can be changed for a more
efficient workflow. Evaluation and possible re-design of the space
will be done in the second step: Straighten.

22. Analyze reason unneeded items have built up

Find the root cause for build up for each category of item that
was red-tagged, and if necessary for individual items within each
category. Some causes might include:
Defective products are produced, not disposed of
properly, and reason for defect is not determined and
Inadequate storage locations in work area and off line

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No standardized procedures for regularly purging excess

Overproduction causing inventory build ups
Inadequate transportation of items in and out of work
No time included in daily routine for workplace

23. Develop counter measures (standards) to prevent

Each cause discovered during analysis should be documented
for use in the second step: Straighten. During this step organizational
techniques will be deployed. Standardized procedures and reporting
systems will be developed during the fourth step: Standardize

24. Create and communicate summary of Red Tag

analysis results
If a Red Tag Form has been used during this process, you
should use it to generate a summary of results and send them to all
appropriate personnel by email. If this form has not been used, the
team should create and communicate this summary.

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Anitech 5S Implementation Manual

Chapter Four

The Second S: Straighten

A place for everything, and everything in its place”

What’s the big deal?

Granted, some people are better than others at making an
office or shop neat and tidy. But nearly anyone can do a passable job
of straightening up the place. If that’s all there was to the second step
you could skip to the next chapter now.

The Second S, Straighten, is at the heart of creating a

maintainable and efficient system that can be used by anyone. It
entails much more than making the office or shop neat and tidy.
When properly executed, this second step creates an organizational
system that can be standardized and sustained, providing substantial
improvements that translate to significant increases in ROI.

What happens in the Second Step: Straighten?

All needed items (those left after red tagging has been
completed) are arranged for efficient and easy use. Then they and
their storage areas are marked or labeled so that anyone can easily
locate them and anyone can easily put them away.

Two key components of this step are determining best

placement of all items in order to reduce waste, and marking in such
a way that anyone can immediately find and return the item.

What kinds of problems does Step 2 eliminate?

Some examples of the kinds of waste or problems that occur
when items are not arranged for efficient use, or are not marked to
guarantee proper storage at all times, include:

Each time an office worker needs to punch holes in a paper,

he has to go to the workroom to use the three-hole punch.

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Most office personnel use the punch once a week or less. One
person, however, uses it more than once a day. Yet, the hole-
punch is no closer to his workstation than to the ones of those
workers who need to use it only once a week.

Certain sets of files are kept in the workstation of one

secretary, at the back of a large office area. When others need
one of those files, they have to get the key from the woman at
that workstation. Unfortunately, her work takes her away
from her desk often, and others regularly waste time looking
for her so they can get a needed file.

A worker searches for a needed assembly aid that he left in

the production area just before going to lunch. It isn’t there
when he returns and he wastes twenty minutes looking for it
before the co-worker who used it returns from his break and
locates the missing production aid.

A worker takes a box of parts from a shelf, to be used in the

production line, not realizing that the wrong box of parts has
been placed in the spot where he usually gets the needed
item. The switched part isn’t noticed by the operator until
after he’s already made a defective product. Then, the line is
shut down while the correct parts are located and brought in.

A worker trips over a box of items left in a walkway, falls

and is injured. He is off the job for three days.

Often, the problems that arise from poor arrangement of

items in the work place, or failure to properly replace items, are
overlooked or fail to be attributed to the root cause. Many kinds of
waste, or problems, in the production area or office have become so
habitual that they’re taken for granted. Others may a source of
frustration for workers, yet sustainable solutions have not been
found. Sometimes a co-worker is blamed when, in fact, the system
itself is at fault.

When considered individually many of these problems may

seem inconsequential. When added together throughout the course of

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a day, however, and multiplied by the number of workers

experiencing the same wasted motion or other difficulty, they can in
fact be very significant.

What are the areas of waste reduced by Step 2?

All waste reduced by the second step could fit into the
category of wasted time. In the real-time environment of the 21st
century enterprise, a company cannot long remain competitive if it is
wasting production or process time. Three main areas of wasted time
(and with it the associated waste of energy and effort) that the
second step improves are:

1. Lost time spent looking for items

2. Lost time due to difficulty in using items
3. Lost time in returning items

What are the benefits of the Second Step: Straighten?

