Final Research Proposal Varquez Jonah D.

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On the Rate of Construction Project Completion: The Role of

Organizational Characters


Jonah D. Varquez

Bachelor of Science in Construction Engineering and Management

Mapúa Institute of Technology, 2015

A Research Proposal Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Master of Science in Construction Engineering and Management

CEM290: Research Methods/D01/4Q-2021

Mapúa University

July 2021

This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to the author’s family who have been his source

of guidance and who continually provide moral, spiritual, emotional, and financial support.

The author also dedicates this study to his sister who recently passed away, who has been

his source of inspiration in his life.

And lastly, the author dedicates this study to the Almighty God for the strength,

guidance, power of mind, protection and for a healthy life. All of these the author offers to the

Almighty God.


First and foremost, the author gives his praises to the God, the Almighty, for His showers

of blessings throughout this research work.

The completion of this research study could not have been possible without the expertise

of the author’s professor, Dr. Dante Silva, who have been the source of knowledge and guidance

to the author.


The completion of construction projects, nowadays, pose great significance to factors

such as the national economy and livelihoods in the national scene. This is true as government

propagandas such as he Build Build Build (BBB) program has necessitate the completion of

construction projects for the sake of the creation of infrastructures, and hence, the continuous

growth of the Philippine economy. However, personal and inter-relational occurrences, in

connection to the underlying concept of organizational character, can serve as either a threat or a

boost towards the completion of construction projects. The current study aims to expound the

discussion on the relationship between the two variables in the context of the respondents from

Taguig City, Philippines. It will also make use of a qualitative research design, namely the

phenomenological research design with 10 respondents. The data gathering procedure/instrument

will be via interviews.

List of Figures

Figure 1: Theoretical Framework ...…………………….………………………………….…….


Figure 1: Conceptual Framework ...…………………….………………………………….…….


Table of Contents

Dedication ………………………………………………………………………………………. i

Acknowledgement ……………………………………………………………………………… ii

Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………………. iii

List of Figures …………………………………………………………………………………... iv


Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………... 1

Review of Related Literature …………………………………………………………… 4

Related Readings …………………………………………………….…………. 4

Related Literature ………………………………………………………………. 6

Related Studies …………………………………………………………………. 9

Synthesis and Justification ………….….….…………………………………… 12

Theoretical Framework ………………………………………………………… 12

Conceptual Framework ………………………………………………………………… 14

Statement of the Problem (General and Specific) ……………………………………… 15

Hypothesis ……………………………………………………………………………… 15

Significance of the Study ………………………………………………………………. 15

Scope and Delimitations ………………………………………………………….……. 16

Definition of Terms ………………………………………………………….…………. 17

Chapter 2: METHOD ………………………………………………………………….……... 18

Methodology …………………………………………………………………………… 18

Research Design ………………………………………………………………….….…. 19

Research Setting ………………………………………………………………………... 20

Respondents of the Study ………………………………………………………………. 21

Data Gathering Procedure/Data Gathering Instruments ………………………………...


Data Analysis ……………………………………………………………………………


References ……………………………………………………………………………………… 24

Appendices ……………………………………………………………………………………... 30

Appendix A: Related Literature Matrix ………………………….……………………...


Appendix B: Related Studies Matrix ………………………….….……………….….….


Appendix C: Methodology Matrix …………………….…………………….…………. 32

Chapter 1



The construction industry is seen as a trade and manufacturing branch that is mainly

concerned with the creation, maintenance, and repair of structures (Sustainable Development

Indicator Group, n.d.). In any nation, construction is proven to be an essential sector as it greatly

adds on to the nation’s economic growth (HHI, 2018). This is true as the industry of construction

is a sector that is investment-led and that the government yields a high interest from it (HHI,

2018). Furthermore, also for the benefit of the government, the construction industry may be

tasked to establish infrastructure involved in the realm of transport, health, education, and the

likes (HHI, 2018).

In the case of the Philippines, moreover, the construction industry was positioned in the

spotlight since the year 2016. This stems from the Duterte Administration’s initiative to create

more infrastructure construction to: 1) start the “Golden age of infrastructure” in an attempt to

finally boost the nation’s economic development (Subic-Clark Alliance for Development, n.d.),

2) aid traffic ease, and 3) boost interconnectivity and trade across all regions (Sanchez, 2020).

These objectives are officially known from the Build Build Build (BBB) program and will

redirect the nation’s wealth towards infrastructure, which necessitates the construction industry,

from 2.9 percent of nation’s GDP to 7.3 percent at the conclusion of Duterte’s term (Subic-Clark

Alliance for Development, n.d.). In monetary figures, from 2016 to 2022, this will require P8

trillion to P9 trillion at the expense of the nation’s wealth (Subic-Clark Alliance for

Development, n.d.). To say the least, there is a huge investment to the construction industry as of

the moment and a lot is riding on the said industry.

