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UNIT IV: MATTER Gas Laws tie Score: Grade Level: oa purt I: Multiple Choice Questions 1. A 100-mol hypothetical ga fom a larger container was transferred ito f containers with different shapes as shown below. On container A, 10 mmol of g closed comterred, while for containers B, C, and D the amount of ga were 20, 30, and 40 danee opectively: Which ofthe folowing gases would have the highest volume? | rr . : [=\ 2. A.10-mol gas inside a non-insulated, closed container was placed into two different environmentsas shown below. Which of the following statements about the illustration is correct? ez —S 66d éé ° eo a9 x Y a. Neither representation X nor Y is correct. b. Both representations X and Y are correct. Representation X is correct while Y is incorrect. dL Representation Y is correct while X is incorrect. —4 67 Scanned with CamScanner \ -d. Which A 10-mol gas was placed inside a tightly closed flask and was heate ich OF the inside the container af, following options best illustrates the events that occur ct heating? ae > — Ee e3\ a by oO oH 0% oe) ose) (48 ooe lo °°) emo 0% Se. 2 A Cc ‘The particles grew larger in size as compared to the initial condition. b. The particles clustered on the top of the container, seems like they want to escape. © The ten spheres or particles ate still dispersed but they move faster as shown by arrows or trails. d. “The cylinder has more particles, they are moving also faster as option B, but there are 12 instead of 10 spheres. ‘The main reason on why household acids and bases such as musiatic acid (HCI) and ammonia (NH3) are not supposed to be stored near each other is due to possible reactions that may occur even thro openings of a glass tubing, and th two represented by hollow and shaded ci i es lighter in mass than B, which of the fe } (HCI) A ing is formed near cotton A A ring is formed near cotton B A mist is formed that fills the tube A ring is formed at the middle of the tube eore ——— 6 Scanned with CamScanner dents were asked to blow air to inflate s ate se Five stu ; parate bal etups is the least likely rate balloons. Whi g setup: ely to occur? ns. Which of the followin eS ; ey) 3 G3 6. Agroup of campers went up on a mountain. As f As they moved al copoers wherein they boiled water for coffe and erate fallowing positions as shown below will water boil with the last amount a 2 5. © tatm is relatives to join them for scuba 1 ready, which of the following ness after the said Dating the summer vacation, Tony was asked by bi ‘ing With all of the gears prepared and all stu! ee he take to avoid the risks of decompression sick 2h Adi wa os who goes straight up to the surface of the water ck ria who went up with staggered depth at a given time 4 iver who went down with staggered depth at a given time A div Ce ' . + that goes straight down, with a given time and depth 4 69 +—— Scanned with CamScanner — eam) 8. The figure below illustrates a balloon that is placed inside a sealed ahass ae ‘The i i ¢ balloon entire setup is connected to a vacuum pump. What will happen f © when the pump is turned on and the air is sucked out of the system? a. The balloon will decrease in size. b. The balloon will increase in size. c. The size of the balloon will stay the same. d. The size of the balloon will increase and then decrease. 9. While diving, you saw an unusually large bubble that passed your way. Which of the rolling inferences would be valid? ‘The size of the bubble has been st a ; aller before you saw i b. The size ofthe bubble willbe smaller after ithe naan c.Thesize ofthe bubble would | 6 passed you by. ‘ have been bigger before ‘The sie ofthe bubble will ean eee lc in the Ne same throughout its ascent — 7 Scanned with CamScanner Diaphragm Volume of the Lungs Poo ra Relaxes Reduces aie b. | _ Relaxes Expands Talon a Contracts Reduces Exhalation a Contracts Expands Inhalation 11, What will happen to the size of the balloon when the stove is tured on? b. « d ‘The balloon will become larger. ‘The balloon will become smaller. ‘The balloon will inflate then deflate. ‘The size of the balloon will be the same. 12. Jon cares so much for his newly bought bicycle such that whenever he feels that the tires were quite soft, he immediately pumps air into them. One cold morning, he was surprised that both tires of his bicycle went flat, while he had just pumped air into it yesterday afternoon before his bicycle was parked. The tires do not have holes in them and itis surprising thar