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Dear readers, here are some introductory words that will give you an insight into the contents of this
book and the reasons I wrote it.

The title Selfhealing shows that the solutions offered here will not originate outside of our body
and mind. Self-healing means that everyone has the ability to create diseases and disorders, but also to
resolve them on their own. This knowledge had not been available to the general public until some
decades ago, when an ancient wisdom from the East started its slow journey towards the West. The
knowledge from which I drew my inspiration for writing this book is based on the philosophy of the
Vedas, originating from ancient India, called Bharata-varsa at the time, being the birthplace of all
modern civilizations.

I have been studying the Vedas for the last twenty years from the translations of A. C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, a spiritual teacher who left India in the late 1960s to go to
America. He translated numerous Vedic scriptures into English and gained high popularity among the
sincere seekers of spiritual truth. His books have also been translated into Croatian language and they
are available to everyone who wishes to deepen their knowledge of the Vedas. At the end of the book
you may find the relevant contacts and addresses where you can get Prabhupada's books. You can also
search the internet for the information on Prabhupada, his books and the philosophy he was teaching.

I have mentioned the Vedas because, in the book, you will come across solutions which relate to
the Vedic philosophy, since the whole idea of self-healing is based on the Vedas. I am, therefore,
suggesting that everyone who has not read the Vedas; do it by all means. The amount of knowledge
offered by the Vedas is enormous and invaluable. The Vedic knowledge is very practical; every
statement and philosophical point can be applied in everyday life. In fact, the Vedas instruct us not to
believe in any theory that cannot be proven and applied practically no matter who it concerns. The
knowledge offered in the Vedas is intended for all living beings and no special qualifications are
needed, except the willingness to test the statements and all the theoretical knowledge that can be
found there.

The Vedas put a special emphasis to several axioms, which make the foundation of the Vedic
knowledge. I will mention some of the axioms here because I will be using them throughout the book.

The first Vedic axiom is the fact that we are different from the body we currently occupy. It is
explained that we are spiritual beings situated in material bodies, just like drivers that are situated
inside a vehicle. The sole fact that a driver is conducting a vehicle does not mean that the driver and
the vehicle are one. If the vehicle breaks down and becomes useless, the driver can replace the vehicle
without changing himself or his original identity. The vehicle is dead, unconscious and immobile
matter, and unlike the vehicle (body), the driver (soul) has consciousness and free will, and is,
therefore, superior to all vehicles.

It is said that the observer is always different from the observed. For example, if we observe a
tree, we are the observer and the tree is the observed. It is not difficult to understand that we are not
the tree we are observing. Everything that we can observe is not us. The soul is the observer inside the
body and can literally observe everything that is going on in the body. The soul can observe the body
in a mirror, or even without a mirror. We can see our hands, legs, stomach and nose, so we can
conclude that, if we are observing our body, we are not that body, but rather the observer within the
body. In the same way, we can observe our thoughts and emotional condition. We can see how the
thoughts are produced one after another and how our emotional condition changes in the course of a
day. It all proves the theory that we are neither physical nor mental bodies. We are separate from all
that, and to understand it does not take much effort or much intelligence.

Anything we observe is different from us.

The Vedas describe that observer is an eternal spirit soul, separate and different from what it observes.
We can never become that what we observe and in that way we forever maintain our identity of the
observer. The Vedic literature describes the observer in great detail. I warmly suggest to everyone that
you study some of the Vedas in order to get the best possible insight into the question of who we really
are (the observers) and what is our true nature.

The second Vedic axiom is the statement that the soul is eternal; it was never born and it never
dies. While our body gets old and changes, the soul inside the body stays unchanged. We can see this
in our own life: even though our body, thoughts and emotions have changed radically since our
childhood and adolescence up to the old days, the observer (the soul) inside the body does not
experience any change. We have always been feeling as „I‟ or “me”, and that „I‟ or “me” never
changes. Even if, by some unfortunate accident, we had our hands, legs, ears, eyes and some other
parts of the body amputated, the soul inside that body would not alter its sense of being. We remain
„we‟ during our whole life, while the material body is unrelentingly being changed and finally
destroyed. An old man looking at the photograph of himself as a young person will confirm his
identity. Even though his thoughts, ideas and understandings are completely different, and even
though his body has completely changed, the person inside the body will have the same impression of
his own “I”. We can all notice that although our body has changed, something inside has remained
unchanged and untouched by time.

That unchanging identity is who we really are, the observers inside the body, the unchanging
and eternal souls that are not killed when the body is destroyed. We continue with our conscious
existence even after the destruction of the body. This is surely a radical fact which completely alters
our views about the meaning of life and death.

The third Vedic axiom, which is extremely important, is the fact that the soul has its source,
like everything else that exists. Nothing can come out of itself, out of nothing. Everything has its
source, its cause, and so do the spiritual phenomena like us. The Vedas give a detailed explanation
about the source of all souls, God or the Supreme Soul. We are His parts, like drops of the ocean are
parts of that ocean, and as such are qualitatively the same as the ocean. Just one drop of the ocean can
reveal the quality of the entire ocean, even though the ocean is immeasurably bigger. Similarly, we are
an equivalent to God, but in a small, tiny extent, which is limited to the body we are in. As God has
been described as eternal, all-powerful and completely free, we are also eternal, powerful and free, but
only inside of our own existence, whether in this material body or in the spiritual body. God has an
influence on His entire creation, while we can only influence the body we are in. However, this is
sufficient for the soul, because it does not have the capacity or the power to govern the entire creation,
since that is not its original nature. The soul is completely satisfied with its free will and powers
inherited from its source, God Himself. The question remains whether or not we are aware of these
powers and of our true nature. If not, then we are in an illusory state of existence, and that illusion is
the source of all the problems we can experience.
Therefore, the source of all our problems is the wrong perception of the nature of our identity,
just like a driver who identifies himself with a vehicle. If the driver behaves as if he really is the
vehicle, he will have a series of problems. If we think we are a car, we will reach for gas or motor oil
when we get hungry and that will get us into numerous problems. If someone scratches our car, we
will feel hurt and suffer unnecessarily.

Similarly, when a spirit soul inside a body is convinced to be the material body, it creates a lot
of unnecessary and easily avoidable problems.

Through this book I will shortly touch upon some of the Vedic subjects, but as the Vedic
teachings are quite extensive, I will not go into detail, because it would require thousands of pages. I
will only give an overview of the health aspect of the Vedic wisdom in a more detailed way, trying to
bring us closer to the knowledge that enables us to literally heal all (or most) diseases and distress, and
to eliminate all (or most) types of problems from our life, whether they are of physical or mental

The process of self-healing is extremely simple and it has been intelligently implanted into our
bodies and minds. One does not need to be a doctor or a philosopher to understand how to solve health
problems. The willingness to read this book through is enough. And if you have any questions or
doubts, feel free to contact me on my mobile phone or through e-mail (given at the end of the book). I
will be more than happy to even more deeply clarify the things that relate to self-healing and to the
entire philosophy that supports this method.

My main motive for spreading this self-healing technique is the fact that I healed myself from
the chronic pain in my back, neck and shoulders, which I had been tolerating for 9 years. It took me 15
minutes to free myself of all that. Realizing the power of this knowledge, I decided to share it with the
public. I am sincerely hoping that some of you will develop the same desire to acquire this knowledge
and help other people. Self-healing is the ability already built-in into our existence, just like walking,
writing and talking. Everyone has the right to receive this knowledge because it is my belief that no
one deserves to suffer needlessly.

I thank you for the support and the time you have taken to study this knowledge. I am
personally convinced that each and every one of you can solve all your problems if you correctly
understand and apply this knowledge.

I would like to use this opportunity to show my heartfelt gratitude to my spiritual teacher A. C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada for his selfless effort in spreading this amazing knowledge of the
Vedas through our Western world.

I would also like to thank doctor John E. Sarno who, through his lifelong research into back-
pain, came to the conclusion that was completely in accordance with the Vedas and who inspired me
to further study this healing method in order to help myself and others.
Chapter One

The True Cause of the Problem

We are all, more or less, familiar with the fact that, despite the hasty technological and industrial
advancement, humanity today still suffers from many curable and incurable diseases. Unfortunately,
the advancement in medicine has not improved the health condition of the people treated by modern
medicine, and the number of new diseases is increasing every year. Even though most people are
proud that today we are more advanced than in the Middle Ages, the obvious negative symptoms of
modern civilization are not very encouraging.

By analyzing the science behind modern medicine we can come to the conclusion that the
mentioned science does not know the true cause of the diseases it treats and for which it prescribes
drugs or therapies.

We can take any disease as an example. Ask your doctor what is the cause of a disease or
disorder. He can tell you that the cause is, for example, a gland disorder. If you continue to look for
the root cause by asking: “And what caused the gland disorder?” and so on, you will reach a dead-end,
where, as an excuse for the ignorance, you will be offered a few possible assumptions and causes, but
the true cause will not be clearly given.

Therefore, we could see that modern medicine is not familiar with the root cause of diseases and
disorders, but that it focuses exclusively on the evident and measurable symptoms, in the attempt to
eliminate or at least alleviate them.

Modern medicine is aware of this flaw: being dependent on the imperfect abilities of man and
his fallible senses in finding out the root cause. It is a fact that each new finding is based on former
imperfections and mistakes, and that such method of advancement can only produce new mistakes,
while the root cause still remains undisclosed. Modern Western medical science simply does not know
better, which consequently makes people accept the currently available solution, the solution which
requires no personal change.

But when we take into account the evident health condition of today‟s population, both physical
and mental, the results of the application of modern medicine is less than impressive.

In order to understand how to cure a disease or solve a problem we need to know the true root
cause of it. If not, the healing method will only be applied to secondary symptoms, making the true
deep healing impossible. The symptoms may withdraw from one part of the body, but they will surely
appear in another part, causing some other problems.

In this book we will analyze the cause of all diseases and problems, as well as their successful
elimination and prevention.

I sincerely hope that you will understand the logic of presenting this knowledge and that you
will decide to personally experiment with this technique, in that way obtaining maximum benefit for
yourselves and the people in your lives.
The conclusion of the chapter:

The cause of the problem  a symptom  a symptom  etc.

Healing the symptom  a new symptom  a new symptom  etc.

Chapter Two

The Mind (Conscious and Subconscious)

The Vedas tell us that 99% of diseases of the body are caused by our own mind and not by chemical
disorders inside the body. The Vedic scriptures describe the mind making the difference between two
of its basic parts: the conscious and subconscious mind.

There are three symptoms of the conscious mind: thoughts (visions), feelings (emotions) and
desires (focal points).

The subconscious mind is not so easily recognizable because we are not conscious of it. Its
symptoms are not as perceivable as it is the case with the conscious mind. However, the symptoms of
the subconscious mind can be recognized thanks to the experiences that are beyond our conscious

For example, if we see a rope mistaking it for a snake, our body will automatically react to that
stimulus coming from the mind. We will experience some chemical reactions recognizing them as
fear, anxiety, panic, discomfort etc. If we had control over our subconscious mind, than we could stop
the occurrence of those automatic emotions and chemical reactions. But, as our reactions are automatic
and beyond our control, we can conclude that what we experience is the activity of the subconscious
mind (in further text “SM”).

The SM is being manifested not only in critical situations that have to do with our personal
survival, but it also influences the rest of our conscious activities in everyday life. In that way, the
functioning of the SM will reflect on our private, social, marriage and business relationships. The SM
acts only when there is a need for it, and a need is being created by our conscious mind and the
situations it finds itself in.

The main function of the SM is storing and releasing the excess emotional impressions that we
experience through life. Those emotional imprints, that are too complex for our conscious experience,
are being transferred and stored in the SM.

The illustration no. 1 displays it graphically as follows:

Conscious Mind

Thoughts – Visions
Emotions – Feelings
Desires – Focus



Illustration no.1: The conscious and subconscious mind

Emotional imprints become really complex and conflicting when a person‟s intellect proves to
be insufficiently mature for a certain experience. For example: a pre-school child would not have a
proper understanding of an adult sexual relationship and, therefore, that experience is unnecessary and
harmful to the child, because it develops a complex inside of its mind.

If we simply go by the natural development of each person‟s intellect, we can clearly come to
the conclusion that certain experiences are not appropriate for an immature intellect. Just like
children‟s bodies are a lot less resistant to alcohol, drugs and most medications, in the same way, their
minds offer no resistance to overly strong impressions coming from their surroundings.

When the impressions are unacceptable to a child‟s conscious mind, the SM takes them over and
stores them in the form of subconscious memory. In most cases, children of today are being exposed
to overly negative emotional impressions coming from their parents and immediate surroundings. The
relationship between the conscious and the SM develops in early years. It is based on defense, where
the SM learns how to defend the conscious mind from the impressions it has come to recognize as
excessive. With time, the SM gets used to defending the conscious mind, and that habit becomes a part
of our false (programmed) identity.

The SM stores only negative impressions. Therefore, it is based on recognizing what disturbs us
and continues to protect us from that disturbance. We can see that the SM takes our life in a direction
which is contrary to our desires. Every part of our life that goes by on an “autopilot” is a product of the
activities of the SM which has taken up the role of a guide through material life. When on an
“autopilot”, we have mostly negative experiences because, in order to meet the expectations of our
false identity, the SM has to get exposed to negative experiences. If it does not get a chance to
continually defend and protect itself, our false identity becomes threatened and doubtful, and then we
often become severely emotionally disturbed.

What is interesting about our physical identity is the fact that, if we accustom it to defense and
self-protection, that attitude will not change with the maturing and development of the body. It
becomes the adopted program of the false identity of a person, the observer inside the body, and
people will then defend their false identities throughout their entire lives.

In fact, we never become mature persons because our SM has learned the defensive attitude, and
that attitude remains unchanged.

For example, when children are taught by their parents or guardians an anxious, fearful outlook
on life, money and relationships, they will adopt that anxiety and frightfulness as protection, because
the sub-consciousness will remind them that there is a good reason for such protection. The reason for
that are the words and behavior of their parents, teachers and surroundings, their emotional reactions
and attitude towards the world. The reason are all those suppressed emotional impressions that were
buried and forgotten somewhere deep in the sub-consciousness, being too much to bear for during the
early years.

Those suppressed memories and impressions cause anxiety and bring an attitude that life is full
of danger. Our feeling of anxiety draws energy from that which we learned in early childhood, when
the influence on children is the strongest and when they absorb and accept whatever is happening in
their parents‟ lives and minds. And I mean everything!

Why is that so? Why doesn‟t a child have the possibility to choose what is good for it and what
is not?

The reason for that lies in the insufficiently developed and immature intelligence.

The conclusion of the chapter:

Immature conscious mind  too strong emotional impressions  shock, trauma  the secretion of
negative chemicals in the body  transferring of the impressions into the SM  acquiring a habit of
self-protection, trauma

Negative emotions  negative chemical compound  shock

Chapter Three


Intelligence is the ability to understand right from wrong and the ability to deal with new situations.

Intelligence uses the mind, its memories (impressions) and emotions, organizing them in such a
way that, in our minds, we can follow a certain action or plan, and lead a meaningful and useful
conversation with ourselves.

In order to create a useful visions, our intelligence needs as many memories and impressions as
possible. Adults have enough impressions thanks to the years of experience. But a child does not have
them in the quantity sufficient to make the right choice or come to concrete conclusions.

A child‟s intelligence is incapable of dealing with new situations, since practically all of the
situations are new for him. It tells us that a child‟s intelligence is not mature enough to be exposed to
the quantity of negative impressions that children face today. Without trained intelligence a child
cannot rely on his thoughts and intellect. Instead, he relies on how a situation makes him feel.

We see that children experience life emotionally. So, let us, for example, see how they
experience their parents quarrelling and fighting:

For children, mother and father represent the source of life, love, joy, support and comfort, the
source of food and clothing, toys and entertainment. For them, it is not the Sun that brings a new day,
but their parents‟ faces. In early childhood, from their birth, to the age of seven, children are
hypnotized by the relationship with their parents, embracing everything that is coming from them,
without questioning it. Therefore, parents represent the source of conscious life. If parents are in
conflict, if they argue or have a physical confrontation, children see it as the source of their life being
in conflict. It would be as if today we saw the Sun and the Moon in conflict, not working together. For
humanity, it would automatically mean a global disaster. No one would experience happiness knowing
that the source of life was being dysfunctional. That is in no way biologically useful to us as humans.
In the same way, it is biologically completely damaging for a child to feel that his parents are in any
kind of conflict. As this is biologically unnatural, the conscious mind will fight those emotional
experiences and it will ask for help from the SM, which will accommodate the excess of that

The only thing that the SM will remember is going to be the chemical compound that was
released into the body at that moment. In this way, the emotional impression gets burried down,
protecting a child from a nervous breakdown.

The same chemical compound that was stored will be discharged into the body whenever the
conscious mind recognizes a threatening situation (for example, fear of death, loneliness,
abandonment, helplessness, shame or rejection)

The immature intelligence does not have sufficient ability to tell right from wrong, nor is it able
to imagine (predict) the consequences. It, therefore, passes experiences over to the emotional part of
the conscious mind. Since the conscious mind lacks sufficient emotional experiences (impressions), it
cannot process such intense situations and it re-directs parts of the experience and transfers them into
the SM.
That is why children do not remember most of their negative experiences. They utilize a defense
mechanism which has the function of protecting the conscious mind.

Illustration No. 2 demonstrates the situation.

The conclusion of the chapter:

Insufficient impressions in the mind  weak intelligence  hypnotic state  absorbing the
impressions  storing the excess impressions  developing the habit of defense  developing the
subconscious need for bad feelings  bad life

Conscious Mind
Mother, father, relatives Thoughts – Visions
Memories of images, sounds and actions

Home, Impact of Emotions – Feelings

surroundings the outside world Memories of chemical conditions of the body
institutions (desirable and undesirable)

Teachers, friends, Desires – Focus

partners, neighbors D uration
of thoughts THE EXCESS
and feelings OF NEGATIVE






Illustration No. 2: The formation of emotional impressions

Chapter Four

Adopting a False Identity

(The False Ego)

If children did not have a SM, the conscious mind would literally have a nervous breakdown every
time their parents quarreled, or every time a child got unnecessarily scared. Since such impressions are
always in excess, people have adopted defense as a basic part of their identities. Such defenses restrict
our inner life, but by a lifelong practice of rejecting impressions, an immature mind learns how to act
and how to relate to its life in this world.

We have written that each time a negative impression enters the SM the body remembers the
chemical composition at the moment of that emotional stress. When a child feels excessive fear,
internal organs discharge certain chemicals into the body, and that chemical combination is recorded
in the SM. It is like getting burnt and then remembering the intensity of the pain in order to protect
ourselves from making the same mistake in the future. In the same way, the SM will remember, in the
form of a chemical compound, the intensity of a negative emotion which was experienced at a certain
moment, and each time the conscious mind perceives a similar situation (whether realistic or not), in
order to protect itself, the SM will send instructions to the body to produce certain chemicals.. The
production of those chemicals will be felt in the same way it was felt when the emotion was
experienced the first time. Because those feelings are unpleasant, naturally people will automatically
react in an attempt to alleviate them.

Even after many years, when someone or something irritates that ailing spot in our SM, it will
automatically send a signal to the body and the body will accordingly produce fear, insecurity,
rejection, the feeling of insufficiency, of not being loved and similar negative emotions. This is not an
intelligent process, because it does not act to our benefit or for our happiness, but for effectively
recognizing potential danger. We are accustomed to such danger and we easily recognize it. We find
relief and pleasure in constantly solving problems that are inevitably arising. We accept problems as
normal parts of our lives, and that belief becomes the sole core of our false identity, which we are
going to defend for our entire lives.

For example, if in our childhood we were teased because of our physical deficiencies, our SM
will remember all those stressing moments as chemical compounds. In the future, even 30 years later,
when someone points out our deficiencies or mistakes, the SM will remind our body which compounds
to produce, putting us in a very unpleasant emotional situation. At that moment, a person will look for
a way out, for some activity or reaction which would moderate that chemical compound. That is why
people take food or watch television attempting to alleviate their pain, or why they reach for another
emotion, such as anger and rage, just to change the chemical composition of the body as soon as
possible. A person will resort to unhealthy and destructive habits, such as overeating, imbibing
alcohol, using tobacco, sedatives, opiates, watching TV, engaging in exaggerated sex. They will be
solving nothing but will be creating new problems in the future. Their attempts at temporary solutions
are simply an effort to avoid experiencing a nervous breakdown.

The illustration No. 3 shows it graphically.

Most of the people who get drunk, who overeat, oversleep, play games and sports, have strong
sexual desire, who are aggressive or depressed, are reacting to a fear of a nervous breakdown.
People will say, “Everyone has their pleasure in life”, justifying all kinds of activities for the
purpose of alleviating the pain. That is why we have pedophilia, schizophrenia, why we have
murderers, drug addicts, rapists and corrupted politicians. Their activities are nothing more but an
extreme form of neutralizing chemical compounds that they are receiving from their subconscience.

If we deny those subconscious emotions and do not awaken them, we are guaranteed a life full
of pain, disorders and problems.

We will notice that the more negative we are in life the more we will experience negative
emotions and that we would then focus more easily on problems and suffering than we do on
happiness and peace which we are all longing for.

The conclusion of the chapter:

The habit of discharging negative chemicals  the habit of moderating negative chemicals 
exaggerating in bodily pleasures  creating new problems and difficulties  creating negative
emotions and chemicals  going in circles  our false (programmed) identity

Home, Impact of Emotions – Feelings

surroundings the outside world Memories of chemical conditions of the body
institutions (desirable and undesirable)

Teachers, friends, Desires – Focus

partners, neighbors Durationof thoughts THE EXCESS
and feelings OF NEGATIVE
Showing off

Narcisism Sadness
Depression Disease Laziness
Suicidal behavior Suffering Overeating

Illustration No.3: Neutralization of negative chemicals by self-destruction

Chapter Five

Creation through Focus

What we have mentioned in the previous chapter is the obvious consequence of “programming”,
which is being activated without our control. Our focus is always directed to chemical changes in the
body, and since those changes inevitably originate in the same source (the SM), our feelings are
usually of a recognizable negative nature. That is why we always perceive our life as being our
emotional impression of ourselves. That impression changes slowly, even slower than the change to
our physical body.

So, if our mind is programmed to focus on pain, fear or disappointment, then that particular
feeling is the main emotion we are going to feel in our life, regardless of our material situation --
whether we are rich, poor, on Hawaii or in Middle East.

