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Opinion PAGE 3
Why critical thinking is
more important now
than ever

Feature PAGES 4+5

The Huron Emery's se-
niors say goodbye

On May 22 Ann Arbor held its first organized pro-Palestinian protest for about three and a half hours. VISH GONDESI

Ann Arbor pro-Palestinians protest for peace

army-green Ford truck. Middle College (WTMC), and Jamil Kasham, moved
With signs Adam Kasham, joined the from Palestine to the U.S.
referring to the conflict as protests with his mother in 1962.

heir voices an “apartheid,” “genocide” Naela, his cousins and “They came Caffeine Corner with
reverberated all and a “holocaust,” the three younger siblings — because they wanted an
across downtown protestors demanded Isra, Malic and Tarik. opportunity, and they took
Ann Arbor for about three change — change for the “I went to the advantage of it,” Adam said.
and a half hours in the approximately 250 people protests because I think “When they came, they
afternoon, and anyone who passed away due to it's a very important issue,” didn't really have much,
in the vicinity could hear the fighting over the course Adam said. “There's many and they had to provide
them clearly. of 11 days in the Gaza people out there with really for people that were back
“Free, free strip between Israel and wrong interpretations in Palestine. Now it’s like Sports PAGE 7
Palestine.” the Hamas (a Palestinian of what's going on. It's everything that they came Athletes react to masks
On May 22, militant group). important that I, as a to do is being thrown out coming off
hundreds of protestors On May 21 both Palestinian, get my point the window. I feel that it's
chanted those words groups reached a ceasefire across because I'm also important for justice to be
repeatedly. They agreement. a second generation served and for the land to SCAN HERE
carried, waved and This is the latest American. Both my be restored.”
cloaked themselves in event in the decades long grandparents who are here Adam often turns
the Palestinian flag, and tragic history between today lived in Palestine. to his grandparents for
marching in unison as Israel and Palestine. They know exactly what's a better understanding of
organizers spearheaded Former Huron student going on firsthand.” Palestine.
the path, talking through and current junior at Adam’s SEE PALESTINE PROTEST To find more content on
a loudspeaker on a large, Washtenaw Technical grandparents, Fatheih PAGE 2 our website

Dr. Schwamb

Virginia He is grateful
for all who voted for
retires after 31 her. "It's nice to know
that many people
years in education Sophomore Virginia resonated with what I
was doing, and actu-
RIDHIMA KODALI He elected to vice chair for Michi- ally cared," He said.
MANAGING EDITOR gan High School Democrats ALLISON MI

She brief-
ly looked to When sophomore Virginia He joined the Ann Arbor (MIHSD) announced the results, and He was elected as vice
the side and High School Democrats in August, 2020, she soon realized chair.
questioned, there was a disconnect between the state and local level of the As vice chair, He helps the chairperson, acting as a
“ O n e organization. main representative by coordinating chapters and overseeing
word?... In March, He found out through social media that the organization as a whole.
One word, elections for executive board positions for the state-level of “I hope that I can figure out how to make MIHSD
to describe this organization opened. more unified as a state, rather than decentralized, random
my experi- “I was like, ‘Okay, I'm going to run for vice chair, see chapters, and to get better outreach — possibly in more rural
ence being if I can change some of these issues,’” He said. or low income areas with marginalized communities, making
a principal at Huron?” The campaign really pushed He out of her comfort sure that they have a voice in the organization as well,” He
Dr. Janet Schwamb, zone. She ended up reaching out to government officials to said.
who has been Hu- get support for her campaign and received endorsements He also hopes to promote more inclusivity and to
ron’s principal for seven from important figures such as Jeff Irwin, Michigan State ensure that the organization is in a good place to go into the
Legislature Senator, and Robert Sembarski, Chair of the 2022 midterm elections.
SEE DR. SCHWAMB Young Democrats of America National Labor Caucus. “It really is a great organization,” she said. “Hopefully
RETIRES PAGE 2 On June 4, the Michigan High School Democrats we can go up from here.”