both of the tires were deflated at t he same time. Which of the following sentences best explains his observation? a. b « a. ‘The pressure inside the tire of his bicycle has increased. ‘The number of moles of gas particles inside the tires has decreased. ‘The kinetic energy of the gas particles inside the tire has decreased. ; ire has increased. The pressure that is applied by the environment onto the tie has increas 4 71 + Scanned with CamScanner 13. Given a tin can, a pair of tongs, stove and a bucket of ice, which of the following ‘ =a procedures could enable you to crash the tin can withoue pounding i . a. Using the pair of tongs, hold the tin can in upright positon over the soe ag when it gets hot, immerse the can on the bucket full of ice up ; i d b. Using the pair of tongs, hold the tin can upside down over the sone a When it gets hot, immerse the can on the bucket full of ice on uprig| Pe " Using the pair of tongs, hold the tin can upside down over the a et oficeang when it gets cold enough, heat the can over the stove in upright position. d. Using the pair of tongs, hold the tin can in upright over the ae | when it gets cold enough, heat the can over the stove in upright position, . Baker's yeast is added to dough prior for preparation of bread. Yeasts undergo anaerobic respiration in order to produce carbon dioxide. When the bea - hal during baking, the carbon dioxide gas trapped within the ough *P ds ths causing the bread to “tise”. Which of the following gas laws could be us plain this phenomenon? a. Boyle’s law Avogadro's law b. Charles’ aw d. Gay-Lussac’s law . Volcanic eruption is one of the prominent natural disasters in countries that lies within the Pacific Ring of Fire. Which of the following gas laws is involved in prior to a volcanic eruption where a volcano’s caldera is still blocked with rocks and soil? a. Boyle's law © Avogadro's Liw b. Charles’ law d. Gay-Lussac’s law .. Which of the followin, i fe 'g options provides the correct explanation of how a pressure cooker works? % Boyle’ law: As the volume of water vapor inside the pressure cooker decreases, the Pressure increases which facilitates. f cooking of food, ony sree Scanned with CamScanner * vhere the pressure is 1 arm which caused its volume to become 9s Ifa sample of nitrogen gas occupies a volume of 300 ml. at -23°C, Charles law: As the volume of water vay | b. ; POF inside the pe | y incre: c1 SSUTE Cooker j she remperaite diet increases hence, the fo icant ok Mee Faster : RAN he earn es , : "Kemperature inside the pressure cooker of the gas increases, which Facilitates faster cooking 5, the pressure JL None ofthe above. a. ¢ produced under the ocean with a pressure of A bubble p a pressure of 10 atm ascended the surfa face pubble’s initial volume? ml. What was the a Ol ml c 0.011 ml b. 9.5 ml d. 950 ml What volu ; 0 me does it occupy at 239°C, given that the pressure remains constant? a, 282ml c. -300,00 ml b. 253.40 ml 4. 355.17 ml ‘The pressure of a gas inside a metallic spray can is 150 atm at room temperature (25°C) where a fire raised the temperature to 450°C. Which of the following derived forms of Gay-Lussac’s law formula would correctly solve the problem? a P2=(PITI/T2 c P2=T2KPIT2) b. P2=(PIT2)/TI d. P2=TIAPIT2) | Aweather balloon is filled with 18 L of helium at 26°C, with a pressure of 2.5 atm. What will be the pressure of the gas inside the balloon when it reaches the upper atmosphere where the temperature drops to ~33°C and its volume becomes 38.0 L? a 9.51 atm ec. =15.03 atm b. 14.75 atm d. 42.37 atm Scanned with CamScanner Biomolecules we ae a ee amma aaa a 1, Multiple Choice Questions hich of the four biomolecules required for constituting proteins throu 1 eH formation using acidic and basi functional groups that areatached © ne” tothes, alpha carbon? mal cron a OH ) Wa oH 10 a) ee HHH HH Nn b. Ces d. HoG-GmE-G-F-C=08 2 (leis HHH A ‘The fundamental rule of thumb for interaction of molecules, whether in living or nonliving systems is “like dissolves like”. Inside a cell wherein the cytoplasm is mainly composed of water as well as che extracellular fluid, which of the following orientations of fatty acids of the phospholipid bilayer would be more plausible? BU SENSOR STAT ARBAB 2. Option A, because attraction between the polar heads of fatty acids than those of the tails. b. Option A, because the nonpolar tails will prevent the polar heads from interact with inside and outside environments of the cell. is stronger ing . . ' ide and inside © Option B, because nonpolar tails would not interact with the outside and ins regate on the middle. environments of the cell, thus nonpolar tails would ager Option B, because nonpolar tails would highly ateract each other since they he lager sizes compared tothe polar heads, chus they aggregate cowards he of the bilayer, —. 