Research Methodology Assignment 2014 SWE

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CHAPTER ONE...........................................................................................................................................................4
1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Background of the study.............................................................................................................................4
1.2 Statement of the problem...........................................................................................................................5
1.3 Objective......................................................................................................................................................5
1.3.1 General Objective...................................................................................................................................5
1.3.2 Specific Objectives..................................................................................................................................5
1.4 Research Questions.....................................................................................................................................5
1.5 The Scope Of The Study.............................................................................................................................6
1.6 Limitation.....................................................................................................................................................6
1.7 Significance of the study.............................................................................................................................6
1.8 organization of study...................................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER TWO..........................................................................................................................................................6
LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................................................................7
2. Introduction...........................................................................................................................................................7
2.1 An overview of Smart phones....................................................................................................................7
2.2 Impact of Smartphone on Education........................................................................................................7
2.3 Impact of Smartphone on Psychological Health......................................................................................9
2.4 Impact of Smartphone on Social Interaction..........................................................................................10

Table studies on the positive and negative effects of smartphone use

CHAPTER THREE....................................................................................................................................................13
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..............................................................................................................................13
3. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................................13
3.1 Description of the Study Area..................................................................................................................13
3.2 Source of Data............................................................................................................................................14
3.3 Methods of survey data collection............................................................................................................15
3.4 Sampling Technique..................................................................................................................................16
3.5 Sampling Method and Sample Size.........................................................................................................16
3.6 Data analysis..............................................................................................................................................16
3.7 Variable Description.................................................................................................................................17

3.7.1 Dependent Variable..............................................................................................................................17
3.7.2 Independent Variable...........................................................................................................................17
3.8 Academic Achievement.............................................................................................................................18
CHAPETER FOUR....................................................................................................................................................19
PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA...............................................................19
4.1 Research Question One.............................................................................................................................19
4.2 Research Question Two............................................................................................................................21
4.3 Research Question Three..........................................................................................................................21
4.4 Research Question Four...........................................................................................................................22
4.5 Budget and cost Plan.................................................................................................................................22
4.6 Time Schedule............................................................................................................................................23
CHAPTER FIVE........................................................................................................................................................25
DISCUSSION, RECOMMANDATION AND CONCLUSION.............................................................................25
5.1. DISCUSSIONS................................................................................................................................................25
5.2. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL RESEARCH....................................................................25



Firstly and for most , we would like to thanks our teacher Mr. Aliazar D. for giving
us this research this research proposal will help us to know more about research
course and will make us fit for our fourth year industrial project. As well as help us
to know the basic requirements or ways of writing a proposal which is essential not
only for now but also for the future.
In addition we would like to thanks students whole sharing their ideas for helping
us by giving their opinion.

Now days the use of smartphones in the world is very high especially for higher
education has become to be seen as a very essential part of their day to
day life in the university because of its advanced features. This study investigates
the impact of smart phones on students in Wolkite University based on
information’s we found from third year information systems students. We found
that this student use smart phones almost for everything like entertainment,
educational and social purposes .they use it to enhance their learning experience.


1.1 Background of the study

Predicting the change of technology from day to day still difficult, so one of these
technologies smart phone play great role to improve daily activities of individual
user. They are completely different from other the way it gave service for
individual user like the way communication, browse with comfortable manner,
video, voice, text. Their function not limited on these area even make your
payment for different institution (Bank, electricity, school payment,).
In case of identity document (store personal profile, different gallery, different
security code)
The smart phone era began in 1993 and its refined version was marketed to
consumes in 1994 by bell south under the name Simon personal communicator
(wikimedia, 2019).From time to time all most all younger dependent on using
these Devices.
These devices gave different function for the younger, but younger are concentrate
on media browser that mean social media for communication and identify their
friend from them within daily environment change like before move to their bed
and wake up from their bed use these device
Now day’s students can read their books on their smart phones, search for
Assignment, questions and answers on the browser using applications on their
smart phones, connect with other students from other schools and for information
sharing and other beneficial things that can help their study.
The main objective of this study is to discover knowledge on the impact of
smartphones on the students learning experience in Ethiopian higher learning

institutions .this research is based on the samples of third year information system
students in Wolkite University to investigate the impact that smart phone can have
on students learning experience.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Problems that made as to want to do this research is: -

