Motion Planning With Timevarying Polyhedral Obstacles Based On Graph Search and Mathematical Programming

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Motion Planning with Timevarying Polyhedral Obstacles Based on

Graph Search and Mathematical Programming

C. L. Shih T.T. Lee W. A. Gruver

Center for Robotics and Manufacturing Systems

University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40506

been studied from several different viewpoints

ABSTRACT [5,7,8,10,11,12,13]. While previous work on this topic
has been mainly concerned with algorithms that
This work treats a method for path planning of a generate a collision-free path for stationary obstacles,
point robot moving among polyhedra1 obstacles with these techniques may not be applicable to time-varying
piecewise constant translating velocity. By representing environments. For example, the visibility graph
the obstacles as polyhedra in the space-time domain, a approach [8] cannot be utilized directly with moving
collision-free, minimum-time path is obtained using obstacles because the free space changes. Penalty
graph search and linear-programming. The planner functions [7] provide a method for local collision
views the space-time configuration of free space as avoidance but suffer from local extrema. Moreover,
disjoint polytopes where each point in the space-time the choice of a penalty function is not obvious.
domain is mapped into a unique polytope. The Methods for path planning with moving obstacles,
planner searches connected polytopes between the start however, differ from those with stationary obstacles.
and goal polytopes that satisfy the speed and time
constraints. A near-optimal trajectory is determined by Previous work directly dealing with moving
constrained optimization. In the proposed approach, obstacles includes the following. Reif and Sharir [91
the obstacle is allowed to move faster than the point investigated the computational complexity of planning
robot, and the methodology can be easily extended to the motion of a body in 2D/3D space clustered with
motion planning in higher dimensional spaces. moving obstacles. They showed that 3D dynamic
movement is intractable even when the body has only
a constant number of degrees of freedom of
1. Introduction movement. Canny and Reif 111 showed that motion
planning for a point in the plane with a bounded
Path planning method that consider moving velocity is NP-hard, even when the moving obstacles
obstacles and multiple robots are of great important for are convex polygons moving at constant linear
applications. If robot motion could be easily planned to velocity without rotation. Kant and Zucker [61
accommodate moving obstacles, multiple devices proposed a two-level hierarchy for planning collision-
could be operated safely in the same workspace by free paths in time-varying environments in which a
planning a task for one robot with all other motions higher planning level specifies a desired path in space
regarded as obstacles. The abiliy to avoid moving domain and the lower level realizes a trajectory by
obstacles leads to increased mobility of the robot for planning its velocity along the predetermined path.
navigation. It also results in higher productivity for Their approach results in a significant reduction in the
manufacturing automation. By allowing the obstacles complexity of the problem; however, a limitation of
to move with piecewise constant speed and faster than this approach is that it permits only velocity
the planned robot, we can consider a larger class of alternations, not path alternations. Erdmann and
applications. For example, suppose two robots are Lozano-Perez [2] proposed a planner for moving
working together and then move away after the task objects that constructs a configuration space each time
has been completed. In such a case, the robot can be an object in the scene changes its velocity. Their
considered as an obstacle which can move method is based on stacking two-dimensional planes,
independently, and may move faster than other objects where each plane represents a configuration space at
in the workspace. some time. Fujimura and Samet [31 presented an
approach to incorporate time dependence in an octree
Collision-free path planning for robot motion has hierarchical structure to represent the time-varying

CH2876-1/90/oooO/0331$01.00 0 1990 IEEE 331

polygonal obstacles. Recently, Fujimura and Samet [41 where
made use of the "accessibility graph" to find a time- q(t) = q(t0) + v (t-to) , to5 t I tl
minimal path for a moving point in a 2D time-varying
environment filled with convex polygonal obstacles Then we have
which move at constant speed.