77 + Scanned with CamScanner = derived from natural sources s, Most of the fabrics used in textile industry were derived fro ne Bere ir composition, in wh; as cotton and silk. These two fabrics differ in terms eee ane White cotton, being derived from plant is made of cxboly ian cca a obtained from silkworms is protein-based. Which of the te effective in absorbing water? Why? W x A. coton 4 Cotton, because it has a porous internal structure that could trap more water molecules. b. Silk, because unlike cotton which is made of C, H, and O, silk has nitrogen atoms that could enhance its water-absorbing capacity. © Cotton, because the hydroxyl groups of the carbohydrate molecules in this fabric would efficiently bind to water molecules through H-bonding, d. Silk, because the amino acids have side chains that could efficiently attract water molecules, hence it would better absorb water than cotton, Which of the following options provides the correct arrangement of the four nucleotide sequences in terms of | incteasing stability? a ULV ILL IV, Ir b LIVE 4. TH, I 1,1 Se 8 Scanned with CamScanner nzyme that is a component of both sali Amylose is a € t vated 5. A pecially recognizes and break alpha 1-4 glycoi Pancreatic juice en es. Whi oan ic is sponosaccharides. Which of the following options best illustrates Pee two substrate? be I, 0, on HOH oe ‘OH 6. Interaction between iron and oxygen outside the human body results to rusting, an_ irreversible oxidation reaction. The human blood also contains hemoglobin and the iron bound on its central region facilitates oxygen binding as shown in the figure. So why does the iron in our blood do not form rust? 2. The iron found in the blood and in the human body has different chemical properties. b. Amino acids in hemoglobin allow iron in the 8 a blood to interact but not totally react with oxygen, hence does not form rust. i ith liqui ¢ blood & The oxygen inside the human body is mixed with liquids such as thi hence itis less reactive and could not form rust. - i el rate site for oxygen and iron s© with each other. The structure of hemoglobin provides a sepa they do not react if these two molecules bind to hemoglobin, a el Scanned with CamScanner Aw eee Ts cs, while a sequence of ay, jhe illustration are three 5," i e Sugar tion term for carbohydrat Shown in t r ences best describes the informa ‘The word “sugar” is the layman's ewe acid less than 50 residues is called a peptide. Which of the following ser and a peptide. show a. All sugars and peptide are sweet. b. All sugars are sweet and a peptide is not. ©. All peptides are sweet but sugars are not sweet. d. Some sugars and peptides are sweet while others are not. The Gram stain formulated by Danish microbiologist Hans Christian Gram is a dark colored, water-based liquid used to differentiate bacteria. Bacterial species which retain the Gram stain could be colored and better viewed under the microscope, while Gram negative bacteria do not retain the Gram stain. The illustration shows two bacterial cells, which of the two would most likely be Gram positive? Pana Miner Perea ce recome ee nett comenre Petron acter A a. B, because the lipids and fat Gram stain, B ty acids could form H-bond with the solvent of b. A, because the carbohy solvent of Gram stain, yvdrates and amino acids could form H-bond with the ——— 9 +___ Scanned with CamScanner A, because it has a meshlike Gram stain. B, since the thicker the cell wall of a bacterium, there hk trapping the Gram stain within its structure, a higher chance of apPearance that could trap the molecules of the Glucose is one of the most abundant carbohydrates in » alysacharides such as starch in plants, glycogen from the fy fomprses the dietary fiber obtained from plant sources of the three polysaccharides mentioned are shown belo. options provides the correct name of the three polysaccharide ature and it comprises ver, and cellulose which ‘The unlabeled structures Which of the following les with the same order az the illustration? oH.0 oH,0H cnn oH on oH ‘on 0. 