With that said, the completion of construction projects entail importance as these can

determine the success or failure of the construction company or industry. The term “construction

project” is commonly defined as the classified process of building, renovation, and etc. a

structure, building, and the likes (Designing Buildings Wiki, 2021). A construction project

usually consists of multiple minimal projects which necessitates a wide range of various

disciplines operating with each other (Designing Buildings Wiki, 2021). The construction

project, as a whole, can be noted as the foundation of the construction company or industry as

without it, there would be no action that will drive the business. Furthermore, naturally, a large

number of workers are tapped on a usual project, namely the project manager or lead consultant

who are backed by professionals like engineer, architect, and the likes (Designing Buildings

Wiki, 2021). Ultimately, the compilation of projects can make or break a construction company

or industry. In the context of the BBB program, the compilation of projects can be regarded as

effective and transformative as the program delivers and is in near completion with the

remaining year of the Duterte Administration (PNA, 2021). The collaboration amongst different

stakeholders from different departments like the Department of Trade and Industry, North Luzon

Railways Corporation, and the likes proves to be beneficial in terms of construction project

completion (Subic-Clark Alliance for Development, n.d.). However, this is not always the case,

with regards to construction projects. According to Designing Buildings Wiki (2021), the

breakdown of project roles and arrangements of a contractual nature can make construction

projects too complex to the point of project failure. This may stem from confrontation, conflict,

misunderstandings because of the intricacies and complexities of human nature. Famous

infrastructure from all over the world have been recorded as failures. From the Olympic Stadium

in Greece to the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, one thing is common to these design failures and that is

from the fundamental construction project, to begin with. Furthermore, Jones (2018) has

summed up that the most probable reasons for construction project failure are delays and cost

overruns in the schedule, stemming from issues and conflict. The author further supplements the

aforementioned statements. He elaborates further by laying down five reasons behind such

failure namely, insufficient planning, communication failure, unstable orders, productivity delays

and issues, and avoiding of red flags

Furthermore, every institution consists of organizational groups that maintain

organizational character. Organizational Character, as defined by Levinson (2016), may refer to

consistency of individual behavior in an organization or institution. This is supplemented by

Resnick’s (2003) definition that subjects organizational character as the recurrent personality of

various individuals in an organization that is recognizable by the outside world. As

aforementioned before, the complexity of human nature can get in the way of completion of

construction projects; The operationalization of the term “organizational character” can give a

more focused lens into such. Organizational Character is a useful concept for understanding the

main objective and goal of an organization or institution. According to Yu, Xiao & Bo (2018),

the organizational character is believed to have impact and influence on the organizational

performance of the organization or institution.

There is not enough discussion on the relation of both organizational character and

completion of construction projects, despite the establishment of the importance of the latter to

the equation. This is also true in terms of the contextualization and specifications of the study.

With this, the researcher aims to identify the role of the organizational character on the rate of

construction project completion. Fundamentally, the study aims to know the relationship of the

organizational character on the progression of the construction project.

The researcher will utilize a qualitative research design in order to totally seize the

essence of the experiences of the key respondents. The researcher pledges to obtain data legally

and ethically, with the consent of the respondents as well as authors of literature. The researcher

also pledges to deliver research content that is relevant, timely, and well-researched under


The scope of this study will constitute the city of Taguig, Philippines as the official

research setting, where the researcher will conduct the primary research concerning the key

respondents. The key respondents will comprise ten construction employees who are currently

immersed in the process of construction project/s completion. The research will further utilize

the latest definitions for the study which will be discussed later on.

Review of Related Literature

The study aims to establish prior knowledge regarding the topic. This includes knowing

the link between organizational character and construction project completion. This will be

achieved through the exploration of related readings, literature, and studies. The review of

related literature will first focus on the legal basis of the study with regards to the related

readings. Afterwards, such will give attention to the related literature and studies which will

compose of the scholarly materials including books, journals and the likes and thesis and

dissertations, respectively. Fundamentally, furthermore, this section presents studies that are

connected to the study.

