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Man living alone is beast

State over individual
No class of has right to be sovereign, position of sovereignty must be according to law
Slavey as an institution, is naturally inferior than master class. Master is superior as capacity to
employ reason.
Natural slaves to be ruled.
A man is a slave by nature as he is capable of becoming the property of another.(lacks reason)
Constitution the way a constitution is supposed to operate n the way it actually does may well be
two different things
The best practicable democracy is composed mainly of farmers who are occupied on their land
and permit trained administrators to conduct public affairs in the general interest.
The main problem in any democracy , says Aistotle, is that of combing popular sovereignty with
good administration.
Society, contending forces
1. Quality (wealth birth, oligarchic factors of community)
2. Quantity (numbers that claims the mass of people, democratic forces)
Alone force state is bad, selfish, unstable, unlawful state.
Forces, neither removed, nor ignored

Rich & poor; unwilling to accept discipline, too few advantages & lack spirit, 1. How to
command2. Know only obedience poor, jealous of property

Middle class does not intefare in administeation.

Political democracy cannot survive such a great concentration of economic wealth that the only
freedom of which the citizenry is aware is the dubious freedom to starve to death.
Men are sufficiently conservative to accept a situation of consider able hardship before they
demand a change of the status quo.
If we know how to destroy constitutions, we also know how to preserve them.
State can not be better than its citizen, often conflict b/w individual desire n public good
Aristotle is highly critical of Plato's proposals for communism in his ideal state Plato adopts
communism in order to achieve unity because. in his opinion, unity in the polis is productive of
the highest good
Property should , however, be regaurded as a means and not an end.
Stability & predictability , components of rule of law
Plato , rule of men; Aristotle rule of law.
Goodlife 3 folds; external goods ; good for body ; and good of soul. Balance approach  happy
Leisure  goal not luxuy
Naval , defense , commercially  necessities impot & surplus export , self-sufficeincy not
3 higher functions defense, religion & civil services must be performed by Citizens
Younger  defense, middle age  religion,
Lands  communally owned enough to provide the produce to supply a system of common
table for citizine to support the institution of public worship
Aistotle discussion plan  treties on eduation

Marriage of citixine should be regulated in some respects by state  37 for male , 18 for female

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