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for the Licensure Examination for


Review Questions for

1. The best known parasitic forms of crustacean found in fish, and may be attached to the skin or
imbedded in the flesh of the fish.
a. Protozoa c. Bacteria
b. Parasites d. Copepods

2. These are prevalent in fish and can be of particular significance in fish culture, it is not detrimental to
man, but a few other microorganisms of different types are harmful to man.
a. Fungi infections c. Virus infections
b. Bacterial infections d. All of the above

3. This poisoning result from eating reef fish and shellfish that have earlier consumed toxic
a. Ciguatera poisoning c. Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning
b. Paralytic shellfish poisoning d. Amnesic shellfish poisoning

4. The main dinoflagellate liable in ciguatera poisoning.

a. Alexandrium c. Pyrodinium bahamense var. Compressa
b. Gymnodinium d. Gambierdiscus toxicus

5. This is one of the most potent and stable marine toxins known.
a. Saxitoxin c. Ciguatoxin
b. Brevetoxin d. Biotoxin

6. Poisoning that is much more serious than ciguatera poisoning as the mortality rate is over 50%
a. Histamine poisoning c. Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning
b. Neurotic shellfish poisoning d. Puffer fish poisoning

7. Toxin that mostly found in many species of pufferfish.

a. Ciguatoxin c. Domoic acid
b. Saxitoxin D. Tetrodotoxin

8. This occurs when particular molluscs such as mussels, clams and scallops are eaten.
a. Ciguatera poisoning c. Paralytic shellfish poisoning
b. Histamine poisoning D. Amnesic shellfish poisoning

9. These organisms that are toxic to man and some of them tend to be pigmented particularly with red
colors, except.
a. Alexandrium c. Gymnodinium
b. Prorocentrum D. Pyrodinium

10. The toxin which survives cooking or canning, gives rise to symptoms of tingling and numbness in the
extremities and of muscles weakness.
a. Brevetoxin c. Biotoxin
b. Ciguatoxin D. Saxitoxin

11. The following symptoms are cause by puffer fish poisoning, except.
a. Numbness of the lips, tongue and fingers
b. Nausea
c. Vomiting
d. Numbness with a prickling sensation around the lips, tongue and throats.

12. This type of poisoning is rather similar to PSP although no deaths have been reported.
a. Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning c. Tetraodon poisoning
b. Amnesic shellfish poisoning d. Ciguatera poisoning

13. The following symptom is found in DSP, except.

a. Diarrhea c. Abdominal pain
b. Vomiting D. Central neural deficiency

14. This poisoning cause short memory loss appears to be permanent in surviving victims.
a. ASP c. DSP

15. These are non-proteins and are very stable; generally difficult to tell from the appearance of fish or
shellfish whether it is toxic.
a. Toxins c. Brevetoxin
b. Saxitoxin d. Biotoxins

16. This is a chemical intoxication caused by ingestion of foods that contain high levels of histamine.
a. Biogenic amine c. Parasites and other organism
b. Contamination with pollutants d. Organic Compound

17. Histamine producing bacteria, except.

a. Shigella sp. c. Vibrio spp.
b. Lactobacillus sp. d. Enterobacteriaceae

18. Storage temperature that can limit the formation of histamine in fish to insignificant levels.
a. 40 °C c. 30 °C
b. 60 °C D. 0 0C

19. Hazard action for tuna.

a. 50mg/100g c. 100mg/50g
b. 50mg/50g d. 100mg/100g

20. DDT stands for

a. Dichloro-diphenyltrichloroethane c. Dichloro-diphenylethane
b. Dichloro-dipenyldichloroetane d. Dychloro-diphenlydichloroethane

21. The concentration of the chemicals in the higher levels of the food chain.
a. Bioaccumulation c. Organic compound
b. Biomagnification D. Inorganic compound

22. The increasing concentration of chemicals in the body tissues accumulated over the life span of the
a. Biomagnification c. Inorganic compound
b. Bioaccumulation D. Organic compound

23. Organisms which occur in fish as a result of fecal contamination of aquatic environments.
a. Escherichia coli c. Staphylococcus aureus
b. Enterobacteriaceae d. Salmonella sp

24. These are inactive if outside the living host cell, but still survive.
a. Bacteria c. Viruses
b. Parasites d. Fungi

25. Defect such as discoloration, tainting, bruised surface, gaping, broken fish pieces, freezer burn, etc., are due t
human carelessness or ignorance and almost all are preventable.
a. Intrinsic quality c. Quality
b. Extrinsic quality D. Quantity

26. The presence of dirt and sand in these products could greatly affect their acceptability.
a. Smoked product c. Salted product
b. Dried product d. Fermented product

27. Random routine check of salt and acid content in the end-product can prevent defects in these products.
a. Fermented product c. Salted product
b. Marinated product d. Frozen product

28. Quality control is defined by the ISO as the operational techniques and activities used to attain
requirements for quality. ISO means
a. Integrated Standard Organization
b. International Standards Organization
c. International System Organization
d. Integrated System Operation

29. It is pertains to all planned and systematic actions required to provide adequate confidence
That a product or service will satisfy the given requirements for quality.
a. Quality control c. ISO
b. Quality assurance d. GMP

30. These rely on the use of the human senses except hearing.
a. Non-sensory methods c. Mechanical method
b. Sensory methods d. Chemical method

31. This is used from harvesting to sale to evaluate species, appearance, attractiveness of the packaging,
and other attributes.
a. Sense of touch c. Sense of taste
b. Sense of smell d. Sense of sight

32. This method requires analysis in obtaining information regarding a subject's response to differences
between samples.
a. Analytical c. Acceptance
b. Descriptive d. Preference

33. This method require considerable analytical task on the part of the panelist.
a. Analytical c. Acceptance
b. Descriptive d. Preference

34. Methods where the final destiny of manufactured products is in the hands of the consumers
a. Analytical c. Acceptance
b. Descriptive d. All of the above

35. The consumers tests are classified into the following except.
a. Preference test c. Acceptance test
b. Descriptive test d. None of the above

36. These are required to do the evaluation work under conditions which are purposefully standardized.

a. Very high trained panelist c. Trained panelist
b. High trained panelist D. Evaluator

37. This is used for testing the toughness of fish.

a. Timer c. Simple texturometer
b. Thermometer d. Ultra-violet fluorescence

38. It is express as the percentage ratio of the total amount of inosine and hypoxanthine produce over all
nucleotides present.
a. Amine compound c. Protein deterioration
b. Lipid deterioration D. Nucleotide degradation

39. This results in the lowering of the water- holding capacity of the meat.
a. Lipid deterioration c. Protein Denaturation
b. Amine compounds d. Nucleotide degradation