Related Readings

Even the construction firms are bound by code of ethics. In fact, Wetzel (2013) noted that

the code of ethics implemented in most construction firms is manifested by the Construction

Management Association of America (CMAA). The CMAA has mandated a Professional Code

of Ethics (CMAA, 2021). According to the CMAA Professional Code of Ethics, leadership roles

have an impact on the construction and program management industry (CMAA, 2021). This is

why the Code of Ethics among Construction firms is mandated. With the CMAA Professional

Code of Ethics being implemented, organizational character among construction firms is highly

developed. The code of ethics has led most construction firms to have a uniform character

towards work in order to assure that the firm is performing at its best. The Professional Code of

Ethics is a basis for the generation of organizational character to be developed and practiced

within organizations. The implementation of this Code of Ethics has developed most ethical

standards set by firms as they enter the construction firm. “Construction Managers should

conduct themselves honorably, responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so as to enhance the honor,

reputation and value of the profession.” (CMAA, para. 7) Moreover, the CMAA Professional

Code of Ethics represents the aspirations of the construction professionals towards clients, and

colleagues. “Construction Managers should be guided in all their relationships by the highest

standards of integrity and honesty.” (CMAA, para. 6)

In the local setting, this study is anchored upon the Presidential Decree Number 1746

entitled “Creating the Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines” for without such, there

would be no determining and regulatory agency with regards to both organizational character

and rate of construction project completion, both individually and linked (CIAP, n.d.).

“WHEREAS, construction is now a major industry, accounting for more than five hundred

thousand workers and providing livelihood to more than three million Filipinos; “WHEREAS, the

construction industry has begun to venture into international markets, generating foreign

exchange and providing greater employment to Filipino workers.” (PD No. 1746, para. 2-3)

This is true within the specific laws and functions of the organization. Such includes the

adoption of a code of ethics, the adoption of essential regulations and rules to impact the

procedure and usage as relevant to a construction business with regards to contractors, and the

likes (CIAP, n.d.). These can be summed up and through and are underlying in the nature of their

service pledge which includes the following:

“(The institution pledges to) work for an environment conducive to the growth and

development of the Construction Industry” (CIAP Citizen’s Charter, p.4)

“(The institution pledges to) promote an environment for the effective and efficient

implementation of public and private construction in the country” (CIAP Citizen’s

Charter, p.4)

“(The institution pledges to) continually improve our processes while upholding the value

of professionalism, integrity and commitment to public service.” (CIAP Citizen’s

Charter, p.4)

Furthermore, the institution is given the authority over the Philippine Contractors

Accreditation Board (PCAB), Philippine Overseas Construction Board (POCB), Philippine

Domestic Construction Board (PDCB), and Construction Manpower Development Foundation

(CMDF) (CIAP, n.d.).

Related Literature


In construction management, performance and performance measurement have been the

focus subject of much inquiry, particularly in the last two decades with the creation of a wide

range of novel management philosophies, tactics, and methods and approaches such as

continuous improvement and just-in-time delivery; overall improvements. The notion of quality

management and quality assurance standards, as well as automation that has Construction quality

improved by a smidgeon. (Akkoyun and Dikbas, 2008)

Safety of the project site is an important aspect of construction project performance,

according to proponents of additional performance measures (Billy et al., 2006; Haslam et al.,

2005; Ortega, 2000). In developing countries, the construction industry is primarily labor-

intensive. The majority of the workers on construction sites are inexperienced, and they are also

exposed to the risks and health dangers that come with the job. As a result, it is vital for

management to offer a safe and healthy work environment for the construction staff (Ling et al.,


Carneiro et al (2018) conducted a study with the aim of evaluating the project manager’s

characteristics of a personal nature as linked with its impact towards the performance on a

project. The study conveyed a conclusion about the relationship as such having a direct

relationship, namely that the attitudes, skills, and knowledge impacts project performance.

Alarcon et al (2018) performed a similar study with the objective of assessing the link

between project performance and characteristics of an organizational nature among construction

companies. Such study was an exploratory one. The conclusion regarding the study is that the

organizational characteristics are not closely related to good performance with regards to

construction projects. However, the study is referring to the tightness of bonds within the

corporate social networks and the high connectivity.

Project Management

Project management practices attempt completion of the project as intended; getting it

done most efficiently by minimizing cost and achieving external goals related to customer needs.

(Koskela, 2002) Goals appear straightforward and achievable, however, projects continue to run

late, exceed their budgets or fail to meet project objectives (Hyvari, 2006). Projects are better

designed to respond to expected uncertainties (Turner and Muller, 2003), whereas project tasks

demand proper planning and may be more challenging to project teams, when compared to

routine work.

Chinowsky et al (2012) started a study with the aim of exploring the connection between

the practices with regards to business management and project success in the confines of the

construction industry. They operate within the notion that there is no link that is currently in

existence that connects the two.

Gong et al (2015), on the other hand, was keen on determining the factors of key

contractor characteristics that impact the success of a project under various project delivery

systems (PDS). The mediating factor in the equation is said to be the project management as they

are, altogether, interlinked. The findings state that different characteristics of the contractor such

as communications, coordination, skills in financial management, and the likes influence project

success within the confines of various project delivery systems.