PALESTINIAN PROTESTS Emergency Fund (UNICEF) country was still in a state

“My grandpa was
State of Palestine report of unrest. 52,000 Palestinians displaced due
stated that the armed “When we were to Israeli air strikes
telling me a story about how
his dad used to own land
conflict at that time resulted first entering and exiting 250 United Nations Aid Agency
in 17 Palestinian children Palestine, they separated Palestinians
in Jerusalem,” Adam said. killed and 1,017 injured. my grandparents and killed, 66 of Over5,000 people injured
“His dad was a gatekeeper, In short, violence against parents from me,” Adam in Gaza and the West Bank
which are chil- OCHA
which is pretty cool, but his Palestinian children is yet said. “I didn’t know how to
land literally got taken away
to be stopped, and other be in an airport alone but I
from him, and his family
had to move. I didn’t really
health and environmental had to navigate everything
132 buildings in Gaza completely
problems brought on by by myself. An airport destroyed
know how to respond.” the pandemic have only personnel questioned my OCHA
To learn more multiplied their daily grandparents and then my
about the current situation, stresses. dad for an hour. They got
Adam’s direct family “It digs deep,” Adam out, almost right when the
watched several YouTube
videos together.
said, “because I feel like
that could have definitely
plane was boarding. I was
honestly kind of scared.”
More than 3,000 10 people killed in
“There were a lot rockets fired onto Isra- Israel and hundreds
been me if my grandparents While Adam’s direct el by the Hamas, 1,150
of checkpoints with people didn’t come to the U.S. And family entered and exited more wounded, esti-
with guns, and just out in were intercepted while
it just makes me so thankful the country safely, his mated at 796
the area, people with AK- 450 misfired
but also sorry for the kids family, who are still living
47’s,” Adam said. “There’s a who couldn’t get the same in Palestine, doesn’t have OCHA
lot of little kids losing their opportunity. I feel like I that same luxury.
parents and losing their would trade anything for “They can’t leave,”
own lives too. I saw this one them to be in my position.” Adam said. “There’s no
kid get taken away right in The OCHA is the United Nations Office for the Coordination of
Two years ago airports out there and
front of his family and it’s Humanitarian Affairs. Data is accurate as of May 17, 2021.
Adam visited Palestine with you can’t go past the
just really sad to see. I just what the conflict is,” Adam
his family — albeit when the checkpoints. I feel really
feel horrible because I feel The U.S. is currently said. “So I think the most
situation hadn’t escalated bad about that.”
like I got an opportunity giving Israel $3.3 billion important thing is to find
to its current level. The protest
that they don’t have and I in aid, according to the an actual person, not just a
“I saw how crazy speeches were given
wish they could have it too.” United States Agency for YouTube video or website.
it was,” Adam said. “It outside of Larcom City Hall
As of May 17, the International Development. It’s important to find people
wasn’t as bad as it is now. by politician Dr. Abdul El-
Israeli attacks on Gaza Throughout the protest who know more about the
But there were soldiers all Sayed, local activist and
killed 66 Palestinian there were calls to defund subject, because sometimes
over guarding checkpoints, organizer Mohammed
children, according to Israel. the media can be portrayed
and it was an experience Furrha and University of
the United Nations Office “There’s been so in a very wrong way, which a
that opened my eyes. Michigan Ann Arbor Ross
for the Coordination of many, so many indigenous lot of the time it is. My main
Growing up here, I realize School of Business graduate
Humanitarian Affairs. people in history who have thing is finding people who
that I took it so much for Lexi Zeidan. President
Four years ago, a been, swept under the rug, truly know the situation
granted. When I went out of the New Generation
United Nations and have everything taken like my grandparents and
there, there were kids on of Palestine (NGP) and
International away from them,” Adam parents.”
the streets, people trying Palestinian-comedian,
C h i l d r e n ’ s said. “I think people aren’t Adam even
to do anything, hustling for Amer Zahr, also played a
buying into it at first and admitted how he wanted to
money.” huge role in rallying the
then later on, everybody’s actually go to Palestine, and
Adam’s family was even crowd.
gonna be like, ‘Wow, what despite it being dangerous
cautious of avoiding “It was cool to
a horrible thing,’ but it’s and illogical, he just wanted
dangerous territories, know that the community
too late. So I think it’s to do something to help. In
yet it was clear the is taking a stand and that
important to talk about it the end, he decided to walk
we can’t forget about this,”
now.” the downtown streets of his
After 11 days of Adam said. “The speeches
fighting, a cease-
For Adam, gaining home city surrounded by
also taught me a lot because
fire agreement was a first person perspective is Palestinian flags, creative
they were talking about
reached between Is- vital. signs and hundreds of like-
personal experiences and
rael and the Hamas. “Some people don’t minded protestors to chant:
how things are going in
VISH GONDESI know what Palestine is, “Free, free
some people don’t know Palestine.”

DR. SCHWAMB RETIRES reasons why a person

decides to retire and a lot of
years, took a pause.
She then looked straight
it is for personal reasons,” THE EMERY STAFF
Schwamb said. “I’ve spent
into the camera. about 48 years of my life — EDITORS-IN-CHIEF:
“It’s been awesome,” 17 of them as a registered Allison Mi
Schwamb said. “When I first professional nurse and
walked through the halls of Vish Gondesi
nurse administrator,
Huron, I felt it. There are and 31 years in the area ADVISER:
very strong connections of education — in the Sara-Beth Badalamente
between the staff and the workforce, so I just felt like
students, which I have it was time for me to spend Ridhima Kodali Managing Editor
never felt anywhere else.” time and really enjoy it Maya Kogulan Editor-in-Chief Emeritus
On May 5, 2021, with family and friends, as
Schwamb announced that Clara Bowman Editor-in-Chief Emeritus
well as pursuing some new Mishal Charania Managing Editor Emeritus
she would be retiring from things.”
Ann Arbor Public Schools H o w e v e r ,
on July 1, 2021. Schwamb’s journey
Schwamb thought Lydia Hargett Uthman Al Andulusi Gabriela Dimova Visruth Rajendiran
didn’t start in Ann Arbor,
about retiring for a year Michigan. It began in the
Kaitlyn Sabb Ruqayyiah Al- Anita Gaenko Adam Schork
now. Working full time as suburbs of New York, just a Quinn Newhouse Saady Eric Heng Jamil Wilson
a principal of a high school train ride from Manhattan. Julie Park Jaden Boster Bridget Jung
during a pandemic kept her Kiana Hemati Zach Brewer Blake Mundy
busy due to the demanding READ THE FULL STORY ON Shania Ahmed Neeko Cho Rio Ohtake
“There’s a lot of

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