40. This measures the total number of organisms present in the sample and capable of growing under the
incubation conditions adopted.
a. Standard plate count c. Microbiological methods
b. K-value d. Microbiological quality control

41. This is applied regularly to various frozen products, heat-processed fish products, and products which
are eaten raw.
a. Microbiological method c. Quality control
b. Microbiological quality control d. Biochemical method

42. It is particularly useful as indicator of contamination or mishandling such as temperature abuse in

product handling.
a. Escherichia coli c. Salmonella spp.
b. Staphylococcus aureus d. Clostridium botulinum

43. This is a preventative strategy that is standardized and formalized to control all factors affecting the
safety and quality of foods.
a. GMP c. SSOP

44. It is anything in the total operation that might contaminate food and make it unsafe for the consumers
who buy the product or that can mislead consumers, making the firm liable to economic fraud.
a. Plan c. Good Manufacturing Practice
b. Monitoring procedures D. Hazard

45. It is a point, step or procedure at which control can be applied and a food safety hazard can be
prevented, eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level.
a. CCP c. SSOP

46. The following are the steps that identify the critical control points:
I. Identifies hazard ands and establishes critical control points for every step involved in
making the product;
II. State the intended use for the product;
III. Confirm the flow diagram and all recorded details;
IV. Develop a flow diagram;
V. Describe the product

a. III, I, II, IV, V c. V,I, II, III, IV
b. V, I, III, II, IV d. V, II, IV, III, I

47. All documentation and records should be compiled in a manual and accessible all times for
inspection by ____________.
a. Secretary c. Keeper
b. Regulatory agencies d. Management

48. The most important members of an HACCP-team.

a. Specialist and biologist
b. Processor and manager
c. Microbiologist and processing specialist
d. All of the above

49. This is a quality management system which fulfills the requirements of intentionality accepted
standards to meet the agreed requirements of the consumer.
b. ISO 9000 D. SSOP

50. This is a vital part of any quality assurance scheme in the industry and official regulatory procedures
which are intended to protect the consumer from unfit food to facilitate and regulate trade.
a. Sanitation c. Mandatory inspection
b. Fish inspection D. Quarantine

51. Mandatory of export products was abrogated under E.O. 1016, when all inspection as well as
commodity and export clearance requirements except those specifically mentioned, were removed.
a. December 10, 1989 c. February 25, 1985
b. April 25, 1985 D. February 28, 1985

52. This is produce during fish processing contains mainly bones, shells, skin, viscera, and others.
a. Liquid waste c. Reduction of emission
b. Reduction of packaging wastes d. Solid waste

53. The main authority responsible for insuring that seafood passing within and into the USA is safe,
wholesome and is not misnamed or deceptively packaged.
a. Food and Drug Administration
b. National Marine Fisheries Service
c. National Food Authority
d. Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources

54. These deals with health conditions for the production and marketing of live bivalve molluscs.
a. Directive 91/492 c. Directive 91/494
b. Directive 91/493 D. Directive 91/495

55. Heavy metals that can contaminate the aquatic products.

a. Lead and Mercury c. Cadmium and Mercury
b. Cadmium and Lead D. Cadnium and Mercury
56. This is released at any processing point where the unfinished product comes in contact with air.
a. Odor c. Emissions
b. Wastes d. Smoke

57. A decayed organic matter which is mainly used as fertilizer.

a. Compost c. Organic matter
b. Animal waste d. Inorganic matter

58. Productions that produces emissions.
a. Fish waste c. Fish silage
b. Fish meal d. Fish offal

59. Local name of codium.

a. Po-poklo c. Ar-arucip
b. Lato D. Aragan

60. The splitting of fillets into fissures.

a. Gaping c. Cutting
b. Glazing d. Filleting

61. To close a container to prevent access to air.

a. Vacuum c. Seal
b. Label d. None

62. Substances with more than 2% of the caloric value of sucrose per equivalent unit of sweetening
a. Nutritive sweeteners c. Polysorbates
b. Sugars D. Sorbitol

63. On or towards the belly of the fish.

a. Ventral c. Pectoral
b. Anus D. Pelvic

64. 1kg is how many grams.

a. 100grams c. 10grams
b. 1000grams d. 1 gram

65. It is yellowish or tan to white, coarse to fine powder that is practically odorless.
a. Agar c. Alginate
b. Carrageenan d. Phycocoloids

66. This means the quantity of fishery products obtained under practically identical circumstances.
a. Batch c. Group
b. Volume d. All of the above

67. Families of poisonous fish, except:

a. Tetraodontidae c. Diodontidae
b. Molidae d. Chanidae

68. This means all seawater or freshwater animals or parts thereof.

a. Aquatic products c. Fishery products
b. Fishery by-products d. Aquatic resources

69. Tuna sticks

a. Katsuobushi c. Sashimi
b. Surimi d. None of the above

70. Smoke sardine

a. Binuro c. Daeng
b. Tinapa d. Guinamos

71. Shrimp cake
a. Bagoong c. Binuro
b. Buro d. Guinamos

72. Local name of lizardfish

a. Talakitok c. Tiki-tiki
b. Kalaso D. Hasa-hasa

73. BHT stands for

a. Butylatedhydroxytoluene c. Butylatedhydroxytolene
b. Butylatedhydroxyanisole d. Butylated Hydroxyl

74. Typical channels for consumers products are:

a. Producer- retailer- wholesaler- agent- consumer
b. Producer - agent - wholesaler - retailer – consumer
c. Producer- wholesaler- agent- retailer- consumer
d. Consumer- agent- wholesaler- retailer- producer

75. This is commonly known as cellophane.

a. Cellulose c. Plastics
b. Polysterene d. Ethylene

76. PVC stands for

a. Polyvenelchloride c. Polyvynelidinechloride
b. Polyvinyl Chloride d. Polyvyline Chlorine

77. Which of the following is not an element of HACCP?

a. Establishment of criteria, target levels and tolerances for each CCP
b. Identify hazards and establish critical control point
c. Determination of critical control points
d. Identification of potential hazards

78. The principles of HACCP are

a. All of these c. Clear
b. Very logical D. Direct

79. Which of the following steps of HACCP is correct?

i. Process analysis v. Initiation of program
ii. Control procedures vi. Training staff
iii. Formation of haccp vii. Monitoring procedures
iv. Commitment
a. Iv, iii, v, i, ii, vii, vi c. Iv, iii, vii, i, v, ii, vi
b. I, iv, vi, vii, iii, ii, v d. Vi, iv, iii, i, ii, vii, v