Organizational Structure

Ahmad et al (2019) investigated the connections amongst the components of

organizational structure and viewed it alongside the concept of project success. The evaluation of

the mediation of knowledge sharing was also in the picture. As is relevant to the study, the

authors have concluded that the components, namely interaction and formalization, are

necessities towards the attainment of project success. This is true while centralization is

indirectly linked to project success.

Jafari (2018) operates with the preconception that organizational structure is the

foundation for the leadership in the organization with regards to attaining goals and primary

techniques. This can be synonymous to the previous author’s conclusion about organizational

structure and project success. The author was also keen upon the relationship between the

organizational character or characteristics and its relation to organizational structures, as he

underlyingly concludes that the two are linked and related.

Regardless of the type of business or project, researchers have found that organizational

structure plays a crucial impact in project failure/success. Hyvari (2006) looked into the impact

of several elements, such as management structures, on various commercial companies. He came

to the conclusion that the efficacy of project management is closely related to the design of the

organization. Hyvari (2006) looked into the relationship between essential project success

criteria and organizational dimensions in another study. The relationship between project

management organization and project success was investigated by Lechler and Dvir (2010).

They claimed that the relationship between project management structure and project success is

independent of the project type and size. The adoption of various project management

approaches and project success were explored by Joslin and Muller (2015). The management

hierarchy and command structure of a project are determined by project management

approaches, which can be used as a proxy for organizational structure.

Organizational Culture

Stare (2011) operated with the notion that organizational culture affects project

performance and proceeded upon placing importance on the prior by determining the level of

organizational culture in enterprises in Slovenian. True enough, the research has shown a great

level of organizational culture on project performance.

Nguyen et al (2017) slightly differed in objective as they targeted to pinpoint the effect of

project organizational culture, itself, on the construction projects’ performance. The setting was

in Vietnam. Furthermore, the conclusion shows that the commitment of the contractor to contract

agreements is the greatest cultural component that influences project performance.


Duvall et al (2018) talks about the project success outside the confines of construction

projects, but did not fail to evaluate the relevance of organizational characteristics in the

equation. Organizational characteristics such as good communication, adequate supervision,

positive disposition, and the likes were more successful in terms of projects. It is safe to say that

not all organizational characteristics lead to success, as such may vary.

Relational characteristics are at the heart of organizational characteristics. Adami et al

(2018) expounds on how relational characteristics affect the construction projects regarding wind

farms. The setting was in Brazil. The authors conveyed a more general conclusion as they stated

that the implication of the study shows that there is a positive influence of relational

characteristics on surviving obstacles that showed up during the implementation. Furthermore,

such was evident in the interorganizational projects’ success in contexts that are similar.

Related Studies


Pantiyasa et al (2017) conducted a study to determine the impact of organizational culture

towards the performance of employees. The research, however, was not in the setting of the

construction industry. It yielded a result stating that there is a relationship between organizational

culture and the performance of employees.

Khan (2018) also did not incorporate the topic of construction in the equation, but

included the idea of organizational components that contribute to the success of projects. The

relevance of performance is that it can be a mediating factor towards project success. The

research has laid out that the process assets of organizational nature, the integrity of

organizational communication, and the likes are accurate foresight for the success of projects.

Project Management

Tedla (2016) wanted to look into the effective strategies behind an efficient

organizational culture to increase performance. This exploratory case study acted within the

notion that there is, indeed, a relationship between organizational culture and performance.

Project management, furthermore, can be a mediating factor between the two. The study

concludes that there is really a need of improving a common understanding between managers

and employees for the sake of boosting the morale of employees.

Radakovich (2016) conducted a study to determine the relationship between

organizational culture, intrinsic motivation and employee performance. The relevance of project

management in this setting is that it is set in the background as an overarching context, a

necessary field in order to observe the correlation between the variables. The study concluded

that there is correlation between the variables of autonomy, meaningful work, intrinsic

motivation, organizational culture, and employee performance.

Organizational Structure

Although the author did not tap into the relevance of construction projects in the study,

Rajiv (2016) was keen on determining the effect of organizational structure on the performance

of management institutions. The study was situated in India. Furthermore, the results of the study

indicate that the management institutes’ stakeholders that hierarchical organizations are not

usually preferred in terms of decision-making flexibility and the likes; hierarchy has a negative

effect on organization’s performance.

Onono (2018), meanwhile, tried to establish a similar objective. However, he did so in a

different setting, namely at the General Electric Africa. A descriptive research design was

adapted. In terms of the result, they revealed that there was a both a weighty and positive link

between organizational structure and performance.

