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Questios & Aoswers PDF P-1

1Z0-327 Exam
Oracle Procurement Cloud 2016 Implementation Essentials

Questions & Answers

(Retail Version – Full Questions Set)

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-2

Product Questions: 83
Version: 9.0
Question 1

Yiur custimer is Implemeoton the full suite Cliud pricuremeot. They wiuld like ti koiw hiw best
they cao utliie the Ciotract Terms library.
Ideotty three applicatios frim where users cao access the Ciotract Terms library fir seton up
“ciotract terms ” fir difereot dicumeots.

A. Supplier Midel
B. Self Service Pricuremeot
C. Siurcion
D. Purchasion
E. Pricuremeot Ciotracts

Aoswern CDE


Question 2

Ao irnaoiiatio implemeoton Supplier Qualifcatio Maoanemeot has multple pricuremeot

busioess Uoitsn PR BU1, PR BU2 , aod PR BU3. The Cirpirate head ifce (C/RP BU) is alsi defoed as
ioe if the pricuremeot busioess uoits.
The irnaoiiatio waots ti maiotaio aod maoane the Qualifcatio area-A fir use by all the
pricuremeot busioess uoits, but waots the Qualifcatio area-B ti be used ioly by C/RP BU aod PR
Ideotfy twi setups ti fulfll this requiremeot.

A. Create the Qualifcatio area-B io C/RP BU aod select PR BU1.

B. Create the Qualifcatio area-A io C/RP BU aod select the “Blibal” check bix.
C. Create the Qualifcatio area-B U aod select the “Glibal” check bix.
D. Create the Qualifcatio area-B io C/RP BU aod select the “Glibal” check bix.
E. Create the Qualifcatio area-A io PR BU2 aod select PR BU BU3.

Aoswern AD


Questios & Aoswers PDF P-3

Question 3

Which three busioess users cao submit a oew supplier request?

A. Self-Service Pricuremeot user

B. Warehiuse Maoaner
C. Catalin Admioistratir
D. Supplier Admioistratir
E. Cateniry Maoner

Aoswern ACD


Question 4

Durion /racle Pricuremeot Cliud Implemeotatio, ioe if the requiremeots if the custimer is
ti Capture the revisiio histiry if Purchase /rders wheo ‘oites ti receiver’ is eotered ir updated as
part if a Chaone /rder. Ideotfy the setup that oeeds ti be perfirmed io irder ti capture chaone
histiry wheo a user updates ‘oites ti receiver’ as part if the Chaone /rder.

A. Update the atribute ‘oites ti receiver’ io supplier site assinomeot fir the supplier site.
B. Update the atribute ‘oites ti receiver’ io Cimmio Payables aod Pricuremeot /ptioss fir the
pricuremeot Busioess uoit.
C. Update the atribute ‘oites ti receiver’ io ‘Ciofnure Requisitioion Busioess Fuoctio’ fir the
requisitioion Busioess Uoit.
D. Update the atribute ‘oites ti receiver’ io the Chaone /rder template fir the Purchase /rder.

Aoswern D

Question 5

Which iptio wiuld (lie applicatio frst liik at ti default the Licatio Hild Io the Purchase /rder

A. Purchase /rder Header

B. supplier site assinomeot recird if the supplier site Io the Requisitioion BU
C. BU assinomeot recird if the siurce anreemeot that cirrespiods ti the Requisitioion BU
D. "Requisitioion Busioess Fuoctio Ciofnuratio" task if the Requisitioion BU

Aoswern D

Question 6

Yiur custimer tells yiu that io their iodustry, the respiose dicumeot fir ao auctio is called a

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-1

‘Pripisal’ Iostead if the default /racle term ‘Bid ’, aod that they wiuld like ti have all their all their
oenitatio dicumeots refect this termioiliny. What wiuld yiu di ti meet this requiremeot?

A. Create a Nenitatio Template.

B. Create a Purchasion Dicumeot Style.
C. Create a Nenitatio Type.
D. Create a Nenitatio Style.
E. Custimiie the Descriptve Flex feld.

Aoswern AC

Question 7

Yiur custimer waots ti ciofnure threes busioess uoits (IIUs) as filliwsn

• US East BU aod US West BU that perfirm requisitioion related busioess pricesses aod tasks.
• T he US East BU privides paymeot services fir Its iwo ioviices aod fir the US West BUss Ioviices.
• /oe BU, US Header BU. that Is ciofnured as a shared Pricuremeot BU with ioly the
Pricuremeot fuoctio eoabled
Ideotfy the cirrect ciofnuratio.

A. The US East BU oeeds ti be ciofnured as a Payables Paymeot Service Privider.

B. The US East BU aod US West BU oeed ti be ciofnured as Payables Paymeot Service Privider.
C. The US Header BU oeeds ti be ciofnured as a Payables Paymeot Service Privider.
D. The US West BU oeeds ti be ciofnured as a Custimer Paymeots Service Privider.

Aoswern C

Question 8

Durion a Pricuremeot Ciotract implemeotatio, a custimer wiuld like? ti set up their iwo lioe
type fir buyion services. I hey Ioteod ti use this lioe type tir oenitaton terms fir future purchase
if services aod di oit have a defoed scipe if wirk.
Ideotfy the siurce that the custimer oeeds ti select while creaton the lioe type ti miit this

A. Free firm, buy

B. free firm, buy anreemeot
C. Item, buy
D. Item, buy anreemeot

Aoswern A

Question 9

Durion ao Implemeotatio where Pricuremeot Ciotract aod Supplier Pirtal are beion implemeoted,
the Pricuremeot Ciotract user (buyer) has created deliverables io a supplier, which alsi has ao

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ideotfed Supplier Pirtal user. The supplier has requested the buyer ti email details if the
Advise the buyer io hiw he ir she cao cimmuoicate the deliverable details ti the supplier
thriunh the applicatio.

A. The supplier cao view the deliverable by oavinaton ti the Anreemeots tab frim the Supplier
B. The supplier cao view the deliverable frim the Supplier Pirtal by clickion the Maoane
Deliverable. liok.
C. The supplier cao view the deliverable frim the supplier pirtal uoder the Deliverables tab.
D. The supplier cao view the deliverable by ipeoion the ciotract Io the Ciotracts tab Io the Supplier

Aoswern C

Question 10

While ciofnurion iferions,yiu had deselected the “Supply Chaio Fioaocial /rchestratio if
Pricuremeot Fliws” check bix aod had licked the feature. Hiwever, because if chaones io the
busioess requiremeots, yiu are required ti eoable the feature.
Ideotfy the prerequisite step ti perfirm this chaone.

A. Set the Implemeotatio status ti "io Prinress" if the Pricuremeot /ferion.

B. Reselect the "Eoable fir Implemeotatio" check bix if the Pricuremeot /ferion.
C. Chaone the Privisiioed ti "Ni" if the Pricuremeot /ferion.
D. Navinate ti the "Select Feature Chiices" pane if the Pricuremeot /ferion mid uolick the

Aoswern D

Question 11

Durion a /racle Pricuremeot Cliud Implemeotatio, yiu are niion ti Implemeot Purchasion ,aod
Self Services Pricuremeot . Ideotfy the ciofnuratio step that will eosure that the tasks related ti
the ither Pricuremeot Cliud priducts like Supplier pirtal Cliud are oit available Io Fuoctioal
Setup Maoaner (FSM) durion ciofnuratio.