According to the Vedic science, a person creates his own physical reality with the help of the
unknown powers of the mind. Earlier we explained the way in which we are creating our inner reality
and the experience of that reality. We can understand that the habits of thinking and creating focus
were adopted in childhood while we were under something like hypnosis which was caused by
immature intelligence.

A question that arises is: in which way does that inner reality connect to the outer, physical
reality of the manifested world?

We can understand how the impulses which we gain through our five senses (sight, hearing,
touch, smell and taste) influence our inner experiences. For example, if someone steals my car, I will
feel negative emotions. We will find the reason for those negative emotions in the real word which we
experience with our five senses. Therefore, we will say, “Of course I am angry, someone stole my

We voluntarily accept that actions from outside ourselves influence the creation and the quality
of our personal emotional life. But the Vedas clearly teach us that, in fact, the converse is true - that
our emotions cause the manifestation of the outside world. The outside world we are currently
experiencing is only the product of our past inner state (from five minutes, five days or five months
ago), and that means that the state we are creating at this moment will, in the future, form our real
manifested world.

So we can see how we are creating our physical future with our thoughts and emotions. In order
to properly create our physical reality using our mind, we need to focus our attention on positive and
creative thoughts and emotions for a longer period of time. It would be like recording a movie inside
our mind, while at the same time watching another movie through our physical eyes. The more we
focus on the creation of the movie inside our mind, the earlier and more obviously will this creation be
manifested in our physical life.

Otherwise, the more we focus on the manifested reality of the world that we experience through
our senses, the more is that reality going to repeat itself in the future. We can put this statement to the
test and get practically instantaneous results. We can realize all of the knowledge presented in this
when we put it to the test in our own lives.
For example, if we have unpaid bills and no money in our wallets, our inner feeling will be
mostly in accordance with that, “I am in debt and with no money.” The conscious mind will
experience that situation as a threat, and the SM will automatically, in a split second, recognize that
threat as an old chemical compound (from youth or childhood). It will then send an instruction to the
body which chemicals to produce for us to feel assaulted and in fear. This is how problematic
situations are created, exactly because we personally experience them as problematic.

We have explained that defending is a habit which presupposes interaction between the
conscious mind and the SM. That habit will automatically make us look for a way to relieve a
particular unpleasant situation. In the example above we can assume that a person‟s focus will be on
the problem of money shortage and how to resolve it. The desire for intoxication will arise, the desire
for distraction, anything that would divert one from those uncomfortable feelings. We will feel too
weak to defend ourselves against the outbreak of negative emotions.

But those reactions are nothing more than something we developed in childhood, when we
learned to feel helpless before threatening situations. Those habits can easily be changed and we can
create new, quality habits. When we do acquire new habits, there will be no more need to feel
threatened by the outside world. We will experience each situation as an opportunity to get rid of bad
habits and to detach from negative attitudes, and begin to view situations from different angles.

We can, for example, think of a financial crisis as not being the money problem but rather the
issue of our fear from crisis and deficiency. Instead of fear, we can use those emotions that we usually
experience when we do not have money problems. We can remember how we feel when those
problems are settled, call for those states of mind and let ourselves feel them for some time. That
change of thoughts causes our focus to shift from a negative to a positive energy value, which
consequently alters our physical situation. But this needs to be practiced on a daily basis. There are
innumerable opportunities and each one of them is meant for us to make a change, and not remain in
an immature stage of development.

The conclusion of the chapter:

The inner focus on thoughts and feelings  physical reality that matches that focus

The focus on fear  experiencing fear in reality

The focus on happiness  experiencing happiness in reality

Chapter Six


(Directing Attention)

Focus is the main driver of the mind. It is important to notice what we are focusing on and directing
our attention to. If our focus is not active and our thoughts are quickly slipping away, it is a clear
indicator that we live in fear and focus mainly on the chemical or other reactions inside our bodies.

It is easier to deal with our emotions if we understand the concept of emotions. We have already
explained that our emotional states are nothing more than chemical reactions in our bodies. In other
words, emotion = chemical compound. When our active focus is directed mostly at the chemistry
coming from the SM, we are not truly aware of the reality, meaning that we are in illusion.

The SM is the root problem of all bodily reactions. We need to penetrate it and bring the buried
traumas to our consciousness. In that way we can influence the root problem directly and,
consequently, all of its effects. Too many things in our life are beyond our control for the reason that
we do not focus on what is happening in our SM, but only in our bodies (chemical reactions), that
being more easily recognizable. This focus is why our lives are mostly unpleasant and we cannot wait
for things to be over. This type of focus is proof that we live mostly in a condition of suffering. We
are accustomed to focus on the chemical products of the SM, forgetting to ask ourselves why.

If we do ask ourselves: “Why am I feeling like this?” or “Where does the need to produce such
negative chemicals come from?” we will soon see how we pay too much attention to our negative
emotions and how that is just an unconscious habit that needs to be changed.

Focus exists only in the present moment. The quality of focus can be perceived only now, in this
moment. We can ask ourselves, “What am I focusing on now, on the past, present or future?” Even
when we are focusing on the past or future, we are doing it in the present moment and it is this
moment which determines the quality of our focus. We are accustomed to missing out on the present
moment due to the bad habit of our focus, which, out of fear of the present, escapes to the past or to
the future. Copying that behavior, we find the present moment unsuitable and we escape it. Let us
notice how we feel when we think about the present, about this moment alone. Notice what is
happening around and inside of you. Try to determine whether this moment suits you and whether you
find the present appealing or not.

We will notice that our mind, for different reasons, fights and rejects the present moment. It
does not give us what we want, so we decide to go to the past or future, in the hope for better

But, this is actually a deception, because the past and future do not exist and never will. The
past stays in the past and it cannot return, and the future always stays in the future, because even when
it does come, it ceases to be the future and becomes the present we are relentlessly running away from.

However, the present moment is the only real moment, the only place and time of our existence.
If we let our focus run away from that moment we never come to experience reality but, instead try to
experience something that does not exist anymore (the past) or something that is merely a projection
(the future).
It is very much like the experience of dreaming. People often describe experiencing their life as
a dream. And that is so because they do not have a feeling of control over things that keep coming one
after another and because everything is temporary and changing, just like everything in our dreams.
Sometimes we are unsure whether we are dreaming or awake, and the question is whether there is any

What is the true difference between a dream that you had ten years ago and a real event that
happened in the past? Neither one of those exists in the present moment, except in the form of a
memory. It is, therefore, understandable that we sometimes experience our life as a dream. But that
lack of control can be changed. That is not the only way we can experience ourselves and our
existence. To our great joy, the Vedas give us the process which helps us to literally awaken from the
state we are in right now.

The conclusion of the chapter:

The duration of certain thoughts and emotions inside the mind  focus  time  a physical
manifestation (creation)
Chapter Seven

The First Step: Responsibility

In order to consciously influence our physical life, we need to awaken the SM and master the
technique of controlling it. If we fail to do so, we will rush through life on an “autopilot”. We will feel
as if we are only watching things go by without being able to change anything. This is not the attitude
of a person who is serious on his spiritual path. The correct attitude would include taking
responsibility for every thought and emotion, and for the intensity of our focus, accepting the physical
reality as a direct product of our focus. That is the first step in the process of self-healing; taking
responsibility for everything that is happening to us.

This is very easily accomplished through the following example:

Imagine a tree in the middle of a meadow, surrounded by woods. Approach it and hug it, feel
the bark, look towards the tree top and notice your feelings.

A question that arises is: “Can anyone but you know the exact details of what you have
imagined (the color of the meadow and the woods, the feel of the tree bark, the impression of the tree
top and the leaves, etc.)?”

Of course, the answer is no. Only we can experience our visions. Similarly, we can never
experience another person‟s state of mind. Our impressions are always ours. We are the ones who
create them and experience them in the form of chemical consequences in our body. Whatever the
suggestions or the influences of the outside world, our mind's interpretation is our own choice. When I
suggested that you think of a tree, someone could have imagined a building or an air-plane.

The reality of my suggestion is not the cause of your thoughts creation, but the free will of the
one who puts it to life. The free will in this world manifests itself depending on our focus, the only
free point of our independent activity. We can always direct our focus wherever we want. It is the
directing of our focus that holds the secret of healing and happiness. And what we focus on and for
how long is our own free choice.

Since our thoughts, emotions and desires are our own creation, we are their owners, being
completely responsible for them. It means that, no matter what our current physical reality is like
(finances, family, work, politics...), the way in which those situations affect us is always and
exclusively our own creations and responsibility. Even if our physical reality is “negative”, the
emotions we feel while observing that reality are our own choice. Just like when I suggested that you
imagine a tree, you could have thought of an airplane, deciding it with your free will, thinking: “Hmm,
he says a tree, but I want to think of an airplane.”

Noticing how difficult it is to resist outside suggestions, we need to understand that they are
nothing but bad habits. And old habits can be changed by introducing new habits to our mind.

I have pointed this out for all those who are feeling weak and powerless before the rush of
difficult situations, for all those who are unable to fight the outside suggestions.

In the following chapters I will write about how easy it actually is to change bad habits, since
they are based on negative impressions, emotions and beliefs. Positive thoughts, beliefs and emotions
are thousands of times stronger and more powerful than the negative ones. That is why it takes a long
time for negative emotions to start having an effect on our life, while it takes the positive emotions
very short time to take over our inner life and bring concrete and positive results.

So, heads up, because the solution is very simple.

The conclusion of the chapter:

Our thoughts and emotions  our responsibility

Bad thinking habits  bad focus  irresponsible and bad life

Changing the focusing habit  accepting responsibility  changing your life

Chapter Eight

Approaching the Problem Properly

(Positive Affirmation)

Why are we unable to change the way we look at things at the moment we are faced with an
unpleasant situation?

The reason lies in an incorrect approach to viewing problems.

We have already mentioned that our present physical reality is the product of our past thoughts,
emotions and focus direction. What we are experiencing now is only the result of the state of our mind
from a near or far past. So it is important to understand that it is our own creation, a finalized product
of our mind‟s past state. Physically nothing can change, because physical things are not created on a
physical level but on the level of the mind.

We can, therefore, conclude that our present state of consciousness is actually an active creation
of our future reality. And if our current physical reality influences our current emotional state, our
future physical reality will be of the same quality as that we are presently complaining about. So
having any kind of negative attitude towards physical reality is nothing else but an indicator that we do
not understand the principles of the material world and of the ways it is influencing us as observers.

For example, if we are in debt and have no money, instead of thinking: “I have bills and no
money”, a proper attitude (positive affirmation) would be: “I have bills and no money because until
now I have been anxious about it and I have had a negative attitude, always focusing on money and
debt problems. That is why this kind of physical reality is manifesting itself. Now is the time to
discard negative thoughts and feelings and to focus on a situation that is opposite to the present one. I
am going to focus on a positive money situation no matter that the reality is quite opposite.”

This experiment can be done by everyone. It is just about thoughts and emotions, and about
focusing on them. No other investment is needed.

Focus exists only in the present, so in order to properly change the situation we are in, we need
to visualize the present as we desire it to be, not letting the current physical reality deceive us and
imprison our focus with fear and anxiety.

In other words, while looking at the bills on the table, think that the situation is opposite and try
to imagine how you would feel then. Call on those emotions that would correspond to a positive
situation, like security, peace, tranquility and happiness. When we invite these emotions to our present
reality, they will influence a physical situation in a way as to change it for the better. A physical
situation will always adapt to our present emotional state. Therefore, if present emotions are positive,
the situation will gradually adapt to those emotions and become positive.

This is a radically different perception of reality and if we try it out, we will be convinced that it
really works in a magical way.
The conclusion of the chapter:

Past thoughts and emotions  present physical reality

Present thoughts and emotions  future physical reality

Chapter Nine

How Do Diseases Develop?

Let us go back to the cause of the lack of our control over our thoughts and emotions. One reason for
that, which we already mentioned, is an incorrect approach to viewing problems. We will now try to
see why we have taken the wrong approach to problems.

This is where our SM enters the game. Being under the influence of our childhood habits, it
governs the inner life of our visions, emotions and focus. The SM will continuously eliminate from our
conscious mind the same emotions and impressions it was eliminating through our childhood.

Since a person in a grown-up body is facing much more responsibility and stress, the SM will
experience a state of full capacity. It will have no more space left for additional suppressed emotional
impressions, and that will start a process of the emptying of the mind, or the process of disease

The SM empties itself either through the conscious mind or through the body. In most cases it
will go to the body, because the conscious mind will refuse to get into contact with the contents of the
SM, as its practice for so many years, in an attempt to protect itself. The chances are very slim that it
will ever be ready to face that subconscious content.

The sub-consciousness will ask for some kind of reaction from the body. The function of that
reaction is to warn the soul (the observer), through the material body, that the sub-consciousness is
overloaded and that some impressions need to be brought to consciousness in order to avoid worse
consequences. If we are unable to take that warning, symptoms will simply continue to get worse.
Body and mind are programmed to work in such correlation.

The logic is simple; if the conscious mind keeps refusing most of the information it is gaining
through the senses, we can easily conclude that that kind of reality does not suit it. The body receives a
signal and starts the process of self-destruction through different disorders. That is why, instead of the
normal hundred years, today in this era (Kali-yuga) our life expectancy is only around 70 years. We
are literally throwing away a huge portion of human life because we are not willing to face a life that
is unpleasant and undesirable. It is evident that the impressions from that kind of life are mostly
displeasing, and that the observer, or the soul, cannot wait for it to be over.

That energy is taken by the body, resulting in uncountable possibilities of disorders and self-
destruction, and spectrum of pains and displeasures.

The central nervous system controls all bodily chemical reactions such as digestion, blood
pressure, hormonal secretion, immunity, sharpness of senses and numerable other activities. But, the
most important function that is being controlled by the nervous system is the flow of oxygen through
blood to all the cells of the body. If the nervous system decides to deprive certain cells of only 2% of
the normal oxygen amount, we feel pain and experience disorders and diseases of different kinds and

So, the main cause of all diseases is an insufficient supply of oxygen to the cells in a certain area
of our body. The nervous system is not supplying sufficient oxygen because it is receiving extra
negative energy from our sub-consciousness, which is looking for relief. This relieving of the SM is
happening at the expense of our physical body. If a signal from the sub-consciousness is not blocked,
the body will continue producing disorders until the final self-destruction in the form of an incurable
disease or a complete exhaustion of the immune system. Every disease, from a cold to cancer and
leukemia, occurs only because certain cells in our bodies are not receiving the full amount of oxygen.
Actually, we are not talking about disease here, but about active communication between the observer
and his body, and about protection from a nervous breakdown. Since all suppressed impressions have
to manifest in some way, if we are not familiar with the root cause of our problems, our body will
warn us through different pains and disorders.

The conclusion of the chapter:

Constant in-flow of excess emotions to our sub-consciousness  an overload of sub-consciousness 

the release of excess contents from sub-consciousness to the body  the nervous system decreases the
flow of oxygen to the cells  the occurrence of pain and disorder in the related part of the body
Chapter Ten

How to Prevent Self-Destruction?

The most important factor in preventing self-destruction is awakening the excess of stored impressions
and neutralizing them. The subconscious impressions that have often been stored away for a long time,
connect emotionally with our present reality at the time we are facing difficulties. Thereby the SM
sends us “instructions” on how to feel and react, and what to think.

That state of mind resembles an “autopilot” or an automatic and programmed state in which our
personal desires do not play much of a role. Our life situations are taking place beyond our control,
which is by no means pleasant for us.

The awakening is evolving in two phases:

1. Recognizing a negative emotional impression.

2. Neutralizing the strength of that impression's impact on our consciousness.

There is an understandable fear of that kind of awakening, because most of us have traumatic past
experiences. But we can take an easier road, which is naturally embedded into our mind and body
relationship. Taking that road we can quickly and easily free ourselves of the impact of subconscious
impressions, without experiencing very negative emotions.

This is done through different energy points on our body. These points transmit emotional impulses
from the SM directly to the body, so that it can know which chemicals to produce. Each emotion or
state of consciousness is being reflected in our body by chemical secretion, which enables us to feel,
on a bodily level, what is happening within our mind. If that were not so, we would never experience
physical reactions or activities.

By activating these points with our fingertips and at the same time consciously penetrating our
subconscious we neutralize the information which would otherwise enter the body through these
energy points. We manage to stay away from such emotional states with the help of the SM, but in
order to get rid of those states we need to experience them for one last time.

Awakening the memory and emotional impressions will not be unpleasant, because now there is
conscious control of energy points and facing displeasure loses its old negative charge.

The SM and the body are connected through these energy points, just as television is connected to a
TV transmission tower.. The TV tower sends signals which are interpreted by a television set as
picture and sound. Similarly, our body gets signals through these energy points. All we need to do is
stimulate them and by the strength of our own will change the feelings in our body.

The following chapter will explain where these points are located and what exactly we need to do
to get the result we want. In the process of stimulating and awakening these painful points inside of
our SM, we need to go as deep as possible to our childhood and try to remember when a certain
negative impression occurred and the way we felt. A person should remember and experience (for the
last time) the same state of negative perception and of a bodily chemical composition and, by tapping
the energy points with his fingertips, decrease the intensity of the effects of his past memories on his
present state, while repeating suggestive affirmations.
When the intensity reaches zero (on a 0-10 scale), a person is ready to face any situation and decide
by himself which emotional state he will experience regarding the situation in question. He will no
longer be the victim of his past habits and he will literally begin to change as a person. By changing
our feelings and thinking habits we will be able to change anything we want in our lives.

Wouldn‟t it be nicer and more practical if we were able to view each situation in a positive light, no
matter what was happening to us? Isn‟t it true that every situation can be positive in a way, only if we
can recognize it? Isn‟t it easier to be peaceful and content in each situation, were it physically
desirable or not?

There are numerous examples of situations in which we would have been much better off had we
not reacted in a negative manner. When something negative or undesirable happens to us, we are the
ones who decide whether that situation is negative or positive and we are the ones who decide how we
are going to view the situation and react to it. Being free to react positively to each situation is a great
gift, but also a rare ability. People today are practically proud of their negative reactions and are
always looking for justifications to take them out on someone or something. We often perceive those
negative reactions as our own identity and we are ready to practice such reactions for the rest of our
lives, no matter the consequences.

We need to learn the ability to control our mind. That will precisely be the topic of further chapters
– how to learn to have control over our emotions and focus, to our own benefit and the benefit of
people around us.

True freedom from negative emotions will manifest in the most important field of our lives, our
focus, or, in other words, our desires.

The conclusion of the chapter:

Painful memories from the past  body pain

Awakening of subconscious memories  tapping of energy points  positive affirmations 

neutralizing of negative memories  stopping the process of the emptying of the SM  cessation of
body pains
Chapter Eleven

What Is Desire?

Desire is duration of thoughts and emotions. Desires are determined by a time quantity of focus on
certain thoughts and emotions. For example, if we focus on anger, it means that anger is our desire.

The conscious mind consists of three hierarchical parts, one above the other, as shown in the
illustrations no 1. and 2.

The highest aspect of the conscious mind includes thoughts or visions. This is where memories,
such as pictures or movies, with all of its animations, colors and sounds, are stored.

Under the area of thoughts there are emotions, which are nothing but memories of chemical states,
which we tend to identify with the feelings in our body. But, as they are inside the conscious mind, we
are able to control them, unlike those in the SM.

The combination of thoughts (visions) and emotional states produces a focus field, or, in another
words, it produces desires. With time, desires transform into physical reality. This is going on under a
law of nature which is as real as the law of gravity, and it is called the law of attraction. Our mind is
subject to this law, as our body is subject to the law of gravity. And, as the atoms in our body react to
gravity, being attracted and controlled under this law, our thoughts and emotions succumb to the law
of attraction whenever we focus on them. That kind of focus is precisely the creating power of the
soul. If we had complete control over our visions and emotions, we would be able to create for
ourselves the exact lives and experiences of existence that we want.

In fact, according to this law, our life is evolving in accordance with our desires, even though we
are unaware of it. The reason that we are unaware of that is because our SM is influencing our focus.
In that way we are creating desires which do not suit us and are harmful to our lives. This is why it is
recommended to put our desires down on a paper or write an essay on what our life should be like so
that we are completely content, happy, safe and relaxed. What is the thing that would fill our inner
being with positive emotions? As we think about it, we need to eliminate all of the obstacles we have
constructed as thoughts that always use to create a feeling that the life we want is actually not possible
for us.

We simply take a piece of paper and put down our ideal life situation with all the details, not caring
either, whether it seems possible nor whether we know how to achieve it. It is not up to us to control
the creation of an ideal life, but to present to ourselves the situation that would be ideal for us.

That is the first step toward the fulfillment of our desires and without that step we cannot expect
our life to actually change for the better.

I understand that this way of thinking is greatly different from the way most people think. That is
why I once more invite every one of you to try this method in your life and in that way gain your own
experience. This is the best way to start believing in something and to practice it.
The conclusion of the chapter:

Long term focus on thoughts and emotions  desire  physical reality

Chapter Twelve

Creating Physical Reality

(Inner Creation)

At the present moment, our creative power is not governed by our free will, because the SM has taken
over the function of conveying information about our feelings. We are helplessly observing the world
around us -- the world we actually created ourselves, and not with the help of our free will, but of our
imprisoned will and the habits of our conditioned conscience. The subconscious mind has thus become
our master, which, unfortunately, makes us live a partially conscious and out of control life.

Therefore, the first step we need to take is to accept full responsibility for our inner state of visions
and emotions, understanding that this present state is the creative force which is building our future
reality, the reality we are going to experience through our senses.

We also need to understand that our present sense reality is just a creation from our past states of
consciousness and that it should not be perceived as true reality, but as a product of our inner reality
from the past. That inner reality -- the way we are feeling and what we are thinking about at this
moment, is the only reality, because we perceive our entire material life inside our mind and brain. We
are not out there with the world, but inside of ourselves, in our private world of body and mind.

We can conclude that it is precisely in our inner world where the creation of our experience of
outer world is taking place. What the eyes see is what the mind imagined in the past. Therefore, in
order to see what we want to see, we should first think of it inside our mind.

In order to have complete freedom in our inner world of creations, we need to clean the SM and
keep it clean. Otherwise it will always remain the secret master of our power of creation, intoxicating
it with harmful chemicals. The subconscious level of creation will result in a subconscious quality of
life. In other words, even when we are awake, we will feel as if we are dreaming, as if life was passing
by without our influence and nothing was real; we experience our life as a movie or a dream, having
no control over it.

