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Department of Education

Pres. Elpidio Quirino National High School

Summative Test No. 1
2nd Quarter - SY 2021-2022
Name:______________________ Parent’s Signature: _____________
Track/Section_________________ Date: ___________________

I. Multiple Choice:
Direction: Please read the instruction before taking the test. Read each question carefully and choose
the best answer. Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. When common eyeglass is used as a reading glass only. However due to demand of consumer the
product description and design is being reconfigure through a technology to come up with a
progressive eyeglass not just for reading but for three capable uses. What entrepreneurial mind is
being manifested in the situation?
A. Business mind B. Technical mind
C. Creative mind D. All of the choices
2. Which of the following essential characteristics of entrepreneurial mind which sees things differently?
A. Creativity B. Passion
C. Innovative D. Resourceful
3. Which entrepreneurial mind conceptualizes and design products to capture the sensory system of
human being?
A. Business mind B. Technical mind
C. Creative mind D. All of the choices
4. Which of the following best described creative mind?
A. Employment of technology to arrive at a reconfigure design.
B. Conversion of prototype into production stage and finally distribution to its market.
C. See and use products aside from its basic function.
D. All of the above
5. It brings the products (product or services) from the prototype stage to production and eventually to
potential market.
A. Business mind B. Technical mind
C. Creative mind D. All of the choices
7. All of the following are benefits or uses of product description, EXCEPT ONE.
A. Identify the level of quality and usability of a product.
B. Express the skills required to produce the products.
C. State who will be benefited for the profit it will generate.
D. Understand the purpose, function, and benefits of the product

8. What do you call the process of piloting your prototype with the real users to validate design decisions
before development starts?
A. Prototype creation B. Prototype development
C. Prototype testing D. All of the choices

9. What is the first and arguably the best way to validate the marketability of your product?
A. Making initial sales B. Receiving orders
C. Receiving product recommendations D. Receiving positive comments from the product

10. Mr. Jake Florendo borrowed a small capital from his mother to finance his newly product. His mother
believe that the product is a breakthrough. What marketability validation does Mr. Florendo is using?
A. beta testing B. competitive analysis
C. crowd-funding D. ringing the cash register
11. Floredelz Knit and Croc is owned by Mrs. Lilia Delizo. She decided to join the Rimat Ti Amianan
fair which participated by different entrepreneurs in Region1. What marketability validation does the
owner of Floredelz Knit and Croc employed?
A. beta testing B. competitive analysis
C. meeting the customers D. research existing demand

12. It is the process of presenting a concept for a product to its target market and learns from those
prospective buyers whether or not the idea is worth pursuing.
A. Market Penetration B. Market Segmentation
C. Market Research D. Market Validation
13. Why does competitive analysis say that competition is good?
A. It makes a business strive hard to beat its competitors.
B. It confirms an existing demand for a product or a service.
C. It motivates businesses to make innovations to take lead from their competitors.
D. It is both beneficial to the buyers and the businesses.
14. As a newbie in business, Ms. Go wanted to make sure that there is a demand for the product he
would offer. Thus, he searched for the product trends on the internet. What validation method did
Ms. Go used?
A. Beta testing B. Competitive analysis
C. Research existing demand D. Ringing the Cash Register
15. What should be done when your potential buyers are not interested in your product?
A. Play around with some methods of delivery and adding value.
B. Test your product with a few variants of concepts.
C. Do your research and find out what feature should be changed or added.
D. All the choices are correct
16. It comprises the entrepreneurial mind although this is not necessarily in an entrepreneur to have it
this drive him /her to convert new learning into highly serviceable and operational.
A. making prototype B. product descriptions
C. testing the prototype generated product D. testing the prototype generated product
17. It is basically written in each products to facilitate easy recognition and identification of usefulness of
a product. Identify this marketing strategy that will easily understanding the purpose of the product,
its function, and benefits.
A. making prototype B. product descriptions
C. testing the prototype generated product D. testing the prototype generated product
18. Which of the following deals on activities, decisions and responsibilities of managing resources
is dedicated to the production and delivery of products and services.
A. 4 M’s B. Operation management
C. Goals D. Mission
19. Which is a key responsibility of operations management?
A. Services Required B. Supplier Selection
C. Products Selection D. Services
20. Which of the selection below refers to the expectations are captured in the discussions with the
customer and then refined for inclusion in the project product description.?
A. Quality expectations
21. If Prototyping is the Design Verification phase of Product and Development, how can you develop a
correct statement that will support it’s integrity?
A. It is a system development that attests and validate the designs actually in theory.
B. A systematic planning
C. A project requirement
D. It is the fulfilment of the design being in mind that has been planned for a certain period of
22. How can we criticize the 4m’s of operations if it is controlled by people or a machine itself to
produce the necessary or required number of productions needed?
A. sourcing raw materials is critical in any business endeavor as the businessman would want
to have the cheapest possible at the highest quality.
B. A machine is a vital aspect in operating a business composed of a mechanical structure that
uses power to apply forces and control movement to perform an intended action
C. Selecting the manpower as your are employees who are honest and capable in the process
which will you insights on how to reduce cost, increase productivity to achieve a better
D. Plan the Method accomplishing something.


Directions: Think of a product you want to offer to the market. Based on the template below, write a
detailed description of the product or services. Use this paper for your answer.

Product Descriptions
Name of the Product
Use of the Product
Overview of the Product
Components (Materials)

(Draw your prototype here)

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