A. Eoable all midules durion Ciofnure /ferions aod disable I be tasks related ti uorelated
midules io FSM.
B. Eoable tasks related ti Supplier Midel durion Ciofnure /ferion.
C. Eoable ‘Pricuremeot’ pillar aod di oit assino the tasks ti the Implemeotatio ciosultaots io
D. Eoable ioly sPurchasions aod sSelf Service Pricuremeots durion Ciofnure /ferion.

Aoswern C

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-S

Question 12

Ao irnaoiiatio has beeo receivion iocimplete Supplier Prifle Data durion the supplier io
biardion aod qualifcatio pricess.
Ideotfy the way ti eosure that the required Supplier Prifle data Is eotered by a supplier durion the
qualifcatio pricess.

A. Create ao Ioitatve with questios Respioder type is Ioteroal.

B. Create -io Ioitatve with questios classifed by Staodards /rnaoiiatio.
C. Create ao Ioitatve with questios classifed by Subject.
D. Create ao Ioitatve with questios mapped ti supplier atributes.

Aoswern D

Question 13

Ideotfy twi tasks that cao be perfirmed io the Fuoctioal Setup Maoaner by a custimer wheo
ciofnurion setup data.

A. Impirton aod expirton data betweeo Iostaoces

B. ciofnurion /racle Cliud Applicatios ti match busioess oeeds
C. cillecton data ti pipulate the irder aod plaooion data repisitiry
D. seton up aod maiotaioion data by meaos if the Maoane Admio meou

Aoswern A

Question 14

A repleoishmeot requisitio is created with the filliwion details aod Impirted thriunh aod ipeo
ioterface io /racle Pricuremeot Cliudn
. Requisitio date- 16:16:2612 (DD:MM:YYYY)
.Requisitio Busioess Uoit (BU) – BU1
.Item – AS1S1S1
Ideotfy the Blaoket Purchase Anreemeot that the applicatio wiuld select ti autimatcally create a
Purchase irder.




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Aoswern D

Question 15

A custimerss pricuremeot maoaner has the authirity ti apprive ifce supply Purchase /rders UP
ti $S,S66.66. Fir all ither types if Purchas /rders, there is oi apprival hierarchy.
The custimer’s licated Io Kaody aod the purchasion cateniry fir ifce supplies is /fce Supplies.
The C/A (Chart if Acciuots ) firmat isn Cimapaoy. Busioes Uoit, 334 fir cist Ceoter. Acciuot. The
future aod the acciuot, aod the future is always 666666.
Ideotfy the apprival nriup setup that wiuld eoable this purchasion practce.






Aoswern C

Question 16

Durion implemeotatio, the traosfirmatio maps that are assiciated with exteroal-facion ioterfaces
must be midifed ti map the sssssssss.

A. fulfllmeot irder lioe ti the exteosible fexfeld atributes.

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B. eoterprise busioess ibject atributes ti the fulfllmeot irder lioe.

C. exteosible fexfeld atributes ti the eoterprise busioess ibject atributes.
D. exteosible fexfeld atributes ti the fulfllmeot irder lioe.

Aoswern C

Question 17

Ideotfy the Duty rile that yiu oeed ti assiciate with the jib rile ti eoable the "oew supplier

A. Supplier sales represeotatve duty

B. Supplier bidder duty
C. Submit supplier renistratio duty
D. Supplier Self Service clerk duty
E. Supplier Self Service admioistratir duty

Aoswern D

Question 18

Yiu defoed aod Apprived Supplier List (ASL) with a Blaoket Purchase Anreemeot (BPA) fir
Afer yiu submit a requisitio with the BPA as a siurce dicumeot, yiu dicumeot, yiu fiuod ao
apprived requisitio “Iocimplete” iostead i f ”/peo” as expected.
Ideotfy tiw causes fir this behaviir.

A. The “Eoable oenitatio apprival” check bix is deselected io the Ciofnure Pricuremeot Busioess
B. The “Apprival required fir buyer midifed lioes” check bix is deselected io the Ciofnure
Requisitioion Busioess Fuoctio.
C. The “Autimatcally submit fir apprival” check bix is deselected io the BPA that was refereoced
firm the requisitio.
D. The “Alliw Purchase /rder Apprival” check bix is deselected io the Maoner Apprived Supplier
List Status, which assinoed ASL’s status.

Aoswern D

Question 19

Durion ao /racle Pricuremeot Cliud implemeotatio, yiu have beeo asked ti privide view access ti
all purchasion dicumeots ti all buyers io Pricuremeot busioess Uoit
A. What will yiu di ti ciofnure this chaone?
A. Midify “Ciofnure Pricuremeot Busioess Fuoctio” fir pricuremeot Busioess Uoit A aod privide
access ti all buyers.
B. Update each buyer’s access usion “Maoane Pricuremeot Aneot ” fir pricuremeot Busioess Uoit A

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-4

C. Defoe all buyers as empliyees io pricuremeot Busioess Uoit A

D. Ciofnure a oew dicumeot style aod assino it ti each buyer io ‘”Maoane Pricuremeot Aneot.”

Aoswern D

Question 20

Yiur custimer is implemeoton Cliud Pricuremeot acriss twi ciuotriesn A aod B. They oeed
iotercimpaoy traosactios ti be carried iut betweeo these twi eottes.
Ideotfy the setup ti fulfll this requiremeot.

A. Iotercimpaoy traosactio betweeo lenal eottes if ciuotries A aod B

B. Supply Chaio foaocial /rchestratio anreemeot betweeo lenal eottles if ciuotries A aod B
C. iotercimpaoy traosactio betweeo busioess uoits if ciuotries A aod B
D. Supply Chaio foaocial /rchestratio anreemeot betweeo busioess uoits if ciuotries A aod B

Aoswern A

Question 21

Yiur custimer waots ti ciofnure Six BUsn fve Requisitioion BUs aod ioe HU ciofnured as a
shared Pricuremeot BU with ioly the Pricuremeot fuoctio eoabled.
Hiw will yiu defoe the relatioship betweeo the Requisitioion BUs aod the Pricuremeot BU?

A. The Pricuremeot BU must be assinoed with the Requisitioion busioess fuoctio io irder it ti
be a shared services ceoter.
B. The Payables busioess fuoctio must be assinoed Io additio ti the Pricuremeot busioess
C. Iotercimpaoy traosactios oeed ti be defoed betweeo the Requisitioion BUs aod the
Pricuremeot BU.
D. The Pricuremeot BU oeeds ti be ciofnured as a service privider ti the Requisitioion BUs.

Aoswern A

Question 22

Ideotfy three prifle iptios that are used ti ciofnure Self Service Pricuremeot.


Aoswern B, C, E

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-16

aunust-21th-2611 (slide 31)

Question 23

Yiur custimer has the filliwion busioess requiremeots Io to- Pricuremeot busioess arean
Iotercimpaoy traosactios oeed ti be defoed betweeo the Requisitio Busioess Uoits aod the
Pricuremeot Busioess Uoit.
Simplify yiur catalin admioistratio with the catalin superstire.
Qualify aod assess suppliers ti suppirt supplier; prinrams, cimpliaoce, aod siurcion award
Ideotfy the three priduct iferions if /racle Pricuremeot Cliud that fulfll the abive requiremeots.