80. Which of this is not an option for dealing with compliance?

a. Divert product to safe use c. Test the products
b. Do not destroy the product d. Release the product

81. It must be taken before deviation leads to a safety hazard.

a. Plan c. Effort
b. Action D. Time

82. This is set up to keep track of how all required tasks are performed at each CCP.

a. Monitoring procedures c. Control
b. Monitoring d. Regulatory measures

83. Corrective action involves the following activities, except.

a. Dealing with non-compliance product if control is lost
b. Fixing or correcting the cause of non-compliance
c. Keeping records of the corrective action
d. Reprocess the product

84. The key element of HACCP-system, except.

a. Monitoring c. Processing
b. Recording d. All of the above
85. These are very high-risk food if they are eaten raw of very lightly cooked since they grow and harvested
in shallow, near-shore estuarine waters which may be contaminated with sewage-derived pathogens
as well as those naturally occurring in the overall-environment.
a. Bivalves c. Cephalopods
b. Shells d. Molluscs

86. Steps of CCP where the raw material, ingredients, additives, structure and physical characteristics,
processing method and extent of processing, packaging method and material, conditions for storage
and distribution, shelflife requirement, instructions for use and particular microbiological or chemical
a. Describe the product
b. State the intended use for the product
c. Develop a flow diagram
d. Confirm the flow diagram and all recorded details

87. This system is based on the assumption that safety and quality hazards exist at various points from
capture/harvest to consumption.
a. SSOP c. GMP

88. It must be ensue when all the information regarding productand process has been collected.
a. Commitment c. Initiation of program
b. Control procedures d. Analysis of the data

89. Products which usually have a very high salt content which makes them stable at ambient temperature.
a. Dried products c. Pickled
b. Binuro d. Marinated

90. Products which are usually heated before consumption.

a. Marinated products c. Smoked products
b. Canned products d. Minced products

91. These products may or may not be re-heated before consumption.

a. Marinated c. Dried
b. Canned d. Smoked

92. These products are usually eaten without any heating prior to consumption.
a. Canned c. Minced
b. Marinated d. Smoked
93. Guidelines for ISO 9000, quality system elements.
a. ISO 9001 c. ISO 9003
b. ISO 9004 d. ISO 9002

94. Quality system requirement for final inspection and test.
a. ISO 9001 c. ISO 9003
b. ISO 9002 d. ISO 9004

95. Quality system requirement for product development, production delivery and after-sales functions.
a. ISO 9001 c. ISO 9003
b. ISO 9002 d. ISO 9004

96. Selection of the appropriate ISO 9000 standards.

a. ISO 9003 c. ISO 9001
b. ISO 9002 D. ISO 9000

97. Deals with health conditions for production and marketing of fish products in general.
a. Directive 91/492 c. Directive 91/494
b. Directive 91/493 d. Directive 91/495

98. It is an intergovernmental body with a membership of 165 Member governments and primarily aims
for the protection of the health of consumers, the assurance of fair practices in food trade and the
coordination of work on food standards.
a. World Health Organization
b. Codex Alimentarius Commission
c. Southeast Fisheries Development Center
d. None of these

99. The application of processing technology in aquatic products is mainly of

a. Preventing or delaying of microbial spoilage
b. Preventing or delaying of chemical deterioration and self-digestion
c. Preventing of spoilage by physical or chemical means
d. All of the above

100. Fish provides a very good balance of nutrients. It is regarded as a health food because of their
fish oils, which consist of
a. Essential minerals c. Polyunsaturated fatty acids
b. Essential amino acids d. Fat-soluble vitamins

101. Proteins are composed of amino acids. Most fish contain high quality protein ranging from
16-22%. Lack of protein in the diet results to
a. Lower the body's resistance to illness
b. Decrease blood circulation
c. Increase cholesterol
d. Decrease serum total cholesterol levels

102. Fish fat is rich in high grade polyunsaturated fatty acid, the so-called omega-3. Two of the
seven omega-3 fatty acids are not found in beef, pork nor in any vegetable oil, the eicosapentanoic
acid (EPA) and the docosahexanoic acid (DHA). Substantial amount of these are found in the fat
components of
a. Tuna and mackerel c. Sea urchins
b. Mullets d. All of the above

103. The rigor mortis in fish muscle is -attributed mainly to the

a. Accumulation of lactic acid and breakdown of ATP
b. Breakdown of protein
c. Accumulation of ATP

d. All of these
104. Chilling is the most common practice in keeping the freshness of fish. Which of the method
chills fish faster?
a. Icing c. Refrigerated air
b. Wet icing d. Chilled seawater

105. Freezing will keep fish under proper condition for several months without considerable
changes in quality. The freezing process involves three (3) stages. Stage 2, the conversion of water to
ice without much change in temperature is considered the critical zone or period of thermal arrest. This
is affected by
a. Air velocity c. Relative humidity
b. Air temperature d. Temperature of the fish

106. The browning or blackening of frozen shrimps and prawns is due to

a. Oxidation of hemoglobin in the blood
b. Presence of TMAO
c. Presence of halophilic bacteria
d. Oxidation of tyrosine by the tyrosinase in the blood

107. Which of the impurities in salt encourages the development of rancidity particularly in fatty
fish that can result to unsightly yellowish or brownish color in the finished product?
a. Iron (> 30 ppm) c. Sodium (> 0.5 ppm)
b. Magnesium (> 20 ppm) d. Sulfates (0.1 ppm)

108. Which of the following is/are fermented fish with cereal products?
a. Tinabal c. Buro fish
b. Balao-balao d. Guinamos

109. Pink or reddening is the common defect of salted and dried fishery products which is caused
by the presence of some species of halophilic bacteria which has a pink or rose- like color
a. Wallemia spp.
b. Sarcina littoralis and Pseudomonas salinaria
c. Micrococcus roseus
d. All of the above

110. What cryoprotective agents are added in frozen mince fish to reduce protein denaturation
during freezing?
a. Sorbitol and Sucrose c. Polyphosphates
b. Phophates d. All of the above

111. The principle/s involved in canning

a. Maintenance of anaerobic condition c. High temperature processing
b. Heat treatment below boiling point d. All of the above

112. The use of additives in processing is officially supervised by the BFAD of DOH to ensure the
safety of consumers. Additives are used mainly to
a. Maintenance of nutritional quality of foods and to improve and preserve the fish and fishery
b. Giving essential aids in food processing
c. Making food attractive to consumer in a way which prevents deception
d. All of the above

113. This condition is due to improper salting

a. Salt burn b. Souring

c. Putty fish D. Sliming

114. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Thiamine c. Riboflavin
b. Pyridoxine d. Ascorbic acid
115. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Retinol c. Niacin
b. Ascorbic acid d. Cobalamin

116. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Calcium c. Magnesium
b. Potassium D. Manganese

117. Which is considered the layers of muscle cells in fish which are arranged between sheets of
connective tissues?
a. Fiber c. Myocommata
b. Myotomes d. Myoglobin

118. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Alteronomonas c. Moraxella
b. Pseudomonas d. Lactobacillus

119. Dried fishery products with a moisture content of below ____% prevents the growth of many
spoilage organisms
a. 15 c. 25
b. 20 D. 27

120. In dried fishery product, what is used to predict the storage time of the product?
a. Microbial count of the product c. Raw material quality
b. Water activity of the product d. Sensory quality of the product

121. What is the principle involved in salting and drying

a. Lowering of the moisture content
b. Reduction of moisture content to a point below which most spoilage organisms will not grow
c. Reduction in water activity value
d. Reduction of moisture content below the point where microorganisms can’t grow

122. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Case hardening c. Dun
b. Sliming d. Souring

123. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Micrococcus c. Pediococcus
b. Lactobacillus d. Streptococcus

124. What is the Japanese term for a semi-processed frozen minced product?
a. Sashimi c. Katsoubushi
b. Surimi d. All of the above

125. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Polyethylene c. Glass jars
b. Tin cans and aluminum cans d. Retortable pouches

126. Which is used as test organisms in TDT study?

a. Clostridium thermosaccharolyticun
b. Clostridium botolinum
c. Clostridium welchii
d. Clostridium sporongenes

127. Canning was pioneered by Maria Y. Orosa in the Philippines in the year _______.
a. 1940 c. 1930
b. 1910 D. 1920

128. Heat penetration data is important in determining the maximum processing time. The
thermocouple is located at the geometrical center of the can for conductive type products and just an
inch above the bottom of the container for the convection type. Why is this so?
a. It’s the slowest heating point
b. It's the location where heat is easily detected
c. It's the fastest heating point
d. It’s the geometrical center of the can

129. Why do acidic foods require mild heat treatment than food near neutrality?
a. Spoilage organisms are resistant to acid
b. Spoilage organisms love acidic medium
c. Spoilage organisms are sensitive
d. Acid loving bacteria are heat loving

130. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. BHA c. Tocopherol
b. BHT d. Benzoic acid

131. A method of pack in canning when the fish is fatty

a. Raw pack c. Hot pack
b. Salmon style d. French style

132. Canning industry started in the Philippines in 1920 and the first canning factory was
established in Orion, Bataan. The major problem/s even up to now by fish canners in their operations
a. Water supply c. Scarcity of raw materials
b. Labor D. Transportation

133. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Tocopherol and propyl gallate c. BHA
b. BHT d. Oxytetracycline hydrochloride

134. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Citric acid c. Chlortetracycline
b. Biostat d. Oxytetracycline hydrochloride

135. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Sorbic acid c. Benzoic acid
b. Polysorbates D. Citric acid

136. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Polydextrose c. Sorbitol
b. Sodium alginates D. Glycerin

137. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Tartrazine c. Riboflavin
b. Xanthophylls d. Turmeric

138. The BFAD recommends levels for food additives in aquatic products (Administrative Order
No. 88 Admin Series 1984). For fish, BHA alone or used together with PG should not exceed________
% of the oil content of the food.
a. 0.20 c. 0.01
b. 0.02 D. 0.10

139. Biostat treated ice (5ppm) prolonged the shelf life of hasa-hasa for ___days compared to the
7-day shelf life of fish stored in plain ice (Sulit et al., 1961)
a. 10 c. 12
b. 11 d. 13

140. Preservatives such as benzoic acid, sodium benzoate, citric acid, sorbic acid and others are
commonly used to improve the shelf life of salted, dried and smoked fishery products. Dipping of the
whole sardine/ herring and whole scad in 1% sorbistat for 10 minutes prevents the growth of molds
and yeast in the dried fish for more than ______months.
a. 5 c. 7
b. 6 d. 8

141. Food additives have been given code numbers which are recognized internationally. The code
number for thickeners is:
a. 100-199 c. 400-499
b. 200-299 d. 500-599

142. The code number for mineral salts, flour-treatment agents, anti-caking agents, acidity
regulators, and color retention agents is
a. 500-599 c. 900-999
b. 600-699 D. 400-499

143. The time in minutes required for the straight line of the heating curve to traverse one-log cycle
is called
a. Tpih c. Tih
b. Fh d. Fc

144. The resolution of the rigor period in fish is influenced by the amount of
a. Protein c. Glycogen
b. Fats d. Minerals

145. The glossy firm appearance formed at the surface of the fish during drying which is important
in smoking
a. Formaldehyde c. Follicle
b. Phenol d. Pellicle

146. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Canning c. Drying
b. Salting d. Smoking

147. Why do tropical fishes have longer shelf-life in ice than temperate fish?
a. Has lesser number of microorganisms
b. Microbial flora is mesophilic c. Microbial flora is cryphilic

d. Microbial flora is psychrophilic
148. Which of the chilling method chills fish faster and do not suffer from physical damage?
a. Icing using block ice c. Icing using crushed ice
b. Icing using tube ice D . Chilled Seawater

149. Which method of chilling is preferred for air shipment of fish, as this does not cause leakage?
a. Gel mat ice c. Dry ice
b. Refrigerated air d. Crushed ice

150. Containers for keeping fish or icing fish are made of a variety of plastic materials. Which of
these materials have proven to be very useful in chilling of fish?
a. Polyethylene c. Polystyrene
b. Polypropylene d. High Density Polyethylene

151. Method of salting which is carried out by rubbing fish with salt just before packing and each
layer of fish is sprinkled with salt. The water removal by the salt is allowed to drain.
a. Dry salting to make brine c. Kench curing
b. Brine salting D. Fermentation

152. The ratio of the vapor pressure in the product to that of pure water
a. Water activity c. Chemically bound water
b. Available water d. Loosely bound water

153. A freezing system where the product is frozen hard to the center to a temperature of 10°F
within a period of three (3) hours.
a. Chilling c. Sharp freezing
b. Quick freezing D. Glazing

154. Fish which has been eviscerated or the entrails removed

a. Round fish c. Dressed fish
b. Whole fish D. Drawn fish

155. Reason why frozen tuna or bonito becomes dark brown or dark red during cold storage
a. Presence of TMAO c. Oxidation of tyrosine
b. Oxidation of hemoglobin and myoglobin d. Presence of melanin