However, we are forced to watch that movie, whether we like it or not. And when the movie is bad
we develop aversion toward our own role as an observer.

In this way we get used to rejecting or disliking ourselves, developing a negative relationship
between an observer, his mind and his body. A body perceives that as a negative instruction and starts
with an accelerated decomposition so that, according to the natural law of attraction, our desire to stop
watching this bad movie can be fulfilled.

This is how the entire world is suffering, and this is how we die and how we live life after life. The
experience of living and being conscious never changes substantially, not even after millions of
lifetimes in this world.

This is advice for those who interested in taking a peak into the ocean of past lives, who want to
live out a new experience, see themselves in a new light and get the inspiration from their past roles;
there is nothing knew or better in our past lives. We have been experiencing ourselves in the same way
for many lifetimes and it is, therefore, better not to evoke all our failures and mistakes.
The initial change comes only when we consciously free ourselves from the influence of the SM
and, consequently, from the influence of our past lives and all karmic impressions. That is the level of
freedom from karma (the law of action and reaction).

Everyone is capable of doing this, which is a prerequisite for a successful and happy spiritual life
and freedom from the addictive, bodily and chemical conception of life.

In order to free ourselves from this bad influence, the first step is taking full responsibility for our
inner life. In the next chapter I will explain the second step in self-healing.
Chapter Thirteen

The Second Step: Learn to Love Yourself

Imagine a person, a thing or an activity that you really enjoy and in relationship with which you find
happiness and pleasure. Now imagine yourself close to that person or thing, or inside that activity, and
feel the emotion you usually feel in that situation. If I ask you, “Do you love that person, thing or
activity?” what will your answer be?

Very probably, “Yes!”

It is not difficult to answer this kind of question, if we are asked about the things we like.

Now, imagine your entire life, all the past you have experienced, the life you are living at the
present moment, and the life that you are imagining, will happen in the future. Remember briefly all
the events that are part of your experience and which generally determine your past, preset and future
life. Those are your memories and you are the only one aware of them. It is an intimate part of your
existence, your personal experience of that existence. And I ask you now, “Do you like your personal
experience of existence? In other words, do you love yourself?”

Would you be able to give me a quick and clear “yes” or “no”?

Is your attitude toward your personal life and the quality of existence clear to you? So, once more,
do you love yourself?

According to my own experience in working with people, the answer in almost 100% of the cases
is: “No.”

Why is that so? Why don‟t we love ourselves? Why are we more capable of loving other people,
things and activities than we are of loving ourselves?

The answer, as I have already mentioned, lies in a slave-like habit of our mind (conscious and
subconscious). Too many unpleasant chemicals in our body create bad feelings, which poison our
conscience, our perception and our attitude toward ourselves and the world around us. When
conscience is poisoned with bad emotions, the mind‟s focus will always cling to problems and
problem solving. And when our focus is centered on thinking about problems, our physical reality
follows that instruction and manufactures new problems.

After some time, the quality of our focus will generate physical manifestation. Time is the factor
which helps us decide which direction our focus will take. When we put a certain focus on a time track
and let the train of thoughts and emotions go down that track, a physical manifestation will slowly
occur. The longer the train travels on that track, more quickly and precisely is the physical reality
evolving. We all know how when one thing goes downhill, a series of other negative things follow.

For example, running out of gas on the middle of a highway is not one, but a series of problems.
We need to have a phone to call for help, which is going to cost a certain amount of money, we will
lose some time and it will create a series of new problems for us. While all this is going on, our
general tendency is to flood ourselves with unpleasant chemical compounds, to not enjoy those
situations at all, and to have our thoughts firmly fixed on finding a solution to our current problems.
While most people find this way of reacting completely normal, this is actually a formula for
creating problems and it is an indicator of our defective way of observing the world, which, according
to the Vedas, is the main cause of all problems.

In those moments, we need to understand that what is happening to us is nothing but a physical
manifestation of our past states of mind. In those unpleasant moments, when our body starts exuding
chemical compounds, we should try to raise above all the bodily reactions, and in our mind search for
a dominant emotion which drives our focus; what is it that we are afraid of and how to identify it? We
need to understand that it is our immediate reaction that will influence the way that problems will get
solved and how long it will take. Our emotional perception of a problematic situation at the moment
that situation is taking place will determine the further development of the situation and the outcome
itself. This rule is applicable to every situation in life, and since our life is comprised of a series of
situations, this principle can be applied constantly, to all situations and to every person.

Our attitude toward ourselves changes automatically if we stop perceiving our life as a threat or a
problem, but we see it as an adventure of the experience of existence and of the science of living. We
are no longer victims, because we understand that everything is our own creation and that it is only a
matter of time before we learn how to control our mind, or the inner life of emotions and focus. And
by experiencing just a bit with the situations in our personal life, we can very quickly realize that
controlling our mind is the solution to all our problems.

This control appears as control only at the beginning of developing a new relationship with our
mind, until a new habit in the thinking process develops. We will then notice how we are more relaxed
in situations that used to be the source of anxiety and displeasure. We will more quickly recognize the
opportunity to relax and change the flow of our emotions and thoughts, diverting our focus to what
truly helps and to what we really desire. This is an encouraging process that works better the more we
practice it. This kind of habit is pleasant and can be acquired very quickly.

Our free will to focus on what we want is the proof of our freedom. And when we are convinced
that our inner vision and emotions create our outer world, we become aware of not only our freedom
but of our freedom as co-creators. Every one of us is the creator of his personal experience of
existence and, as such, we are the co-creators of the entire manifested world. The firm laws that
pervade this world were created by God. And since we cannot be God, we are never creators but co-

Our free will manifests itself in our ability to create our life the way we want to live it, but we are
limited in that we cannot create lives for other people. Similarly, no one else can create our life. That
freedom and power are in our hands. Our relationship with the Creator and His laws always remains
our intimate relationship, into which no one can interfere.

All the points in this chapter lead us to the second step in the process of self-healing - learning to
love oneself, one‟s intimacy of the inner world of creation and the fact that we have the power to
influence our life and that we have full support from the Creator, because His laws are available to all,
without favoritism. He is not the sole creator of our world, nor does He judge the world we have
created for ourselves. He creates unbiased laws according to which we mould our lives, in accordance
with the capabilities of our mind. This is where God demonstrates His unconditional love for us,
giving us the freedom of choice and the power of creative focus.
We can freely and independently choose the object of our focus, and, consequently, our creation. It
is also our choice whether we want to engage in experimenting, learning something new, or whether
we will go back to the old behavioral pattern, to that well-known program from our past.

To come to love ourselves means to come to love that aspect of ourselves, that fundamental part of
our existence, that freedom and that gift. The more we practice the power of creative focus, the more
we will understand, appreciate and love ourselves and our role of observers in our life.

At the beginning, since our starting point is an “unpleasant terminal of life”, we need to invest just
a little bit of faith that, if we try to practice this technique correctly, the results will come quickly.

So, the first step is - I am responsible for my focus and my experience of existence in every moment,
and the second step is – I love and accept myself the way I am, in every moment, because I understand
that everything I experience is my own creation. If I want a change, I only need to focus on that
change and it will come.

This is a wonderful realization that opens the door to a radical change of our life and to the
discovery of endless possibilities of experiencing true, permanent happiness.
Chapter Fourteen

The Self-Healing Process

In this chapter we will learn about the energy points that transmit negative signals from the SM into
the body and how we can consciously influence and change our subconscious. But first, here are some
guidelines as to how we can recognize the problem before trying to solve it.

1. Detect the problem you want to solve (an emotion, a pain, a condition, a negative belief…)

We need to identify what is troubling us. It can be a relationship with another person or our finances.
It can be health or the quality of our life in general. We need to admit to ourselves what is really
bothering us and how it is making us feel. For example, I have a problem with my spouse and it makes
me feel angry. In other words, what is bothering us is our anger. We would rather not be angry, but we
still find enough reasons for anger. We produce an emotional state that alleviates another condition,
which is worse than anger. We need to try to find the reason why it is making us angry, what we are
afraid of, and what we are trying to avoid. Being honest with ourselves is the key here. Otherwise, the
problem will go back to our subconscious, and we will fail to get results.

If we are in physical pain or of poor health, we need to determine where the pain is and how it
makes us feel (helpless, anxious, angry…)

2. Determine the intensity of the problem on a 0 to 10 scale.

After identifying the emotion or the pain that is bothering us, we then use a 0 to 10 scale, where a zero
would signify “it is not bothering me” while a ten would mean “it is really bothering me, I cannot take
it”. We place our problem somewhere on that scale and try to intensify our feelings up to a 10, if
possible. Try to really feel how much it is troubling you and maximize its intensity, if possible. We
can do that by reaching into our memory for all of the images that are related to the event or person in
question. We keep those images in motion until the feeling is maximized.

3. Tap on the following energy points:

 karate chop point (the edge of your palm)
 top of the head
 between the eyebrows
 by the side of the eyes (the arcade)
 under the eyes (the bone)
 under the nose
 under the lower lip
 the collar bone
 under the armpit, and then
 press the pulse on a wrist, inhale and exhale deeply and say “peace”

Using two or three fingers of one hand tap on these points for ten seconds, or as long as you need to
say the tapping phrases which are given below. The tapping intensity should be pleasant, you should
not feel pain.

 karate chop point is a soft muscle between the little finger and the wrist. The first energy
point is located at the midpoint of this muscle. It is the first point you tap on while you are
saying the first phrase.
 top of the head is the center of the skull. You can tap on this point and around it using all
your fingers.

 between the eyebrows, using two or three fingers.

 by the side of the eyes, an arcade, the hard part by the corner of the eye. Simultaneously tap
on both sides with both hands.

 under the eyes, the cheek bones. You can simultaneously tap on both bones using both hands.

 under the nose, right above the upper lip.

 under the lower lip, right above the chin.

 the collar bone stretches from the shoulders to the center, below the neck, the ends of which
can be noticed as two bones sticking out a bit. Use your whole palm to tap on it.

 under the armpit, some 1,5 inches below your armpit.

 the pulse on your wrist can be pressed or tapped on. This energy point includes the point on
the outer side of the wrist, which gets stimulated when we press the wrist, clasping it with one
hand. If you wish, you can first tap on the pulse point and then the point on the outer side,
where we usually wear our wrist watch. While tapping on this point, we inhale and exhale
deeply and at the same time we say the word “peace”, evoking that condition to our mind and

4. Feel how much the intensity of feeling has moved on the scale

After inhale and exhale, drink some water, relax and bring your mind back to the same unpleasant
situations, persons, images, sounds, etc., and determine the current intensity of the feeling.

5. Continue to tap until the negative feeling has decreased to zero

When the feeling lessens to zero, our past does stay the same, but we will feel as if it had happened
to someone else, as if we were telling some story that had no emotional connection to us. That is the
state of freedom from emotional confinement. We can consider that part of our sub-conscious cleaned.

6. When the feeling reaches zero, continue tapping with a positive affirmation you wish to

When a negative signal stops coming to the body, it will be much easier to have a pleasant vision
and a nice feeling toward that vision. While having our visualization and experiencing nice feelings,
we can continue to tap on ourselves as long as we wish. It is very important to keep the positive vision
and emotions in our mind as long as we can, so they can manifest on the physical platform as soon as

The tapping phrases:

1. Even though I am having this “problem” (define the exact emotion, pain or negative belief that you
wish to change), I accept and love myself just the way I am, deeply and completely.

2. This “problem”… (Pay attention to the feeling that is connected to the problem, without giving
reasons and rationalizing the feeling. This anger, this distress, this fury…)
3. I am releasing and letting go of this emotion (pain, negative belief…)

4. I am healing now, I am changing and my life is changing for the better.

Tap on the ten points on your body, saying the above given phrases out loud. Go around several times
from the first to the last tapping point, continuously saying the first phrase. Then, after inhaling and
exhaling, go to the second phrase, tapping in the same way. After all three phrases (some 10 rounds of
tapping) check how much the intensity of the pain, emotion or negative belief you were experiencing
has decreased on the scale of 0 to 10. Continue tapping until it reaches zero.

Now I would like to use the example of having unpaid bills, being in debt and having no money.
Let us say we find ourselves in this situation, and we are feeling anxious, nervous, helpless and in fear.
We have a feeling that the solution to this problem is out of our hands. We do not know how we can
earn enough money and we are afraid of the consequences of not paying the bills.

So, we have detected the problem and now we need to see how much it is troubling us, what
amount of fear we are feeling and how helpless we are. Let us say it is 7 on our scale.

We start with tapping on the karate chop point, while saying the first phrase. In this way we are
loudly describing the situation to ourselves and the way we feel it. Complete honesty is absolutely

While tapping, say the following phrase:

“Even though I am in debt, with all these bills and no money, and I am afraid of the future, because
I feel helpless, I still love and accept myself just the way I am, deeply and completely.”

While saying that, be aware of the situation, focus on the problem and be open to experience the
negative feeling. In this moment, we are activating one or more points in the SM and we are drawing
them out to the conscious mind. We are going to experience reactions in our body, but we will
continue to tap on the next point, the top of the head, and so on, until the last point. You can tap on
each point as much as you like, or as long as it takes you to say the phrase once or twice. Breathing is
essential, so make sure you are breathing deeply the whole time.

In the first round we have admitted what was troubling us. After inhaling and exhaling it is time for
the second phrase. Now we will focus more on the thing we have admitted and revealed to ourselves.

Tapping on the karate chop point, we say: “I am in debt and I have no money. I am scared and I am

We continue saying this until we go through all of the tapping points. Here, we try to intensify our
feelings, giving ourselves all the possible reasons why we should feel this way. This part aids us in
properly focusing on a specific negative state. Then we drink a little water, breathe deeply, and
continue with the next round of tapping.

We tap on the karate chop point: “I am now freely and consciously releasing and letting go of my
anxiety, fear and helplessness. They have been a part of my identity until now and in that way they
have been hurting my life. Now I can see them and now I decide to release and let them go from my
mind. Let them come out. I do not need them anymore.”

Tap on yourself using these phrases until you go through all the tapping points. Then inhale and
exhale deeply, say “peace” and drink some water. Now relax, breathe deeply and start repeating in
your mind the same problem of having a lot of bills, no money and being in debt, and determine how
much it is bothering you now on the scale from 0 to 10. Is it the same, more or less? In any case,
continue with the entire process until the intensity of your emotions reaches zero.

The tapping phrases are of extreme importance. They are supposed to irritate our negative state, so
that we can neutralize it by tapping. Those phrases are, therefore, a free choice of words which
effectively irritate the points in our sub-conscious. If you are unable to think of some effective phrases
by yourself, you can get help from someone with a good practice in tapping or anyone who is
acquainted with this method and is willing to assist you.

Anything that bothers you is ideal for irritating your sub-conscious. Very often, it will be a close
person with whom we have a conflict or some negative experience. The irritation of negative states is
advised in this healing process because, in its absence, the SM remains subconscious and healing can
never be complete.

It is good to mention that women are naturally more in contact with their emotions than men.
Healing negative emotions is thus much easier for women. It is not necessarily a rule, but this has been
my personal experience throughout my practice.

Men innately do not have a problem with being in contact with their feelings, but social upbringing
generally labels the ability to experience emotions as a feminine attribute. That is why men‟s progress
to emotional states usually “freezes”, especially as to negative emotional states, and it is, therefore,
difficult for them to come up with the right phrases.

While women are more in contact with their emotions, they are less so with their belief system; that
is why they easily change their opinions and emotions. The situation with men is quite opposite; being
emotionally less active the belief system becomes much more important. That is why my advice for
men is to question what they believe in.

For example, the situation with unpaid bills and lack of money can be analyzed through a belief
about when and if the money will arrive. Men can use the 0 to 10 scale to value their belief in certain

Do I believe that the money will come easily and quickly?

Do I believe that I deserve for the money to come?

Do I believe that I can, that I know, that I will… etc.

“How strong is my belief and why?” would be some of the questions that men should ask
themselves in order to root out their problems. They should pay special attention to analyzing the
negative beliefs that are contrary to what they would like to achieve. For example, “I don‟t know, I
don‟t believe, I can‟t, I don‟t know how, where and who” and similar negative beliefs. They should
alter those negative beliefs into positive ones and learn to believe them to be the real truth. This is also
achieved by tapping.

One of the phrases used here can be: “Even though I don‟t know how the money will come to me,
and even though I don‟t believe that it will come easily, I still love and accept myself just the way I
am, deeply and completely.” “I have a negative belief about money” would be another useful phrase.

Finally, as a solution, we should say: “I am releasing and letting go of all negative beliefs and
views and I am open for money to come quickly and easily and I don‟t see anything as a problem.
Even though I cannot anticipate the solution to this situation, it is not a problem but only a current
state. I am now becoming free from the influence of this current state and I am open to all possible
solutions. Money is coming quickly and easily, without much effort.”

As we can see, we should look for an ideal solution to every situation, one that would truly make us
happy and peaceful. The first step in making the phrases is admitting that our current situation is bad
because our thoughts and emotions are bad. We admit that and forgive ourselves. We then start to
imagine an ideal situation and, by autosuggestion, we convince ourselves that the imagined situation is
possible for us. We imagine how there are no obstacles in our way because we don‟t visualize them
anymore. We tap on ourselves during this whole time, directing special attention to our emotional

If the negative feelings are diminishing, you are on the right path.

The conclusion of the chapter:

Evoking negative states with the help of our past memories + tapping on the energy points + positive
affirmation  healing the mind and body  solving all problems
Chapter Fifteen

Introspection through Life

After a short time of practicing tapping just an hour a day, every day, we will notice incredible change
in our life. Usually, the first symptoms are the feelings of relief and of regaining energy. This is
because negative thoughts and emotions, being unnatural for the soul, drain the energy from our body.
A negative thought followed by a negative emotion is equivalent to untruth. So, when we are feeling
bad and having bad thoughts, it is a sign that we are lying to ourselves about something and that we do
not know the real truth. By facing the unknown, we produce negative emotions, coming to the state
from which all other problems arise, one after another.

We constantly need to be introspective, especially at the beginning, while we are trying to adopt
the new behavior. We should always be ready to face fear or any other negative feeling, be present in
the moment, admit our feelings to ourselves and start with the tapping.

One way to do this is to talk to yourself, or better said, to your subconscious mind. When you find
yourself in a critical situation, and you feel an outburst of negative emotions, start the conversation
with some basic questions.

Talk to your sub-conscious asking the following questions. Try to give an honest answer, without
being afraid or ashamed of it.

- My dear mind, how are you? How are you feeling?

- Are you afraid? I see that you are sending some negative signals to my body.

- What is this about, why do I need to feel this way?

- Why don’t you believe that everything will be all right?

- Why can’t you, for your own good, think of solutions, instead of imagining problems?

- Why are you forgetting that you do not have physical control over matter and that nothing is
being solved on a physical level?

- Why are you forgetting that you are not matter, but a spiritual energy?

- Where is my focus now and why?

- Is my present focus useful to me?

- Does it take you long to let go of these bad thoughts and emotions?

- My dear mind, do you want me to count to three or are you going to do it by yourself?

- One, two, three… inhale-exhale… everything is a bit better now, isn’t it?

Of course, we can all write our own scenarios and make up our own questions. We are on the
right path if the conversation ends in a way as to relax our body and change the flow of our thoughts to
those that make us feel good and safe. But it is necessary to answer the questions, not just have a
rhetoric al conversation. If we find this kind of experiment hard to embark on by ourselves, we should
get help from someone who knows this method better than us. That person should help you enter your
sub-conscious by asking the question Why?.

Why are you feeling this way, why do you have this need, why are you acting
this way, why are you thinking this way, what are you really afraid of, what
scares you, what is your fear, is this what you desire for yourself.

Fear is the most fundamental emotion that is connecting us to our physical body. When we are
feeling emotions, especially the negative ones, this means that we are connected to our body by fear,
which is the cause of negative chemical change in our body. If we didn‟t experience fear, the chemical
change would naturally always be pleasant, and being in our body would be filled with the experience
of happiness. If we do not have a proper understanding of the situation we are in, we are being
ignorant, and fear is an immediate product of ignorance. Ignorance matches untruth, and is, therefore,
considered to be an illusory state.

Ignorance  illusion  fear.

Those emotions which originate from fear are recognized as illusory emotions. The strongest
among them is fear. We will talk more about fear in the next chapter.

Introspection makes sense only when it produces constant results. If we deal exclusively with
internal change, we quickly become incapable of having any kind of problems, and that will be
confirmed by our behavior in a long run. By constant introspection, the feelings in our body and the
emotions in our mind will change for the better and saturate our conscious life. Our conscious
experience will be filled with those feelings that we find desirable and worthy: love, happiness, bliss,
peace, security, fulfillment and celebration of every new moment. If we don‟t believe that our lives are
that good, we should definitely take a peek into our SM and clean everything that got dirty with time.

Love, happiness and peace are conditions that are inherent to our body. Fear, anxiety and
discomfort are conditions inherent to the bodies of animals, whose consciousness level is much lower
than that of humans. Animals live their whole life in fear, because they don‟t have the knowledge
about the observer within the body. Lacking this knowledge, animals use fear as an instinct which
guides them through survival. When humans believe they are animals, they are forced to act in
accordance with animals‟ fear principles. That is why people engage in wars, exploitation and
destruction, showing complete ignorance about their true spiritual nature. Whenever a human being
acts in a way as to physically try to control and change matter, he is acting on fear, which is a direct
product of ignorance. Since animals don‟t have an innate ability to acquire knowledge as humans do,
they are governed by instinct, that inborn fear from pain and death, which enables them to survive in
their limited way, and to protect themselves from dangers that are always luring from everywhere.

When fear is overly present in people‟s minds, they get degraded to the level of animals, which is
reflected in a way they live their life. Just like animals, who use their senses to alleviate fear and
anxiety, human beings who are overly engaged in sense enjoyment exhibit great fear and a need for
constant relief. We have learned that this is a product of ignorance and that proper knowledge will
transform those fears and misleading perceptions.

Only when people get the proper education, acquiring knowledge that is essential for a quality life,
are they considered truly human.

It has been described in the Vedas that the sole purpose of existence of a human body is for the soul
to attain liberation from the repeated cycle of birth and death. A human body is a vehicle which can
aid the soul in escaping the world of matter and go back to the world which is natural for the soul; the
spiritual world. You can explore this topic more in the books of Vedic knowledge, which are listed at
the end of this book.