When time lost from unnecessary searching, returning and
difficult usage is reduced you will receive the following benefits:
1. Improved quality
2. Improved productivity
3. Improved safety
4. Improved satisfaction among workers

How do we know which items need to be relocated or

marked differently?
Ask these questions:
1. Is the item easy for anyone to find?
2. Is the item easy to use?
3. Is the item easy for anyone to return?
4. Is equipment involved standardized?
5. Would the standardization be clear to anyone?
6. Have limits been set?
7. Are the limits clearly understandable by anyone?

A good guideline is this: Ask whether a new employee would

be able to find, use and return the item the first day on the job. If the

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answer is no, in nearly all cases the item has either not been located
or labeled as well as it needs to be.

There are three main considerations in determining the
location of items are:

1. Frequency of use
Rule of thumb: The more often it is used, the closer it is
2. Safety
If it in any way presents a safety hazard, it is not properly
stored and/or marked
3. Process flow
Consider each of the following characteristics to determine
whether items are located for optimal process flow:
a. Weight
b. Height
c. Space
d. Availability
e. Proximity
f. Visibility
g. Standard indicators
h. Its use in conjunction with other items
Items used together should be stored together
Items used together should be stored in the sequence
in which they are used
1. Categorize all items
Those that should be replaced after each use
o Place in order of use
o Place as close as possible to point of use
o Place where least motion, and most efficient
motion, is used in removing and replacing
Those that are not replaced after each use

2. Map the area

1. Map the workspace layout. Include all equipment, tools,
furniture, parts, supplies, inventory, machinery, etc. in

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2. this area map. It may be done in the form of a floor plan,

area diagram, or other.

3. Indicate work flow among all items on the map. Use one
arrow for each operation or task. Draw the arrows
sequentially, in order the tasks are performed, and
number each arrow.
3. Analyze the map
1. Study the area map – sometimes called spaghetti diagram
– to discover areas of congestion.

2. Highlight or in some way mark the areas of congestion.

These areas will contain your highest degrees of waste.

3. Analyze all motion to discover waste, using the following

industrial engineering style principles:

Start and end each motion with both hands moving at

Both arms should move symmetrically and in
opposite directions
Keep trunk motions to a minimum
Use gravity instead of muscle
Avoid zigzagging motions and sudden changes in
Move with a steady rhythm
Maintain a comfortable posture with comfortable
Use the feet to operate on and off switches for
machines where practical
Keep materials and tools close and in front
Arrange materials and tools in the order of their use
Use inexpensive methods for feeding in and sending
out materials
Keep operators at a proper height for the work to be
Make materials and parts easy to pick up

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Make handles and grips in efficient, easy-to-use

shapes and positions

4. On the map, indicate where all known wasted motion


4. Evaluate use of tools

Eliminate as many jigs, tools, dies, templates, etc as
possible by making them serve multiple functions.

5. Look for following types of problems that can create wasted

Workbenches or tables that are too wide
Parts that require turning, twisting, bending or
reaching behind
Items that are hard to see or reach because they are
laid out horizontally rather than vertically or on a
Items that are too far above or below eye level to be
seen well
Items placed too high to be reached in normal
working position
Items arranged so that crossover of hands is necessary
(not in order of use)

6. Look for areas of congestion and wasted motion in the new

area layouts

7. Create a new area map

Design and map new layouts, drawing and numbering arrows
to show sequence of work flow, refining until as much wasted
motion as possible has been eliminated.

8. Design new storage

1. Storage should be enough larger than the item so that it
can be easily removed and returned
2. Store tools according to function if they are used in job
shop production

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3. Store tools according to their product base if they are used

in repetitive production
4. Create suspended storage for tools where possible

9. Continue to improve your layout design until you have

eliminated all waste that you can at this time.

10. Deploy the new layout

1. Implement the new design as a pilot project, moving all
equipment, tools, furniture, parts, supplies, inventory,
machinery, etc to their new locations
2. Evaluate actual work flow undertaken in the newly
designed layout
3. Make improvements in accordance with evaluation

Signboard Strategy
Remember – the goal is for anyone to be able to determine at
any place and any time in a factory what goes where. Use of
signboards is a key strategy for this.

What information should a signboard convey? What, where,

and how many.

Types of signboards:
1. Inventory, showing items needed for current-charge
2. Machine’s acquisition date production purposes.
3. Machine/equipment: (to be hung from ceiling over
machine, posted against a wall or on machine itself).
a. Name of machine
b. Process name
c. Operator or other person-in
4. Shop: display plant name, line name, cell name, etc.
Steps in signboard deployment:
1. Determine locations
a. Develop a floor plan from previous area layout
b. Map the applicable process in sequence, showing
direction of product or process flow
c. Identify bottlenecks and flow congestion

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