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Republic of the Philippines


Tamag, Vigan City
2700 Ilocos Sur

1. Greek - Their literature

For someone who studies literature, the most notable contribution of the Greeks
for me is their literature. Greek mythology, although it is only a work of fiction,
mirrors their culture in a way. While reading the stories included, we could learn
about their way of living or architecture to be specific.
For instance, in Greek architecture, we see stone carved as gorgons. This is
reflected in the character of Medusa and her siblings. The goddess Athena, too, for
instance is often associated with the pantheon. The original pantheon is a Greek
architecture and it is composed of columns which serve as the foundation of their

2. Roman - Newspapers

The most notable contribution of the Romans, for me, is their “acta diurna” and
their “acta senatus” both of which served as the basis of newspapers we use today. I
am a student journalist and I personally write for schoolpapers and church newspapers.
This is why it is logical that I take note of the origins of what has become my passion
It is interesting how, as early as then, they have already developed a sense of
freedom for information which is clearly manifested in their daily acts.

3. Chinese - Gunpowder

The most notable contribution of the Chinese, for me, is the gunpowder although
I do not see it in a very positive note considering how wars are further fueled by this
advancement. I am not into violence and Chinese gunpowder dramatically
revolutionized warfare. Now, military forces around the world have already adopted it
and artillery, explosives, cannons, flamethrowers and grenades are made from it.
What’s more interesting with the gunpowders were that they were accidentally
discovered when alchemists were trying to make potions for eternal beauty.
Republic of the Philippines
Tamag, Vigan City
2700 Ilocos Sur

4. Medieval - Vertical Windmills

The most notable contribution of the Medieval period, for me, are their windmills.
Although they were originally meant for agriculture, windmills now, like those in
Ilocos Norte, serve as great help with energy conservation and production. This helps
in generating and providing electricity for people in farther or upland municipalities.

5. Modern Ages - Internet

I am born in the era where all the possible technological advancements are
already present. The most notable from all those, for me though, is the internet. Not
only did it make communication with relatives both here and abroad possible, it also
helped in faster spreading of information. I would say the internet bridged the gap
brought by distance.
The internet too, plays a significant role in making education possible during the
pandemic we are currently experiencing. Without this, we would not have been able
to conduct both synchronous and asynchronous classes. I consider the internet as the
mother of gadgets. Without it, functions of the computer, for instance is only limited.

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