 To assess the issues or hindrances that arise as students use their
smartphones to study
 To describe the outcomes or effects resulting from smart phone usage
for studying (i.e. Receiving and delivering academic content)
 To examine the user satisfaction gained by students as they use their
smart phones for learning.

1.3 Objective
1.3.1 General Objective
Our general objective is to determine the negative and positive impacts that smart
phone can have on students learning experience.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

Some of our research specific objectives are: -
 To understand how many students use smart phones
 Find out what role smartphones use every day
 Use their smartphones to find out the total number of
 How much satisfied they are using smart phones
 To find out what their opinion is on the impact of smart
phone on their learning experience.

1.4 Research Questions

The research is guided by the following questions:

How much time students use their smart phones in their class

room? What are the mobile

Phone technologies
available for
 What are the mobile
Phone technologies
available for
 Daily how much time students use their smart phones in their
class room area?
 What type of mobile used for learning purpose
 How does mobile phones usage affects education?
 What are the things we do to increase usage of phones within

1.5 The Scope Of The Study

The scope of this study is on third year information students in Wolkite
University, behavioral attitude towards smart phone usage, side impact come with
using smart phones on own learning movement.
1.6 Limitation
 Our limitation is that we may not be able to make students use
smartphones more to their study rather than social Medias and
1.7 Significance of the study
 Try to address students to know why they should use smart
phones for their study
 It make deep link establishment between student with smart
 it create awareness on students
 To institute the user on using smart phone for that study
 To check or assess availability of smart phones on students
1.8 organization of study

This proposal will have three organize chapters. The first chapter presents;
Introduction to the research area, problem of the statement, main objective of the
study, scope(covers area) and significance(importance) of the study. The second
chapter of the study presents review of theoretical and empirical literature on the
impact of smartphones on students learning experience. The third chapter presents
the Research Approach, Description of the study area, Study design, and data
source collection, Method of survey data collection, sampling techniques, model
specification and variable description.

2. Introduction
This chapter entails overview of Smartphones, various positive impacts and
negative impacts of smartphones. Also related literature and conceptual idea
is explained here.

2.1 Overview of Smartphones

Smartphones are a device that everyone has their own pocket and use as a personal
computer. The app has its own screen pad, connection access and its own platform
for uploading and downloading files. How these devices interact with the world
changes the way we live our personal lives.

Smart phone reviews have left the younger generation immersed in technology,
which has become a trademark of the younger generation. (Wood, 2011)
From this we can see that generations of advanced technology are primarily
dependent on touch screen technology. Now, with this more advanced technology,
this device will almost certainly change the message between humans.
The world use of these device affect the user and societies in different forms as it
is used for different purpose in different context like to get learning, job, and
message communication different people. This device made life easier more
suitable by different functionality that can helps people to administer almost of the
activity life cycle interact by a touch the screen. It help users to exchange
information quickly and convenient and get different data by online resources.

2.1Impact of Smartphone on Education

As rung said when he made a report about smart phone and its impact on learning
he stated that Teaching and learning in higher education over the past few

Many years the information and communication observed as more crucial thing in
the development of society even in social environment.