Organizational Culture

Obijiaku (2019) has set a study in order to assess the effect of organizational culture on

performance of an organizational nature. The setting or focus is on Nigerian banks. Amongst the

three main findings, the author has found that organizational culture greatly affects

organizational performance.

Zhou (2017), on the other hand, conducted a study to comprehend the possibility of

turnover intentions being impacted by organizational commitment and culture. This proves to be

relevant to the study as the turnover intentions can impact project completion. Moreover, the

findings suggest a direct relationship between organizational culture and commitment, an

indirect link between organizational commitment, and therefore, a negative relationship between

organizational culture and turnover. Therefore, it can be inferred that organizational culture has a

direct relationship with project completion.


Kuronzwi (2019) wrote a study in order to generate suggestions on how a company can

be more effective in terms of organizational culture to effect good employee performances.

Although the author did not focus on the relationship, the author has stated that the

organizational culture is a supportive one. It can be, therefore, inferred that the existing

organizational culture already impacts good employee performance.

Ogaga (2017) has conducted a study to assess the impact of organizational structure on

the link between the performance and company strategy of the companies in Kenya. The findings

of the study suggest that the linked impact of the foreseen variables was more effective than the

single impact of corporate strategy on performance.

Synthesis and Justification

The literature is composed of related terms and variables that are interchangeable or

connected to the topic of organizational character and rate of construction project completion.

However, the only available sources stem from different projects of different orientation, and

thus, different conclusions about the relationship of both variables. Some literature or studies

state that there is no relationship between the two variables, while others highly suggest that

there is.

There is a need for study because of the aforementioned. Fundamentally, there is a lack

of available literature to fulfill the objective of the study. Furthermore, the specific variables of

organizational character and construction project completion is in need of operationalization for

the sake of the fulfillment of the objective and purpose of the research.

Theoretical Framework

The study is generally relative to the Theory of Social Learning. This theory was first

proposed by Albert Bandura. The theory of social learning usually suggests that the social

behavior of any individual is learned by observation and imitation of the behavior of the people

around it. Such can account for the underlying justification for the concept of organizational

character. As clearly defined, the social behavior of any individual within an organization can be

influenced by what the individual observes and imitates from the group. Below is a diagram (Fig.

1) that clearly illustrates the Theory of Social Learning.


Social Behavior

Figure 1: Theory of Social Learning

Furthermore, this study will be anchored upon the theory of human relations. Coined by

Elton Mayo, the theory implies that relationships, attitudes, and leadership styles are crucial

factors in an organization’s performance (Oxford Reference, 2021). This theory is relevant to the

study as organizational character is closely defined in the prior variables and that project

completion is a big part of organization’s performance. Moreover, a key principle of the theory

includes the fostering of positive group relationships and values to be able to cultivate an

environment of teamwork and positivity amongst employee behaviors and attitudes (Oxford

Reference, 2021). This, in return, can be beneficial towards project performance.

In terms of the relationship of both theories, the prior can be viewed as a justification for

the individual nature, while the latter can be viewed in a relational set-up. Nonetheless, both

prove to be beneficial for the study as a basis because of their relevance to the study.

Conceptual Framework

The study clearly focuses on the role of organizational characters on the rate of

construction project completion. Basically, the concepts involved in the study involve the

organizational characters being developed among employees. The following illustrates the step-

by-step process (Fig. 2) that the researcher is going to undertake in the fulfillment of the study’s


Phase 1: The Selection of Data

Step 1: Refer to related readings as fundamental information

Step 2: Refer to related literature as fundamental information

Step 3: Refer to related studies as fundamental information

Phase 2: The Gathering of Data

Step 4: Conduct semi-structured interviews

Phase 3: The Processing of Data

Step 5: Use phenomenological analysis as a lens towards data analysis

Phase 4: Concluding and Recommending

Step 6: Disclose findings to convey conclusion

Step 7: Disclose recommendations for future researchers and involved parties

Figure 2: Conceptual Framework

Statement of the Problem (General and Specific)

The study primarily aims to discover the role of organizational characters on the rate of

Construction Project Completion. Specifically, the study aims to achieve the following


1. Determine if there is a relationship between organizational character, project

performance, and hence the rate of construction projects’ completion.

2. Examine which characteristics are relevant in the study’s discussion of organizational


3. Assess the case of project management in relation to the construction projects’


4. Distinguish the factors that manifest in terms of organizational culture and how they

relate to organizational character in the study’s context.

5. Examine the factors that manifest in terms of organizational structure and how they relate

to organizational character in the study’s context.


The researcher hypothesizes that there is a positive or direct relationship between the

enactment of organizational characters and the rate of construction project’s completion,

meaning as the enactment becomes more frequent, the rate becomes higher.