0, o. 5 ° oH on La ia A o We CHZOH Ras of oO ? Hon CH; HOH CH,OH 0, 0, 0, en eH > Kon Woo! os on on on On B CHOH = CH CHCH H ©, He ‘o-oo oobi OH CHOH OH c % Callulose, starch, glycogen ©. Glycogen, starch, cellulose b. Cellulose, glycogen, starch d. Starch, glycogen, cellulose '0. Glucose is stored in the form of glycogen in the liver. Glycogen is composed of (fousands of glucose molecules arranged in a branched configuration. Why should the body store glucose in this form, whereas it is also degraded glycogen into fe slucose when the person skipped a meal or when the blood glucose level falls down? a b © d. To form a structure that will enhance the shape of a liver cell To prevent water molecules from entering the liver cells and avoid swelling To use the enzymes generated by the body which are tasked to release glucose a for To utilize the enzymes that the body produces to join glucose molecules fo elycogen Scanned with CamScanner se a Ae ict’s reagent to test the pr, SirCJ brought a Benedict er eit chess oye students were ask thei rg oe Which ofthe allowing gg 11. Incheir general chemistry clas, i Fc ‘ati of glucose in the urine. Four represent test are shown below. amples, and the results of the ; yo gucote! aoe the eee of saps in decresing ama" = | J | A B c D ,A, and D a A,D,B,andC c CB, owe r b. B,C,A,and D d. D,A,B,a 7 i ich were 12, The illustration shows two leaves of the same size and tides whi h wer epg in different conditions. Which among these ewo leaves has been exposed to sunligh, within the longest period of time? a. “The pale-colored leaf, because more starch generated through photosynthesis would prevent the iodine solution from entering the cells of the leaf, b. The dark-colored leaf, because more starch generated through photosynthesis. © The pale-colored leaf, because excess glucose produced through photosynthest is used to make cell wall that blocks the absorption of iodine solution by the leaf. 4. The dark-colored leaf, because excess is used to make cell wall which enhai the leaf. glucose produced through photosynthesis inces the absorption of iodine solution by 13._A figure which depicts the result of Biuret fest on various foodstuff with hypothetical codes A through D, wherein D has the darkest, violee cole Despite the disclaimer “No approved therapeutic claims,” many people buy and take food supplements since they believe that these substances could improve their healthy People who would like to develop more lean muscles take protein supplements. Shown in the figure ate — 2 +__ Scanned with CamScanner fou! Which A B a b. 14. the rable below. Which of the following ent hypothetical Drane’s of Too’ supplements which we among the options has the highest ih c DNA ries/portions of the tal 6 teste ted through Big 1 Wet test d. ‘The comparison between two nucleic acids, namely DNA and RN, ‘A is summarized in ble is incorrect? [RNA Location within the cell Inside the nucleus, mitochondrion and in some cases, cytoplasm Inside the nucleus, rough ER and ribosome General structure Double stranded Single stranded Nitrogenous bases Adenine, Thiamine, Adenine, Uracil, Cytosine, Guanine Cytosine, Guanine Stability High Low a, Column 2, Row 2 b, Column 2, Row 4 15, Shown in the figure isa resule of gel electrophoresis of bacterial DNA from four different patients infected by bacteria. ‘The DNA of known bacteria is shown in entries A through E while samples from patients were loaded on F through I. Who among the patients is infected with bacterium 3? a. Patient 1 b. Patient 2 © Patient 3 Patient 4 c. Column 3, Row 2 d. Column 3, Row 4 BACTERIAL SAMPLES fanaa a PATIENTS SA 8 cD met —4 83 Scanned with CamScanner | electrophoresis apparatus. The DNA sane that the DNA contains a phospho isthe correct orientation of the gel.» 16. Shown in the figure is the setup of ge! are loaded (indicated by arrows). Considerin backbone, which among the following options the apparar-? =] + 1 I I 1 1 ! 1 1 1 a b. c d. 17. Biomolecules used for structural purposes such as keratin and collagen are composed of repeating units of amino acids. Which of the following options describes the amino acid composition of these two molecules, respectively? COLLAGEN SON Oy Glycine Proline Alanine Glycine Proline Valine Glycine Proline Tyrosine Proline Lysine Lysine Serine Lysine a. Most amino acids in both keratin and collagen ate polar b, Most amino acids in both keratin and collagen are nonpolar, «Most amino acids in keratin are polar while for collagen are nonpolar. 4. Most amino acids in keratin are nonpolar while for collagen ate polar, — 4H Scanned with CamScanner

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