In this paper, we derive a method for collision-free

p(t) = { XE R r : NT(x- v t) + d - NT(q(to)- v to) I0 1 (3)
path planning with stationary obstacles and obstacles
moving with piecewise constant velocities. By By augmenting the state,
augmenting the state vector with time as a new state,
the moving obstacles are represented by polyhedra in
the space-time domain. For a polyhedron translating at
z =[: 3 eRr+l

a constant speed the volume swept by the polyhedron and rewriting

in the space-time domain becomes a polyhedron.
When a polyhedron rotates, its trajectory is no longer a
to< t I tl
polyhedron in the space-time domain. For this reason,
we restrict the motion of objects to be simple
translations. The free space is then partitioned into a
collection of polytopes which can be easily checked for -t+toSO, t - tlS 0,
existence by linear programming. Then, a family of
feasible piece-wise linear trajectories can be generated we obtain
by searching for connected polytopes using graph
search techniques. Velocity constraints for the planned P(v, = { E R'+1 : N ( v ) ~ z+ d(v,to,tl) I O } (4)
robot become additional constraints for the graph
search. Finally, a near-optimal trajectory is determined where
by linear /nonlinear programming. The performance
functional can be minimum time, fixed final time, or
shortest distance. The proposed approach can be easily
extended to spaces of dimension three and higher.

d(v,to,tl)T = [(d - NT(q(to)-vto) )T, to, -ti] E R'X(m+2).

2. Time-varying Polyhedra and Free Space Polytopes

A stationary polyhedron P with m faces can be Thus, as a polyhedron with m faces in x-space (Rr)
represented by the set translates at a constant speed without rotation, the
volume swept by the polyhedron in the space-time
P = { x c R r : NTx + d 5 0) domain becomes a polyhedron of (m+2) faces in z-
where space (Rr+l). The stationary polyhedron is a special
case of the object with zero speed on the infinite time
N = [ n l , ... ,nm] E RrXm interval. If the speed of the polyhedron P is piecewise
constant, we represent the trajectory of P by several
dT= [dl ,...,dmIT=[-nTpl, ... ,-ngpJ, d E Rm polyhedra in z-space as l'(1),P(2);-, where

N is a r X m matrix whose ith column ni is the = {zE R'+l : N(VdTz + d(vi,ti-l.ti) S 0

P(i)(Vi7ti-1,ti) } (5)
outward normal unit vector of the ith face of the
polyhedron; d is an m-dimensional vector whose ith and vi is the constant velocity &+ween ti-1 and ti. It is
element is the magnitude of the vector from the origin noted that p(i) and p(i+l) are touching each other at
perpendicular to the ith face measured in the negative time ti,
ni direction; and pi (i=l;-,m) is a point in the ith face
of P. The set Q outside of a single polyhedron P can be
represented by

The constant translating polyhedron P(t) can be Q = {XE Rr : max(NTx + d) 2 0 }

represented by (6)

where max(y) is defined as the maximum value of

P(t) = { XE R' : NT(x-q(t)) + d I 0) (2) elements in vector y. We observe that the set Q can be
divided into a number of disjoint polytopes (Fig. 1)

Q = Q1 U-.UQ,, , interiorQ) n inte.rior(Q,)= 0,
for i#j Therefore, to locate a free-space polytope C(i1,*-,in)
containing a free-space point x becomes a simple task.
We remark that the above results are also applicable
a =( X E R ~ : A T X + ~2 0 ) . i = l , .... m (7) to represent and determine free-space polytopes in z-
space. To check for the existence of a nonempty free-
where space polytope C(il,-*,in), it must be established that
Ai = ni[l,. ...1] - [nl,. . .,ni-l,Oml,ni+l,-.
.,nm]E R- there is a solution x in Rr satisfying the linear
inequality constrained problem as shown in (8). This
by= di[l,.*.,1lT- [dl,...,di.l,O,di+l,...,dmlT, bie R m . problem can be solved directly by linear programming.