Also According to Woodcock in 2012, as students begin to use this tool to improve
their learning skills, different areas of student life will be exchanged with the
smartphone above. Smartphones provide functionality in the learning environment

enables to get knowledge anything from anywhere and any condition as well as
lead students to participate in learning process. This predicts that these
technologies will open the door for students' academic prospects.
And Froes In 2012, we show what Frece has done to explore the impact of smart
phone activity on students in the classroom and the impact it can have on students'
learning performance. The end result shows that the use of this tool disrupts
students' learning activities and the perception that their classroom is disturbed
when texting students.
Another explores the importance and misuse of smartphones in 2012 by Tyndale
and Bohlander in the context of university education. The findings show that
students do not pay attention to their classroom teachers because they spend too
much time talking.
A.D. A 2013 study by an elder found that students who used their smartphones in
the classroom had lower grades than students never use device and they are not
get knowledge from the given instructor even cannot recall the things easily.
Alfawareh and Jusoh in 2014 investigate students use smartphones partially for
learning purpose but used these device to communication purpose, taking gallery
and browsing browser. Furthermore, Hanson in 2011 stated that

Student Advice Instead of looking at the digital library online environment, use
messaging, email and web browsing in the library. In addition, although students
want to prioritize this education, they have argued that balancing school life with
social support needs.Students most of the time seems to be happier on working
their status of telegram profile rather than download their class reference book

from the delivered instructorSmartphones have a positive impact on students'
lifestyle in many areas, especially in the education sector world of experience as

students are enables to get different source of information and data by a touch
2.2Impact of Smartphone on Psychological Health

From the early using the smartphone have own problem in behavioral and mental
manner, in these century specially the youth leave these device think as impossible
things and even think as he cannot live without this device. Students browse the

Internet and interact with online games to relieve stress temporarily by escaping
stress from classmates or schoolmates.
Students in the corridor rely on the Internet on their personal computers to deal
with depression, but in today's society, Students become more dependent on
smartphones because they have better access to communication. A study by
Kibona and Magaya (2015) found that most students use a smartphone for social
media access (65%) and for education (20%). In addition, 65% of students agree
that they will use a smartphone to browse social networking sites (Twitter,
WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Emo) during the placement process.
Forty-eight percent spend 6 to 8 hours a day on their smartphones.
The study also found that 85 percent of students are addicted to the device.
A study of smartphone users found that users who overuse their smartphone
experience higher levels of depression, behavioral anxiety, and state anxiety
compared to regular smartphone users (Hwang et al., 2012).

According to a Burger (2013) study, students who use a cell phone less often are
less likely to be happy than those who are less likely to be overworked, less
anxious, and less likely to use a cell phone. A study by Smith (2013) showed that
students feel more anxious and have lower GPA during learning.
They tend to use their phones more.
They show that they are worried when the students walk away from them
Call for a while as they will be on their phone.
In addition to the ever-increasing reliability of smartphones (Lee et al., 2014),
smartphone use can be seen as an indicator of the development of habitual
addiction (Roberts et al., 2014).
2.3 Impact of Smartphone on Social Interaction

Communication plays a vital part of human life. This shows that advanced
technology has changed the way fat is compared to human needs. In a civilized
society, the advent of technology makes information easier and influences the flow
of information between each user. The unique and unique features of a smartphone
make it different from other phones.
However, the interaction between the individual users is endangered by the special
application by limiting their eyesight and developing chat rooms. Real-life social
interactions and interference with students' academic work can contribute to
communication issues (Kus and Griffiths, 2011).
Now most the society use the smartphone because of having these media the
individual user of the smartphone choose the media in place of communicate with
the user through face to face, so the peoples don’t want eye to eye contact throu

physically. These lead the people danger relationship with each other like it create
selfishness, depression, stress and even affect social interaction on the people at
this time Verbal communication is still in jeopardy because of these devices.
Findings based on studies to study the relationship between physical and social
interactions The existence of mobile devices have found that speech without a
smart device was significantly better than mobile communication with advanced
Low risk of miscarriage has been reported in people who do not have access to
mobile devices (Misra et al., 2014).

Another study of the impact of mobile communication technology on the quality of

face-to-face interactions shows that the use of mobile devices has a negative
impact on individuals' relationships, intimacy and communication, especially on
personal matters (Przybylski & Winston, 2012).