This means that our natural position is contrary to the one we are in right now, and that is why our
life is so hard and painful.

Therefore, we should constantly be introspective in order to discover our true spiritual nature and
experience unconditional happiness.

To come to that state, a complete freedom from fear is absolutely necessary for everyone. In the
following chapter I will try to describe fear itself, its qualities and its function. By getting to know
fear, we are able to transform it into something else. Because, once we get to know it, fear loses its
potency. It has power only when we are unsure of what it is, and what it carries in itself. That lack of
knowledge about fear makes it what it appears to be. It is, therefore, of the greatest importance that we
get to know it, and introduce ourselves to fear, face to face.
Chapter Sixteen


Fear is the strongest illusory emotion, and it functions by directing our focus to the body and chemical
changes within the body. The power of fear can often be compared to the power of the soul‟s focus.
Fear has the power to control our focus and attach it to the body for a long period of time. Fear is blind
and it does not have the ability to tell right from wrong. It is simply fulfilling its function of redirecting
our focus to the body. Since the only thing going on in our body is chemical change, the soul that is
observing that change is doing so under the control of fear. Therefore, when we are thinking on a
bodily level most of our conscious living is considered to be suffering, while the moments of
happiness are as rare as rain in a desert. The reason for that is the foundation of our attitude, which is

The main characteristic of fear is facing unknown and unwanted phenomena. In order for
something to be unknown or unwanted, there has to be an observer who decides what is unknown and
what is known, what is unwanted and what is wanted. We (the soul) are that observer, because we are
the ones who decide what we want or do not want, and what we know or do not know.

Fear is, therefore, based on the contrast of what we want and what we know. Fear warns us that we
are facing the contrast of our knowledge and our desires. Perceived in this way, fear can be defined as
an alarming body condition, with its main function being to warn us about our limitation in knowing
and believing.

Fear can be interpreted in two basic ways:

1. We interpret the feeling of fear as our own identity (this is me, I am afraid). As such
we defend it, accepting it as our real limitation, as part of ourselves. Because of the
bad feelings produced by fear, we suppress it into our sub-conscious, from where it
silently affects us. So, we can say that the root of all our problems are limitations in
knowledge and desires (fear).

2. We experience the feeling of fear as an opportunity to face our own weaknesses and, in
that way, to remove them from our identity. We face fear by referring to it and
defining it clearly, after which we address it through an introspective conversation.
Facing it in this way, fear loses its characteristic of the unknown, which is the main
source of its power. By using simple suggestions and tapping we can diminish the
value of fear and remove it from our mind.

If we interpret fear as described in the example No. 1, we will be forced to use some kind of
chemical contrast for alleviating fear. Whenever the outer world irritates that feeling in us, we will
instinctively reach for a relief. The illustration no. 3 shows that those are usually destructive solutions
which damage our bodily condition and prompt fear to act on deeper and deeper levels of
consciousness. That calls for an even greater use of harmful solutions (alcohol, drugs, excessive or
inappropriate sex, TV, depression, medicine, disease…) which brings the conscious mind into a
situation where death, or the end of all experiences, is the only logical solution. Fear is, therefore, the
deadly enemy of the embodied soul.
If we were not under the influence of fear, we would not act in a way as to always be avoiding fear.
Our life would be completely different. Our life choices and activities would be directed toward
creating happiness and not toward avoiding fear. It is sometimes hard to even imagine what our life
would be like if we were feeling no fear at all. There is also fear of living without fear. Our fears go so
deep that it is important to face them as soon as possible, and with extreme care.

Tapping allows us to protect ourselves from negative chemical compounds that would otherwise be
created while facing fear. Tapping neutralizes the chemistry in our bodies, giving us the strength to
face anything without becoming overly scared, angry, nervous, sad or disappointed.

Next time you face a sad or traumatic event in a movie or in reality, try to tap yourself on a collar
bone while breathing deeply and saying the following phrase:

“Everything is all right, I am all right, I am safe and secure, I am fine.”

You will see how the emotional impact gets neutralized and the energy gets back to your body,
refreshing the intelligence and the power of the mind.
Chapter Seventeen

Our True Nature

So far we have learned that the physical understanding of life creates problems. If we were really
this material body, the consciousness of a person focused on that matter would be experienced as
natural. But, as we can see, the physical matter itself reacts in a negative way when we approach it
with the wrong attitude. Our body gets sick and our relationship to the material world degrades. From
this it is obvious that our nature is not material, but spiritual. That is why it is essential that we
establish a spiritual identity, which will be our strongest asset in eliminating fear.

The Vedas describe our true identity as being spiritual, which includes three elements: eternal
existence, eternal bliss and eternal knowledge. In the same way, as we have so far been convincing
ourselves to be temporary, destructible and mortal beings, we should from now on start convincing
ourselves of the opposite. It has been described that this kind of “self-convincing” is nothing more
than reminding ourselves of our true, spiritual nature. By following this practice we will be personally
convinced of the efficiency of such affirmations and it will become clear to us how our true, spiritual
nature awakens at the exact time when we willfully try to awaken it. There is nothing and no one
outside of ourselves capable of doing it for us. That is why during tapping we can include phrases such
as the following:

“Even though I am experiencing fear, anxiety and weakness, I know that I am an eternal
and happy soul, full of knowledge. I am opening myself now for the awakening of my true

“I am eternal, I always exist. In my life there is no room for fear. Fear is an illusion.”

“Even if there is some fear in me, I know that fear is an illusion, and illusion is transient.
Fear naturally goes away from me.”

“I love myself more when I do not create fear. Therefore, out of respect for myself, I am
freeing myself of all the illusory fears, now, at this very moment.”

“I am determined to take control into my own hands. My will is above all the change in
my body. I choose the feeling of security and self-respect, and I am invoking the feelings
of love and happiness.”

We then dive deep into our thoughts and remember a favorable situation in which we felt
enthusiastic, happy, secure and peaceful, not letting any other thoughts enter that creation. We are now
making a movie and nothing should get in the way. Our roles are those of the director, the camera-man
and the actors, making the scenes run carefully and patiently. We have carefully composed the text,
with the freedom to choose all of our emotional states ourselves.

Let us surrender to the joy of free creativity and decide that this is the emotion we wish to feel in
the future. Let us breathe deeply for couple of minutes and imagine the oxygen entering our body and
freshening up all the blocked passages and cells, thanking ourselves for this beautiful creation and
promising ourselves similar moments on a regular, daily basis.

We should be content with the creation we have just experienced in our minds and we should
remember that we have created everything ourselves and be aware of the unlimited freedom of that
creation. We should understand that those moments can become our reality in the future, as long as we
cultivate them as real in our minds. Not paying attention to what the manifested reality suggests, we
continue with the creation of our inner movie, firmly believing that everything is possible, so why not

“Everything is possible, for everyone, at every moment, and this is true for me as well.”

This conviction tears down walls and boundaries of what up to now seemed impossible to us. Our
power of imagination is limited only by the beliefs we value and live by. By convincing ourselves,
with the help of tapping, that everything is possible, we will allow for miracles to happen to us. It will
then be easier to say phrases like this:

“Miracles happen every day. Miracles are possible for me too. I am relaxing and
allowing time to bring to my reality those situations which will confirm this belief.”

Personal experimenting is essential. Nothing can be achieved theoretically, because all this
knowledge refers to our consciousness. Since consciousness can only be perceived through
consciousness, everyone should consciously experiment with this knowledge on their own
Chapter Eighteen

Belief Systems

We all live and act according to our belief systems. Each of our activities, both of the body and the
mind, is being stimulated and supported by one or more belief systems. Therefore, whenever we are
doing something or we are thinking about something, we are doing it in a way that is conditioned by a
belief we consider to be true. Everything we do and think depends on what we believe in.

Our beliefs consist of different systems or logical conclusions that are automatically being
generated in our mind. This is best illustrated by examples, so I will list some which I think

While we are climbing stairs, we are striding firmly and confidently, without fear. Our thoughts are
detached from our action, because we believe that we don‟t need to analyze what we are doing as we
feel no fear about it. We are not worried that the stairs will collapse under our weight and put our body
in danger. Even though we did not design and construct the staircase, and we don‟t know whether
there are any major deficiencies in the construction, we believe that everything is all right and that we
do not need to worry about such details. But this kind of belief is blind. It is not based on our own
experimental knowledge, but on our limited assumptions. How is it that we allow ourselves to be
exposed to possible danger on the basis of trivial assumptions?

Another example is driving a car on a two-way street. Think of a two-way street, with cars moving
at the speed of 35 miles per hour. At any moment there is a possibility of a situation where one car has
faulty brakes, locked steering or bad tires. A driver‟s attention may be diverted or some other physical
difficulty can cause for the car from the opposite direction to crash into our vehicle, which might result
in catastrophic consequences. How often do we take this kind of risk? Well, every time we are driving
a car! But we rationalize those possibilities by our belief system. If we saw car crashes twice daily our
belief system would start to change and we would find more reasons to assume that something like
that could happen to us as well.

So, belief systems clearly depend on our past experiences in practical activities. So far not one
staircase has collapsed under us and we rarely see car crashes, so we conclude that the chances for that
are slim, and that we can relax and accept things as they happen.

This accepting of things as they happen enables us to talk on the phone while driving, to switch on
the light in the morning without worrying that it will blow us up, or to drink a glass of tap water not
thinking that we will get infected. The examples are numerous. Our every activity is based on a belief

For example, we believe that the staircase was constructed by a licensed construction company, and
that they used proper materials. We believe that construction workers were sane, knowing that
people‟s safety depended on their precision. We believe, if we took that staircase yesterday, that it
would also hold our weight today. If our staircase is safe, we believe others to be safe as well. If our
imperfect eyes and our imperfect ability of perception do not perceive some major damage in the
construction, we believe that it is a good sign and that damage is non-existent. If a car coming from
another direction is moving steady, in a straight line, we believe that it will continue to move in the
same way once it approaches us. If we are alive today, we believe that we will be alive tomorrow. We
believe all these facts to be true, even though we don‟t have any knowledge that would substantiate
that point. Everything rests exclusively on our limited experience and on the quality of our memory.

Similarly, our mind acts on the same principle when creating new beliefs. That is why we should
absolutely prove to ourselves in practice whether something is true or not. Otherwise, that belief stays
blind and it never becomes a firm belief. And we need firm belief systems in order to be able to act
according to their principles. I want to stress this point again; our activities are caused by our firm
belief systems and our activities tell us what we really believe in and what we consider reality.

In the last chapter I mentioned how we needed to be aware of the fact that everything is possible,
for everyone and at every moment. But, in order to determine what we really believe in, we should do
experiments and test our beliefs.

For example, if everything is possible, then it is also possible that men can fly. If we want to test
that belief, we can climb the top of a building and look toward the ground. In that moment we will
notice what our body is signaling to us, whether we are afraid of the fall or not. If we experience fear,
it is a good sign that we actually don‟t believe that we can fly. (This was just an example, of course,
and by no means a suggestion to risk our lives by leaning over building tops.) We can simply imagine
this situation in our mind and get a similar result.

The purpose of this example is to demonstrate to ourselves what we really believe in. Our body will
excrete chemicals which undoubtedly confirm or negate a certain theoretical belief.

By the principle of this example we can test any theoretical belief, especially in situations that are

Let‟s say our car breaks down while we are on road, or that we run out of money at the exact
moment when we need to pay some bills or repay a debt. Such situation would be unpleasant for most
people, who would search for solutions fearing further consequences. But instead of feeling fear, this
would be an ideal opportunity for showing courage and resolve. We can use tapping to neutralize
negative emotions and impressions, calm our mind and body and try to react in a different way, the
way we are not used to reacting. What used to represent the source of stormy emotional reactions will
no longer have control over us.

Even if we manage to get rid of most of our inner problems with the help of tapping, it does not
mean that unpleasant things will not happen to us in the future. We have said that all physical
activities happening now are just a product or manifestation of our past mental states. Therefore, it is
reasonable to expect that some of it we will drag on with us, causing us occasional problems. We
should see it as a great opportunity for practicing tapping and freeing ourselves from negative
emotions, because for our self-healing to be successful it is of great importance that we apply methods
which will improve our active physical life. We may run out of money, our body may get sick or our
relationship with someone may become problematic. These are all great opportunities for practicing,
and we should not miss such occasions (nor should we invite them). It is best to apply tapping
technique before the situation is over would be wrong to wait for a situation to be over with for us to
tap on ourselves, because emotional intensity is exactly what we need in order to clearly see what
bothers us and what needs to be improved.

Generally speaking, everything that is happening to us on a physical level is just a reflection of our
sub conscious mind. When we find ourselves in an unfavorable situation, it is an indicator that in the
past we had quite a negative attitude, negative thoughts and beliefs, and that now it is being given back
to us so we could see it clearly. People and situations which bring up our weaknesses will appear in
our life, and unpleasant and painful chemicals will be excreted into our body. In those moments we
must take control over our thoughts and understand that this or that person is not to blame for our
present anger, fear, sadness or pain, but that such emotions only reveal our weaknesses. Even if we get
blamed for something we have not done, or we have a feeling that a person in question does not
understand or he/she has a wrong perception of us, it is all just a fruit of our own subconscious
impressions. That is why it is favorable to be grateful when we are faced with an intensive situation,
understanding it to be an opportunity for us to change.

Albert Einstein confirmed the Vedic statement that it is impossible to solve a problem with the
same state of mind in which we created it. That is why we need to approach every problem with an
idea that we are now changing and testing our knowledge and competence. And if we make a wrong
step, it is just another chance for us to learn something new about ourselves, to be completely honest
and to admit our flaws, and to understand that we are experiencing bad feelings only because we are
used to reacting in that way. In those moments, when we are overwhelmed with emotions, we should
allow ourselves to feel that way and responsibly start to change our emotional states.

Not reacting emotionally does not mean not dealing with a problem. In fact, when we neutralize
our emotional reactions, the problem is being solved much more easily and quickly. When we are free
from fear, miracles literally star to happen and our life instantaneously loses the old feeling of
absurdity, impermanence, helplessness and a constant fear from future.

I want to repeat that all these statements must be tried out in our own experience. Reading these
sentences and chapters, it is very easy to make some personal decisions and vows, and opt for personal

No one really likes to feel anger, hatred, fear or sadness. These are all unpleasant emotions which
harm our physical body. The more we surrender to the situations which provoke negative emotions,
the more we get used to feeling that way. Also, seeing this is the case, we need to understand that such
habits are dangerous and that we should get rid of them or change them, if we truly appreciate, respect
and love ourselves. Failure is impossible, because we are all very successful people; some are
successful in creating problems and some in creating solutions. Things that are happening to us on a
regular basis are the things we are successful in. What are you successful in?

Our mind is structured like a machine and it needs some kind of a program to be able to function at
all. Without a program we would not be able to use our mind. That is why we need to decide what
kind of a program we want to install into our mind, visualize it and start creating new thinking habits
by tapping. It is advisable to make a promise to ourselves that we will stick to new habits, as for
example; “from now on I will consciously give my best to not react by habit and by instinct, and I will
not take everything other people tell me personally”, or, “I will make sure I see everything I hear from
different angles, but first of all I will make sure it does not disturb me emotionally”.

If something is disturbing us emotionally, any reaction to it will be wrong and it will cause a
similar situation to occur again in the future. That is the law of attraction, which is firmly based on our
thoughts and emotions. We should beware of our own reactions and react only when we are
emotionally calm and content. This is achieved by tapping.

Of course, there are many other vows which will help us change our bad habits of thinking and
acting. As we practice daily, we will quickly get better and acquire new habits. Good habits bring
good results, and they are easier to get accustomed to than the bad ones. Therefore, we don‟t need to
be anxious about the time it will take us to change. If we apply this self-healing method properly and
with determination, and if we actively engage in introspection on a daily basis, we will get
instantaneous results, enjoying this new experience of freedom from emotions.

We do need emotions, and each of them has its function. Fear and anxiety are necessary only in
extreme life situations, and that is when the lives are threatened. That is when fear can help us to
properly view the situation and make the right conclusions.

For example, when a child moves toward fire or deep water, fear will help us move and try to
protect the child from danger. But these are extreme situations which are pretty rare in everyday life.
They are used as extreme measures of alarm so our focus can be correctly directed. But, if we are
constantly feeling fear, it means that our mind and body are under unnecessary stress, which will
further cause illness, pain, disorders, suffering and the like. That is why we should beware of fear,
anxiety, anger, desperation and sadness because they intoxicate our body, lower our self-esteem and
they represent obstacles for any kind of happy life, spiritual or material.

We should all become masters of our own life and stop playing the role of the victims of our life
circumstances. We have free will and it should be used for the intended purposes, and that is attaining
complete independence and happiness in this life. Time is relentlessly moving us forward and we can
never regain all those moments spent in anger, fear and despair. They have been wasted in poisoning
our body and mind, and are of no use to anyone. Therefore, it is our duty to stay away from such
behavior and bad habits, and constantly work on our character, always looking for reasons to change
and better ourselves. No one is able to understand what is going on in our mind, which is why it is
logical that we stop expecting it from others. If we see that some people are not interested in pleasing
us emotionally and that their behavior makes us feel hurt and unhappy, we can understand that those
feelings are ours and that we are the ones creating them. We expect other people to feel the same as we
do, which puts us in the state of illusion. The result of living in illusion is disappointment and anger. If
we feel disappointment or anger, no matter the reasons, we should know that we don‟t love ourselves
enough and that it is the reason why our physical reality (people and situations) acts negatively toward

We can, therefore, conclude that our personal beliefs are responsible for the quality of our life. That
is why we should put them on paper and see which of those beliefs harm our life and degrade the
quality of our emotions.

I would now like to list some of those negative beliefs, so we can see where we stand:

- I am not a good person.

- I am not competent.

- I have no power at all.

- I am not confident.

- I don’t know.

- I can’t.

- I won’t.

- I don’t deserve.
- I don’t accept.

- I don’t have enough strength.

- I don’t have enough intelligence and knowledge.

- I don’t believe myself.

- I don’t believe others.

- I am not wealthy and have no opulences.

- I am not healthy.

- I am not resilient.

- I will die because I am not eternal.

- I will get sick.

- I will not know.

- I will not be able to.

- People don’t trust me.

- People don’t respect me.

- I am troubled.

- No one loves me.

- No one understands me.

- I cannot express myself properly.

- I cannot advance in my life.

- I cannot fight negativity.

- I cannot help myself.

- I don’t know how to help myself.

- I don’t believe in happiness.

- I don’t believe in love.

- I don’t believe in trust.

These are some of the negative beliefs which follow us through our emotional life and build our
reality. We can change them only by active practice, there is no other way. Some of those firm
negative beliefs exist because our body supports them by producing negative chemicals. When we tell
ourselves, “I don‟t know how”, or, “I am helpless”, our body produces chemicals which support those
thoughts, making us experience the particular state as real. In fact, whenever we feel a negative state
of mind and body, we are lying to ourselves. That lie, or negative belief, takes away physical energy
and we feel increasingly worse.

Of course, as long as we have a way of neutralizing that state by some self-destructive activity
(llustration No. 3), we will not want to change, but we will rather push our habits back to our sub
conscious mind, where they get stronger and more real for us. Since we are used to experiencing
ourselves in this way, we are building a false identity or a false (lower) ego. With this identity and
with the power of our focus we are creating a very difficult and problematic life for ourselves and for

After a couple of decades of such distorted living our body starts the process of self-destruction,
and diseases like tumors and other deadly disorders are actually a natural body reaction. In a deepest
sense, it is nothing else but fulfilling our own desires. Since we don‟t love ourselves and our life, it is
natural that such a life ends as soon as possible.

All the listed negative beliefs have their reasons, their ontological history. When we say, “I am not
competent”, this statement is supported by a certain belief system on the basis of our past experience.

In the past we were incompetent in something and the SM recognized it as an insupportable

situation (by habit). Our body produced familiar chemicals of incompetence, unacceptance and shame,
which deepens our hatred and, finally, anger toward ourselves. Those emotions easily cause nervous
breakdown, but thanks to the SM, all that is remembered is a chemical compound which will be
excreted into our body every time when there is even a possibility of a similar situation. That is why
we will often miss some opportunities in life, because we have a strong feeling of incompetence which
is like a wound, and even just a thought of getting exposed to similar situations sounds unacceptable.
If that did not exist, we would not feel resistance toward a situation, but we would get exposed to a
new situation to learn something new. But, as we can see, the possibilities of learning new things will
be limited by fear caused by new situations, because we have connected such endeavors to shame,
incompetence and similar emotions from the past. That ghost of the past is haunting us until the end of
our life, forever limiting our experiences.

This is why most people complain about their life not being exciting and happy, that it lacks
moments of joy, freedom, relaxation and bliss. It lacks miraculous moments in which impossible
becomes possible and when incredible and magical things happen to us.

Some even conclude that it is impossible to have such a life, that it happens only in movies. But
thousands of people who practice these methods and engage in a real spiritual life conclude that life
becomes unspeakably miraculous the more we surrender to these natural laws. However, the act of
surrendering has one enemy, and that is opposition which is firmly grounded in our life and which we
should get rid of as soon as possible. That opposition is called resistance to life.
Chapter Nineteen

Resistance to Our Own Existence

Resistance develops when our belief systems are in disaccord with our desires. We desire to be happy
and successful, but we don‟t believe that we can or that we deserve it. In most cases happiness and
success are connected to a kind of power that we believe is impossible for us. That belief in
impossibility (or disbelief in possibility) is supported by our past experiences, which serve us as a
pattern for our present thoughts and actions. In the past we have been unsuccessful in attaining
happiness and that failure resulted in negative emotions which are connected to our childhood
experiences. In that way, the experiences throughout our life have taught us our limitations, which we
have come to accept as our identity. This identity is the only one we have right now, and it is based on
protection from such emotional states. Therefore, in order to avoid failure and distress in the future,
we subconsciously learn what is possible and what is impossible for us. In fact, those things are not
impossible for us, but we are afraid of negative reactions in our body, and that is why we avoid those
activities which mach our past negative experiences. In other words, we are showing resistance to new
experiences because we are afraid of the consequences we already experienced in the past.

For example, if some time long ago we had an unpleasant experience while reading in front of an
audience, that experience (chemical compound) will build our belief that we are not capable of being
successful in reading in front of an audience. Subconsciously we resist excreting those unpleasant
chemical compounds, and since that excretion is connected to reading in front of an audience, we
experience it as unwanted and we resist it. And in order for the sub-conscience to remain sub-
conscience, we will develop a belief that reading in front of an audience means failure.

