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Sergio García Giménez

This webinar is about integrating agile techniques into traditional projects. In my opinion, I
think that this would be a very useful webinar because in some times we know the theory but
not how to apply it in real life. Furthermore, develop an implementation for agile integration.
There are four values for agile development that are:

1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

Having the right gathering of people in your product group is essential to progress, but the
best instruments in the wrong hands are useless. Maybe much more significant is the way
these people speak with each other (interactions) because communication is too important.

2. Working software over comprehensive documentation.

Comprehensive documentation is not something wrong to give to the customer, but for sure
he/she would prefer to receive an elaborate software. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENTS.

3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.

The focus would be on continuous improvement, so feedbacks’ customers is too important to
know at every moment their opinion about products. FOCUS ON CUSTOMER VALUE.

4. Responding to change over following a plan.

In real life there are actions and moments that you have to change your plan or the way that
you were following. So we must develop a software team that could change depending on
different situations. SMALL BATCHES.

But it is a complex model. There are four categories of tasks that depend on agreement
requirements and certainty technology: simple (high certainty and high agreement),
complicated (medium certainty and medium agreement), complex (uncertainty and not
agreement) and anarchy (high uncertainty and low agreement). We are interested in work in
a simple environment, or if this is not possible the farthest of anarchy.

However, not all the projects have the same life cycle and not all life cycles can be perfect
because each project has its point of equilibrium.
1. Predictive: We can predict the full work and the final product. As well as, we can
follow the sequence of the work. Start with the requirements analysis, followed by the
design, then the development and finally the testing. The most recommended in this
life cycle is that one stage obtains feedback from the prior stage.
2. Iterative: Has the same stages as predictive one, but time and cost estimates are
routinely modified as the project team's understanding of the product increases.
Iterations develop the product through a series of repeated cycles. We receive
feedback from customers.
3. Incremental: We develop all things step by step instead of picking all in one.
Furthermore, every thing that we develop is useful.
4. Agile: Is a mix of iterative and incremental, we add characteristics but always receive
Sergio García Giménez

It is complex to propose agility suitability, we must have the security that the team would
understand how to apply. Some characteristics:
- Cultural readiness: Decision making authority plays a very important role, and
people appreciate the value of user involvement. Furthermore, the preparation from
the organization area is important too.
- Team readiness: As we commented before it would be better to create interactions
between the members of the group and take into account every opinion of each
member, so an open group is not too much recommended to have collaboration. Also
giving responsibility to the members is important for their performance within the
- Project readiness: As we commented before too, in real life there are actions and
moments that you have to change your plan or the way that you were following and it
does not matter to change your initial plan, it matters not how to respond or act in
these situations.

The technique map allows us to know the scope, the time and the stakeholders of applying
agile. Most in concrete, the agile techniques would be used by the companies to be more
effective for example knowing the time of the different parts of the project (T-shirt sizes) or
improve wrong decisions for future projects (stakeholders retrospectives). The planning
board (Kanban) is useful to visualize past, present and future workflow and subsections can
be created for more precise work, but an alternative to the planning board is the burn down
chart that allows us to know the work that remains to be done on a project and it is used to
predict your group's probability of finishing their work in the time accessible.

I would like to finish with a little conclusion, and it is the importance of creating a united
group that allows it to achieve the final goal. It does not matter how many times you fall or
change the course of your way, it matters the number of times that you, as a united group,
overcome and comply different aims until the final goal is reached. For it, you will have to
use different tools.

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