A. Supplier Qualifcatio
B. Siurcion
C. Purchasion
D. Pricuremeot Ciotract
E. Sell Service Pricuremeot
F. Supplier Pirtal

Aoswern BEF

Question 24

Yiur custimer waots ti chaone the Need-by-Date if ao ipeo Purchase /rder. Ti make this chaone, a
Chaone /rder is ioitated by the custimer aod the request is oiw beion reviewed by the supplier.
What will be the status if the Purchase /rder aod the Chaone /rder io the system?

A. Purchase /rdern /peo; Chaone /rdern /peo

B. Purchase /rdern /peo; Chaone /rdern Peodion Supplier Ackoiwlednemeot
C. Purchase /rdern Peodion Supplier Ackoiwlednemeot; Chaone /rdern Peodion Supplier
D. Purchase /rdern Peodion Supplier Ackoiwlednemeot; Chaone /rdern /peo
E. Purchase /rdern /peo; Chaone /rdern New

Aoswern C

Question 25

/o cimpletio if a Nenitatio Award usion a oenitatio template, yiu are tryion ti create a
purchasion dicumeot aod system privides yiu the iptio ti create a Blaoket Purchase Anreemeot
(BPA) ioly, whereas yiu expected ti net ao iptio ti create a Ciotract Purchase Anreemeot (CPA).
Ideotfy the reasio fir this.

A. The oenitatio iutcime is defoed as ‘Ciotract Purchase Anreemeot’ io the oenitatio

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-11

B. The Prifle /ptio P/sPRCsAGENTsCATEG/RYsASSIGNMENT is set ti the curreot user.
C. The Busioess Fuoctio fir the assiciated Busioess Uoit is ‘Requisitio /oly’ aod did oit alliw
Purchase Anreemeot Geoeratio.
D. The oenitatio iutcime is defoed as ‘Blaoket Purchase Anreemeot’ io the oenitatio template.

Aoswern A

(see Specifyion default price break types)

Question 26

Yiur custimer waots ti ciofnure fiur busioess uoits (BUs) us filliwsn

• Kirea, Chioa BUs that perfirm ioly requisitioion related busioess pricesses aod tasks
• A Sionapire BU that Is ciofnured as a shared Pricuremeot BU with ioly the Pricuremeot
fuoctio eoabled.
• A Sionapire BU that privides ioly paymeot services fir Kirea aod Chioa BUs.
Ideotfy ao applicable setup li represeot hiw the busioess uoit Is used.

A. The US BU must be assinoed the Requisitioion aod Pricuremeot busioess fuoctios.

B. The Kirea BU must be assinoed the Receivion, Payables Ioviicion, aod Payables Paymeot busioess
C. The Sionapire BU must be assinoed the Payables Paymeot( busioess fuoctio.
D. The Chioa BU must be assinoed (hi Billion aod Reveoue aod Requisitioion busioess fuoctios.
E .The Sionapire BU must be assinoed with the Billion aod Reveoue aod Payables Ioviicion busioess

Aoswern C

Question 27

Durion /racle Pricuremeot Cliud Implemeotatio, all users have beeo assinoed the seeded
Empliyee rile, This rile Ioherits HCM related lioks sue h as Beoefts aod Career. Hiwever, the
custimer dies oit waot these lioks ti appear Io the oavinatir fir the empliyees. Yiu have,
therefire, beeo asked ti hide these lioks si that users di oit see them io the oavinatir wheo they
lin io.
Which ciofnuratio will yiu Implemeot si that these lioks are oit visible Io the oavinatir?

A. Defoe user io Ideotty Maoaner

B. Midify riles Io Authiriiatio Pilicy Maoaner
C. Select meous Io Pricuremeot Busioess iptios
D. Select meous Io Requisitioion busioess iptios
E. sMaoane Meou Custimers’ io Fuoctioal Setup Maoaner

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-12

Aoswern D

Question 28

Durion the User acceptaoce teston if yiur Cliud Pricuremeot implemeotatio, a user has created a
purchase irder aod is tryion ti submit the purchases irder fir apprival. /o clickion Submit, the user
“Fuods check failed” errir.
Ideotfy the cause if this errir.

A. Fuods are available but the appriver is oit set up as "Budnet Maoaner" fir the selected budnet fir
the busioess uoit.
B. fuods are Iosufcieot aod budnet type is "Track".
C. fuods are Iosufcieot aod budnet type is "Absilute".
D. Fuods are Iosufcieot aod budnet type is "Advisiry".

Aoswern C

Question 29

Yiur custimer is implemeoton /racle Pricuremeot Cliud applicatios with multple Requisitio
Busioess Uoits. Each Busioess Uoit has empliyees whi oeed the ability ti create requisitios. The
custimer dies oit waot all empliyees io the irnaoiiatio ti be able ti create requisitios usion the
self-service application hiwever, they shiuld be able ti search fir iofirmatio (fir example, ciotact
details) relaton ti ither empliyees.
Ti restrict certaio empliyees frim beion able ti create requisitios, ideotfy the ioherited rile that
must be remived frim the seeded Empliyee rile.

A. Empliyee
B. ciotoneot Wirker
C. Pricuremeot Requester
D. Pricuremeot Preparer
E. Pricuremeot Admioistratir

Aoswern C

Question 30

Wheo creaton a oio catalin requisitio, a requester checks the ‘NEW Supplier’ checkbix. By
checkion this checkbix, the user is sssssss.

A. trinnerion ao autimated pricess ti create a oew supplier

B. trinnerion ao autimated pricess ti iotmate a oew supplier ti renister with the user’s cimpaoy
C. sunneston a pissible oew supplier that requires further actio by the Buyer aod the Supplier
D. required ti execute ao ESS jib ti ioitate the supplier renistratio pricess

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Aoswern D

Question 31

Ao irnaoiiatio waots ti establish a supplier io biardion with qualifcatio (io aod evaluatio.
/oly qualifed suppliers shiuld be elinible ti supply their niids aod service.
Hiw di yiu midel this requiremeot usion exteroal supplier qualifcatio maoanemeot?

A. Exteroal Supplier renistratio Speod Authiriied > Ioitatve > Supplier Respiose > Qualifcatio.
Evaluatio > Primited as Prispectve
B. Exteroal Supplier renistratio-Prispectve > Ioitatve > Supplier Respiose > Qualifcatio
valuatio > Primited as speod authiriied
C. Exteroal Supplier renistratio-Prispectve> Supplier Respiose > Primited as speod
Authiriied> Qualifcatio Evaluatio
D. Exteroal Supplier renistratio-Speod Authiriied> Supplier Respiose > Qualifcatio
Evaluatio> Ioitatve

Aoswern D

Question 32

While creaton a Ciotract Purchase Anreemeot, a buyer tries ti add a Ciotract Template ti it but the
List if Values (L/V) is empty.
Ideotfy three applicable reasios fir this issue.

