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Name: Lovely Shane C. Ocon Strand: STEM Date: 1-31-2022

Exercise 5
The different types of research

Task(s) to Accomplish (Questions to answer):

1. What is the difference between the following studies:
a) Basic vs. Applied - Basic Research is completely theoretical, that focuses on basic principles and
testing theories. Applied Research can be defined as research that encompasses real life application of
the natural science.
b) Observational vs. Non-observational - Observational studies are ones where researchers observe the
effect of a risk factor, diagnostic test, treatment or other intervention without trying to change who is or
isn't exposed to it. Non-participant Observation involves observing participants without actively
participating. This option is used to understand a phenomenon by entering the community or social
system involved, while staying separate from the activities being observed.
c) Retrospective vs. Prospective - In prospective studies, individuals are followed over time and data
about them is collected as their characteristics or circumstances change. ... In retrospective studies,
individuals are sampled and information is collected about their past.
d) Qualitative vs. Quantitative - Quantitative research deals with numbers and statistics, while qualitative
research deals with words and meanings.
e) Descriptive, Analytical (Correlational) vs. Experimental (Intervention) - The main difference between the
two is that – descriptive research is a qualitative or quantitative approach dedicated to observing the
variable demographics under its natural habitat. While experimental research includes a scientific
quantitative approach to test hypotheses and theories using control variables.
f) Prevalence vs Incidence - Prevalence refers to proportion of persons who have a condition at or during
a particular time period, whereas incidence refers to the proportion or rate of persons who develop a
condition during a particular time period.
g) Cohort vs case-control - While retrospective cohort studies try to compare the risk of developing a
disease to some already known exposure factors, a case-control study will try to determine the possible
exposure factors after a known disease incidence.
h) Case study vs Case series - A case study, also known as a case report, is an in depth or intensive
study of a single individual or specific group, while a case series is a grouping of similar case studies /
case reports together.
i) Meta-analysis - Meta-analysis is a quantitative, formal, epidemiological study design used to
systematically assess the results of previous research to derive conclusions about that body of

2. Give examples for each study type. Find a study in the internet (use APA format).
a) Basic – Joshi, N.(2015). A Quantitative Study of the Imapct of Social Media reviews on Brand
b) Applied – Tolley, E. Et al. (2016). Qualitative methods in public health. John Wiley and Sons.
c) Observational – Angrosino, M. (2007). Doing ethnographic and observational research. Sage.
d) Non-observational – Austin, P. (2009). Using standardized difference to compare the prevelance of a
binary variable between two groups in observational research.
e) Retrospective – Fyodorov, M., Kusmiriv, E.(2013). Agriculture and economic security of Russia.
f) Prospective – Jasimuddin, S. Et al. (2005). The challenges of navigating a topic to a prospective
g) Qualitative – Tavallaei, M., Talib, M.(2010). A general prospective on role of theory in quanlitative
research. Journal of international social research 3.
h) Quantitative – Antonio, A.(1994). Quantitaive researches on the optical propertie of human bone. Nture
i) Descriptive – Akademir, E. Et al.(2015). Descriptive analysis of researches on curriculum development
in eduction.
j) Analytical (Correlational) – Graboki, S.V.(1985). Transfer pricing in complex organizations. Readings in
accounting for management control.
k) Experimental(Intervention) – Redfield, D. C., Rasseau, E.(1981). A meta-analysis of experimental
research on teacher questioning behavior.
l) Prevalence – Wyatt, G., Peters, S.(1986). Issues in the definition of child sexual abuse in prevalence
m) Incidence – Adrian, V.(2012). Researchers regarding the incidence of lead in grains.
n) Cohort – Affolter, F., Et al. (2010). The swiss HIV cohort study. Interntional journal of epidimiology.
o) case-control – Ingram, D. Et al.(1997). Case-control study of phytoeostrogens and breast cancer. The
lancet 350.
p) Case study – Cohen, F.S.(1952) The erosion of Indian rights, 1950-1953: a case study in bureucrasy.
Yale LJ.
q) Case series – Mao, L. Et al.(2020) Neurological manifestations of hospitalized patients with COVID-19
in Wuhan, China: retrospective case series study. MedRxiv.
r) Meta-analysis – Paterson, B., Thorne, S. E. Et al. (2001). Meta study of qualittive health research: a
practical guide to meta Anlysis and meta synthesis. Sage.

3. State the title of the proposed study. Give the specific research study type and explain answer.
“ Factors that affects Senior high school students’ adaptability in attending online classes”. A quantitative
study, because it mainly focus in gathering huge amount of data and statistics.

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