Let us shortly look back at what we have learned until now: being unsuccessful is connected to the
feeling of rejection (unacceptance), which is connected to the feeling of not being loved, which is
further connected to early childhood or adolescent experiences which were caused by improper
upbringing, or better said, by emotional traumas. We receive this kind of improper upbringing (input
of impressions) from different sources. At the beginning it is our mother and father, later come our
relatives, school, teachers, friends and others around us. All these physical factors take part in building
up our personality in this life according to our merits from our previous life, and are nothing more than
a manifestation of our mental state from our previous life. Since a child does not have any active
memories from his past, he needs some physical aid in order to attain required experiences and
memories which will build his deserved character (personality). That character (thinking and feeling
habits) will determine the quality of his growing up and his life in general. As a grown up, that person
will use that same character in his daily activities and will react to reality around him exclusively
based on such character.

The main feature of most people‟s character is defense, or resistance. The reason for that are
numerous emotional traumas from our childhood. A person‟s mind learns that most of conscious
experiences are painful, aggressive and threatening. That is why it is natural that such a mind develops
a strong defense mechanism as protection from a painful, aggressive and threatening life. In that way a
person develops a habit of seeing the world as an enemy, at least in most cases. Everything represents
danger and threat, to a smaller or greater degree. That is why our first reaction to new situations is
mostly resistance.
However, showing resistance is asking the mind to focus on the reasons of resistance, and those are
all the imagined threatening situations we experienced in the past. When our focus is directed to
threats, what we experience as a consequence are exactly those threatening situations. This is how we
confirm to have a reason to resist something and continue showing resistance toward the outer world.

Following are five examples of experiences and the feelings they generate.

School is a threat because there we are being assessed, judged and compared (insecurity, not
feeling worthy, unacceptance, not being loved, disability).

Society is a threat because there we are being assessed, judged and compared (insecurity, not
feeling worthy, unacceptance, not being loved, disability).

Close relationships to people are a threat because there are expectations, demands and judging
(inadequacy, not being loved, insecurity, disability, anger).

Work is a threat because there we are being particularly evaluated, assessed, expected to perform,
threatened and underappreciated (insecurity, disability, weakness, rejection, fear, anger).

And, finally, creating our own family also becomes a threat because it too brings a series of similar
situations and threats, which does not surprise us since our previous life was full of such situations.
Resistance toward that basic biological need becomes a social norm.

Furthermore, the conscious mind learns that it should get used to that state of resisting our whole
life because, if not, it could lead to the state of madness, or nervous breakdown. A person feels that a
situation he is in, if he does not show resistance toward it, will cause even greater consequences
(emotional ones). That is why resistance becomes a precautionary and self-protective measure. In that
way we literally defend ourselves from life and all the possibilities we are being offered, simply
because of the fear of failure, rejection, loneliness and, finally, fear of death.

For example, negative chemicals that are being excreted in our body while other people make fun
of us are as unpleasant as those being excreted when we are in a life threatening situation. The
conscious mind will defend itself from those chemicals (feelings) and resist them in a similar way, and
it will use anger, rage, aggression and different physical addictions (drugs, alcohol, medicine, food,
sex, TV) in an attempt to avoid such situations. Illustration No. 3 shows this graphically.

We now understand that such behavior is caused by our early childhood and adolescent upbringing.
If physical symptoms show us that we are conditioned in the same way, it is essential that we change
such habits by the method of introspection and by tapping. If physical symptoms in our life are
unpleasant and unwanted (illness, bad relationships, bad finances), we can immediately conclude that
the reason lies in a badly structured childhood and a series of emotional traumas. We should by no
means put the blame on other people, for the situations we are in, the political and economical
situation in the country, or similar external instances. They are here just to show us the state of our
mind and that the responsibility rests exclusively on us. To conclude this chapter I suggest the
following phrases for tapping:

“Even though I feel resistance to life, happiness and new experiences, I know now that it is caused
by my past and that it is not real. That is why I am now releasing my resistance and opening up to a
new life, new experiences and new happiness. Let new situations come into my life because I have no
more taste for the old ones. New situations bring new experiences because old experiences are bad and
unfavorable. I am forgiving myself for having resisted life and I am now opening up and giving myself
over to each moment without resistance. I love myself deeply and accept myself just the way I am,
now, at this moment.”

The present moment has the topmost importance in our existence and we should be fully aware of
it: how we are feeling, what we are thinking about, are we resisting something, are we afraid of
something, etc. This present moment is actually everything we have. All the other moments, past and
present, are not real and do not exist. We need to adopt the habit of being in the present moment and
learn to accept the present as it is, just as through tapping we are learning to accept ourselves the way
we are at the present moment. Even if the present moment is unpleasant, we need to understand that it
is unpleasant exactly because we are resisting it.

For example, if someone is offending or judging us unjustly, we should immediately understand

and notice that that we are in the present moment and that we should direct our focus to it and see how
we can transform it into something else.

We have stated earlier that we can do nothing physically to prevent the present. Instead we should
act on the mental level. We can talk to ourselves:

“All right, I am now in this situation, this person has a need to act this way toward me and… All
right, let it be. I will not resist this, because I am not the one offending myself, so there is no need for
me to react negatively. This person will end his speech and if I now accept the situation as it is, the
result will be much better. This person has a need to offend, so it is obvious that he must be feeling
bad and offended. That is why I should not make the situation worse for that person, because I know
the feeling of being angry at someone, with or without a reason.

Therefore, I accept this moment, and I accept myself in this moment, just the way I am.”

We notice the situation and put ourselves in the role of an observer of everything that is going on.
We pay special attention to how our mind is acting, which feelings are appearing in our body and how
we can neutralize those at a given moment.

Sometimes a situation will not be suitable for a physical tapping on ourselves, but as we have
already mentioned in the book, tapping does not necessarily have to be physical, but we can also
perform it in our mind, at the exact moment of a so-called negative situation.

The most important thing is to notice whether we are showing resistance to the present situation,
and whether we are thinking, “Oh, what is happening to me, I don‟t want this to be happening to me,
when will this end, I don‟t like this…” and the like. Those are all symptoms of resistance, and we need
to recognize it and end that habit.
Chapter Twenty

Consequences of Irresponsible Thinking

The Vedas do not recommend that we change the physical reality around us, but, instead, our own
mental reality, and, more particularly, that mental reality which is occurring at this very moment. Our
mental reality has been comprised of a series of negative emotional experiences that are stronger than
the positive ones. That is where the feeling of resistance and not loving ourselves comes from. The
past has an active influence on our present and future reality, and that is why a proper attitude toward
the past is essential, both for our present and future life. We should not let our past have any kind of
negative influence on our present, because it would mean that we are not changing, but that we are just
repeating the same old patterns. In the past we were less mature, less experienced, and we had less
knowledge than we do now. Therefore, if we allow our past to have an active influence on us, we are
actually not becoming more mature, more experienced, and smarter, but we are continuing to make the
same mistakes and experience the same immature reality. And, since we acquired those initial
experiences in our childhood, repeating the same behavior patterns now means that we are still
children, or that we are on the infant level of consciousness.

One of the basic characteristics of a child is the inability to accept responsibility because of the
inability to foresee the consequences of his actions. That is why parenting includes bringing up the
children in the spirit of responsibility, so parents could draw their attention to the consequences of
certain actions.

For example, we can draw their attention to the fact that fire is dangerous even though it is
fascinating to look at and play with. We will show the child the effects of fire by letting him come
close to it and feel the heat that is threatening his body. The child will gradually learn how that same
fire threatens other bodies and objects in his life. This is the way the child learns how to act
responsibly with fire, trying to avoid the natural consequences of its effects. That experience will
follow and protect us from consequences through our life. It will teach us how to become responsible
people, who will be able to save others‟ lives if fire threatens them in any way. Responsible people
will behave in tune with nature and will not violate nature‟s laws only to satisfy their own pleasure of
playing with fire. I have used this example to point out the importance of bringing up the children in
the spirit of responsibility, so that they can learn to think and act responsibly for their own benefit and
for the benefit of the entire human society.

However, if the child‟s experience has mostly been traumatic (and this is so in most cases), as an
adult that person will work for his own pleasure, because he sees the world as nothing more than a
threat, not providing any significant pleasure to him. That is why destroying such a world does not
represent a problem for that person, as long as he finds some pleasure in it.

For example, Adolf Hitler used to find great pleasure in destruction of global proportions, because
he saw the world as his enemy, and to him its destruction represented a sense of self-protection and
comfort. Those who have studied the life of Adolf Hitler are probably familiar with the fact that his
father, under the influence of alcohol, often used to physically abuse his mother while young Adolf
watched. Using the logic of the validity of conscious and subconscious mind, it is easy to conclude
that young Adolf‟s sub conscious mind had quickly filled up with horrifying chemical compounds in
order to protect him from the nervous breakdown (see Illustrations No. 2 and 3).
Those chemical compounds resulted in different types of resistance, which, in return, offered a kind
of solace and pleasure. And while some people would drown those impressions in alcohol, sports, sex
and parties, Hitler opted for aggression and destruction. In his activities one can clearly see the desire
for acceptance and approval, the desire for control over the entire world and the impulse to destroy
everyone who is resisting his vision.

Hitler had learned to have a strong belief in his experiences and the orders coming from his
subconscience, because they used to provide him with pleasure and comfort. Just as a mother finds
pleasure in hugging and kissing her child, the exploitation of others and the frantic destruction
provided Hitler with a similar kind of pleasure.

People often say, “Everyone has the right to have his own small pleasure in life”, or something
similar. This dangerous philosophy has encouraged the activities of our present and past leaders who
tend to justify their destructive actions in different ways. Those destructive habits make sense only to
them, since such actions give them pleasure and the feeling of false security. They will enact laws
which will further destroy the environment that we biologically depend on; they will make decisions
which will decrease basic human freedom and increase the risk of self-destruction of nations. These
are the symptoms of every individual who can recognize himself in the Illustration No. 3.

If our life is unpleasant and painful, and we are looking for comfort in anger, rage, depression,
alcohol, drugs, TV, or sex we are qualitatively non different from someone like Adolf Hitler. The only
difference is that A. Hitler used monstrous measures of personal satisfaction which harmed the entire
world, while we, in our personal lives, harm only ourselves, our bodies and people who learn from us
(children, relatives…). Our self-destructive activities meant for temporary pleasures are not
substantially different form Hitler‟s self-destructive activities. Qualitatively they are completely the

Every person who does not resolve his subconscious problems and bad habits will sooner or later
cause destruction of a smaller or greater degree, in accordance with his abilities.

What is interesting in the example of Hitler is his power of conviction. We have seen that, in spite
of his traumatic childhood, Hitler did not develop into an insane person and become dysfunctional, but
he expertly concealed his traumas in his subconscience and worked out a plan how to help himself. He
had a firm belief in his plan, mostly because he felt that there would have been no salvation for him
hadn‟t he gone through with it. That firm faith evoked in him the visions of destruction and
enslavement, and Hitler attributed very powerful emotions and focus to those visions. After a long
time of such contemplation, and according to the laws of attraction and the power of focus, his visions
slowly started to come true.

In fact, every one of us can achieve the fulfillment of our desires simply by being convinced that is
what we want and by placing on it the weight of positive emotions (joy, security, support, content,
peace). If we spend much time thinking about those things, they will begin to manifest on a physical
level. This has been explained in Chapter Five of this book (Creation through Focus).

That law of attraction and creation through focus is not affected by our motives. No matter if we
are evil and irresponsible in our intentions, or if we have the most noble plans, our focus will bring us
the wanted results. In this way, God is showing us that he has the same amount of love for all living
beings and that He gives each one of us the possibility to create for ourselves whatever we want.
If we want to be responsible, we need to take advantage of this law of nature in a positive way --
first, to help ourselves and to heal our subconscience and body, and then to teach others how to do
that. If Hitler had known that his desire for domination had been colored with fear, the feeling of low
self-esteem, loneliness and rage since his childhood, for sure his plan for the Third Reich would have
sounded funny and childish to him. He would have understood that he could not get any good out of it,
but that he would only degrade himself as well as others following him. And, as a consequence of his
actions, all his plans were frustrated and he became the victim of his own hand.

Here we can see that hatred toward other people or situations is nothing more than hatred toward
oneself, because, who can love a person who is full of trauma and pain, resistance and rage.

We need to change our negative beliefs in order to change our activities. A change of place of
residence, life partner or similar physical instances will not cause a change of beliefs, but quite the
opposite. When we change our limited negative beliefs, our physical activities will change

For example, if we do not believe animals to be spiritual beings, the same as us, being a vegetarian
will not alter this belief. It is necessary to change our negative belief about animals, so we can
perceive vegetarianism as natural and acceptable. Just as we avoid touching fire because it is harmful
to our body, we are not going to eat meat if we believe it is harmful to kill animals and eat their dead
bodies. But if our belief supports that harmful activity, even when we receive the effects for eating
meat, we will not be ready to accept the fact that it is the cause of our problem. We will look for the
causes in other things. That is how Hitler, instead of looking for causes in his traumatic childhood,
looked for them in another nation. That is a very symptomatic behavior which most of us succumb to.

This is the reason why knowledge is the most important element in achieving a quality life.
Without knowledge, people live in fear.

We have stated that the most important factor in the creation of fear is ignorance. If we see a rope
mistaking it for a snake, we are sure to experience fear. We can see how ignorance in the observer‟s
mind creates an impression of illusion, and while we are in illusion we cannot be truly happy. In other
words, if we are unhappy in any way, it is the sign that we are in illusion and that we are lacking
genuine knowledge.

By nurturing genuine knowledge we are freeing ourselves from illusion and thereby from fear. The
state free from fear is the genuine state of a human being and that is the state everyone should aspire

But how are we to acquire genuine knowledge and be sure that what we are receiving is genuine
knowledge? Well, pretty simple; proper knowledge is the knowledge we can test in our lives and get
results. Otherwise, if we need to accept a series of facts without being able to try them out ourselves, it
is blind faith, and blind faith sooner or later results in disappointment due to false understanding and
wrong actions.

Let us say we get a cold, but we are not aware that it is just a cold. Then someone tells us it is a
dangerous and contagious disease and that we will die from it. If we do not have proper knowledge,
we will react in the same way as a person who mistakes a rope for a snake. Fear will spread through
our body and we will act in a wrong way. We may, out of fear to contaminate others, hide somewhere
in a cave or a forest, and wait for death to come, or we can act in another incorrect way, taking the
wrong medicine, etc.
So, we can see that not knowing the root cause of all problems results in wrong beliefs, wrong
actions, and furthermore unwanted consequences. Due to bad consequences we sink deeper and deeper
into that circle of illusion where we experience bad things without being aware of their cause. That is
how we get into mental states of helplessness, frustration, rage, agony and similar negative states
which create additional consequences and problems through negative focus. We are becoming the
creators of our own hellish life, without wanting it. Seeing that what happens to us is not what we
want, we conclude that we cannot be the cause of such life and that the cause must be somewhere
outside of ourselves. That is another level of illusion which encourages us to even more erratic actions
leading to even worse consequences.

This is a vicious cycle. Today people are not able to get out of that cycle by themselves, but they
tolerate horribly bad lives under the excuse that it is normal, that everyone‟s life is the same and that it
should be accepted as such. If that were so, then no one would complain about their pains and
disorders, but it would be normal and acceptable. But, no matter how much we are trying to convinceg
ourselves that life is naturally full of problems, we can see that we are always complaining about those
problems and trying to get rid of them. However, as we have seen so far, if we are not familiar with
the true, root cause of the problem, all we do is cause new problems that are created out of ignorance.
Knowledge is the solution to all our problems, genuine knowledge that liberates us from fear, and not
technology, drugs, partying and other temporary solutions based on ignorance.

When someone offers us a solution to a problem, we always need to find out whether that person
knows the root cause of our problem. If he says he does, he should explain it to us in a way to make it
completely clear to us also.

For example, if you have a headache and someone offers you a pill or even natural medicine, as a
remedy, you should ask a question, “Do you know what caused my headache?” If a person is not able
to answer that question, along with any other related questions, it means that he or she is not able to
really help us, and taking that medicine would mean deceiving ourselves. Treating the symptoms is
not healing, but a bigger or smaller conscious or unconscious deceit.

Let us say that you drink poisoned water and have a stomach ache. You complain to your doctor
and he gives you a prescription for your stomach ache. You take that prescribed medicine and feel
slightly better, but, since you continue to drink poisoned water, you have wasted time and money on
your doctor. The cause has not been removed and the consequences will continue to re-emerge.

In the same way, every disease and disorder has its root cause, and throughout this book it has been
explained that this cause is our subconscious mind and the habits between the conscious and
subconscious mind. Those habits lead to a situation in which oxygen flow in our blood is suspended to
a certain degree, causing the respective body part to function with disorders. We should understand
that ALL our problems come from our subconscience and that it is there where we have to look for the
cause. By cleaning our subconscience our body will get enough oxygen and regenerate by itself. This
takes place very quickly, in term of days or even minutes.

My personal experience in this practice has revealed to me that by using the tapping technique we
can free ourselves from all types of difficulties in a very short period of time. But, it is of great
importance to correctly understand the causes of our problems. Once we understand, then we can work
on what is needed. Time itself will not remove our bad habits, but it will strengthen and deepen them
even more.
In other words, it is about time, now, in this very moment, for a radical change of perception and
Chapter Twenty-One

Examples of Problems and Related Causes

In this chapter I would like to list some examples of diseases, disorders and other typical problems,
and give you some guidelines on how to create the accompanying tapping phrases. We have seen that
the tapping method is easy to learn and easy to use. Tapping can be shown to children of any age, so
that they can, from early childhood, learn how to clean their subconscience and ensure a long, healthy
and happy life. But the phrases that we say while tapping need to be thought out in a way that our
subconscience reacts to them properly. It is sometimes hard to figure out what is really bothering us.
We have mentioned that asking the question “why” is the surest method to enter into our
subconscience, but, before we do that, it is very important that we avoid rationalizing our feelings and
problems. We should detect what we are resisting and what bothers us, so then we can then tap on that
negative feeling.

For example, we are having a problem with our spouse who is not treating us the way we would
like to be treated. We ask ourselves, “Why is this bothering me?” What feelings does it bring out in
me?” The answer can be, “His behavior bothers me because it makes me feel low, helpless or maybe
angry and unworthy.” We should identify that feeling and tap on it using the phrases listed in chapter
fourteen; “Even though I am feeling unworthy or angry, I accept and love myself the way I am,
profoundly and completely.” So, it is enough to recognize our deep emotions and tap on them.

Now I would like to take a look at some of the problems that are symptomatic for most people in
the world today and at how to eliminate them.

I have a pain in my back, my spine, my neck and my shoulders

The spine is a pillar of the body and our strongest bone structure. It is capable of supporting the whole
body throughout one‟s life. As such, it succumbs to a series of dramatic changes, such as disk
disorders, problems with the spinal fluid leakage, spinal distortions and everything else that the
chiropractors give as the causes of pain. But all the above symptoms actually just reflect the natural
growth of the spine and there is not one irrefutable piece of evidence that those changes are the causes
of any pain. When chiropractors tell you that the pain in your spine comes from changes in it, you
should know that you have been given the wrong diagnosis.

The pain in your spine is caused by the lack of emotional support in your life. Very often we find
ourselves in situations in which we feel overburdened with problems and we miss support, help and
the feeling of relief. We may have overburdened ourselves, because of different types of fears, and that
is why we feel that no one can help us in a way that would suit us. However, the feeling of emotional
overload and the lack of support is still there. Every back pain comes from it. Tap on the lack of
support and the feeling of overload and free yourself from that emotion. Try to identify your fears and
the situations you are in as precisely as you can. Always remember: your feelings are only yours and
no one else is aware of them. Looking for support from others would mean that we are trying to
change external physical instances, which is a mistake. It is about our own feelings and habits of
thinking, and thoughts can change. So, let us change them. Pain will go away as soon as we free
ourselves of the fear of future feelings of overload and the inability to take the pressure, loneliness and
other emotions.
Pain in the shoulders and neck is very often a sign of our anger about being overloaded and
unsupported. We are silly to expect understanding from our loved ones, but it is mostly not going to
happen (luckily for us), so it is essential that we tap out the rage and forgive ourselves.

I have a headache

Headaches point to being overloaded with thoughts. We feel week and helpless because there are too
many things in our life that are not in accordance with our desires. We do not understand that our
desires are the product of our thoughts and emotions. We should, therefore, see how we make our
plans and what emotions we color them with. If we are planning our future in a way as to avoid
suffering, then our plans are colored with the fear of suffering. Such focus does not bring anything but
suffering, because our focus implies that our desire is to suffer. Why else would we ever be focusing
on suffering?

If you often have migraine or you get a headache from a draft, from running, talking or other
normal activities, that is the sign that your brain is missing oxygen. As in all other cases of pain,
oxygen is deficient and we should supplement it. That is done by tapping with the following phrases:

“I am feeling pain in my head and I am very tense, nervous and stressed. I am lacking oxygen
because I cannot find the will to dedicate some time to myself, my breathing and my thoughts. I am
overloaded with problems which I am dragging though my thoughts and it is the cause of the lack of
oxygen in my brain. I am absolving all the feelings of tension and overload. I am feeling calm and
light, and I am breathing deeply, directing oxygen to my brain and to all other parts of my body where
I feel pain. With each deep inhalation oxygen travels to my brain and feeds its thirsty cells. With each
exhalation my stress and bad thoughts go out of my body, freeing me. My body is healing and I am
changing. I am relaxing now and feeling secure. Everything is all right.”

Tap on all of the point, saying one phrase on each point. Focus on what you are saying and feel free
to change the phrases so that they suit you best. Breathe deeply, drink water and do not give up.
Sometimes two minutes are simply not enough to annul the overwhelming negativity which we have
accumulated over years and months of negative thinking. Allow yourself at least half an hour of
tapping, regularly drink some water and then relax either standing or lying down. Use those moments
of relaxation to continue breathing deeply and check where you still feel disturbed and out of balance.
Get ready for another round of tapping, but this time try to determine exactly what is disturbing you on
the emotional level. Do not forget to be completely honest like a small child. Be sure to chase out even
the most silly and minute emotion of fear. Annul all the rage and helplessness, and call for your
genuine, spiritual, unchanging nature which is far stronger that this bodily one. Take control over your
thoughts and emotions.