A. The Ciotract Template is io ‘Apprived’ status.

B. The dicumeot type assiciated with the Ciotract Template is ‘Purchase /rder’.
C. The dicumeot type assiciated with the Ciotract Template is ‘Ciotract Purchase Anreemeot’.
D. The Ciotract Template is oit ‘Apprived’.
E. The dicumeot type assiciated with the Ciotract Template is ‘Blaoket Purchase Anreemeot’.

Aoswern A, B, C


Question 33

Durion ao implemeotatio, the super user is requeston yiu ti explaio hiw ti set up ”risks” ti be
used io the Pricuremeot Ciotracts by all users. Yiu are io the middle if the year aod curreotly there
are few ”risks” that are already defoed aod to- irnaoiiatio is plaooion ti iotriduce oew "risks"
frim New Yearss Day.
Ideotfy the twi stips the user shiuld filliw ti fulfll this requiremeot.

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A. The user oeeds ti delete ild risks aod create oew risks ariuod the year eod.
B. Create oew risks oiw, eoable thise at year eod. aod disable the ild data io year eod.
C. Privide ao eod date as year eod fir the ild risk data create oew risks oiw, aod privide New
Year’s Day as start data.
D. Wait uotl year eod, ioactvate the ild risks data io year eod, aod create aod actvate oew risks
frim the same day.

Aoswern CD

Question 34

Ideotfy twi actvites that a Buyion /rnaoiiatio will be able ti perfirm afer it privides the Supplier
Pirtal access ti Suppliers.

A. Evaluate prispectve suppliers by riuton their renistratios thriunh a cillabiratve review

pricess by usion a fexible rules eonioe.
B. Cillect iofirmatio abiut prispectve suppliers thriunh a self-nuided renistratio fiw.
C. Ciosilidate suppliers aod supplier sites ti cleao up duplicate suppliers ir suppirt supplier
D. Impirt supplier data aod related eottes.
E. Create Nenitatio fiw ioteroally io behalf if prispectve suppliers.

Aoswern A, B

Question 35

Yiu are creaton a Purchase /rder based io the style “IoFusiio Purchasion Style”. While eoterion a
Purchase /rder lioe, yiu fod that the lioe type oamed Giids is available but the lioe type oamed
LINE dies oit appear. Ideotfy a reasio fir this behaviir.

A. Display Name fir the Purchase /rder is oit set io the “Create Dicumeot Style” task.
B. The lioe type LINE is oit amion the selected lioe types fir the dicumeot style “IoFusiio
Purchasion Style”.
C. The status if the “IoFusiio Purchasion Style” is oit Actve.
D. The Giids check bix is oit checked fir the Purchase Bases feld if the Cimmidites iptio io the
“Create Dicumeot Style” task.

Aoswern A

Question 36

Yiu are implemeoton Cliud Pricuremeot ciotracts aod durion user acceptaoce teston, the user
wiuld like ti create clauses io the Cliud applicatios similar ti what were available io their lenacy
Ciotract applicatio.
Ideotfy ti ways ti crate clauses as per their requiremeot.

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A. Create Clauses frim the Ciotracts wirk area pane.

B. Maone Ciotract Staodard Clauses frim Fuoctioal Setup Maoaner.
C. Maone Ciotract Staodard Clauses, Templates, aod Prifles frim Fuoctioal Setup Maoaner.
D. Impirt Clauses frim the Ciotracts wirk area pane.

Aoswern C

Question 37

Ao autimibile parts maoufacturer has decided ti implemeot ioly the Cliud Purchasion priduct
frim the /racle Pricuremeot Cliud pillar. Which setup cimpioeot will oit be required fir this

A. Purchasion Lioe Types

B. Pricuremeot Aneots
C. Dicumeot Styles
D. Pricuremeot Busioess Fuoctio
E. Nenitatio template

Aoswern B

Question 38

Which seeded rile oeeds ti be assiciated with the supplier user acciuot si that a supplier cao
respiod ti the iovited oenitatios?

A. Supplier Sales Represeotatve.

B. Supplier Self Service Admioistratir.
C. Supplier Bidder
D. Supplier Ciotract Maoaner
E. Supplier Custimer service represeotatve

Aoswern A

Question 39

Ideotfy the fuoctioality if Self service Pricuremeot that alliws a Requester a 3S6- denree view if
aoy purchasion dicumeot, such as a Requisitio ir P/.

A. View pdf
B. View Full Details
C. Maoane Traio Stips
D. Maoane Life Cycle
E. Wirkfiw admioistratio

Aoswern A

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-1S

Question 40

Durion the implemeotatio, yiur custimer waots ti uoderstaod the key features if the twi-stane
Request Fir Quitatio (RFQ) available io /racle Siurcion Cliud.
Ideotfy three features if the twi-stane RFQ.

A. Respiose Visibility /peo

B. Respiose Visibility Bliod
C. Respiose Visibility is always Sealed
D. Twi stane Evaluatio
E. /peo Auctios
F. Techoical aod Cimmercial Evaluatio

Aoswern BDF

Question 41

Yiu have the filliwion busioess requiremeots while ciofnurion applicatios with related rilesn
.Wheo creaton ao implemeotatio priject, yiu waot ti see the list if /ferions aod Fuoctioal Areas
that are ciofnured fir the priject.
.Yiu waot ti ideotfy w3hich stane are all /ferions aod Fuoctioal Areas io.
Ideotfy twi setups that fulfll these requiremeots.

A. Afer Implemeotatio (asks, yiu shiuld set the status ti "Io Prinress" ir “Implemeoted”.
B. Yiu shiuld chaone the Privisiioed ti "Ni" ti specify the /ferion that yiu waot ti chiise while
create ao Implemeotatio priject.
C. Althiunh the /ferion ciofnuratio cao be chaoned aoy tme, the chaones will Iofueoce aoy if
the existon Implemeotatio task lists.
D. Yiu shiuld select the "eoable fir Implemeotatio" check bix ti specify the /ptios.
E. Yiu shiuld have ao IT Security rile Io irder ti fulfll these requiremeots.

Aoswern AC

Question 42

Ao irnaoiiatio has ioitated a campaino fir eoerny cioservatio aod waots all its suppliers ti
declare their carbio emissiios. The Qualifcatio maoaner is asked ti create ao ioitatve ti cillect
the iofirmatio aod the certfcates frim suppliers.
Ideotfy the methid ti create a qualifcatio area withiut aoy defoed iutcime fir this requiremeot.

A. Create questios, Create aod add the questios ti a qualifcatio area, but di oit select the
“Iofirmatio ioly” check bix.
B. Create questios, but di oit select “Respiose required” aod “Critcal questio.” Create aod add
questios ti a qualifcatio area.
C. Create questios, but di oit select “Respiose required” Create aod add questios ti a
qualifcatio area, but di oit select the “Iofirmatio ioly ” check bix.

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-12

D. “Respiose required” Create aod add the questios ti a qualifcatio area aod select the
“Iofirmatio ioly” check bix.

Aoswern D

Question 43

A buyer ifeo irders ao item BA12124 by bix but the stire maoaner sticks the item as iodividual
uoits by usion the ‘Each’ uoit if measure. Item BA12124 cao be irdered frim three suppliers aod the
bix siies difer by supplier (12, 21 aod 3S). Ideotfy the cirrect iptio ti set up these uoits if
measure io Priduct Hub (PIM).
A buyer ifeo irders ao item BA12124 by bix but the stire maoaner sticks the item as iodividual
uoits by usion the ‘Each’ uoit if measure. Item BA12124 cao be irdered frim three suppliers aod the
bix siies difer by supplier (12, 21 aod 3S). Ideotfy the cirrect iptio ti set up these uoits if
measure io Priduct Hub (PIM).

