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HISTORICAL RESEARCH 9. Which of the following is not an advantage of historical research?

a. can provide a richness of information b. permits the investigation of topics and questions that can be
I. IDENTIFICATION. Write your answer before each number. studied in no other way c. can be used to test hypotheses d. the validity of information is
10. Most historical source material can be grouped into which four basic categories?
1. It is the process of determining the true meaning and value of statements contained in a document. a. relics, documents, oral statements, and numerical records b. relics, oral statements, museum pieces,
2.It is of the greatest use in determining date and authenticity. and numerical records pieces, documents, oral statements, and numerical records
3. It includes all physical objects, including their photographs, and cultural institutions and practices. d .relics, letters from parents to children, oral statements, and numerical records
4.means the search for knowledge and the truth, a searching to find out. 11.Census data is best described as which kind of historical source material?
5. It describes the present situations in terms of past events. a. relic b. document c .oral statement d. numerical record
6.The second major activity in historical research. 12. An interview with a World War II combat veteran is best described as which kind of historical source
7. These are folklore, legends, ballads, myths, sagas, epics, tales, anecdotes, and traditions. material?
8. Autobiographies, memoir, reminiscences, biograPhies, diaries, letters. a. relic b. oral statement c. numerical record d. document
9. Evaluation of the genuineness of a document in historical research. 13. A letter from Winston Churchill to Mrs. Roosevelt is best described as which kind of historical source
10. The systematic collection and objective evaluation of data related to past occurrences to determine material?
causes, effects, or trends of those events that may help explain present events and anticipate future a .a document b .a relic c. an oral statement d. a numerical record
events. 14. Which of the following questions does not apply to internal criticism?
11. Determining if the contents of a document are accurate.. a. Could the described event have taken place? b . Did the author have an axe to
12. Firsthand information such as the testimony of an eyewitness, an original document, a relic, or a
grind? c. Would people behave as described? d. Where was the document written?
description of a study written by the person who conducted it.
15. A researcher is studying a speech given by a presidential candidate about education in the U.S. She is
13. Any object that can provide some information about the past.
14.Secondhand information, such as a description of historical events by someone not present when the comparing what was said to other information. She is engaged in
event occurred. a. content analysis. b. internal criticism. c. external criticism. d. a waste of time.
15.The unique characteristic of historical research is that it focuses exclusively on the past. III. TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the statement is correct at F otherwise.
16. A primary method of data analysis in historical research. 1. The unique characteristic of historical research is that it focuses exclusively on the past.
17.Include any type of numerical data in printed or handwritten form. 2.When well designed and carefully executed, historical research can lead to the confirmation of relational
18. Include any form of statement made orally by someone. hypotheses.
19. Written or printed materials that have been produced in one form or another sometime in the past. 3.The only essential step involved in doing a historical study is defining the problem or hypothesis to be
20.It is the process of determining the true meaning and value of statements contained in a document. investigated.
4. Internal criticism pertains to the accuracy or truthfulness of information in a document.
II. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 5. Most historical source material can be grouped into four basic categories: documents, numerical records,
1..Which of the following is not a characteristic of historical research? oral statements, and relics.
a. It focuses primarily on past materials and events. b. It relies on naturalistic observation for valid 6.The advantage of historical research is that it follows a clear sequence.
data collection. 7.A primary source is one prepared by an individual who was a participant in, or a direct witness to, the
c. It facilitates prediction of the effects of policy. d. It can be used to test hypotheses about relationships event that is being described.
or trends. 8. A secondary source is a document prepared by an individual who was not a direct witness to an event,
2. Which of the following is best classified as a source other than a relic?
but who obtained his or her description of the event from someone else.
a. a piece of furniture ba legal record c. an original painting d. a monument
9.Content analysis is a primary method of data analysis in historical research.
3. The process that a researcher uses to verify that the contents of a document are accurate is known as.
10 .External criticism refers to the genuineness of the documents a researcher uses in a historical study.
a. internal criticism .b. external criticism. c. internal validity. d. external validity.
4.Which of the following is most likely to be a secondary source? IV. MATCHING TYPE. Write the letter before each number.
a.a book about educational theory in the early 1900s b. a soldier's letter home during the Korean 1. A primary method of data analysis in historical research. A. Incorrect borrowings
War c. minutes from a university faculty meeting held in 1892 d. a frontier family 2. Anecdotes are created to enhance the prestige of an adored hero. B. Epigraphy
photograph 3. When there are errors in copying the text of the original material C. External Criticism
5.If a researcher uses a tape of legend from a Tribal elder as a source of data, he is using a data source
4.It is the process of determining the true meaning of the statements D. Diplomatic
known as a(n)
a. document. b. relic. c. secondary source. d. oral statement. 5.Greatest use in determining date and authenticity E. Archaeology
6.Which of the following is not one of the four essential steps in historical research? 6.Greatest influence upon the study of history F. Philology
a. defining the problem b. searching for relevant source material c. secondary source d. oral 7. Study of inscriptions G. Palaeography
statement 8. Science of charters and diplomas H. content analysis
7. Which of the following is most likely to be a primary source?
9.Study of writing I. Inventions
a. a miner's letter home during the Gold Rush b. a poem expressing a miner's feelings c. an
article about educational theory in the early 1900s d. a film about battlefield maneuvers in the Civil War 10. To determine the authenticity or genuineness. J. Internal Criticism
8. Which of the following is not a disadvantage of historical research? V. ENUMERATION
a. it permits the investigation of topics and questions that can be studied in no other way b. sampling of (1-4) major activities in historical research (5-10) official and public documents
information may be biased c. measures used in other methods to control for threats to internal validity (11-15) written sources (16-20) sources of data in historical research
are not possible in a historical study d. validity of information is very difficult to check
(21-26) questions that illustrate the problems of external criticism(27-32) auxiliary sciences
(33-36) purposes of external criticism (37-43) General philosophies of history (44-50) specific schools of historical interpretation

