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Optimization of

end-of-life system
ISE 183104 - Lingkungan dan ekologi Industri

Program Studi Sarjana Teknik Industri

Fakultas Teknologi Industri - UNPAR

Brezet,H.& Van Hemel,C.,1997.Ecodesign: A Promising

Approach to Sustainable Production and Consumption,
UNEP eds, Industry and Environment., Modul B

 Introduction
 Strategies of optimizing the end-of-life system
 Step-by-step for developing an end-of-life system
 Step-by-step plan for the end-of-life analysis on
product level
 Optimize the product according to the end-of-life
 Quantitative underpinning to optimize the end-of-life

 Ecodesign forces business to start thinking about what

happens to the product after it leaves the factory
 Business have to develop a scenario for what happens to
the product when the user no longer wants to use it: end
of life phase
 Product developers must concern themselves with the
end-of-life phase because:
 The magnitude and diversity of waste problem is increasing
 Society become aware that its natural resources, material,
and energy must be used more efficiently and sustainably
 Industry wants to achieve environmental improvement at the
lowest possible cost

 The end-of-life of a product refers to all that can happen to

a product after it has been discarded by the initial user.
 Entrepreneurs must able to answer:
 Is the product taken back and reused?
 Are useful components removed from the product for reuse, or
are only the materials used?
 Is the entire product incinerated or is it just dumped on a rubbish
 The view taken by management of the end-of-life system of
the product is a strategic consideration which is depends on
consumer behavior, infrastructure, and local and
international legislation.
Amazon packaging
Strategies of optimizing
the end-of-life system
Two Eco-design strategy which
are related to end-of-life

 Eco-design strategy 6: optimization of the initial life

 Prevent the user from discarding the product- for
instance by extending its life
 Delaying the end-of-life
 Eco-design strategy 7: optimization of the end-of-life
Eco-design strategy 7:

7.1 Reuse the product as a whole, either for the same or a new
7.2 Reuse sub-assemblies and components by remanufacturing and
7.3 Recycle the material involved by:
1. primary recycling : recycling the original application
2. secondary recycling : recycling the lower-grade application
3. tertiary / feedstock recycling :
recycling of plastics by decomposing their long plastic molecules into
elementary raw material which are subsequently reused in refineries or for
the production of petrochemicals

Diambil yang sobek

Eco-design strategy 7 (2)
7.4 Safe incineration with energy recover and waste disposal
1. incinerate non-reusable materials by using energy
generation technology and good flue gas purification
(quaternary / thermal recycling)
2. incinerate non-reusable materials without energy
generation technology but with flue gas purification
3. dispose of the residual material in a controlled fashion
as a solid waste.
 Incineration without flue gas purification and uncontrolled
dumping : prohibited options
 Recycling or safe incineration with energy recovery is
sometimes preferable to reuse or remanufacturing
 It is better to safe incinerate materials that contain toxic
Safe incineration with energy
recover and waste disposal
Supplementary Topics
available at
Flue gas treatment
Energy generation
Strategies of optimizing the
end-of-life system
 The aim is to keep a material in the highest grade application for
as long as possible
 In the chemical industry, the high-grade material natural gas is
not used initially for heating but it first used for other purposes:
gas ------ produce plastics ------- high-grade products --------- low-grade
product ---------packaging material ------ low-grade fuel (by feedstock
recycling) -------- generate energy
 Priorities have to be set when developing an end-of-life system:
 Conflicts between numerous design options
 Conflicts when the reduction of materials usage and energy
consumption are simultaneously taken into consideration.
Step-by-step for developing
an end-of-life system
7 major steps detailed….
Step-by-step for developing an
end-of-life system

 Choosing the most suitable end-of-life system is a strategic

 The design rules for life extension, product reuse,
component reuse, and material reuse are not the same
 The choice of end-of-life system can influence the entire
1. Draw up a profile of the
product’s current end-of-life
1. Who owns the product?
Individual or professional customer (buy in bulk)
2. What kind of ownership is involved? Owned or rented
3. What is the price? Higher price – better reuse market
4. How big is the product? Fit into a bin liner – put out,
medium-sized – end up in cellar/attic, large – returned to
5. What is the average life of the product? 2-5 years – high-
grade reuse
6. What is the product’s weight? The heavier the more material
contain, the more attractive material recycling becomes
2. Analyze the main reasons
why users dispose of the

1. Is the product disposed of because of technical

defects? Weak component is difficult to repair
2. Is the product sensitive to trends? Goes out of fashion -
3. Are there new products on the market which offer
more features? ‘old’ product is no longer satisfactory
3. Determine what legislation
and regulations affect the end-
of-life system
1. To what extent is the manufacturer responsible for the end-of-life
2. Does a take-back obligation already exist for discarded products?
3. How can the cost of returning and processing the product be
4. What rules and prices apply with regard to product reuse, material
recycling, and the incineration and dumping of residual waste?

 It is the intention that manufacturers and importers of products will

systematically take products back and ensure that they are
processed in an ecologically-sound fashion.
 Take back should preferably not incur any cost for the last user but
can for instance be financed through price increase for new
4. Contact the suppliers

Discussion with suppliers can improve dealing with end-of-life

issues in two ways:

1. Thanks to their expertise and individual possibilities, suppliers

can usually achieve sub-assembly /component /material
reuse more efficiently and cheaper than the manufacturer of
the product
2. By reducing or eliminating substances which are harmful to
the environment in the deliveries of suppliers, the environment
impact and the cost can be reduced in those cases when it is
impossible to prevent the generation of waste.
5. Establish how the product
can be collected
The return of discarded products can be organized in three ways:
1. By a system whereby the consumer hands in the product to a
recycling station or council-run center
2. By a system whereby the goods are picked up from the last user
by the council or by private refuse collection services
3. By a return system via the retailers: the product is traded in for a
new product, and either the consumer or the retailer is given a
“return premium” or a money deposit is introduced.