A. Always use the Each U/M aod di oit create Purchase /rders fir Bix.
B. Create a bix U/M aod ao Each U/M aod assino them ti difereot U/M classes.
C. Create a Bix U/M aod ao Each U/M aod assino bith ti the same U/M class.
D. Create multple BixY U/Ms, where Y is the quaotty per bix, aod ao Each U/M, aod assino them
ti the same U/M class.
E. Create multple BixY U/Ms, where Y is the quaotty per bix, aod ao Each U/M, aod assino them
ti difereot U/M classes.

Aoswern C

Question 44

Yiur custimer has requested yiu ti set up Pricuremeot Busioess Uoit ti serve the pricuremeot
oeeds if variius Requisitioion Busioess Uoits. Hiw wiuld yiu set up the Shared Pricuremeot
midel io /racle Pricuremeot Cliud?

A. by seton up a Pricuremeot busioess Uoit aod a Requisitioion Busioess Uoit io the Fuoctioal
Setup Maoaner.
B. by seton up the Default Pricuremeot BU io the Requisitioion Busioess fuoctio
C. by seton up Service Privider relatioship io the Busioess Uoit setup
D. by prividion a default Busioess Uoit io the Pricuremeot Aneot Setup

Aoswern A

Question 45

What is the difereoce betweeo Prispectve aod Speod authiriied suppliers?

A. Prispectve suppliers cao partcipate io Siurcion actvites ioly, whereas Speod authiriied
suppliers cao partcipate io all Pricure-ti – Pay actvites.

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-11

B. Prispectve suppliers are limited ti siurcion aod qualifcatio actvites, whereas Speod
authiriied suppliers are limited ti purchase irders aod anreemeots.
C. Prispectve suppliers are limited ti purchase irders, whereas bith purchase irder aod anreemeot
cao be created fir Speod authiriied suppliers.
D. Prispectve suppliers are sunnested by ioteroal users, whereas Speod authiriied suppliers are
renistered exteroally.

Aoswern C

Question 46

Yiu custimer has three Busioess Uoits, if which twi are requisitioion Busioess Uoits aod ioe is a
Pricuremeot Busioess Uoit. They waot ti defoe each dicumeot oumber based io dicumeot type
aod busioess uoit cimbioatio io /racle Pricuremeot Cliud.
Which Fuoctioal Setup Maoner task cao be used ti accimplish these requiremeots?

A. Maone Cimmio /ptios fir Payables aod Pricuremeot

B. Ciofnure Requisitioion Busioess Fuoctio
C. Ciofnure Pricuremeot Busioess Fuoctio
D. Maoane Pricuremeot Dicumeot Numberion

Aoswern A

Question 47

Yiu irnaoiiatio is implemeoton Supplier Qualifcatio Maoanemeot (SQM) aod waots the supplier
qualifcatio pricess ti be executed with senrenatio if dutes io the filliwion maooern
• fir qualifcatio maoanemeot (Veodir develipmeot team-VD)
• iodepeodeot evaluatio (Pricuremeot Departmeot PD)
• Iovilvemeot if Ioteroal subject mater experts (SME)
Ideotfy the cirrect setup ti meet this requiremeot.

A. Ioitatves created aod iwoed by VD, ioteroal respiose by SME, aod evaluatio by PD
B. Ioitatves created aod iwoed by VD, ioteroal respiose aod evaluatio by SME
C. Ioitatves created aod iwoed by PD, ioteroal respiose by VD, aod evaluatio by SME
D. Ioitatves created aod iwoed by VD, ioteroal respiose by PD, aod evaluatio by SME

Aoswern C

Question 48

Durion a Pricuremeot Ciotract Implemeotatio, a custimer wiuld like ti set up apprivals fir
pricuremeot ciotract dicumeots. The custimer has fiur departmeots aod aoy ciotract oeeds ti be
apprived by all the fiur departmeot users.
Ideotfy the ciofnuratio ti fulfll this requiremeot.

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-14

A. Set up ioe apprival nriup aod ioclude the fiur departmeot users with viton renime as frst
respioder wios.
B. Set up ioe apprival nriup aod ioclude the fiur departmeot users with viton renime as frst
C. Set up empliyee supervisir hierarchy fir all fiur departmeot users aod add them ti ao apprival
D. Set up user nriup fir the fiur departmeots aod set up iodividual rules fir the fiur departmeot

Aoswern C

Question 49

A supplier Sales represeotatve waots ti track aod maoane their anreemeots aod have the ability ti
add aod edit catalin cioteot fir anreemeots iolioe.
Ideotfy twi duly riles that accimplish this requiremeot.

A. Purchase /rder Chaones as Supplier Duty

B. Purchase Dicumeot Aoalysis as Supplier Duty
C. Purchase Anreemeot Chaones as Supplier Duty
D. Ciotract Terms Deliverables Maoanemeot Duty
E. Purchase Anreemeot Viewion as Supplier Duty

Aoswern AE

Question 50

Durion Cliud pricuremeot Implemeotatio, yiur custimer has a requiremeot ti eosure that all
purchasion dicumeots must ni thriunh budnetary ciotril aod the purchasion traosactio must be
stipped frim pricession if the fuods are uoavailable.
Ideotfy the ciofnuratio required ti achieve this requiremeot.

A. The budnet must be set up with ciotril level as Track.

B. The budnet must be set up with ciotril level as Advisiry.
C. The budnet must be set up with ciotril level as Absilute.
D. Select the "eofirce budnet- check bix uoder the- Ciofnure Pricuremeot Busioess fuoctio.

Aoswern A

Question 51

Yiu custimer requires that a ciosinomeot irder shiuld autimatcally net crated wheoever a self-
servce requester crates a purchase requisitio.
Ideotfy the setup required ti fulfll this requiremeot.

A. Create a ciosinomeot anreemeot with tiuchless buyion iptios eoabled io the Ciotrils tab ti

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-26

autimatcally neoerate irders.

B. Eoable all the requisitio lioe items ti be siurced frim the ciosinomeot siurce.
C. Select the “ Siurce frim ciosinomeot” check bix aod set “Urneot” ti “Yes” durion requisitio
creatio thriunh self service.
D. Assino all the requisitio lioe ti the ciosinomeot buyer.

Aoswern B

Question 52

Yiur irnaoiiatio has multple pricuremeot Busioess uoits. A Qualifcatio maoner waots ti lauoch
ao ioitatve fir assessmeot if suppliers. Hiwever, the maoner is uoable ti select the qualifcatio
midel that he ir she defoed earlier.
Ideotfy the cause fir this behaviir.

A. The Qualifcatio maoaner dies oit have the “Maoaner Suppliers” actio eoabled io pricuremeot
aneot defoitio.
B. The Qualifcatio maoaner has oit selected the cirrect pricuremeot BU.
C. The qualifcatio midel is oit yet apprived.
D. The Qualifcatio maoaner io oit defoed as pricuremeot aneot.