ANSWER KEY (Historical Research) Who was the author?
I. IDENTIFICATION IV. MATCHING TYPE What were his general qualifications as a reporter?
1. internal criticism 1. H What were his special qualifications and
2. philology 2. I disqualifications as a reporters of the matters here
3.primary sources 3. A. treated?
4.history 4. J How soon, after the events, was the document
5. historical research 5.F written?
6. Collection of data 6. E How was the document written?
7. Orally transmitted materials 7. B How is the document related to other documents?
8. personal materials 8. D
9. external criticism 9. G (27-32)
10. hisorical research 10. C Epigraphy
11.internal criticism V. ENUMERATION Diplomatics
12.primary source (1-4) . Paleography
13.relic Choosing and defining the problem Philology
14.secondary source Collecting data Archeology
15. the nature of historical research Critically analyzing the data Chemistry
16. content analysis Writing the research report
17.numerical record (33-36)
18.oral statement (5-10) Forgeries and hoaxes
19.Document Constitutions Authorship, time, and filiation of documents
20. internal criticism Circulars Incorrect Borrowings
II.MULTIPLE CHOICE Deliberations Inventions and Distortions
Registrations oof population
1. B 11.D Contracts (37-43)
2.B 12.B Greek and romans
3.A 13.A (11-15) Christian philosophy
4.A 14.D Official and public documents Voltaire’s rationalistic theory
5.D 15.B Books Hegel’s doctrine
6.D Newspapers Darwinian theory of evolution
7.A Personal materials Marxian philosophy
8.C Hand written materials Rhythm philosophy
10.A (16-20) (44-50)
III. TRUE OR FALSE Written sources Great man theory
1.T 6. F Orally transmitted materials Spiritual or idealistic interpretation of history
2.T 7. T Artistic Production Scientific and technological theory
3. F 8. T Tape recordings Economic school of historical interpretation
4. T 9. T Relics and remains Geographical theory
5. T 10. T Sociological interpretation of history
Collective psychological theory



S.Y. 2015-2016

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