Significance of the Study

The study is found to be beneficial and significant. The results of the study are to provide

benefit on the following:

Construction Employees. This study enlightens the employees on how important is

organizational character in the organization, firm or institution. Furthermore, this can imply

social change in the employees’ relationships and can improve other aspects such as mental


Construction Firm Manager. This study provides knowledge on how organizational

character influences the success of every project in the construction. Moreover, this study can

improve the economic conditions of the firm, which is the main concern of the manager, as it can

make project completion more effective.

Human Resource Management. This study provides insight on how important is the

organizational characteristics in the construction project completion.

Future Researchers. This study provides valuable information on the roles of the

organizational character on the construction project completion.

Scope and Delimitations

The study covers the roles of organizational characters on the construction project

completion. Other factors that affect the construction project completion are not included in this

study. The study is to be utilizing 10 respondents for the responses for the study. The time setting

of this study, consequently, is within the year 2021 and the physical setting of the study is in the

city of Taguig, Philippines. The type of respondents is bound to their relevance to the study as

well as the aforementioned specifications.

The present study is currently incomplete due to its orientation of being a proposal. The

study is limited to the gathering or review of the related literature in terms of any considered

form of data gathering for the research. Such is not completely unnecessary as through the

review of the field can one have a basis or founding knowledge that can support the essentiality

of continuous study. However, the study is currently restricted in terms of the expound on the

contextualization that is demanded by the proposed essence of the study. However, in terms of

the overall study, the research is limited by its research design. This includes the number of

respondents and the likes Furthermore, the research design was not only deployed as is suitable

for the orientation of the study, but for the convenience of the researcher as well. The researcher

was mindful of and is limited by time, resources, and the likes.

Definition of Terms

The following are terms involved in the study. These terms are defined according to their

operational use in the study. The terms are as follows:

The Rate of Construction Project Completion – refers to how fast or how slow

construction-related activities are being accomplished to completion (Heatfolio, 2021)

Construction Project – refers to any project that involves construction of buildings,

roads or even facilities (Designing Buildings Wiki, 2021).

Organizational Character – the recurrent personality of various individuals in an

organization that is recognizable by the outside world (Resnick, 2003)

Chapter 2



The conceptual framework conveys the foreseen relationship between the independent

variable and the dependent variable. The independent variable serves to be the constant and

unchanging variable that has the capacity to dictate the outcome of the equation (McLeod, 1970).

Meanwhile, the dependent variable is the changing factor; it is reliant upon the independent

variable for its status (McLeod, 2019). In this case, the independent factor is the organizational

character. The researcher is attempting to identify its role as the independent variable.

Consequently, the dependent variable is the rate of construction project completion. Although the

determination of relationship between the two is to be exacted by the study as well, the

conceptual framework finds some of the literature as a validating component for the relationship.

Thus, the conceptual framework would like to assume that there is a relationship between the


The methodology is further concerned with the line of selection of data, gathering of data,

and the processing of data. With regards to the selection of data, the researcher will refer to the

available literature in order to grasp direction on what is missing in relevance to the study. By

referring to literature, the researcher can detect what is missing or the gaps that the study can

fulfill. Moreover, the gathering of data will be reliant upon the research design of the study. In

this case, the data gathering will highly involve interviews as the primary source of data. During

the data gathering, the researcher will ensure that consent will be extracted by the respondents.

Lastly, processing the data would include a phenomenological analysis as the researcher will

utilize a phenomenological research design.

Research Design

The research design of the study will be qualitative which depicts a more in-depth

orientation, rather than a study that generalizes on a surface-level (DJS Research, n.d.). It is also

attuned with generating answers to questions that ask whys and how’s of a phenomenon in

discussion. In the level, the qualitative research design highly differs from the quantitative (DJS

Research, n.d.). Fundamentally, qualitative research is labeled towards leaning more to the

subjective part of research rather than the objective (DJS Research, n.d.). The researcher opting

for qualitative research design also writes the findings in the written format in comparison to the

quantitative format that is written in numerical form. Furthermore, the strengths of qualitative

research may involve the following: 1) the comprehension of attitudes becomes possible, 2) the

design can provide insights about a specific field, 3) the design is cost efficient, and 4) the

human experience is valued (Gaille, 2018).