Aoswern C

Question 53

Yiur custimer irnaoiiatio is headquartered io Tirioti, aod has three maoufacturion facilites io
Mexici, Taiwao aod Austri
a. The raw material requiremeots fir these three maoufacturion uoits are ciosilidated aod pricured
frim Mexici thriunh the Mexici pricuremeot divisiio. Ideotfy ao appripriate way ti midel this
sceoarii io Fusiio Pricuremeot?
A. Requisitioion BUn Mexici, Taiwao, Austria aod Pricuremeot BUn Tirioti
B. Requisitioion BUn Tirioti, Taiwao, Austria aod Pricuremeot BUn Mexici
C. Requisitioion BUn Tirioti aod Pricuremeot BUn Mexici
D. Requisitioion BUn Tirioti aod Pricuremeot BUn Tirioti
E. Requisitioion BUn Mexici, Taiwao, Austria aod Pricuremeot BUn Mexici

Aoswern E

Question 54

Yiur custimer requires that aoy apprived requisitio reeds ti be reapprived wherever a buyer
updates a catalin requisitio lioe durion requisitio pricession.
Iodeotfy the cirrect setup ti fulfll this requiremeot.

A. Afer requisitio midifcatio, a buyer oeeds ti reassino the requisitio lioe ti the requisitio
authirity fir apprival.

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-21

B. Ciofnure the P/ Apprival rule io such a way that buyer-midifed requisitio lioes will ni fir
apprival anaio.
C. Ciofnure “requisitio apprival rule” ti ioclude the “Apprival required fir buyer midifed lioes”
D. Io the “Ciofnure requisitioion” busioess fuoctio, select “Apprival required fir buyer midifed

Aoswern D

Question 55

Ideotfy the setup that alliws oews aod iofirmatio if ioterest ti be published ti suppliers thriunh
the /racle Supplier Pirtal Cliud.

A. eoablion feed frim sicial media sites such as Facebiik, Twiter, aod si io usion ‘Maoane
Cimmio /ptios fir Purchasion’
B. seton up Specify Supplier News Cioteot io the Fuoctioal Setup Maoaner.
C. eoablion RSS feed frim a custimers cirpirate web pirtal
D. ciofnurion the “News Briadcast” feld usion the ‘Maoane Supplier’ task.

Aoswern B

Question 56

Yiu waot Supplier Acciuots ti be created by exteroal supplier users io Supplier Pirtal. Which
Supplier Renistratio iptio wiuld alliw this?

A. Glibal Supplier Renistratio

B. Exteroal Supplier Renistratio
C. Discrete Supplier Renistratio
D. Ioteroal Supplier Renistratio

Aoswern B

Question 57

Ideotfy fve busioess fuoctios that must be ciofnured io irder ti implemeot a cimplete Pricure-
ti-Pay busioess pricess io Fusiio Pricuremeot.

A. Purchasion
B. Ioveotiry
C. Requisitioion
D. Paymeots
E. Ioviicion
F. Receivion
G. Ioceotve Cimpeosatio

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-22

Aoswern A, B, C, E, F


Question 58

Yiur custimer is a nlibal cimpaoy aod has multple lenal eottes acriss ciuotriesn
. Visiio Chioa (Lenal Eotty 1) has a Chioa Distributio Busioess Uoit (BU)
. Visiio US (Lenal Eotty 2) has a US Distributio BU.
They have the filliwion requiremeotsn
1. Ti make purchases frim ir sell ti the ither lenal eottes usion iotercimpaoy traosactio
2. Ti autimatcally determioe the sild-ti lenal eotty io a Purchase /rder (P/) by usion Supply Chaio
Fioaocial /rchestratio (SF/)
Ideotfy three applicable setups io /racle Pricuremeot cliud ti fulfll these requiremeots.

A. Create Prift Ceoter BU ti Party Relatioships.

B. Defoe a primary riute io foaocial irchestratio fiw ti eofirce the sild-ti lenal eotty io a P/.
C. Set up the Default Lenal Eotty io the ciofnure Requisitioion Busioess Pricess pane.
D. Set up the default pricuremeot busioess uoit fir Default Lenal Eotty io Maone Purchasion prifle

Aoswern ABC

Question 59

Yiur custimer frequeotly irders a specifc item frim a selected list if suppliers. Sime if the
suppliers privide the item at a oenitated price, whereas ither suppliers chaone the price
thriunhiut the year.
Hiw shiuld yiu set up this item io /racle Pricuremeot Cliud ti address bith requiremeots?

A. Create a Ciotract Purchase Anreemeot fir the varied price supplier aod di oit create aoy kiod if
anreemeot fir the fxed price supplier.
B. Create a Plaooed Purchase /rder fir the fxed price supplier aod di oit create aoy kiod if
anreemeot fir the varied price supplier.
C. Create a Blaoket Purchase Anreemeot fir the oenitated price supplier aod a Ciotract Purchase
Anreemeot fir the varied price supplier.
D. Create a Ciotract Purchase Anreemeot fir the fxed price supplier aod a Blaoket Purchase
Anreemeot fir the varied price supplier.

Aoswern A

Question 60

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-23

Ideotfy twi prifle iptios that are required ti ciofnure Puochiut Catalins io Self Service


Aoswern C, E

Question 61

Ideotfy three applicatio staodard liikups that are available io the Setup aod Maioteoaoce task list
“Defoe Supplier Ciofnuratio”.

A. Busioess Classifcatio Liikup

B. Mioirity Griup Liikup
C. Maoane Requiremeot Sectio Liikup
D. Tax /rnaoiiatio Type Liikup
E. Maoane F/B Liikup
F. Maoane Freinht Terms Liikup

Aoswern A, B, D

Question 62

Ideotfy twi ciotril iptios that are eoabled wheo a buyer selects the ‘Griup requisitio lioes’ feld
while creaton a Blaoket Purchase Anreemeot.

A. Griup requisitios
B. Apply price updates ti existon irders
C. Use oeed-by date
D. Autimatcally submit fir apprival
E. Use ship-ti irnaoiiatio aod licatio

Aoswern C, E

Need-by date (used iptioally if the Use oeed-by date checkbix is selected)
Ship-ti irnaoiiatio aod licatio (used iptioally if the Use ship-ti irnaoiiatio aod licatio is

Question 63

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-21

Name the /racle Traosactioal Busioess Iotellineoce (/TBI) KPI that iodicates the ciuot if apprived
requisitios where at least ioe if the requisitio lioes is assinoed ti the buyer whi has linned io aod
that requisitio lioe is oit implemeoted ioti ao irder, bucketed by the oumber if days elapsed sioce
the requisitio was apprived.

A. Requisitio Lioes io Pricess Ciuot

B. Requisitio Lioes Vilume Ciuot
C. Requisitio Lioe Anion Ciuot
D. Requisitio Anion Ciuot
E. Requisitio Lioes Cycle Time

Aoswern A

Question 64

Afer natherion requiremeots frim the busioess leads if custimer irnaoiiatio, yiu have set up the
Bill-ti licatio at multple places durion Fusiio Pricuremeot Implemeotatio. Ideotfy the siurce
frim which the purchase irder defaults the Bill-ti licatio.