I have a pain in my abdomen, my stomach, I have a bad digestion

In this case, while breathing deeply, direct the oxygen to your abdomen and tap on the feeling
agitation until it goes away completely.

“Even though I am having abdominal pain and I am having a bad digestion, I accept and love and
this body and mind, just the way they are. I understand that I have caused these pains and disorders,
and I now forgive myself for all those mistakes. I am absolving and releasing these pains, all my
emotional traumas and weaknesses. I am using my deep breathing to stimulate the digestive fire which
is becoming stronger the deeper I breathe. My stomach is recovering and getting back all of the
strength it needs. My breathing is encouraging my body. I am controlling my thoughts because I
respect and appreciate myself. My body is listening to me because I am addressing it with nice words.
Thank you, my dear body, and forgive me. I still love you the most because you are serving me so

Even though our body is actually producing pain at this moment, we have to address it not with
condemnation and critical speech, but with encouragement and approval. This is how we change the
energy of our inner organs, and our body is encouraged in its self-regeneration.

I have asthma and I am breathing heavily

Asthma is connected to suppressed love. We have not received the wanted love from a person we like
and consequently we have the feeling of missing air. It is based upon the fear that we will never be
loved and will never experience the joy of a life filled with love. Our body gets this signal from the
subconscience and starts to suffocate. We are actually suffocating emotionally while our body is
simply interpreting the signals on a physical level - the only way it knows how. At those moments
when something starts to bother us and we feel as if people do not understand or listen to us or accept
us, we need to tap out those feelings and forgive ourselves.

“Even though I am missing air and I am breathing heavily, I accept and love myself the way I am.
Even though I am feeling down, I accept and love myself the way I am. I know that this is happening
to me because of the lack of a quality loving relationship in my childhood. I feel suffocated and
unaccepted, I feel like an unloved child. I am now absolving and releasing this suffocation and
unacceptance (or something similar that suits you better), I release it from my mind and my body. I am
allowing my body to breathe easily and my deep breaths are supplying valuable oxygen to my lungs
and my brain. My negative feelings are caused by the events from the past, and the past does not exist
any more. My negative feelings are now useless. Even thought they used to be a part of my identity
(character), I can see now that I don‟t need them and that is why I am freeing them into the universe.
Let them go out, I appreciate myself enough and I will not let them haunt me any more. I feel peace
and content, and freedom to breathe carelessly. Thank you, my dear body, for your tolerance and
forgive me for my mistakes in the way of thinking. Now I give you love and understanding. Thank

I have a tumor, a cyst

or some other outgrowth on my body

Tumors are in most cases destructive in one way or another. Our body reacts very negatively to such
out-growths and they easily become dangerous and terminal. Tumor is just another of our body‟s
reaction to our mental life and to our thinking habits.

When our life becomes hopeless and useless in our mind, our body reacts in a way as to start the
process of self-destruction. The inability to forgive ourselves and others for all the bad experiences
that we have been through helps destroy our body more quickly. And, as we have learned so far, we
need to completely change the way we think and control our emotions. When excessive fear and anger
accumulate, when we refuse to forgive everyone we hold grudges against, our body starts to die. With
some people it happens very quickly, while others receive signs gradually. In each case, the cause is
the same, and it is rage.
Rage is caused by our fear of the future, which we fear will be the same or worse than the present.
Since we cannot see the future, we fear that content and the possible suffering. As we do not see the
solution to the problem, we become angry with ourselves and the people around us. We are angry with
the situation we are in, so finding someone to blame temporarily eases our mental state. The feeling of
guilt, and blaming and criticizing others are emotions which we need to root out completely and never
use them again. We are subconsciously fighting to admit the fact that everything is our own merit,
whether it is caused by ignorance or something else.

Having a bad life and then realizing that it is our own „masterpiece‟ is in most cases too much for
us to bear. Therefore, we turn the rage toward ourselves into subconscious reactions to our
surroundings: we easily get angry, nervous, scared and depressed. In that way we commit so many
mistakes in communication and make wrong decisions. And in the process we are constantly being
showered with negative emotions. In order to avoid responsibility, we literally swallow that rage and it
travels through our subconscience and into our body, where it is stored. The intensity of rage will
manifest not only in a person‟s behavior and his or her values in life, but in the reaction of the body as
well. If someone suffers from a serious disease such as a tumor, it is an obvious sign of emotional
suffering and acute discontent with oneself and with one‟s life.

That is why we should tap on our rage, anger, discontent and suffering. We need to find out what
brings out the most rage and discontent in us, and what gives us the most pain. Is it a person or a
situation? If it is a person, we try to provoke a painful and disturbing situation, which we find
irritating. In our mind we create images, sounds, activities and faces which will provoke rage and
discontent. We feel the emotion, place it on a 0 to 10 scale and tap on it using the phrases from
chapter fourteen. At the end of tapping, when negative emotions are reduced to zero, we continue to
tap on ourselves saying the positive affirmations for our body. We express our love to it, we promise it
the attention we just gave it, we breathe deeply and visualize the oxygen coming into the critical body
cells and charging them, as water charges thirsty plants. We should breathe deeply and follow what is
going on in our mind: are there still some disturbances and what are they? We write them all down and
tap on those emotional states. Let us try, from time to time, to repeat the disturbing thoughts we were
thinking at the beginning of the tapping and notice whether they have an effect on us now. And we
should try to provoke ourselves in order to test our self-healing.

In the case of a tumor, one should tap on himself on a daily basis, as much as possible. The results
depend exclusively on the results of the emotional change and the change of the thinking habits. When
we stop being angry, critical and discontent, the tumor will disappear.

For all diseases that develop in our bodies, one thing is clear: all of them are just reactions to our
mental states, and the reactions will not go away until we change our mental state. Those mental states
are our thoughts and our emotions. The way we think, that voice in our mind, the conversation we lead
with the characters in our mind, all of those are the tools which help us to create our physical life. We
use the tools, but we are not those tools. It is illusory to think that we are that which is going on in our
body. No, we are just the observers. We are not that voice in our mind, we are something else,
something that is observing that voice and listening to it. If we can observe and listen to that voice and
those emotions, it means that it is not us. The observer is always separate from what he observes; to
understand and accept this fact is very important.

This role of the observer is unavoidable for us. We are always in this role, and now it is only a
question of how we are going to accept and use that role. The observer can decide to play a role,
without identifying with it. A true actor plays different roles, but when the show is over, he detaches
from the roles and decides on his future character. He is not attached to any of those roles, because he
understands that he has the power to detach from them. Similarly, we are playing different roles in this
world. We used to play the roles of a child, student, lover, friend, teacher, etc. All of these roles are
constantly changing and we are casting away one in order to accept another. But the role of an
observer remains unchanged. That is why it is extremely important to literally observe the role we are
playing at every moment and to understand that we can change it, making it better, shorter, longer, but
also that we can cast it away. If we see that we are observing a role which does not suit us, as, for
example, the role of a sick person or a person who is suffering, then the next step is observing the tools
we are using for that particular role. By tools we mean our thoughts, emotions and the field of focus
(what we often think about). If that tool is bad and negative, we should change it, so that the quality of
the roles we are in can improve.

If our body suffers from a disease and we are suffering because of thinking that there is no help, or
if we do not know how to help ourselves, we need to change those thoughts. Instead of confirming our
helplessness, ignorance and inability, it is necessary to start confirming the knowledge, the ability and
the power, no matter how untrue this may seem at present. And it is natural that the truth sounds
untrue when the untruth has up until now been accepted as truth.

When we say, “I cannot heal myself because I do not know how or because it is not possible”, we
are confirming the untruth to ourselves and for us it becomes true. So, when the real truth enters our
mind, at first it sounds untrue. That period of changing the thinking habit should be endured and we
should patiently wait for the results. By tapping these results are achieved more quickly because we
are changing the chemical composition of our body, so it becomes easier for our mind to effect the
changes. The self-healing results can be achieved without tapping, but that would require an extremely
strong mind and strong will, persistence and patience. Tapping simply leads the person into the world
of change and teaches us how to take control over those changes for our own good. After some time of
successful practice, the tapping changes and becomes a habit simply because that habit brings constant
results that are positive.

We have control over our body and mind, both when we are aware of them and when we are not. It
is only when that control of the body and mind are in ignorance that negative results arise, and we are
responsible for them. Ignorance is not an excuse, because it still has consequences. And when we see
the negative consequences, we should know that there is something we do not understand properly,
that we see lies as truth and vice versa. Therefore, knowledge is the key to a happy and successful life,
and that reveals itself instantly in practice. When we find that we have mistaken a rope for a snake, we
lose fear instantly. It does not take a lot of time for those feelings to change because the influence of
knowledge is very powerful.

Therefore, I repeat, when we find out the true cause of our problem (a reaction in our body or
mind), it automatically takes away the problem. It is wrong to think that our body is the cause, that the
chemical change in our body is the cause of our pains and problems. We need to understand why our
body reacts in the way it does and through this knowledge find the root emotion. As we have written
before, those emotions are negative and include fears of death, loneliness, rejection, fear of inability,
failure, suffering, fear of different limitations, fear of the future and similar fears.

For example, loneliness in itself is not a problem, but the fear of loneliness is a problem. We
perceive it as negative because of our past experiences (impressions) and, whenever we are threatened
by loneliness, we recall those experiences and fight them. Those experiences are unrealistic because
they come from childhood, when we were under hypnosis and completely immature. Such experiences
are not correct and should be changed. Fighting them creates reactions in our body, and we feel pain
and experience disorders.

In most cases, the type of disease or disorder logically leads to a certain type of mental resistance.

With back pain, it means that we are fighting the feeling of support, because our spine gives
support to our body. In other words, we feel unsupported. When we have a tumor, it means that we are
resisting our entire life and we cannot forgive our past mistakes, either to ourselves or to others. In
other words, we feel wrong and unforgiving.

I am losing my sight

When we are losing our sight it means that we are resisting seeing things in our life with a proper
vision. That is why losing our sight can be interpreted as a bad perception of life, which our body
reacts to in a way as to deprive our eye cells from oxygen.

We need to find the untruth which we are taking as the truth, by introspection. We can recognize
this by fears; what are we afraid of and what is hard for us to face? When we discover that, then we
know we have found our untruth.

My knees and joints are malfunctioning

When our knees are giving up on us deteriorating, that is the sign that we are feeling unsupported and
disabled to take the next right step in our life. We feel inhibited by ourselves and our surroundings and
we accept them as reality. That is why our body reacts in a similar way: our knees and bones are
breaking down in order to get in tune with our mind. We do not believe that decision that we need to
make will be correct and safe. We doubt ourselves and others and that keeps us from freely moving
through life. We do not believe in life and that is why we move slowly through it, thinking that there
are too many obstacles. Our body projects that, making the true physical movement impossible. We
need to tap out to a zero all of the feelings of mistrust and incapability, of ignorance and stiffness. Let
us free those negative habits and tap that we are now free and uninhibited, and that we are moving
through life with ease and spontaneity. Let life support us on our every step; as by each inhalation we
continue to live without any effort, in the same way every moment or step that follows will be
spontaneous and positive, and that will bring us beautiful results.

I am allergic to…

Being allergic to everything and anything is one of the most childish disorders I am familiar with. A
person who is having allergic reactions surely has the feeling of compliance and weakness toward the
outer world. We feel fear from the world that surrounds us because of impressions from the past.. We
experience the world as dangerous and unfriendly. Our body supports that feeling by having negative
reactions to most normal things around us. Our body becomes falsely oversensitive and, in order to
make things even worse, we accept that state as our identity and we say, “I am too sensitive to this, or
I have a problem with that.” In this way we are confirming that identity and the allergies continue.
I have a weak heart

Heart disorders come from accumulated suffering in life and from a chronic lack of love. A person
does not like his role as an observer because most of his activities are unwanted. In other words, he
lives a life he does not like but he has to tolerate it out of the fear that he will be laughed at, rejected,
or not loved. Such a forceful way of living deprives us of the possibility for a true love and our heart
stops functioning the way it is supposed to.

The heart always symbolizes love, acceptance and trust. When we lack those things, it does not
mean that others do not give us love and acceptance, but is us who do not accept ourselves and are
very critical toward ourselves. This deprives us of the possibility of true, unconditioned love and our
heart reacts by functioning weakly or it even stops completely. By tapping we can learn to love
ourselves and accept ourselves now, in this moment, just the way we are, no matter the way we have
treated others and no matter the way others have treated us. We should forgive everyone, especially
ourselves, and opt for emotions of love and trust. We should convince ourselves that the world is full
of love and that each new day brings us even more love, more trust and happiness.

We can link each disease to certain states of mind and see how they are logically connected. Those
are all laws of material nature, and our body and mind are nothing more than a part of this world. It is,
therefore, important to correctly understand those laws so that we can use them correctly for our
benefit. If we did not have the understanding of the law of gravitation, we would not be able to make a
plane or a parachute, and we would not be able to correctly foresee the consequences of such
ignorance, so it would often happen that we jump from an excessive height or do something else
similarly ridiculous. Our abilities are limited only by the knowledge we have. If we knew how to use
all the laws of material nature, our life would become unthinkably different. The beauty of living is
incomparably greater and more intense than what we are experiencing now.

Knowledge is a natural state of the soul, and ignorance is a natural state of the body. That is why
our body reacts to our thoughts, because it does not know any other way. We order it how to behave
and what reactions to produce.

That is why accepting complete responsibility for all the thoughts and emotions that we are
producing in our mind is the first step toward true knowledge. What follows right after that is the
second step, and that is learning to love oneself as a spiritual being above the influence of this material
nature and who has free will and power to use those influences to his own advantage.

Therefore, we should accept responsibility for our own life, we should raise above the past
conditionings of our mind and by our own will change the way we think and understand ourselves and
the world we live in. We should be thirsty for knowledge that helps us and which is possible to
understand. Let us change our negative flow of thought and get used to the positive one.

In the next and last chapter of this book I will list some positive thoughts which can serve as an
example to us.
Chapter Twenty-Two

Examples of Positive Thoughts

Positive thoughts or affirmations should always relate to the present time, the moment we are
experiencing now. We should not just ask for something or wish for things to happen, or say that
something is going to occur, but we need to create a situation in our mind as if a desired circumstance
was already real. Thanks to the power of our conscious mind, we can project whatever we want. We
can create an event including people, things and sounds, the way we want to. That is why our
affirmations should include those visualizations of what we wish to physically happen. Also, it is very
important that our emotions match those visions. If we want a better job, more money, an ideal partner
or something similar, we should imagine that situation the way we want it to be, and feel in our mind
as if that situation was taking place at this very moment. It resembles a child‟s pretending game, when
children daydream about a certain reality and let themselves emotionally experience their imagination.
Unfortunately, we have learned that such daydreaming is in vain and that we should live a “real” life,
which implies that we should feel according to the suggestions of the outer world. In that way we
cease to willfully create our life and we become the “victim” of the events that are occurring one after
another. Now is the time to go back to that state of daydreaming and use our positive emotions to
support our thoughts. We should see what it would feel like if our desires actually came true and let
ourselves taste that experience before it happens on the physical level. By repeating those affirmations
things will start to change in our life and we will be able to experience the efficiency of the law of
attraction. We will understand that our thoughts and emotions are a true generator of physical

So, let us start with changing our thoughts by using auto suggestion in asserting the following

 I am myself, and I will always stay myself. No one can take that away from me, not even
the death of my body. I always exist.

 I love and accept myself. I am the only thing I have.

 I have the freedom over my thoughts and imagination.

 I love my freedom in thinking and imagining. That is my tool for creating my physical
reality and for enhancing the quality of my experiences.

 I am changing now and I am creating positive affirmations.

 My body is as powerful as I allow it to be in my thoughts. I am now supplying my body

with all the power to heal itself and to change for the better.

 My mind is as powerful as I allow it to be. That is why I am now supplying my mind with
positive focus and encouraging it with nice words and positive thoughts.

 My breathing is the strongest medicine for all the disorders in my body. Each of my
inhalations brings healing oxygen into my cells, and each of my exhalations frees me from
fear, anxiety and stress.

 My body is beautiful and perfect for me. I accept and praise it. I dismiss every criticism of
my body and mind. I love and accept my body just the way it is.

 My thoughts are positive, fun, creative and useful. I am enjoying myself in the world of my
thoughts because it feels good to be thinking in a positive way.

 Life is all-powerful. Everything is possible, for everyone, in every moment, and so it is for
me. Each moment brings me new experiences and new opportunities. I am looking forward
to each new moment and I have a belief that the life process is taking care of me and of
everything I need.

 I am in a safe place now. I am not facing any kind of danger. I trust life and I trust myself.

 I am relaxed and in a good mood. I am happy that I exist and I love my life.

 I am grateful for everything I have and I am looking forward to every change, because it
brings something good with it. There is no loss for me. There is only constant change
which brings along a new experience and new insights.

 I am not missing anything. In this moment I have everything I need and I believe that each
new moment will bring me everything I need. I trust the life process. Everything is
happening by itself and I have a strong belief in that.

 The world around me is a beautiful and safe place. There are people around me who
understand and love me. I am surrounded by love and confidence. I can always count on
help when I need it. I love this world and the people around me. I feel safe and protected.
Everything is fine.

 My body is healthy and strong, capable of digesting healthy food and of giving me all the
energy I need. My body supports me and I support my body. My mind supports me and I
support my mind.

 I am content and calm because I know that everything is fine and that the future will be

 I am releasing all the fear and anxiety. I believe in myself and in my creative abilities.

 People love and accept me because I love and accept myself. The more I respect myself,
the more respect I experience from others.

 Money comes at the time I need it and in the amounts I need. I am grateful for everything I
have and I know I am supported in my existence.

 My family is healthy and safe. All of the members of my family are getting everything they
need and they are happy.

 My friends are healthy, happy and protected. They accept and support me and I trust them.

 I have confidence in myself and my abilities. My abilities are endless.

 I am looking forward to each new day and I feel content when I go to sleep, because sleep
refreshes my body and mind. I wake up rested and full of energy. I am enthusiastic to find
out what today will bring.
 Miracles happen in my life and I am looking forward to each new miraculous moment.
Miracles are possible for me and for others.

 I am happy and content, every day, every moment and in every situation.

 I learn new things with ease. My mind remembers easily and readily handles new
situations. There is nothing I cannot do. Everything is possible for me.

 I am open to new experiences and new insights. I am looking forward to new discoveries
because those make me more experienced and better.

 For me, all situations are favorable because they teach me valuable lessons. Everything is
favorable, everything is fine.

 I am grateful for all of the help which comes by itself in different ways and from different
sources. I am completely protected and supported in every situation. I love my life.

I sincerely wish you a successful recovery and self-healing, as well as the fulfillment of all your
desires. I am certain that this method will change your life, because my life changed completely once I
understood these principles and decided to apply them. Moreover, the lives of many people who I have
met, and to whom I had the chance to introduce this method, have changed in amazing ways. The
results are astonishing and there is not one disease or problem which we cannot resolve by ourselves,
without medicine, machines or life-long struggle. Thoughts and emotions are everything. So, be brave
in your efforts and allow yourself to at least try to experiment. There is nothing to lose, only to gain.

Thank you for your support,

Kristijan Kolega (Kakudmi das)

Chapter Twenty-Three

Examples of Successful Healings

Here are only some of the people who wanted to share their own experiences with the self-healing
technique. Their words can serve as inspiration to you.

Damir Tasić from Bjelovar:

I am very happy to know Kristijan Kolega because, by introducing me to the tapping method, he has
improved the quality of my life. I am happier and more content now. Kristijan, thank you!

Tapping is our choice, where we ourselves decide, based on our desires and faith, what kind of
body we are going to have, both on a subtle and gross level. Kristijan Kolega (Kakudmi das) is an
exceptional person, who first used tapping to help himself, now aiding everyone who turns to him for
advice or assistance of any kind. I have personally had an opportunity on more than one occasion to
attend his seminars and practical workshops (group and individual). The tapping results are more than
fascinating. I had the chance to see the effects of tapping, not only on myself, but on others as well.
The tapping truly eliminates the problems with our body and everything that is connected to it, doing
so in accordance with our desires, determination and belief in the method. And everything is possible!
I have tested it and it works. Test it yourselves!

Damir Tasić

Majda from Zadar:

The one who needs to know will know!

This book is a guide for removing obstacles (of our subconsious mind), which stand in the way of
satisfying the deepest needs of our heart. It is the way to the hidden depths of our love, which we are
afraid to uncover. It is the way out for all the impurities which have been so strongly rooted in our

This is a Divine message which is being disclosed to us through the energy points on our body. It is
a SECRET revealed through men, such an easy step toward a deep love in our heart, a spiritual and
bodily healing, God‟s blessing to men‟s body and spirit.

Personally, I have had different experiences with this method: some are with my family members
(intimate) and I would not mention them here, while others involve my body and my work. They were
all successful! I will describe those which I consider interesting.

I was having a pain in my leg for two full months, in the heel area. I used to drag my leg, suffering
great pain. The circumstances did not allow me to visit a doctor, and when I did get my turn, the
doctor took sick leave. I realized it was not going to happen. Something else was awaiting me. I went
on the Internet and I read about Kakudmi. I gave him a call right away. The third day after our talk I
noticed that I was in less pain and that it was easier to stand on that leg. After some time, I traveled to
Zagreb where I met with Kakudmi. In just one tapping session the remaining pain in my leg went
away. I was about to leave when Kakudmi reminded me of my leg, because I completely forgot about
it after the tapping. I asked, “What leg?”, because it was cured now and all the pain was gone.
When I apply this method I neither wait nor expect anything. My goal is to free myself of the
burden of my subconscious. And where it takes me and when is automatically revealed according to
my positive thoughts, affirmations and visions.

As far as my work is concerned, I started selling in a booth (costume jewelry, souvenirs, glasses,
hats, etc.). I had to sell some glasses from the previous year. For ten days I hardly sold anything, while
the booths around me were selling nicely. I understood that I was responsible for that and I started to
tap on myself for my irresponsibility and insecurity, realizing how much I disliked myself. It took me
one hour of tapping to get rid of those impediments and I gave the selling over to God Himself.

After 4 days of remaining peaceful I started selling the glasses. First day, I sold 10 glasses, the
following day 8 and it just went on from there. Everything that was for sale started selling. And even
today, whenever I come to my booth, I sell something right away.

Mere things are not our goal, but I think that we need to clean our mind to be able to feel loved by
life, and this can be achieved through this method.