3. Planning a Piecewise Linear Trajectory

In the following, P(i) represents the ith polyhedral
object. All the symbols or parameters associated with In this section, we formulate the basic problem for
are denoted by a Superscript (i)8 for example the point robot trajectory planning with time-varying
Now we the in which the environment polyhedral obstacles. We shall follow a decomposition
is filed with n polyhedral Sets p(l)t".tp(n)t and each p(') approach [12]using the frespace polytopes C(i1;..,in)
with faces. The free space i'2 outside of n developed in the previous section to find a collision-
polyhedral sets P(1);-,P(n) is free path.

Q=Q(l)n ) = ( U Q::))
n...n( U

i.= 1
Qt)) We define a free-space graph G whose nodes,
labeled by the n-tuple (i1,**-,in),correspond to the
= U (Q!:)n.. .n Qc") ) = C(i1,.. .,in) nonempty free-space polytopes, labeled by C(il,-.,in),
. .
11.. .,I. il, and whose edges connect a pair of adjacent freespace
polytopes according to the following:
Definition 1: Let C1 = C(il,-,in) and Cp= C(jl,-,jn> be
A freespace polytope in an envhnment filled with two nonempty free-space polytopes, The two nodes
polyhedral Sets p(l),.*-,p(n), each P(i) With m(i) ( i l l...,in) and (j1, ...,jn) in graph G are adjacent if
can be represented by C(i1;-,in) where ij denotes the
ith face of the jth polyhedron, and (Ci n C2) is not an empty set.

Proposition I:
C(i1,. .., in)= { x E RI : A;..,X + bi , 2o ) (8) Suppose the free starting point xs is in the polytope
where CS and the free goal point xg is in the polytope Cg.

b. .. - [ z] E
, A y ) ]E

R(""+ ... +"9

RTX(m'"+... +In'"') There is a collision-free motion from xs to xg if and
only if there is a path from Cs to Cg in the free-space
graph G.

Suppose there is a motion from xs to xg. Then it
traverses a sequence of polytopes. It is clear that two
consecutive polytopes are adjacent, hence there is a
path from Cs to Cg in the free-space graph G.
An example of C(i1,ip) in a two-dimensional space Suppose there is a path in the free-space graph G
filled with two obstacles is shown in Fig. 2b). We call from Cs to Cgl denoted by CO,CI,-, Ck, where CO = CS
C(il,--,in) a free-space polytope. In general, C(il,-,in) and COcontains xs, and Ck = Cg and Ck contains xg.
is a polytope, and it may be an empty set. C(il,-;in) is Then Ci-1 and Ci are adjacent for i = l,-,k. Let x0 = xs
uniquely determined by the n-tuple (il,-.,in). C(il,-,in) and xk+l = XR.It is clear that there exists a point xi in

this distance is greater thin zero. The index i for the n- in the free space from xo to xk+l , Q.E.D.
tuple (il,-*,in) containing the freespace point x can be
obtained by The determination of adjacency is clearly a problem
of linear programming. Proposition 1 leads to a
i, = arg( max[ (NGPx+du))2 01 ) for j=1,. ..,n. method for finding a line segment, collision-free path.

The above definition of adjacency, however, is too Because we are basically working in the space-time
strict, and therefore requires more computation and domain, Proposition 1 is not directly applicable to
less freedom for intermediate points. For this reason, moving obstacle environments (2-space). In order to
we provide another simplification of adjacency for the avoid choosing an unrealistic path, e.g., traveling in
free-space graph G. Consider the set : the negative time direction or exceeding velocity
limits, the linear trajectory from zi-1 to Zi must
satisfy the following speed constraint:

S(il,-.,in) is the set of all points x such that its distance (11)
to the jth object in the ith face is greater than zero.
Both S(il;-,in) and C(il;-,in) are uniquely determined We note that the inequality (11) implies that ti 2 ti-1.
by the n-tuple (il,-,in). It is also clear, for a given n- Then, the free-space polytopes pair Ci-1 and Ci in Z-
tuple (iI;-,in), that space are feasible and adjacent if there exist (Xi-1, ti-1)
and (Xi, ti) such that zi-1 is located in Ci-1, Zi is located
in Ci, and inequality (11)is satisfied.
C(il,-..,in) c S(i1,.. .,in) c free space (10)
To plan a feasible trajectory from zoto zg (or xg), we
An example of S(i1, i2) in a two-dimensional space first search a feasible path in the free-space as
filled with two obstacles is shown in Fig. 2(b). follows. First, locate CO which contains zo. Then find
an adjacent node C1 of COsuch that zl is located in C1
From (lo), it follows that Proposition 1 still holds for and inequality (11) is not violated. Repeat this
the free-space graph G with node S(il,-;in) rather than procedure until a node Ck containing the goal point zg
C(il ,+..,in). The determination of adjacency again (or x,) has been found and the linear trajectory from zk
involves a linear programming problem. However, to zg is feasible. If there is a collision-free trajectory
this simplification largely reduces the number of from zo to zg, then it will travel a set of feasible nodes
constraints for the adjacency test from 2(m(l)+-+m(n)) in the free-space graph. Therefore, we always can find a
linear inequalities to 2n linear inequalities. Another solution, if one exists. The above procedure basically is
a global graph search problem. Standard graph search
significant difference between (cln c2) and (SI n S d is techniques (A*, best-first, breadth-first, depth-first ) can
that (CI n c2) C Rr-1 but (si n s2) c R r . According to be used to find a set of connected and feasible polytopes
Proposition 1, the latter definition of adjacency allows from the start free-space polytope to the final free-space
more freedom for the choice of the intermediate points polytope in the free-space graph. Now, we can
(xi, i=l;..,k) as well as the final, line-segments formulate the final trajectory minimization problem
trajectories. As one may expect, the number of for a moving point robot as follows:
adjacent pairs in graph G increases.
Given ZS, xg, and a feasible path in the search
In practical situations, we may only consider the graph G, denoted CO;-, Ck, determine zo,-, zk,
adjacent pairs (iI;..,in) and (jl;..,jn) in the free-space and Zk+l that minimizes the objective function
graph G such that there is only one different element f = tk+l- to, subject to
between n-tuples (ii ;..,in) and ( j i ;..,jn). With this
property, the maximum number of adjacent nodes for
a given node in the free-space graph G is limited to
(m(l)+-+m(n)). Geometrically, this means that we
consider the path by moving around one obstacle at a
time. As a result, Proposition 1 still holds. We remark
-vmm 5 Xi - - max
ti - ti.1 , for i= 1,..., k+l.
that the adjacency test is reduced to (n+l) linear
inequality constraints. Examples of free-space polytopes The final trajectory is found by two steps: graph
in a 2-dimensional space filled with two obstacles are search and constrained optimization. As a result, the
shown in Fig. 3(a). The free-space graph with node solution may not be optimal. Two different graph
C(il,-.,in) for the free space in Fig. 3(a) is shown in paths, however, may lead to the same final trajectory.
Fig. 3(b). The free-space graph with node S(il,.-,in) for In addition to the minimum time trajectory, other
the free space in Fig. 3(a) is shown in Fig. 3(c). We see optimality criteria, such as shortest distance and fixed
that the graph in Fig. 3(c) becomes more connected final time, can also be easily accommodated by the
than that of Fig. 3(b). After adding the one-element proposed approach.
difference constraint mentioned above, the graph
becomes that shown in Fig. 3(d).