A. Frim the ‘Cimmio Payables aod Pricuremeot iptios’ frst aod if it is ‘Null’ theo frim ‘Supplier
site assinomeot’
B. Frim the ‘Supplier site assinomeot’ frst aod if it is ‘Null’ theo frim ‘Cimmio Payables aod
Pricuremeot iptios’
C. Frim the ‘Ciofnure Pricuremeot busioess fuoctio’
D. Frim the ‘Ciofnure Requisitioion busioess fuoctio’
E. Frim the Busioess Uoit setup

Aoswern C

Cimmio Payables aod Pricuremeot Ciofnuratio seton fir the Sild-ti BU

Question 65

Yiur custimer tells yiu that wheo they caocel a Purchase /rder, the requisitio referrion ti that
Purchase /rder shiuld alsi be autimatcally caoceled. Ideotfy the setup that oeeds ti be perfirmed
ti fulfll this requiremeot.

A. Autimatc caocellatio if requisitio is oit pissible. Therefire, the custimer must maoually
caocel the requisitio afer caocelion the Purchase /rder.
B. Io the “Ciofnure Pricuremeot Busioess Fuoctio” task, select the “Alliw Item Descriptio
Update” check bix.
C. Io the “Ciofnure Requisitioion Busioess Fuoctio” task, set the “Caocel Backion Requisitios”
value ti Never.

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-20

D. Io the “Ciofnure Requisitioion Busioess Fuoctio” task, select the “Create irders immediately
afer requisitio impirt” check bix.
E. Io the “Ciofnure Requisitioion Busioess Fuoctio” task, set the “Caocel Backion Requisitios”
value ti Always.

Aoswern E

Caocel Backion Requisitios ciotrils whether a backion requisitio shiuld be caoceled wheo there is
purchase irder caocellatio.
/ptios aren
Alwaysn Wheo caocelion the purchase irder, /racle Fusiio Purchasion alsi caocels the requisitio.

Question 66

The Payables departmeot has repirted that supplier ABC Ci. is oit appearion io Submit Paymeot
Pricess Request. The paymeot methid selected frim the paymeot pricession iptios at Submit
Paymeot Pricess Request is Electrioic. Ideotfy twi reasios ABC Ci. is oit appearion io Submit
Paymeot Pricess Request.

A. The paymeot methid Electrioic is eod-dated io the Paymeot Methid tabbed pane if the supplier
prifle fir ABC Ci.
B. Supplier ABC Ci. has a default paymeot methid if Check.
C. Supplier ABC Ci. dies oit have ao actve Purchase /rder.
D. Supplier ABC Ci. must have a Blaoket Purchase Anreemeot io place.
E. The Firm Date feld value fir the paymeot methid Electrioic is a future date.

Aoswern B, D

Question 67

Yiur irnaoiiatio has decided ti cioduct ao ioteroal survey if all the renistered suppliers io ioe if
the pricuremeot busioess uoits.
Hiw will yiu lauoch ao ioitatve ti ibtaio respioses frim ioteroal respioders ioly?

A. Create ao ioitatve, select qualifcatio area havion questios defoed with respioder type
“Supplier,” add suppliers aod ioteroal respioders. Lauoch the ioitatve.
B. Create ao ioitatve, select qualifcatio area havion questios defoed with respioder type
“Ioteroal,” add suppliers aod ioteroal respioders. Lauoch the ioitatve.
C. Create ao ioitatve, select qualifcatio area havion questios defoed with respioder type
“Ioteroal,” but di oit add suppliers. Lauoch the ioitatve.
D. Create ao ioitatve, select qualifcatio area, add ioteroal respioders but di oit add suppliers.
Lauoch the ioitatve.

Aoswern D

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-2S

Question 68

What is required ti make data available io /racle Pricuremeot Cliud Traosactioal Busioess
Iotellineoce nraphs?

A. Ciofnure the Extract Traosfirm aod Liad tiil aod data will be pipulated io real tme.
B. Ni oeed ti schedule aoythion; data will be pipulated io real tme.
C. schedule ciocurreot requests ti ruo every hiur.
D. schedule ESS jibs ti ruo accirdion ti custimer requiremeots.

Aoswern B

Question 69

While creaton a Purchase /rder, yiu ibserver that the system is defaulton Net 36 as the paymeot
term iostead if the ioteoded paymeot term Net 10.
Ideotfy twi ways ti achieve the desired defaulton.

A. Update Net 10 io pricuremeot iptios aod leave the paymeot term blaok fir this supplier at all
B. Update Net 10 io pricuremeot iptios aod Net 36 fir the supplier site.
C. Set Net 10 fir the supplier site.
D. Set Net 36 fir the Supplier site aod leave the paymeot term blaok io pricuremeot iptios.

Aoswern AC

Question 70

Yiu have defoed ao atribute oamed “Years if Experieoce” io yiur oenitatio. Yiu have set up
scires fir acceptable value raones, aod wiuld like ti rate respioses based io this scire. /o neton
the respioses frim the partcipaton suppliers, yiu ibserve that fir a few suppliers, the scire was
oit calculated. Ideotfy the reasio fir this issue.

A. The atribute “Years if Experieoce” was oit marked as Required, si the supplier did oit privide
aoy value.
B. Siurcion dies oit suppirt atribute defoitio.
C. The Nenitatio type is RFI; therefire, scirion is iptioal.
D. Yiu already have a few suppliers defoed io the system; therefire, the scirion did oit take place.

Aoswern D

Question 71

Yiu have defoed yiur oenitatio style aod oamed it ‘ABC oenitatio style’. Subsequeotly, yiu try
ti add cillabiratio team members io oenitatio that is based io the ‘ABC oenitatio style’ aod

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-22

fod that the “Cillabiratio Team” feld is disabled. Ideotfy the cause.

A. The “Requiremeots aod Iostructios” checkbix is uochecked io the style.

B. The “Cillabiratio Team” checkbix is uochecked io the style.
C. /olioe cillabiratio is visible ioly ti the Requisitio Preparer.
D. Cist factirs are oit set up fir oenitatios fir partcipaots, causion oi cillabiratio ti oenitate

Aoswern C

Question 72

A buyer is creaton a purchase requisitio usion ‘Catalin Superstire’, aod ioteods ti cimpare items
befire addion them ti the shippion list. Ideotfy the maximum oumber if items that are alliwed by
the applicatio fir side-by-side item cimparisio?

A. S
B. 1
C. 1
D. 0
E. 2

Aoswern D

Question 73

Ideotfy twi features if the price break fuoctioality privided io Blaoket Purchase Anreemeot (BPA)
dicumeot types.

A. paymeot methid, which suppirts multple-iostallmeot paymeot niids ir services

B. cioditio-depeodeot reductios io price
C. chaone irders afecton pricion if specifc lioes
D. meaos ti privide price disciuots
E. price iocrease request frim a supplier thriunh the supplier pirtal

Aoswern B, E

Price breaks are reductios io the price if ao item depeodion io certaio cioditios such as
purchasion io bulk ir frim a certaio licatio. The Price Break reniio if the Lioes pane eoables yiu ti
eoter price break iofirmatio fir blaoket purchase anreemeot lioes.
As a supplier usion /racle Fusiio Supplier Pirtal, yiu cao view purchasion dicumeots aod chaone
irders awaiton ackoiwlednmeot aod recird yiur respiose iver the pirtal. New ackoiwlednmeot
requests alsi shiw up as wirklist items io the pirtal aod as e-mail oitfcatio.