Study Positive Negative

Growth and learning

Conchrane, 2010 experience (sharing and -

discussion between teacher
and students)

I am very excited about updating my
learning activities on social media sites
Hanson et al.,
2011 like Telegram

Kuss & Griffiths, Absence of real life social interaction

2011 with society

Improving students'
Woodcock et al., knowledge (participating in -
2012 educational activities)
anywhere, anytime and
Distract learning process (during
Froese et al., 2012 -
Do not pay attention during the teacher
Tindell &
Bohlander, 2012 (multiple text messages)

Hwang et al., depression, trait anxiety and state

2012 anxiety (overuse)
Side impact on individuals’ user
Przybylski &
- conversation quality,
Weinstein, 2012
and connection
Low score mark (difficult to recall the
Elder, 2013 - lectured note delivered by
Berger, 2013 - High depression and un happy (overuse)
Smith, 2013 High anxiety (overuse)
Sarwar & Soomro,
2013 Access to a variety of
learning resources
And offer opportunities
Distance education.

Alfawareh & Do not used it for learning purpose or
Jusoh, 2014 use for making chatting, take gallery)
Roberts et al., change of smart phone from the hobbit
2014 goes to addict
Misra et al., 2014 -
Practice testing and disruption in student
Abu-Shanab, 2015 -
And summarizing the course work
(multiple messages and calls)

Kibona & Mgaya,

- Addicted to smartphones
Addicted by the smartphone device have
Samaha & Hawi,
- own impact on the learning performance
and satisfaction of life


3. Introduction
In gathering data we are used a methodology which is this chapter have proposed.
It composes and includes the research design, sample design, target population,
data collection, ethical issues and the other is data analysis.

able to open and increase student’s prospect especially in the CHAPTER

3.1Description of the Study Area

Welkite University is located in Gubre town, Gurage Zone, Southern Ethiopia.

The Registrar system already started at Wolkite University in the year 2005/2006
when the University accepts the first batch of six hundred(600) students. The
number of students has been increasing to one thousand five hundred sixty
one(1561) in 2006/2007 academic year. Wolkete University is one of the ten newly
established universities in 2005. The foundation stone was laid by the late Prime
Minister Meles Zenawi in November 2001 to improve academic performance in
the field of landscaping.
Those first sets of students were admitted into the university during the era of
2004/2005 academic year with 551 of a student population. These students were
assigned in three colleges, College of Engineering and Technology, College of
Computing and Informatics, and college of Natural and Computational science
with 13 academic programs. Wolkite University today has above twelve thousands
(12,000) students with different departments.

From the college that is started one is colleges of Computing and Informatics with
having four (4) main departments: It includes software engineering, computer
science, information systems and information technology consecutive year students
graduated additional when student having added and drop the courses requires
another year.
The Department of Software Engineering attends the College of Computing and
Currently, the department has a total of 28 staffs and 286 students’ which are under
graduated. The process of learning and teaching will be effective by producing
those students and many teachers.

3.2Source of Data

This research will take a primary data collection technique. This is because we will
collect our data from the students using questionnaire, observation and interview
on how they use smartphones.

3.3Methods of survey data collection

This research will use the sample selected to collect data in order to find out what
the impact smartphones can have on students learning experience which in the end
help as to understand the impact of smartphones on students learning experience in
Wolkite University.

The main thing of this study, the researcher will be going to use both quantitative
and also qualitative survey data collection techniques and methods. Two data
collection instruments will use for sake of extracting data and increase the breadth

of information. Including data collection and collection tools questionnaires and
semi-structured interviews. Questions are included in both open and recently
completed questionnaires


In this study, we will use both open and closed questions.

We will be also using open ended questions. In order to find out more brief
information’s from the sample selected and for collecting a more defined and
specified data we will use close ended questions .we selected a total of 10 student’s
five from section A and five from Section B information systems department
students in wku.


We will use face to face interview with the students that are sampled for the
interview it will be simpler to understand and it will be easy for the researcher to
add and deduct the interview questions depending on the situation.