I had one of the most shocking and most valuable experiences with tapping when Kakudmi
explained to me how people who address us are nothing more than the reminders of what we think of
ourselves, how we perceive ourselves and what impression we have of ourselves.

That evening I was being mocked by a close person for everything I was learning and doing. That
is when I heard my „spiritual alarm‟ go off: I consider myself worthless and incompetent, almost in
everything I do! That confession shook me completely. But it was true! I started tapping on that inner
feeling of worthlessness and incompetence, which was even stronger then. The tapping made me
realize that the worth in me was God, that is was all His, and that by considering myself to be
worthless and incompetent I was scorning and offending God Himself. I understood that I was doing it
for quite a long time. It was a deep tapping session on forgiveness and positive views. It was a lesson
on a proper relationship with God.

If I had believed in myself, I would have never been mocked. I got it only because that state was
present in me.

What started to happen after that is that everything I focused and meditated on for a longer period
of time would be carried out. That is how my thought started to become reality in two weeks. And
then I realized: My thoughts are coming back to me through my deeds! I should be careful about my
thoughts, they are real and they manifest in reality!

My life has completely changed, and my belief in God has opened up and gained greater strength.

In my family there is no more reproaching. It seemed as if people around me had no strength to tell
me anything that would hurt me. It is not the world that has changed, but it is me who has experienced
the change. I am finally at peace, because I know that no one can pick a fight but myself, no one can
put me in any kind of unpleasant situation without my consent. All my peace depends on me. Every
relationship in my life depends on me. After tapping out all the problems that are attacking us, we
cannot put any value to them any more.

We are free! Even if negativities come up occasionally, we should tap them out, and they go away.
They have no more strength in us. That is how we change and how we heal ourselves!
The most fascinating thing about this method is that it opens the spiritual door for us and brings us
incredible spiritual experiences. This technique is so deep and it is essential to all of us who have not
enough love for ourselves and our life. That is why I see this method as God-given for healing both
our body and mind.

My heartfelt gratefulness for everything!

Majda, July, 2009

Željka from Zagreb:

Selfhealing according to Kakudmi’s advice

It was in March of 2009 when I lifted my couch and remained stiff from pain in my lower back.

I instantly remembered the exercises from the “Yoga in Everyday Life” course. I did the exercises
and felt better for the evening.

But the next day the pain returned and I did those same exercises again. A week had passed and my
pain was only increasing. I could barely walk. I tried to tolerate the pain, but there were some services
in the temple on Bizek which I was not able to perform, not to speak of lifting heavy pots in the
kitchen. I got a sharp pain in my back, and my forehead was covered with perspiration. It was
Thursday and I thought to myself, “I cannot go to cook for the temple and the priests on Saturday!” I
felt worse and worse. Yoga had always been helpful in the past. And now I could not sit or lie down
without great pain.

But, Krsna (God) has His plan. It was the same day that, reading our ISKCON web page, I read
that Kakudmi das (Kristijan Kolega) was helping others to permanently remove all types of pain of
known or unknown origin.

That was great, I thought. I contacted him. I was not sure if I really needed to get rid of that pain
permanently. I used to view it as a type of penance, indispensable for maintaining spiritual
consciousness. I remembered a story in which Queen Kunti-devi asked Krsna. when He was departing
from the kingdom of Dvaraka, to leave them some problem, or pain, so they would not forget Him.

Kakudmi told me I could come over right away. Why now of all times, I thought to myself, I have
almost no money to repay his favor. But the message on the net said that Kakudmi was not asking for
any kind of fee. I saw that as a part of God‟s plan also, and as an indirect element of God
consciousness; all right, God takes care of all of us. I give the amount I can afford, a small donation,
and I guess a larger amount will be provided from some other source or hand. Kakudmi also needs to
pay his bills, food…

I met him in front of his house in Gajnice. Having seen that it was difficult for me to walk,
Kakudmi asked me if he could help me climb the stairs to his apartment on the fourth floor.

When we arrived, we had a little talk. I told him that I had exclusive faith in Krsna‟s help and in the
holy scriptures called Vedas, which he also mentions, and that I needed to be healed to be able to
continue serving Krsna (God).
Kakudmi started by clarifying that the pain I was experiencing was not coming from Krsna and that
it was not the penance which I thought I needed, but that it was liberated anger which was deeply
imprisoned in my subconscious or some other feeling of not being able to forgive someone who had
hurt me in the past. I thought for a second. All right, let us give it a try!

The method is so simple. We sit across Kakudmi, a Vedic teacher, and he leads us through the
process: we tap on ourselves, on the acupressure points he is showing on himself, saying the phrases
or mantras he is saying.

Before we start, we evaluate our pain on a 0 to 10 scale. Then we begin. After a couple of rounds
he asks us to reevaluate the pain intensity and we do it. The pain moves around as we tap, wanting to
hide in another, more suitable, deeper place. It holds on like “the eighth passenger” -- like an octopus
it stretches its tentacles around my vertebrae. I feel it deep in the center of my spine as if saying,
“Now, I will rest here, you can endure this, you are able to walk lightly and sit without any problem.” I
thought to myself I should be tolerant, the pain was trying to make a contact with me, until we were
both relatively content.

I would agree to that, but Kakudmi is merciless: no negotiation! We eventually came to the true
cause, which had its roots in my earliest childhood: my father left my mother and me within a month
after my birth. I had always been angry with him, burying that anger and pain deep in my
subconscious, forgetting about it until this glorious moment at Kakudmi‟s place. We drove out that
pain and that brought in realization. I was a new person when I left home. During one hour I moved
half the furniture around the apartment feeling no pain at all!

My daughter could not recognize me, “How is it possible that all of a sudden you have no pain and
can walk normally? And who helped you move the furniture, the couches and wardrobes?

“KRSNA and Kakudmi, a Vedic teacher”, I replied. He said I did not need to pay, it was not from
Krsna. From Krsna only love and happiness come.

If from time to time a glimpse of pain tries to find shelter in me, I instantly remember Kakudmi‟s
instructions, I say those mantras a couple of times while tapping on the acupressure points, and the
pain comes out and goes away!

Thank You, Krsna, for sending us Kakudmi to heal us with the Vedic knowledge, so we are able to
continue to serve You.

Zagreb, July 23, 2009

Mrs. Jelena from Sarajevo

and her daughter Milica (10 years old)

I came to Mr. Kristijan‟s lecture by pure accident. I did not expect to hear something that could
completely change my life. But that is exactly what happened. For the first time in such occasions I
had in front of me a person who truly loved people and wanted to help them. It was someone who was
not putting himself on a throne, but he put us, who were present at his lecture, in the center. It is an
exceptional feeling, because life circumstances tend to repress our human side. We are drowned in the
material world, having forgotten what we carry in ourselves, what we truly are.
A few hours of this amazing young man‟s lecture are enough to make us think a bit more deeply.
His words light in you the feeling that you are worthy and that you matter. He makes you feel
wonderful. In that short time an avalanche of new feelings and thoughts, unknown until then, starts to
develop, causing the feeling of being reborn.

He showed us how to love, appreciate and respect ourselves. He taught us how to find our own
perfect place in the world as it is. Isn‟t that wonderful?

I would like for everyone to hear Kristijan‟s lecture, because it would make them stop and think.
Slowing down often means saving yourself and others from yourself.

Mr. Kristijan, thank you for bringing so many beautiful and positive changes to the life of my


Jelena Đokić

It was very much fun and interesting, even though I did not expect that. I am so glad that during the
lecture special attention was paid to children, because I can notice with my friends that their parents do
not pay attention to them. Kristijan explained how parents could help their children and how they
should treat them. He also advised them to make the children their priority in life. I liked the drawings
which showed our reactions to what is happening around us.

I would like that all parents behave in a way that Kristijan advised.

Milica Đokić

An Anonymous lady from Sarajevo

For years I had been feeling this blunt pain in my back. I found the causes for it in the wrong sitting
posture, my distorted spine etc. Then I met Kakudmi. In one hour he explained to me, in great detail
and very eloquently, the true cause of my pain and then we jointly worked on removing it. It was a
very strong experience: I cried and I laughed simultaneously. And my pain was gone. It has been a
couple of months since then, and I have been free from back pain thanks to this amazing technique.

It is truly a miracle. I would like if other people would also have faith in this method and would
start their own healing. It would make us all much happier.

Kristina Batelli from Labin

Dear Kakudmi,

If I had to describe everything I was feeling in connection to the technique you teach in just one
word, it would be the word truth. It hit me hard and literally left me speechless.
All my beliefs about who we are, which used to mark my life before the seminar, collapsed to the
ground. I became aware of how much power we had been given and how much we suffered (some of
us for our whole lives), only because we refused to find out the truth. It really looks like we prefer to
suffer putting the blame on our karma or on someone else, instead of blaming our own laziness to
learn things and or we simply bury our head deep into the sand. I have become aware that we have so
much knowledge in front of us, but we refuse it instead of using it to improve our lives.

To be honest, I attended the seminar out of respect for my friends who had invited me, and from
whom I received all my knowledge about the Vedas. I expected the lecture to touch on a religion, and I
was ready to see, even though maybe not to accept it. Your seminar left the impression in me that the
Vedic knowledge surpassed religiosity, becoming the expression of the intelligence, still unknown for
me, which filled each person with the special knowledge. I became aware that it was wiser to take a
deeper look at life, without judging, just observing it with the purpose of having a better vision. I saw
your vision of life and that you had found the way to use a much greater knowledge than the rest of us.
I left the seminar with strong impressions and with truly changed understandings, but without the
realization that I was ready to completely surrender to those new insights. However, I was enriched
with valuable knowledge about the possibility of living without pain, with the help of this tapping

Shortly before attending your seminar, but also after it, the knowledge that supported all your
statements followed me. I cannot say that I am aware of everything the way you are, but I can say that
numerous confirmations of what you are saying have been touching my life. It seems in this case the
saying, A teacher comes when a disciple is ready has been confirmed. In my case, my teacher was the
friend who invited me to the seminar, then you, your seminar and numerous books from different
authors. I was really surprised how all that knowledge was so accessible to everyone, but we are
constantly overlooking it by trying to find something completely different between the lines. That is
why your seminar is like an alarm clock waking us from dreams to reality. I am waking up slowly,
very cautiously as always. The pieces of the puzzle come to their place, forming the exact picture you
have presented. But I still need more time.

Many books of a similar subject, from different authors like Eckhart Tolle, Marlo Morgan, Rhonda
Byrne, Norman Vincent Peale, Jack Canfield and many others, write about the same things as you!
But, they give only pieces of the picture, while you are the only one who has provided the full picture.
They have presented theories, but you have showed the truth through practice.

I have tried out your technique on myself an on others, and it is surprising how easy it is and how
quickly it gives results.

I was especially impressed with the simple way you introduced it to us. It was really easy for
everyone to follow you and to understand what you were talking about.

I could not stay quiet. I have talked about what I had heard from you to others, without adding or
taking away anything. You made it so easy to share this knowledge with others. While listening about
the tapping technique, they just kept nodding their heads, as if being aware of its truthfulness just as I
was at the seminar. I witnessed how a headache and a sore throat can disappear in 5 minutes, and how
we can regain our voice and make the pain in our muscles and bones go away as quickly. What‟s
more, it happens without medication, using a simple search for an unwanted emotion hidden in the
Thank you immensely for waking me up and making me conscious of the fact that we are more
than just our mind and body. With your seminar you supplied answers to millions of questions I was
unable to answer before. It started a chain reaction, and now answers come by themselves.

Suddenly, all the illusions which I had the habit of using to describe reality have disappeared,
leaving room just for the truth. That is why I ask you to please continue to wake up the world with
your seminars. Keep going and do it as much as you can, because there are so many people who need
to hear what you have to say.

Even if we never attain God realization, by knowing this technique and using it each person on this
planet will certainly live a life with less pain and more happiness, and your movement will be seen for
what it is – the expression of the greatest intelligence of human beings.

Heartfelt regards,

Kristina Battelli

In this book we wrote about the main cause of all diseases, our mind, both conscious and
subconscious. I hope that the logic of my presentation was clear enough and that everyone will be able
to understand and apply the techniques I suggested. However, there are still some important factors
which I have not mentioned so far because they belong to the category of symptoms. Those symptoms
are products of ignorance, and ignorance is a problem of the mind, not the body. The first symptom
which is relevant in this context is the symptom of diet.

01. DIET

When our mind is not programmed correctly, our body will act in a way as to harm itself. It will
produce chemicals which are harmful and destructive, and we will experience pains and disorders. Out
of ignorance, many people take harmful drugs which in most cases do not solve a problem, but in the
best of cases they cover it up and direct it to another part of the body. Modern medicine educates
future doctors not to heal diseases, but to address the symptoms. And, of course, they do so at the
patient‟s expense. At the beginning of the book I made the statement that modern medicine is not
familiar with a root cause of even one disease and I invited you to test that by asking your doctor
certain questions. Doctors are not really healers because they do not heal anything. Therefore, when
we ask a medical doctor for help, we are actually being fooled. We ourselves are somewhat
responsible for this because we pay no attention to our doctor‟s ability to really heal us. It resembles
wanting to build a bridge over a river and calling on fruit pickers to explain how to do it.

Clearly, we would bear most of the responsibility for the consequences of such a decision. The
doctors are not to blame for the fact that our own logic and reason are lying dormant. They are simply
taking advantage of us not being informed and having a lazy intelligence, in order to earn heaps of

Let us now see what happens with our diet.

When trying to decide what type of food is healthy for our body and what type is bad, who do we
consult? What profession do we believe to have expertise who know what is best for us and why do
we choose to believe them instead of someone else? Are they our parents, neighbors and friends? Is it
simply the public opinion of the media? Or is it maybe the opinion of some doctors and specialists?

What are their qualifications and what is their knowledge?

What are their practical results, whether those in their private lives or in the lives of their patients?

Do we ever ask ourselves these questions, and if not, why not? Is it that we may be too lazy to
engage in such investigation?

If that is so, why do we complain about the consequences?

I would not go too much into what you should eat and why, because it would require an entire
book, and there are already too many of those today. But note that the vast majority of medical
doctors have not taken in their medical schools, courses on nutrition.

I would only like to touch upon diet through the logic of this book and what we have learned so far.
Food intake is also a question of habits, like everything else we do. The reason why some people
like to eat food that other people find repulsive is because of the different chemical composition of
their bodies. Some will enjoy a medium-roasted steak while others will be disgusted even thinking
about it. What is the true difference?

When chemical compounds in the body change their composition, everything that the body
experiences also changes. The way in which we taste certain food strictly depends on the chemical
composition of the taste buds on our tongue. All those sensors which taste the salty, sweet, sour, bitter
and astringent food are composed of different chemical receptors. One does not need to be learned in
medicine to understand this. Simply put, our whole body is nothing more than a bag of constantly
changing chemicals. I have explained that the main cause of the change in those chemical states is our
own way of thinking, the way in which we perceive our own reality. A wrong perception causes the
excretion of chemicals which are harmful to our body, and we can see by the symptoms we are
experiencing whether our perception and the habits of thinking are proper or not.

When our perception is wrong (we mistake a rope for a snake), the consequent chemical processes
cause our senses to have unnatural needs. That is why people will easily consume tobacco, alcohol and
unhealthy food, and their senses will not be able to clearly signal that those products are harmful to
them. In fact, such consuption will be appealing, tasty and hard to resist.

The reason for that is chemical imbalance in the body which, I again want to stress, is caused by
imbalanced thoughts. When we are unable to see that the cause of our bodily problems lies in our own
way of thinking, the idea of changing our diet will not sound logical to us. Therefore, in spite of their
bodily disorders, people continue to consume unhealthy food, and in that way aiding the continuous
appearance of the symptoms.

When a person changes his bad thinking habits, he will more easily accept the fact that, for
example, eating meat can in no way be healthy for the body, because the amount of violence needed
for that meat to reach our plates is simply not acceptable or necessary. The way in which animals die
so we could eat their dead bodies is soaked with agony, suffering, fear and helplessness. All of these
frightening emotions which animals experience near the time of their violent death create in their
bodies huge amounts of chemicals which correspond to those emotions. The same happens with our
bodies. In that way, we literally eat all that fear, all that pain and agony, and we ingest them
completely unaware of the consequences. If animals were not displaying the symptoms of the fear of
death, it would be difficult to give any argument against killing them. But the reality is just the
opposite. Animals flee, they defend themselves, cry out, they even shed tears, each time they are faced
with a death threat. They mourn for their relatives, reacting in a similar way as humans do. That is
why we are not going to kill our own dog or cat, because we are used to recognizing their emotional
states and accepting them as valuable. But when it is about a young lamb, calf, chicken or pig, we
distance ourselves with much hypocrisy, and we cleverly hide such places of terror (slaughter houses)
from our sight, because we do not want to see the expression on the faces of all those innocent victims
of our needless and harmful habits. Due to the unnatural urge of our tongues, millions of animals are
being brutally tortured and killed, with their cries unable to reach anyone outside of their prisons.
Barely anyone will be willing to show to their children how a hamburger, a steak or a sausage become
their food and what needs to be done for us to satisfy the sick needs of our suffering body.

And next time when your doctor tells you that meat is healthy, ask him to prove it and describe
why there are millions of vegetarians throughout the world who live a more healthy life than people
who eat meat.
Or better, do not ask your doctors any such questions. They are not paid to heal you and make you
independent in regard to your health, because it would make the medical industry lose great amounts
of money, and they would be out of their jobs. In a modern world, which is oversaturated with the
emotions of fear, losing your job is being highly avoided and people are capable of lying and stealing
if that would mean they could more easily keep their salary and their jobs. Trusting people with such
motivation means that we are in ignorance, and therefore responsible for the consequences. If
everyone was healthy, medicine as we know it today would not exist because there would be no need
for it. And doctors and pharmaceutical industry owners would never give up their profits and
frighteningly unreasonable life styles.

We can see that the diet issue should be approached from many more different angles than we have
been used to up till now. An introspective person will not be satisfied with superficial answers and will
not give up searching for the true one. If modern medicine is incapable of giving us the right answer, it
is useless to place such questions before them.

Personally, I have been a lacto-vegetarian for the last 15 years and my health and the level of
energy in my body have been more than satisfying. I have not been sick for years and I have not been
to the doctors since I became a vegetarian and started to study the Vedas. My own experience has
constantly been confirming the validity of my decision to become a vegetarian. There are countless
positive examples. I am not alone on this path of a healthy and happy life. There are thousands of
people around us who could testify to that. Vegetarianism is no experiment, but it is a fact verified
long ago, which one can very easily adopt in his own life.

I, therefore, advise you to research the value of a healthy diet and to decide what kind of chemicals
will enter your body. Will you show love and respect to your own body by feeding it with dead
animals‟ corpses or with freshly picked fruits, vegetables and grains, and the milk from a freshly
milked cow? Whatever your viewpoint is, planting and picking plants is much different from farming
of animals and them killing them.

You alone should decide what your body is going to use as life energy; a fruit picked from a plant
or the energy of death delivered to you from a terrified animal carcass.

[But note that the vast majority of medical doctors have not taken in their medical schools,
courses on nutrition]

02. WORK

The next symptom of wrong perception is our workplace, or in other words what kind of a job we
are performing in order to keep our body and soul alive.

The same as in the case of our diet, we need to ask ourselves, do I really love my job and does my
job symbolize my respect and love for myself? Is my work making me happy, fulfilled and worthy, or
is my job just a way for me to pay my rent, my bills, food and everything else?

What kind of a job are we performing? Is our job tightly connected to the exploitation of people,
animals and natural environment? How can I actually know that my job is non violent toward the
nature around me? What is necessary so I can have a job?
For example, if your work is connected to cars, whether you travel a lot or transport goods, ask
yourself, what are all the things that are needed for me to be able to carry out my work? There need to
be big car factories, oil needs to be drilled and made into fuel, rubber, plastic and other oil derivatives,
so that my vehicle could be properly constructed. Countless gas stations need to be constructed around
the country, numerous roads and highways need to be built, many forests need to be cut down and
many fruitful fields need to be destroyed. Wars need to be provoked in the third world countries which
have oil rigs and millions of people around the world need to be suffering because we are using oil and
oil products. Just imagine how much damage is inflicted upon the world around us at the moment we
start our vehicle, and how much additional damage is caused when we use it on a daily basis. But who
thinks about that? People will say, one has to live, one has to work…

[Include “I do not drive a car”. Otherwise, the above statement smarts of contradiction and
possibly hypocrisy]

This is, of course, a subconscious argument and has nothing to do with the world of reality. It
shows a selfish need of those who do not care about the rest of the world, but only have concern for
their salary and their own survival.

This example demonstrates how any workplace is in a way harmful to us and our environment.
Practically, there is no job which does not include plastic, rubber, fuel or the like. All these products
are harmful on multiple levels. Let us start with ourselves. Many people need to be exploited for us to
keep our job. Those may be people in another country or our neighbors. And if we do not care for all
the people who need to be harmed or impoverished so we could have a steady income, then it is
hypocritical to lament when we are being exploited and oppressed, when we are being underpaid,
when we receive no money at all for our work, when we get sick due to the pollution of natural
resources, when our close ones die because of such activities, when we lose our jobs in an unfair
way… all these are necessary things for some people to keep their jobs. At times we will be on one
side of the scale, and at times on another. At times we will have a good job, receiving a good salary
and we will not care whether our job is honest or not. At other times we will be unemployed, without
money, and we will blame others who get their jobs and money in a “dishonest” way.

As we can see, this is an extremely hypocritical approach to life, and it seems that people protest
only when they are losing. But when they are on a winning team, they close their eyes to the fact that
their winning is a cause of someone else‟s loss. Most people who are aware of this think that this is
just the way life is, that it is a standard and that things are supposed to be like this. If this is really what
things should be like, why do we complain when we lose our job, our house or health, just so that
some rich man can become even richer? If all that is just part of life, why complain, why be frustrated,
why protest or hold elections?

So, we live in a world where there is practically no honest work because almost every job is based
on some kind of exploitation. When we have such a job, it clearly speaks about how our subconscious
is polluted with fear and helplessness and we are therefore ready to accept even the degraded forms of
survival which include exploiting other people. Whether we have a position of a politician or an
industrialist who massively exploit others, or we are a common office worker at the computer, or a
truck driver, we are consciously or subconsciously exploiting someone.
Most people will answer this with an argument of survival. They will say, “One has to live, people
need to eat, they need to be doing something, we are not to blame that we were given such a job, I
have hungry kids at home…”

All these arguments are fine. It is our duty to maintain both our body and our family. But if we took
a deeper look into the question of survival, we would see what it really means and what is it that we
need to survive.