This research will utilize one type of qualitative research design which is the

phenomenological method. The phenomenological method is with the objective of describing,

comprehending, and elucidating the meanings behind human life experiences (Bloor, 2006). It is

centered on questions of a research orientation like the phenomenon of one’s experience in a

specific situation (Bloor, 2006). Synonymously, the phenomenological approach is concerned

with highlighting the specific aspect in order to determine the phenomena via how the actors

perceive such in the situation (Bloor, 2006). Some of the benefits of deploying the

phenomenological approach are the following: 1) the approach aids the comprehension towards

people’s meanings, 2) the approach adds on towards new theories development, 3) data that are

natural instead of artificial can be gathered, among others (Business Research Methodology,


In relevance to the study, the research design is a perfect fit as such can be an avenue for

the researcher to highlight the point of views of the respondents regarding the phenomenon. As

the effect of organizational character towards the rate of construction project completion is a

phenomenon, the design can help make sense of it. The collection, measurement and analysis of

the data is also reliant upon the said research design.

Research Setting

The research setting of this study will be in the city of Taguig, Philippines. Taguig is a

city in the National Capital Region or NCR that is surrounded by land (PhilAtlas, n.d.). It is

highly urbanized and has an annual constant income of ₱5,560,907,363.25, as of 2016

(PhilAtlas, n.d.). Taguig also has a land area of 53.67 square kilometers (PhilAtlas, n.d.). The

population of the city has reached 804,915 in the 2015 Census which represents 6.25% of the

overall population in the National Capital Region (PhilAtlas, n.d.)

Taguig city has been targeted as one of the sites that is included for the bouncing back of

the Philippine construction industry this 2021 (ASEAN Business, 2020). As the industry is said

to generate an output amount of up to 75.1 billion USD, it is essential to keep track of

construction projects in Taguig, with such projects contributing to the revenue (ASEAN

Business, 2020). Moreover, according to available data, construction projects are on the

continuous rise in the city of Taguig. This is true as the quantity of approved building permits

increased by 8.2 percent during 2019’s second quarter (PSA, 2020). With reference to these data,

it is safe to say that the city of Taguig is an appropriate setting for the study as the construction

industry relies on the city amidst the high demand for construction projects in the area.

Respondents of the Study

The researcher will be gathering 10 respondents for the primary data gathering. This was

opted to as the researcher has subscribed to the recommendation of Dworkin (2012), who stated

that five to fifty participants are already appropriate for study. The author, himself, has also

referred to numerous book chapters, articles and the likes in rendering the advice. The author

continued that beyond the sample size, what is to be noted are the data quality, topic nature,

scope of the study, qualitative study and method, and the likes.

Moreover, in deciding upon the respondents, it is important to classify the characteristics

that must be present in them. For the sake of a wide coverage, the researcher sets the standard of

the 10 respondents to be of a diverse demographic. This is also in order for the study to somehow

radiate a good representation of the population. Such a statement entails that the researcher opts

that the respondent can be old or young, male or female, married or single, Filipino or non-

Filipino, and the likes. Fundamentally, the presence of diversity can entail research and ethical

advantage and fulfillment (Burchard et al, n.d.). The researcher would also require the

respondents to be construction employees who have experience with regards to the variables of

organizational character, construction completion, and the phenomenon that links the two. The

researcher won’t limit the respondents with regards to a specific position as they can be of a high

or low position.

The employees will be chosen using purposive sampling. Also known as selective,

judgmental, or subjective sampling, purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling technique

that deploys the perspective of the researcher in deciding for the respondents (Crossman, 2019).

The selection is based upon the study’s objectives as well as the population’s characteristics

(Crossman, 2019). This sampling technique is suitable for the researcher in terms of convenience

and availability (Business Research Methodology, n.d.). The advantages of purposive sampling

include: 1) time-considerate and cost-effect, 2) appropriate when sources are limited, and the

likes (Business Research Methodology, n.d.).

Data Gathering Procedures

The data gathering shall fully commence once the researcher has received the permission

to conduct the study. Once permitted, the researcher shall identify the target participants. After

that, the researcher shall proceed to data gathering through interviews by distributing the letter of

participation or consent form. The researcher is tasked to hold the interview in a safe and secured

place to encourage openness, truthfulness, and honesty. The data gathering can also be done

virtually, considering the current pandemic.

Data Gathering Instruments

The data gathering instrument shall mainly be semi-structured interviews. These are

meetings between an interviewer and interviewees, one at a time. The interviewer will conduct

the interview guided by a list of questions, but should not really be restricted by them (Doyle,

2020). This is true as the point of the semi-structured interview is to ask more open-ended

questions, in order to generate in-depth answers from the respondents (Doyle, 2020). The use of

the instrument also permits a discussion, which is ideal for the research design, instead of a more

rigid and structured format (Doyle, 2020).