156. Small elongated chunks of uniform size and thickness cut from the fleshy portion of fish
a. Sticks c. Fillets
b. Steaks D. Rolls

157. Greening of tuna meat is said to be due to

a. Presence of TMAO c. Oxidation of hemoglobin
b. Presence of melanin d. Oxidation of myoglobin

158. Defect due to uneven distribution of salt throughout the muscle

a. Salt burn c. Souring
b. Reddening D. Slimming

159. Technical problem in canning where raw meat coagulated by heat coming in contact with the
inner side of the cover of the can
a. Curd formation c. Struvite formation
b. Honey combing d. Adhesion

160. The removal of visceral organ by splitting the belly but the gills are left intact
a. Eviscerate c. Dressed
b. Dehydrate d. Drawn

161. Blue discoloration in crabs is due to:

a. Iron sulfide c. Hydrogen sulfide
b. Haemocyanin d. Decomposition of protein

162. There are two phases in drying, constant rate period and the falling rate period. The last phase
is characterized by a slowly decreasing rate and is affected by several factors except:
a. Product shape c. Temperature and relative humidity
b. Surface area of the fish d. Salt content

163. Smoke has both antioxidant and bactericidal properties. The bactericidal properties of the
smoke are mainly due to:
a. Phenols c. Carbonyl and organic acid
b. Carbocyclic acid and phenols d. Organic bases

164. The main disadvantage of hot smoking is the deposition of carcinogenic substances on fish
during smoking. The polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) group contains many highly
carcinogenic compounds, 27 of which have been identified in wood smoke. One of these cancer
causing compounds is which is found to be mostly smoked at 70 - 80 °C
a. 3,4 benzo-pyrene c. Eugenol
b. Acetosyringone D. Acetovanillose

165. Fish sauce is patis in the Philippines and is called_____in Cambodia and Vietnam
a. Nam-pla c. Nga-pi
b. Nuoc-mam d. Kecap- ican

166. Fish paste is called bagoong in the Philippines. In Indonesia it is called

a. Phaak or manchao c. Cencalok
b. Pekasam d. Trassi

167. The flavor of fish sauce arises mainly from free amino acids such as
a. Glutamic acid and aspartic acid c. Lysine and valine
b. Alanine and leucine d. All of the above

168. All of these countries are jellyfish consuming nation except

a. China c. USA
b. Japan d. Korea

169. All of these seaweeds are used as vegetable salad or consumed fresh except
a. Macrocystis c. Codium
b. Caulerpa d. Gracilaria

170. An estimated 70-80% of the world's production of carrageenan is derived from

a. Chondrus crispus c. Gigartna stillata
b. Eucheuma D. Iridea

171. Alginates are hydrophilic derivatives of alginic acid extracted from

a. Cyanopyceae c. Phaeophyceae
b. Rhodophyceae d. Chlorophyceae

172. All of these seaweeds are sources of sugar reactive agars applicable to bakery and
confectionary products except
a. Gracillaria eucheumoides c. Gracillaria firma
b. Gracillaria confervoides d. Gracillaria lemanaeformis

173. Which of the following seaweed extract was found recently to lower glucose level in the
a. Alginates c. Carrageenan
b. Agar d. Alginic acid

174. Which of the seaweed extract is used as stabilizer to give smooth body and texture to ice
a. Alginates c. Carrageenan
b. Agar d. Alginic acid

175. Which of the classes of seaweeds is the source of agar?

a. Red algae c. Blue-green algae
b. Brown algae d. Green algae

176. The seaweeds that are mainly used as fertilizer

a. Red algae c. Blue-green algae
b. Brown algae D. Green algae
177. The process of extracting oil from non-oily types of fish
a. Wet reduction process c. Dry reduction process
b. Solvent extraction D. Direct steaming process

178. The first class shark fin include the:

a. 1st dorsal, 2nd dorsal, anal fin
b. 2nd dorsal, pair of ventral fins
c. 1st dorsal, pair of pectoral and lower pair of the tail
d. Pair of pectoral and ventral fins

179. The most important marketing centers for shark fins

a. China and India c. Thailand and Indonesia
b. Hongkong and Singapore d. Hongkong and China

180. Pioneered the processing of jellyfish for food

a. Japanese c. Chinese
b. Taiwanese d. Burmese

181. The traditional processing method for jellyfish consists of a step wise lowering of the water
content using a mixture of
a. Salt and vinegar c. Sugar and alum
b. Salt and alum d. Alum and tannic

182. The preparation of Type A and B FPC with the use of bromelin or papain uses a method called
a. Chemical c. Physical
b. Enzymatic d. Mechanical

183. There are around 500 species of sea cucumber but few are valuable commercially. Which of
these species is of commercial value?
a. Thelenota ananas c. Holothuria nobilis
b. Actinopyga echinites d. Actinopyga miliaris

184. FPC used for animal nutrition
a. Fish meal c. Fish flour
b. Fish soluble d. Fish silage

185. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Pinctada margaritifera c. Trochus niloticus
b. Pinctada maxima d. Matuta lunaris

186. Acylic hydrocarbon (C30H62) found in shark liver which is commercially important in the
production of health products and cosmetics such as skin rejuvenators
a. Squalene c. Phycocyanin
b. Lysine d. Lycopene

187. The removal of calcareous covering or the chalk- like material in the skin of a shark is called
a. Descumming c. Silting
b. Deliming D. Bating

188. Dried fishery product from by-catch or waste material from a fish processing plant which is
an essential ingredient in ready-mixed poultry and hog feeds.
a. Fish meal c. Fish silage
b. Fish flour d. FPC

189. Liquefied product made from minced fish or fish offal, usually prepared through the addition
of acid or fermentable sugars and is used as component of animal feed.
a. Fish soluble c. Fish paste
b. Fish concentrate d. Fish silage

190. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Ascophyllum c. Caulerpa
b. Macrocystis d. Laminaria

191. Which among these is/are not edible seaweeds?

a. Sargassum polycystum c. Acanthopora spicifera
b. Caulerpa racemosa d. Gracillaria spp.