In order to live, each person needs food, water, air, clothes and shelter. All other things are
secondary and are not indispensable for survival. We have to agree that every living being has a right
to a free physical life. Therefore, eating, drinking, breathing and residing in a shelter (clothing, house
or the like) need to be provided for everyone.

In what way can each one of us secure those basic biological needs?

For eating, we need to have a seed, soil and water. We plant a seed into the soil, we water it and
edible plants grow for us to eat them. If we plant enough edible plants (fruit, vegetables, grains,
beans…), we have solved the problem of food supply. If we live close to a water spring, we have
solved the problem of water supply. If we take use of planted trees, soil, rocks and dry herbs, we can
build a comfortable home with all the furniture needed for a dignified human life.

Organic matter, such as clay, rock, wood and pressed straw, is enough for us to build a secure and
comfortable home for ourselves and our family.

We can obtain clothes in a similar way, namely by planting plants such as flax and cotton, or by
using sheep wool.

So if we consider the basic human needs and how to best satisfy them, we should pose the question
of whether we can satisfy those basic needs in a different way, a simpler, more natural and healthier
way, which is in tune with nature and is not harmful to anyone.

Who is forcing us to gather in the cities in such large numbers, to build houses out of unhealthy
materials, to buy and consume unhealthy products, both foodstuff and others? The answer is no one.

We alone choose the way we live our life, we alone decide where and how we are going to live.
Most people will accept unhealthy and unnatural conditions of urban environment just to avoid
situations in which people would criticize or love them less if they would see them live a different
kind of life than they themselves are living. We are actually subconsciously experiencing the fear of
being rejected and unloved, which we have learned in our childhood. It is that fear which conditions us
and prevents us from making better decisions for our life. In the past, being an owner of an estate or a
farm was a emblem of wealth and material happiness, while today such occupations are being mocked
and rejected. On the other side, persons like doctors, bankers, engineers or computer experts are highly
esteemed and praised in our society. Therefore, it is quite natural for a person who has a problem with
self-esteem to look for that respect from other people. As a consequence, it will force him to go to a
university and acquire knowledge he does not need or that may even be harmful, only to one day enjoy
some esteemed position in society, no matter if his profession is bad for people and environment and
whether he is truly happy with what he does.

Our wrong motives have brought us to the way we live our life, and it is no wonder that the sole
results of such life are bad.
If we managed to get rid of our fears, our life choices would change completely, and what until
yesterday seemed impossible and unacceptable to us suddenly becomes logical, attractive and
completely possible.

That is why it is very important to see how our own subconscious is being manifested through our
employment. If we perform a job we do not like, if it is hard and painful, we need to understand that
we are limited by our subconscious and how it influences that part of our life, our job.

A person performing a job that is unnatural and unhealthy displays an unnatural and unhealthy way
of thinking to a certain degree. And we have learned that such a way of thinking causes pains and
suffering. Therefore, everything in our life is just an indicator of our habit of thinking and of our

If you are dissatisfied with your job and you want to change it, put your faith and the power of your
mind to the test. First change your attitudes, your systems of belief, alter your emotions and way of
thinking, and then create visions and engage in making those visions true.

We can literally change everything if we first change our attitude toward it. By changing our old
attitudes and by accepting the new ones, we are changing our habits of thinking, and by changing the
thinking habits we change the habits of our actions, and consequently everything else in our life.

This clearly shows us the possibilities of introspection and of this method. This is not exclusively
about making the pain in our back go away or about healing cancer, but about a complete
transformation of our own consciousness and bringing complete peace, security and love into our life,
which will always reflect upon both our body and our entire environment.

Someone might ask a question, why change our job or place of residence? Why engage in such
radical change when it is easier to tap out the stress and discontent and continue with the same habits
of eating, distraction, work, etc.?

My answer would be to just take a look at the results of such a life, not only on oneself but on the
population of the country you live in and of the entire world.

There is no need for much philosophy and argumentation in order to prove that this kind of life is
harmful to us and our biological environment. We live in overpopulated areas surrounded by many
harmful influences coming from things which are indispensable for urban living. Cars need complex
oil, metal and computer industry. All those factories which produce car parts, fuel and equipment are
mostly very harmful for the environment and for the economy. Only because of oil, some parts of the
world are areas of constant war , which we were also able to experience during the nineties. It is
certainly clear to us how the worst thing which can happen to people is war, armed conflict, no matter
the reasons. And now imagine how your vehicle is not able to function if the wars over oil fields do
not continue. Someone has to transport that oil so we can start our car. Except if we close our eyes to
the fact that this oil came out of violence, death and fear, we are even going to pay money for that and
in that way support all that global exploitation and numerous wars. This is a fact, because no matter
how we look at it, our activities of supporting and taking part in the manufacturing and buying the oil
only assure further violence over innocent people and massive profiting of those who have personal
interest in that. Let us remember our own suffering due to the violence over our country. Let us
remember how we prayed for the violence to end, how senseless and harmful it is and how it restricts
our free life and diminishes its worth. We should remember this every time we buy fuel for our vehicle
and try to imagine life without oil and cars. What should our community look like if we gave up using
gasoline? I will propose a model which is very possible and easily attainable, and you please feel free
to let your imagination and power of vision fly and think of another, maybe an even better model. So,
let us see:

If oil industry did not exist and if all vehicles lost their transporting function, cities would need to
downsize to a much smaller number of citizens. Most of them would move to the surrounding area and
come together in smaller farms and villages. People would understand that a proper diet is essential for
life and, therefore, food represents the most important area of production. Most would decide to
produce (plant) their own foodstuff, as well as an excess amount for exchange or for selling. It would
become more than clear that, if a person owned a house, some land, a well and some animals to help
him in his work, there would be no possibility of hunger, thirst or poverty in general. People would no
longer need employers who would give them money to buy food produced by a third person. Such
dependence brings fear and anxiety, because employers have only one interest, and that is increasing
the profit and decreasing the expenses. Since such a principle destroys a person‟s spiritual worth, very
often the interest in profit is greater than the interest in people. That is why a worker can at any time
be discharged due to expenditure reduction, which is being allowed and justified by our current laws.
In this way a person becomes merchandise that is being used, manipulated and cast away once it is not
needed any more.

My question is, do we truly respect and love ourselves if we voluntarily accept such circumstances?
Are we showing interest for a real change if we are still accepting the status of badly motivated
workers and chronic dependence on others? If we really value, respect and honor our life, we will take
the maintenance of that life into our hands and not leave it to the care of those who are completely
devaluating it.

So, basic biological needs should be met independent of other people. Only children put their
biological maintenance into the hands of others, their parent and guardians, in this way showing that
they are not mature or capable enough of taking care of it themselves. And that is a natural process.
But if a mature adult behaves in such a way, he is playing the role of a victim or a helpless person,
making it all right to hand over his life to anybody, even to the most unscrupulous people. This kind of
attitude should be changed as soon as possible, because our everyday work influences our mental
state, our emotions and self respect.

Anyone can plant as much food as they need for a healthy and happy life. The amount of work
needed to achieve such independence is really minimal. I am inviting all the readers to study the
science of permaculture, and to see for themselves how the knowledge on agriculture that excludes
any artificial methods, by being used properly, brings fantastic and effective results with very little
physical work. Until now we have gotten to know about traditional agriculture and people remember
how it used to be. Most people have doubts about country life because we have learned that this kind
of life is full of heavy labor and renunciation. But, let us see who has taught us that and why their
country lives were mostly like that.

If we look into agricultural habits of past generations, some fifty years ago, we will see that they
were pretty bad and burdened by a chronic ignorance of natural farming laws. Due to a corrupted
political system, farmers were forced to cultivate monocultures such as vineyards, corn, wheat and the
like. People were attached to drinking excessively (the same as today) and eating meat, and such
habits were considered desirable, because eating meat on a daily basis and drinking wine or beer was
considered to be a sign of material abundance. But such habits quickly proved to be catastrophic,
because they resulted in a huge number of alcoholics, heart diseases, tumors and other disorders which
accompany such habits. In my personal practice with this technique I have seen that the majority of
people were abused both physically and mentally by their parents or guardians, only as a consequence
of alcoholism. Alcoholism is an absolutely harmful and unnecessary habit, but people used to see it as
a way out of suffering and as a relief from pressure.

Vineyards need attention whole year round, which puts much pressure on the farmers, limiting their
activities in other areas of food production. Furthermore, they are planting many other monocultures in
big quantities in order to feed the animals, who are then being killed and eaten, in that way causing
numerous health issues. If we stopped planting vineyards for the production of alcohol and if we
stopped producing food for animals with the purpose of eating meat, work on the farm would be
minimized. Maintaining edible plants around the house, such as fruits, vegetables and beans, does not
need hard or constant work. Such work is actually very pleasant, relaxing and it constantly brings
concrete fruits. Connecting with nature in this way, we are showing how much we respect our body
and mind, providing them with what has naturally been intended for them and not imposed because of
someone‟s distorted needs.

In the chapter on introspection I explained how we should question our every thought and activity.

Let us do the same with our biological survival. We should ask ourselves, who needs to be harmed
for me to survive and is that all right? Would it be ok if I was harmed so others could turn on the light,
drive a car or watch television? It certainly would not. Therefore, it is not all right that I drive a
harmful car, just to reach my harmful working place, a store with harmful products, my own home
built from harmful materials, and that in the whole process my reward is so small that it barely covers
my food and clothing, and that for something more I need to be burdened with debt and further
enslavement by artificial needs. And all those harmful activities cause too much stress to our already
damaged mind and body, our health is deteriorating, we grow old faster and we die faster. What is the
use of such a life, a life of excessive work that is of no use to anyone or anything, not even to the
people who are profiting heavily from such a system, because they too live in fear, they too are sick
and their families are falling apart. In all this no one is healthy, no one is completely safe and no one is
truly happy.

These are all the symptoms that any adult is aware of. Even the children are beginning to
understand how this world is obviously being led by blind people who are being followed by other
blind people. Sooner or later, both the leaders and the led wind up in the abyss.

Our natural environment is in crisis, our society is in crisis, families are in big crisis, education is
catastrophic, not to mention our health, there are more and more addictions, the economy is rotten to
its root, and people‟s happiness has been reduced to a very low level of some kind of animalistic
bodily enjoyments of eating unhealthy food, drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, being hypnotized in
front of a TV and immersed in sexual fantasies. It is obvious that the meaning of life is being reduced
to the constant alleviation of subconscious suffering, as I explained in the Illustration No. 3.

Most people are suffering terribly and they tend to reach for methods that are “easily available” and
“effective”. It is very easy to take a bottle of alcohol, light a cigarette or have sex. People work hard in
order to be able to pay for such “pleasures”. But it should become very clear to us that this is not
pleasure but a simple alleviation of suffering. It is time for us to rouse from that dream, from that
unconscious state of existence and to learn to truly love and respect ourselves, and to apply that
attitude to our entire physical life.
This is my vision and I believe that it is very easily achieved. I do not see any vital obstacles to
finding a piece of land, planting seeds and cultivating food. All we need is the right knowledge to
illuminate the road to our goal. And in order to gain the knowledge we need to ask the right questions
and expect specific answers.

We should let go of this childish irresponsibility, stop being defenseless victims and take the
responsibility for our biological survival by providing for ourselves an independent source of food,
water energy, clothes, shelter and life standard in general. As long as we are letting someone else take
care of those fundamental needs, we can consider ourselves to still be on the level of children and, as
such, we are easily exploited and cheated. And by the living symptoms of the great majority of people
in the world, we seem to be rather cheated in every branch of life. Nothing functions the way it should;
the food is contaminated, the air is polluted, the Earth is being violated, clear water is subsiding, the
jobs are unattractive and unsatisfying, we do not have enough time for ourselves, for others or for the
activities we truly love and enjoy. Our desires are not being fulfilled, our dreams are being destroyed
and our disappointment is growing. A huge number of people look for comfort in sex, alcohol,
tobacco, drugs and useless things in the form of sports, accumulating money, politics and social
prestige. Those are all the symptoms of deep ignorance and suffering, and they exist in the same way
both in the minds of those who exploit and those who are exploited. No one is innocent, because
ignorance does not know such differences. If a child touches fire not knowing the laws of nature, it
will still be punished by burns and pain, the same as a person who is familiar with those laws. It is
nonsensical to justify oneself with excuses such as: I did not know, no one told me, I thought it was
like this or like that, they told me it was this and that…

It will not free us from the consequences and, as we can see, the consequences are here, we are all
experiencing them. And if the consequences are here, we need to understand that we are not following
the laws of nature in a correct way and that it is time for a change.

And each one of us has that freedom to opt either for a radical change from the inside or for the
continuation of a bad and unpredictable movie called life.

At the end I would like to advise the readers to read this book a couple of times in order to make
the best use of the knowledge laid out in the book. This refers especially to those who are for the first
time coming into contact with the Vedic knowledge and wisdom. Such knowledge develops our
perception and power of understanding. As our understanding expands we become capable of
comprehending what until now we have not been able to. I am convinced that by re-reading the book
you will discover things which you have not perceived or understood well.

If there are any uncertainties or doubts, or if you wish to talk to me, whether over the phone or in
person, feel free to contact me through my e-mail or phone.

My desire is that your mind becomes your best friend, that your life becomes filled with lasting
happiness and free from any fear and suffering. Find your spiritual path by sincerely inquiring, and let
the Vedas light that path.
About the Author

Kristijan Kolega (Kakudmi das) was born in 1974 in Zadar, in present-day Croatia, where he spent the
first 19 years of his life, including the 3 war years. At nine, he began his musical education in the
music school in Zadar, but he left four years later unsatisfied with the program offered for his chosen
instrument, accordion. Nevertheless, he is determined to continue with a musical career. He decided to
practice playing guitar on his own, being supported by his father, who at that time used to occasionally
play for his own pleasure and who gave him some basic instruction on handling and adjusting the

Kristijan attended the Technical high school in Zadar. After graduating he went to Rijeka to enroll
into the Faculty of Psychology, because it was his greatest intellectual interest for many years.
However, because of insufficient high school credits he was unable to register for that course and he
opted for the only remaining choice, the Faculty of Hospitality Industry in the small town of Ičići, in
order to avoid returning to the war-stricken area.

During his studies he met some students of Vedic wisdom who had a center in Rijeka. He was
overwhelmed with the logic and philosophy they taught and practiced, so he decided to get more
insight into the Vedic knowledge in order to get answers to all the questions which had up till then
been accumulating in his head.

After just a couple of months of association with the students of the Vedas, Kristijan decided to
take the biggest and most important step in his life – he left his studies in Ičići and started a monk‟s
life in celibacy, dedicated to the intensive study of the Vedas and the practical implementation of the
Vedic wisdom.

In doing so, he was faced with great opposition from his parents who did not have understanding of
his radical decision. But that did not stop Kristijan from giving up his previous lifestyle in September
of 1994 and leaving for Pregrada, a small village in the region of Zagorje, where the students of the
Vedas had a house with some thirty members of the society residing there. He spent a couple of
months there in a basic training, after which he moved to a smaller center in the city of Čakovec.
There he started a more intensive and thorough studying of the Vedic wisdom and music,
concentrating on understanding the root psychological causes of human behavior. In the following
year, Kristijan learned the basics of several Indian instruments and began the service of a

At the end of 1995, the center in Pregrada went on sale, so Kristijan moved back to Rijeka together
with the rest of the members. There, he continued with the Vedic education and became active in
spreading the Vedic wisdom through music. Accepting the guidance of a spiritual teacher, he receives
a new, spiritual name, Kakudmi das, on a monk‟s farm in Germany in 1996.

Together with a couple of musically gifted monks, he started a tour around Croatia, organizing
public programs. After successfully completing his last tour, Kristijan decided to marry.

In the summer of 1999, together with his wife and several members of his musical band, he
traveled to for the United States, and he settled in Los Angeles. He took a job there in the community
of like-minders as a teacher in a private Vedic school. In May of 2000, his son Nimai was born gets a
son and, as a parent, Kristijan decided to begin a career in the information technology., while, at the
same time, continuing with regular activities of spreading Vedic wisdom through music and preaching
until his return to Croatia in 2008.

During the period between 1998 and 2007 Kristijan‟s health deteriorated due to persisting pain in
the lumbar spine, neck and shoulders. His condition was getting worse over the years, causing him
constant problems every time he would sit down, lift something heavy and do everyday activities. The
pain was gradually increasing until it finally culminated in December of 2007. At that time it was
impossible to do anything other than lie down on a hard surface. Standing up or sitting for a period
longer than five minutes would cause unbearable pain in the middle back. His neck and shoulders
were also causing him additional pain. It lasted for ten entire days, without any improvement. Kristijan
had magnetic resonance imaging taken of his spine and finally decided for spine operation. But while
in pain, which was making his life extremely difficult, he mostly concentrated on finding a solution
through meditation and prayers, the practices which during that time he intensified more than ever. It
helped him use his state of mind in calling upon the answers to his questions. That led to a surprising
turn of events which caused his life to change for the better -- much better.

What happened is really just a happy combination of circumstances. Kristijan‟s friend, Josh, called
him to see how he was feeling. Since his condition was not getting any better, Josh advised him to
read a book written by Dr. John E. Sarno, in which Dr. Sarno described how it is possible to cure back
pain by making simple changes in one‟s emotional state. Since he had no other options, and the
operation was around the corner, Kristijan got enough strength, in spite of acute pain, to stand in front
of the computer and search the Internet for a short transcript of one radio show in which Dr. Sarno
explained the principle of the functioning of our subconscious mind, the way our emotional habits are
created as a consequence of our traumatic past and how all we need is to find that emotional state
which we fear most, which we find to be the most threatening , and to bring that state to consciousness
and become aware of its intensity. According to Dr. Sarno, we do not need to solve any problems,
because problems do not exist. The only thing that exists is our problematic viewpoint of things
around us, our distorted perception of what is true and what is not, what is reality and what is illusion.
Kristijan needed a little more than half an hour to read that short text. While reading, he used all his
will power to enter the subconscious mind and find the emotion which was the cause of all bad things
in his life. He recognized that emotional state as the fear of being trapped, the fear of helpless
situations in which he would depend on something he did not want to depend on. The feeling of
having no way out and of being helpless had with time culminated in the feeling of rage (as
subconscious protection). It further reflected on the spine itself, which acts as the basic foundation of
our body. While he was facing those fears, admitting they bothered him, the pain in his back
disappeared as if it had never existed. During the following hour Kristijan was quickly digging
through his subconscious, cleaning everything he could find, and which was up to then too scary for
him to face. The pains completely disappeared, the strong ones which had lasted for ten days, and
those from before, which had been there for nine years. All that was left were now considerably
diminished pains in his shoulders and neck. Kristijan worked on those during the following couple of
months, and they completely disappeared.

Since that moment, his health has been brought in balance, he has not had even a cold or a flu, and
the pains in his body are nowhere to be found.

It was a surreal experience, which for Kristijan opened the door to a completely new perception, to
the state of consciousness free from fear, even though, as he says, not entirely free, because uprooting
fear is a life-long endeavor. However, the level of anxiety, doubt and indecision is indescribably lower
in all spheres of his life.
That has opened the door to fresh ideas and new accomplishments for him, which, aided by his
open mind and fearlessness, were unfolding one after another, in that way fulfilling all the plans that
were developing in his mind. His first plan was to thoroughly investigate this method and find all the
techniques which were in accordance with the self-healing technique. A couple of different alternative
methods fitted in. Some of them include the EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), the NLP (Neuro-
linguistic programming) and different types of self-hypnosis, which all aided in better and easier
entering the expertly hidden subconscious, where the root causes of all our problems are situated.

Those new findings convinced Kristijan that he give this knowledge to all those who were willing
to take their health into their own hands. That tendency for independence has spread to other spheres
of his life, so that, at present Kristijan is gathering people interested in living on a farm, where these
teachings would be applied with much more ease, because nature already provides perfect conditions
for a healthy life. With the help of applying the self-healing technique, this project could grow into
something much larger, a life filled with happiness and peace, surrounded with support and security.

Kristijan has also written a second book on self-healing, in which he enters more deeply into the
causes of our fears and ignorance, and he reveals in which way the Vedas play the most significant
role of guidance through the life of an introspective person, and how it is really possible to reach the
level of understanding which is needed for long-lasting happiness and health. Kristijan continues to
give seminars and hold workshops throughout Croatia and the neighboring countries.
Contacts and Suggested Reading


For all your questions in connection to the book please contact Kristijan Kolega (Kakudmi das)
directly at the following phone number: +385 95 504 52 84

You can also write by e-mail at the following addresses:

If you would like to order books of Vedic wisdom, you can contact Kristijan Kolega (Kakudmi das) or
the Center for Vedic Studies in Zagreb at +395 1 349 24 68 or at

Suggested reading

For beginners in studying Vedic wisdom the following books from A.C: Bhaktivedanta Swami
Prabhupada are recommended:

 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers

 A Second Chance

 Bhagavad-gita As It Is

For more advanced students of Vedic wisdom I recommend the following books from A.C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada:

 Srimad-Bhagavatam

 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta

Other books which I used in bringing about this technique come from John E. Sarno:

 The Mindbody Prescription: Healing the Body, Healing the Pain

 The Divided Mind: The Epidemic of Mindbody Disorders

 Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection

(On the back cover:)

In this book Kristijan Kolega describes a very simple and practical self-healing method by which
everyone, using their own mind, can change the chemical state of the body and, in doing so, heal any
type of physical disorder. Get to know the secrets of the conscious and subconscious mind.

The self-healing technique teaches us how to use certain mind exercises in solving any kind of
problem, remove any pain and rectify every disorder. It introduces us to the secrets of personal
happiness and success, and it provides a deeper understanding of our true, original nature of existence.

Having healed his back pain of nine years in just thirty minutes of applying mind exercises, Kristijan
decided to convey his insights to everyone who is willing to read and try out this revolutionary

“This book provides more than an explanation or a function of a promising title. It is a lived-through
drama and the way out of a mental prison with the help of the technique of psychoanalysis and
introspection combined with stimulating certain energy points or nodes. Clearly and simply written, it
is understandable and suited for all, no matter their previous knowledge and experience.”

Mislav Hollos

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