We now summarize the algorithm for point robot and C, which have a maximum speed of fl m/sec in
motion planning with time-varying polyhedral both coordinate directions, are shown in the Figure
obstacles. The input is a set of stationary or moving 4(h). The initial position of the point robot is located at
polyhedral obstacles (with piecewise constant (5,01, the goal position is located at (021, and the near-
translating speed and known trajectories) and the minimum-time trajectory is to be planned. In the first
initial and the final states zs and z g (or x g ) ,
respectively. The procedure is as follows: example, the point robot has a maximum speed of f1.5
m/sec in both coordinate directions, the planned
Step 1. Represent trajectories of obstacles in the space- trajectory (denoted by black dots) is 4 seconds in
duration as shown in Figure 4(h). In the second
time domain.
If the speed of the obstacle is constant or zero, we example, the point robot has a maximum speed of fl
represent its trajectory by a single polyhedron in z- m/sec in both coordinate directions, the planned
space according to Eq. (3). If the speed of the obstacle is trajectory (marked by gray dots) is 7 seconds in
piecewise constant, we represent its trajectory by duration as shown in Figure 4(h). In the last example,
several polyhedra in z-space according to Eq. (5).
the point robot has a maximum speed of *0.5 m/sec in
Step 2. Locate initial and final nodes. both coordinate directions, the planned trajectory
Locate the polytope Csand Cg that contains the initial (marked by small circles) is 14 seconds in duration as
point zs and the final point zg, respectively. For the shown in Figure 4(h). Seven views of the robot's
case in which the final time is free (only xg is known), motion for these three examples at different times are
the goal points in z-space lie on a straight line and shown in Figure 4(a)-(h). As shown in the last
hence we may have multiple goal nodes in the graph example, the obstacles may move faster than the
search. planned robot. The computation time for this example
on a Sun 3/50 workstation was about 50 seconds. The
Step 3. Graph path search. algorithm was coded in Fortran 77.
Generate a family of feasible trajectories by searching
the shortest graph path from the starting node to the
goal node in the free-space graph G. 5. Conclusions

S t e p 4. Final trajectory optimization by linear We have presented an approach suitable for path
programming. planning of robots with moving polyhedral obstacles.
The approach is based on establishing a proper free
In the above algorithm, Step 3 (global graph search) space representation by polytopes. By augmenting the
is most time consuming with regard to computation state with time as a new state vector, trajectories of
for determining the first near-optimal trajectory. The moving obstacles can be represented by polyhedra in
other steps are relatively easy to compute. In the search the space-time domain. Velocity constraints for
graph, there are at most (m(l)-m(n)) nodes. Although planned motion of objects become additional
the number of nodes increases when the number of constraints for the free space graph search problem.
polyhedra increases, most of these nodes constitute an After a global graph search has been employed, a
empty set. Hence, in many situations the number of constrained optimization problem can be formulated
nodes in the search graph is far less than (m(l)-m(n)). to obtain the final near-optimal trajectory.
Furthermore, for a given node in the free-space graph,
Most path planning algorithms reduce path
there are at most (m(l)+-+m (n)) adjacent nodes.
planning to a graph search problem. After a path in the
However, few are feasible when the number of graph has been determined, a path/trajectory in
polyhedra (n) increases. Roughly speaking, the obstacle space is fixed. In this paper, a family of feasible
computation time increases linearly with the number trajectories is generated after a global graph search has
of degrees of freedom and exponentially with the been employed. As a result, the solution may not be
number of faces and the number of polyhedra. optimal. Specifically, the final trajectory is chosen from
Therefore, the proposed approach still suffers from a family of piece-wise linear trajectories. However,
large search space size when the number of obstacles once a good initial feasible path is known, other
becomes large. methods 151 can be used to smooth the trajectory and
optimize the path.
4. Examples
Advantages of the proposed approach are (1) the
polytope representation for both objects and free space
Figure 4 shows a point robot in two-dimensional
is simple and efficient, (2) different optimization
space with three moving square obstacles A, B, and C. criteria can be accommodated, (3) no discretization is
Assume the initial time t=O and their initial positions needed, (4) a near-optimal solution can be found
are shown in Figure 4(a). The motion of obstacles A, B,