More expensive product (cars) often ‘traded in’ or used to bargain

for a discount on the purchase of a new one; contribute to the
realization of more environmentally friendly end-of-life strategies.
6. Determine who is going to
recycle or process the product

1. Should the product be processed in-house?

Pro: Quality of products, components, or materials can then
be safeguarded – brought back into the industrial process
Cont: Generally limited to processing waste and rejects from
in-house production because all business prefer to stick to
the core activity
2. Should the product be processed by a third party?
Reuse → manufacturer knows how much expert knowledge
is available in the third party firm
remanufacturing/refurbishing → quality and volume
recycling → technology available and sufficient size of scale
incineration → what the terms are for acceptance of the
product (domestic refuse / special category)
7. Select the most efficient
end-of-life system
 Establish a main scenario and drawing up several
alternatives with the uncertainty of future
developments in mind – helps determine which design
rule are the most significant one for the end-of-life
 Scenarios not usually accurate --- knowledge in the
field end-of-life systems is still being developed and
not all relevant knowledge and data are freely
7. Select the most efficient
end-of-life system
Develop alternative scenarios with deep consideration of factors:
1. Users will think twice before the discarded products
2. Government will develop more legislation and regulations
3. A more effective processing industry will emerge
4. Technological options will be expanded, especially in the field of
mechanical processing of wastes
5. The market for recycled material will improve
6. The incineration, and especially the burial, of waste will be
subjected to more regulations and become more expensive
7. Suppliers will become progressively more involved in integral
chain management.
8. Environmental impacts and the resulting costs will become easier
to quantify.
Step-by-step for the end-of-
life analysis on product level
Determine the end-of-life destination of a product
Step-by-step plan for the end-
of-life analysis on product level

Determining the end-of-life destinations for the parts of

the reference product
 Products parts can have different end-of-life
 Some parts can be reused,
the housing can be disassembled and recycled,
the remaining parts can be mechanically processed
 This will depend on how different parts age and on
how easy is to free parts from the product

2 4 6

3 5
Chart’s decision points

1. Will the material cycles be closed?

This choice determines whether or not the products will be kept in
the loop and therefore roughly what the end-of-life system will be.
2. Is product disassembly part of the policy?
Disassembly is done for two reasons:
1. to obtain the purest form of secondary materials possible
2. Isolating the hazardous components
so they do not contaminate other material or exert too great
an influence on the environmental impacts of the whole
product or on the financial return.
To get the idea of disassembly part for both reasons, click here
 Disassembly is done by hand and costly → Disassembly
test : to estimate the probable disassembly time of a
 It is economically attractive to disassemble product by
hand when the disassembly costs of useful parts are
smaller than the end-of-life costs.
Chart’s decision points (2)

3. Which parts can be reused?

Parts can be reused when the technical life of the product is longer
than the economic life. There is a market for these parts
4. Is the product (or part of it) fit for mechanical processing?
Two steps: reduction of the materials to small sizes (by compacting
or shredding) and separation.
5. Which parts will be suitable for high-or-low quality
High-quality recycling: 95% of the magnetic material, 95% of
thermoplastics of one kind, 60% of the precious metals
Low-quality recycling: 95% consist of two materials, 80% of
aluminum, 90% of ferrous materials.
Chart’s decision points (3)

6. Which parts can be incinerated, dumped, or treated as

chemical waste?
Materials with high calorific value: landfill
Plastic parts which cannot be reused or recycle: incineration
Not stripped of its toxic component: chemical waste

Results of the flow chart

the feasibility of disassembly and mechanical processing can
influence the decision on whether to close material loops.
Priorities within the end-of-life system can be set.
Optimize the product
according to the end-of-life
Recycling metals
 Other metal may lead to lower metal scrap rate
 Metal waste and high-metal content fractions can
generally be recycled in metal forges.
 Copper fraction are often heavily polluted with mixed
Recycling plastics
 Plastics from disassembly process are pure enough to
be eligible for material recycling, very strict design
condition should be met
 Plastics from mechanical processes are usually too
mixed and contain too many pollutants – incineration
 The use of plastic waste as a reducing agent in blast
 Feedstock recycling:
 pyrolysis → cutting molecules with heat (oxygen)
 hydrogenation → heating plastics with hydrogen
 gasification → pyrolysis with main syngas as main product
 Chemolysis→ cutting molecules with chemicals
Recycling glass and ceramics

 Glass and ceramics are mutually incompatible

 Low grade application without environmental
1. The use of glass and ceramics as an additive for
building material and road construction
2. The use of lead-content glass as additive in the lead
ore smelting process
3. The use of as raw material for low grade application

 Recycling wood and textiles

Reuse, incinerator, refuse dumps
 Recycling toxic materials
Preventing waste and emissions
 Self incineration
How the residual slag is treated
 Disposal of waste
Waste disposal as landfill is now subject to strict control
Quantitative underpinning to
optimize the end-of-life system

 Realistic end-of-life strategy can be

obtain by some methods such as:
 Life Cycle Assessment
 Life Cycle Costing
 End-of-life Cost
End of Life & Circular
Thank you
See you next week… don’t forget to collect your
assignment ☺
God bless….

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