We will use observation to understand from the situations the students are in.

3.4Sampling Technique

In this study we will use probability sampling techniques (including simple

random sample, systematic sample, sample sample and cluster sample). In
addition, from the probability sampling technique, the researcher uses simple

random sampling techniques. Due to this type of sampling method, it is suitable
in a small population.
3.5 Sampling Method and Sample Size

This study used the sample survey from the total number of wku computing
students from information systems department It is a probability sample of
simple random sampling techniques or techniques.
This method are preferred because of all population has the same or equal chance
to been selected. When researcher applied this method he/she need to select
his/her sample by using either lottery method or by using random number table, so
using such method is not biased to any ones.

One department will select out of four departments and from those 10 students
samples will randomly select. This is due to time limitations or difficult to consider
all students those exist in the study area.

3.6Data analysis

Data analysis methods refer to the relationship between a dependent variable and
another independent variable.For the analyzing of the data, the researcher intends
to use both descriptive statistics and econometrics model with the use of state
software. The academic achievement of wku computing students in the study area
can be analyzed by using four most important determinant variables that determine
the wku computing students’ academic achievement. These include income,
reference book, experience, and number of hours spends on smart phones.

3.7 Variable Description

This study uses explanatory variables such as income; The number of hours spent
on social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok,
Pinterest, Reddit, YouTube and WhatsApp) and academic success. When the
dependent variable affects the learning experience of wku students.
The variable description is states below.
3.7.1 Dependent Variable
Learning experience

Learning experience is what students increase on their learning stages through time
from one thing or another.

It will use as a dependent variable and which can be defined as the level of
experience students have achieved and the ability to attain success in their studies.
Lots of time using smartphone for other uses other than learning has its drastic
implication especially affecting the academic achievement of students. In general
using smartphones have either positive or negative factors that affect the learning
experience of students.

3.7.2 Independent Variable

The time you spend on social media using smartphones

The number of hours spend on social media in WKU computing students results
poor academic achievement which results less learning experience .too much
hour’s utilities on social media causes disturbance in normal every day routine and
eventually leads to poor achievements and less or a very poor learning experience.

The highest ratio of Facebook and other social Medias users belongs to the
adolescent and young under graduate that use Facebook and other social Medias
for gaming, emailing, and instance messaging also causes the failure of academic
achievement which will lead to poor learning experience. Indicates that there is an
inverse relationship between academic success and the amount of time spent on
social media.

Income is the amount of money a person earns from selling goods and services or
the amount of money an individual receives in compensation for labor, services, or
But in the case of student’s income can be defined as the receiving of money from
their own partners or others in order to satisfy their needs.Almost all students at
higher education and university level know about smartphones.
Therefore, in order to use their smart phones for many uses WKU computing
students invest money. Since income affects academic achievement students may
fail to achieve academically due to low level of income, which comes from using
their smart phones for long time.

3.8Academic Achievement

Academic achievement or achievement is the degree to which a student,

institution, or teacher can achieve short-term or long-term academic goals.

and if students have less or poor learning experience will in the end cause
failure in their own academic achievement.



Chapter starts with the demographic information and move forward by answering
research questions one by one.

4.1Research Question One

How usually do students use their Smart phones in the classroom?

To answer this question we have used the statistical technique of comparison

between students whom use smart phones less time from those who use it for long
time. Through this comparison using students GPA we will discover which of the
students are earning better grade.


In order to answer this question we first asked the students if they even use

smart phone users


Figure 1 smart phone users percentage

After that we asked them how often they use it in classroom (for learning).

smart phone usage for learning

much enough
not much

When we asked the students if they use smart phones in class their answer was
74% of students answered they use it very much, 15% of the students agreed that it
has much enough involvement, 8% of the students said that it has much
involvement while the other 2% answered it has no much involvement in class
meaning they don’t use it for learning. And this answers that smart phones
actually have highest level of involvement in the learning experience of the

4.2Research Question Two

What are the smart phone applications exists used for education?
The smart phone applications found for learning are have many benefits for
students whom use smartphones mostly for higher education students like WKU
students it will help them to increase their learning experience that more the
students are use their smartphones for learning the more they benefit from it.

