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Ideally an application should use _____ protocols.

Both -coorect

An API proxy can act as an API gateway.

False -correct

Gateway is capable of exposing a client to different APIs based on the devices.

True -correct

A variation for regular Gateway pattern is ______.

Frontend for backend

An API call will be received by the gateway and will route it to the appropriate microservice.

True -correct

Which service discovery requires an additional router?

server side -correct

_____ helps in reducing latency during service calls.

breaker -correct

_____ doesn't add anything new, it just re-exposes the existing API with some additional

API Proxy - correct

Which one of the following is not an API developer/manager lifecycle?

Explore - corect

To avoid the gateway from making calls to key management frequently use Caching.

True - correct

The communication between the gateway and key management happens through a _____ call.
Thrift -correct

Which one of the following is an API consumer lifecycle?

Explore -correct

Which of the following is not a function of analytic?

Enforce rate-correct

_____ is a URL that communicates with the API.

Endpoint -correct

Rate limiting based on the HTTP header is not possible.

False -correct

_____ are identified using _____.


Which of the following is not a HTTP method?

update -correct

Which of the following is not a rate limiting types?

bandwidth -correct

Bandwidth is one of the reason to enforce Rate-Limiting.

True -correct

All request will be proxied through Gateway, using their ______.

application name-correct

A single service can have multiple endpoints.

True -correct

X-API-Version: 2 is _____ type of versioning.

Custome header - correct

Which of the following is a type of documentation?

URL -correct

Deprecated API can still be used.

true - correct

Swagger UI creates Documentation based on API Parameters.


It is possible to test an API without subscribing.

True -correct

Which of the following is not an API Life-cycle?

Subscibed -correct

API creation and management is done in ______.

API store

WSO2 store is a ______.

both - wrng

Who manages the API lifecycle?


Which of the following is not a Netflix Open software service?


What HTTP Status Code 401 indicates?

Bad request - wrng

REST architecture treats every content as a _____.


The default burst limit in AWS gateway is _____.

5000 - wrng

A single API cannot be subscribed multiple times with many SLA levels.


The tool that is used to develop API documentation is _____.


Which of the following are the parameters taken by Token APIs to generate tokens?


Monetization is one of the reason for Rate limiting.


WSO2 API publisher can be accessed through the address.

Oauth uses ____ to authenticate the users.


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