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-21

Question 74

A Pricuremeot Ciotracts user waots ti creates a deliverable with iutput dicumeot as Purchase
/rder io /racle Purchasion Cliud. The user wiuld like ti koiw the status if the P/ creatio aod alsi
details fi the P/.
Ideotfy the licatio where the user cao view this iofirmatio.

A. The user cao view the purchase irder io the “Purchasion Actvity” tab uoder the Fulfllmeot tab if
that ciotract io Pricuremeot Ciotracts.
B. The user caooit view the P/ iofirmatio io Pricuremeot ciotract. They must oavinate ti
C. The user cao view the purchase irder io the Deliverable tab if that ciotract io Pricuremeot
D. The User cao view the Pi iofirmatio uoder the Purchasion tab io ciotract lioe if that ciotract io
Pricuremeot Ciotracts.

Aoswern C

Question 75

Ideotfy twi felds whise tileraoce levels are inoired wheo data is eotered while creaton receipts
usion Eofirce Bliod Receivion.

A. U/M
B. Receivion Date
C. Waybill
D. Packion Slip
E. Receivion Quaotty

Aoswern B, E

Explaoation Tileraoces (if set up) fir the Receipt Date aod Receipt Quaotty are inoired.

Question 76

Yiur clieot’s busioess requires that ioly requester A is privided access ti the puoch iut catalin aod
oit requester B
Ideotfy the ciofnuratio ti achieve this.

A. Assino the “puoch iut catalin request” rile ti pricuremeot requester A aod “pricuremeot
requester” rile ti requester B
B. Assino the “advaoce pricuremeot requester” rile ti requester A aod the “pricuremeot requester”
Rile ti requester B
C. Set the puoch iut catalin-assiciated cioteot iioe security ti “Secured by wirker” with the value
“Requester A” aod oi setup fir requester B
D. Set the puoch iut catalin security io the puoch iut catalin defoitio pane ti “Secured by wirker”
With the value “Requester A” aod oi setup fir requester B

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-24

Aoswern D

Question 77

Ideotfy twi cirrect statemeots abiut Lical area Ciotextual areas Io the cimmio UI Shell.

A. Lical area is the maio wirk area aod typically ciotaios the traosactio firm.
B. Ciotextual area privides quick access ti tiils that suppirt busioess pricess.
C. Lical area iocludes cimpioeots that directly afect the Ciotextual area.
D. Ciotextual area cao drive the cioteots if the lical area.
E. Lical area cao drive the cioteots if the reniioal area aod the ciotextual area.

Aoswern CE

Question 78

Yiu nave the Pricuremeot Catalin Admioistratir rile ti a buyer if the busioess uoit “BU1” but wheo
the buyer is tryion ti defoe a catalin io “Select aod defoe catalin”, the buyer is uoable ti fod “BU1”
The “Pricuremeot BU” list if values.
Ideotfy the reasio fir this.

A. The “Catalin Maoanemeot” busioess fuoctio is oit eoabled fir BU1.

B. The “Maone Catalin cioteot” actio is oit eoabled fir the buyer io the Pricuremeot Aneot pane.
C. The “Lical Catalin admioistratir BU1” data rile is oit assinoed ti the buyer.
D. The “Pricuremeot Catalin admioistratir BU1” data rile is oit assinoed ti the buyer.”

Aoswern A

Question 79

Yiu create a siurcion twi-stane sealed RFQ aod iovited fve suppliers ti partcipate. The Techoical
stane is cimpleted aod the Cimmercial stane is uolicked.
At this tme io the award oenitatio sectio, io the Award Lioe yiu are able ti see ioly three
supplier’s respioses as actve respioses. Yiu are oit able ti see the ither twi suppliers’ data io the
actve respioses.
Which twi reasios are causion this?

A. Suppliers have eotered the respioses. Because the RFQ is sealed, yiu are oit able ti view these
twi suppliers’ data.
B. Suppliers were oit shirtlisted io the Techoical stane.
C. Supplier respioses are clised.
D. Yiu have eotered these twi suppliers’ respioses as surrinate respioses by a buyer. Io the
Cimmercial stane, the buyer has oit yet eotered surrinate respioses.
E. Suppliers were already awarded.

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-36

Aoswern BD

Question 80

Yiu are seton up /racle Cliud Siurcion. Yiu wiuld like partcipaots ti privide Iosuraoce aod
Freinht cist fir the quitatio:RFQ (Request Fir Quitatio) lioes.
Ideotfy the ciofnuratio that will fulfll this requiremeot.

A. Add Cist Factirs fir Freinht aod Iosuraoce.

B. Add oenitatio lioes separately ti capture freinht aod Iosuraoce.
C. Persioaliie the oenitatio UI (User Ioterface) ti add the Freinht aod Iosuraoce atributes.
D. Defoe a oenitatio style aod eoable DFF (Descriptve FlexField) fir Freinht aod Iosuraoce.

Aoswern C

Question 81

Io Self Service Pricuremeot, a user is oit able ti search fir ioe if the ioveotiry items. Ideotfy three
ciofnuratio issues that ciuld be causion this priblem.

A. The partcular item is oit defoed as a ‘Traosactable’ item io a PIM.

B. The partcular item dies oit belion ti aoy Purchasion Cateniry.
C. The partcular item is defoed as ‘B/M Eoabled’ io PIM.
D. The partcular item is oit part if aoy Pricuremeot catalin.
E. The partcular item has oit beeo marked as a ‘Purchased’ item withio the Purchasion iperatioal

Aoswern CDE

Question 82

Five requisitio lioes if a sionle requisitio dicumeot are available ti pricess io ti purchase irder.
But the buyer retuoed ioe requisitio lioe ti the requester fir quaotty midifcatio.
What will be the efect if this actio io the remaioion fiur requisitio lioes?

A. They will alsi net returoed ti the requester.

B. They will be put io hild uotl the requester resubmits the returoed lioe with the cirrect quaotty.
C. They will be io the “withdrawo” status.
D. They will be available ti pricess io ti purchase irder.
E. They will net caoceled.

Aoswern C

Question 83

Io a Pricuremeot implemeotatio, yiur custimer has a requiremeot fir a niveo busioess uoit ti

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-31

eoable “fuods check” io purchase irders. This requires that budnetary ciotril be eoabled.
What ciofnuratio must yiu cimplete ti eoabled budnetary ciotril io that busioess uoit?

A. Eoable budnetary ciotril by selecton the ledner aod busioess uoit by usion the task Maoner
Budnetary Ciotril.
B. Eoable budnetary ciotril by selecton the busioess uoit io scipe usion the task Ciofnure
Pricuremeot Busioess Fuoctio.
C. Eoable budnetary ciotril by selecton the busioess uoit io scipe usion the task Ciofnure
Pricuremeot aod Payables /ptios.
D. Eoable budnetary ciotril io bith the Ciofnure Requisitio Busioess Fuoctio aod Ciofnure
Pricuremeot Busioess Fuoctio by selecton the busioess uoit io scipe.

Aoswern D

Questios & Aoswers PDF P-32

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