To answer this question we asked students type of applications exist in their smart
From Their answers we concluded the following.
They have applications like Google, Facebook, telegrams, dictionaries, and book
and soft copy readers which indicates most of the applications can be used for

4.3Research Question Three

How does mobile phones usage affects education?

This question has been created to analyze the student’s perceptions about
smartphone usage and its impact on academic performance in more detail. In order
to understand visually the behavior of students regarding smartphone usage, two
bar charts have been drawn to understand the students’ perceptions.

By studying student’s usage of smartphone, we aim to trace how students now

incorporate smartphone into their array of everyday activities.
When we asked the students about if their usage of smartphones affect their
education most of them answered that if they doses not know when and how to use
it for learning it will affect their education witch will in the end affect their
learning experience while others agreed that it will affect no matter what way we
use it.

4.4Research Question Four

What are the impacts of increase usage of smart phones among students?

In this question we are trying to understand if students have increased tie usage of
smart phones from time to time.

To answer this question we asked the students to compare between their usages of
smartphones now and when they were first year students almost all students agreed
that they now use smart phones more than when they were first year(fresh man)

4.5Budget and cost Plan

Budget and cost plan is preparing schedule for budget and cost that was use the
planner doing his or her work properly. Throughout the investigation each
activates and step will be under take according to their relevance for the success
fullness of the study. Each activates under taken associated with current price and
market condition of our country; it is described by table as follows.

NO. Material No. of unit Cost Total unit

required required

1 Pen and pencil 1,5 5,5 10

2 paper Half packet 75 75

3 flash 1 200 200

4 communication 1 25 25

5 printing 30 3 90

4.6Time Schedule
Time will be allocated to different faces of the research projection of its
requirement. In General, the table specifies time period covered until the
computation of the study.

activities Months
April May June

Week Week Week Week Week Week

1and 2 3 and 4 1and 2 3 and 4 1and 2 3 and 4

1 Specifying xxx
Study area

2 Tittle xxx

3 Literature xxx

4 Preparing xxx

5 Data xxx


6 Data Xxx

7 Data Xxx

8 Project xxx



Previous chapter we have dealt with the general findings and major research
questions. In this chapter, the main findings with regard to the research questions
are summarized and general conclusions based on the findings of the studies
presented in this thesis are described. Additionally, the strengths and limitations of
this study are reflected and suggestions for further research into higher education
and University level are presented. This chapter concludes with re commendations
for further research in higher education for policy makers, teachers, and students


Particularly this research is based on quantitative method; it would be interesting to
add a qualitative method to drive the research with both method approaches. Both
methods approach will investigate a statistical analysis as well as the student’s
opinions and behavioral side of the study through hinter views. So the research can
explain better the students’ behavior about social media use and impact on
academic achievement performance.

To contribution to the current literature. For instance, studying the working

population and the society’s behavior on smartphone and investigating their use of
smartphones and its impact and affection on their day to day life and work. It
would also be exciting to see the differences in University student’s smartphone

usage habits and behaviors compared to the working population. Availability of
smartphones in universities, school, public places, work, and airports is now more
common than recent past and with that now a day almost everybody is using
smartphones. With rapidly increasing use of social media, like Facebook,
educationist must work on solution that how to integrate these services in
educational ways that student can use it positively. Conducting research on the use
of smartphones as a tool for education in the University environment and group
work also can be an appealing for future study. University staff and students can
use smartphones for educational purposes and the study can direct the patterns of

Having answers for this questions we concluded that students way of using
smartphones have a big impact on their learning experience if they use it for good
purpose and if they have more educational applications on their smartphone they
will be benefited by it if not it will have a massive effect on their learning

The Impact of
Smart Phones on
Experience in


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