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1. How does flame height change for increase/decrease of primary aeration?

2. How does flame height change for increased jet flow rate?

They are directly proportional.

3. How does replacing methane with propane affect the burner design assuming the total burner
power remains the same?

This effect is generally known as the stoichiometry effect and the effect is as follows:

With the increase of flame length, all design factors will change like nozzle velocity, the fuel/air ratio
and other factors.
4. What is the effect of aeration with oxygen rather than air?

Note that replacing air with oxygen is essentially the same as increasing the mole ratio of oxygen from
around 0.21 (normal mole fraction of oxygen in air) to 1.00 (pure oxygen).



I. Jet Flame Physical Description

> As the fuel flows along the flame axis, it diffuses radially outward, while the oxidizer diffuses radially

> The flame surface can be defined as:

> The products formed at the flame surface diffuse radially both inward and outward

> An overventilated flame is where there is more than enough oxidizer in the immediate surroundings
to continuously burn the fuel

> Underventilated flame is the opposite of an overventilated flame

> Flame length for an overventilated flame is determined at the axial location where:

> By ignoring the effects of heat released by reaction, the equation below provides a crude description
of flame boundaries when YF = YF, stoic

> When r equals zero, the flame length is approximately:

> Flame length is proportional to volumetric flow rate of fuel

> Flame length is inversely proportional to the stoichiometric fuel mass fraction

> Since QF = veπR2, various combinations of ve and R can yield the same flame length

> Since the diffusion coefficient D is inversely proportional to pressure, the height of the flame is
independent of pressure at a given mass flow rate.


i. Burke and Schumann (1928)

- Constant velocity field parallel to flame axis

- Reasonable predictions of Lf for round burners

ii. Roper (1977)

- Relaxed single constant velocity assumption

- Provides extremely good predictions

- Matched by experimental results/correlations

- Round and slot-burners

The figure above correlates the volumetric flow rate of the fuel and flame length. Regardless of the
nozzle geometry, it can be seen that as fuel volumetric flow rate increases, so as the flam length. The
main difference among the different nozzle types is just the slope of the ‘almost’ straight line that
relates fuel flowrate and flame length. It can be seen from above that a slot with h/b ratio of 2 has the
highest slope – meaning, highest flame length for a given fuel flow rate among the given nozzle
The graph above shows the effect of primary aeration and can be explained as follows:

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