192. The extraction of carrageenan could either be through traditional refining (TR) process and
alternative refining (AR) process which uses alcohol. Which of the alcohol below is not used in the
extraction process?
a. Methanol c. Isopropanol
b. Ethanol d. Butanol

193. Carrageenan should conform to the physico-chemical requirements and the sulfa (as SO4)
should be within the range of _________dry mass basis:
a. 5-30% c. 15-40%
b. 10-25% d. 20-40%

194. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Halymenia durvillael c. Gelidiella acerosa
b. Enteromorpha intestinales d. Eczema spinosum

195. Quality is defined as the characteristics and properties of the product that influence its
acceptability to the buyer or consumer. It involves the intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics of the
commodity. Which option below is considered an intrinsic characteristic of the product?
a. Nutritive value b. Deterioration during processing

c. Discoloration d. Degree of spoilage

196. PSP is caused by what toxin?

a. Brevitoxin c. Domoic acid
b. Saxitoxin d. Neurotoxin

197. Shellfish are good sources of vitamins and minerals. Oysters and mussels for instance have
high levels of what particular mineral that is higher than red meat?
a. Iodine c. Zinc
b. Selenium d. Iron

198. Fish oils contain a unique type of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the so-called omega-3 type
which is not found in significant quantities in other common foods. What are the two of the seven
omega-3 fatty acids that are not found in beef, pork nor any vegetables?
a. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
b. Linolenic acid (ALA) and Docosapentaenoic acid (DPA)
c. Linolenic acid (ALA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
d. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosapentaenoic acid (DPA)

199. Fish protein contains the essential amino acids needed for building and repair of muscles,
internal organs, skin and hair. What essential amino acids are lacking in cereal and root crops but not
in fish?
a. Lysine and methionine c. Proline and leucine
b. Alanine and valine d. Glycine and histidine

200. On the death of the fish, processes of physical and chemical change caused by enzymes and
microorganisms begin to occur. What is the phase in the postmortem changes that is a result of
complicate biochemical reactions which cause muscle fibers to shorten and tighten, and finally the
fish becomes stiff.
a. Autolysis c. Rigor mortis
b. Proteolysis d. Lipid oxidation and hydrolysis

201. Spoilage of fish due to chemical changes mainly occurs during storage in ice or frozen
condition. Chemical changes may involve lipid autolysis and auto-oxidation. What do you call the
undesirable flavor that results from the reaction of unsaturated lipids with oxygen?
a. Acrid c. Bitter
b. Rancid d. Cheesy

202. Common form of preparing fish wherein the meaty sides of the fish are removed from the
backbone and ribs of the fish.
a. Steaks c. Sticks
b. Dressed d. Fillets

203. Which of the following is not an indicator of a fresh fish?

a. Gills have seaweedy odor c. Very soft flesh
b. Eyes are bulging and protruding d. Scales adhere strongly

204. Which is not true about chilling?

a. Chilling is the most common practice in keeping the freshness of fish
b. Chilling means the reduction of temperature to some point below or above the freezing point
of water in fish muscle
c. Chilling totally stops spoilage
d. Icing is the most common and useful way of chilling the fish catch

205. What commodity has the longest storage time in ice (at 0 degree C)?
a. Milkfish c. Sardine
b. Tilapia d. Prawn

206. The type of ice that has an advantage of small particles which give good ice-fish contact
because of a large surface area.
a. Block ice c. Crushed ice
b. Flake ice d. Tube ice

207. The choice of containers for keeping fish will greatly determine the end quality of the iced
product. What type of plastic box became popular locally for transporting fish from the landing place
to the market?
a. Polyethylene c. Polyurethane
b. Polypropylene d. Polystyrene
208. The primary aim of using insulation in containers is to slow down the rate of heat exchange
between two bodies at different temperatures. The efficiency of an insulating material in preventing
heat flow is measured as_________?
a. Thermal conductivity c. Insulation value
b. Insulating capacity d. Thermal capacity

209. Which of the following is not true about freezing?

a. Freezing will improve the quality of fish
b. Chilling may keep fish between one to two weeks, while freezing under proper conditions
will keep the fish for several months
c. Freezing is a form of partial, mild dehydration
d. Freezing is a way of stopping the deteriorative activities of microorganisms and enzymes

210. What stage of the freezing process is considered as the critical zone or period of thermal
a. Removal of heat c. Further cooling of frozen fish
b. Crystallization of water d. Quick freezing

211. What is the required storage temperature of frozen fish?

a. -30 °C c. -10 °C
b. -20 °C d. 0 °C

212. Quick freezing is a general term applied to most freezing processes. It gives rise to what
term in frozen products?
a. Air blast frozen c. Frozen food
b. Individual quick frozen d. Long term frozen

213. The zone of maximum crystal formation is between what temperatures?

a. -1 °C to -3 °C c. -1 to -5°C
b. -10 °C to - °C D. -20 °C to -30 °C

214. Frozen tuna becomes dark brown or dark red during cold storage due to oxidation of
hemoglobin in the blood and myoglobin in the meat. How can you prevent the discoloration of the
a. Addition of ascorbic acid
b. Must be kept frozen at -45 °C
c. Glazing must be done
d. The fillets should be wrapped before freezing

215. Milkfish is a bony fish; to improve its acceptability to a wider range of consumers deboning
is done. During the process, the filamentous y-shaped spines are also removed. In what part of the
fish are these spines located?
a. Lateral c. Ventral
b. Dorsal d. All of the above

216. Bacteria that grow optimally at high salt concentrations but are unable to grow in salt-free
media? They are common spoilage bacteria in fermented fish and dried fish.
a. Sarcina littoralis c. Acinetobacter
b. Alteromonas putrefaciens D. Flavobacterium

217. Salt penetration and the removal of water from the fish are influenced by a number of
factors. Which of the following is not true about salt penetration?
a. The higher the fat content, the slower the salt uptake
b. The thicker the flesh, the slower the diffusion of salt to the center
c. The purer the salt, the slower the salt penetration
d. The fresher the fish, the more slowly salt will be taken up

218. A method of salting that is carried by rubbing fish with salt just before packing and each
layer of fish is sprinkled with salt.
a. Rubbing c. Wet salting
b. Kench process d. Pickle curing

219. Measuring the water activity of food products determines the amount of loosely bound water
or available water needed to support biological activity. At what water activity will most halophilic
bacteria stop to grow?
a. 0.9 or below c. 0.95 or below
b. 0.8 or below D. 0.75 or below

220. The phase in drying in which the water on or near the surface of the fish evaporates.
a. Constant rate period c. Falling rate period
b. Rising rate period d. Evaporating rate period

221. Which of the following is true about drying?

a. Lower relative humidity favors more rapid evaporation and higher drying rates
b. Higher relative humidities favor more rapid evaporation and higher drying rates
c. Relative humidities do not affect drying rate at all
d. Drying rate is dependent only in relative humidity

222. A method of drying wherein the heat is transferred to the fish from heated air or a heated
surface and air movement above the fish removes moisture.
a. Freeze drying c. Vacuum drying
b. Air drying d. Mechanical drying