without exploring all the free space, (5) the ability to 1111 J. T. Schwartz, M. Sharir, and J. Hopcroft (Eds.),
perform motion planning in spaces of dimension Planning, Geometry, and Complexity of Robot Motion,
three and higher, (6) obstacles do not necessarily move Norwood, NJ, Ablex Company, 1987.
slower than the planned robot, and (7)the speed of
obstacles is piecewise constant. As a result, the [12] C. K. Yap, "Algorithmic Motion Planning," in
approach may be applied in many practical situations, Advances in Robotics 1, Hillsdale, NJ, Erlbaum Co.,
such as multiple robot motion planning. However, the 1987.
algorithm has a disadvantage that the search space
increases significantly when the number of obstacles [131 S. Buckley "Fast Motion Planning for Multiple
becomes large. Moving Robots," IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and
Automation, pp.322-326, 1989.


[l] J. Canny and J. Reif, "New lower bound techniques

for robot motion planning problem," Proceedings of
28th Annual I E E E Symp. on Foundation of Computer QI
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[2] M. Erdmann and T. Lozano-Perez, "On Multiple

Moving Objects," Algorithmica, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 477-

[3] K. Fujimura and H. Samet, "A Hierarchical Strategy

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61-69, Feb., 1989. polyhedron P by disjoint polytopes Q, 42, a,
and Q4 .
[4] K. Fujimura and H. Samet, "Time-Minimal Paths
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[5] E. G. Gilbert and P. W. Johnson, "Distance Functions

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[6] K. Kant and S. Zucker, "Toward Efficient Trajectory

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[7] 0. Khatib, "Real-Time Obstacles Avoidance for

Manipulators and Mobile Robots," l n t . I. Robotics I'
(a) free-space polytope C
Research, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 90-98, Spring 1986.

[8] T. Lozano-Perez, "Spatial Planning: A

Configuration Space Approach," I E E E Trans. on
Computers, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 108-120, 1983.

[9] J. Reif and M. Sharir, "Motion planning in the

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[lo] J. T. Schwartz and M. Sharir, "On the Piano

Movers' Problem: I. The Special Case of Rigid
Polygonal Body Moving Amidst Polygonal Barriers," Figure 2: Free-space polytope and free-space set in an
Comm. Pure Appl. Math., Vol. XXXVI, pp. 345-398, environment filled with two obstacles. (a) Free-space
1983. polytope C h , i d , and (b) free-space set S(i1,iz) .

a r
0 1 2 3 4 5 x
(c) positions at t = 2.0

Y 1
0; L

y 2
0 1


(d) positions at t = 3.0

0 0 1 2 3 4 5 x

(e) positions at t = 4.0 I1 (f) positions at t = 5.0

(c) free-space graph 2 1 4 --

3 -- 0
1 -
0 q,,n 1 1 .
B 1

1 (g) positions at t = 6.0 I

Figure 3: (a) An example of decomposition of free-space

by free-space polytopes in two-dimensional space,
(b) the corresponding freespace graph, with node C(i,j),
(c) the corresponding free-spce graph with node S(i,j),
and (d) the corresponding free-space graph with node
S(i,j) and with one-element difference (neighboring)

Kl 1 (h) trajectories in x-y space

Figure 4 An illustrated 2-dimensional example
consisting of three moving square obstacles, A, B, and
y 2 ;& ; C.Three point robots considered in this example have
1 a maximum speed of 3 . 5 m/sec (marked by O),
0 1 2 3 4 5 x +1m/sec (marked by e), and f0.5 m/sec (marked by 0
0 in both coordinate directions, respectively. (a) the initial
0 1 2 3 4 5 x configuration, (b)-(g)intermediate configurations
(a) initial positions at t=Ol (b) positions at t = 1.0 I during motion, and (h) trajectories for point robots and
obstacles A, B, and C.


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