Data Analysis

Koppa (2010) states that phenomenological analysis is anchored upon the reflections and

elaborations of the respondents’ lived experience with regards to a phenomenon. Furthermore, as

phenomenological research is founded upon people’s perceptions and experiences of the

phenomenon, phenomenological analysis is also centered upon such. Its main focus is on the

comprehension of the personal experience of the people and the meaning that have associated

with regards to the lived experience. As is common to any qualitative data analysis, the

phenomenological analysis deals with generating themes and summation of such. To elaborate,

the following is the process for data analysis: 1) Classification and phenomenological depletion,

2) Depicting meaning units, 3) Grouping meaning units to structure themes, 4) Making each

interview concise, authenticating it, and editing if necessarily, and 5) Uprooting themes that are

distinctive and general from the interviews and writing a summary (Groenwald, 2004).


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Author Performance Project Organization Organizatio Characteristi

(pp. 6-7) Management al Structure nal Culture cs (pp. 8-9)
(p.7) (pp. 7-8) (p. 8)

Carneiro et al The study

(2018) conveyed a
about the
as such
having a

namely that
the attitudes,
skills, and

Alarcon et al The
(2018) conclusion
regarding the
study is that
s are not
related to
with regards

Chinowsky et They operate

al (2012) within the
notion that
there is no
link that is
currently in
existence that
connects the

Gong et al The findings

(2015) state that
s of the
such as

skills in
and the likes
within the
confines of

Ahmad et al As is relevant
(2019) to the study,
the authors
that the
towards the
attainment of

Jafari (2018) The author

operates with
l structure is
for the
leadership in

with regards
to attaining
goals and

Stare (2011) The research

has shown a
great level of
l culture on

Nguyen et al The
(2017) conclusion
shows that
of the
contractor to
agreements is
the greatest

Duvall et al Organizationa
(2018) l
s such as
on, adequate
and the likes
were more
successful in
terms of


Adami et al The authors

(2018) conveyed a
more general
conclusion as
they stated
that the
implication of
the study
shows that
there is a
influence of
s on surviving
obstacles that
showed up
during the

Varquez Literature Project Organizationa Organization Characteristic

(2021) about management l structure is, al culture is s expounds
performance dictates by definition, also linked the nature of
is relevant as project closely with organizationa
such is linked success, interrelated organizationa l character.
towards which more with l character, They are the
project often than not organizationa by definition. specifications
completion is linked l character Therefore, of the latter
towards and can, thus, literature and is, thus,
project benefit the about such is essential to
completion. study. a need. the study.
about such is


Author Performance Project Organization Organizatio Characteristi

(p. 9) Management al Structure nal Culture cs (pp. 11-
(p. 10) (pp. 10-11) (p. 11) 12)

Pantiyasa et It yielded a
al (2017) result stating
that there is a
l culture and
of employees

Khan (2018) The research

has laid out
that the
process assets
l nature, the
integrity of
on, and the
likes are
foresight for
the success of

Tedla (2016) The study

that there is
really a need
of improving
a common
managers and
for the sake
of boosting
the morale of

Radakovich The study

(2016) concluded

that there is a
between the
variables of
l culture, and

Rajiv (2016) Furthermore,

the results of
the study
indicate that
are not
preferred in
terms of
flexibility and
the likes;
hierarchy has
a negative
effect on

Onono (2018) In terms of

the result,
they revealed
that there was
a both a
weighty and

positive link
l structure

Obijiaku The author

(2019) has found
l culture
l performance

Zhou (2017) It can be

inferred that
l culture has a
with project

Kuronzwi It can be
(2019) inferred that
the existing
l culture
impacts good

Ogaga (2017) The findings

of the study
suggest that
the linked
impact of the
variables was
effective than

the single
impact of
strategy on

Varquez Performance Project Organizationa Organization Characteristic

(2021) proves to be management l structure can al culture can s, in related
one of the is one of the be considered be forms, can be
key variables key interchangeab interchangeab the cause of
of the foundations le with le with highlight in
research. for project organizationa organizationa considering
completion l character l character organizationa
l character.


Phase/Stage Research Respondents Data Data Data

Setting of the Study/ Gathering Gathering Analysis
Materials to Procedure Instrument/
be used Equipment

Phase 1: Selecting of Data

1. Refer to Online Relevant

related texts will be
readings utilized in

2. Refer to Online Relevant

related texts will be
literature utilized in

3. Refer to Online Relevant

related texts will be
studies utilized in

Phase 2: Gathering of Data

1.Semi- Construction 10 diverse The

structured Companies in construction respondents
Interview Taguig City employees will sign
handling consent forms

Phase 3: Processing of Data

1. Utilization Steps of
of phenomenolo
phenomenolo gical analysis
gical analysis

Phase 4: Concluding and Recommending

1.Disclosure Gathered
of Findings Data

2.Disclosure Gathered
of Data


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