223. A spoilage/defect of dried fish wherein the outer portion of the fish is dry while the inner
portion is still moist. This results from rapid drying.
a. Case hardening c. Reddening
b. Brittleness D. Tough flesh

224. The smoke components are partly responsible for the preservation and flavors of smoked
fish. Some components have also bactericidal properties. What components are these?
a. Carbon monoxide & carbon dioxide b. Nitrogen and nitrous oxide

c. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons d. Carbocylic acids and phenols

225. Which of the following curing process does not aid in preserving the smoked fish?
a. Fermentation c. Salting
b. Drying d. Precooking

226. Which of the following is not true about smoking?

a. The quicker the product dries the less smoke is absorbed
b. The longer the fish is smoked, the drier it becomes
c. Hot smoking affects smoke absorption
d. Higher relative humidity does not affect smoke absorption instead it affects drying rate

227. Hot smoking is the main type of smoking fishery products in the Philippines. What is the
main disadvantage of hot smoking?
a. It is costly because it requires a lot of fuel to be burned
b. Deposition of carcinogenic substances during smoking
c. It has a limited keeping quality if not stored at low temperature
d. The product has strong smoky aromas rather than sweet aroma

228. What is the usual temperature in cold smoking?

a. 25 °C c. 30 °C
b. 50 °C D. 15 °C

229. Which does not belong to the group?

a. Nuoc-mam c. Belacan
b. Nam-pla d. Patis

230. Which does not belong to the group?

a. Trassi c. Machao
b. Buro d. Pla-ra

231. The flavor of patis may be due to the activity of the following halophilic bacteria except one.
a. Lactobacillus c. Staphylococcus
b. Streptococcus d. Micrococcus

232. Which is not true about fermentation?

a. Fermentation is the breakdown of inorganic substances into simpler component mainly
by the action of enzymes aided by microorganisms.
b. Fermentation may fall under salting
c. Fermentation of aquatic products usually takes six to 12 months
d. Fermentation is hasten by the application of enzymes

233. The following are main ingredients in pickling/marinating solution except one.
a. Vinegar c. MSG
b. Salt D. Sugar

234. What ingredient in pickling/ marinating that acts as a preservative mainly by increasing the
thickness of the pickling solution thereby lowering the water activity.
a. Sugar c. Vinegar
b. Salt d. Soy sauce

235. It is a dried snack produced from marinated fish fillets?

a. Fish jerky c. Dries squid
b. Dried anchovies d. Dried fish

236. The following are limitations during the sun drying of fishery products except one.
a. Product contamination c. Weather dependent
b. Slow drying rate d. Low moisture content

237. This spoilage is caused by the growth of Wallemia genus.

a. Pink c. Case hardening
b. Sliming d. Dun

238. The browning or blackening of frozen shrimps and prawns is termed as melanosis. What
particular protein is oxidized into melanin?
a. Tyrosine c. Myoglobin
b. Hemoglobin d. Myoglobin

239. What is the best relative humidity in smoking?

a. 60% c. 50%
b. 70% d. 65%
240. What do you call fermented products added with carbohydrates such as cooked rice?
a. Binuro c. Bagoong
b. Buro d. Tinabal

241. In post harvest fisheries, the principle is trash in trash out. What does it mean?
a. No preservation and processing method can improve the quality of fish
b. Poor quality raw material can be improved by processing
c. Trash fish can be use as raw material for fish meal
d. Poor quality raw material can produce good quality finished product

242. The following statements are true EXCEPT

a. Minced fish comes from trimmings of filleting operations.
b. Fish are minced to attain maximum utilization of fish flesh.
c. Minced fish is unstable during frozen storage due to its enzymes, pigment and moisture
d. Fish are minced if they have low market value, are seasonal and are caught in abundance

243. The following statements on surimi are true EXCEPT

a. Surimi is a minced fish paste.
b. Fish with white flesh are preferred in making surimi
c. Sugars and polyphosphates are essential in making surimi
d. Surimi contains water-soluble proteins

244. The following are steps in making surimi EXCEPT:

a. Heating c. Meat-bone separation
b. Leaching d. De-watering

245. The following are not used to contain canned products EXCEPT:
a. Retort pouch pack c. Plastic boxes
b. Styrophore boxes d. Polyethylene containers

246. The following are procedures for canning of marine products EXCEPT:
a. Heat processing c. Exhausting/ Sealing
b. Thawing d. Cooling

247. It is the aim of this process to produce partial vacuum when canning.

a. Heat processing c. Exhausting/ Sealing
b. Thawing d. Cooling

248. The following are spoilage problems in canned products EXCEPT

a. Curd formation and adhesion c. Pink or Reddening
b. Struvite d. Honeycombing in tuna

249. Canning aimed to destroy the spores of Clostridium botulinum, thus temperature inside the
retort is maintained at
a. 100.1 0C c. 120.1 0C
b. 99.1 C d. 121.1°C

250. These food additives are added to prevent food from drying out.
a. Humectants c. Preservatives
b. Emulsifiers d. Stabilizers

251. These substances are added to food to ensure that oil and water do not separate into layers:
a. Emulsifiers c. Antioxidants
b. Humectants d. Preservatives

252. The following are synthetic antioxidants EXCEPT:

a. Butylated hydroxytoluene c. Propyl gallate
b. Magnesium stearate d. Butylated hydroxyanisole

253. In the Philippines, the following agencies are responsible for inspection and application of
quality control in aquatic products EXCEPT:
a. BFAR c. DOH
b. BFAD d. DTI

254. The following are good sources of alginates EXCEPT:

a. Sargassum sp. c. Gracilaria sp.
b. Laminaria sp. d. Macrocystis sp.

255. The following are good sources of alginates EXCEPT:

a. Sargassum sp. c. Gelidium sp.
b. Eucheuma sp. d. Ireidea sp

256. The following statements on fish oils are not true EXCEPT
a. It is generally composed of 25% saturated and 75% highly unsaturated fatty acids
b. It is generally composed of 75% saturated and 25% highly unsaturated fatty acids
c. Fish oil structures are less complex than those of land animals
d. Myristic acid is the most common highly unsaturated fatty acid in fish

257. What do you call the hydrocarbon found in shark liver that is used in cosmetics?
a. Fish protein concentrate c. Offal
b. Fish silage d. Squalene

258. Sea cucumbers are also known as

a. Nam-pla c. Kecap-ikan
b. Beche-de-mer d. Trassi

259. This is a chemical intoxification caused by eating tuna and mackerel

a. Paralytic shellfish poisoning b. Histamine poisoning

c. Ciguatera poisoning d. Tetraodon poisoning

260. This type of poisoning is caused by dinoflagellates that is responsible for the occurrence of
red tide
a. Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning c. Neurotic shellfish poisoning
b. Histamine poisoning d. Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning

261. What do you call the type of poisoning mainly caused by eating reef fish and shellfish that
have earlier consumed the toxic Gambierdiscus toxicus?
a. Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning c. Tetraodon poisoning
b. Neurotic shellfish poisoning d. Ciguatera Poisoning
262. The International Standards Organization defined this as the operational techniques and
activities used to attain requirements for quality.
a. Quality assurance c. HACCP
b. GMP d. Quality Control

263. The following are chemical or biochemical methods in assessing quality EXCEPT
a. Proximate analysis c. Standard Plate Count
b. Peroxide value d. K-value

264. Which of the following figures is a normal K-value of a fresh marine fish?
a. 100% c. 50%
b. 99% d. 3%

265. Which of the following peroxide values a fresh fish would likely have?
a. 5-10 c. 65-70
b. 40-45 D. 95-100

266. Which of the following thiobarbituric acid (TBA) values indicates a rancid fish?
a. 0.01 c. 0.5
b. 0.1 d. 3.0

267. It refers to the number of minutes at a specific temperature required to destroy a specific a
specific number of pathogenic organisms.
a. R-value c. K-value
b. Z-value d. F-value

268. What do you call the vertical distance from the top of the can to the level of the product?
a. Seam c. Vent
b. Headspace d. Pressure relief valve

269. What do you call the powdered form of fish wherein the protein content is higher than in the
raw material?
a. Fish Protein Concentrate c. Fish silage
b. Concentrated fish protein d. Fish meal

270. Middlemen bridge the gap between producers and consumers. The following are middlemen,
a. Agents c. Fishermen
b. Wholesalers d. Retailers

271. The following are ill practices committed by traders and vendors, EXCEPT:
a. Using accurate weighing scale

b. Putting nails on prawn heads
c. Adding of potassium aluminum phosphate in smoked products
d. Mixing of good quality and low quality products

272. What do you call the method that determines the extent of degradation of adenosine
triphosphate to hypoxanthine?
a. Peroxide value determination
b. K-value determination
c. Trimethyl amine oxide determination
d. Total volatile basic nitrogen determination

273. Which of the following is not an element of HACCP?

a. Determination of critical points
b. Value addition of fish
c. Documentation and record keeping
d. Establishment of procedures for verification

274. What do you call the length of time that fish remains acceptable as human food?
a. Rigor mortis c. Shelf-life
b. Retention time d. Threshold

275. What do you call the deterioration in which oxygen reacts with fats resulting to production
of rancid flavor?
a. Nucleotide deterioration c. Oxidative rancidity
b. Amine compound degradation d. Protein deterioration

276. What do you call a step or process at which control can be applied and food safety hazard
can be reduced to an acceptable level?
a. Critical correction point c. Critical Control Point
b. Control point d. Correction point

277. Which of the following moisture content is recommended by Codex Standards for dried
shark fins?
a. 15% c. 16%
b. 18% d. 14%

278. What is the primary source of agar in the Philippines?

a. Gracilaria sp. c. Pterocladia sp.
b. Gelidium sp. d. Laminaria sp.

279. Which of the following is not a method for extraction of liver oil?
a. Wet reduction process c. Alkali digestion
b. Direct steaming process d. Enzyme digestion

280. Which of the following is not a method in sea cucumber processing?

a. Descumming c. Smoke drying
b. Fermentation D. Slitting

281. What do you call the method in sea cucumber processing wherein the sandfish is buried in
the beach to remove the calcareous material in its outer skin?
a. Descumming c. Gutting
b. Slitting d. Sun drying

282. What is the quality management system, published in 1987 that was developed in response
to the challenges in increasing market globalization, and that emphasizes on the quality of a
company’s product as the key factor in the performance of the company?
a. Quality control c. ISO 1900
b. Quality assurance d. Codex Standards

283. (Classification of Food Canning) High acid pH

a. Below pH 3.5 c. Below pH 5.5
b. Below pH 4.5 d. Below pH 6.5

284. (Classification of Food Canning) Medium acid pH

a. pH 4.0 - 5.3 c. pH 4.5 - 5.3
b. pH 4.3 - 5.3 d. pH 4.7 - 5.3

285. (Classification of Food Canning) Low acid pH

a. Above pH 5.3 c. Above pH 4.3
b. Above pH 4.5 d. Above pH 3.5

286. International numbering codes for preservatives

a. 100 – 199 c. 300 – 399
b. 200 – 299 d. 400 – 499

287. International numbering codes for antioxidants and food acids

a. 100 – 199 c. 300 – 399
b. 200 – 299 d. 400 - 499

288. International numbering codes for glazing agents, bleaching agents, artificial sweeteners, etc.
a. 600 – 699 c. 800 – 899
b. 700 – 799 d. 900 - 999

289. Carbohydrate content in a single bar of gulaman

a. 74.5 % c. 2.6 %
b. 17 % d. 0.3 %

290. Moisture content in a single bar of gulaman

a. 4.7 % c. 0.3 %
b. 17 % d. 2.6 %

291. A bar of gulaman has a fat content of _______

a. 17 % c. 74.5 %
b. 2.6 % d. 0.3 %

292. A bar of gulaman has an ash content of _______

a. 4.7 % c. 0.3 %
b. 2.6 % d. 17 %

293. The main fish used in smoked sardine are tamban, lapad, and tunsoy where they are caught
abundantly in the months of:
a. August- November c. July-October
b. June-December d. January-June

294. Edible portion of octopus

a. 92 % c. 96 %
b. 94 % d. 98 %

295. Total number of spines of milkfish
a. 196-206 c. 196-208
b. 198-206 d. 198-208

296. Drum type smokehouse measures approximately ____________

a. 86 cm high x 58 cm diameter c. 88 cm high x 54 cm diameter
b. 87 cm high x 56 cm diameter d. 89 cm high x 52 cm diameter

297. The fire is built _________ the container of a pelon-type smokehouse

a. At the edge c. Inside
b. Outside d. On top

298. Black clam has a storage time of 9 days in 0 degree celcius. What is its scientific name?
a. Villorita argenteus c. Villoreta cyprinoides
b. Villorita longiceps d. Villoreta bleekeri

299. A type of transportation method of fish that have already been used in Germaany in
accordance to the reduction of packaging waste.
a. Green Bin Technology c. Greener Environment Project
b. Green Plastic and Disposable Boxes d. Green Bins and Green Boxes

300. What is the standard headspace for cans

a. 6 % of the content volume
b. 8 % of the content volume
c. 5/16 inch
d. 3/16 inch


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